1 minute read
by-Jnmcs Clark
nll rnc cynical, but how muny Canadian bands have had enough hits to make a single album? The adtlition of the word "greatest" seems 10 imply that there was some kind of process whereby the hundreds of hiis were winnowed down into a choice few designated "greatest." The Headstones are not the only ones to do this. tht: Branched Ladies, Moist, Pink Floyd and Green Day have all jumpc<l on the greatest hits bandwagon. Is there some kind of mulaisc in the art community'? Why can't thcsc pcopk get i1 together and write some new songs·> Is this something to do with the fact that they had 10come up with something fast for holiday shoppers? When I Inst spoke to llugh Dillon he said that Nnps1er wns killing him, this was because people were downlum.ling 1:ssentially grentest hits albums l'ur free; I guess he decideu to cut out the middle man. But this is son1cthing that you'll have to decide on your own. Let's get int~1 thc actual review.
For those of you who are familiar with The Heatlstuncs there will he nn surpris-