Oct dec 2015

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M E N -T S E E - K H A N G ( S O WA - R I G PA ) Tibetan Medical & Astro. Institute Estd. by the 13th Dalai lama in 1916 Re-Estd. by the 14th Dalai lama in 1961

News Letter


October - December 2015

CONFERENCE Dharamsala: 3rd conference on Body, Mind & Life The 3rd conference on Body, Mind & Life was held on 15-17 October, 2015. This time, the conference summoned registration of 275 participants including monks, doctors, astroscience practitioners, students, and foreign visitors. Eight speakers were invited, two each from the fields of Buddhist philosophy, Tibetan medicine, Tibetan astro-science, and modern science. The speakers gave presentations on the following topics: • disturbing factors of mental health • remedies for mental health disorders

3rd Conference on Body, Mind, and Life held from 15 to 17 October, 2015

The presentations on the causes of mental health were given by Terry Eagan, M.D., an internationally respected physician, lecturer and consultant; Professor Dolpo Tulku; Sonam CONTENTS Lhamo, M.D., a very senior consulting physician; and Conference Pg: 1 Mrs. Sonam Palmo, Tibetan Courses on Tibetan Medicine Pg: 3 Astro-Science Practitioner and Outreach Programme Pg: 4 lecturer at the Tibetan Medical Upcoming courses and conference Pg: 6 & Astro. College, Men-Tsee-Khang.

The presentations

and lectures on the remedies for mental health disorders were given by Sonnee Weedn, Ph.D., clinical and forensic psychologist; Geshe Jadho Rinpoche, Abbot of Gyuto Monastery; Dorjee Rabten, M.D., Chief Medical Officer at Bengaluru Branch Clinic; and Dr. Aepa Sonam Rinchen, Tibetan Astro-Science Practitioner. Each speaker gave a 45-minute presentation followed by a questionand-answer session, which was very successful, as participants had the opportunity to share their ideas and raise doubts before the speaker. The opening ceremony of the conference had the gracious presence of the honorable speaker

Editor Ms. Kalsang Dechen editor@men-tsee-khang.org Assistant editor Mr. Tseten Dorjee Mailing co-ordinator This is the official Newsletter Ms. Dolma Tsering of Men-Tsee-Khang (Tibetan Medical & Astro. Institute). Tel: Gangchen Kyishong, 0091-1892-223113/223222 Dharamsala—176215, INDIA. It is published and distributed Fax: free of cost. However, we request 0091-1892-224116 donations to cover expenses. To make donations, please E-mail: contact: info@men-tsee-khang.org Mailing Coordinator Men-Tsee-Khang Gangchen Kyishong Dharamsala - 176215 INDIA

Website www.men-tsee-khang.org www.mentsee.org www.men-tsee-khang-cn.org

Email Addresses Director director@men-tsee-khang.org Registrar gsec@men-tsee-khang.org Astro. Department astro@men-tsee-khang.org Project Officer developmentmanager@men-tsee-khang.org Men-Tsee-Khang College tmaicollege@men-tsee-khang.org

Mail/Distant Consultation

Men-Tsee-Khang does not encourage the use of mail/Distant consultation for those who have access to a Tibetan doctor graduated from MenTsee-Khang. Therefore, we would recommend patients seek help directly from a properly trained medical doctor who uses the traditional Tibetan diagnostic procedures like reading the patient’s pulse, urine analysis and interrogations. Owing to numerous suggestions and input received over the years from patients who hold strong trust and belief in our medical system and insist that this system remains the last hope of their recovery, we feel the necessity and responsibility to provide a mail/distant consultation facility to fulfill their wishes. It is very necessary to provide us with the following information: Your name (in capital), Gender, Age, Clear Address, Email ID, Case History and treatments. As and when the above information is received, senior doctors will review the personal case. Thereafter, a reply will be sent to the individual patient informing the recommendations of the physician. If pills are prescribed then remedies will be sent after the receipt of the payment through the postal system either by Registered parcel, Courier, Speed Post or what ever kind of post facility are applicable to that particular region or country. Contact: Herbal Supplement Sales email: hss2@men-tsee-khang.org hss3@men-tsee-khang.org Phone:0091 1892 223222/223113 Ext: 216

Membership / Scholarship Sponsorhip Secretary Men-Tsee-Khang Gangchen Kyishong Dharamsala, Distt. Kangra H.P Pin - 176 215 Phone:0091-1892-223222/ 223113 Fax:0091-1892-224116 Email: scholarship@men-tsee-khang.org

Men-Tsee-Khang Exports PT 62/5 Kalkaji New Delhi - 110 019 India Phone:0091-11-26214897/ 26436823 Fax: 0091 11 26211738 Email: info@men-tsee-khang-exports.org Web: www.men-tsee-khang-exports.org

The closing ceremony was graced by the chief guest Mr. Pema Chinjor, Minister of the Religion and Culture Department of the CTA, who awarded certificates to each participant.

FEED BACK Suggestions on our publications, products, services, et cetera, are reviewed by our Feed Back Review Team chaired by the Director. Please send emails to: feedback@men-tsee-khang.org

was required to manage his studies and the family business.

of the Tibetan Parliament in Exile, Mr. Penpa Tsering. He spoke about his personal experience of facing mental struggle during the time he

He also shared how mentally challenging it is to sit at the position of Speaker of the TPIE.

In his talk, Mr. Chinjor reaffirmed the ability of Buddhist philosophy and Tibetan Medicine and Astroscience to serve human sufferings from mental disorders. Geshe Tenpa Tashi, head of the Body, Mind & Life Department, presented a talk on the aims and objectives of the


Oct - Dec 2015

Department and listed the activities carried out, including organization of workshops, conferences and resource talks, and publication of books and DVDs. In conclusion, the 3rd conference on Body, Mind & Life inspired and enriched the majority of participants. In his speech, Mr. Tashi Tsering Phuri, the Director of MenTsee-Khang quoted His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama: “Mankind needs a healthy body and mind. We Tibetans, although we ourselves live as refugees, contribute substantially to easing human suffering’’. Thus, the conference successfully served its duty in improving mental

remedies for mental health disorders. There were nine sub-topics, discussed from the perspectives of Buddhist Philosophy, psychology, and Tibetan medicine: • Relationship between body, mind and life • Introduction of root afflictive emotions • Principle of interdependence • Equanimity, compassion and loving kindness • Introduction to practice on patience • Treatment based on traditional Tibetan medicine • Practice on various breathing exercises • Four noble truths, and • Mindfulness meditation The resource persons were Geshe Lharampa Kelsang Kunchen from Gadong Monastery, Geshe Lobsang Dakpa from Namgyal Monastery, Geshe Tenpa Tashi, Head of the Body, Mind & Life Department, and Dr. Ngawang Jinpa Sunang.

health care for all humans.

COURSES Course on Mental Health care services The Body, Mind & Life Department organized a 10-day course on mental healthcare services from 28 October to 6 November, 2015, at Dharamsala. The course was given on three thematic topics: disturbing factors of mental health, ways to prevent mental illness, and Men-Tsee-Khang

The course was well equipped with the translation service provided by the Department translator, Mr. Kunkyab Passang. The course was scheduled into five sessions per day,

of which two sessions were placed in the afternoon for meditation practices and discussions. The three morning sessions consisted of theoretical classes with questionand-answer sessions in between. The course was intended to reach professionals in the field of social and behavioral science, health professionals in general, and anyone who wished to gain a basic knowledge of the fundamental concepts of Tibetan medicine, Buddhist philosophy and psychology. The registered participants included a Fulbright research scholar, psychophysical therapists, mental health counselors, nurses, and psychologists. During the valedictory ceremony, all participants were awarded certificates by the Director of MenTsee-Khang and shared their feedback with us. The feedback was mainly positive, with suggestions regarding the selection of additional topics from the Tibetan medical system on mental health care approaches. The ceremony was conducted by the Director, who congratulated the participants and reiterated the importance of mental health care in society. He spoke about the significant role of the Body, Mind & Life Department in uplifting human mental health and expressed his appreciation for the course being organized for the second time. He encouraged the Department to expand its activities, keeping in mind quality considerations and efficient organization. He concluded his speech 3


Oct - Dec 2015

by saying that the Department should include Tibetan astro-science perspectives in the course as well providing mental health care.

The 5-day event was attended by many eminent personalities such as

The 10-day course served its purpose in helping the participants with their studies and professions.

EVENTS Delhi A 5-day event titled Traditional Tibetan Medicine and AstroScience, “Awakening the Sanctity of Life: Healing Mind, Healing Body� was hosted at Tibet House, New Delhi from 23 to 27 October, 2015. In order to preserve and promote awareness of the unique cultural heritage of Tibetan Medicine and AstroScience, Men-Tsee-Khang, the Tibetan Medical & Astro. Institute, Dharamsala, and Tibet House, the Cultural Centre of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Delhi, jointly organized this 5-day programme. The programme included guest lectures, seminars by experts from various medical traditions, Tibetan Medicine and Astro. exhibitions, workshops, creation of a Medicine Buddha sand mandala, cultural shows and movie screenings, Tibetan medical diagnoses, free oral astro consultations, and a display of herbal products. Dr. Lokesh Chandra, President of the Indian Council for Cultural Relations and Shri. P.P. Shrivastav, Member of the Tibet House Governing Body Council inaugurated the opening ceremony with their kind presence as Chief Guests. Men-Tsee-Khang

Ven. Abbot Geshe Jangchup Choeden, Abbot of Gaden Shartse Monastery, Mundgod, Karnataka State; Prof.

in front of Hotel Bhagsu, Dharamsala on 10 December, 2015 during the 26th celebration of the Nobel Peace Prize conferment to His Holiness the Dalai Lama and the 20th Anniversary of the Himalayan Festival. The medical camp was led under the supervision of the Special Task Department of MenTsee-Khang. The medical camp team comprised one doctor and seven administrative staff members. Free health care service was provided to 58 patients.

OBITUARY M e n - Ts e e - K h a n g expresses its deep condolence at the sad demise of Mr. Pempa Chonjor, who passed away on 18 October, 2015, at 4:30 p.m. after a prolonged illness.

Geshe Ngawang Samten, Former Vice Chancellor, Central University of Tibet Studies, Sarnath; Prof. Vivek Suneja, Pro Vice Chancellor, Delhi University; Smt. Arvind Manjit Singh, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Culture; as well as experts from several fields and the doctors and astro-science practitioners from Men-Tsee-Khang. The Directors of Men-Tsee-Khang and Tibet House also attended the 5-day event.

FREE MEDICAL CAMP Dharamsala Men-Tsee-Khang (Tibetan Medical & Astro. Institute of His Holiness the Dalai Lama) held a free medical camp

Mr. Chonjor worked as an Accountant cum Cashier at Men-Tsee-Khang branch clinic in Poanta Sahib, Distt Sirmour, H.P. from 1 October, 1988 to 30 May, 2014. He sought retirement w.e.f. on 1 June, 2014.

OUTREACH PROGRAMME USA Tour Dr. Tsewang Tamdin, visiting physician to His Holiness the Dalai Lama visited the USA from 21 October to 11 November, 2015. He visited Philadelphia, Washington DC, Salt Lake City in Utah, and Portland. In Philadelphia, Dr. Tamdin visited the Unitarian Church on 25 October and gave a speech on Tibetan medicine. 4

News Around 50 people attended the talk. On 26 October he gave a presentation on Traditional Tibetan

medicine at the La Salle University. During his stay, he also provided health care services according to Tibetan medicine. On 27 October, he visited Washington DC and attended a debate and discussion session on the RFA (Radio Free Asia) network. The next day he participated at the VOA (Voice of America) channel, and then gave health care service to interested people. From 1 to 6 November, Dr. Tamdin was in Salt Lake City, Utah. Mrs. Pema Chazotsang was the organizer in Utah. During his stay he provided health care consultations and gave public talks to the Tibetan community on health awareness according to Tibetan medicine. He met Dr. Tom Rosenberg, orthopedic surgeon, and had a meaningful discussion session about the two healing systems. At the Utah Wellness Cancer Center, Dr. Tamdin gave a presentation to a group of doctors and staff on how to deal with patients and treatment measures according to Tibetan medicine. He visited the University of Utah Department of Medicine Office of Education and spoke about treatment and an introduction to Men-Tsee-Khang

Oct - Dec 2015 Tibetan medicine. He then visited Portland from 8 to 10 November, gave an introduction on health and its causes to the Tibetan community and provided health care consultations according to Tibetan medicine. Europe Tour The Europe tour took place from 10 August to 13 October, 2015, and was led by Mr. Kunga Dhondup (astro-science practitioner), accompanied by Dr. Passang Tsering and Mr. Ugyen Tsewang. The team visited Germany, Denmark, Portugal, and Barcelona (Spain). The organizer in Germany was Mr. Phuntsok Tsering and Ms. Silke Szymura of Tibet House, Frankfurt. The astro-science practitioner and the doctor spoke on an introduction to astro-science and gave a workshop on Tibetan medicine, respectively. More than 60 people attended the talks.

His Eminence Lakar Rinpoche and the Tibet charity organized the tour in Copenhagen. Mr. Jens, Birgitte Schultzer, Gunver Juul, Ms. Sibila and the members helped the team during their visit. Talks on diagnostic and therapeutic methods according to the Tibetan medical system and an introduction to Tibetan astro-science were presented by the doctor and the astro-practitioner. In Barcelona, the Director Ven Wangchen, Mr. Ngawang, and members of the Casa Del Tibet helped organize the tour for the Men-Tsee-Khang team. Public talks on an introduction of Tibetan medicine and the uses of Tibetan astro-science in the modern world were presented to interested people. In the final leg of the tour, the team visited Portugal and gave presentations on the holistic approach of Tibetan medicine and the role of dietary behaviour in maintaining good health at the Para De Curra Cinema Hall.

In Aarhus City, Denmark, the members of Osal Ling Center, Ms. Klausen, and Mr. Jens organized the trip. Talks on Tibetan medicine, how emotions can affect health, the relationship between Tibetan medicine and Tibetan astro-science, and how emotions are the key to happiness were organized at the Light House, Aarhus.

The astro-science practitioner spoke on the introduction to Tibetan astroscience and the role of Tibetan astro-science in Tibetan medicine. Mr. Ugyen Tsewang assisted in the display of herbs and products during the tour. Mr. Sergio and Ms. Sonia Gomes organized the tour in Portugal. Ms. Daniel provided free accommodation and helped as an interpreter for the group during the visit.

The team then visited Veksthojskolen, in Aarhus city and spoke on the holistic approach of Tibetan medicine, the role of diet and lifestyle in maintaining a healthy mind and body, and the role of Tibetan astroscience in the modern world.

Men-Tsee-Khang would like to thank all the organizers, especially the Tibet support groups, Tibetan Associations in the respective areas, and the centers, individuals and others who made the trips to the USA and Europe successful. 5

Oct - Dec 2015


UPCOMING COURSES IN TIBETAN MEDICINE 2016 Dharamsala: Men-Tsee-Khang is organizing a 5-day Level 1 & Level 2 Course in English on Tibetan Medicine from 8 to 19 September, 2016 and a 5 day Level 3 Course in English on Tibetan Medicine from 20 to 24 September, 2016 at Dharamsala, Himachal Pradesh (INDIA). 5-day level 3 course are specialized courses, which offer two parallel & optional courses under the respective themes: “Healthy Mind Healthy Body” & “Materia Medica and Pharmacology”. For details contact or register at: tmaicollege@men-tsee-khang.org Ms. Sonam Lhamo, Course Coordinator or visit our website at: www.men-tsee-khang.org

Leh, Ladkah Men-Tsee-Khang Cultural Centre Leh-Ladakh will be conducting a 5 day course on Tibetan medicine from 22 to 26 August, 2016 at Leh, Ladakh. The main aim is to construct a foundation on Tibetan Medicine and to open a door for further studies on Tibetan Medicine. The Centre initiates such activities where people from all corners of the world could come together and learn an alternate system of healing on a common platform. Courses will be conducted by expert lecturers from Men-Tsee-Khang, Tibetan Medical & Astro. College, Dharamsala. For details and registration visit our website at: www.men-tsee-khang.org

INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON TIBETAN MEDICINE (Theme: Unlocking the Truth of Tibetan Medicine) Thursday, 24th March 2016, Dharamsala, Himachal Pradesh Introduction: To mark its centenary, Men-Tsee-Khang (Tibetan Medical and Astro. Institute of His Holiness the Dalai Lama) is organising an International Conference on Tibetan Medicine in Dharamsala, Himachal Pradesh India, on Thursday, 24th March 2016. Speakers: Dr. Sarah Sallon, The Louis L Borick Natural Medical Research Center, Hadassah Medical Organization, Jerusalem, Israel; Dr. Herbert Schwabl, Padma AG, Switzerland; Dr. Dziugas Meskelevicius, Department of Biological Models, Institute of Biochemistry, Vilnius University, Lithuania; Dr. Namgyal Qusar, Tibtean Healing Centre, Himachal Pradesh, India; Dr. Nicolaus Marie-T, CNRS, Faculte d Education, Univ Montpellier, France and Dr. Jigme Singye, Department of Traditional Medicine Services, Bhutan. Last date of Registration: The last date of registration is 15 March, 2016 For more information visit our website or contact: The conference organizing committee Research & Development Department Men-Tsee-Khang (Tibetan Medical & Astro. Institute of H. H. the Dalai Lama) Gangchen Kyishong, Dharamsala-176215 Distt. Kangra, H.P. INDIA Tel: 0091-1892-223113/223222 Fax: 0091-1892-224116 Email: clinicalresearch@men-tsee-khang.org Website: www.men-tsee-khang.org www.mentsee.org Men-Tsee-Khang


Donations for Centenary Celebrations (March 23, 2016 - March 23, 2017) Dr. Lobsang Soepa Dr. Tenzin Thaye Mr. Tenzin Nyandak (branch) Tashi Tsering Phuri Ven. Thubten Wangchen, Fundacio Casa del Tibet

111,111.00 10,807.00 1,111.00 33,333.00

Spain 1,966.25 Venkata Vera Prasad India 1,013.50 Ram Gopal India 5,000.00 Mrs. M. Sujatha Chennai 5,000.00 Mr. Basab Banarjee MT Clinic 3,000.00 Monesha Jasubhat Ahmedabad 4,129.00 Jurgen Eisele Karnataka 4,000.00 N. Rama Chandra Bangalore 5,000.00 Mrs. Gunjan & Atul Bangalore 25,000.00 Sood Steel Industries Palampur 11,000.00 Mr. B.V. Subba Reddy Chennai 10,000.00 S. Sivaraman Chennai 3,000.00 N. Krishna Kumar Chennai 5,000.00 Mrs. Padma Hyderabad 500.00 Mr. Anand Tope Hyderabad 101.00 Mr. V.V. Phanu Mohan Secunderabad 500.00 Mr. Aditya Prahlad Bengaluru 1,000.00 Mr. Dhonden Dorjee Nizamuddin 111,111.00 Dr. Penpa Tsering Retired Dharamsala 33,000.00 Dr. Yeshi Dhonden Ex staff Dharamsala 100,000.00 Dr. Lobsang Tsultrim Ex staff Holland 30,000.00 Sri. Roshan Pradhan Sikkim 7,000.00 Sudhakar Vuumiri 1,000.00 Dr. Namgyal Tsering USA 10,000.00 Dr. Kyizom Bhuti USA 20,000.00 Dr. Nyima Tsering Delhi 100,000.00 Dr. Yangbum Gyal USA 10,000.00 Dr. Kalsang Dhonden Dharamsala 50,000.00 Mr. N. Krishna Kumar Indian 3,000.00 Mr. Himanshu R. Bhat Indian 11,000.00 Dr. Dorjee Tsetan Nederland 25,100.00 Dr. Jampa Yonten Bangalore 7,500.00 Terry V. Eagan USA 65,904.00 Apel Gabreila Germany 13,980.00 Dr. Tsering Thar Swiss 15,000.00 Tibet Forderkriese V Germany 300,000.00 Ogawa Yashushi Japan 5,000.00 MTK staff/Wagers (from July 2013- December, 2015) 5,311,882.40

The year 2016 will be a watershed year in the history of Men-Tsee-Khang. We celebrate 100 years of establishing Men-Tsee-Khang by the Great 13th Dalai Lama in Lhasa, Tibet, 55 years of re-establishing Men-Tsee-Khang by the Great 14th Dalai Lama in Dharamsala, India, and 320 years of establishing the Chagpori Medical College in Lhasa, Tibet by the Great 5th Dalai Lama. Starting from Wednesday, March 23, 2016, we will have several outreach and commemorative events, both in India and outside. To solicit active participation from all our students, wagers and staff, we appealed to our students to work 100 hours each without pay in our Pharmacy Department or Herbal Research and Production Department. We appealed to our staff and wagers to contribute 100 hours’ pay for the MenTsee-Khang’s Centenary Celebration. So far, they have contributed over 5.1 million Rupees, for which we thank very much, and more are coming in. Also, our well wishers in India, and abroad, mostly patients, are sending in donations. No doubt, our outreach programs, especially those in foreign countries, will entail huge expenses.

Donations received from October to December, 2015 Scholarship

Stipend of retired staff

Dr.Roland & Mag. Elisabeth Rainer Austria 29,400.00 Deutsche Tibethilfe E.V Germany 93,990.00 Staff Children Scholarship

Dakini Netzwerk Germany 172,723.00 Anne & Craig Gardner Australia 35,503.00 Deutsche Tibethilfe E.V Germany 37,307.00 Ladakh Jangthang Mobile Clinic Fund

Tibet Charity Denmark 105,711.35 Karin Peilickle-Atir Germany 13,770.00 Deutsche Tibethilfe E.V Germany 76,349.00 Reija Lilja Finland 25,841.00 Outreach Fund

Steve Hoit Claude

Dr.Penpa Tsering & team Europe 209,700.00 Dr. Tsewang Tamdin tour USA 194,550.00 Emory Tibet Medicine Science(ETMS) Emory University, Atlanta USA


(Tibetan Medical & Astro. Institute) Gangchen Kyishong Dharamsala - 176 215 Distt. Kangra, H.P. India


USA Italy

6,485.00 34,425.00

Poor & Needy Patients

Eva Maria Kniepbamp


Donations received through branch clinics Devraj Pal Ichaben Amy (USA)



Mumbai Mumbai Salugara

3,000.00 5,000.00 1,500.00

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