July september 2014

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M E N -T S E E - K H A N G (Tibetan Medical & Astro. Institute of H.H. the Dalai lama)

News Letter


July - September 2014

OUTREACH PROGRAMME USA Tour The outreach tour to USA was led by Mrs. Tsering Choezom (senior Tibetan astro-science practitioner, head of astroscience department) and Dr. Sonam Dolma (head of documentation and publication department). The team visited Boston, Pittsburgh, Los Angeles, Santa Barbara, Malibu and San The Arab Group during the audience with His Holiness the Dalai Lama Francisco in USA from 16 May to 24 June, 2014. Kalsang Phuntsok, president astro-science practitioner of the association coordinated casted a death chart during The tour in Boston was the event. During the 3 days the visit. organized by Tibetan in Boston (17 to 19 May), Mrs. Association of Boston and Mr. Tsering Choezom provided Then the team visited oral astro-science Pittsburg in Pennsylvania on consultations to 17 20 May which was hosted people fascinated by Lisa LeRose and Linda. CONTENTS with Tibetan astro- Accommodation was provided science and Dr. by the Three Rivers Dharma Outreach Programme Pg: 1 Sonam Dolma gave Center. On 22 May the doctor Free medical camps Pg: 3 traditional health and the Tibetan astro-science care service to 45 practitioner gave a talk on Courses and Workshops Pg: 4 people interested in an introduction to Tibetan alternative system of medicine and Tibetan astroObituary Pg: 6 healing at Kurukulla science and around 13 people Center. The Tibetan attended. They provided

Editor Ms. Kalsang Dechen editor@men-tsee-khang.org Assistant editor Mr. Tseten Dorjee Mr. Tenzin Nyima This is the official Newsletter Mailing co-ordinator of Men-Tsee-Khang (Tibetan Ms. Dolma Tsering Medical & Astro. Institute). Gangchen Kyishong, Tel: Dharamsala—176215, INDIA. 0091-1892-223113/223222 It is published and distributed free of cost. However, we request Fax: donations to cover expenses. 0091-1892-224116 To make donations, please contact: E-mail: info@men-tsee-khang.org Mailing Coordinator Men-Tsee-Khang Websites Gangchen Kyishong www.men-tsee-khang.org Dharamsala - 176215 wwww.mentsee.org INDIA www.men-tsee-khang-cn.org

Email Addresses Director director@men-tsee-khang.org Registrar gsec@men-tsee-khang.org Astro-science Department astro@men-tsee-khang.org Project Officer developmentmanager@men-tsee-khang.org Men-Tsee-Khang College tmaicollege@men-tsee-khang.org

health consultation and oral astro-science consultation to 19 people during the 3 days from 23 to 26 May. In Los Angeles, the Tibetan Association of Southern California (TASC) organized the tour which was facilitated by Mr. Tenzin Dorjee, president of TASC. The team stayed at Chokhor Gepel Ling Center. The programme was hosted by Annette Dugan a physiotherapist.

Mail Consultation

This institute does not encourage the use of mail consultation for those who have access to a Tibetan doctor graduated from Men-Tsee-Khang. Therefore we would recommend patients seek help directly from a properly trained medical doctor who uses the traditional Tibetan diagnostic procedures like reading the patient’s pulse, urine analysis and interrogations. Owing to numerous suggestions and input received over the years from patients who hold strong trust and belief in our medical system and insist that this system remains the last hope of their recovery, we feel the necessity and responsibility to provide a mail consultation facility to fulfill their wishes. It is very necessary to provide us with the following information: Your name (in capital) Gender Age Clear Address Case History and treatments As and when the above information is received, senior doctors will review the personal case. Thereafter, a reply will be sent to the individual patient informing the recommendations of the physician. If pills are prescribed then remedies will be sent after the receipt of the payment through the postal system either by Registered parcel, Courier, Speed Post or what ever kind of post facility are applicable to that particular region or country. Contact:

email: mailconsultant@men-tsee-khang.org Phone: 0091 1892 223222/223113 Ext: 216

Membership / Scholarship Sponsorhip Secretary Men-Tsee-Khang Gangchen Kyishong Dharamsala, Distt. Kangra H.P Pin - 176 215 Phone:0091-1892-223222/ 223113 Fax:0091-1892-224116 Email: scholarship@men-tsee-khang.org

On 31 May and 1 June the team visited the Medical Building Center in Santa Monica and from 2 to 3 June they had the event at Geden Choeling Center. The doctor saw 41 people interested in traditional Tibetan system of diagnosis and the Tibetan astro-science practitioner gave oral astroscience consultations to 37 people. They also gave talks on Tibetan medicine and Tibetan astro-science. From 6 to 9 June the team was

Men-Tsee-Khang Exports PT 62/5 Kalkaji New Delhi - 110 019 India Phone:0091-11-26214897/ 26436823 Fax: 0091 11 26211738 Email: mtkexports@vsnl.net Web: www.men-tsee-khang-exports.org

in Santa Barbara and Thepo Rinpoche was the organizer. Christian and Monique helped in setting up the event at Ventura Buddha’s Garden and Santa Barbara. The doctor saw 35 people who had health problems and the Tibetan astro-science practitioner gave oral consultation to 39 interested people. They visited Dr. Glenn Wollman for an internet television interview on Tuesday 8 June and also joined World Medicine: A


panel discussion with David Cumes, MD (Urologist and African Sangoma); Cally Huttar, PhD (Lecturer and chair of the Department of Somatic

Psychology at Pacifica Graduate Institute); Dr. Sonam Dolma (head of Documentation & Publication Department, MenTsee-Khang), and Mrs. Tsering Choezom (head of the Astroscience Department, MenTsee-Khang). They shared views on the best aspects of medicine practiced around the world. The discussion was aired on YogaHub TV. At the Rev.’s Unitarian Church the doctor and the astroscience practitioner gave a presentation on Tibetan medicine and Tibetan astroscience. Around 20 interested people attended. Dr. Terry V. Eagen and Beata Lundeen were the organizers in Malibu from 13 to 16 June. During the four days the Men-Tsee-Khang

July-Sept 2014

team visited Canyon Healing Center, Avalon Malibu, Agape Universal Church, the Soul Center Church and Montinedo Vista Treatment Center.

Men-Tsee-Khang) and Mr. Tenzin Tashi assisted the team during the tour.

A total of around 400 people received health care and astroDr. Sonam science consultations and more Dolma provided than 350 people attended the h e a l t h c a r e lectures presented on Tibetan service to 24 medicine and astro-science people with practitioner. health problems and Mrs. Tsering Men-Tsee-Khang would like to Choezom gave thank all the organizers and a s t r o - s c i e n c e supporters for their help in consultation to making this trip a successful 24 people. The one. doctor and the Tibetan astroscience practitioner gave talks FREE MEDICAL CAMPS on an introduction to Tibetan medicine, Tibetan astro- Ladakh, Jammu & Kashmir science and the establishment In order to serve and provide of Men-Tsee-Khang. More alternative health facilities to than 200 people attended the the public, Men-Tsee-Khang talks and at the fund raising offers free traditional Tibetan event at Avalon Malibu. health care to all the pilgrims during His Holiness the Dalai Then the team visited the final Lama’s teachings held in India. destination of the outreach programme in San Francisco. Padum, Zanskar The tour was organized by In Padum, Zanskar, J&K, His the Tibetan Association Holiness gave a teaching on of Northern California and Tsongkhapa’s Concise Treatises Mr. Kunjo Tashi, president on the Stages of the Path to coordinated the event. During Enlightenment (lamrim dudon) the 3 days (20 to 23 June) 23 from June 23 to 25. people received traditional system of health care and During the 3 days of teaching 18 people had astro-science Men-Tsee-Khang held free consultations with the Tibetan medical camp at Padum. The astro-science practitioner. Dr. team was led by Dr. Tenzin Kalsang Wangyal, Dr. Tenzin Lhadon (visiting physician Nyima, Dr. Dickyi Sangmo, to His Holiness the Dalai Tenzin Namkha (ex-staff of Lama), Dr. Thinley Namgyal 3

July-Sept 2014


including three staff: Jinpa Dorjee, Sonam Topden and Mipham.

The team members were: Dr. Tenzin Lhadon, Mr. Tenzin Dorjee, Rinzin Namgyal from Dharamsala; Dr. Shedup Tsering, Sonam Topden, Rigzin Dorjee, and Tashi Tsomo from Choglamsar branc clinic; Dr. Sonam Dickey, Jinpa Dorjee, Silchoe Dolma, Sonam Dolkar, Tenzin Norbu, Passang Tsering, and Tsering Wangchuk from Men-Tsee-Khang Culture Center, Ladakh.

The team provided health care service to a total of 381 patients. Free medicine amounting to Rs. 20,942.34 was offered to the people attending His Holiness teachings. Leh, Ladakh His Holiness the Dalai Lama conferred the 33rd Kalachakra teachings (3 to 14 July) at the request of the two main organizers, the Ladakh Buddhist Association and the Ladakh Gonpa Association. The Tibetan Kongpo Association and the Tibetan Jonang Association are co-sponsors.


held for the thousands of pilgrimage who had gathered for the teachings.

During the 12 days teaching a total number of 3647 pilgrims received traditional Tibetan system of health care. Free medicine amounting to Rs. 225,739.60 was given to the A free medical camp was public.


Tibetan Medicine Course in English to Arab Group: 7 to 21 August, 2014 Men-Tsee-Khang College organized a 5 day introductory and a 10 day foundation course on Tibetan medicine in English to the Arab group from 7 to 21 August, 2014. The 5 days introductory course started from 7 to 11 Aug, and the 10 days foundation course on Tibetan medicine started from 12 to 21 Aug, 2014. There were 23 participants who attended the course. The attendees were from


July-Sept 2014


Saudi Arabia, Algeria, Yemen, Oman, Egypt, Tunisia, Morocco and Bahrain.

astro-science in health are some of the lectures presented during the 15 days course.

Tibetan Medicine Course in English: 8 to 25 September, 2014 Men-Tsee-Khang College organized a 5 day introductory and a 10 day foundation course on Tibetan medicine from 8 to 25 September, 2014.

There were 20 sessions in 5 days course and 40 sessions in 10 days course of one and a half hour duration each.

The 5 days introductory course started from 8 to 12 Sept, and the 10 days foundation course on Tibetan medicine started from 15 to 25 Sept, 2014. There were around 15 participants who attended the course and they were from Chile, England, Mexico, Bulgaria, Korea and Germany. The topics for both the courses ranged from a brief history and an overview of Tibetan medicine, an introduction of classic Tibetan Medical Text rGyud bzhi (the four tantras), theory of three humors and five elements, health, disease, mental health care, diagnostic techniques, mode of treatments, seven psycho-somatic natures, natural hot springs and medicinal bath, diet and nutrition, seven essential limbs of herbal medicine, massage tips, embryology, anatomy, physiology, death omens, causes, causative factors and mode of entering disorders, characteristics and classification of disorders, routine, seasonal and incidental lifestyle, management of infertility in Tibetan medicine, role of Tibetan astro-science in Tibetan medical practice, ethical conduct of a physician, and role of Tibetan Men-Tsee-Khang

Dr. Tenpa Choephel (principal), Dr. Passang Wangdu (vice principal), Dr. Namdol Lhamo, Dr. Pema Tsetso, Dr. Lobsang Yeshi, Dr. Choenyi Samdup, Dr. Wangdu, Mrs. Sonam Palmo and Mr. Tenzin Londen (Tibetan astroscience practitioners), Dr. Pema Gyaltsen, Dr. Nyima Gyaltsen from the College; Dr. Tsering Thakchoe Drungtso, member secretary of High Level Medical & Astro. Council; Geshe Tenpa Tashi (head of Body, Mind and Life); Dr. Tenzin Yeshi, Dr. Tenzin Lhundup and Dr. Rigzin Sangmo (head of Research & Development); Dr. Penpa Dhondup (therapy doctor) were the resource persons for the both the courses. N e u r o fe e d b a c k Therapy Course Initiated by Minh Chau Le (Snow Lotus Foundation, Vietnam) a team of 5 members from EEG Institute, Woodland Hills, California, USA visited Men-TseeKhang to give an intensive course

on neurofeedback therapy which was held from 22 Sept for 9 days. The teaching staff included Dr. Siegfried Othmer (chief scientist, EEG Institute), Mrs. Susan Othmer (clinical director EEG Institute and certified neurofeedback clinician), Ms. Minh Chau Le (neurofeedback clinician, Snow Lotus Foundation, Vietnam), Dr. Virginia Rojas Albrieux (psychologist, certified neurofeedback clinician, Bogoto, Colombia), Dr. Barbara Dalton-Taylor (psychologist, neurofeedback clinician, lecturer

in psychiatry, David Geffen School of medicine, University of California, Los Angeles), and Ms. Evelyn Shapero (certified neurofeedback clinician, Los Angeles). 5


Neurofeedback is direct training of brain function, by which the brain learns to function more efficiently. Neurofeedback is also called EEG Biofeedback, because it is based on electrical brain activity, the electroencephalogram,

July-Sept 2014

For the next two days Gen Phuntsok a long term meditator was invited and this new synchrony programme was tested. The neurofeedback therapy is helpful for post traumatic syndrome disorder, headaches, especially migraine patients will find this technique very effecti ve within a few sessions, body pain, anxiety, insomnia hyperactive children disorder or autism. During the 4 days session, some patients felt better. Though this treatment is not a traditional system, Men-Tsee-Khang has taken a step forward to work and research on this programme for the benefit of patients suffering from the above said disorders. If found effective will be integrating this therapy in some of our clinics.

or EEG. Neurofeedback is training in selfregulation. Self-regulation is a necessary part of good brain function and training allows the system (the central nervous system) to function better. Introductions, history of NF synchrony and AT, history of Beta/SMR and ILF, demonstration ILF session, clinical model, practicum sessions, AT demonstration and discussion, symptom profiles and training took place during the first 5 days. Then for the remaining 4 days practicum session were done on 12 patients divided in two groups: Group 1 (had eight sessions ) and Group 2 (four sessions). The problems that the patients had were chronic headache, migraine, insomnia, brain tumor and hyper active disorder. On 28 September, demonstration and practicum on channel synchrony were given. Synchrony is a new programme, an instrument to deal with meditation. The Othmers says “we would love to try out the synchrony programme with a long term meditator. We don’t want to measure their brain waves when they meditate. What we really want to know is what their experience is with the programme and how it relates to meditation for them”. Men-Tsee-Khang

Nine doctors (Dr. Yeshi Dorjee, chief resident doctor, Mcloed Ganj clinic; Dr. Rigzin Sangmo, head of Research & Development Department and Dr. Tenzin Lhundup; Dr. Diki Tsomo and Dr. Sonam Wangmo from Gangkyi clinic; Dr. Jampa Wangmo, Shimla clinic; Dr. Chonyi Samdup, lecturer, College; Dr. Migmar, Documentation & Publication Department, chauntra; and Dr. Gonpo Tsering, china desk, Chauntra) from Men-Tsee-Khang participated for the training on neurofeedback therapy. Men-Tsee-Khang would like to thank Minh Chau Le for coming forward with this new technique and the team of experts who have come all the way from USA to introduce the neurofeedback therapy to our doctors. We thank the EEG Institute for donating four neurofeedback systems, Snow Lotus Foundation for two LCD monitors and a portable speaker set with wirelss transmitter and mike, and Dr. Barbara Dalton-Taylor for 2 LCD monitors. We also thank the team for setting up the systems in our clinic ready to use by the trained doctors.

OBITUARY On Thursday 2, October shortly before midnight Irmtraut Wager passed away peacefully in her 6

flat in Munich at the age of 95.

The staff and wagers of Men-Tsee-Khang gathered in Men-Tsee-Khang hall and offered She has shown so much kindness, sympathy prayers on Friday 3, October as a mark of and committment to the Tibetans in India and is respect and gratitude to Irmtraut Wager for well known amongst the Tibetan refugees and her contribution to the education of many the people who are interested in Tibet. She Tibetan children and the refugee settlements was honored with the ‘Bundesverdienstkreuz’ for 30 long years. which is the medal of honor by the German DIRECTOR’S TOUR Our Director toured Panipat, Delhi, and Ladakh from September 7 through 17 to meet and greet our staff and wagers in these areas, and to offer words of encouragement. On September 10 and 11, he accompanied Mr. Heiko Warnken, Head of Economic Cooperation and Development, Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in India to the nomadic regions in Ladakh Jangthang to see our Free Mobile Medical Camp, where the Germany Embassy has had Government and the ‘Light of Truth’ given by been very active in supporting us. His Holiness the Dalai Lama. After her retirement at the age of 60, Irmtraut Wager started the work for the Tibetans. She was inspired by what her parents taught “the

Donations received from July to September, 2014 Poor & Needy Patient Ven.Thubten Wangchen, Fundacio Casa del Tibet Spain


Donations received through branch clinics

Manchaben Garah Swami Mool Chand Jain Rahana Tahir Nathi Ram

Malad 5,000.00 Rohini 10,000.00 Nizamuddin 500.00 Clement Town 2,100.00

Donations for Centenary Celebrations (March 23, 2016 - March 23, 2017)

others come first”. She travelled exensively in the Tibetan refugee camps throughout India and started the work in her little flat with only 2 rooms setting up the “German Aid to the Tibetans” which is one of the largest Tibetan relief organizations world wide.

Dr. Lobsang Soepa Dr. Tenzin Thaye Mr. Tenzin Nyandak (branch) Ven. Thubten Wangchen, Fundacio Casa del Tibet Spain Venkata Vera Prasad India Ram Gopal India MTK staff/Wagers (from July 2013- Sept, 2014)

111,111.00 10,807.00 1,111.00

1,966.25 1,013.50 5,000.00 4,156,462.27

Donations received from July to September, 2014 Donation Snow Lotus Foundation Vietnam Nyshab Thinley Woser & Late Yangchen Dolkar c/o Nechung Monastery India


Scholarship Dr.Roland & Mag. Elisabeth Rainer Austria Perry Smith USA Deutsche Tibethilfe E.V Germany

28,000.00 324,540.00 77,162.00


Stipend of Retired Staff Deutsche Tibethilfe E.V Germany 39,893.00 Ladakh Jangthang Mobile Clinic Fund Elisabeth Zimmermann (Chair women) Austria 128,734.00


(Tibetan Medical & Astro. Institute) Gangchen Kyishong Dharamsala - 176 215 Distt. Kangra, H.P. India


CAPS Project Irene Turner,Monastere Nalanda Labastide France 20,000,000.00 Retired Staff Community Center Ven.Thubten Wangchen, Fundacio Casa del Tibet Spain 1,966.25 Staff Children Scholarship Anne Jaohannessen Denmark 13,194.00 Phyllis Florman USA 12,603.00 Perry Smith USA 141,790.00 Mr.& Mrs.Dan Foley USA 29,010.00 Deutsche Tibethilfe E.V Germany 49,866.00 Tibet Charity Denmark 64,995.00 Daniela Weber Switzerland 14,218.00 Medical & Astro.Students Initiative(MASI) Fund Ven.Thubten Wangchen, Fundacio Casa del Tibet Spain 1,966.25


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