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asked to leave counci I. Al an open Executive meeting 1 ,mended today (Jail 29, 2002) I brought 111yconcerns over this issue to the table,

By Don hapman UCFV Adult Education Degree Program


ing inforn1atiu11.

In the last two or so weeks I had been advi ed thaL the advance of funds ($6,480 approximately) issued to a council member for the September bash known as dis0 had not been reeunciled. No extra monies had been returned, no rett!ipts submitted and very litrle action from the Student Union had occurred to rectify this. Tt is my understanding that the President (Mark D.) in an effort to resolve this occurrence of gross negligence and after consulting i • · ¾k· question the legitimacy of the lmpenchmem motion, I struggle with a council who appea,·sto have srown so fur from common sense and so close lo bureaucratic nonsense that they can justify uecepting the Presidents resignation (when it is clear that he was one of few acting in good faith in this issue). I strongly que!.tioned why the SUS Board has done absolutely nothing to reprimand the Director of Finance-who is equally responsible Forthe money (check your Bylawsunder job descriptions), who NEVER brought this outstanding issue forw11rtl to the board, who chose to wash her hands of the mess. I question why the power-monger who may very well choose to fill Marks shoes is so vehemently opposed to with SUS lawyers, conducted a phone tree vote to determine the amount of support to contact the police (my understanding is that to date $3,500 of your money is missing)-the

Darknes. &.tnnot drfve out durknc~s; only light·can do that. Hate cannot driv~ out hatej only love cru,do that, Hat~ multiplies hate, violence multiplies vloletjae, and t(,)ughncssmultiplles toughness in II de:;;ceqding Spirai of desLruction, • The chain reacti<m.of cvil-ti,,He begeltina h"te.

\:Vilr~prod&cingmore W~;must be broken, Or wc'sha11be plunged h1101hedark aby~s of itnnihilalion.

Martin Luther King, Jt. phone tree vote was defeated! (Questionwhy don't your elected representatives want to ensure careful accounting of your money?) The President then, apparently guided by his sense of ethics and morality took it upon himself to contact the police as a student. (My kudos lo y<>uMark - for Lnkin1.1thc_QNLY proactive measure in this hon"ibly sleazy •underhanded mess.)

The council meeting held 2 days later wit• nessed a council member who lo dale has spoken perhaps 5 words during her term, demand n motion to lmpcaeh the President. (Question-who is afraid or finding out what happened to YOUR money?)

That motion was defeated, however the rumor I hear is that President Mark has resigned, At this same meeting, the council member who was issued the advance was clcclarcd a member in bad standing and reprimanding the current DoF. l question why the same power-monger would sug• gcst 10 the Board to keep certain delaih of this issue under-wraps. I still have no answers.

My hope is that the students of UCFV strongly que lion the Student Union Society in this matter. Make those who are responsible accountable for their actions. I have been involved (Ht one level nr another) with the Student Union Society for close to 6 years - and never have I been so emharrassed to have my name associated with this group. (And my belief is thul the 'h.tJ apples· in this bunch are few hut pungent nonetheless).

Who will possible be asked 10 step down from her appointed position as Ex-Officio of the SUS.

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