About the Book This book Introduces students to the captivating realm of robotics. The book takes a learner-friendly, motivating, and hands-on approach. It combines theoretical understanding with real-world applications, while promoting creativity and problem-solving abilities in learners. Emphasizing a project-based learning methodology, the book provides a series of projects, each equipped with detailed instructions. These instructions can be effortlessly executed using the accompanying robotics hardware kit, complete with essential components and tools. The assembly and programming of the robotics system are facilitated through block-based coding and simulation environments, enabling the experiential learning journey.
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Maker Board Manual
Grade 6
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Contents 1
Exploring the Hardware Kit
Experiment 1: Print Your Name on Digital Display
Experiment 2: TV Remote
Experiment 3: Blinking of LED
Experiment 4: Rock Paper Scissors (Using Sensor) 24
Experiment 5: Guest Counter
Experiment 6: Servo Sweep
Practice Problems
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Exploring the Hardware Kit
Components of the Hardware Kit The Robotics kit contains the following components: 1. Maker Board
2. IR Sensor
3. Servo Motor
4. LEDs
5. Jumper Cable
6. Batteries
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About Maker Board Maker Board is an easy-to-use electronic platform that helps you to make innovative projects. It consists of a 5×5 RGB LED matrix, a buzzer, four push buttons and six GPIO pins. You can bring your interesting ideas to life using the Maker Board by controlling its electronic sensors and modules. You can make and play interactive games using the LED matrix and the push buttons. You can make a piano, a snake game, a smart band, and many more such things. This board can be programmed using the Maker Studio coding interface, an easy-to-use Graphical User Interface (GUI) block-based coding platform.
Detailed Description of the Components 1. GPIO Pads There are 4 Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) pins and 2 Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) pins, which make a total of 6 General Purpose Input Output (GPIO) pins to interface with analog and digital sensors, LEDs, Motors, etc., using jumper cables and alligator clips. 2. Power Pins 1 VCC pin—This pin outputs a regulated voltage of 3.3V. 2 GND pins—Power Output (0V).
1 VIN pin—The input voltage to the Maker Board when it is using an external power source.
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3. Programming LED Matrix
An LED matrix is a grid of addressable Red, Green, and Blue (RGB) LEDs arranged in rows and columns. In this, a total of 25 addressable RGB LEDs are used, which can be controlled individually. An LED matrix can be used to display animations or scroll text, numbers, patterns, etc. It can also be used to make different types of 8-bit games.
4. Push Buttons
There are 4 on-board push buttons named A, S, W, and D to perform various operations like activate, deactivate or move the blinking light of LED in different directions.
5. Buzzer
The buzzer is used to make different types of sounds at distinct frequencies and at different beats per minute.
6. Reset Button
The reset button is used to restart any program loaded in the Maker Board.
7. Bluetooth Module (HC-05)
The Bluetooth module gets you started with the possibilities of IoT and enables wireless controlling of various equipment connected to the Maker Board.
Exploring the Hardware Kit
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IoT stands for Internet of Things which refers to a network of interconnected devices embedded with sensors and software, enabling them to collect, exchange data, and make autonomous decisions. 8. Standoff Holes
These holes are present to ensure that the Maker Board can be safely used on electrically conductive surfaces.
About Maker Studio Coding Interface The Maker Studio coding interface acts as an integrated development environment that allows you to write code for all of your projects. This code is then loaded into the Maker Board. The Maker Studio coding interface consists of five major components: 1. A workspace area to drag blocks for the code you want to create. 2. A blocks panel, which contains all the blocks required to make your code. 3. The Share Code option, which generates a shareable link for the project. 4. Buttons to save, compile, and burn your code. 5. The Simulator Window to see the output.
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Burning Your Code into Maker Board Hardware Burning means loading your code into the Maker Board hardware. This process, mainly, has the following phases:
Arrange the blocks to create the code
Save the code
Compile the code
Burn the code
In case of error, recheck the code. Follow the steps given below to do so: 1. Connect the Maker Board to your PC/Laptop using a USB cable. 2. Drag and drop colour-coded blocks to create your code. 3. Type a name for your project in the Name box. 4. Click on the Save button to save the code. 5. Click on the Compile button to compile your code.
Exploring the Hardware Kit
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6. Now, click on the Burn button to burn your code.
7. Click on the USB Connect option.
8. C lick on the Connect Device and a small window will appear, select your connected device and click on Connect.
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9. Now, click on Burn to burn your program into the Maker Board.
10. You have successfully loaded your code into the Maker Board hardware. Now, you can perform your experiment on the Maker Board.
Exploring the Hardware Kit
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Experiment 1: Print Your Name on Digital Display
Objective Let’s make a program to display your name in the LED matrix and in your favourite colour.
Background Programming LED Matrix An LED matrix is a grid of addressable RGB LEDs arranged into rows and columns. In this, a total of 25 addressable RGB LEDs are used, which can be controlled individually. LED matrix can be used to display animations or scroll text, numbers, patterns, etc. It can also be used to make various types of 8-bit games.
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Things Around Us Some of the real-life examples of LED matrix are: 1. LED display in real time clocks
2. D igital signage at the airport
3. LED display on buses
Let’s Code
1. Click on the Control category from the Blocks panel. 2. D rag and drop the My Program block to the workspace to begin your program. The execution of all the blocks present inside this block occurs step by step.
Experiment 1: Print Your Name on Digital Display
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3. T o glow LEDs on the LED matrix in a pattern, various blocks are available in the Display category. Drag and drop the show character block inside the My Program block. 4. Type the letter “N” within the double quotes. 5. Select your favourite color and set the brightness to 100.
6. Drag and drop the wait block from the Control category below the show character block. 7. Type 1000 in the space before ms (milliseconds). This will create a delay of 1 second in displaying the next step.
8. Add another show character block to display the letter “A”. 9. Add a wait block with 1000 ms.
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10. Similarly, add another show character block to display the letter “M” and add a wait block with 1000 ms.
11. Add another show character block to display the letter “E” and add a wait block with 1000 ms.
Experiment 1: Print Your Name on Digital Display
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12. Now, drag the show scrolling text block available in the Display category in order to display your name. 13. Type your name within double quotes. 14. Set the colour of your choice and also set the brightness to 100.
15. Give a name to your program, save, and then compile it. 16. Now the program is ready to burn on the Maker Board, and you can see the output on the digital display. Note: The Maker Board should be connected to your computer through a USB for the experiment to run.
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Experiment 2: TV Remote
Objective Let’s make a TV remote which will show different animations on the Maker Board when the W, A, S, and D keys are pressed on the keyboard.
Background Events Event is an action that causes something to happen. We can use events to tell programs under what circumstance(s) a particular action or set of actions should happen. Here are some of the events: – Touch events (Detecting touch) – Keyboard events (Detecting the press of a certain key) – Mouse events (Left/right click) As per the Input/Output system, events are considered as input and corresponding actions are considered as output.
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Things Around Us Some of the real-life examples of remote controls are: 1. Television remote
2. Remote control for games
Let’s Code 1. Click on the Control category from the Blocks panel. 2. D rag and drop the My Program block to the workspace to begin your program. The execution of all the blocks present inside this block occurs step by step.
3. D rag and drop the repeat while block from the Loops category inside the My Program block to begin the infinite loop.
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4. Drag the If button block from the Button category and drop it inside the repeat while block to set the condition for button “W” to be pressed.
5. Drag the show animation block from the Display category and drop it inside the If button block. 6. Select the Basketball animation from the drop-down of the show animation block.
7. A gain, drag the If button block and drop it below the previous If button block to set the condition for the “A” button on the Maker Board. 8. Drag the show animation block from the Display category and select the Exercise animation.
Experiment 2: TV Remote
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9. Again, drag the If button block and drop it below the previous If button block to set the condition for the “S” button on the Maker Board. 10. Drag the show animation block from the Display category and select the Snake animation.
11. Again, drag the If button block and drop it below the previous If button block to set the condition for pressing button “D” on the Maker Board. 12. Drag the show animation block from the Display category and select the Police Light animation.
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13. Give a name to your program, save, and then compile it. 14. Now the program is ready to burn on the Maker Board, and you can use your TV remote. Note: The Maker Board should be connected to your computer through a USB for the experiment to run.
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Experiment 2: TV Remote
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Experiment 3: Blinking of LED
Objective Let’s make a basic circuit showing the blinking of LEDs.
Background 1. Circuit • Electric circuits are paths for transmitting electric current or moving electricity. • Such circuits allow electricity to be used to provide power to lights, appliances, and many other devices. • Electricity can only flow around a complete circuit that has no gaps. • Current is the flow of electrical charge through materials. 2. Parts of the Circuit • There is a power supply (the battery). • There are no gaps anywhere, so the electrical current can flow around the entire circuit. • The wires connect to both the positive and negative ends of the battery.
• Next, circuits need connectors. Connectors connect all the parts
of the circuit and create the path or loop that the electricity travels through. Connectors are often made of wires or other metals.
• Another component is the load. This is the thing being powered by
the electricity in a circuit. It could be a light bulb, a TV, a fan, or any of the electronic gadgets we use every day.
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Things Around Us Some of the real-life examples: 1. Digital sign boards
2. Street lights
• Connect the P0 pin of the Maker Board with the longer leg of the LED with a resistor in between.
• Connect the GND pin of the Maker Board with the shorter leg of the LED.
• After connecting the positive leg of the LED to P0 and the negative leg of the LED to GND, you can see your LED flashing.
Experiment 3: Blinking of LED
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Let’s Code
1. Click on the Control category from the Blocks panel. 2. Drag the My Program block to the workspace to begin your program. The execution of all the blocks present inside this occurs step by step.
3. N ow drag the configure pin block from the Hardware category and drop it inside the My Program block. 4. Select P0 pin as Output.
5. Drag the repeat while block from the Loops category and drop it below the configure pin block. This block is set to true by default. The blocks present inside this will be executed sequentially again and again till the condition is true. As soon as the condition becomes false, the working of blocks inside this block will stop.
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6. N ow drag the output pin block from the Hardware category and drop it inside the repeat while block. Select P0 as High so that the LED is turned on.
7. N ow drag the wait block from the Control category and drop it below the output pin block. 8. Write 1000 in the value box before ms so that the LED is turned on for 1 second.
9. Now drag the output pin block and drop it below the wait block.
Experiment 3: Blinking of LED
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10. Select P0 as Low so that the LED is turned off.
11. Now drag the wait block and drop it below the output pin block. 12. Write 1000 in the value box so that the LED turns off for 1 second.
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13. Give a name to your program, save, and then compile it. 14. Now the program is ready to burn on the Maker Board, and you can use the blinking LED circuit. Note: The Maker Board should be connected to your computer through a USB for the experiment to run.
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Experiment 3: Blinking of LED
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Experiment 4: Rock Paper Scissors (Using Sensor)
Objective Let’s make a Rock Paper Scissors game to understand the concept of conditional statements.
Background 1. Conditionals
• Human beings (and other animals) make decisions all the time that affect their lives, for example (“Should I eat one cookie or two?”) (“Should I play cricket or badminton?”)
• Similarly, to make decisions and carry out actions in our code, we use conditionals.
Condition 1 True
Do this
Do nothing
2. The if Block
• Conditional blocks have conditions, and the program’s flow is based on whether the condition is true or false.
• We can implement conditions in coding using the if blocks. • The if block can be taken from the Control category. • It is a control block. If the condition is true, then the set of code is executed; else nothing happens.
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Things Around Us Some of the real-life examples where we use conditional thinking:
Let’s Code 1. Click on the Control category from the Blocks panel. 2. Drag the My Program block to the workspace to begin your program. The execution of all the blocks present inside this occurs step by step.
Experiment 4: Rock Paper Scissors (Using Sensor)
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3. Drag the repeat while block from the Loops category and drop it inside the My Program block.
4. A dd an event, when button W is pressed and set the variable value to any random number between 1 to 3. For this, follow the steps given below: • Drag the If button block from the Button category and drop it inside the repeat while block to set the condition for button “W” to be pressed.
• Click on the Variables category, and then click on the Create Variable button. A pop-up box appears.
• Enter a suitable variable name. • Click on the OK button.
• Now, drag the set to block inside the If button block. • Drag the pick random number from block from the Math
category and attach this block with the set to block. Write “1” and “3” for the random numbers.
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5. N ow drag the if block from the Control category and drop it below the If button block. 6. Click on the settings icon of the if block. A pop-up appears. 7. Drag the else if block and drop it below the if block two times in the pop-up box.
8. Drag the
block from the Control category and
attach it with all the if blocks. 9. Insert the choice variable block to make this the first input for the equal to block.
Experiment 4: Rock Paper Scissors (Using Sensor)
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10. Drag the
block from the Math category and drop it after the
equal sign. Write 1, 2, and 3 to check for different conditions.
11. Drag and drop the show LEDS block from the Display category and use it inside if blocks according to the variable values. If the variable value is 1, display the rock on the Maker Board. 12. Similarly, if the value is 2 or 3, display paper or scissors, respectively. 13. To change the colour of the squares in LED, select the color from the Select color box and then click on each square. The colour of the square will change. Similarly, change the colour in all the show LEDS blocks. 14. Set the brightness to 100 for all the show LEDS blocks.
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15. Give a name to your program, save, and then compile it. 16. Now the program is ready to burn on the Maker Board, and you can play rock paper and scissors. Note: The Maker Board should be connected to your computer through a USB for the experiment to run.
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Experiment 4: Rock Paper Scissors (Using Sensor)
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Experiment 5: Guest Counter
Objective Let’s make a guest counter using an IR sensor to be used for counting the guests.
Background 1. IR Sensor
• An infrared (IR) sensor is an electronic device that measures and detects infrared radiation in its surrounding environment.
• Anything that emits heat (everything that has a temperature above around five degrees Kelvin) gives off infrared radiation but is invisible to the human eye.
• There are two types of infrared sensors: active and passive. Active
infrared sensors both emit and detect infrared radiation. When an object comes close to the sensor, the infrared light from the LED reflects off of the object and is detected by the receiver.
• Passive infrared (PIR) sensors only detect infrared radiation and do not emit it from an LED.
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Things Around Us Some of the real-life examples: 1. Television remote
2. Automated drones
• Connect P0 of the Maker Board with the OUT pin of the IR sensor. • Connect the GND of the Maker Board with the GND pin of the IR sensor. • Connect the Maker Board’s VCC to the IR sensor’s VCC pin.
Let’s Code 1. Click on the Control category from the Blocks panel. 2. Drag the My Program block to the workspace to begin your program. The execution of all the blocks present inside this occurs step by step.
Experiment 5: Guest Counter
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3. Now create a variable named “visitor”.
4. Add set to block from the Variables category.
5. Drag the
block from the Math category and attach it to the
set visitor to block.
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6. Drag the configure pin from the Hardware category and drop it below the set visitor to block at “P0”. Set its direction to Input.
7. Drag the repeat while block from the Loops category and drop it below the configure pin block.
8. Drag an if block from the Control category to add the else part. 9. Attach the equal input block to the right of the if else block.
Experiment 5: Guest Counter
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10. Drag the read status block from the Hardware category and drop it in the left part of the equal input block. 11. Set
in the right part of the equal input block from the Math
12. Now, drag the set visitor to block from the Variables category and drop it as shown in the figure below. 13. Drag the
block from the Math block and attach it
to the right part of the set visitor to block. In place of “1” at the left side of the
block, insert the variable visitor block
from the Variables category.
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14. Now drag the show number block from the Display category and drop it below the set visitor to block. 15. In place of “0” in the show number block, insert the variable visitor block. 16. Now set the color to green from the color palette and set the brightness to 100.
17. Now drag the wait block from the Control category and set it to 1000 ms. 18. Drag the clear display block from the Display category thereafter.
Experiment 5: Guest Counter
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19. Drag the show pattern block from the Display category and drop it in the else condition. Set it to any pattern of your choice.
20. Give a name to your program, save, and then compile it. 21. Now the program is ready to burn on the Maker Board, and you can use the guest counter. Note: The Maker Board should be connected to your computer through a USB for the experiment to run.
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Experiment 6: Servo Sweep
Objective Let’s make a circuit to learn about how servo motors can be used.
Background 1. Servo Motor The servo motor is a special type of motor having a shaft that can move to a specific position and at a specific speed based on the received input. It is used in control applications and robotics. The servo motor has three main parts: A motor, a sensor, and a controller. The motor provides the mechanical power to move or rotate the shaft. The sensors measure the position and the speed of the shaft. The controller works like the brain of the servo motor. It tells the motor how much to move and in which direction.
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Things Around Us Some of the real-life examples: 1. Car wipers
2. Boom barrier
• Connect P0 of the Maker Board with the Orange wire of the Servo motor.
• Connect the GND of the Maker Board with the Brown wire of the Servo motor.
• Connect the positive terminal of the battery with the Red wire of the Servo motor.
• Connect the negative terminal of the battery with the GND of the Maker Board.
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Let’s Code
1. Click on the Control category from the Blocks panel. 2. Drag the My Program block to the workspace to begin your program. The execution of all the blocks present inside this occurs step by step.
3. D rag the repeat while block from the Loops category and drop it inside the My Program block.
4. N ow drag the count with block from the Loops category and drop it inside the repeat while block.
5. Now create a variable named “angle”.
Experiment 6: Servo Sweep
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6. Select the variable angle in the count with block in the place of i.
7. Now set the rest of the values in the count block as given below.
8. N ow drag and drop the move servo PWM pin block from the Hardware category. 9. Drag the angle variable block as given in the image below.
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10. Now drag a wait block from the Control category and set the value to 5 ms.
11. Similarly, drag another count with block, set the count with value to angle and set the rest of the values as given below.
Experiment 6: Servo Sweep
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12. Now again drag the move servo PWM pin from the Hardware category and add the angle block as given in the image below.
13. Now drag a wait block and set the value to 5 ms.
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14. Now the program is ready to burn on the Maker Board, and you can use the servo sweep. Note: The Maker Board should be connected to your computer through a USB for the experiment to run.
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Experiment 6: Servo Sweep
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Practice Problems
1. C reate a program to make a time Badge and display the current time. 2. Create a program to display “Hello World”. 3. Create a program to display even Numbers. 4. C reate a program to display the first letter of your friend’s name in your favourite colour. 5. C reate a program to display tables from 1 to 4 by pressing different buttons. 6. M ake a circuit for blinking the LED and playing a frequency sound along with it. 7. Make 2 LEDs bring alternatively using Maker Board.
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About the Book This book introduces students to the captivating realm of
robotics. The book takes a learner-friendly, motivating, and hands-on approach. It combines theoretical understanding with real-world applications, while promoting creativity and problem-solving abilities in learners. Emphasizing a project-based learning methodology, the book provides a series of projects, each equipped with detailed instructions. These instructions can be effortlessly executed using the accompanying robotics hardware kit, complete with essential components and tools. The assembly and programming of the robotics system are facilitated through block-based coding and simulation environments, enabling the experiential learning journey.
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About Uolo Uolo partners with K-12 schools to bring technology-based learning programs. We believe pedagogy and technology must come together to deliver scalable learning experiences that generate measurable outcomes. Uolo is trusted by over 10,000 schools across India, South East Asia, and the Middle East.
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