N e w s l e t t e r Vol. XVII
June - 2010
Overview Head Quarter, Dharamsala
Cultivation Project
Pg: 2
New Registrar : Men-Tsee-Khang
Pg : 5
Medical Visits
Pg : 5
Medicine course: Minnesota group
Pg: 6
College founding day
Pg: 7
Sorig Literary Research Department
Pg: 9
Men-Tsee-Khang Publications
FUNDING ASSISTANCE REQUIRED FOR CULTIVATION PROJECT OF MEN-TSEE-KHANG The objectives of the cultivation project of MTK is to reintroduce locally nearly extinct species into a natural protected habitat, domesticate and conserve rare and endangered species of traditional Tibetan medicine, to promote the long term sustainable development, and to conserve and propagate medicinal plants in the Himalayan belt. According to TRAFFIC India and WWF 2000, threat status of selection medicinal plants of Northern, North Eastern and Central India, MTK has selected some rare and endangered medicinal plants for cultivation in the four pilot projects. They are: Inula racemosa, Meconopsis sp, Arctium lappa, Adhatoda vasica nees, Acorus calamus L and Podophyllum emodi, Thalspi arvensi, Hyoscyamus niger, Sasuera lappa and Carthamus tinctorius. Budget 1. Human resources: 3 part time staff at each cultivation site 450,000.00 2. Preparation of cultivation sites: fencing, wind brakes, shade house, green house etc 4,00,000.00 3. Equipment: Agriculture - netting, irrigation pipes, water tank, plastic ect, seed bank - cabinets, boxes, drawers, rakes etc 260,000.00 4. Consumables: water, manure, potting soil, etc 160,000.00 5. Seed collection: twice yearly in Himalayan region 80,000.00 H O W T O H E L P A T M A I C H I L D 6. Travel: inspect and investigate sites twice yearly 90,000.00 7. Training: training course to the cultivators 120,000.00 The total budget for the cultivation project: 1,560,000.00 Indian rupees MTK has four pilot cultivation programs in India to protect selected species of Tibetan medicine and provide source of raw plant material.
SONADA, DARJEELING, WEST BENGAL Land : 5 acres Altitude : 2140 meters Cultivation : 1995
AGLING, LADAKH Land : 15000 sq ft Altitude : 3000 meters Cultivation : 2005
KITPI, TAWANG, A.P., NORTH EAST INDIA Land : 3 acres Altitude : 3500 meters Ciltivation : 2009
CHAUNTRA, HIMACHAL PRADESH Land : 1 acre Altitude : 1760 meters Cultivation : 2010
These sites are used for experimental purpose and require significant development to sustain and cultivate specific endangered medicinal plants. THOSE INTERESTED CAN GET DETAIL INFORMATION ON THE PROJECT PROPOSAL contact :Director, Men-Tsee-Khang, : Dr. Tsultrim Kalsang, Materia Medica Department, Men-Tsee-Khang Phone # 01892 307068 / 307069/ 223113, Fax : 0091 1892 224116, Email :
M E M B E R Editor Kalsang Dechen
If you would like to support the healing community of Men-Tsee-Khang, by becoming a member, please contact:
Assistant editor Mr. Tseten Dorjee
Sponsorship Secretary (NL) MEN-TSEE-KHANG Gangchen Kyishong Dharamsala - 176215 District Kangra, H.P. INDIA Tel: 0091-1892-223113/222618 Fax: 0091-1892-224116 E-mail:
This is the official Newsletter of Men-Tsee-Khang
Medical & Astrological Institute of
Mailing co-ordinator Mrs. Dolma Tsering
H.H. the Dalai Lama). Gangchen Kyishong, Dharamsala—176215, INDIA.
It is published and
distributed free of cost. However,
Tel: 0091-1892-223113/223222 307068/307069
we request donations to cover
Fax: 0091-1892-224116
expenses. To make donations, H O W
Co-ordinator, Men-Tsee-Khang,
Our children are our future. To involve children in the community of TMAI, housing, child care and other resources are provided to staff and their families. To ensure that the children of staff receive adequate medicine, food, clothing and school supplies, we seek individuals willing to sponsor a child for $20.00 (US) per month. We also welcome donations of clothes, books, toys and supplies. In exchange for your kindness, you may begin a direct correspondence with the child you sponsor and start a friendship to last a lifetime. To s p o n s o r a c h i l d , c o n t a c t : Sponsorship Secretary (NL) MEN-TSEE-KHANG
Men-Tsee-Khang export has a wide range of products available for wholesale and retail purchase. Publications in English and Tibetan, almanacs, posters, cards and herbal health products are currently available and can be shipped domestically and internationally. Funds received from product sales support the educational and medical services of Men-Tsee-Khang.
For product information and rates contact: MEN - TSEE - KHANG EXPORTS Head Office: 13 Jaipur Estate Nizamuddin East New Delhi-13, INDIA E-mail: Phone: 0091-11-26214897 / 26436823 Fax: 0091-11-26211738
Gangchen Kyishong, Dharamsala - 176215. INDIA. Editor
1. Counterfeited Rinchen Rilbu (Precious Pills) are being sold by some unscrupulous people. In the public interest, we are sticking hologram of our logo on our packaging to distinguish our Rinchen Rilbu from the pretenders. If viewed in adequate light, our 3-D hologram depicts our registered logo with the word ‘Men-Tsee-Khang’ inscribed in Tibetan & English. So, look for the shiny and silvery sticker on our Rinchen Rilbu. 2. The increased production of medicine is still far short of our requirements for our nearly 52 clinics. Barring the Over-the-counter medicines, namely: MenChik, Men-Nee and Men-Soom, we do not have the capacity to sell our medicines to Private Tibetan doctors. Some doctors dispense privately manufactured medicines during their personal tours and misrepresent that they obtained their medicines from Men-Tsee-Khang. We are not responsible for such acts. 3. Some private doctors have travelled abroad and to Bodhgaya (India) falsely claiming that they represent Men-Tsee-Khang. The public must be cautious about the recurrences of such acts.
June 2010
UPCOMING SCHEDULE OF MEN-TSEE-KHANG SENIOR DOCTORS 2010 - 2011 (HEALTH AWARENESS, LECTURE & TREATMENT FOR THE PUBLIC IN TIBETTAN SETTLEMENTS) 2010 Tour in South India 1-25 October, 2010 Dr. Pema Dorjee, advisor to (Sorig Literary Research Department, Clinical Research Department and Translation Department) will visit Bylakuppe, Sera Monastery, Hunsur, Kollegal, and Mundgod branch clinics.
Center, Choglamsar, Bilsar, Chushul, Goyul, Kagshung, Henley, Nyoma, Sumdho, Kery, Rang, Samedh and Karnag.
Tour in Nepal 1-30 April, 2011 Dr. Dawa, advisor to (Materia Medica Department, Pharmacy Department and Quality Assurance Department) will visit Chabahil, Jolakhiel, Kopan Tour in Ladakh 1-31 October, 2010 Monastery, Pharphi Monastery, Sharu, Bakang, Dr. Dawa, advisor to (Materia Medica Department, Tsering Old Age Center, Chettrapti, Tashi Palkhiel, Pharmacy Department and Quality Assurance Pelling and Jampaling. Department) will visit Ladakh Culture Center, Choglamsar, Bilsar, Chushul, Goyul, Kagshung, Henley, Tour in Orissa 1-16 April, 2011 Nyoma, Sumdho, Kery, Rang, Samedh and Karnag. Dr. Dawa Dolma, visiting physician to His Holiness the Dalai Lama will visit Orissa, Bhubaneswar, Tour in Nepal 1-30 October, 2010 Mainpat and Bhandara branch clinics from 1-16 April, Dr. Namgyal Tsering, visiting physician to His 2011. Holiness the Dalai Lama and advisor to (Tibetan Medical & Astrology College, Herbal Product Tour in North East India 1 October – 26 December, Research Department and Astrology Department) will 2011 visit Chabahil, Jolakhiel, Kopan Monastery, Pharphi Dr. Dawa, advisor to (Materia Medica Department, Monastery, Sharu, Bakang, Tsering Old Age Center, Pharmacy Department and Quality Assurance Chettrapti, Tashi Palkhiel, Pelling and Jampaling. Department) will visit Miao, Tezu, Tawang, Bomdila, Itinagar, Tuting, Shillong, Jaigaon, Kalimpong, Tour in Orissa 1-16 October 2010 Ravangla, Gangtok and Darjeeling. Dr. Dawa Dolma, visiting physician to His Holiness the Dalai Lama will visit Orissa, Bhubaneswar, Mainpat Tour in South India 1-25 October, 2011 and Bhandara branch clinics. Dr. Namgyal Tsering, visiting physician to His Holiness the Dalai Lama and advisor to (Tibetan Tour in North East India 1 Nov – 26 Dec, 2010 Medical & Astrology College, Herbal Product Dr. Sonam Lhamo, chief medical officer of Dekyiling Research Department and Astrology Department) will branch clinic will visit Miao, Tezu, Tawang, Bomdila, visit Bylakuppe, Sera Monastery, Hunsur, Kollegal, Itinagar, Tuting, Shillong, Jaigaon, Kalimpong, and Mundgod branch clinics. Ravangla, Gangtok and Darjeeling. Tour in Ladakh 1-31 October, 2011 2011 Dr. Dawa Dolma, visiting physician to His Holiness Tour in North East India 1-31 April, 2011 the Dalai Lama will visit Ladakh Culture Center, Dr. Namggyal Tsering visiting physician to His Choglamsar, Bilsar, Chushul, Goyul, Kagshung, Holiness the Dalai Lama and advisor to(Tibetan Henley, Nyoma, Sumdho, Kery, Rang, Samedh and Medical & Astrology College, Herbal Product Karnag in Ladakh. Research Department and Astrology Department) will visit Miao, Tezu, Tawang, Bomdila, Itinagar, Tuting, Tour in Nepal 1-30 October, 2011 Shillong, Jaigaon, Kalimpong, Ravangla, Gangtok and Dr. Sonam Lhamo, chief medical officer of Dekyiling Darjeeling. branch clinic will visit Chabahil, Jolakhiel, Kopan Monastery, Pharphi Monastery, Sharu, Bakang, Tour in South India 1-30 April, 2011 Tsering Old Age Center, Chettrapti, Tashi Palkhiel, Dr. Sonam Lhamo, chief medical officer of Dekyiling Pelling, Jampaling. branch clinic will visit Bylakuppe, Sera Monastery, Hunsur, Kollegal, and Mundgod branch clinics. Tour in Orissa 1-16 October, 2011 Dr. Pema Dorjee, advisor to (Sorig Literary Research Tour in Ladakh 1-30 April, 2011 Department, Clinical Research Department and Dr. Pema Dorjee, advisor to (Sorig Literary Research Translation Department) will visit Orissa, Department, Clinical Research Department and Bhubaneswar, Mainpat and Bhandara branch clinics. Translation Department) will visit Ladakh Culture
News INCOMING REGISTRAR Articles 29 / 30 of the revised memorandum of association states “that the registrar shall be appointed by the Governing Body amongst the three candidates nominated by the executive committee. The tenure of the registrar being 5 years and can be reappointed.� The 68th meeting of the Governing Body of Men-Tsee-Khang was convened in the conference hall on 6 May, 2010. The Executive Committee nominated three candidates for the post of registrar and Mr. Tsering Phuntsok (2005-2010) was reappointed as the new Registrar with effect from 6 May, 2010 by the Governing Body of MTK.
NEW REGISTRAR Mr. Tsering Phuntsok was born on 15 September, 1959 in Kalimpong. At the age of seven he joined Central School
Mr. Tsering Phuntsok for Tibetans Dalhousie and completed his 11 standard in 1977 (1966-1977). From 1977-1990, he joined and worked in the army as a clerk in the main office for 13 years. During his tenure in the army, he completed his Master Degree (MA) in Political Science from Punjab University, Chandigarh. On 15 July, 1992 he was selected as a staff of MenTsee-Khang, and worked on the position of a secretary (English), 8 July, 1994 as an office manager and later as an assistant to General Secretary.
June 2010 In 2005 he was appointed as the Registrar by the Governing Body of MTK with effect from 1 April, 2005. He has been serving the institute for the last 18 years and has now been reappointed as the Registrar of the Institute with effect from 6 May, 2010 for another term.
Orissa and Mainpat from 2-25 May, 2010 to give health awareness lectures and medical consultations to the people living there. From 3-6 May she was in Bhubaneswar. She gave health talks on three occasions to the community and gave consultation and treatment to 142 patients.
Dr. Sonam Lhamo was in Orissa from 713 May, 2010 at the Tibetan Settlement. She gave treatment and consultation to more than 115 patients and health awareness talks to the people there. She also attended to the people in the old age home.
Dr. Pema Dorjee, advisor to Sorig Literary Research Department, Clinical Research Department and Translation Department of MTK went on a tour to North East India from April 2 - 31 May, 2010. The programme on health awareness and HIV/AIDS prevention was organized by the Health Department, CTA. Mrs. Kalsang Lhamo, CTA was also with the doctor on the scheduled tour . They toured Itanagar, Tuting, Tenzin Gang, Tawang, Dirang, Bomdila, Tezu, Dum Duma, Miao, Tinsukia, Dibrugarh, Shillong, Jaigaon, Ravangla, Namchi, Gangtok, Kalimpong, Darjeeling, Salugara and Othalawari. The purpose of the trip was to make the public aware especially of the problems of HIV/AIDS, its causes and preventions. Dr. Pema Dorjee gave health awareness lectures to the community, monastery and schools on disorders like gastritis, blood pressure, indigestion, Hepatitis, drug abuse and smoking. He provided medical treatment and dietary advice to 3927 patients in all these areas. He also shared his experience in these areas giving advice and suggestions where ever necessary to the junior doctors, school students and to the monks in the monastery. He advised the community living in the Himalayan region to avoid old, fermented foods, chili and alcohol.
MEDICAL VISITS / TOUR ORISSA / MAINPAT Dr. Sonam Lhamo (CMO Dekyiling Branch Clinic) visited Bhubaneswar,
From 15-22 May, 2010, she gave health awareness talks and medical consultation to the community in Mainpat Settlement. She gave consultation to 282 patients there and public talks to the different camps in the settlement. She spoke on a wide range of topics: hypertension, arthritis, Hepatitis, digestive problems, Diabetes, cancer, malaria etc making the community aware of its causes, prevention, remedies and dietary advise. She also had 10-15 minutes time for discussion with the community after the health lectures.
SIKKIM A medical tour was organized with the coordination of Sikkim government and MTK in Lachen, Lachung and Mangen, border areas from 2-4 June, 2010 for three days. A team of three members from Salugara branch clinic visited these areas to provide traditional medical treatment and facilities there. Dr. Tenzin Norbu saw 255 patients, giving consultation and treatment to the people in these remote and border areas. The medicinal expenses were incurred by the Sikkim government and hence the people received free medication. The main health problems faced by the people there were gastritis, arthritis and blood pressure specially caused due to lack of health awareness and improper diet. The physician gave treatment, health awareness talk and dietary advice to the community. The visit was a success and the people
June 2010 appreciated the health work that the team provided and hoped to have similar tours in the future.
News On 25 May, 2010 Dr. Sonam Dolma spoke on “Overview of Health & Diseases” and “Relationship between Tibetan medicine, Ayurveda and Yoga”. Dr. Tsering Thakchoe gave a talk on
“Cardiovascular Health & Disease”, Dr. Passang Wangdu on “Tibetan Medicines: What, Where, Why & How”. Ven. Tenpa Tashi gave a talk on “Good Death, Bardo &
DHARAMSALA Dr. Sonam Dolma (Translation Department) gave an introductory lecture on “Tibetan Medicine” at MTK conference hall, Dharamsala to a Russian group on 19 April, 2010. There were seven participants in the group including Doctors and health specialist who joined the lecture. The session was for one and half hour. Ms. Maria coordinated and translated for the group. The participants appreciated the knowledge they gained by the introductory session on Tibetan medicine. Dr. Yeshi Dorjee (CMO, Mcleod Ganj branch clinic) examined the group through the traditional system of Tibetan healing in the afternoon session.
MINNESOTA GROUP The students of University of Minnesota, comes every year for the Tibetan Medicine Course given by MTK. The course was for seven days and there were 15 participants. There were 14 speakers who gave talks on Tibetan medicine, astrology and philosophy.
Medicine Buddha Empowerment by Ven. Thamthog Rinpoche, Abbot of Namgyal Monastery “Relationship between Tibetan Medicine and Tibetan Buddhism” and Dr. Dawa lectured on “Relationship between Compassion, Spirituality & Health”. Dr. Sonam Dolkar Oshoe spoke on “Your Nature: Unique combination of three energies”, Dr. Sonam Wangmo on “Nutrition & Behaviour for you Nature”, Dr. Tsering Thakchoe on “Creating & Maintaining a Healthy Mind”, Dr. Jamyang Dolma on “Diagnosis : Pulse & Urine Analysis” on the second day.
On the third day, Dr. Jamyang Dolma spoke on “Workshop: Pulse & Urine Analysis”, Dr. Yeshi Dorjee on “Workshop on Accessory Therapies”, and Mr. Tenzin Tsewang ( A s t r o l o g e r ) “Relationship between Tibetan medicine & astrology”. Dr. Rinzin Sangmo lectured on “Menstruation & Menopause”on 28 May, and Dr. Tenzin Yeshi on “Digestive Health & Disease”. On 29 May, 2010 Dr. Tsultrim Kalsang spoke on “Immune Minnesota group, panel discussions System Health & Disease”, Dr. Thokmay Paljor on
Reincarnation” on the last day of the course. On 31 May, 2010 Ven. Thamthog Rinpoche (Abbot of Namgyal Monastery) delivered Medicine Buddha Permission Blessing (Medicine Buddha, Teacher of Medicine, King of Lapis Lazuli Light (Bhaishajyaguru, Sangye Menla, Vaidurya) - “His radiant body is azure blue. His left hand is in the meditation mudra and holds a begging bowl full of long life nectar in his lap. As a sign that he gives protection from illness, his right hand is outstretched in the gesture of giving and holds the “great medicine”, the myrobalan plant (a-rura)”) to the group on their last day of the course. Then it was followed by a “Panel Discussion & Closing Ceremony. Mr. Tsetan Dorjee, the coordinator of the course guided the participants, visitingplace of interest in Dharamsala.
PLACEMENT & CHANGES OF ADVISORS OF MTK Dr. Tsewang Tamdin (former Advisor to MTK College, Pharmaceutical Department and Herbal Product
News Research Department) was appointed by the Governing Body of Men-TseeKhang as the new Director of MenTsee-Khang with effect from 1 April, 2010.
June 2010 thanked the group members for their precious contribution for sharing their visions and thoughts and acknowledged that the administration
Dr. Dawa (former Director) is appointed as the Advisor to the Materia Medica Department, Herbal Product Research Department and Quality Assurance Department besides being the advisor to all the Cultural Departments of MenTsee-Khang, with effect from 1 April, 2010. Dr. Namgyal Tsering (former Deputy Director) is appointed as the Advisor to all the Cultural Departments of MenTsee-Khang, in particular advisor to the Tibetan Medical & Astrology College, Pharmacy Department and Astrology Department with effect from 1 April, 2010. Dr. Pema Dorjee is appointed as the Advisor to all the Cultural Departments of Men-Tsee-Khang, particularly, Sorig Literary Research Department, Clinical Research Department and Translation Department with effect from 1 April, 2010.
ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting of MTK is held every year on 23 March and this time it was convened on 5 June, 2010 at MTK hall. The meeting was presided over by the Director, Dr. Tsewang Tamdin and Registrar Mr. Tsering Phuntsok. All the head of departments, staff and college students participated in the event. The Director addressed the opening speech. Then the departmental heads delivered the annual report in the morning session. The annual report usually informs about the achievement, activities and ongoing projects of each departments. All the staff members get an opportunity to share their opinions and give suggestions regarding the future advancement of the institute may it be administration, academics etc i.e future visions to benefit and improvement of the institute as a whole. The Director
Annual Meeting will try its best to implement these proposals.
Dr. Tenpa Choephel, principal of the College welcomed the dignitaries, academic departmentals head and the students. He addressed the gathering by giving an introduction of the establishment of the first school of Tibetan Medicine in the 8th century during King Trisong Detsen (38th King of Tibet) reign. He said, “ The first school of T i b e t a n Medicine was founded in Menlung in the region of Kongpo by Yuthog Yonten Gonpo (gYu-Thok Yon-sTen mGon-Po, 708 AD)1247 years back�.
COMMEMORATION OF The Principal also narrated how after COLLEGE FOUNDING DAY the invasion of Tibet by China, His MTK College, celebrated its 49th founding day on 7 June, 2010 at MTK hall. The Director, Dr. Tsewang Tamdin was the chief guest and Advisor, Dr. Pema Dorjee, CCTM Chairman, Dr. TseringThackchoe Drungtso were the dignitaries present during the celebration. Head of all the academic departments and the college students participated in the event.
Holiness the Dalai Lama immediately set up schools and settlements in order to revive our culture and tradition in exile. Under His Holiness visionary insight, Education was given prior importance and Central Schools for Tibetans was set up with the support and help of Government of India. Tibetan Medical & Astrological Institute (College) was realized in 1961 under Department of Religion and Culture in order to preserve and revitalize the ancient
From Left : Dr. Pema Dorjee, Dr. Tsewang Tamdin,Dr. Tsering Thakchoe Drungtso : College Founding Day
June 2010 medical practice of Tibet for serving mankind as a whole. Thus, Tibetan Medical & Astrological College in exile was founded on 2nd June, 1961. He also stressed the importance of a good education policy. He informed that one should broaden views on acquiring knowledge from d i f f e r e n t traditional medical practice as well as understanding of western allopathic system to enrich one’s intellectual side and gain experience.
News Department and Translation Department) addressed the importance of the traditional Tibetan medical practice. He laid down the important aspects of learning (see), practice (do), and imparting of experience (teach), a physician has to strive in ones life as a
Then the ceremony College Founding Day followed with the distribution of merit prizes to the practitioner to understand “Gyu-shi” winners of article composition in Gangri the rich and vast knowledge of Tibetan Langtso magazine, Tibetan and English. system of healing. He also emphasized Prize was also distributed to the overall that one should learn and explore highest scored student. A different traditional medical sciences complimentary gift and thank you scarf besides one’s traditional practice. A was offered to the editorial members as significant aspect of acquiring well. knowledge is learning from senior physicians, discussions with Dr. Tsering Thakchoe Drungtso, colleagues and finally authentic chairman, (CCTM) Central Council of analysis to have a clear understanding Tibetan Medicine spoke about the without confusion and hesitations. importance of the council as an apex body for all medical institutes and Dr. Tsewang Tamdin, director of the practitioners. He also stressed the institute reminded and stressed the need for doctors to register under the important message given by the former council in order to have qualified speakers of how to practice, learn and practitioners (400 registered doctors implement the traditional system of Tibetans, Himalaya region, abroad), healing. He said, “Gyu-shi is the basic have registered colleges and standard and a significant aspect a physician has pharmaceutical units according to to deal with and practice on a day to traditional Tibetan system of healing. day basis”. He informed the students He informed that MTK has a leading of their aims and the right choice in role to play and stressed that mutual joining the medical line and to strive understanding and broader perspective hard to achieve and be successful in between MTK and CCTM is essential. the 5 years of their study. One should He emphasized that 8th century medical not forget the opportunity given by the practice is viable even in the 21st institute and the choice with wide scope century and hence we have to strive of research in the field of diseases, hard to uphold and revive the rich plants, pharmacology etc. Even if one cultural heritage of Tibet. is not able to serve in the institute, it is equally important to promote the Dr. Pema Dorjee, advisor (Sorig Literary ancient science of healing and work in Research Department, Clinical Research the medical line to help suffering beings
where ever one is placed in. The ceremony then concluded, thanking the chief guest and dignitaries for their presence by Geshe Tenpa Tashi. He also thanked all the head of academic departments and the students for their participation.
CHANGTHANG MOBILE CAMP The Changthang Mobile tour was conducted from 23 - 26 May, 2010. This mobile tour in the remote nomadic area of Ladakh was sponsored by AISPO, Italy. Dr. Laura and Dr. Ricardo (AISPO) visited Ladakh to participate in the mobile tour and have a first hand experience to help the people in the remote areas with health facilities. So, keeping in view of their visit four places of Jangthang were selected:Samedh, Karnag, (Tsakshang) and Puga for the mobile tour but unfortunately they were unable to visit because of the high altitude of these areas. The mobile tour comprised of three members, a doctor, a staff and a driver. Dr. Konchok Tsering, CMO Ladakh Culture Branch, led the tour to the areas selected without the AISPO members. There were at least nine places, most of them falling behind the protected area of India and was a strategic border area. This tour was within the inner line permit of the Government. Many patients who did not recover from western treatment came to see the doctor during the mobile tour providing traditional medical treatment. The doctor consulted and treated 124 patients with various symptoms. It was really a blessing for the nomadic people in these areas to get traditional medical treatment at their door step. The journey through these remote border places is very hard because of rough and slippery roads, risk of avalanche and landslide due to the melting of snow during the particular season. It was possible with the help and support of
News AISPO, Italy that the Men-Tsee-Khang Cultural Center Branch, Ladakh was able to successfully hold this mobile tour. Dr. Ricardo Macaroni participated in the mobile tour with Dr. Sonam Dikey and team by visiting Shishar in Leh, a nomadic area to support and the help in the treatment process. Due to poor facility in communication in Ladakh azea Dr.Laura and Dr. Ricardo (members of AISPO) offered financial assistance from the organization in setting up internet connection and to repair fax machine for easier contacts in the future. Men-Tsee-Khang appreciates and thank the organizers for their philanthropic services.
CLOSURE OF JAMNAGAR BRANCH CLINIC Three medical visits in Jamnagar by senior doctors of the Institute were held in 2007 and 2008 and there after, the Branch Clinic was opened on 17 June, 2008. The clinic faced inconveniences and lack of patients which brought about shortcomings to maintain and sustain its staff. Hence two senior doctors were sent for medical visits in 2008 and 2009 to make the public aware and familiarize the existence of a traditional Tibetan system of healing in the area. The Administration and the Personal management and selection committee, after reviewing the case decided that the branch clinic in Jamnagar, Gujarat should discontinue as the situation remained unchanged. So the Clinic was closed with effect from 1 June, 2010.
SORIG LITERARY RESEARCH DEPARTMENT The importance of documenting and publishing of the Tibetan medical treatise was realised and thus Tibetan Medical and Astro. Institute set up a distinct entity of Documentation and Publication Department on May 1st 1995, where in, initially the Research Department consisted of all its research
June 2010 fields set up in 1980. Owing to the need and importance, the department, gradually increased its staff. The Documentation and Publication Department was later renamed as Sorig Literary Research Department on 1 April, 2004. Sorig Literary Research Department of MTK is one of the eight main departments under the Academic department that work towards collecting, researching and documenting the various age old authentic manuscripts on Tibetan medicine composed by eminent Tibetan scholars. This department focuses on reviving the degraded knowledge, preserving the existing information and adding the missing facts of this valuable system of Tibetan medicine. As an effort to accomplish the above stated objectives the department is in the process of accumulating, documenting, researching and publishing the near to extinct manuscripts and treatises on Tibetan medicine, assimilating of articles and life stories of the living scholars in and outside of Tibet and assembling the manuscripts, editing and publishing them to make it accessible to the students, practitioners and researchers of Tibetan medicine. The Department has edited various new books on Tibetan medicine pertaining to topics like Materia Medica, pharmaceutical, Tibetan medical history and dietary and so on. It also collects and document research papers related to Tibetan medicine and archive medical presentations and articles presented during workshops and seminars. On the whole this department contributes and provides resource for the Tibetan medical practitioners. With the advancement of time, the department looks forward in making these resources available to everyone through website.
1. bDud-rtsi sNying-po Yan-lag brgyad-pa gSang-ba man-ngag gi rGyud (The Secret Quintessential Instructions on the Eight Branches of the Ambrosia Essence Tantra) (The Principle text of Tibetan Medicine) 2006 2. Tibetan translation of the Ayurvedic book of routine behaviour, diet and behavioural restrictions for prominent diseases. (In Tibetan) - 2006 3. sMen-sByor Nus-pa Phogs-bsdus Phan-bde’ ‘byung-gNas (A book on Potency of Tibetan Medicine) - 2006 4. rGyun-mKho’ Bod-sMen Gyi PhanYon Lag-Deb (Tibetan Medicinal Hand Book) (Fourth edition) - 2007 5. Vaidurya sNgon-po (Blue Beryl) ( I and II volume) commentary on rGyud-bShi) - 2007 6. Collection of Speeches addressed by His Holiness The Dalai Lama to Staffs and Students of Men-tsee-khang (Tibetan Version) - 2007 7. Men-Tsee Journal (10th edition) 2007 8. Shel-gong shel-phreng dang LagLen gces-bsdus (Two books on Tibetan Materia Medica compiled together) 2009 9. sNgo-sMen ‘Khrung-dpe bsDus-Pa Ngo-mTshar gSer-Gyi sNye-ma (A book on identification and classification of Tibetan Medicinal Herbs) (Second Edition) - 2009 10. Fundamental of Tibetan Medicine (Fifth edition) - 2009 11. Dar-Mo sMen-Rams-Pa’ gDamsNgag bKa’-rGya-Ma (This book comprises of instructions on treatment of various diseases) - 2010 12. Phyi-rGyud mChan-‘Grel dKa’‘Phreng Mun-Sel-s Gron-Me (This text is an elaborate commentary of the Final Tantra of Gyud-bZhi - 2010
June 2010 Mail Consultation
The Men-Tsee-Khang does not hold mail-consultation as priority since it is important for the patient to be consulted personally by Tibetan physician based on its unique method of diagnosis (pulse, urine and interrogation). But owing to the growing demand and persistent request by many patients who do not have any access to Tibetan physician or can not afford to travel all the way to Dharamsala and its clinics based in various parts of India and Nepal, we have designed this special mail-consultation facility. It is, however, important to note certain criteria for the patient to facilitate conclusive diagnosis and optimum treatment: 1. It is always better if the patient has personally consulted Tibetan physician once before he/she entertains the facility of mailconsultation. 2. A copy of the Tibetan physician’s prescription (if consulted personally), and its feedback is necessary. 3. Patient’s name, age, sex, contact details and comprehensive case history with present signs and symptoms should be furnished. Our senior doctors will personally review each case and medicines will be send to you through Registered Parcel. You may choose to have the medicine send by International (DHL) or domestic courier with an additional fee. Please allow 2-3 weeks for delivery and bear with us for any delay due to postal system/customs, which are beyond our control. Please notify us if you do not receive medicine within 3 weeks. Incase of urgency, please fax or email us with the requirements. Prices: Foreign India Initial consultation 100 rs. 40 rs. Mail Consultation Secretary (NL) Reconsultation 50 rs. 20 rs. Men-Tsee-Khang, Gangchen Kyishong, Courier service fees depend on weight of medicine. Dharamsala - 176215 Make cheque/money order payable to: Khara Danda Road Men-Tsee-Khang (TMAI) Himachal Pradesh/India State Bank of India, Tel: 0091-1892-223113/307068/69 Dharamsala (Code#0634) A/C No. 10551097556 Fax: 0091-1892-224116 swift : SBININBB277 E-mail: IFSC : SBIN0000634
Donations received from October 2009 to June, 2010 Poor and Needy Patients Fund Tove Larsen Norway Kjersti Roise Norway
173,117.00 36,590.00
Students Exchange Programme Fund Tran Thi Kim France 102,970.00
Ladakh Jangdang Medical Camp Fund Dr. Daniel Monconduit , Association Echanges Himalaya France 274,639.00 Dr. Laura Sincinelly Italy 87,861.59
Hospital-Cum -College and Pharmaceutical Project Fund Tibet Bureau ,Geneva Switzerland 10,012,288.00
Donation Deutsche Tibethilfe E.V Milan H.Maheshwari Tibet Center Mr.Thupten Wangyal Mancho Ben G.Gharch Medicine Buddha Clinic Janet Yelowchan , Medicine Buddha Clinic Dorle Vawte and David Dudycha David D.Jones and Kathleen M. Pfattinger Mark S.Umbreit and Alexa E. Umbreit Nancy M.Feinthel Debra Kauffman Fant Pamela Percy and Roger Jackson Mirian Cameron / Michael Ormond Martina Maerz ,MD (CM) Mr. Dorjee Khando University of Minnesota Gary Butch
Germany India(Mumbai) Austria Canada India(Mumbai) USA
72,349.00 10,000.00 64,995.00 44,865.00 5,000.00 2,098.00
USA University of Minnesota,USA “
2,179.00 8,500.00 9,180.00
“ “
2,125.00 2,125.00 4,250.00
“ 3,188.00 “ 31,000.00 “ 14,775.00 India (Arunachal) 1,50,000.00 USA 9000.00 USA 11,000.00
Staff Children Scholarship
Kit Pfelffer Shelly Jones Perry Smith through Tibet Fund Gerald L.Heikes Dr. Siegefried and Brigite Rainer Alan R Hall Daniel J Foley Elvy Ingegerd Association Medical France Tibet Inter Educare E.V. Deutsche Tibethilje E.V Jesselyn B.Folion Stig and Ingela Isaksson Anne Brunila Stefanie Frychel Carta Tonella Nicoletta Lanciano
USA England
10,800.00 8,760.00
54,000.00 10,800.00
Austria England USA Sweden
11,000.00 21,600.00 10,800.00 12228.90
France Germany Germany USA Sweden Finland Germany Switzerland Italy
562,980.00 264,550.00 93,503.00 15,750.00 28,000.00 44,100.00 6,987.50 8,190.00 10,800.00
June 2010
Men-Tsee-Khang Publications
Instruction on treatment of various diseases (gDam-Ngag bKa- rGya-Ma) Darmo Menrampa Lobsang Chodak Version : Tibetan This book consists of information on treatment of various diseases and medical formulas. It has about 2300 medical formulations proposed by various scholars of the respective medical traditions. These instructions are transmitted or passed on through different scholars from Yuthok Yonten Gompo (gYu-Thog Yon-Tan mGon-Po), Jang Sur (ByangZur), Desi Sange Gyatso (bDe-Srid Sangs-rGyas rGya-mTsho) and so on. It consists of special treatments where medicine and mantra coexist and special instruction on sacred rituals from Buddhist texts has been added as well. Hence, it is a very unique and exceptional book on Tibetan medicine. The Ayurvedic book of routine behaviour, diet and behavioural restrictions for prominent diseases (rGya-GarTshe-Yi Rig-Byad Las rGyun-sPyod-Kyi bSlab-Bya dang rGyun-mThong Nad-Rig Kyi Zas-sPyod sPang-bLang) Menrampa Tsering Dorjee Version: Tibetan This book has been translated from selected versions of Ayurvedic Text Caraka Samhita composed by Indian Rishi Caraka and the Ayurvedic book of routine behaviour, diet and behavioural restrictions for prominent diseases composed by Vaidya Bhagwan Dash.
Staff Children Scholarship Georgia Leate USA Kasia Novak Canada Yvonne Mariotti Nesurini Switzerland Markus Schicker Switzerland Ingrid Svensson Sweden Inger Axio Albinsson Sweden Rozlyn Rider USA Donnour D’ Ordre Monsteur Switzerland Barit Laconite Sweden Initiative Oberland Germany Mogens Haut Denmark
29,520.00 9,840.00 4,510.00 9,840.00 13,500.00 13,500.00 5,124.00 10,358.00 15,000.00 39,567.50 43,500.00
An Elaborate commentary on Final Tantra of Gyu-Shi (Phyi-rGyud mChan-Grel dKa-Phreng Mun-Sel sGron-Me) Darmo Menrampa lobsang Chodak Version: Tibetan This text is an elaborate commentary of the Final Tantra of Gyushi (Gyud-dZhi). It is comprised of special methods of diagnosis through pulse reading, Urine analysis and Visual examination. It also mentions about the various composition of medical ingredients and practical treatment through medication and therapies. So far it is difficult to find this text being published from in and outside of Tibet. So this is the first publication of its kind which is edited based on a very old hand written sample of treatise. A Book on potency of Tibetan Medicine (Men-sByor Nus-pa Phogs-bsDus Phan-bDe’ ‘ByunggNas) Dr. Penpa Tsering Menrampa Version: Tibetan This book is a compilation on the efficacy of the processed medicinal pills of Tibetan system based on the book sMen-sByorNus-pa-Phogs-bsDus-Phan-bde’Lags-bShad composed by the late Dr. Khenrap Norbu, Personal Physician of His Holiness the 13th Dalai Lama. Apart from that it also comprises the efficaciousness of some famous and frequently used medicinal pills introduced by eminent Tibetan medical scholars, some medicinal pills integrated or taken together and new pills formulated by Men-Tsee-Khang with regard to the changing times. On the whole this book features efficacy, characteristic and intoxicating ability of one hundred and ninety four medicinal pills processed by Men-TseeKhang.
Janet E. Goldman Franco Lorenzom Verena Jung Alexandra Ghetta Tibet Charity Eduard Oscar Werner Angelika Lafleur Phyllis Florman Met Mmme Bernard Fesselet
New York Italy Austria Austria Denmark Norway Germany USA France
10,875.00 13,982.50 11,020.00 13,920.00 124,899.60 10,200.00 10,900.00 10,680.00 6,540.00
NUBRAVALLEY, LADAKH 21–28 July, 2010 Dr. Yeshi Dorjee, chief medical officer, McLeod Ganj Branch Clinic will visit Nubra Valley in Ladakh to give traditional Tibetan treatment to the public during His Holiness teachings there. JISPA, H.P 14–22 August, 2010 Visiting Physician to His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Dr. Dawa Dolma will visit Jispa, Himachal Pradesh to provide Tibetan medical treatment to the public during His Holiness teachings in the valley. DHARAMSALA, H.P 26 July, 2010 Dr. Tsering Thakchoe Drungtso, TMAC, Lecturer will give practical demonstration on Tibetan medicine : Diagnosis, Pulse reading, and Urine analysis at Upper TCV school during the Summer children brought up in the Prices: Camp organized for TibetanForeign India Initial consultation 100 rs. 50 rs. west. Reconsultation 50 rs. 25 rs. SOUTH INDIA Courier service fees depend on weight of medicine. 22 August-4 September, 2010 Make cheque/money order payable to: MTK, Director, Dr. Tamdin will visit branch clinics in Bangalore, Hunsur and Bylakuppe Men-Tsee-Khang (TMAI) ( south India) State Bank of India, Dharamsala (Code#0634) A/C No. 10551097556 swift : SBININBB277 IFSC : SBIN0000634
If undelivered please return to: MEN-TSEE-KHANG (Tibetan Medical & Astro. Institute of H.H. the Dalai Lama)
Gangchen Kyishong Dharamsala – 176215 District Kangra H.P. INDIA