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t\ tlia111ontlring is exchanged :it n wedding Ill signify the jninini; ol two 1ndividunl., l'or a l1ft:Ii111t:.Why a cliamnncf'! i'ils,. for it', pcrkction. /\II its siuc:-.perfe1.:tlyrelle\:ting its opposite. not allnwing any !laws tn disintegrate its beauty. Whal helter than a perfectly 111mchedcouple to last a lil'cti1nc'! Sei.:ontlly. it:, bcauty us a crystal clear gem• ,tone, v. hich makes it the mm,t obsessed about wnc un the planet. Just thi: initial contact nl' sight re:-.ultsinn state uf awe that will taki: a spot in anyone's heart. Therefore, very lilllc on earth compare~ with its beauty, k11nifer melts Ioi;c.:tilcI ,~·suiting iI1 ,1 pcrlcct w11l paninn. I le1' hl'auly attracts all lhn~c who glam:c 111:rway. which results in thi.: ignition or an innc1 fire in the heart of the.:bcholJcr. Thi:11her overall bndy turn~ up the heut ant! magnetites .1111that come into cnnlfll.:l with her silky smooth exterior. 8111in 111·Jcrtn mnintuin the inner inferno of the hei\!'l. an incornparnble personality comes into play. This not only makes her more attractive, but alsn 111nkesher the most appreciated individual. 1ler caring and eompassion rivals that of u mother's care for hcr newborn baby, Her loyally and love coultl put any man's best l'ricntl out of business. Any extent oi' 1i1nespent with her results in ,I lasting hunger filr more. Even a tliamond's beauty could only illuminate hcr overall beauty.