July-Sept 2016

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M E N -T S E E - K H A N G ( S O WA - R I G PA ) Tibetan Medical & Astro. Institute Estd. by the 13th Dalai lama in 1916 Re-Estd. by the 14th Dalai lama in 1961

News Letter


July - September 2016

CENTENARY OUTREACH PROGRAMME Singapore A Five member team from MenTsee-Khang Dr. Tenzin Bhaye, visiting physician to H.H. the Dalai Lama; Dr. Tenzin Choeying, Mr. Monlam Yeshi, Tibetan Astro-science practitioner; Mrs. Sonam Yangdon, PA to Director; and Mr. Tsering Paljor, computer section visited Singapore. The centenary tour was held at the invitation from Tibetan Buddhist Centre (TBC) to participate in their 10 years founding anniversary as well as to promote traditional Tibetan medicine and Tibetan Astro-science. The group stayed at Singapore from 4 July to 18 July, 2016. The doctors and the Astro-science practitioner provided medical consultations and Astro-science reading (oral consultation) during the tour.

Dr. Tenzin Bhaye gave health care services to 108 interested people and advised on diet and lifestyle according to Tibetan medicine. The duration for the medical consultations were 30 minutes each. 67 oral consultations were given to interested people for duration of 60 minutes each by Mr. Monlam Yeshi. On 6 CONTENTS July, the group participated in Centenery outreach programme Pg: 1 the celebration of H.H Dalai Health care service and awareness programme Pg: 3 Lama’s 81st B i r t h d a y celebrations which was held at Tangjong

Katong Complex. There were around 700 people gathered and the team held an exhibition of Sorig products and Thangkas on Tibetan medicine and Astro-science. The group participated in the Monlam festival held by Tibetan Buddhist Centre at Poh Min Tse Temple for two days (9-10 July) and organized exhibitions there. On the 9 July, Dr. Tezin Bhaye and Dr Tenzin Choeying gave talks on an Introduction to Tibetan Medicine and Mr. Monlam Yeshi gave talk on an Introduction to Traditional Tibetan Astro-science and its uses at Singapore Post Hall. There were around 40 people who attended the talks followed by question and answer sessions.

Editor Ms. Kalsang Dechen editor@men-tsee-khang.org Assistant editors Mr. Tseten Dorjee Ms. Tenzin Gaiphel This is the official Newsletter Mailing co-ordinator of Men-Tsee-Khang (Tibetan Ms. Dolma Tsering Medical & Astro. Institute). Gangchen Kyishong, Tel: Dharamsala—176215, INDIA. 0091-1892-223113/223222 It is published and distributed free of cost. However, we request Fax: donations to cover expenses. 0091-1892-224116 To make donations, please contact: E-mail: info@men-tsee-khang.org Mailing Coordinator Men-Tsee-Khang Website Gangchen Kyishong www.men-tsee-khang.org Dharamsala - 176215 www.mentsee.org INDIA www.men-tsee-khang-cn.org

Email Addresses Director director@men-tsee-khang.org Registrar gsec@men-tsee-khang.org Astro. Department Astro-science@men-tsee-khang.org Project Officer developmentmanager@men-tsee-khang.org Men-Tsee-Khang College tmaicollege@men-tsee-khang.org

FEED BACK Suggestions on our publications, products, services, et cetera, are reviewed by our Feed Back Review Team chaired by the Director. Please send emails to: feedback@men-tsee-khang.org On the evening of 16 July, Dr. Bhaye was invited to the Laboratory of Singapore Science and Research Centre, co-ordinated by Mr. Gocha

Mail/Distant Consultation

Men-Tsee-Khang does not encourage the use of mail/Distant consultation for those who have access to a Tibetan doctor graduated from MenTsee-Khang. Therefore, we would recommend patients seek help directly from a properly trained medical doctor who uses the traditional Tibetan diagnostic procedures like reading the patient’s pulse, urine analysis and interrogations. Owing to numerous suggestions and input received over the years from patients who hold strong trust and belief in our medical system and insist that this system remains the last hope of their recovery, we feel the necessity and responsibility to provide a mail/distant consultation facility to fulfill their wishes. It is very necessary to provide us with the following information: Your name (in capital), Gender, Age, Clear Address, Email ID, Case History and treatments. As and when the above information is received, senior doctors will review the personal case. Thereafter, a reply will be sent to the individual patient informing the recommendations of the physician. If pills are prescribed then remedies will be sent after the receipt of the payment through the postal system either by Registered parcel, Courier, Speed Post or whatever kind of postal facility are applicable to that particular region or country. Contact: Herbal Supplement Sales email: hss2@men-tsee-khang.org hss3@men-tsee-khang.org Phone:0091 1892 223222/223113 Ext: 216

Membership / Scholarship Sponsorhip Secretary Men-Tsee-Khang Gangchen Kyishong Dharamsala, Distt. Kangra H.P Pin - 176 215 Phone:0091-1892-223222/ 223113 Fax:0091-1892-224116 Email: scholarship@men-tsee-khang.org

and Mrs. Yangzom to explore modern facilities and shared experiences. During their stay in Singapore, Mr. Wayne Phan Siew Weng coordinated all Astro. Consultations and arranged venue for the talks. Our appreciation to Mr. Pari Jinpa Gyatso (president of TBC), Mr. Wayne Phan Siew Weng, Ms. Wee Nee, Mr. Casey, Geshi Yontan, Geshi Samdup, all members of TBC, Amitabha Buddhist Centre (ABC), Mr. Vincent Kun and Family. Men-Tsee-Khang would like to thank and appreciate all the supporters, organizers, individuals who have made this outreach tour a success.

Men-Tsee-Khang Exports PT 62/5 Kalkaji New Delhi - 110 019 India Phone:0091-11-26214897/ 26436823 Fax: 0091 11 26211738 Email: info@men-tsee-khang-exports.org Web: www.men-tsee-khang-exports.org

MUMBAI To mark the centenary celebration, Men-Tsee-Khang organized outreach programme in Mumbai branch clinic from 24 to 30 September. Our team consists of Dr. Tenzin Bhaye, one of the visiting physicians to H.H. the Dalai Lama; Dr. Sonam Wangmo, TASP Tenzin Lhamo, Ms. Tenzin Seldon, M.Sc Neuroscience; Mr. Tsering Paljor and Mr. Chemi Wanchuk. The team was joined by Dr. Kalsang Dolma, Dr. Yeshi Tsering, Dr. Tenzin Lungtok and staff from Mumbai branch clinic. At the inauguration, Jaya Ma was invited as chief guest of the event.

News She actively takes part in most of the Men-Tsee-Khang programmes held in Mumbai. She is one of the well wishers and a great supporter of Men-Tsee-Khang.

July - September 2016 Astro-oral consultations were given to the interested people. On 29 September, CEO of the Janma Bhumi newspaper and actress Rageshwari Lumba graced the event as chief guest. Ms. Jalpa H. Vithlani Coordinator of 3 day programme in the South Mumbai p r e s e n t e d memento to the chief guest and to the people who are involved in the preparation of this programme. The closing ceremony on 30th September was concluded, offering gifts and scarves to all the people who are involved in making this programme successful.

The welcome speech was given by Dr. Kalsang Dolma followed by the Director message read by Mr. Tsering Paljor. Dr. Kalsang Dolma and Mrs Tenzin Lhamo(TASP) gave talks on an introduction to Tibetan Astro-science to the attendees. The team held an exhibition on Tibetan medicine and Astro science displaying Sorig products, Thangkas and other Tibetan items which drew much attention. The programme also includes health consultation and Astro-science (oral consultation). Series of lectures on Tibetan medicines and pathology of the Diabetes were also given to the gathered. About 1265 patients were given health consultation and 43 Men-Tsee-Khang

HEALTH CARE SERVICE AND AWARENESS PROGRAMME World Hepatitis Day 2016, Ladakh The World Hepatitis day was held at Tibetan Settlement Community Hall on 28 July, 2016 in collaboration with Men-Tsee-Khang Cultural Centre Leh & Primary Health Care Centre Choglamsar . Mr. Tsetan Wangchuk, chief representative officer of Sonamling Tibetan Settlement was the chief guest on the occasion. He delivered a speech on health issues such as intake of healthy food and avoid of fatty foods in order to prevent from getting cases of hepatitis and death

fatalities in our society. Dr. Thinley Namgyal from MenTsee-Khang spoke on “management of hepatitis disease� according to Tibetan medicine to around 200 people gathered during the day. Mr. Karma Gedun, executive secretary also spoke on how to take care of the liver and maintain a healthy body. The cause of liver disease and hepatitis is from the consumption of alcohol and chang fermented barley by the people in the Tibetan camps. Mrs. Tsering Chodon gave a presentation on hygienic and functions of liver and its cause of hepatitis among Tibetan people in the surrounding areas of Leh, Ladakh. She expressed her view on the harsh terrain of Changthang area and lack of treatment facility faced by the people. So it is necessary to be equipped with such facility to tackle the health issues of Changthang people living in very harsh condition. At the end, the chief representative officer presented a traditional scarf to the head of the community centre for the arrangement of the health awareness programme at their settlement. A 5 Day Tibetan Medicine course in English held at Men-Tsee-Khang cultural centre Leh, Ladakh A 5 Day Course on Tibetan Medicine in English was held at Men-TseeKhang Cultural Centre Leh, Ladakh from 22 to 26 August, 2016. Three lecturers from TMAI College, Dr. Nyima Gyaltsen, Dr. Lobsang Yeshi & Dr. Pema Gyaltsen were the resource persons. To grace the opening ceremony Dr. S.T. Phuntsog (first eye surgeon 3

News of Leh district and also having knowledge on Sowa Rigpa and Allopathic system) was invited as the Chief Guest and Dr. Padma Gurmet as the Guest of Honour. There were nine participants who attended the course and were from U.K, Austria, Swiss, Israel and India.

During the opening ceremony Dr. Thinley Namgyal hosted the event. Mr. Tenzin Nyandak gave a brief introductory speech followed by address to the chief guest and guest of honour. Dr. Tenzin Bhaye concluded the programme with the vote of thanks. During the closing ceremony the nine participants were felicitated with ‘APPRECIATION CERTIFICATE' by the chief guest Amchi Gurmet Namgyal la renowned amchi and former Research Officer of Government of India. Mr. Tsetan Wangchuk la, CRO of Sonamling Tibetan Settlement Choglamsar offered scarves and cards given by the participants to the resource persons from TMAI College, Dharamsala. The participants were also taken for a visit to the Tibetan settlement where external therapy was performed by our expert Dr. Choeden and team at camp no. 12. The participants were Men-Tsee-Khang

July - September 2016 very much excited to witness the firsthand traditional way of external therapy. A 2-Day free Acupuncture and Acupressure treatment in Ladakh A 2-day free acupuncture and acupressure treatment was organized by Men-Tsee-Khang cultural centre Leh, Ladakh in the Tibetan camps under the prevention of disease programme. Koh Chenghwa and his colleague, experts from Singapore helped with all the accessories needed for the acupuncture and acupressure service. The representatives of each camps arranged the service in their respective community hall. This method of treatment generally is very helpful against prevention of disease. Around 104 people from the four camps (camp no. 1, camp no 2, camp no 10 and camp no 12) turned up for the treatment to maintain good health. Most of the people who came were suffering from knee problem, back pain, sinusitis, nervous disorder, stomach ailment and Parkinson diseases. The treatment was held on Sunday by the experts from Singapore along with our doctors (Dr.

Kalsang and Dr. Thinley Namgyal). Our doctors gained a good practice and learning experience from them. The Patients also informed about the curative benefits they received from the treatment. Men-Tsee-Khang would like to appreciate and thank Koh Chenghwa from Singapore for the generous donation of 100 boxes of Acupunture needles, 3 boxes of Moxa sticks and 1 box of moxa which was sent by air to Ladakh. Free Medical camp by Men-TseeKhang cultural centre Leh, Ladakh Men-Tsee-Khang Cultural Centre, Leh organized a free medical camp during His Holiness teachings at Thiksey Monastery from 9 to 11 August, 2016. The team was led by Dr. Tenzin Bhaye, visiting physician to His Holiness the Dalai Lama at the Thiksey Yarchoe Chenmo with staff from Leh and Choglamsar clinic.

All the necessary arrangement was done by Thiksey Monastery under the supervision of Thikshey Rinpoche, Ven. Ngawang Jamyang Jampa Tenzin. The team from Men-Tsee-Khang started the health care service from 6:00 am to 5:30 p.m. From 10 to 11 Aug, Dr. Choeden and Dr. Tenzin 4

News were involved in the medical camp and consulted the needy patients. A total of 363 patients received free health care service amounting to Rs. 57,717.10. Most of the patients were suffering from Arthritis, hypertension, kidney problem, eye problem, diabetic and hepatitis. Men-Tsee-Khang is thankful to the organizer for providing accommodation and transportation to our staff from Leh to the medical campsite and back. Ladakh Organic Bazaar Exhibition, Leh An Exhibition was held by MenTsee-Khang Cultural Centre Leh from 26 to 28 August 2016 at Chuschot Shamma about 18 kms away from our centre. Our centre participated at the invitation by Ladakh Organic Bazaar organized by Mr. Zubir Ahmed, an expert in Karru medicinal plantation. He is also a well wisher of Men-Tsee-Khang. Panel discussion was conducted on the opening day in which Dr. Thinley Namgyal described about Men-TseeKhang health care services to the poor and needy people around Leh and Changthang area. Men-Tsee-Khang stall displayed Herbal Products and books on medicinal plants. The exhibition brought awareness about the efficacy of our products towards the control of Hypertension, diabetes, respiratory problem and other common diseases to those newer to our Herbal Care products. Due to the awareness driven by Men-TseeKhang Cultural Centre Leh towards promotion of Herbal Care Products which is one of the unique cultures preserved and collaborated with Men-Tsee-Khang

July - September 2016 modern technique. There were stalls of various stakeholders on organic and recycle products like Ladakh Organic Food from Western part, Nomadic Wollen Mills from natural fur of animals, Ladakh Organic Farmers Foundation (LOFF), Recycle fashionable products, Snow Leopard Conversancy India trust from southern part, artifacts stone sculpture by Ladakh engineers group and Organic Ladakhi Cuisine. Free medical camp was organized by NRIS where the medicinal plants and herb charts were showcased to the public. It was a great exposure to our staff to be involved in such activity. The refreshments were arranged by the Ladakh Organic Bazaar to all the stakeholders. During the closing ceremony, the Adm Director of the Men-TseeKhang Cultural Centre was invited for the panel discussion which was telecast in Doordarshan Leh. The talk on “HOW TO LIVE HEALTHY LIFE AND TO AVOID JUNK FOOD BY THE YOUNGER G E N E R AT I O N � was given in which most of the audience were locals. All the attendees showed great interest and few of them wanted to associate with our activity in promoting welfare to the poor and needy people of Ladakh. Exhibition & Medical Camp at Kozhikode (Calicut) Kerala An eight member team of MenTsee-Khang led by Mr. Kalsang Dawa, Director of Special Task Department participated in the Thank you India

programme which was organized by the Tibet Museum of Department of Central Tibetan Administration and friends of Tibet Calicut Chapter at Hotel Malabar Palace, Kozhikode (Calicut) Kerala from 11 to 13 September 2016. The team set up exhibition on Tibetan Medicine and Astro-science displaying Sorig products, Thangkas, and books of His Holiness the Dalai Lama to the public. Medical camp was also conducted during the three day programme. A total of 35 interested people received health consultation from Dr. Lhundup Dorjee and Dr. Passang Dolma. Mr. Monlam Yeshi, Astro-science practitioner explained about the Tibetan Astro-science and its uses. There were around 100 people gathered during the exhibition who were keen to know more about the Men-Tsee-Khang and benefits of its products.

10th World Rabies Day Leh, Ladakh Men-Tsee-Khang Cultural Centre Leh, Ladakh in collaboration with the Tibetan Primary Health Care Centre Choglamsar organized 10th World Rabies Day on 28 September, 2016 at Community Hall. A Team consists of two members from Men-TseeKhang Cultural Centre and Tibetan Primary Health Care Centre led the 5

News awareness programme on topic “The Rabies- Educate, Vaccinate and Eliminate�. Around 120 people have gathered to observe the day. An Introductory speech was given by Adm. Director of MTK CC about the prognosis, prevention, humane canine population management and hygienic on the zoonotic diseases. Mr. Youngdun Palkyi gave a PowerPoint presentation on Rabies to the gathered. Dr. Thinley Namgyal spoke on the topic and its preventive measures in coordination with western treatment and the traditional way of treatment against animal bites and its effects to the heart, brain and the skin. He also shared the importance of the vaccination within the onset of symptom. The key challenges faced by the people were due to lack of awareness, coordination, data and capacity, which includes the quality of the vaccines and unaffordable price of immunoglobulin. The audience showed keen interest on preventive measures and health education awareness programme which lasted for an hour.

Donations received through Branch from July to September 2016 Mr Bharat Shah Mr Vipul Dalal Mr Dharmendra Sheth Mathakia Trust Mrs Manju Ben Badra Ben Hiren Rambhia

Mumbai Mumbai Mumbai Mumbai Mumbai Mumbai Mumbai Chetan Bhai Maheshwari Mumbai Ketan Bhai Dedhia Mumbai Nitin Bhai Sawla Mumbai Dulari Ben Sawla Mumbai Amrit Bhai Momaya Mumbai Milan Bhai Maheshwari Mumbai Aruna Ben Vora Mumbai Jyanti Bhai Patel Mumbai Jitu Bhai Bhanushali Mumbai Thinley Lodoe Miao Ms. Suprin Rohini Men-Tsee-Khang

2,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 5,000.00 10,000.00 15,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 3,000.00 5,000.00

July - September 2016

Donations for Centenary Celebrations (March 23, 2016 - March 23, 2017)

Dr Tashi Lhamo Dr Tenzin Namdol Dr Gyurmey Tenzin Dr. Kunga Chokey Dr Ganzorig Dr Tamdin S Bradley Mrs Ngawang Dolkar Dr Tsering Wangyal Dr Lhakpa Dolma Dr Tenzin Choekten Dr Dawa Dr Lobsang Soepa Spiti Dr Kunchok Palzom

USA 8,000.00 USA 10,000.00 Canada 10,100.00 Belgium 7,981.00 Russia 102,420.00 UK 50,000.00 Nepal 5,000.00 Moscow 101,000.00 Bylakuppe 10,000.00 Dharamsala 3,000.00 Dharamsala 15,000.00 Norbulingka 55,555.00 USA 5,000.00 Dr Nyima Youdon Namseling USA 10,000.00 Dr Tenzin Dakpa Canada 6,975.00 Dr Tenzin Kyizom Canada 4,650.00 Dr Karma Dolma Canada 4,650.00 Dr Tenzin Tsepel & Dr Tenzin Kyipa Canada 9,300.00 Dr Tsering Dorjee Dekhang Canada 4,650.00 Dr Ngawang Dechen & Dr Chungdak Canada 4,650.00 Dr Sonam Dolma Canada 2,325.00 Mr Phurbu Tsering & Dr. Kunsang Canada 4,650.00 Dr Kalsang Dorjee Canada 4,650.00 Dr Tenzin Jinpa 11,000.00 Dr Jigme Norbu 3,000.00 Mr Jampa Kalsang USA 6,570.00 Dr Choying Phuntsok USA 6,570.00 Mr Tenzin Paksham USA 10,000.00 Mr Jamyang Thapkey USA 10,000.00 Dr Tenzin Zompa Dharamsala 5,000.00 Mr. S.D. Aher Mumbai 5,000.00 Anisha Secunderabad 5,000.00 Milind Karmarkar Mumbai 5,000.00 Venkey Srinivasan Bangalore 3,000.00 Zochen Ganor Rinpochen Tezu 40,000.00 Dr Tseyang & Youdon Tibet 5,000.00 Thaksham Palden Swiss 10,240.00 Upper TCV Dharamsala 1,650.0

Donations received from July to September, Cultural Activity Snow Lotus Foundation Vietnam 39,498.00 Snow Lotus Foundation Vietnam 3,100.00 Course on Tibetan Medicine Meijie Ling London 16,200.00 Daniel Gerad Heer Switzerland 18,000.00 6

Donations for Centenary Celebrations (March 23, 2016 - March 23, 2017)

Dr. Lobsang Soepa Staff Dr. Tenzin Thaye Staff Mr. Tenzin Nyandak (branch) Staff Tashi Tsering Phuri Staff Ven. Thubten Wangchen, Fundacio Casa del Tibet

111,111.00 10,807.00 1,111.00 55,555.00

Spain 1,966.25 Venkata Vera Prasad India 1,013.50 Ram Gopal India 5,000.00 Mrs. M. Sujatha Chennai 5,000.00 Mr. Basab Banarjee MT Clinic 3,000.00 Monesha Jasubhat Ahmedabad 4,129.00 Jurgen Eisele Karnataka 4,000.00 N. Rama Chandra Bangalore 5,000.00 Mrs. Gunjan & Atul Bangalore 25,000.00 Sood Steel Industries Palampur 11,000.00 Mr. B.V. Subba Reddy Chennai 10,000.00 S. Sivaraman Chennai 3,000.00 N. Krishna Kumar Chennai 5,000.00 Mrs. Padma Hyderabad 500.00 Mr. Anand Tope Hyderabad 101.00 Mr. V.V. Phanu Mohan Secunderabad 500.00 Mr. Aditya Prahlad Bengaluru 1,000.00 Mr. Dhonden Dorjee Staff 111,111.00 Dr. Penpa Tsering Retired Dharamsala 33,000.00 Dr. Yeshi Dhonden Ex staff Dharamsala 100,000.00 Dr. Lobsang Tsultrim Ex staff Holland 30,000.00 Sri. Roshan Pradhan Sikkim 7,000.00 Sudhakar Vuumiri 1,000.00 Dr. Namgyal Tsering USA 10,000.00 Dr. Kyizom Bhuti USA 20,000.00 Dr. Nyima Tsering Delhi 100,000.00 Dr. Yangbum Gyal USA 10,000.00 Dr. Kalsang Dhonden Dharamsala 50,000.00 Mr. N. Krishna Kumar Indian 3,000.00 Mr. Himanshu R. Bhat Indian 11,000.00 Dr. Dorjee Tsetan Nederland 25,100.00 Dr. Jampa Yonten Bangalore 7,500.00 Terry V. Eagan USA 65,904.00 Apel Gabreila Germany 13,980.00 Dr. Tsering Thar Swiss 15,000.00 Tibet Forderkriese V Germany 300,000.00 Ogawa yashushi Japan 5,000.00 Dr. Ngawang Lodoe Sera 888.00 Sri Radhay Shyam Delhi 21,000.00 Sushil Goel Rohini 10,000.00 Indira Kumar Rohini 1,000.00 Jatin Agarwal Navi Mumbai 2,100.00 Abhand Krishna 1,001.00 MTK staff/Wagers (from July 2013- September, 2016) 5,938,799.90

The year 2016 is a watershed year in the history of Men-Tsee-Khang. We celebrate 100 years of establishing Men-TseeKhang by the Great 13th Dalai Lama in Lhasa, Tibet, 55 years of re-establishing Men-Tsee-Khang by the Great 14th Dalai Lama in Dharamsala, India, and 320 years of establishing the Chagpori Medical College in Lhasa, Tibet by the Great 5th Dalai Lama. Starting from Wednesday, March 23, 2016, we have had several outreach and commemorative events, both in India and outside. To solicit active participation from all our students, wagers and staff, we appealed to our students to work 100 hours each without pay in our Pharmacy Department or Herbal Research and Production Department. We appealed to our staff and wagers to contribute 100 hours’ pay for the Men-Tsee-Khang’s Centenary Celebration. So far, they have contributed over 5.1 million Rupees, for which we thank very much, and more are coming in. Also, our well wishers in India, and abroad, most patients, are sending in donations. No doubt, our outreach programs, especially those in foreign countries, will entail huge expenses.

Donations received from July to September, 2016 Scholarship Wen Yan King USA 10,000.00 Deutsche Tibethilfe E.V Germany 88,248.00 Rusmir Carmen Iosefina Romania 70,000.00 Staff Children Scholarship Medical France Tibet Association France 254,374.00 Initiative Oberland Germany 5,900.00 Tibet Charity Denmark 120,243.75 Deutsche Tibethilfe E.V Germany 85,306.00 Daniela Weber Switzerland 15,824.00 Stipend of retired staff Deutsche Tibethilfe E.V Germany 26,592.00 Ladakh Jangthang Mobile Clinic Fund Paula Dewys Holland 4,000.00 Lee Soh Geok Singapore 1,000.00 Tenzin Norzom Singapore 1,000.00 Nhu Nguyen USA 11,317.00 Rusmir Carmen Iosefina Romania 7,865.00


(Tibetan Medical & Astro. Institute) Gangchen Kyishong Dharamsala - 176 215 Distt. Kangra, H.P. India


Retired Staff Community Center Deutsche Tibethilfe E.V Germany 6,648.00 Poor & Needy Patients Snow Lotus Foundation Vietnam 215,833.00 Nguyen Thi Bich Ha, HCDICVietnam 6,525.00 Outreach Fund Outreach Tour Australia 141,900.00 Outreach Tour Singapore 140,250.00 Emergency Fund Deutsche Tibethilfe E.V Germany 36,770.00 Restorative Yoga for Tibetan Elders Snow Lotus Foundation Vietnam 215,833.00 High Altitude Medicinal Plant (HAMP) Cultivation Snow Lotus Foundation Vietnam 215,834.00 Prevention of Drugs & Substance Abuse (PODASA)

The Tibet Fund




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