M E N -T S E E - K H A N G (Tibetan Medical & Astro. Institute of H.H. the Dalai lama)
News Letter
Transmission by Ven. Ganor Rinpoche, Dharamsala His Eminence Dzogchen Ganor Rinpoche kindly accepted to bestow the oral transmission on Tibetan medicine and astrology text at the request of Men-TseeKhang, Dharamsala. Rinpoche gave the Medicine Buddha Empowerment initiation from the Terma tradition on 31 March, 2013. All the doctors, astrologers and staff received the empowerment. A new book “Encyclopedia of Myriad Medicinal Plants in Tibetan Medicinal Tradition� Rinpoche gave the oral transmission of Gyueshi (the
part I and II was launched by His Holiness the Dalai Lama during the audience for the participants of Body, Mind & Life conference at Tsuglakhang Temple.
four Tantras of Tibetan Medicine) for 17 days (1-17April) followed by
Educational activities
Pg: 1
Men-Tsee-Khang outreach tour
Pg: 3
Seminars & conferences Courses on Tibetan medicine
Pg: 5 Pg: 6
Men-ngag lhen-thab (a supplementary treatise to the Oral Instruction Tantra of Tibetan Medicine) for 8 days.
Editor Ms. Kalsang Dechen editor@men-tsee-khang.org Assistant editor Mr. Tseten Dorjee Mailing co-ordinator Ms. Dolma Tsering This is the official Newsletter of Men-Tsee-Khang (Tibetan Medical & Astro. Institute). Gangchen Kyishong, Dharamsala—176215, INDIA. It is published and distributed free of cost. However, we request donations to cover expenses. To make donations, please contact Mailing Co ordinator, Men-Tsee-Khang, Gangchen Kyishong, Dharamsala - 176215. INDIA.
Tel: 0091-1892-223113/223222 Fax: 0091-1892-224116 E-mail: info@men-tsee-khang.org Website www.men-tsee-khang.org wwww.mentsee.org
This institute does not encourage the use of mail consultation for those who have access to a Tibetan doctor graduated from Men-Tsee-Khang. Therefore we would recommend patients seek help directly from a properly trained medical doctor who uses the traditional Tibetan diagnostic procedures like reading the patient’s pulse, urine analysis and interrogations. Owing to numerous suggestions and input received over the years from patients who hold strong trust and belief in our medical system and insist that this system remains the last hope of their recovery, we feel the necessity and responsibility to provide a mail consultation facility to fulfill their wishes. It is very necessary to provide us with the following information: Your name (in capital) Gender Age Clear Address Case History and treatments As and when the above information is received, senior doctors will review the personal case. Thereafter, a reply will be sent to the individual patient informing the recommendations of the physician. If pills are prescribed then remedies will be sent after the receipt of the payment through the postal system either by Registered parcel, Courier, Speed Post or what ever kind of post facility are applicable to that particular region or country. Contact: email: mailconsultant@men-tsee-khang.org Phone: 0091 1892 223222/223113 Ext: 216
Email Addresses Director director@men-tsee-khang.org Registrar gsec@men-tsee-khang.org Astro. Department astro@men-tsee-khang.org Project Officer developmentmanager@men-tsee-khang.org Men-Tsee-Khang College tmaicollege@men-tsee-khang.org
Mail Consultation
Membership / Scholarship Sponsors Secretary Men-Tsee-Khang Gangchen Kyishong Dharamsala, Distt. Kangra H.P Pin - 176 215 Phone:0091-1892-223222/ 223113 Fax:0091-1892-224116 Email: scholarship@men-tsee-khang.org
From 29-30 April, Rinpoche gave an oral transmission, on some of the therapeutic methods and the ritualistic procedures of Sa-dak thrug-choe (a naga ritual). He also provided an oral transmission on the treatment of: pediatric disorders through breast milk analysis, mandibular dislocation and pediatric liver disorder and Tsug or heat therapy on 29 April morning.
Men-Tsee-Khang Exports PT 62/5 Kalkaji New Delhi - 110 019 India Phone:0091-11-26214897/ 26436823 Fax: 0091 11 26211738 Email: info@tibetan-medicine.org mtkexports@vsnl.net Web: www.men-tsee-khang-exports.org
The 1st part of the astrological text called Bendurya Karpo (the white beryl) oral transmission started from 2 May for seven days. The oral transmissions and blessings continued for almost one and half months in Men-Tsee-Khang. The consecration of Medicine, spiritual blessings for the pharmacy and medicine store continued for 3 days from 4-6, May, 2013.
A mandala offering or long life ceremony was held on 13 May after the conclusion of transmission, blessings and consecration by Rinpoche. He
advised all the staff to work hard as this is the place where one can strive to benefit others and to preserve and develop the two important cultures of Tibetan medicine and astrology. Emory Tibet Science Biomedical Sciences Programme, Dharamsala The Emory-Tibet Medical Sciences Programme (ETMS) was co-sponsored by Emory University and MenTsee-Khang College. The organizers were Michael Iuvone, Ph.D neuroscientist, Professor and Director of Vision Research, Emory University School of Medicine; Geshe Lobsang Tenzin Negi, Ph.D contemplative scholar, EmoryTibet Partnership, Emory University, Senior Lecturer, Department of Religion; and Carol Worthman, Ph.D Biological and Medical Anthropologist, Professor, Emory University. This programme has been initiated between MenTsee-Khang and Emory-Tibet Partnership to foster education and dialogue with Western biomedical sciences. The ETMS coordinators are: Dr. Namdol Lhamo, lecturer of Tibetan Medical & Astro. College, Men-Tsee-Khang and Dr. Carol Worthman, Dr. Michael Iuvone and Dr. Lobsang Tenzin Negi from Emory University. The Emory team lecturers were: T.J. Murphy, Ph.D., Pharmacologist Associate Men-Tsee-Khang
Apr-Jun 2013
Professor, Pharmacology; J.Wylie Nicholas, Ph.D., Physiologist
Associate Professor, Department of Physiology; Edward Pettus, Ph.D., Anatomist Assistant Professor, Department of Cell Biology and Robert Pittman, M.D., Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine, Clerkship Director, Internal Medicine, Grady Memorial Hospital. All the team lecturers are from Emory University School of Medicine. The programme was divided into two sections. Section 1: Dr. Pettus and Dr. Nichols gave presentations on anatomy and physiology. Section 2: lectures on pharmacology and clinical chemistry were given by Dr. Murphy and Dr. Pittman. The first section was from 10-14 June, with four sessions of one and a half hours in a day; and the second section was from 18-21 June. 60 students from the Tibetan Medical & Astro. College attended the biomedical science programme. They appeared for an exam after the completion of each section.
Dr. Ray Schinazi, Emory-Tibet Partnership, and Department of Pharmacology, Emory University School of Medicine supported the funding. MEN-TSEE-KHANG OUTREACH TOUR South America M e n - Ts e e - K h a n g outreach programme to Buenos Aires, Argentina; Temuco & Santiago, Chile; and Bogota, Colombia in South America was held from April 9 to May 5, 2013. Men-Tsee-Khang administration, sent a three member team led by Dr. Jamyang Dolma (head of Research & Development Department) with Mrs. Sonam Palmo (astrology lecturer, College) and Mr. Tseten Dorjee (personal assistant to the Director) to South America. The tour was facilitated by the Liaison Officer to Latin America, Central Tibetan Administration Mr. Tsewang Phuntso. The team visited the Foundation of Health Science, Kagyu Thekchen Choeling, General Hospital of Agudos, and Military General Hospital in Buenos Aires, Argentina; University of Santos Tomas, Catholic University of Temuco in Temuco, University of Pacifico, Institute of Dr. Luis Pedreros, director of Latin American School of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Mr. Fernando’s Salinas office. Mr. Salina is the head & owner of the dermatological laboratory “Laboratorios Dermik” and the 3
School of Dermatology in Temuco and Santiago, Chile; Yamantaka
Center, Santa Fe Hospital, Vida Activa (branch of the Foundation Santa Fe), Seminary of the Jesuits, Rosario University, one of the oldest universities in Bogota, Colombia. The tour to South America has been largely successful in generating awareness about the ancient heritage of Tibetan medicine & Tibetan astrology. The team visited 7 universities and institutes, 6 centers and foundations. They provided health care consultation to 128 patients and 49 people had the opportunity of oral consultations in astrology. The doctor and astrologer gave 21 presentations and lectures in Argentina, Chile and Colombia; around 900 people attended the talks. Australia Dr. Tsewang Tamdin, visiting physician to His Holiness the Dalai Lama and chairman of High Level Medical & Astro. Council toured Australia Men-Tsee-Khang
Apr-Jun 2013
from 8-21 June, 2013. The doctor visited Sydney, Melbourne and Canberra. He gave presentations and lectures on introduction of Tibetan medicine, Relationship between Tibetan m e d i c i n e and Tibetan astrology, and Tibetan medicine and Buddhist philosophy. Around 200 interested people attended the talk presented by the doctor. He also gave health care services to 147 people according to traditional Tibetan healing system. The doctor visited Dee Why
Public School in Sydney, Michelle Church and East Bound Family Hospital, Box Hill Hospital in Melbourne, Australian National University and Griffith Center in Canberra. He also visited patients, bedridden in their homes and hospital, to give alternative health care and advice. Men-Tsee-Khang would like to sincerely thank all the organizers in South America and Australia for arranging the successful visit of the team from Men-TseeKhang. Dharamsala Men-Tsee-Khang (Tibetan Medical & Astro. Institute of H. H. the Dalai Lama) held an outreach programme at Tsulag Khang (main temple) from 5-6th June, 2013. This followed His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama teaching on Shanti Deva’s “A Guide to the Boddhisattva’s Way of Life (chod-jug)” as requested by the Indian Sanghas. The aim of the outreach programme is to promote traditional Tibetan medicine and astrology to the locals and tourists. A team of three doctors led by Dr. Tenzin Lhadon, visiting physician to H.H the Dalai Lama, 2 astrologers and 8 staff provided medical treatment to 227 patients and external therapy treatment to 19 4
patients. In addition, astrologers Kunga Dhondup and Monlam Yeshi provided oral astrological consultations to 23 visitors. The visitors experienced first-hand understanding and awareness of this traditional system of healing and astrology. SEMINARS & CONFERENCES Body, Mind and Life Conference: Dharamsala The Body, Mind & Life conference was organized by Men-TseeKhang from 26-28 June, 2013. Dr. Arun Kapur, Executive Director, Vasant Valley School and a well known educationist in India graced the inaugural function as the chief guest. This conference is the first of its kind where, discussion from four different perspectives: Buddhist Philosophy, Tibetan medicine, Tibetan astrology & astronomy and modern science, were presented on one platform. The five main topics are: • General concept of Body, Mind and Life • Seeds of Body, Mind and Life • Relationship between Body, Mind and Life • Factors responsible for the disturbance of the Body, Mind and Life • Maintaining and restoring healthy Body, Mind and Life The chief guest said that such conferences are not only a perfect platform to address the burning issues of how we can better understand ourselves, but essential in understanding our individual nature, human nature, and equipping tools required to Men-Tsee-Khang
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restore a sense of truth, honour, and respect in a society and world filled with ethical degradation.
There were around 300 health professionals, experts, educationists and specialists who joined the conference including Indians, Westerners and Tibetans. The speakers for modern science were: • Dr. Charles Rasion, MD Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry, University of Arizona. • Dr. James S. Gordon, MD, founder and director of the Center for MindBody Center, Washington. • Dr. Joan Borysenko, Ph.D founding partner of Mind Body Health Sciences, LLC, Boulder, Colorado. • Dr. Terry V. Eagan, MD, Assistant Clinical Prof. Dept. of Psychiarty and behavioural Sciences (USC) University of Southern California. Speakers for Tibetan medicine consisted of:
• Dr. Rakdho Lobsang Tenzin, Dean of Sorig Department, University of CUTS (Central University of Tibetan Studies) Sarnath. • Dr. Thupten Gyaltsen (CMO Mundgod clinic, MTK). • Dr. Tenpa Chophel (Principal, College, MTK). • Dr. Pema Dorjee (former visiting physician to His Holiness). • Dr. Tsewang Tamdin (visiting physician to His Holiness and chairman of High Level Medical & Astro. council, MTK) Speakers for Tibetan astrology included: • Mr. Tashi Tsering, Associate Prof. Astro. Department, University of CUTS (Central University of Tibetan Studies) Sarnath. • Dr. Sonam Rinchen (Mentsipa, College, MTK). • Ms. Tsering Choezom (Head of Astrology Dept. MTK)
• Mr. Tenzin Nyendak (Astrology Dept. Speakers for Buddhist philosophy were: 5
• Ven. Sherab Lhundup (Bon Menriling Monastery, Solan). • Ven. Geshe Lharampa Lobsang Khechok (Drepung Gomang). • Ven. Geshe Lharampa Ngawang Sangye (Drepung Loseling). • Ven. Geshe Lharampa Iesa Drungchen Rinpoche (Gaden Jangtse). • Nun Tashi Lhamo (Dolmaling nunnery). • Ven. Geshe Lhakdor (Director, Library of Tibetan Works and Archives, Dharamsala). The Body, Mind and Life conference successfully concluded on 28 June, 2013. Sikyong Lobsang Sangay spoke at the closing ceremony, praising the success of the three day Body, Mind and Life conference. Mr. Suyodh P. Rao one of the participants in the conference said that it was a humbling experience. He said that it had been a very enlightening three days and he had learnt a lot. He mentioned that Tibetan medicine has so much to offer, the evolution of which took place over last centuries. Mr. Benoid Petit mentioned that great scholars and practitioners from Western and Tibetan medicine, and Tibetan buddhist philosophers coming together was a holistic approach and is grateful to Men-Tsee-Khang and His Holiness the Dalai Lama for organizing and initiating an excellent channel of research. The speakers and the participants of Body, Mind and Life conference Men-Tsee-Khang
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He visited Gangtok in the State of Sikkim to follow-up with various officials on a mutually beneficial project blessed by His Holiness the Dalai Lama during his visit to the state in late March. had an audience with His Holiness the Dalai Lama on 28 June, 2013. He said that it is important for the Tibetan medical tradition to move forward in line with changing times, to initiate dialogue, discussion and share experiences with various traditional healing system including modern science, to have a good channel of research, to analyze our vast system with logical reasons behind the practice and to offer the valuable traditional medicine of Tibet as an alternative healing system to benefit the world. A new book “Encyclopedia of Myriad Medicinal Plants in Tibetan Medicinal Tradition” published by Materia Medica Department, MTK was launched by His Holiness the Dalai Lama. DIRECTOR’S TOUR From June 2-13, our Director made a tour of 4 branches in Bhelyool to greet and meet our staff, and to offer words of encouragements. On the way, he visited the hospital in Panipat, where one of our Indian labourers had met a terrible factory accident, and was recovering successfully.
COURSES Minnesota Group, Dharamsala Every year a group from the University of Minnesota come to attend a five days basic and ten days advanced course on Tibetan medicine given in English. This year there were 13 participants and Dr. Tenzin Namdul was the team leader. The courses started from 27 May to 4 June, 2013. The resource personnel were: Dr. Passang Wangdue, Dr. Namdol Lhamo, Dr. Nyima Gyaltsen, Dr. Yeshi Gelek, Dr. Pema Tsetso, Dr. Wangdu, Geshe Tenpa Tashi, and astrologer Sonam Palmo. The courses were on topics ranging from health and disease, nutrition and behaviour, pulse and urine diagnosis, women’s health, digestive and cardiovascular health diseases, mental illness and addictions, according to the traditonal Tibetan medical system of healiing. Lectures on the relationship between Tibetan medicine and Buddhism, Tibetan medicine and Ayurveda and astrology were also given. Workshops on pulse and urine diagnosis and accessory therapies 6
were also demonstrated and a panel discussion was held. On 4 June, the group from Minnesota gave presentations and the MTK college students, lecturers and doctors participated in the talk.
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Course on Mental Healthcare Service (1-12 May, 2014) More than 60 percent of the world’s population are inflicted with malady of the mind, attributed to hectic lifestyles etc, however the root cause of all mental problems are the three afflictive emotions mentioned in the Tibetan Buddhist philosophy. A number of patients have reported positively on the effectiveness of Tibetan Buddhism, Tibetan medicine and astrology, against mental sufferings. Hence, Body, Mind & Life department, MTK is organizing a 10 day course on mental healthcare services from 1-12 May, 2014 consisting of 20 sessions. VENUE: Men-Tsee-Khang, Dharamsala, Himachal Pradesh (INDIA). For more information, please visit our
Tibetan Medicine course in English Sept 16 - 1 Oct, 2013
In order to impart the traditional Tibetan Medical Knowledge, Men-Tsee-Khang is conducting a 5- Day Basic Course in English on Tibetan Medicine (16–20 September,2013) which consists of 20 sessions and a 10-Day Advanced Course in English on Tibetan Medicine (Sept 21 - 1 October, 2013) consisting of 40 sessions. VENUE: Men-Tsee-Khang, Dharamsala, Himachal Pradesh (INDIA). For more information, please visit our
Donations received from April to June, 2013
Donation Humitib Feude Norway 46,911.00 Soana Emilia Pulkkanen Finland 1,010.00 Brig and the Group Ireland 9,317.00 CSP,University of Minnesota USA 11,060.00 Roger Jackson and Pam Percy USA 5,530.00 Scholarship Deutsche Tibethilfe E.V. Germany 5,312.00 Jan Van Welie Netherland 8,544.00 Staff Children Scholarship Deutsche Tibethilfe E.V Germany 47,481.00 Medical France Tibet Association France 251,878.00 Martina Jelinek -Lerz Austria 11,851.00 Ingela Isaksson Sweden 42,000.00 Angelika Lefleur Germany 28,200.00 Angelika Lefleur Germany 21,150.00
(Tibetan Medical & Astro. Institute) Gangchen Kyishong Dharamsala - 176 215 Distt. Kangra, H.P. India
Donations received through Branch Clinics
Late Mancha Ben Garach Malad Rica (USA) Mcleod Ganj Richardson (Mrs) Bhubaneshwar
5,000.00 5,500.00 3,000.00
Field study of the physiology of meditation practitioners (Fmed) Research Project University of Wisconsin USA 255,297.03 Staff Children Scholarship Tibet Charity Denmark 71,625.00 Yvonne Mariotti Nesurini Switzerland 6,760.00 Janet E Goldman USA 7,700.00 Karin Peilicka-Atir Germany 3,300.00 Alina Ekindzo Canada 5,480.00 Gerald (Gerry) Heikes USA 12,480.00
Stipend of Retired Staff Deutsche Tibethilfe E.V Germany 28,728.00 Dima(K.A Tirmiryazer) Russia 4,343.00