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By Alex Singer, The McGill l),1ily




Barclay. noted that "Agape has to do with the mind: it is not simply an emotion which rises u11bidllcn in our hearts; it is a principle by which we <lcliberntely live" (New Testament Words. p. 21 ). ll is the root of the ''Love is a Verb" movement. and is, in theory, the kind of love hu111,1r1s strive to have for all of humanity- friends and foes alike. Most exhaustively exuI11incd in 1st Corinthians 13. Agape love is not only void of sexuality, bias; it describes a love beyond all boundaries - a love that is actively putting the needs and interests or others ab,ive the needs nnd interests or one'!-;self. lt outlines the operu1io11and challenge or a body 111indand soul-encompassing love. ''To study Agape." claims Christian commentator, Wayn<.:Jackson, "is to come to the rude awakening of how for we fall short of measuring up to the divine ideal of con1.:crnl'or others." From arnund lhe world. thousands of martyrs exemplify the mean• ing of true love in their dying breaths as they offer their lives the freedom nf someone else. And scared but grateful remnant left behind understand "Whn could ask for more than to be living in the moment n heart <lieu l'or'!"

Love comes in all places, positions. people, and pnrticulurs. It is sought. embraced and feared. It may spring up accidentally, be portraye<l in its entirety in a single instance, or take years of effort. scl llessn<.:ss,pain, and shaping w hone. Lt is what you s<.:nscfor your lover. whm you feel for your pnrems, and what inspires to you give beyonll any sense of guilt or duty to those in need. Love is a driving force in humnn emotion nnll action. yet it can be ineffable. inexplicable and mysterious. It will make. take und change lives in n way no other singular coni:cpt ever could.

So this Valentines D,1y, as those lo11grcv<.:recJwords reach the tip of your tongue. say them in with an understanding of their true significance and pow~r and if you can't, stick to giving balloons, flowers und chocolates!

''To truly love, is to reach the pinnacle of human existence, spread your arms wide in victory. and rest in tht: knowledge that there is no greater thing on earth.'' use


Dr. Lawrence Rnsenhcrg anll Dr. /\rIhur Vinik .i University of M ichigun col leuguc. have completed new work that hinges nn the INGAP gene. which the two cli~c11vc1\!llin 1997. The gene pt·t,lluccs the INGAP protein that upparcntly induces pancreatic c1:lls tu pro<lucc insulin. Many patients with diabetes nre unnblc to produce their own insulin and must wke daily injectil)ns.

If succcssl'ul. lliabetcs sufferers will no longer neell rnstly insulin injections or the inconvenience or constant blood tests. "We could see this being used within live years," Rosenberg snid.

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