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throughout 111yterm. In the fall. I was :1,h.ed to replm:e annther en-op student 11 l1t1 was respnns1hle for the Koutcnay/Colu111bin/l3oumla1·y District. I mm had the l'ull re,ponsibililies 011 my ,h11ulJ~·1,.su.:h ,is the addition.II tasks of n:curri11g pay1nen1s. utilities a11ddis1ributio11s.
One reu~nn I chnse In work at BCRC was Ill nhtain an in-depth pnspel·tivc on one area uf expertise in the ael·ciunling profcs~ion. The !-.ecnntl reastlll wa~ f'or the close inrcrnl·ti11nwith pi:11pk. This pusition gave 1m: the opportunity to weir!,.i11Jeprndently 11 ith my own district and to work as a team
~ithin the AP der;1rt111en1 lo sol,e client/vendor problems and 1eques1s.A~ I.esley Visl-.ovic; says, "Mic:helle is a qu:~1,. lcamcr. who is organi1.ed untl hclps out wherever she is neccktl tn get the joh at hand J11ne."
My co-op position with BCBC has helped till' pl'ogrcssion of my career gonl, as an account,.1111. It has provided me witll vuluabh! expcricncc that is nccessary to ohtuin a career in the work force. I wish to th,1nk e1,cryonc at 13CBC for prnviding me with this opportunity. I look l'orw:m:.Ito future l'O op positions with other organi,atinns a11Jthe e>.periencesth:.Hthey will bring.