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In the interest of keeping this as wnci:-c us possible (for honestly, how many of you acmally rend this section anyway?) I um resurrecting an old Cascade sumrnary format favoritc: "Runts und



to Mary Glasgow whose Photoshop manipulation of a high &chool billboard evoked more concern and reaction than any tactual ptinted Cascade content all year.

to the Toque Staff for forever keeping us on our toes and making us think.

to Dave Burnie and Jenn Rath who stayed and to To.mi Mnd Dave M. for filling-in-the-gaps.

to Deon Tjepkema, NoahAmey, anll Nicole Pc~cenkaror prinl• ing the last CnscadeJssueand for·introducing order and organ• ization t.othe Cusc.ideoffice for the first time :;incc 1993.

Le>the student~ of UCFV for your loyul readt:rship arid support of 1heCascade !

Raves and Assorted Reviews." You may be familiar with this format, more recently, through keeping up with the Toque. however l believe it to be more than back-page filler, but rather an effective way of communication. I have decided to rename this be-loved and missed section "Thanks and No Thanks!''


Lothe two guyswhoe11teredto Blind Date Contest without answering the 'all~nb'out•YQU'section.

to the 4 elusive SUSexecutiveswhoresigned dueto "politi~ cal frustrati()n" or tt, the counoil memberwho madeappmx• irnately $4000dist1ppewfrom the Disorientmion budget.

to tne people wtJo used the recent imow ;L'> nn excuse to triple-park.

lo the libt:ral G9vernmen1 who'.~etax cuts hove caused1he domino affect or'elimlni1tirtg"mueh of UCPV's CO-OP mid Work Study progr,1nis.

to the Toque staff for never spelling Noah Arney's narne right

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