1 minute read
by Andrew Clark
This week's Pen review is on the "squiggle wiggle writer". This gimmicky pen comes with 4 colors and runs on H single AA buttery. Why would a pen have a battery you might ask well this PEN JS a vibrating one. Wo.y to wiggle thut phallic joke po.sIthe censers. Aside from the fact that the pen weighs about 2 pounds and makes your hanll sore ii' you write half' a page with it, it is still lnad~ or fun. This pen has also been known to cause crn111ps.headaches. nausea and in some cases incontincntia. Wus this pen worth the sleek $6.00 that ii cost in Drumhclkr'~ finest hairdn:ssing district? As a writing utensil this pen gets a failing grade but I'm sure that I can puss it on to our scx columnist 10 review. I wonder if it's waterproof! Maybe she will have better luck with it, nfter all everythings good for something.