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hnv1.:bcc:11known to fe..ilure' baking soda, topless Jun1:eJ's,nnd feather boas, plus Sl)I111.:or the best heavy all rock going, including radio hits like "Bonec:rackd', the first single from SHOCORE's di.:bu1 CD "Devil Rock Disco".

Catch HEADSTONES with SHOCORE on Tuesday, November 27th at Animals Nile Club in Abbotsfnrd. Presented by Rock II boy Entertainment. Tickets are on sale now for $15.00 ($18.00 at the door) al ticketmaster and on line .it rockitboy.com.


The Cascade wants you 10 cawh the HEADSTONES, one of the most in-yourfoc1.:,take-no-prisoners bands to cornc out of the Canadian punk rock scene in the last decude. They will take Animals Nite Club in Abbotsford by storm on Tuesday.

We here at the Cascade need a rock correspondent 10 let us tcch-wecnies know how it went. Arc you the right chimp for this mission'! Let us know, come to room A226 and tell us why we should send your rnonkcy ass.

head at me, this haslead nie lo a new and more successful area, a process called photo etching. I printed back into this image 3 separate times in order 10get all three colors, which resulteJ in n1y l'inal print. "Untitled". So there is my 15 minuets of fame. more if you rend slowly.

Tanya Jack liEADSTONES will be joined by local rock sensation SHOCORE fur the gig. SHOCORE's always wild perfom1ances

November 27.

Led by Hugh Dillon, one of the most rec• ognizable figures in Canadian music, even without his tr;.idemark snarl and trench coal, HEADSTONES continue to merge punk, rock and attitude, and to serve it up on a "lake it or leave it" plaucr. Over the past decade HEADSTONES hove ,·t:leascrJ four albums, which have resulted in 16 rock radio hits, three Juno nominations, and over 300,000 units sold across the 1:ountry.

The band h,1s now released their fi l'lh album, "The Grc;itest Fits", containing their best songs like "It's All Over". "Smile & Wave", "Three Angels". "Tweeter & The Mnnkcyrnun", and "When Something Stands For Nnthing", plus twn new tracks 1:ulh.:d"Blowtorc.:h" and "Co1111: On''. It'll almost scrv~ as the set list when HEADSTONES tuke 10 tlie stui;e at Animals. With ten yt.:ars hard wuring, great playing anJ unforgcuablc songs behind them, HEADSTONES still know how lo serve up an i neendiary show whetlicr playing an ar~na or nighl(;lub.

by Adriun Sinclnir

As i r pcnctruting a turkey with a meal thermometer, the Torture King methoJically pushed a barbecue skewer completely through the core or his right forenrm.

urgcry Snrnsh Skewer Shock were a few of the key concepts addressed by our esteemed presenter. Zamora, the Torture King nntl his colleague's Felicity and Molowv Bouvier. Promoted by Rock it Boy Entertainment, our tutclnge• in-torture convened ut 9:30 at Arca 51.Chilliwack. My fellow 'students' ullending that evening could be described as (the somewhat curdled) cream of the night club crop. Not entirely boorish. but occasionolly making the flying leap into the realm of macho retardation. with their periodical derogatory comments concerning Felicity Bouvier and her body. Fllocking out these socially inept individuals. I received ample titillation thul evening witnessing the Torture King's hi7,arre feats of body and mind.

Fwoosh! Flame leapt out of his throat lighting the torch in his left hand. Lighting his thumb on fire he lit the other torch. Holding the blazing torches in his hands, 7,amora plunged the righ,t•one down his throat and extinguished it. Switching his auention to

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