Enews july 2014

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M E N -T S E E - K H A N G (Tibetan Medical & Astro. Institute of H.H. the Dalai lama)



July 2014

OUTREACH PROGRAMME USA Tour The outreach tour to USA was led by Mrs. Tsering Choezom (senior medical astrologer, head of astrology department) and Dr. Sonam Dolma (head of documentation and publication department). The team visited Boston, Pittsburgh, Los Angeles, Santa Barbara, Malibu and San Francisco in USA from 16 May to 24 June, 2014. The tour in Boston was organized by Tibetan Association of Boston and Mr. Kalsang Phuntsok, president of the association coordinated the event. During the 3 days in Boston (17 to 19 May), Mrs. Tsering Choezom provided oral astrology consultations to 17 people fascinated with Tibetan astrology and Dr. Sonam Dolma gave traditional health care service to 45 people interested in alternative system of healing at Kurukulla Center. The medical astrologer casted a death chart during the visit.

An internet television interview on Tuesday 8, June on World Medicine: A panel discussion at Santa Barbara, USA

Then the team visited Pittsburg in Pennsylvania on 20 May which was hosted by Lisa LeRose and Linda. Accommodation was provided by the Three Rivers Dharma Center. On 22 May the doctor and the medical astrologer gave a talk on an introduction to Tibetan medicine and Tibetan astrology and around 13 people attended. They provided health consultation and oral astrology consultation to 19 people during the 3 days from 23 to 26 May.

In Los Angeles, the Tibetan Association of Southern California (TASC) organized the tour which was facilitated by Mr. Tenzin Dorjee, president of TASC. The team stayed at Chokhor Gepel Ling Center. The programme was hosted by Annette Dugan a physiotherapist. On 31 May and 1 June the team visited the Medical Building Center in Santa Monica and from 2 to 3 June they had the event at Geden Choeling Center. The doctor

July 2014


saw 41 people interested in traditional Tibetan system of diagnosis and the medical astrologer gave oral astrology consultations to 37 people. They also gave talks on Tibetan medicine and Tibetan astrology. From 6 to 9 June the team was in Santa Barbara and Thepo Rinpoche was the organizer. Christian and Monique helped in setting up the event at Ventura Buddha’s Garden and Santa Barbara. The doctor saw 35 people who had health problems and the medical astrologer gave oral consultation to 39 interested people. They visited Dr. Glenn Wollman, had an internet television interview on Tuesday 8 June and also joined World Medicine: A panel discussion with David Cumes, MD (Urologist and African Sangoma); Cally Huttar, PhD (Lecturer and chair of the Department of Somatic Psychology at Pacifica Graduate Institute); Dr. Sonam Dolma (head of Documentation & Publication Department, Men-Tsee-Khang), and Mrs. Tsering Choezom (head of the Astrology Department, MenTsee-Khang). They shared views on the


best aspects of medicine practiced around the world. The discussion was aired on YogaHub TV. At the Rev.’s Unitarian Church the doctor and the medical astrologer gave a presentation on Tibetan medicine and Tibetan astrology. Around 20 interested people attended. Dr. Terry V. Eagen and Beata Lundeen were the organizers in Malibu from 13 to 16 June. During the four days the team visited Canyon Healing Center, Avalon Malibu, Agape Universal Church, the Soul Center Church and Montinedo Vista Treatment Center.

Dr. Sonam Dolma provided healthcare service to 24 people with health problems and Mrs. Tsering Choezom gave astrology consultation to 24 people. The doctor and the medical astrologer gave talks on an introduction to Tibetan medicine, Tibetan astrology and the establishment of

Men-Tsee-Khang. More than 200 people attended the talks and at the fund raising event at Avalon Malibu. Then the team visited the final destination of the outreach programme in San Francisco. The tour was organized by the Tibetan Association of Northern California and Mr. Kunjo Tashi, president coordinated the event. During the 3 days (20 to 23 June) 23 people received traditional system of health care and 18 people had astrology consultations with the medical astrologer. Dr. Kalsang Wangyal, Dr. Tenzin Nyima, Dr. Dickyi Sangmo, Tenzin Namkha (ex-staff of MenTsee-Khang) and Mr. Tenzin Tashi assisted the team during the tour. A total of around 400 people received health care and astrology consultations and more than 350 people attended the lectures presented on Tibetan medicine and astrology. Men-Tsee-Khang would like to thank all the organizers and supporters for their help in making this trip a successful one. 2


Ladakh, Jammu & Kashmir In order to serve and provide alternative health facilities to the public, Men-Tsee-Khang offers free traditional Tibetan health care to all the pilgrims during His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s teachings held in India. Padum, Zanskar In Padum, Zanskar, J&K, His Holiness gave a teaching on Tsongkhapa’s Concise Treatises on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment (lamrim dudon) from June 23 & 25. During the 3 days of teaching MenTsee-Khang held free medical camp at Padum. The team was led by Dr. Tenzin Lhadon (visiting physician to His Holiness the Dalai Lama), Dr. Thinley Namgyal including three staff: Jinpa Dorjee, Sonam Topden and Mipham. The team provided health care service to a total of 381 patients. Free medicine amounting to Rs. 20,942.34 was offered to the people attending His Holiness teachings. eNews

July 2014

Association and the Ladakh Gonpa Association. The Tibetan Kongpo Association and the Tibetan Jonang Association are cosponsors. A free medical camp was held for the thousands of pilgrimage who had gathered for the teachings.

Leh, Ladakh His Holiness the Dalai Lama conferred the 33rd Kalachakra teachings (3 to 14 July) at During the 12 days teaching a the request of the two main total number of 3647 pilgrims organizers, the Ladakh Buddhist received traditional Tibetan system of health care. Free medicine amounting to Rs. 225,739.60 was given to the public. The team members were: Dr. Tenzin Lhadon, Mr. Tenzin Dorjee, Rinzin Namgyal from Dharamsala; Dr. Shedup Tsering, Sonam Topden, Rigzin Dorjee, and Tashi Tsomo from Choglamsar branc clinic; Dr. Sonam Dickey, Jinpa Dorjee, Silchoe Dolma, Sonam Dolkar, Tenzin Norbu, Passang Tsering, and Tsering Wangchuk from MenTsee-Khang Culture Center, Ladakh. 3

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