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Saturday night the Langarn falcons proved Lo be a chullcngc for the women. who never seemed to gel their game-face on. Ton many turnovers and not enough rebounds hurt the ladies, and the falcons hnndcd them their first toss 56-80. Snn1nnthu Hill anu Jamie Born led the effort with I 2 points and 5 rebounds. followed hy Cassie Born with 8 points. The men fared helter, t:lipping the Fakons 102-81, an<l maintaining a winning record. Logan Ki1teringhu1n ond Dan Turner led the scoring wit I 6 points each. an<l Kittcringhnm pulled in 11 rebounds. Rookie Mull Thiessen made 14 points und Bryson Tiedeman hnd 5 rebounds.

At press deadline, the games vs. Kwantlen und IJouglns hnd yet 10 be played. Please watch for ihe scores in the next issue, or re, ulls. Also. the photo of the men. UCFY sLUdcnts are Jason Lamontholding the trophy and Darren .Johnston (right side of photo).


We took 4 UCFV runners nut to Re<l Deer over the weekend (run on Sat. Nov. I 0). and our 4 runners combined with 2 from the College of the Rockies formed the BC te.im. We took on all the top Albertans for the lnterprovincinl Cross-Country Championship. BC won the men's division!

Our UCFV women were not as strong (although the COTR woman won the race!), but still made a fine showing with both Lynn Udy and Nadine Stafiej finishing in the top 10. Please go to the website and see the

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