1 minute read
by Andrew Clark
Despite this game's narne it is 1101some pro-American dribble. Read on and give it a chance. The game is American Bowl and it was invented on the windy Mt. !Jaker highway, On u foggy afternoon lust winter some friends an<l I were on our way to Bnker. for a duy or snowboarding. We hud all slepped in and we wanle<l 10 be at the mountain for opening to get the fresh snow. We decided that we had to make up about I /2 nn hour or we were going to be lute. So we decided 10 speed recklessly. However we ran into some complications. fog. The fog was so thick that we could only see the taillights orthe <:ar in front of us. we were a little tno close for eomfort. Tn solve our fog problem we came ur with the game American Bowl. To give you th~ gist of how the gnmc is played read 011.
When the fog rolls in. you go us fast as you can without crashing until you cntch up to someone. Tnilgute them to try and get them to speed up, you want them lu t:att:h up to another cnr and force them to tailgate that car. Thal car will then have to choose either to get "bowled" out of the way or join in on the American Bowling. If you ph1y this gnme properly you will end up in a speeding. tailgating snoke of i.:nrs. The point of this is lO let the taillights in front of you lca<l you through the fog. The object of this ga111eis to always be following some0nc and to go fast enough so that nu one passesyou. Tfsome one docs pass you. that's your queue to hit the gas because those taillights are gold. It is cusy Lo fol low but to lend the pack is n dangerous job. You have a bunch of crnL.y ,nountain men in hot pursuit and no light in the mist 10 lead yo11 yo11rall on your own. So don't lose that nut becn11sehe is what will get you to the mountain faster. Anywny this game is a good way lo cut thut mountain driving down but for morul reason I must ndvisc you ag11instplnying as you cun see the nbvioul> dangers surrounJing it. Just ;i nnte: If you run into someone who just wont take ;,i him tn spee<lup or move over when your tnilgaling then,. Try floshing your lights niost pc0ple will muvc for this .ind if they're stubborn and wont at least you cun take comfort in know that your onnoyini; the hcll l1ut of them.