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One need not be bilingual to speak the language of human righls for it is a language inherent in u all. Amnesty International and the Studenl Events department are hosting a campaign to l'emind UCFV students of just how relevant and local Human Rights and Human Rights issues can be.


By concentrating on Diversity, Tolerance. Advocacy, Dignity and Freedom, the Language of Human Rights campaign will highlight a different orga11ization or department within UCFV as it pertains to one of these important issues. To be featured on bulletin boards across the campus. this campaign will feature information, issues of concern, ways to get involved locally and internationally. and people to contact.

The aim of this campaign is to raise awareness to specific issues surrounding I lumnn Rights as well as 10 encourage students to gel involved with organizations on this campus.

AmnestyWorkshopNoy. 16th U-tpm Room


UCFV students and their families arc hungry. Hungry enough to seek out over 60 food hampers alone lust year. You can help. Bring a donation of food to any Student Events office and be entered in a drnw to win fabulous prizes. Grund prize is a Season's Pass to Hemlock Mountain. There arc weekly prizes to win as well. Help the hungry you'II be glad you did. Sec A 215 in Ahbotsford or E IOI in Chilliwack.


Student Events and Student Union are pleased to host the Angel Tree Program again this year at UCFV. Each fall, Angel Tree applications arc made available h) needy UCFV students as ,1 way of providing an extra presenl under the tree on Christmas day for their children. On1:e they are registered. Angels will be hanging from campus Christmas trees and ready to be sponsored by fellow UCFV foc11lty, staff and students. Please be generous. as these children really need a great holiday. For more information, or if in need of an application. please see the nearest Student Events or Student Union office for delails.


IN-Formal Philosophy Discussion (Including Rousseau)

Friday Afternoons Room A310

2:30-4:00 rm

"Come in and bring your philo ophical Questions"


UCFV, November 15 - Thanks to significant student concern, lhe UCFV Student Union Society council is having a referendum regarding the amount of work 1:1ndpay of tht.:Executi vc mcm• bers of the Society. The referendum will be held November 28 and 29: it will pose different options on how to remunerate the SUS executive. The tnolion to have the referendum was passed via phone tree in order lo have it as soon as possible.

The question to be presented is:

How many hours do you want your Student Union Sociely Executive members to work'?

15 hours per week / 20 hours per week

How much do you want them 10 get paid?

$13 per ht1ur / $14 per hour/ $15 per hour

If students arc going tt) pay for a scrv• ice, they should have a say. Even more, students should know what the Student Union Society offers. We would apprc• ciate any efforts lO inform students about lhc Student Union Society and it1scrviccs.

For more information, please. feel free to contact me.


Jose A. Uzcntegui

Public [nformation Officer

Student Union Society

Email: suspio@ucfv.bc.ca Phom.::604-864-4613.


Are you looking for some u<lv~nture'! I am a 2~ year old female trqvelUng by c1,1rto Quebec city through jbe United State~. 1.will litay a ftw clttyS in San r;n111cisco, Las Vega~, tftc Grand Canyon... rf you want to join m~ on my trip. 1'11bt leaving December sth_

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by:-Jose A. Uzcatcgui

If you come to the college moro.:than once a week, you might have wondered what the hell is the 'Student Union Society' all about. That is if you're not rich, because if you're a cheap-ass, you might have noticed that you pay money to these people - $25 every lime you register. Don't you think it's about time you know what ym1're pay• ing for'? Take yourself into the SUS. and ask!

rt doesn't matter how many courses you are taking, you pay this fee. But what do you pay it for? Por some, just having free condoms at the entrance makes it all worthwhile; but if you intend to stay a virgin till you're married (like most UCFV studcnls) then you might want to get your moneys worth some other way. Did you know, for example, that the Student Union could give you money'? Yes, if you apply, they can give you money (a.k.a. bursaries or grants), and you don't have to be n whiz, just really poor. Of course, there are scholarships for those unusual ones thal have a good GPA- blah. blah, blah they also organize student events (some of them). UCFV lets the SUS organize what we call Dis-Orientation, which is just a party with a few good bands <check mark>, fake gambling <check mark>, beer garden <check mark><check mark>, and whatever else comes along. You know to let the new students understand what college life i$ all about.

Wait, there is more! they also help with the on site food bank, have faxing services (very cheap, by the way), give information (i.e. washroom location), fight for serious on-campus tudent-related stuff (i.e. p~rk- ing, traffic lights, safety, etc.), they make the free handbook for students - you can also buy 'leather tuxedos' (that is a pretty cool cover) for $8 bucks. They also help club and associations; and hopefully, they' II have a space in the gym with a TV, couches, pool tables, an<lsome other stuff for us, the students.

/ Please ignore next paragraph if yuu c/011't give a damn about politics/

If you're more interested in our wonderful Canadian government, the SUS is the one that represents UCFV students in politics.

The UCf-V SUS sits on the Board of Governors (BOG) und the University College Council (UCC) they arc lhe ones who lobby the government for low/fair student fees, and all that political stuff concerning the Colleges and Universities province-wide. SE.2and tuition freezes were two of the issues that many, if not all, unions and societies had a major involvement in.

By the way, SE2 is uboul to go through and lllition is about to unfreeze. Our last chance to stop these SE2 people was to write lo the Energy Facility Site Evaluation Committee at clsec:@cp.ctcd.wa.gov before November 16: however, I encourage students to write to this email uddress any• way, and forward jokes l00 - the word is that they have good sense of hurnor.

One thing you should know is thut students are the ones who run the SUS. They actually have 10 go through an election campaign, be elected, and all that political bull (ha, ha, ha). Many people join just to pad their resume; r mean, if your goal is higher than to work at a gas station for the rest of your life, having a good rc~ume is worthwhile. Of course, you could always join if you actually wanted to <lo something. get political, and represent your fellow students for a good cause (e.g. Liquor license for your campus)

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