Terme Dobrna Presentation Medical and Diagnostic

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KAZALO Terme Dobrna in the past and today How to find us FAQ Specialists clinic

Specialist gynaecology clinic Specialist clinic for the treatment of infertility Specialist clinic for the conservative treatment of urinary incontinence Specialist urology clinic Specialist neurology clinic Specialist neurosurgery clinic Specialist cardiology tests and diagnostics Specialist orthopaedic clinic Specialist ophthalmology clinic Specialist clinic for plastic surgery and cosmetic dentistry Specialist psychotherapy and counselling clinic Ultrasound diagnostics and laboratory Specialist clinic for the comprehensive treatment of lymphedema

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Rehabilitation After Oncology Treatments Rehabilitation of neurology patients Physical therapy Balneotherapy Work therapy

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Alternative medicine

Alternative and complementary medicine


Referral by ZZZS

Spa treatment - referral by the ZZZS Stationary Spa treatment - outpatient physical therapy

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Hotel Vita Vila Higiea Hotel Park

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La Vita Spa & Beauty Saunas, Baths & Swimming Pools

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Issued by: Terme Dobrna, d.d., Dobrna 50, 3204 Dobrna, Slovenia Representative: Aleš Semeja Issue year: 2016


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Design and layout: Tomaž Blejec for POLPOL, d.o.o. Texts by: dr. Aleš Semeja, Andrej Eržen, Tina Stanisavljevič The publication is issued for promotional purposes and is free of charge.

Dear guests, patients and others, Terme Dobrna has been famous for its exceptional natural resources with positive effects on the health, and for the advanced medical profession for centuries. Together with my team of colleagues I am proud to continue the rich history and offer top-quality medical services to our patients. Natural resources, state-of-the-art equipment and selected experts in the fields of gynaecology, urology, neurology, neurosurgery, orthopaedics, cardiology, psychotherapy, ophthalmology and aesthetic surgery are a guarantee for our successful work and your satisfaction. Our diagnostic centre helps protect your health in terms of prevention by providing high-quality diagnostic services. If your disease has already been treated, our state-of-the-art rehabilitation techniques will help you step up the quality of your life to the previous level. Our mission is to help you maintain your health and the quality of life. We would like to thank you for your trust. AleĹĄ Semeja, PhD General Manager Terme Dobrna d.d.

With more than 600 years of experience, tradition and commitment to health we have decided to open a renovated and upgraded medical centre, Dobrna Medical. From mud baths as the first thermal service at Terme Dobrna to the state-of-the-art laser therapies; from the observation of the visible signs of disease to examinations of the cardiovascular system with the state-of-the-art ultrasound. From conservative infertility treatment methods to insemination with biomedical help. From sun baths to aesthetic surgery. This has been the path of Terme Dobrna since its beginnings and until today. The path that has not and will not end. W connect the traditional with the state-of-the-art approaches. Together with our experienced medical specialists and therapists. It is no coincidence that patients feel well at our spa centre. This is a place where your body and mind fill up with self-healing properties. Its beauty and peacefulness help your body wake up the peace and relaxation inside of us, and charge us with the energy needed to become healthy, immune to diseases and energetic again. May your stay at Terme Dobrna be a pleasant experience on your way to keeping or restoring your health. Andrej ErĹžen, Business Manager of the Medical Department, Director of IARMR



TERME DOBRNA IN THE PAST... Terme Dobrna is the oldest working Slovenian thermal spa with over 610 years of tradition. Archaeological findings also prove that Dobrna and its thermal water were well known by the Celts and Romans. The Dobrna spa and thermal spring were first mentioned in written records in 1403. Ever since the first findings, water from the Dobrna hot springs has been used for medical purposes to treat various diseases, to strengthen the body and to improve the overall physical and mental fitness of individuals and groups. Ever since 1542, thermal water has been used as an ideal means of treating gynaecological and urological illnesses, rheumatic and similar illnesses, as well as diseases and injuries of the motor system. This is how Terme Dobrna became known around the world for its healing effects and health benefits. The most notable guests included senior officials and important persons, including Maria Theresa, Bishop Anton Martin SlomĹĄek, Louis Bonaparte (brother of Napoleon I), writer Karl May and Count Hoyosh.



Today, Terme Dobrna is a successful, modern and dynamic health resort and tourist centre, which combines the gifts of nature, tradition, hospitality, professionalism and contemporary medicine. In our Diagnostic and Rehabilitation Centre, you will be taken care of by first class doctors and medical staff with the support of certified physical therapists who will provide you with individual, discreet and professional treatment to help you obtain the best results in gynaecology, urology, neurology, neurosurgery, orthopaedics, cardiology, psychotherapy, ophthalmology and aesthetic surgery. We help men and women in all stages of fertility, and at the same time protect them from the most common lifestyle diseases. We are known as the leading centre offering help with reproductive system disorders, infertility and incontinence, and diagnostics in the field of gynaecological and urologic diseases in connection with oncology and neurologic conditions.

... AND TODAY We are the first health resort in Slovenia to receive the prestigious international accreditation for quality in the field of medicine DNV-GL. This accreditation certifies that our patients are being treated in accordance with the standards of the highest level of safety. We are also active in medical scientific development. Our Institute for Applied Research in Medical Rehabilitation (IARMR) cooperates with educational and research institutions, as well as the leading pharmaceutical companies. In the tourism segment, we are recognizable by our offer of sustainable tourism. We specialize in seniors, couples and families with small children that are looking for peace, relaxation and a healthy way of life in pristine nature. We offer diversified accommodation and gastronomic experience, as well as a wide range of sports and leisure activities. All tourist offers are of course available to all who choose to visit for health reasons.



Vienna 327 km



120 km

69 km


Terme Dobrna

12 km

Celje 20 km


uscita Žalec

108 km

17 km

Ljubljana 79 km


Novo mesto

Nova Gorica

188 km

140 km

188 km



170 km

153 km

Koper 187 km

HOW TO FIND US Pristine nature; a peaceful environment; a rich cultural heritage of the countryside and clean air. This is Dobrna, which lies at an elevation of 375 m in the northern part of the Celje basin between the slopes of Paški Kozjak and Pohorje. It is half way between the towns of Celje and Velenje, and only 14 km away from the A1 motorway Ljubljana–Maribor. Road connection: Drive from the direction of Ljubljana or Maribor, leave the motorway at the exit Žalec–Arja vas and turn towards Velenje. In the village of Črnova, turn right towards Dobrna. After 4 km, turn left, pass the petrol station and after 2 km, you will reach Dobrna. Opposite the post office, turn left and you will see Terme Dobrna through the avenue. Public transport: Bus connections are possible from Celje or Velenje. The bus station is located in the centre of Dobrna and at the Terme Dobrna spa resort. The closest railway station is in Celje, 20 km away from Dobrna. There is no direct railway connection to Dobrna, so a bus must be taken.

Dunaj 327 km





120 km

69 km

Velenje 12 km

Terme Dobrna Celje 20 km


izvoz Žalec

108 km


17 km

Ljubljana 79 km


Novo mesto

Nova Gorica

188 km


140 km

188 km


170 km



153 km

187 km

Hotel Park Zdraviliški dom


327 km



69 km

120 km

Velenje 12 km

Vila Higiea

Celje 20 km

Kranj 108 km


izvoz Žalec

Gorica 188 km



17 km

79 km

75 km

Hotel Vita

Novo mesto

Nova Gorica

140 km

188 km

170 km

Zagreb 153 km

Kopar 187 km

Organized transport: We are organizing transport to Terme Dobrna from home or the nearby airports and back. You can book the transport when booking your stay at +386 3 78 08 110. Closest airports (by road): Jože Pučnik Airport (Ljubljana Airport), Brnik, 83 km Klagenfurt Airport, 118 km Graz Airport, 131 km Zagreb Airport, 178 km Friuli Airport, Trieste, 201 km

Dobrna center


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FAQ Whom is the diagnostic centre at Terme Dobrna intended for? The diagnostic centre is intended for everyone who wants to have quick, high-quality specialist and prevention check-ups, get a second opinion about a diagnosis or consult a medical specialist about the treatment plan for a disease. Do I need my GP’s referral? No. What do I need for a specialist checkup? If you don’t know the cause of your problems, you will first discuss your problems, symptoms, family history and any existing therapies and medicines that you are currently taking with a doctor. The doctor will then advise you on the suitable specialist check-up and provide you with detailed instructions about the preparation for the check-up. If you already know the cause of your problems and want to get a second opinion, please bring all the documents you have received during your previous check-ups and the results of examinations. If necessary, the examinations will be repeated at our diagnostic centre, and you will consult a medical specialist. After the check-up, we will provide you with a written opinion on the diagnosis and instructions for the follow-up treatment.



How quickly can the diagnostic check-up be done? The waiting period at our diagnostic centre is between two and ten days, depending on the indications and the medical specialist you want to see. Exceptionally, the waiting period is extended if the preparation of the specialist opinion requires additional examinations or if you want to see a particular medical specialist. Who pays for the services performed at the diagnostic centre? The Dobrna Medical* diagnostic centre offers private services, meaning you pay the bill after the performed services. Whom are the rehabilitation centre services intended for? The services of the rehabilitation centre are intended for everyone who wants to speed up the recovery phase, improve functional capacities of your body and again live your life as close to the quality it was before your injury or disease. Which indication areas does the rehabilitation centre cover? We are specialised in the rehabilitation of the problems resulting from various injuries of the locomotor system, neurological diseases (strokes, multiple sclerosis) or problems resulting from surgeries needed for the treatment of a primary disease, especially in the field of oncological procedures in gynaecology and urology, and orthopaedic surgeries of hips, knees, shoulders, feet, etc. Our centre has a physical therapy

clinic, a urine incontinence clinic and a holistic treatment and lymphedema treatment clinic. Who pays for the rehabilitation centre services? The majority of treatments are covered by the Health Insurance. For the spa treatment of gynaecologic, urologic, neurologic, orthopaedic, and rheumatologic conditions you and your GP will address a request to be granted the spa treatment to the committee of the Health Insurance Institute of Slovenia. In the request, you as a patient must state that you want treatment to be carried out at Terme Dobrna. After the approval of the committee, you will be issued a decision which will cover the total cost of accommodation and medical services. For the outpatient physical therapy in our clinic you will receive a WORK ORDER from your GP or a medical specialist with the authorisations 1, 2 and 3. All the services offered at the rehabilitation centre are also available privately (you are the payer). Are there any unexpected costs I should worry about? No, we will let you know about the price of the services performed at the diagnostic and rehabilitation centre in advance. If it turns out that additional services are needed, and such services are not covered by the insurance company, we will inform you about such situation in advance.


Dr. Kosi obtained a degree in medicine from a renowned university in Poland in 2001. He is currently employed at the Slovenj Gradec General Hospital, where he completed his residency in gynaecology and obstetrics. In 2014, he became acting assistant medical director at the Slovenj Gradec General Hospital. His subspecialties are in the conservative and operative treatment of urogynaecological diseases and pelvic floor issues. Dr. Kosi has honed his knowledge and skills by training with world renowned specialists, both in Slovenia with prof. A. Lukanović and abroad with prof. B. Deval, prof. P. Bartoš and prof. G. Santoro.

Dr. Ocvirk completed her studies at the Faculty of Medicine in Ljubljana in 1981, and completed his residency in gynaecology in 1990. After passing the Specialty Certificate Examination, she spent a year in training in Leverkusen, Germany. In 1994, she started working at the Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics of the Celje General Hospital, where she was Head of Perinatology and Deputy Head of the Department. In 1999, she completed her training at the International School of Acupuncture and Moxibustion in Ljubljana and later at the China Beijing International Acupuncture Training Centre. In 2006, Dr. Ocvirk successfully passed the international certification exam to become an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant - IBCLC. Every year, she actively participates in the execution of training courses for international board certified lactation consultants. In May 2005, she began her employment at Terme Dobrna, where her focus is on the rehabilitation of female patients who were treated for gynaecological problems. Dr. Ocvirk administers treatments to patients and oversees their rehabilitation after gynaecological cancer and breast cancer treatment or gynaecological surgery. Her work is complements by a dispensary at the primary care level, which is also located at Terme Dobrna. She actively participated in the implementation of the project Newborn-friendly nursery, by preparing reading materials, and teaching the medical staff at the Department of Gynaecology. She is chief mentor to trainees in gynaecology and obstetrics. In addition to her regular work, she oversees the introduction of improvements in the quality of health care provided by Terme Dobrna in connection with the acquisition of the DNV International Accreditation.

Make an appointment: Mondays to Fridays 7:00am to 20:00pm, Saturdays 7:00am to 19:00pm; +386 (0)3 78 08 140 zdravstvo@terme-dobrna.si



MARIJA OCVIRK, MD, IBCLC, Specialist in gynaecology and obstetrics


Clinic Services include: • preventive exams for women (gynaecological exam, Papanicolaou test, transvaginal ultrasound, breast exam, screening test for osteoporosis with a written medical report, written final report with the interpretation of results) • specialist gynaecological exam, • 3D/4D/5D pregnancy ultrasound with ultrasound images provided on a CD or USB flash drive, • transvaginal ultrasound exam, • pregnancy ultrasound exam, • group B streptococcus screening, • smear tests (HPV, pathological bacteria) • issuing medical certificates.

MARIUSZ KOSI, MD, Specialist in gynaecology and obstetrics


At the private gynaecological clinic for self-funding patients, headed by Mariusz Kosi MD, who is specialized in gynaecology and obstetrics, we treat gynaecological inflammations, fertility problems, climacteric disorders and breast diseases. In our examinations, we rely on modern 3D, 4D and 5D gynaecological sonography that allows us to capture accurate images of the interested area. We perform gynaecological surgeries using Tension-free Vaginal Tape (TVT ) or Mini Slings to treat stress urinary incontinence and vaginal and laparoscopic surgery for the correction of pelvic floor defects in women.




SPECIALIST CLINIC FOR THE TREATMENT OF INFERTILITY Nowadays, an increasing number of young couples are having trouble conceiving, which leads to a lot of emotional struggles and pain. The increasingly rapid pace of life today, stress, smoking, pollution, the fact that more couples are deciding to have children at a later age, etc., are all factors that have an adverse effect on the ability to conceive and increase the need for medical assistance. After all, the desire for offspring is one of the most fundamental human desires. Here at Terme Dobrna, we have been successfully treating infertility through natural methods and complementary medicine for decades. In our newly opened specialist clinic, we are now able to offer our clients assisted reproductive care with the use of biomedical techniques. The Clinic for the Treatment of Infertility is headed by Dr. Aleksander Merlo, one of the most wellknown and renowned gynaecologists-obstetricians in the country. The clinic is equipped to perform a complete set of diagnostic tests that allow us to determine the causes of infertility and design a course of tailor-made infertility treatments with the use of biomedical techniques. Our unique natural therapies and relaxation methods to treat infertility are designed to prepare you for the next step, which involves the use of biomedical techniques, as well as help us provide you with the perfect conditions to ensure the success of the treatment, after the artificial insemination. Through the entire process of assisted reproductive care with the use of biomedical techniques, the Clinic for the Treatment of Infertility cooperates with the most renowned private centre for the treatment of infertility in Slovenia - The Biomedical Insemination Centre Postojna. Clinic Services include: • specialist exam with medical report and opinion, • consultancy in the field of gynaecology, obstetrics and infertility treatment, • organization of the procedure of biomedical insemination, • designing the entire process of infertility treatment (diagnostics, selection of the most appropriate treatment methods, organization of procedures, prescribing medication, etc.) • gynaecological ultrasound exam of the reproductive organs, • laboratory tests (cervical screening tests - smear tests, comprehensive hormone panel, antibody screening, blood counts, urine analysis, etc.) • semen analysis (Spermiogram)



ALEKSANDER MERLO, MD, Specialist in gynaecology and obstetrics For a number of years now, Dr. Aleksander Merlo has been known as one of the best Slovenian gynaecologists. He studied at the Faculty of Medicine in Rijeka and specialized in Gynaecology and Obstetrics in Ljubljana and Postojna. He held his first position as general practitioner at the Postojna Primary Health Centre, after which he began his residency at the Postojna Hospital - Hospital for Gynaecology and Obstetrics. After passing his specialist exam, Dr. Merlo was employed by the Postojna Hospital. Obstetrics and gynaecology always were and still remain his first and biggest love. He is currently the director of the Maternity Hospital in Postojna.

Make an appointment: Mondays to Fridays 7:00am to 20:00pm, Saturdays 7:00am to 19:00pm; +386 (0)3 78 08 140 zdravstvo@terme-dobrna.si




Do you suffer prom involuntary leaking of urine? Are experiencing problems such as uncontrolled leaking while laughing, coughing, sneezing, or lifting objects? Do you often feel the need to urinate or are unable to control the urge to urinate when you hear running water or come in contact with cold water? If you suffer from any of issues listed above, our team at Terme Dobrna, in collaboration with experts from the University Medical Centre of Ljubljana and the Faculty of Health Sciences, were the first in Slovenia to organize professional training courses that qualified our physiotherapists to provide professional and comprehensive rehabilitation therapy for urinary incontinence.

Make an appointment: Mondays to Fridays 7:00am to 20:00pm, Saturdays 7:00am to 19:00pm; +386 (0)3 78 08 140 zdravstvo@terme-dobrna.si


Po končanem študiju na Medicinski fakulteti v Ljubljani je opravil specializacijo iz ginekologije in porodništva. Podiplomski študij, smer uroginekologija, je opravil na Medicinski fakulteti Sveučilišta v Zagrebu in leta 1991 postal magister znanosti. Oktobra leta 1998 je na Medicinski fakulteti Univerze v Ljubljani pridobil akademski naslov doktorja znanosti s področja ginekologije. Od leta 1988 je bil vodja Oddelka za uroginekologijo na Ginekološki kliniki v Ljubljani, kjer je v klinično delo na področju diagnostike in zdravljenja urinske inkontinence prenesel nove diagnostične in operativne tehnike. Leta 2006 je postal predstojnik Kliničnega oddelka za ginekologijo Ginekološke klinike UKC Ljubljana vse do leta 2008. Od takrat dalje je strokovni direktor Ginekološke klinike UKC Ljubljana. Leta 2000 mu je Ministrstvo za zdravstvo R Slovenije podelilo naziv svetnik za aktivni prispevek na strokovnem, organizacijskem, pedagoškem in raziskovalnem področju. Leta 2001 pa mu je Medicinska fakulteta Univerze v Ljubljani podelila naziv docent ginekologije in porodništva. Strokovno se je izpopolnjeval v Londonu, Berlinu, Gradcu, Dunaju in Uppsali.


The conservative treatment of urinary incontinence involves a set of different procedures and methods, which usually lead to a successful outcome and is a combination of the following: • specialized treatment with medical exam, consultation and measurement of pelvic floor muscle activity, • evaluation of pelvic-floor muscle function with electromyography (EMG), • learning appropriate methods in the context of individual conservative treatment of problems associated with urinary incontinence, • individual pelvic floor muscle training, based on measurements of pelvic floor muscle activity, • individual bladder training, • individual pelvic floor muscle training with bio-feedback, • electrical stimulation of the pelvic floor muscles (vaginal/rectal) • pulsed electromagnetic field stimulation, • transpelvic magnetic stimulation, • complementary treatment.

Assist. Prof. ADOLF LUKANOVIĆ, MD, Specialist in gynaecology and obstetrics

MARIUSZ KOSI, MD, Specialist in gynaecology and obstetrics


To put our newly acquired expertise to good use, Terme Dobrna has opened the first clinic for the preventive and conservative treatment of urinary incontinence in women in Slovenia. We only employ the latest techniques to help you successfully alleviate and overcome this problem, which is becoming increasingly more common.

MARIJA OCVIRK, MD, IBCLC, Specialist in gynaecology and obstetrics SPECIALISTS CLINIC


SPECIALIST UROLOGY CLINIC At the Urology Clinic, we treat patients suffering from urinary tract disorders and prostate problems. We perform comprehensive and preventive urological exams, using proper diagnostic methods that allow us to provide an accurate diagnosis and recommend the most appropriate treatment. We use the most advanced ultrasound and transrectal ultrasound techniques, biochemical laboratory tests and uroflowmetry. We highly recommended all men over 50 years of age to come in for an exam at the clinic. If you have a family history of urological diseases, we recommend you come in even sooner, after the age of 40. At our clinic, you will receive a fast, professional and thorough examination and treatment in the safe hands of Dr. Sandi Poteko, MD, specialist in urology.

SANDI POTEKO, MD, Urology specialist Sandi Poteko, MD, Urology specialist, has completed his studies at the Faculty of Medicine in Ljubljana in 1987. He passed his specialist exam in urology in 1993 in Ljubljana. Since 2013, he is Head of the Urology Department of the General Hospital in Celje. In 2010, he introduced robotassisted surgery into the regular work of the Urology Department. Dr. Poteko performs comprehensive urological diagnosis and surgical treatment of urological patients with conventional, endoscopic and robotic assisted procedures.

Stanja, ki jih obravnavamo: • obolenja prostate (povečanje prostate, rak prostate in vnetje prostate), • tumorji v predelu sečil, • sečni kamni, • slabšanje erektilne funkcije, • uhajanje urina, • motnje v predelu zunanjih spolovil.



Make an appointment: Mondays to Fridays 7:00am to 20:00pm, Saturdays 7:00am to 19:00pm; +386 (0)3 78 08 140 zdravstvo@terme-dobrna.si


SPECIALISTS CLINIC Make an appointment: Mondays to Fridays 7:00am to 20:00pm, Saturdays 7:00am to 19:00pm; +386 (0)3 78 08 140

ČATER EMIL, MD, Neuropsychiatric specialist

Dr. Kosi has been employed at the Department of Neurology, General Hospital Celje, as Head of the Stroke Unit. In 2000, she graduated from the Medical University of Zabrze in Poland and went on to complete her residency in neuroscience at the Clinic of Neurology in Ljubljana in 2009. From 2009 to April 2014, she was Head of the Neurology Division of the Slovenj Gradec General Hospital.

Dr. Čater graduated from the Medical Faculty in Ljubljana in April 1963.

Dr. Kosi treats mainly patients with vascular problems, but in her everyday practice she also treats patients with dementia, demyelinating disorders, headaches, diseases of the spinal cord and other neurological conditions. Her subspecialties are rare diseases and since 2004, she has been a member of the team at the Center for the treatment of Fabry disease. She works closely with stroke survivor associations, associations of oncology patients and homes for the elderly. Dr. Kosi is well aware of the importance of raising awareness of the risk factors for cardiovascular disease, which is why she organizes campaigns to raise awareness among the non-expert public every year. The goal of these campaigns is to draw attention to the importance of the timely identification of the first signs of stroke and stroke risk factors, as well as primary and secondary prevention. Her other priority issues include the early diagnosis and treatment of dementia.

After graduation, he worked at the Celje Primary Health Centre as a general practitioner. In 1967, he joined the staff at the Division of Neuropsychiatry of the General Hospital Celje, where he completed a residency in neuropsychiatry in 1970. He continued his career at the on Division of Neuropsychiatry - Department of Neurology, as a neurologist. He received training that qualified him to work in a electroencephalographic laboratory at the Ljubljana Institute of Clinical Neurophysiology, and later managed the EEG laboratory at the General Hospital Celje. In 1984, he joined the staff of Terme Dobrna. Before that, he completed his studies in acupuncture. He also upgraded his knowledge of acupuncture by attending seminars that are regularly carried out at Terme Dobrna. Until 1989, Terme Dobrna operated a Centre for Acupuncture. The courses were led by renowned and highly qualified acupuncturists from China.


The Clinic treats the following conditions: • stroke, • multiple sclerosis, • Parkinson’s disease, • epilepsy, • brain tumours, • dementia, • headaches, • insomnia, • spinal cord diseases, • polyneuropathy • pain syndromes.

IWONA EWA KOSI, MD, Specialist in Neurology

Later, he expanded his knowledge to include Shiatsu and Ayurveda. He currently works as a neurologist and acupuncturist at the private clinic of Terme Dobrna.


The Dobrna Medical clinic offers fast, professional and thorough examination and treatment performed by Iwona Ewa Kosi, MD, Specialist in Neurology.


Neurology is a clinical medical science that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of conditions affecting the nervous system and the muscles The most common neurological symptoms that prompt our patients to visit the Neurology Clinic include headaches, back pain and muscle pain, dizziness, gait abnormalities and the decline of motor and mental abilities.






SPECIALIST NEUROSURGERY CLINIC The staff at the Neurosurgery Clinic treats primarily all diseases and problems involving the nervous system - the brain, spinal cord and peripheral nerves. Following a careful exam, our neurosurgeon assesses the need for surgical treatment of the aforementioned problems, and carries out the surgery, if this is deemed necessary. At our clinic, you will receive a fast, professional and thorough examination and treatment, performed by Assist. Matjaž Voršič, MD, Neurosurgery Specialist.

MATJAŽ VORŠIČ, MD, Neurosurgery Specialist

The Clinic treats the following conditions: • suspected cerebral vascular disease, • conditions that develop after a head injury, • brain tumours and other diseases of the spine, • carpal tunnel and cubital tunnel syndrome, • suspected intervertebral disc herniation (herniated disc) • narrowing of spaces in the spine (stenosis), • slipped vertebrae (spondylolisthesis).

Make an appointment: Mondays to Fridays 7:00am to 20:00pm, Saturdays 7:00am to 19:00pm; +386 (0)3 78 08 140 zdravstvo@terme-dobrna.si



Assist. Matjaž Voršič, MD is employed at the Maribor University Medical Centre as a specialist neurosurgeon. After completing secondary education at the Catholic secondary school Bishop Kelly High School in Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA, he moved back to Slovenia and enrolled at the Medical Faculty in Ljubljana, where he successfully completed his studies in September 1997 and acquired the title of Doctor of Medicine. He continued his education at the third level at the Faculty of Medicine in Ljubljana. He is currently completing a master’s thesis under guidance of his mentor, Acad. Prof. Vinko V. Dolenc, MD, PhD. In February 1998, he started his internship at the Ljubljana Clinical Centre, which he completed in July 1998. In 1998, he joined the staff at the Department of Neurosurgery of the Maribor General Hospital, where he completed his residency in neurosurgery. During his residency, he published several articles in renowned scientific journals. He passed the specialist exam in 2004 and was awarded the title of specialist neurosurgeon. In 2005, he was appointed assistant professor of anatomy and neurosurgery at the Medical Faculty of Maribor and has been successfully participating in lectures and practical exercises with medical students. As a specialist neurosurgeon, he has published several articles in scientific journals both at home and abroad. Recently, his main focus has been on the treatment of diseases of the spine. In October 2008, he organized Maribor Spine, an international meeting and workshop on the surgical treatment of diseases of the lumbar spine.



At the Clinic, we preform the following tests and examinations: • specialist examination by a cardiologist with medical report and opinion, • spiroergometry, • cycloergometry, • ECG, • Holter (all-day ECG monitoring), • spirometry, • 24-hour blood pressure measurement, • ultrasound of the heart, • ultrasound of the carotid arteries.

Assist. Prof. DRAGAN KOVAČIĆ, MD, Internal medicine specialist - cardiologist

Make an appointment: Mondays to Fridays 7:00am to 20:00pm, Saturdays 7:00am to 19:00pm; +386 (0)3 78 08 140 zdravstvo@terme-dobrna.si

Dr. Kovačić was born on January 1, 1973 in Celje, where he finished primary school and graduated from the Gymnasium of Natural Sciences and Mathematics program within the Secondary Technical School in Celje. In 1991, after passing the entrance exam, he began his studies in medicine at the Medical Faculty of the University of Ljubljana, which he finished as the recipient of the Oražen Award for the best graduate of medicine in 1998. Since August 1, 1998 he has been employed at the Celje General Hospital. On February 28, 2003 the he completed his residency in internal medicine by passing his specialist exam and continued his work as a specialist at the Department of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Disease at the Celje General Hospital. In 2008, he was awarded the title of Doctor of Science with a doctoral thesis on the subject of heart failure. Since 2006, he has held the position of interventional cardiologist, in 2010 he became Head of the Laboratory for invasive cardiac diagnostics and as of 2011, he has been Head of Cardiology at the Celje General Hospital. Since 2011, he has been working with the Department of Intensive Internal Medicine at the Celje General Hospital 201, as an operator in the Permanent pacemaker insertion program. In 2013, he obtained the title of specialist in cardiology and vascular medicine. In addition to his regular job, he is also actively involved in training courses for his colleagues that are held at the department as well during educational conferences at home and abroad. Together with his colleagues, he regularly publishes articles in domestic and foreign journals, while his department is actively involved in several international clinical studies.



The stress testing technique, with or without the measurement of oxygen consumption, we are able to evaluate a patient’s heart and lungs function during physical exercise. Blood pressure control is assessed by 24-hour RR monitoring, while Holter ECG monitoring is used to monitor cardiac rhythm over 24 or 72 hours. Early signs of hardening of the arteries are detected by ultrasound examination of the carotid arteries.


The Cardiology Clinic is fully equipped with state-of-the-art medical devices. In addition to the resting ECG, which is used to evaluate the cardiac rhythm and function of the heart muscle, we use cardiac ultrasound with advanced imaging that shows how well the heart muscle is working, which allows us to evaluate the heart’s chambers and valves, as well as its pumping function.


At the Cardiology Clinic, we perform specialist examinations of the heart and tests that allow us to assess cardiac function and diagnose medical conditions, in order to recommend the most appropriate treatment procedures.




SPECIALIST ORTHOPAEDIC CLINIC The private Orthopaedic Clinic for self-funding patients of Terme Dobrna provides a full range of orthopaedic exams. Our focus is specifically on problems in the area of the hip and knee joint, the shoulders and the feet. We offer counselling services on operational procedures in orthopaedic surgery and physiotherapy procedures. The Orthopaedic Clinic’s services also include administering anti-inflammatory infiltrations, where necessary. The Clinic treats the following conditions: • follow-up care after endoprosthesis insertion (hip, knee, shoulder) • follow-up care after hernia surgery, • injuries (shoulder girdle, tennis elbow, injuries to ligaments and meniscus of the knee, Achilles tendon and ankle), • degenerative disorders (acute and chronic back pain, arthritis, pain in the heel - heel spurs, calcination in the shoulder joint) • rheumatic diseases.

ANDREJ STRAHOVNIK, MD, M.Sc., Specialist in orthopaedic surgery Dr. Strahovnik, M.Sc., has completed his medical studies at the Medical Faculty in Ljubljana. He then completed his residency in orthopaedic surgery, most of which was carried out at the Orthopaedic and Sport Injuries Department of the Celje General hospital. He also completed part of his rotating Internship at the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery of the Ljubljana University Medical Centre and at the Valdoltra Orthopaedic Hospital. During his residency, he completed his postgraduate studies program in Biomedicine at the Medical Faculty and was awarded the title of Master of Science (MS) in Medical Sciences. After completing his residency, he continued to work at the Celje General Hospital and is currently employed at the Valdoltra Orthopaedic Hospital.

Make an appointment: Mondays to Fridays 7:00am to 20:00pm, Saturdays 7:00am to 19:00pm; +386 (0)3 78 08 140 zdravstvo@terme-dobrna.si



Make an appointment: Mondays to Fridays 7:00am to 20:00pm, Saturdays 7:00am to 19:00pm; +386 (0)3 78 08 140 zdravstvo@terme-dobrna.si

BOŠTJAN DREV, MD, Ophthalmologist, eye surgeon Dr. Boštjan Drev, MD, who specializes in ophthalmology, performed his first eye surgeries during his residency between 1996 and 2000, first at the Department of Ophthalmology of the Celje General Hospital and later on at the Ljubljana Eye Clinic. After completing his residency and until mid-2005, he worked at the Department of Ophthalmology of the Celje General Hospital, where he gained additional surgical experience. As a founding member and owner of the Vidim Eye Surgery Centre from 2005 onwards, he has been constantly keeping up to date with new developments in the field of ocular surgery and regularly attends trainings abroad. Dr. Drev follows the latest trends in ocular surgery and performs more than 1,500 different ophthalmic surgeries every year. In the last 6 years, he has specialized in intraocular lens implants, including intraocular lens ( Visian ICL) surgery over the past year. He also cooperates with ophthalmic surgery centres abroad, where he trains ophthalmology specialists and teaches complex surgical techniques. He regularly attends professional trainings in Europe and in the USA. He is a member of the American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery (ASCRS), of the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO), the European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons (ESCRS) and of the Slovenian Society of Ophthalmology.





The team at the Ophthalmology Clinic performs the following diagnostic exams: • standard and comprehensive eye examinations, • vision tests for driver’s licenses; • retinal fundus and visual field test, • intraocular pressure measurement, • preoperative examination for cataract surgery, • cataract surgery, covered either by the compulsory health insurance scheme or through self-funding, • multifocal lens, toric lens, toric multifocal intraocular lens implants, • screening for glaucoma in patients with hereditary forms of macular degeneration, • screening after the age of 40, • screening for diabetics and hypertension, • laser eye surgery with RELEX SMILE, which is the most modern method for treating myopia, using the VisuMax Zeiss laser - new in Slovenia • presbyopia surgery • cataract surgery.


The Ophthalmology Clinic of Terme Dobrna offers a complete approach to the well-being of your eyes. With our preventive exams, we can prevent the development of certain diseases and curative exams allow us to provide proper counselling and treat medical conditions.


Our eyes and our sense of sight are one of the greatest gifts we are given. Taking good care of our eyes is therefore essential, especially since our modern lifestyle, including working with computers, atmospheric pollution and other factors, can have a very adverse effect on our eyes. Another important factor are hereditary conditions, which can make your eyes more susceptible to disease.




SPECIALIST CLINIC FOR PLASTIC SURGERY AND COSMETIC DENTISTRY How you feel about your appearance reflects on every aspect of your life, as it affects your overall mental well-being and quality of life. Accepting ourselves is the hardest thing we have to do throughout our lives. Life processes and the aging process lead to different changes in our body, as well as various health problems and injuries. All this can lead to poor self-image, reduced self-esteem and anxiety, which can limit your ability to handle life’s challenges. To help you eliminate these negative feelings from your life, here at Terme Dobrna we offer our patients a comprehensive and personalized approach and guarantee 100% privacy. In cooperation with Fabjan Aesthetic Surgery, we offer you the services of Fabjan Plastic Surgery and of the Fabjan Aesthetic Dental Practice. Fabjan Plastic Surgery Clinic: • eyebrow lift and forehead lift procedures, • facelift, • endoscopic face lift, • lip augmentation with dermal fillers, • correction of the upper and lower eyelids, • rejuvenation of the face using lipofixing (autologous fat transfer) • botox, • ear pinning, nose correction, • facial rejuvenation with fillers, • plasmar rejuvenation • Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE).

Laser therapy: • facial photorejuvenation treatment, • laser removal of pigmentary irregularities - dermasurgery, • laser removal of vascular irregularities • laser hair removal - epilation, • laser treatment of vaginal relaxation syndrome - vaginal rejuvenation, • laser treatment of stress urinary incontinence.



Body Shaping Treatments: • liposuction, • lipolysis, • breast augmentation, • breast reduction, • gynecomastia, • tummy tucks, • LPG Endermologie, • cavitation.

Fabjan Aesthetic Dental Practice: • dental veneers, • dental implants, • teeth whitening, • invisible braces, • laser in dentistry.

Make an appointment: Mondays to Fridays 7:00am to 20:00pm, Saturdays 7:00am to 19:00pm; +386 (0)3 78 08 140 zdravstvo@terme-dobrna.si

MATIC FABJAN, MD, Specialist in plastic, reconstructive, and aesthetic surgery Dr. Fabjan completed his studies at the Faculty of Medicine in Ljubljana in 2004, after which he started his residency in the field of plastic, reconstructive, and aesthetic surgery in 2005 and successfully completed his residency after six years, during which he received training both in Slovenia and abroad. Since 2011, he has worked in the aforementioned field at Estetika Fabjan d.o.o., which is a family-owned business, where he performs up to 500 major and 1,000 minor surgeries at five different locations in Slovenia (Ljubljana, Celje, Ankaran, Kranj, Nova Gorica). He acquired his knowledge and experience at various clinics around the world. Dr. Fabjan employs the latest and most advanced methods and techniques to his everyday work, thereby ensuring the overall progress of the company.

TINA FABJAN, DMD Dr. Tina Fabjan graduated in 2005 from the Medical Faculty in Ljubljana and received further training in different dental services in various parts of the world. She only uses top quality materials and stateof-the-art devices. These include Biolase, which allows pain-free and stress-free dental treatment, implantology, which mainly involves dental implants from leading manufacturers, such as Astra, Ankylos and Bredent. She puts great emphasis on aesthetic dentistry, which includes teeth whitening, dental veneers, implants and the use of invisible braces. The company Medical Fabjan has a Clinic in Ljubljana an one in Celje, as well as in the town of Kolomban, which is above Ankaran. Dr. Tina Fabjan, her husband Dr. Matic Fabjan, specialists in plastic surgery and the entire team work together toward a common goal, which is to enable patients to achieve a complete makeover, all in one place. Patients leave the clinic feeling satisfied and sporting a brilliant smile, having received a much-needed confidence boost.



Our Psychotherapy Clinic is headed by renowned psychotherapist Leonarda Lunder, MD, specialist in psychiatry, who will help you understand, face and solve your problems with her personalized and in-depth approach.

Psychotherapy is used to treat the following conditions: • depression, • anxiety disorders, • obsessive-compulsive disorder, • behavioural problems, • psychosomatic disorders, • relationship issues, • unprocessed loss (grief ) • addictions (alcohol, drugs, relationships, drugs, gambling, etc.), • family issues, • emotional disorders (excessive anger, rage, stress, jealousy, panic, anxiety, envy, etc.) • eating disorders, • sexual disorders.

Dr. Lunder graduated from the Faculty of Medicine in Ljubljana in 1995. She passed the specialist exam in psychiatry in 2003. As part of her residency, she completed her postgraduate studies in psychopathology and psychotherapy. She continued her education in the field of cognitive behavioral therapy. Dr. Lunder was employed at the Vojnik Psychiatric Hospital from 1998 to 2009, where she became a department head in 2003. Since 2009, she has been working at the Celje Primary Health Centre, where she is currently Head of the Psychiatric Unit.


At Terme Dobrna, we offer a quiet, relaxing and private environment, where you can talk openly and without any reservations to a qualified specialist person who will listen to you, help you and advise you.

LEONARDA LUNDER, MD, Specialist in psychiatry

Make an appointment: Mondays to Fridays 7:00am to 20:00pm, Saturdays 7:00am to 19:00pm; +386 (0)3 78 08 140


Psychotherapy has recently become a very important sector of the healthcare industry. That is because our fast-paced modern lives lead to an increase in mental distress and because the challenges we face can trigger anxiety, depression, the inability to solve problems, numbness, feelings of worthlessness, sadness and anger. All this leads to isolation, which often exacerbates the condition.


Nowadays, seeking psychotherapy no longer carries any particular social stigma. More and more people are turning to psychotherapy for help, due to an increase in the personal crises, levels of stress and challenges brought on by the modern lifestyle. Mental health problems can affect anyone, regardless of age or social status.






ULTRASOUND DIAGNOSTICS AND LABORATORY Ultrasound diagnostics is a harmless, reliable and quick method of softtissue imaging, which is why it has replaced many other more harmful methods. At Terme Dobrna, we use the most modern ultrasonic diagnosis devices, based on an innovative technology that allows us to capture highquality images. Our team of skilled professionals performs examinations and explains the results to the patient as clearly as possible. Our specialist will issue their opinion based on the obtained data and on your medical history, as well as provide appropriate counselling on possible further treatment.

MARIJA ŠOŠTARIČ PODLESNIK, MD, Specialist in Neurology

SUZANA ISAKOVIČ, MD, M.Sc., Specialist in radiology

Marija Šoštarič Podlesnik, MD graduated from the Faculty of Medicine in Ljubljana in 1993. She passed her specialist exam in neurology in 2000 in Ljubljana. In 1995, she started working in the intensive care unit at the neurological department of the Celje General Hospital and later became Head of the Stroke Unit at the Department of Neurology, General Hospital Celje. For more than 12 years, her specialty has been neurosonology.

She enrolled at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Belgrade in 1985 and finished her studies in December 1990.

For 2 years, she worked at the Neurological Clinic of the Clinical Department of Vascular Neurology, where she brought additional knowledge to the field of vascular neurology. She focused her work on patients who underwent endovascular carotid angioplasty interventions and endovascular interventions to treat Intracranial vascular disease. Since March 2014, she has been the head of the Neurological Department of the Celje General Hospital, which deals with the diagnosis and treatment of chronic neurological diseases.

Make an appointment: Mondays to Fridays 7:00am to 20:00pm, Saturdays 7:00am to 19:00pm; +386 (0)3 78 08 140 zdravstvo@terme-dobrna.si



Pregledi, ki jih opravljamo: • ultrasound of the heart, • ultrasound of the carotid arteries, • ultrasound of lower limb arteries, • lower limbs venous ultrasonography, • abdominal ultrasound,

She then completed her postgraduate studies in oncology in 1993. She passed her specialist exam in radiology in February 2000 and successfully defended her master’s thesis in December 2000th She furthered her studies on courses and trainings at home and abroad (University Clinic in Dresden in 2004, Barcelona in 2005, Oxford in 2011, UZ Leven in 2012, Rome in 2013 an Graz in 2014). As a specialist in radiology, she has worked at the Institute for Oncology and Radiology of Serbia until 2008. Since 2008 she has been employed at the Department of Radiology of the Celje General Hospital as a specialist in radiology, where she reads conventional radiographs, including mammography, ultrasound and CT scans of all organ systems.

• ultrasound of the neck and thyroid, • scrotal and testicular ultrasound, • joints and soft tissue ultrasound, • vascular causes for erectile dysfunction ultrasound, • breast ultrasound.


• Secondary lymphedema (as a result of surgery, removal of lymph nodes, radiation therapy, extensive damage ...), which, if untreated or unsuccessfully treated, can lead to serious complications and irreversible conditions The gold standard of treatment of lymphedema is the comprehensive treatment of lymphedema, which consists of s a two-phase approach. In the first phase, the goal is to minimize swelling, while the goal of the second phase is to maintain and improve the situation. The first stage lasts from 2-5 weeks, but it may even last longer, depending on the stage of the disease. The therapy is administered 1-2 times a day, 5 days a week, under expert supervision at Terme Dobrna. The second phase continues indefinitely, except in cases when it is possible to revert the disease to stage 0. The therapy is performed 1-3 x a week. In case of a deterioration of the patient’s condition, we prescribe intensive stationary therapy. The Comprehensive treatment of lymphedema (the Dr. Vodder method) consists of four elements: manual lymphatic drainage, compression therapy, Lymphedema exercises, used with compression, and skin care. Clinic Services include: • comprehensive physiotherapy care for lymphedema, • special wrapping of the affected area, • maxi-program of comprehensive treatment of lymphedema, • mini-program for the comprehensive treatment of lymphedema.

Make an appointment: Mondays to Fridays 7:00am to 20:00pm, Saturdays 7:00am to 19:00pm; +386 (0)3 78 08 140 zdravstvo@terme-dobrna.si SPECIALISTS CLINIC


Lymphedema can be caused by: • Primary or. congenital lymphedema (valvular defects, lack of or damage to the lymphatic vessels and lymph nodes ...)

Includes manual lymph drainage, compression dressings, exercises, used with compression and skin care. The comprehensive treatment of lymphedema is the gold standard for treatment of lymphoedema (which depends on the permeability of each limb lymph nodes) and lipedema (occurs symmetrically)). Lymphatic drainage is a manual massage technique, developed in the 1930s’ in France by Dr. Vodder. It is the most successful method of eliminating edema. It is different than normal massage, because it involves a special technique, especially in the was pressure is applied, based on subtle, semicircular, pumping movements, which are aimed at accelerating lymphatic circulation, while venous and arterial flow remain unchanged, or decrease. Consequently, there is a reduction of the edema, as the inflow to the periphery is smaller than the outflow, while the massage itself is pleasant and painless. This process can be accelerated by using suitable compression therapy. The treatment has a positive effect on the pressure in the tissue. The advantage of compression wrapping is that it can be adjusted as the swelling decreases, pressure can be intensified whenever necessary and we can also apply special foams to soften scars and sclerosing lesions. We use short elastic bandages. They are placed on the interested area in several layers. The patient can keep them on as long as possible, or ideally until the next manual lymphatic drainage session. Exercises with compression are carried out under the supervision of a physiotherapist. Exercising with compression increases the effectiveness of the therapy and helps drain fluids from the tissues. Skincare is a very important aspect of lymphedema treatment, because the skin is thinner and more fragile, and thus also more vulnerable to inflammation, injury and infection.


This condition usually requires a long-term treatment and the process itself can be difficult, which is why we offer only the best methods and programs to help you return to your normal life, as it was before the disease, as soon as possible and maintain the results of the treatment.

Comprehensive Treatment of Lymphedema (according to Dr. Vodder):


Lymphedema is a condition that consists in the swelling of the soft tissue of the extremities due to accumulation of protein-rich interstitial fluid, which is caused by inadequate lymphatic drainage. To tackle this condition, Terme Dobrna employs a highly educated staff of medical doctors and physiotherapists who are certified to perform comprehensive treatment of lymphedema according to the method of dr. Vodder, which is currently the most effective method for treating lymphedema available.




REHABILITATION AFTER ONCOLOGY TREATMENTS You have been through a difficult life experience. Modern medicine has surgeries, chemotherapy and radiation in place to fight various types of cancer more and more effectively. Despite a successful treatment, the disease as well as treatment methods can leave you with various physical, emotional and social consequences that affect your daily life. Anxiety, depression, lack of energy and sleeping problems are the most common side effects. Mental problems such as low self-image or dissatisfaction with the physical appearance lead to social isolation, family and partnership problems or intimacy problems. The most common physical problems include pain, difficult and limited mobility, lymphedema, and in men also incontinence and erectile dysfunction. Some of these problems can last for a long period of time after the completed basic treatment. At Terme Dobrna we do not treat the basic disease, i.e. cancer. Our mission is to help patients to once again live their lives at the quality as similar to the one before the disease. We have therefore prepared a selection of therapies to help you recover as quickly as possible. The range of therapies is tailored to every patient based on their needs, health situation, the basic disease treatment method, any possible contraindications, etc. You will prepare the rehabilitation programme together with our medical specialist who will advise you on the right therapies for you. At Terme Dobrna we treat all patients who have undergone cancer treatment holistically, i.e. from the physical and psychological views. For this purpose we combine modern medical and rehabilitation procedures with the therapies that are based on the use of our unique natural factors. We use baths, thermal wraps, special therapies for the treatment of lymphedema, improvement of tissue circulation, etc. to successfully reduce pain in the affected areas, reduce scarring and tissue thickening, prevent urine incontinence, improve flexibility, etc. Relaxation and conversations with professionally trained psychotherapists will help you overcome psychological problems, and in expert lectures given by our medical specialists you will gain indepth knowledge about the causes of your disease and learn to live a healthy life. The road to complete rehabilitation is long and difficult. Allow us to help you with our knowledge and support. Learn to relax, reduce stress and strengthen your immune system. Learn to be happy again.

The therapies and programmes we offer and recommend: • consultation with a doctor to choose the most suitable therapies, • individual exercises with a physical therapist, • group exercises, • holistic treatment of lymphedema, • manual lymphatic drainage, • scar treatment, • laser, ultrasound, bioptron for reduction of scars and pain, • vacusac or intermittent massage of the veins, • the treatment of incontinence (exercises, electrostimulation, magnetotherapy), • mud and swamp fango wraps and baths, • thermal baths with a relaxation effect, • various relaxation massages, • relaxation techniques such as deep relaxation, breathing exercises, laughter yoga, • breathing programme, • DETOX programme.

Make an appointment: Mondays to Fridays 7:00am to 20:00pm, Saturdays 7:00am to 19:00pm; +386 (0)3 78 08 140 zdravstvo@terme-dobrna.si




REHABILITATION OF NEUROLOGY PATIENTS Brain injury as a consequence of trauma, stroke or degenerative disease is a difficult situation in life for both the patient and their family. The course of the disease is different with every patient and there are also specific changes in physical and mental abilities of patients.

The services of the nursing department are either private (self-funded) or conducted via the Health Insurance Institute of Slovenia referral. At Terme Dobrna we offer accommodation in complete nursing rooms for the patients who have mobility difficulties and who have a hard time taking care of themselves, but still crave for some time off and want to do something for their health. Doctors and nursing staff are available round-the-clock. This is particularly appreciated by those families who have a member with mobility difficulties and who want to enable a quality vacation to such member and themselves.

The services offered by the nursing department in the neurology patients rehabilitation programme: • round-the-clock care for patients with mobility difficulties and who are immobile • work therapy • physical therapy • clinical logopaedics • psychotherapeutic treatment • supervision by a physiatrist and neurologist • educational programmes for the patient’s family members



Neurological diseases have one of the major effects on the way and quality of life of patients and their families. To help families of patients and patients face the change more easily and stay strong, we provide consultations with a psychotherapist to help you deal with your doubts and questions regarding your future.

Nada Žemva, MSc, clinical logopaedist is employed at the Soča University Rehabilitation Institute of the Republic of Slovenia in Ljubljana. She works in the field of neurogenic speech disorders and swallowing disorders resulting from central nervous system diseases. She studied at the Pedagogical Academy in Ljubljana. Since there was no university level study in logopaedics in Slovenia, she continued her studies at the Faculty of Defectology in Zagreb, more specifically at the Department of Logopaedics. She completed her postgraduate education at the Faculty of Education of Ljubljana with her masters thesis entitled “Establishing the quality of life of patients after a stroke”. She specialised in clinical logopaedics at the Faculty of Medicine, the Otorhinolaryngology Department in Ljubljana. Her bibliography includes articles presenting various fields of neurogenic disorders: understanding, speech, reading, writing and swallowing disorders. Her book entitled “Rad bi povedal” contains detailed descriptions of disorders and suggestions for overcoming the problems for both the patients after a stroke as well as their family members. She currently holds her second office as a president of the Slovenian Association of Logopaedists and a member of the Section for Neurogenic Disorders and Swallowing Disorders at the Association of Logopaedists. She is a member of the Aphasia Committee at the International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics (IALP) and she works with the Collaboration of Aphasia Trialists (CATs) as a member of a work group engaged in in-depth analyses of the consequences of aphasia on the human life and the lives of their family members.


The rehabilitation of a neurological patient does not end with the patient’s departure from the spa centre. The right care, support and the necessary tasks the patient needs to do will become a part of the patient’s daily life. For this purpose we have developed a special educational programme for patients’ families where we will teach about the correct patient care and answer any of the questions you might have.

NADA ŽEMVA, MSc, Clinical Logopaedist


Our nursing department provides an option of accommodation in modern, airconditioned and pleasantly furnished rooms. We have 30 modern hospital beds in single and double rooms. All hospital rooms are equipped with safety signalisation and we offer round-the-clock health care. Moreover, we offer the possibility of accommodation with an accompanying person. While working with patients, we endeavour to maximise socialisation among patients, which has a highly positive effect on the results of therapies and the willingness of patients to cooperate in rehabilitation.


For this purpose, we at Terme Dobrna have developed a specialised programme for the rehabilitation of neurological patients, especially those who have survived a brain stroke or who are facing the initial phase of multiple sclerosis. The approach to the treatment of such patients is holistic and includes the rehabilitation and work therapy carried out by certified physical therapists and work therapists. A clinical logopaedist is available for everyone who has suffered an injury to the speech centre, and the course of treatment is controlled by two specialists, namely a physiatrist and a neurologist.


Kinesiotherapy Hydrotherapy


Kinesiotherapy uses movements as the primary treatment function, the basic tool in the endeavours to improve the health or completely heal a medical condition.

Mechanotherapy is the oldest physical therapy method aimed at relieving pain using various manual and mechanical devices based on pressure, smoothing and stretching to prevent pain, improve circulation and cell metabolism. It is suitable for all diseases and has a preventive effect, especially with sportspeople.

The services performed are: • individual therapeutic exercises, • therapeutic exercises in groups, • stretching in the nature, • stretching on dynamic braces, • the school of standing and walking is intended for the patients who have mobility difficulties or who are immobile, • breathing exercises, • flexibility measurements, • status of muscles, • deep relaxation.

Manual therapy Therapeutic massage is based on the manual medicine and treats and eliminates pain using the latest methods and findings. In certain cases, therapeutic massage can deliver better effects than state-ofthe-art medical devices. The services performed are: • shiatsu massage, • therapeutic lymphatic drainage, • holistic treatment of lymphedema, • reflex foot massage, • therapeutic manual massage, • underwater half-body massage, • special treatments, • therapeutic scar treatment.



Hydrotherapy is becoming a widely recognised physical therapy treatment method for physical injuries and mental disorders. Water accelerates blood circulation, relaxes muscles and the mental state, eases pain and helps to detoxify the body. Its relaxing warm temperature and buoyancy create a completely safe environment to ease the pain, making water exercise a very mild method to improve physical abilities. The services performed are: • group exercises in the swimming pool, • exercises in the Hubbard bath, • assisted water exercises.

After an expert and individual consultation with our specialist, you will be advised on the right therapy for you to achieve the best effect and deliver a fast solution to your problems. The services performed are: • hypobaric therapy, • stretching the cervical and lumbar parts of the spine.

Mondays to Fridays 7:00am to 20:00pm, Saturdays 7:00am to 19:00pm; +386 (0)3 78 08 140 zdravstvo@terme-dobrna.si

The services performed are: • therapies based on ultrasound waves, • sonophoresis, • kriotherapy, • cooling with Hylotherm.

The services performed are: • Bioptron light therapy, • Bioptron colour therapy.

Magnetic therapy Magnetic therapy employs low frequencies of the magnetic field that affects the cell membrane by increasing its permeability. This accelerates the cell metabolism and improves the use of the oxygen and nutrients, while stimulating the natural protection of the body. All this has an anti-inflammatory effect and it reduces the swelling and accelerates the regeneration of bone mass and the diseased tissue. Such treatment is recommended in traumatic, orthopaedic and rheumatic diseases, after various surgeries, in peripheral circulation disorders, diseases of the nervous system, the respiratory system, the digestive system, in psychosomatic disorders and geriatric problems.


Thermotherapy is a physical therapy treatment using thermal effects and it is aimed at treating various diseases or injuries. It employs various procedures to supply the heat to the affected parts or to eliminate heat from the affected parts (kriotherapy). This improves the flexibility of muscles and joints, soothes pain and muscle cramps.


SPECIALISTS CLINIC Make an appointment:

Phototherapy is one of the modern treatment methods. It involves the balancing of cell processes using the visual red spectrum light and the near infrared spectrum light that can be emitted by certain LED diodes. It is recommended particularly in the case of soft tissue injuries (sprains, dislocations, contusions), rheumatoid arthritis, degenerative joint diseases, for a better healing of bone fractures, complications in diabetes (diabetic polyneuropathy), to relieve the pain in joints and the spine, in the rehabilitation after a stroke, the regulation of the immune system, and to improve microcirculation in tissues.


The services performed are: • electrotherapy, • electrostimulation, • faradization, • galvanization, • iontophoresis with medicines, • painkiller electrotherapy.


Laser therapy The latest technology to achieve outstanding results and quick improvement of the condition. It enables choosing the right frequency and average power. The lowest frequency is used to achieve a pain relieving effect, while the highest frequency provides biostimulation. Laser therapy reaches deep inside the tissues and determines and adjusts the therapy according to the type of pain.



The mechanical physical therapy means the use of various types of physical energy which is successfully used as a physical therapy method to relieve the pain that accompanies diseases and after injuries and their consequences. These therapies are used to stimulate the affected area. Using various physical energies it helps to speed up regeneration, strengthen the muscular system, and it improves the circulation in the tissues.



Physical therapy with devices


Balneotherapy Balneology is a branch of science studying methods of treatment with natural healing methods. This is one of the oldest medical branches that heals with natural factors such as healing thermal water and organic and inorganic peloid wraps. Balneotherapy treats diseases using thermal water and peloids. Such treatment soothes pain and medical conditions and improves the body’s immune system. All these natural factors come straight from Terme Dobrna. They are obtained under controlled conditions in unspoilt nature and are used in therapies. Balneotherapy is recommended for patients with various problems and types of pain. This treatment is usually recommended for the patients with motor system problems, nervous system diseases, digestive system diseases and endocrine disorders. Doctors also recommend balneotherapy for patients with cancer or lung diseases. It has shown as an extremely effective and natural method in the fight with various diseases and problems. This therapy is becoming very popular among patients.


Galvanic baths

Baths have a thermal, mechanical and chemical effect on the body by working locally on the cell metabolism, improving blood circulation, reducing the viscosity of body fluids, pain sensitivity, relaxing the muscles, improving the flexibility of collagen fibres, having an anti-inflammatory effect, and stimulating the immune system.

These are baths with an addition of a very weak electric current in water, which has a beneficial effect on muscle relaxation.

The long-term effects of baths do not only include the total sum of all individual effects, but they also help improve general well-being, immune system, and the somatic and physical status. • • • • •

Thermal bath, thermal fango bath, thermal swamp bath, pearl bath, herbal bath.

• two cell galvanic bath, • four cell galvanic bath, • “Stanger” galvanic bath.

Wraps eliminate pain, exhaustion and stress, while at the same time detoxifying, cleansing and invigorating the body by accelerating blood circulation in tissues and the elimination of waste matter from the body and increasing oxygen supply. Wraps are based on natural peloids, which show very good thermal and chemical properties that come in very handy for various wraps and baths. • Fango wrap, • swamp wrap.



Make an appointment: Mondays to Fridays 7:00am to 20:00pm, Saturdays 7:00am to 19:00pm; +386 (0)3 78 08 140 zdravstvo@terme-dobrna.si


WORK THERAPY Work therapy is a part of the medical and rehabilitation field, helping people to engage in daily tasks, as well as to obtain, develop and improve the skills needed for independent management of daily life activities.


Our experts work with indivduals or in groups primarily with the aim to improve the quality of life, health and safety of an individual person, and to help them integrate into and deal with the environment more easily. Regardless of deficits and limitations, experts work hard to help patients live as independently as possible, and they treat them holistically by taking account of their values and the environment they live and work in. The natural healing climate, unspoilt nature and natural factors have been proven to help with work thereapy.


Our work therapists work in several fields: • neurology • orthopedics, • hand rehabilitation, • rehabilitation of the elderly.

We offer two programmes to best match your wishes and needs:


Group work therapy includes individual therapeutic exercises, group treatments, functional training with music, group treatments of cognitive disorders, deep relaxation (breathing exercises), and cooperation with the patients’ families.

Make an appointment: Mondays to Fridays 7:00am to 20:00pm, Saturdays 7:00am to 19:00pm; +386 (0)3 78 08 140


Individual work therapy includes the training for sensomotoric abilities, learning to do daily activities, training for cognitive abilities, advising and the training to use tools.




Alternative and complementary medicine Alternative medicine combines various treatment techniques and methods, and it is based on the belief that a disease is a state of imbalance in the body. Its goal is to reestablish such balance. The holistic character of treatment focuses on the body, emotions and the soul. It looks at the person as a whole and follows the principle that every person has the self-healing powers. Alternative medicine has been used since the prehistoric times and it has seen exceptional progress to date. The new treatment methods that are based on new findings and the perception of the person as a whole, are being widely used for various treatments, which puts alternative medicine to the very top of the selected treatment methods that people use throughout the world. Suitable for: • people with major or minor medical problems or diseases, • people who have recovered from a certain disease, • people who want to keep their healt at the highest level. In short, alternative medicine is suitable for those who want to heal their bodies as a whole and reestablish the balance in their bodies, thus preventing the occurrence of new diseases. The main difference between the alternative and the official medicine is that alternative medicine treats the person as a whole, while the official medicine focuses on a certain disease. Although alternative medicine has not been officially recognised as medical treatment, it is supported by the modern medicine.

Make an appointment: Mondays to Fridays 7:00am to 20:00pm, Saturdays 7:00am to 19:00pm; +386 (0)3 78 08 140 zdravstvo@terme-dobrna.si



• EMIL ČATER, MD, Specialist neurologist and acupuncturist • ANNEMARY KOTNIK, MD Acupuncture is extremely helpful with: • migraines and headaches, • allergies, • sinusitis and rhinitis, • fatigue, depression, stress, insomnia, • infertility, impotence, • diseases of the motor system, • pain syndrome, • problems of the vertebral, thoracic and lumbar spine, • rheumatoid arthritis, • arthrosis of the shoulder, elbow, hip, knee and ankle joints, • quitting to smoke and other bad habits.

The objective of Zdenko Domančić method treatment is the reduction or elimination of medical problems that can be physical or mental, since it focuses on the healing of the cause and not only the symptoms, which would otherwise hinder and reduce the recovery.

The programme includes: • Wu-wei group therapies in the holistic centre.





Zdenko Domančić method of bioenergy therapy was developed more than 35 years ago. Due to its effectiveness and simplicity it was scientifically approved by the WHO and it is practised throughout the world. It is known to restore the health when all other methods have already failed.

In Taoism, wu-wei represents an unobtrusive functioning in the sense of reflection, meaning inactivity. It represents the awareness of the continuity in an individual person and between persons, and works in such a way that the functioning of one person delivers benefits to both. This is functioning without coercion, spontaneous functioning, where we allow things to be as they are. It is not laziness, but a condition of awareness and working in accoreance with Tao: spontaneity, intuition (direct insight), natural functioning and retreat from functioning that is in opposition with the nature of things.


In Slovenia, acupuncture is the only officially recognised form of complementary medicine. At Terme Dobrna, we work with doctors who have obtained special education in the field of acupuncture:

Bioenergy is a cosmic energy, an omnipresent universal life force that is used to balance and strengthen the human energy field. All living beings have bioenergy. It is no special power. It is inside of all of us. All we need to do is develop its potential and power to a certain level.

Wu-wei method of bioenergy treatment


Acupuncture is an important part of the Chinese traditional medicine which is based on the balancing of body energies. It is a healing method using needles that are punctured into acupuncture points in the body by applying certain techniques with the aim to reestablish balance in the body and hence also health.

Zdenko Domančić method of bioenergy therapy

The advantages of the Zdenko Domančić method of treatment: • the therapies are safe and not painful, • the therapies have no side effects, • quick elimination of pain, • therapies without medicines, • the elimination of stress, • the strengthening of the immune system.





Referral by the Health Insurance Institute of Slovenia (ZZZS) At Terme Dobrna you can rely on the best specialists and staff to take a great care of you when you receive the approval for spa treatment on the proposal of your GP or the doctor treating you in a hospital. The approval is issued by the doctor appointed by the ZZZS in cases of gynaecological diseases, inflammatory rheumatic diseases, degenerative non-joint rheumatism, conditions after injuries and surgeries on the locomotor system with functional impairment, neurologic diseases, injuries and diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system, including cerebrovascular insults and nervous and muscular diseases. We provide treatments for all these conditions based on a contract with the ZZZS for stationary or outpatient spa treatment.


Spa treatment and patient’s rights

At Terme Dobrna, we carry out rehabilitation procedures for spa treatments in accordance with standards 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6.

Spa treatment is approved by the doctor appointed by the Health Insurance Institute based on the proposal of the insured’s GP or a doctor treating the insured in a hospital. The insured person is entitled to the spa treatment in the cases of medical conditions referred to in Article 45 of the changes and amendments to the Rules on compulsory health insurance (POZZ), provided that the functional abilities of the patients can be expected to return. Spa treatment usually lasts 14 days and is carried out in a certain period without interruptions. Exceptionally, the doctor appointed by the Health Insurance Institute can propose a longer treatment or extend the treatment on the proposal of the spa treatment centre by 28 days, if significantly better success of rehabilitation is expected this way.

The spa treatment standards at Terme Dobrna: Standard type 1: Inflammatory rheumatic diseases Standard type 2: Degenerative non-joint rheumatism Standard type 3: Condition after injuries and surgeries on the locomotor system with functional impairment Standard type 4: Neurologic diseases, injuries and diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system, including cerebrovascular insults and nervous and muscular diseases Standard type 6: Gynaecological diseases

How can you become entitled to the spa treatment The GP or a medical specialist who finds a justifiable need for spa treatment for an insured person gives a proposal for spa treatment to the doctor appointed by the Health Insurance Institute of the Republic of Slovenia. The appointed doctor by the Institute approves or rejects such proposal. The selection of a spa treatment centre The appointed doctor issues a decision, granting spa treatment and determining the type, form or standard and the duration of spa treatment. The insured person can choose the spa treatment for rehabilitation, but attention must be paid that the selected



spa treatment centre carries out such services or a certain standard for which the spa treatment was approved. If the insured selects a spa treatment centre that does not have the standard for the insured’s diagnosis or the insured does not select a spa treatment centre at all, it will be determined by the appointed doctor. If the insured chooses a suitable spa treatment centre and the appointed doctor chooses another spa treatment centre, the insured can file a complaint and request to choose the spa treatment centre he/she wants. Enforcing the right to treatment The insured can enforce the right to spa treatment for the same disease or the same condition once every two years, and children a maximum of once a year. As part of the approved treatment, the insured has the right to the type and extent of services such as detrmined by the appointed doctor in accordance with the standards determined in Appendix II/d-3 to the General agreement for the 2010 contract year – Classification of spa treatment centres according to the standards they implement. Types of spa treatment: • Stationary spa treatment (the insured is accommodated at a spa; the ZZZ covers the costs of accommodation and medical services in accordance with the insured’s insurance policy) • Outpatient spa treatment (the insured comes for daily treatments; the ZZZS covers the costs of medical services).

Patients with work orders can make appointments for physical therapy services: daily from Mondays to Fridays at the physical therapy reception office from 8:00am to 12:00pm; +386 (0)3 78 08 143 or +386 (0)51 395 564

Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 8:00am to 10:00am,Tuesdays from 15:00pm to 18:00pm; +386 (0)3 78 08 144; ginekologija@terme-dobrna.si


daily from Mondays to Fridays at thephysical therapy reception office from 8:00am to 12:00pm or +386 (0)3 78 08 140 on Wednesdays from 14:00pm to 16:00pm;



The patient is entered into the waiting list. The official entry of the appointment date into the waiting list is carried out after the receipt of the original work order, which must be received within five working days in the event of appointments via the phone or e-mail, otherwise we must delete the date from the waiting list.

Make an appointment:


A doctor (GP or specialist) must specify the following on the new work order: the type and/or content of physical therapy treatment, the objective of the physical therapy treatment, the diagnosis with a code, the cause for referral, the urgency level, and contraindications.

Doctor MARIJA OCVIRK, MD, OB GYN specialist, IBCLC

Effective rehabilitation methods and psychological support are extremely important for a successful rehabilitation of patients, although even this is often not enough. It is just as important that patients understand the causes and the course of their disease in order to avoid the disease from recurring. By understanding this, the psychological burden delivered by the disease often significantly drops. Due to too much work on the shoulders of the medical staff, this view is often neglected during the treatment of the disease. For this purpose, we have prepared a rich educational programme in the form of expert lectures for our patients and their families. At the lectures, medical specialists will explain in an easily comprehensible way the contents of your diagnosis, its causes, the course and prognosis. After every lecture, you can ask them any questions you might have. The programme of lectures is presented at our website and the notice board of the medical centre. Due to a large interest in such lectures, we recommend you to make a reservation. All expert lectures are entirelly free of charge for our patients and their families.


The Health Institute of the Republic of Slovenia adopted on 1 January 2014 a new method of implementing outpatient physical therapy. All outpatient physical therapy providers are obliged to comply with it.

concession for carrying out gynaecological services.

Expert lectures


Outpatient physical Specialist activity therapy with a work order At Terme Dobrna, we have a




HOTEL VITA**** Hotel Vita is situated at the entrance to the Spa Complex. During your stay, you will be inspired by wonderful nature, a spa park full of energy, numerous walking and cycling paths and the beauty of the area and its surroundings. Hotel Vita is the newest of all the Terme Dobrna hotels, and it offers everything under one roof. The excellent cuisine will leave you greatly satisfied, and you can pamper yourself at the Massage & Beauty Centre La Vita Spa & Beauty, thermal water swimming pools, and the Sauna Land (“Dežela savn”). After your visit to our Medical Centre, you will feel great as you will know you have done something for your health. The hotel also provides seminar rooms. The rooms include: telephone, TV, safety deposit box, mini bar, toilet, bathroom, hair dryer, and air-conditioning. Wireless internet access is available free of charge.

Facilities: • Central reception desk for all hotels, • Café & Restaurant May with a wide range of desserts; dance evenings at weekends, • Medicinal thermal water swimming pools and a nudist terrace, • Sauna Land with a large sun terrace, • Top-quality massage & beauty centre La Vita Spa & Beauty and hair care salon La Vita Hair Beauty, • Medical Centre with natural therapies, • Hotel restaurant, • Seminar rooms, • Fitness centre, • Free internet access.

Booking: Monday to Sunday all day +386 3 78 08 110 info@terme-dobrna.si www.terme-dobrna.si




VILA HIGIEA**** Hygiea was the goddess of good health – taking care of good health and well-being.

Vila Higiea has a wine cellar where you can enjoy a wide range of Slovenian wines, local culinary specialities and a special Bacchus feast. Vila Higiea is located approximately 50 m from Hotel Vita. It has a wedding ceremony hall, which is part of the Celje Administrative Unit. Rooms include: telephone, Wi-Fi, mini bar and bathroom with a shower and hair-dryer. The rooms on the first floor were renovated according to Feng Shui in 2007. You can use a computer with internet connection in the lobby free of charge. Facilities: • The main reception desk, restaurant, wellness with swimming pools, saunas and massages, and the Medical Centre are located in the nearby Hotel Vita (50 m away).



Vila Higiea was built in 1855 and has managed to keep its original and traditional touch in spite of the renovation work. It boasts great comfort, which is further emphasised by the great views of the forests and the spa park. It is here that you can calm your mind and be thoroughly regenerated.

• A wedding ceremony hall. • A wine cellar for groups for special occasions, business lunches, dinners or corporate end-of-year parties.


• The Vita Restaurant serves all meals.

Monday to Sunday all day +386 3 78 08 110 info@terme-dobrna.si



www.terme-dobrna.si ACCOMMODATION


Hotel Park*** Hotel Park is great for anyone that wants to spend their free time in a green and clean environment surrounded by an exceptional spa park and forests. For relaxation and special moments for couples, head to the Sauna Studio Tisa. You can go to the hotel restaurant when you need a great meal. Hotel Park even welcomes your pets (a limited number of rooms; pets are not allowed in the restaurant). Rooms include: TV, telephone, toilet, bathroom, hair-dryer, and rooms in the attic have air-conditioning. Free wireless internet access is also available in the rooms.

Facilities: • Hotel reception desk, • Restaurant (buffet meals), • Common area, • Sauna Studio Tisa – individual saunas and relaxation areas, • Free wireless internet access, • The wellness with swimming pools, saunas and massages and the Medical Centre are located in the nearby Hotel Vita (300 m away).

Booking: Monday to Sunday all day +386 3 78 08 110 info@terme-dobrna.si www.terme-dobrna.si




La Vita Spa & Beauty – Massage and beauty centre Ayurveda treatments

Face and body care

When seeking relaxation and inner harmony, a massage is the right answer. It restores inner harmony as it relaxes you, has a therapeutic effect, and gives you energy. A massage has been proven to improve health by reducing fatigue and the level of stress hormones, strengthening the immune system, lowering the frequency of headaches, soothing pain in the back, decreasing muscular tension, soothing depression, and improving skin health and flexibility of the body.

Ayurveda is an old system of traditional medicine. It emphasises the importance of an individual and their uniqueness.

Facial care will provide natural protection to your skin; it will cleanse it, restore its smoothness and balance, and also nourish it. Beauty treatments: • Facial “La Vita“, • Eyebrow and eyelash beauty treatment, • Make-up, • Hand care, • Applying nail colour, • Paraffin wax hand mask, • Classical pedicure, • Medical pedicure, • Body scrub, • Lipo detox, • Depilation.


Body shaping and facial rejuvenation Treat yourself to a rejuvenation treatment, body shaping, volume reduction, fat burning and minor corrections of the body and face. Treatments: • Lifting effect, • Diamond microdermabrasion, • Drainage, • Alpha oxy spa capsule, • Tanita analyser, • Body tanning – full body.

Booking: Monday–Saturday: 8 am–9 pm, Sunday: 8 am–2 pm; +386 3 78 08 110 lavita@terme-dobrna.si


Massages: • Thai massage, • Reflex foot massage, • Lymphatic drainage, • Berber body massage, • Classical massage, • Chocolate massage for two, • Aromatherapy massage, • Relaxation cocktail massage. Ritual “La Vita”

Treatments: • Abhyanga, • Ayurvedic rituals, • Padabhyanga, • Indian head massage.


Massage and rituals


A unique assortment of body and facial treatments, intoxicating fragrances, pleasant lighting and the skilled hands of our therapists will become an indispensable part of your pampering and satisfaction. For those desiring a more youthful appearance, we have prepared special body-shaping programmes that guarantee a quick and easy access to a perfect figure!

www.terme-dobrna.si WELLNESS




The swimming pool complex on the 3rd floor of Hotel Vita includes a sauna complex with a wide selection of steam and Finnish saunas, as well as additional Kneipp programmes.

Thermal water has a relaxing effect on the body and soul, especially due to the medicinal effects of thermal water. The Celts and Romans, as well as many famous figures resorted to our thermal water to improve their health. You can choose from classic baths, baths with essential herbal oils, romantic baths for couples, etc. Thermal baths are available in Hotel Vita, where couples can spend memorable moments together, in the Zdraviliški Dom Spa with a touch of tradition, and directly at the thermal water spring.

Getting close to the tradition of relaxation and body cleansing in our land of peace, refreshment and relaxation will have the same beneficial effect on you as the energy of positive crystals. A selection of crystals after which our saunas are named represent a short introduction into the crystal land of minerals hidden in the earth. Our sauna complex includes: 1. Finnish sauna with crystal therapy 2. Finnish sauna with chromotherapy 3. Steam sauna with salt 4. Steam sauna 5. Infra cabin 6. Ice cave 7. Finnish sauna – cottage 8. Fresh air centre 9. Classic showers 10. Massage pool 11. Yin Yang fountain 12. Cooling pool 13. Kneipp surprise showers 14. Kneipp basins 15. Warm-cold Kneipp path 16. Rest area 17. Drinking water fountain 18. Half-sitting heated bench 19. Massage 20. Vitamin bar 21. Outdoor terrace Opening hours : Winter: Monday–Thursday 10 am–9 pm Friday–Saturday 10 am–10 pm Sunday 10 am–9 pm Summer: Monday–Thursday 12 pm–9 pm Friday–Saturday 12 pm–10 pm Sunday 12 pm–9 pm



Thermal baths in Hotel Vita: • Baths for couples – 4 seasons • La Vita relaxing 60 minute romantic bath with a romantic dinner. Contact: Baths and saunas reception desk of Hotel Vita (3rd floor); +386 3 78 08 150 Opening hours: Monday–Thursday, Sunday and public holidays: 8 am–9 pm Friday, Saturday: 8 am–10 pm



Water temperature in pools with healing thermal water in Hotel Vita: • Indoor pool with a temperature of 32°C, • Outdoor pool with a temperature of 28–29˚C, • Indoor children’s pool with a temperature of 32˚C, • Outdoor children’s pool with a temperature of 32˚C, • Whirlpool with a temperature of 35 to 36˚C.

Contact: Baths and saunas reception desk of Hotel Vita (3rd floor);


The swimming pool complex is situated on the third floor of Hotel Vita and includes: • Indoor pool and indoor children’s pool, • Indoor whirlpool, • Outdoor pool and outdoor children’s pool with a slide, • Sun terrace, • Terrace bar with a selection of cocktails, refreshing drinks, warm and cold snacks (meals also offered in the hotel restaurant and café).



Swimming in the thermal water pools will fill you with positive energy, while the underwater massage and whirlpools will invigorate you. You and your children will always remember our great indoor and outdoor pools. The swimming pool complex is situated on the third floor of Hotel Vita.

+386 3 78 08 150 bazen.vita@terme-dobrna.si

Monday–Thursday: 8 am–9 pm Friday, Saturday: 8 am–10 pm


Opening hours:

Sunday and public holidays: 8 am–9 pm



Products for intimate hygiene A line of intimate care products by Terme Dobrna with added healing thermal water from the Terme Dobrna spring. We are a partner for women through all stages of life. Because of this, the Slovene Association of Gynaecologists and Obstetricians encouraged us to take a new step towards further contributing to the health and well-being of users of health services and products. We created a line of intimate care products with added healing thermal water from the Terme Dobrna spring under the Terme Dobrna brand. The products are available in Terme Dobrna, selected pharmacies and specialized shops. Recommended by the Slovene Association of Gynaecologists and Obstetricians.

Thermal relaxation gel Active gel with added healing thermal water from the Terme Dobrna spring and natural essential oils improves the defence mechanism of the skin and stimulates its circulation and its operation. Highly nutritious oils nourish the skin and protect and preserve its fresh and youthful look, stimulate the skin’s renewal ability, improve its structure and have beneficial effects on the skin’s connective tissue.

Moisturizing cream for intimate use A liquid cream with added healing thermal water from the Terme Dobrna spring is a moisturizing cosmetic product for intimate use. With its help, you can improve the quality of sexual intercourse and ease problems caused by a dry vaginal mucosa.

Ordering products: Reception of the Medicine Centre (Hotel Vita, 2nd floor) +386 3 78 08 140 (internal phone 140 – for hotel guests) zdravstvo@terme-dobrna.si Operating hours: Monday to Friday: 7 am to 8 pm, Saturday: 7 am to 7 pm

Liquid soap for intimate care Liquid soap with added healing thermal water from the Terme Dobrna spring is an excellent product for daily use, care and protection of intimate body parts due to its beneficial effects on the basis of plant extracts.

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