1 minute read
Cuscnde stnf'I' Beth Kelleher (Editor in Our cascade staff returned from our nations Chief.) Nonh Arney (News und Features capitol without having experienced l1 skate Etliwr) und Mary e. Glasgow (pho1njournnl- on the canal. or the sweetnessof u "beaver's iM) packet! their wlloley undies for a st11- tail" but with fresh new inspiration and dent-journalism conference in Ottnwn. chollenges for the m:w yeur. which rnn f'rumJunuury 23 to fanuar J 28. Keynote speakt:rs such as poli1ieian Sven Rnhinson and Geori;e Stroumbt1ulopoulm, from Much Music tnlked (and rambled) ahou1 politics. the meJia, anJ the everdecreasing freedom ol' press with corp(irutc media.
The independent voice projected from university press wus applauded oncJvalidat~d ' by many of lhe spenkers throughout the week. S1udentpapers hold nn important role in the media their freedom Ill walk along the edge. Unlike mainstn.~an1papers. Univer~ity print ha~ the opportunity t1) publish voices that are expl()ring the nnoks nncJcrnnnics in society and in life. thm 11ftcngo un-swcpl.
" Students and cQmmunities often have littli; or nu idcu that in supporting their studem press they are in fact embracing a dream. u lil'cstyle, and crusading for the right lo have a free voice."
Summer Camp Jobs in the U.S.A.
Lakeside Residential Girls Camp in Maine • Visas Arranged
Councelors: Combined childcare/teaching. Must be able to teach or lead one or more of the following activities: gym• nasties, tennis, swim, sail. canoe, water ski. arts (including stained glass, sewing, jewelry, wood, photo), dance, music, theatre, archery, wilderness trip:.,, field sports, equestrian.
Service Workers: Including openings for kitchen, laundry, housekeeping, secretaries, maintenance & grounds, and kitchen supervisor.
Non-smokers. June 16 to August 22. Attractive salary(US) plus travel allowance.
Visit our camp on our photo website: http://homepage.mac.com/klppewaforgirls, click on photo tour
To Apply: Applications are available on our website:www.klppewa.comor contact us at the numbers listed below for a staff brochure and application.
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