1 minute read
Volume I 0 • Issue 3
A226 33844 King Road
Abbotsford, BC V2V 7M8 cascnde@'ucfv.be.en
Bl:."TllKEUl!l\ER Editor in Chief
NOA.HARNf.Y News and Features Editor NICOLEPECINKA Arts and Entertainment Editor
DEANTJEPKEMA Layom Coordinaroi·
AMA.NOAMuLS Staff Writer
MARY GLASGOW Photo Journalist
The Cascade is the UCFV students' free press. lt pnividcs a forum for UCPV students lo have their journalism published. ll :il~o acts a~ rhc 11llernativc pres/$ for the Fraser Vulley. The Ctiscade ii-!funded with UCfV stL1dentfund,. 1'he Cascadeis pub• lished twice monthly, The Casc11dehas n circul,i1.ion of 1000 and is di~trihutcd throughout Abbc,tsford, Chi II iwuck and Mission. The Cascade ,~ il very p1·oud rncn1bcr of the Canadian University Press, a national coopcrmive of 72 univernity and college new:,;papcrs fro111Victoria to St. John's. The Cnscudc follows the CUP ethical policy concerning materinl of a prejudicial or oppressive n111Ure.
Submissions are preferred in electronic fotmnt either through e-mail or on di$~. Please send submissions in "txt.'' Format only.
1..ettersto the editor must t,e double~spaced and typed. Letters will also be accepted via e•muil only if they meet the necessary requirement~ as outlined in this section. The Cascudereserves the right to edit le11cr!. to the editor for clarity and length. Only t)nc letter per writer may appear in nny given addi1ion. 'l'hc Cast.:udcwill not print uny letters thut contuin racist. sexist, homophobic or libelous content. The writer's name and studetll number must b..: submiued with euch lcuer. Lcuc1·s w the editor rtlu!'.t be under 400 words if intended for print.
James Cl.irk
Christopher F. Comer
Shnnnon Loewen
Desiree Mayhew
Amy Schmidt
K&H Sedore
AJl'ian Sinclnir
13yBeth Kelleher