December 2011

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News Letter


Oct - Dec 2011


Workshops & Courses

Pg: 3

Successful completion of Tsothel

Pg: 4

Medical tours & visits

Pg: 6

Exhibition in Bodh Gaya

Pg: 8

Research on Medicine in Nalanda University

Pg: 9

Email Address

Membership / Scholarship


Sponsorhip Secretary Mailing address Men-Tsee-Khang Registrar Gangchen Kyishong Dharamsala, Distt. Kangra H.P Pin - 176 215 Mail Consultation Phone:0091-1892-223222/ 223113 This is the official Newsletter Fax:0091-1892-224116 of Men-Tsee-Khang (TibetEmail: Medical & Astro. InstiPharmacy Department an tute of H.H. the Dalai Lama). Gangchen Kyishong, Dharam Men-Tsee-Khang Exports sala—176215, INDIA. It is Branch Department published and distributed free of cost. However, we request donations to cover expenses. To make donations, please conAccount Section tact Mailing Co ordinator, Tsee-Khang, Gangchen Kyis- hong, Dharamsala - 176215. Herbal Product Research Department INDIA. Project Officer For product information and rates contact Men-Tsee-Khang Exports Astro. Department TMAI College Quality Control

Mailing address PT 62/5 Kalkaji Near Post Office New Delhi - 110 019 India Phone:0091-11-26214897/ 26436823 Fax: 0091 11 26211738 Email:

Editor Kalsang Dechen Assistant editor Mr. Tseten Dorjee Mailing co-ordinator Mrs. Dolma Tsering Tel: 0091-1892-223113/223222 Fax: 0091-1892-224116 E-mail: Newsletter Editor


WORKSHOPS & COURSES Presentation and Public Speaking Workshop The administration takes the opportunity in the event of necessary workshops organized in and around Dharamsala to train and improve skills of its human resourses. Twelve employees including doctors and astrologers were selected for improving skills of talking to the public and media. The “Presentation and Public Speaking Workshop” was for three days from 1013 October, 2011.

Oct - Dec 2011 Men-Tsee-Khang is deeply thankful to Sue Greenwood in accepting to coach our staff and offer her professional expertise. Men-Tsee-Khang would also like to thank Library of Tibetan Works and Archives for the conference hall and also for accommodating three of its staff (a doctor and two administration staff) on the same workshop organized by them

The resource person was Sue Greenwod from England who worked both in theatre and television as an actress, as well as teaching classical Sue Green wood with the participants mime and directing. She is a qualified voice and speech specialist trained earlier from 4-7 October, 2011. in London, a certified coach or menCOURSES tor trained in US and an authorized healer. Austria - Diploma Course on Traditional Tibetan Mild Therapies The mental and physical aspects are considered the two major areas for Dr. Tenzin Lhundup was deputed a good presentation. In the first case by the administration to visit Tithe content, shape and structure bet Center I.I.H.T.S at Huttenberg and how you present the material is in Austria as a resource person to important i.e what you want to say, conduct teachings of the Diploma to whom and for what reasons and Course on “Traditional Tibetan Mild emphasis to get things across. Fifty Therapies”. She visited Austria five percent of the presentation skills from September 17 – 19 December, depends on the delivery techniques 2011 for a period of three months. of the physical stuff like how you She started the Diploma Course on look and behave, what you say and “Traditional Tibetan Mild Therapies” how you sound. Module 15 A for the Weekened group from September 30 – 2 OcTechniques on Impromtu speaking tober, 2011. She commenced the was also enlightened to the partici- course by giving an introduction on pants stressing that the talk should Mild Therapies, history & types of be short, concise and direct. fomentation, Indications and contraMen-Tsee-Khang

dictions, its techniques and benefits. Module 15 B began from 28 - 30 October, 2011 with explanations on the history of Medicinal Bath, Indications and contradictions and its techniques and introduction on Natural Hot Springs. Module 15C started from 18 - 20 November, 2011. The topics covered was on application of heat therapies according to traditional Tibetan system. She spoke on the uses of Hor Me-tsa, Tsug and Cupping practices. Demonstrations, practical training and its applications were administered so that the participants would have a first hand experience in using the therapy. They were divided into groups followed by revision on the topics and practical training with the teacher after every session.

Doctor giving practical training to the participants

Dr. Tsultrim Kalsang visited Tibet Center I.I.H.T.S at Huttenberg in Austria from November 1 - 23 December, 2011. He completed Module 14 in seven days covering topics on the history, indications and contradictions, techniques and benefits of Massage, seven psychosomatic natures of person and massage oils, dry and oil massage and post massage cleansing techniques. He also gave demon3

Oct - Dec 2011

News stration, practical training and revision to the participants for five days and after completion of the above mild therapies (Module 14 - Module

didates which started from 3 October, 2011. This is the third group of doctors appearing for the Menrampa Dringwa Degree. Dr. Pema Dorjee, advisor; Dr. Tenpa Choephel, principal, Tibetan Medical & Astro. College; Dr. Tsering Norbu, head of Materia Medica Department and Lopon Gyatso la from Institute of Buddhist Dialectics were the four resource persons for the course. The candidates appeared for written Dr. Tsultrim Kalsang with the participants exams and practical materia medica. 15 C) written examination was conducted. There were around 29 par- After six years of learning, a medical ticipants who joined for the course. student graduates as a Tibetan doctor holding Kachupa Degree. After ten DEGREE EXAMINATION years of experience, the doctors are alMenrampa Dringwa Degree lowed to sit for MenChungwa Menrampa Dringwa Degree exami- rampa Degree and then afnation started from 2 November ter seven years gap, and completed on 5th November, they can appear 2011. There were nine candidates who appeared for the examination. for the Menrampa Dringwa Degree. Men-Tsee-Khang (Tibetan Medical & Astro. Institute) organized one month course preparation for the nine can-

Menrampa Dringwa examination


Kachupa Degree

syllabus, philosophy, grammar & poetry and practical. There is also an additional oral recitation on Gyudsum or the Three Tantras which takes three and half to four hours for each student to complete the recitation. Two students appeared for the additional oral recitation. The graduate doctors are then sent to the branch clinics for one year internship on practical diagnosis.

TSOTHEL Successful Completion of Tsothel The Pharmacy Department successfully completed the preparation of Tsothel (detoxified mercury) and the ceremony was held at the Men-

The chief guest addressing the gathering

Kachupa Degree examination for the final year of XV batch medical students started from 10 October, 2011. There were 20 students who appeared for the examination. The examination consists of oral recitation and written on medical text of fifth year

Tsee-Khang (MTK) Hall on 5 November, 2011. The Chief Guest on the occasion was Dr. Tsering Wangchuk, Honorable Health Minister, CTA. The other guest present were CCTM, Chairman Dr. Tsering Thakchoe Drungtso, Director MTK, Dr. Tsewang Tamdin, Advisor Dr. Pema Dorjee. The Heads of all the department and the pharmacy staff joined the ceremony. The occasion commenced with the lighting of traditional butter lamp by the Chief Guest. The Head of Pharmacy Department, Dr. Jamyang 4

Oct - Dec 2011 Tashi welcomed the guest and gave a brief report on the practice and formulation of Tsothel in Tibet. Around 600 BC, the formulation was practiced in India by Acharya Vyali (byWa li) and composed three texts on this system. This formulation was transmitted to Acharya Nagarjuna (‘Phags-pa klu-sgrdub) and so the lineage passed down to Acharya Shurya or popularly known as Vagbhata (slop-dpon dpa’-bo) and Acharya Chandranandana (sloppon zla-ba mngon-dga). In Tibet, this sacred formulation began and was practiced in the 8th century by Yuthok Yonten Gonpo and flourished during Guru Padmasambhava era. The lineage was then passed down by Karmapa Rangjung Dorjee to Surkhar Nyamnyi Dorjee to Kongtrul Yonten Gyatso. In the 16 century under the direction of the Fifth Dalai Lama, Darmo Menrampa Lobsang Chodrak revived this system and was practiced during Desi Sange Gyatso period as well. Dr. Tekhang Jampa Thupwang and Dr. Khenrab Norbu, Personal Physician to the 13 Dalai Lama practiced this special system in the 19th century. This system of practice was then passed down by Dr. Khenrab Norbu to his students Dr. Palden Gyaltsen and Dr. Tenzin Choedrak in 1953. In 1977 Dr. Tenzin Choedrak (Personal Physician to the 14 Dalai Lama) and Dr. Toru Tsenam and team prepared this sacred Tsothel formulation in the labour camp at Powo Tramo in Kongpo. In exile, this is the sixth time the sacred Tsothel formulation has been prepared by the Pharmacy Department, Men-Tsee-Khang. After two decades of the establishment of the institute, His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama's aspiration to revive the practice of this sacred system was Men-Tsee-Khang

News initiated on 28 April, 1982 under the expert guidance of late Dr. Tenzin Choedrak, personal physician to His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama. The preparation was carried out in the main residence of His Holiness by late Dr. Tenzin Choedrak along with eight doctors, eleven staff and personnel. The first preparation took more than two months and was prepared by a total of 20 people in all.

pleted 110 kgs of Tsothel. The fourth

On 16 July, 1987 the second Tsothel

the heating process of tsothel

Tsothel preparation was made on 5 April, 2001 with Dr. Namgyal Tsering, head of pharmacy department, undertaking the charge including five doctors and 20 staff members. They successfully completed 105.400 kgs of Tsothel in more than one month duration. On 17 April, 2008 the fifth Tsothel preparation was under1982 the first Tsothel formulation in taken by Dr. Jamyang Tashi, head India. Late Dr. Tenzin Choedrak in the center of pharmacy department with five doctors and 20 staff members. The preparation was done under late Dr. formulation was completed in 44 Tenzin Namgyal, head of pharmacy days with 115.873 kgs of Tsothel. department including three doctors and eight staff members. In all there The sixth Tsothel preparation started were twelve people who worked tire- on 12 September, 2011 on the auslessly for one month and prepared picious day of the lunar calendar 63.840 kgs successfully. In 1994 un- i.e the 15 day of the 7th month, full der the guidance of late Dr. Tenzin Choedrak, personal physician to His Holiness the Dalai Lama, the third Tsothel preparation commenced with 14 doctors and 13 staff members. Twenty eight staff worked for three months and comdetoxification process 5

Oct - Dec 2011

News moon day. It was undertaken by Dr. Jamyang Tashi, head of pharmacy department with five doctors and 23 staff of the department. It took 45 days of continuous work from 8 a.m to 7 p.m., sometimes working round the clock day and night for the preparation process and successfully completed the preparation of 125.975 kgs of Tsothel on 26 October, 2011. The preservation process, blessings and rituals of the Tsothel preparation are done according to the medical tradition passed down through ages. This ancient system is practiced so that it is passed and carried on by the future generation to heal the diseased people.

Dr. Jamyang Tashi consuming the detoxified tsothel powder Then the ceremony was followed with the presentation of certificates to the six doctors by the Health Minister and 27 staff by the Director of Men-Tsee-Khang. Dr. Jamyang Tashi, head of the pharmacy department in the presence of the gathering consumed 3 gms of prepared Tsothel to prove that the formulation is detoxified and has the effective potency. The Director, Dr. Tsewang Tamdin addressed the gathering by conMen-Tsee-Khang

gratulating the department on its successful completion of the Tsothel formulation which is a priceless, valuable and life saving formulation. He mentioned about the grave need of this formulation in the 60's, however in 1982 with the arrival of Dr. Tenzin Choedrak from Tibet all the resources and facilities were obtained and the first formulation was prepared. Since then the formulation has been prepared successfully five times. He informed that he has two important issues to put forward. During the 2012 International Conference on Tibetan Medicine (Sowa Rigpa) many experts and doctors from various esteemed institutes will gather. The first issue is "to validate and make clear during the conference in presence of all the experts whether Tsothel and detoxified heavy metals are toxic which takes life or an elixir which saves life�.

Tsering Wangchuk congratulated the achievements of the institute since its inception in 1961 and the successful completion of the Tsothel formulation. He spoke on the importance of joint collaboration between Tibetan tradiational and Western medical system and research. The ceremony was concluded with a thank you address by Dr. Ngawang Soepa, pharmaceutical department.

HEALTH CARE VISITS Ladakh Jangthang Dr. Dawa Dolma, Visiting Physician to His Holiness the Dalai Lama was in Ladakh for a month. From 3 - 10 October she was in Men-Tsee-Khang Cultural Center, Ladakh; Choglamsar

The second important issue is to be able to make the Tsothel formulation in 2014 or 2015. The aim is to invite scientist during the preparation process to research and document without Dr. Dawa Dolma using moxibustion to a patient bias what they have seen on first hand experience and clear the doubts of many experts settlement, Agling and TCV School at and people all over. This ancient sys- Leh, Ladakh. She gave treatment to tem has been practiced in Tibet, ages 571 patients and visited personally before science and its development to 86 patients who were bed ridden. began. The rich cultures, specially From 11 - 27 October she visited the religion and Sowa Rigpa of Tibet cre- Jangthang remote areas of Bilsar, ated interest among many people of Goyul, Kagshung, Hanley, Nimar, the world today because it relates Kagyu monastery, Sumdho, Khamde mind and body in bringing happi- and Samedh. She saw 851 people ness and getting rid of suffering. and personally visited 16 bed ridden patients there. She used exterThe Honorable Health Minister, Dr. nal therapy like moxibustion, golden needle, heat therapy to 16 people. 6

Oct - Dec 2011


In all, the doctor gave health treatment to 1540 patients during her visit to Ladakh. NEPAL Dr. Sonam Lhamo, Incharge of Dickyiling branch clinic visited Nepal from September 27 - 19 October, 2011 as deputed by the administration. On 29 September she visited Drepung Tsethang Loling monastery at Yanglashoe and gave health care to Ven. Dupthob Rinpoche. She also treated the monks and staff working at the monastery. From 30 September - 15 October the doctor visited Chetrapati, Jolakhiel, Chabahil, Kopan nunnery, Pokhara Tashiling, Pokhara Jampaling, Tsering Old Age Home, Women Old Age Home and Thukje Choling Nunnery. In all the doctor saw around 1000 patients during her trip in Nepal. WEST INDIA Dr. Kyizom, Incharge of Mundgod camp # 3 branch clinic was directed by the administration to visit the west part of India for providing health care and service to the community living there from 1 -15 October, 2011. She visited four places in the west starting with Orissa, Bhubaneshwar, Mainpat and Bandara. She treated a total of 382 people and attended to 54 bedridden patients personally. The most common problems faced by the people are arthritis, stomach disorder, hypertension, neurology and hepatitis B. She visited old age homes and went personally to the homes of the bed ridden patients.


NORTH EAST INDIA Dr. Yeshi Dorjee, Incharge of Mcleod Branch clinic visited the North East part of India from 4 October to 4 December, 2011. The doctor visited 13 places in the area (Shillong, Dimapur, Tuting, Tenzin Gang, Bomdila, Dhirang, Tawang, Tezu, Miao, Ravangla, Gangtok, Darjeeling, Kalimpong). He provided traditional health care service to 1567 people during the tour. He attended to old and bedridden patients as well. He gave health talk to the community and school children.

MEETING WITH H.P HEALTH MINISTER Honorable Minster of Health, H.P Calls on the team from Men-Tsee-Khang The Director, Dr. Tsewang Tamdin, Registrar, Mr. Tsering Phuntsok of Men-Tsee-Khang and Dr. Tsering Thakchoe Drungtso, Chairman CCTM (Central Council of Tibetan Medicine) attended the meeting with the Honorable Health Minister, Dr. Rajeev Bindal, Department of Health and Family Welfare, Govt. of Himachal Pradesh in Shimla on 9 November, 2011. The other members present were Shri. A.R. Rizvi, the secretary, Department of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of Himachal Pradesh; Shri. Dr. Rakesh Pandit, director, Ayurved, Himachal Pradesh and Mr. Rakesh Sharma, Additional Director, Ayurved, Himachal Pradesh. The team from both sides discussed three important issues during the meeting on Collaboration i.e training of Ayurvedic doctors in Men-TseeKhang, creation of a Joint Research Group consisting of members both

from Men-Tsee-Khang and Ayurved, H.P. and the project on New Medical & Astro. College of Men-TseeKhang. Earlier, on 31st August 2011 when the Director and the Registrar of Men-Tsee-Khang met with the Honorable Health Minister at Dharamsala, the Minister gave suggestions to have such a meeting.

EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES Talk by Resource Persons Tibetan Medical & Astro. College invites resource persons to speak to the students of the college. The College requested Garje Khamtrul Rinpoche Jamyang Dondrub to give discourse on disorders caused by evil spirits. On 1 October, 2011 the teachings was given at Chime Gatseling Monastery, Sidhpur the residence and monastery of Khamtrul Rinpoche. There were a total of around 40 medical and astrology students and lecturers.

Garje Khamtrul Rinpoche On 6 November, 2011 Garje Khamtrul Rinpoche Jamyang Dondrub gave empowerment and transmission of Medicine Buddha, transmission on mantras of 18 infectious diseases to around 150 students, 7

Oct - Dec 2011

Exhibition lecturers and doctors at Chime Gatsel Ling monastery in Sidhpur On 18 October, 2011 Dr. Richard J. Davidson, USA was invited as the resource person to speak on introduction to Neuroscience. He spoke about affective disorders and how emotion affects our physical body. Dr. Davidson is a William James and

Dr. Richard J. Davidson Vilas Research Professor of Psychology and Psychiatry at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He received his PhD from Harvard University in Psychology and has been at Wisconsin since 1984. There were 50 students both medical and astrology, lecturers and doctors who attended the talk.

EXHIBITION Bodh Gaya The Golden Jubilee exhibition of Men-Tsee-Khang was set up in Bodh Gaya during the Kalachakra teachings after touring north, north east and south India. The exhibition was inaugurated on 30 December, 2011 at 9 a.m by Mr. Pema Khandu, Honorable Minister of WRD & Tourism, Arunachal Pradesh and Chief Patron of Kalachakra Committee. He was Men-Tsee-Khang

the chief guest on the occasion. The other guests present were Mr. Nangsa Dorjee, secretary, BTMC (Bodhgaya Temple Management Committee); Mr. Pema Chojor,kalon Religion & Culture, CTA; Mr. Wangchuk Phasur, secretary, Department of Health, CTA and Ven. Lama Ngawang Norbu, Chairman of Kalachakra Committee. The exhibition started on 30 December, 2011 and it was held for 10 days.

also present during the ceremony. The chief guest congratulated MenTsee-Khang on its golden jubilee occasion and admired the development of the institute into a fullfledged institution since its incep-

The exhibition commenced with the lighting of butter Honorable Minister of Tourism & WRD Mr. Pema Khandu lamp by the chief with the press guest and homage prayer to Yuthok Yonten Gonpo. Then, Mr. Tsering tion while questioned by the press. Phuntsok, registrar of Men-Tsee- He lauded the social service and Khang welcomed the chief guest health care rendered by the instiand other dignitaries. He gave an tute to the suffering people all over. introductory speech on the occa- During the Kalachakra teachings the sion. Ven. Tenpa Tashi, Chairman exhibition remained closed. On 30 of the 50 years organizing commit- December the exhibition was opened tee thanked the chief guest for his for the full day from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. gracious presence and also appreciated the other guest for their pres- The timing for the exhibition was ence. After the ceremony, the exhi- scheduled at 9 a.m. - 11 a.m and bition was displayed to the guests. 4.30 p.m. – 7.00 p.m. from 1 - 10 Jan, Press and media persons were 2012. Thousands of people from various places, Tibetans in and outside Tibet, foreigners and local Indians participated and came to see the exhibition display. The exhibition was headed by Ven. Tenpa Tashi, lecturer of Tibetan medical & Astro. College and Chairman of 50 years organizing committee. The team inHonorable Minister Mr. Pema Khandu viewing the cluded members of exhibition display the committee (Dr. 8

Oct - Dec 2011 Passang Wangdu, lecturer of Tibetan Medical & Astro. College; Dr. Sonam Dolkar Oshoe, Sorig Literary Research Department; Mr. Tsering Paljor, computer section; Mr. Kalsang Dawa, Project officer and Miss. Kalsang Dechen, Editor), Astrologer Tenzin Nandak, Astrologer Sonam Palmo and Mr. Dorjee Nyima from Public at the exhibition display Pharmacy department. The astrologers proand four kinds of illnesses for all senvided their services to the people tient beings. The Lord Buddha was anytime by making calculations surrounded by the four different for the deceased in Bodh Gaya. retinues. These retinues comprise of the followers of the Gods, the folApart from exhibition, Men-Tsee- lowers of the sages, the followers of Khang also opened four clinics to Hinduism, and the followers of Budserve the pilgrims who have come dhism. for the teachings. The clinics were set up in four different locations to The listeners of the Gods included avail the health accessibility to all. the great celestial physician Prajapati Daksa, Asvini-Kumaran, the divine Men-Tsee-Khang would like to thank sovereign Indra, the goddess AmKusho Tenzin Thapke (Incharge of rita Devi, and so forth. The listenNamgyal Monastery, Bodh Gaya) and ers of the sages included the great Mr. Thinlay (Manager, Mahayana Ho- sage Atreya, Agniveśa, Nimin-Dhara, tel, Branch Namgyal Monastery) for Kasayapa, Caraka-Pariv-Rajika, Bhartheir help and assistance during the advaja, Dhanwantari, Punarvasu, golden jubilee exhibition and medi- and so forth. The listeners of Hinducal camp trip to Bodh Gaya. ism included the great Brahmā, Śiva, Sadmukha-Kumara, and so forth. The listeners of Buddhism included Mañjuśrī, Avalokiteśvara, Vajrapani, MEDICINE IN NALANDA Ananda, Kumara Jivaka, and so forth. UNIVERSITY These four retinues were taught medical knowledge directly by the Primary references in Tibetan Medi- Lord Buddha that was heard in each cal and Buddhist Texts and History of their own respective languages at the same time; and they also under1) Root Tantra (rTsa rGyud) stood the profound medical teachThe Root Tantra of the Four Great ings of the Lord Buddha immediately Medical Tantra Texts, or rGyud bZhi, at the same time. of Tibetan medicine describes that the perfect Śakyamuni Buddha en- 2) Reference from the rGyud Ta-pa tered into a stable meditative con- in the Kangyur (in Tibetan, bKa-’gyur; centration (samādhi) called “The also known as the Tripitaka that was King of Medicine Meditation.” This translated into Tibetan) samādhi could solve four hundred Men-Tsee-Khang

Article There is a Sutra translated from Sanskrit to Tibetan called DebZhin-gShegs-pa-bdun-gyi-sNgongyi-sMon-lam-khyad-par-rGyaspa-shes-bya-va-Theg-pa-Chenpo’i-mDo-Las-bam-po-gNyis-pa (rough translation)Tathāgatasapta-pūrva-prañidhāna-viziśṭaupacaya-iti-mahāyāna-sūtra). Lord Buddha entered samādhi, the fully concentrated meditation, in order to invite the seven Medicine Buddhas from the countless universes in the far east to Vaishali in Magadha of India, known in Tibetan as Yangpachen, or Rol-mo’isGra-chen, the place of the sweetest sounds of music on earth. 3) The ancient lineages of medical experts and Buddhist masters. Reference from the rGyud-bZhi’iBla-rGyud-gSol-‘debs, a prayer book regarding the ancient Buddhist medicine lineages. During the Lord Buddha’s medical teaching to the four retinues, the great sage Atreya (in Tibetan, rGyunShes-Bu) taught medicine to his disciple, known as the great Kumara Jivaka, the Lord Buddha’s own physician. The Buddhist medical master Jivaka was the son of King gZugschen-sNying-po. Jivaka grew up under the care of the king’s elder son gShon-Nu-Jig-med, and thus, Jivaka gained the name gZhon-nus-gSos. The Lord Buddha’s physician Jivaka is known in Tibetan as ‘Tso-byedgZhon-Nu. Jivaka was a medical master of Nagarjuna (in Tibetan, kLu-sGrub), and one of his top disciples was known as Arya-Deva. AryaDeva taught medicine to his student Acharya Shurya popularly known as Vagbhata (in Tibetan, sLob-dPondPa-wo). The great master Vagbhata wrote the Aṣṭāṅgahṛidaya, or the “Eight Branches of the Ambrosia Essence 9

Oct - Dec 2011

Article Tantra” (in Tibetan, Yan-lag-brGyadpa’i-sNying-po). Acharya Vagbhatta taught medicine to his disciple Chandranandana (Kha-che Dawa-mNgondGa’). Chandranandana wrote a commentary entitled Chandrika (in Tibetan, ‘Grel-pa-zLa-Zer) regarding the Aṣṭāṅgahṛidaya. 4) Reference from the Yuthog Namthar, the biography of the elder Yuthog During the reign of King Trison Detsen’s in Tibet in ninth century, one of the great scholars and an abbot of Nalanda University called Boddhista was invited to Tibet to spread Buddhism in Tibet. At the age of twentyfive, the elder Yuthog Yonten visited India via Nepal. During his travels he met Mahālotsawa Vairocana along the way. He also learned the great medical sciences at the side of the Great master Chandra Deva. Chandra Deva told him that the great Lotsawa Vairocana translated the Four Great Medical Tantras (rGyudbZhi). Yuthog spent much time learning the medical sciences at the side of Chandra Deva, as well as many eminent physicians, because he traveled three times to India. Thus, it is likely that the elder Yuthog visited Nalanda as well. 5) Reference from the biography of Jowo-Je-dPal-Den-Atisha (in Sanskrit, Depan Kara Shri) Jowo Je studied and became a great scholar of Nalanda University. He was invited to Tibet by the religious king Lha Lama Yeshe Woe. In 1040 CE, Jowo Je visited Tibet. He taught medicine at Nyethang in Tibet to some of his disciples. These teachings were the Eight Branches of Ambrosia (Ashtānghridya). Thus, it is clear that there was Buddhist medical science taught at Nalanda University even during ancient times.


6) Reference from book entitled the History of Tibetan Medicine In the tenth century, Lotsawa Rinchen Zangpo was sent to study in Kashmir where he engaged in extensive study of the medical sciences. Particularly, he studied the Ashtānghridya and Chandrika commentary (in Tibetan, Delpa Dazer) at the side of the eminent scholar Pandit Janardana. Later, he perfectly translated these two books into Tibetan. 7) Reference from Desi Kog-Bhug, a book on the history of Tibetan medicine by Chejay Shangton (Chos-rJeShang-sTon) At the end of the eleventh century Thuk-Je-Tri-woe, also known as Chejay Shangton, visited Nalanda. There, he received instructions on Ashtānghridya from Rishi Anand. Lotsawa Rinchen Zangpo taught his disciple Chejay Tipang. Chejay Tipang taught his own son called Aulang Tashi-kar and to the six sons of his elder brother. The six sons taught Toggyal, Jophen and Jonang. Chejay Shangton received teachings on Delpa Dazer from Toggyal, Jophen and Jonang, and thus, became an eminent scholar on the medical sciences. Chejay Shangton wrote a book called Kogbhug Gyaltsen Tse Bar. The Tibetan literature does not include this text. It has been lost. 8) Reference from the biography of the younger Yuthog Yonten Gonpo In the twelfth century the younger Yuthog Yonten Gonpo visited India, Singala (Burma), and Sri Lanka (in Tibetan, gSer-gling) six times. He also visited Bodh Gaya (in Tibetan, rDo-rje gDan). He gave teachings for hundreds of assembled Indian Buddhist scholars there. He also practiced the Ashtānghridya toward the later part of his life, and he learned the Four Great Medical Tantras from Rogton Konchog Kyab.

At the end of his life, he set up a new medical school called Tana-Dhug in Kongpo, Tibet, subsequently spreading Buddhist medical science across Tibet. 9) Reference from the autobiography of the younger Yuthog Yonten Gonpo As articulated in the autobiography of the younger Yuthog Yonten Gonpo, along his travels to India, he arrived at Varanasi. Here, he learned about the Ashtānghridya. He also mentioned the concurrent studies of various other texts. Then he traveled to Sri Lanka. Here, he studied the Four Medical Tantras (rGyud bZhi). Thereafter, he traveled to Bangladesh and studied Chandrika (in Tibetan, ‘grel-pa zLa Zer), and so forth. He also traveled to Persia and Mongolia to study their medical texts as well. In the secret Tantric wheel of Dharma of Yuthog and his Buddhist Texts clearly explained that when he was in Sri Lanka he received many kinds of medical teaching including the Four Great Medical Tantras through scholars and also received some kind of secret Tantric teachings from the head of Dakini (mKhadoe-gTsomo-dPelden-Khrengwa). 10) Views of my own opinion Based on the historical facts of Tibet, we can understand what had happened in Tibet in the earlier centuries. In the 12th century during the Younger Yuthog Yonten Gonpo he collected many different types of knowledge related in medicine such as ancient Tibetan civilizations of Bon, histories of kings of Tibet specially during King Namri-Songtsen and the great 33rd King Songtsen-Gangpo in the 6th-7th century. During the great King Trisong-Duetsen and the great King Tri Ralpa-chen (8th-9th century) Tibetan civilization became propsperous and developed to its 10

Oct - Dec 2011 greatest peak. Not only the collections of knowledge inside Tibet but also from China, Persia, Mongolia, Nepal, India, Burma, Sri Lanka, Kashmir were analysed, researched and assimilated into the Tibetan system of healing. On the basis of the Four Great Medical Tantras the Younger Yuthog Yonten Gonpo rewrote, edited and completed the Four Great Medical Tantras and spread the medical teachings all across Tibet. Summary From above references, it seems that Buddhist medical science was taught in addition to Buddhist philosophy at Nalanda University. Hence, besides philosophy ancient Indian Buddhist masters had full knowledge of medical science as well. Due to its influences, the great Tibetan Buddhist master Je Tsongkha pa also gained knowledge about medicine while practicing the various fields of Buddhist philosophy and Tantric teachings. Thus, many of Tibetan Buddhist masters and scholars have the knowledge of medical science even to this day. Unfortunately, by the end of the twelfth century, Nalanda University was destroyed and thus many original records have been lost.

Reference by Dr. Kelsang Dhonden Tulkhor Sorig Literary Research Department of Men Tsee Khang, Dharamsala.


Donations received from October - December, 2011 Staff Children Scholarship Donor Gabriele Strehlau and Frank Ebert Elvy Ingegard Yves Betant Inger Axio Albinsson Inger Axio Albinsson Gerald L.Heikes Nicoletta Lanciano Perry Smith Luigi Grimaldi Yvonne Mariotti Nesurini Inter Educare e.v Heide Meyer Carta Tonella Ann Brunila Stig and Ingela Isaksson Stig and Ingela Isaksson Kasia Novak

Country Germany Sweden France Sweden Sweden USA Italy New York Italy Switzerland Germany Germany Switzerland Finland Sweden Sweden Canada


Jenet Yellowchan USA Steve Hoit USA Do Ngoc Trinh(Bay Ha) and Family Vietnam Pema Khandu (Minister of Tourism) Arunachal Pradesh Tibetan Women’s Association Dharamsala

848.00 10,000.00 50,198.00 50,000.00 1,500.00

Poor and Needy Patients Fund

Tove Langenryr Larsen Tove Langenryr Larsen

Norway Norway


Perry Smith

New York

61,099.00 62,662.00


Donations received through branch department Mr. Chandrakant and Jaya Gogri, Paresh Zatakia, Jayantilal Poker, Hasmukh & Ina Satra, Jaya Maa, Himanshu Bai


Amount(Rs) 17,608.00 8,443.00 256,427.00 9,000.00 9,000.00 11,160.00 8,528.00 117,600.00 14,210.00 5,390.00 269,280.00 49,972.00 4,290.00 24,500.00 16,500.00 16,500.00 11,238.00




1 - 9 Feb, 2012 3 - 25 Jan, 2012 4 - 7 Feb, 2012 Feb 24 - 7 Mar, 2012 Mar 7 - 8 Apr, 2012 16 - 18 Mar, 2012 30 Apr, 7 & 14 May, 2012

UPCOMING EVENTS Dr. Tsering Thakchoe Drungtso visits Australia Dr. Dawa Dolma visits Huttenberg, Austria Golden Jubilee Exhibition at IIC, New Delhi Dr. Khentse visits Huttenberg, Austria Dr. Dawa Dolma visits Huttenberg, Austria Tibetan Medical Camp “Ceremony of Bodhi Awakening” Organized by Tibet House at IIC, New Delhi Sue Greenwood will be giving Public Speaking and Presentation Workshop for Men-Tsee-Khang staff


If undelivered please return to sender: MEN-TSEE-KHANG (Tibetan Medical & Astro. Institute of H.H. the Dalai Lama) Gangchen Kyishong Dharamsala - 176 215 Distt. Kangra H.P India

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