Changing Times
Be The Change
MAY 2016
Changing Times
A Letter For You
Bringing New Life
Going Blind
Be The Change
CBN EUROPE PO Box 700, Hereford, HR1 9EW, UK 01 513 3738 (ROI) 0300 561 0700 / 0800 432 0700 (UK) +44 207 101 7045 (Europe)
4 R E A C H is a free
magazine produced and distributed by CBN Europe to inspire, inform and strengthen your relationship with God. CBN Europe aims to partner with individuals, churches and organisations in order to share the message of hope in Jesus Christ, provide humanitarian relief and alleviate poverty. It is our vision to share the Gospel in a relevant way to all generations and see people walk in their true potential with God. Would you like to support our ministry? Visit or call one of the numbers on the left.
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Allen Carter | CBN UK Manager
LIVING IN UNCERTAIN DAYS The scripture in Hebrews 12:28 says; “Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom which cannot be shaken, let us have grace, by which we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear.� There is no doubt about it, we are living in uncertain days. You only have to turn on the TV or go to any social media to discover that the world in which we are living is changing. From technology to systems, governments and nations, commodities and finance, as well as millions being displaced from homes, things that were once certain are no longer stable and secure. Thankfully, within the uncertainty and shaking there is one thing that is absolutely consistent and certain - God and His Kingdom. In the midst of the shaking, He is in control. There is no plan B. He is completely reliable, dependable and faithful in every way. If you are currently experiencing some sifting and shaking within your own life, or are learning to adapt to change, know that God has your best interests at heart. He truly knows and understands you, and He wants the best for each and every one of us. Change is necessary and God requires us to progress into new spheres of influence and to take spiritual ground from the enemy. Unless we are willing to adapt to new ways of thinking and learn to take on board new ideas, our lives will ultimately suffer and affect our future. As you take the time to read our latest magazine I trust that you will have a greater understanding of our ministry and how your support is helping us to bring hope and peace to those living in uncertain situations. R|03
CHANGING TIMES Gordon Robertson
Nothing shall be able to separate us from the love of God
As I sought the Lord recently, I received some words of encouragement that I want to share with you today. Focus on new doors. Jesus tells us in Revelation 3:8, “See, I have set before you an open door, and no one can shut it.” Our world is changing rapidly, so it can be tempting to stay with the familiar. Yet when new doors open, we should ask Him to show us which ones to enter and what steps to take. God can see the end from the beginning, and He knows what He is doing. We will see the hand of God and the finger of God. We should reach up to God like little children, knowing there is no safer place to be than with Daddy. His hand will support us and protect us. Romans 8:38-39 promises: Neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God.
“NO MATTER WHAT WE ARE FACING, WE SHOULD TRUST GOD TO MOVE.” We will also see God’s finger at work. Exodus 31:18 says the Ten Commandments were written by God’s finger, and Luke 11:20 tells us Jesus used the finger of God to cast out
demons. We have seen many miracles in the past, and we should look for more demonstrations of God’s power in the future. It will be undeniable when He moves. Expect God to act. We must not look at our circumstances or rely on what our senses tell us. No matter what we are facing, we should trust God to move. He has promised, and He will uphold His Word.
“LETʼS OBEY WHEN GOD CALLS, EVEN IF WE ARE STRETCHED.” Go forth into new things. Let’s obey when God calls, even if we are stretched. All we have to do is take those first steps. He is our provider, and He will send the resources. If the Dow drops, that is not our God. Our God is greater, more powerful, and able to do exceedingly above all we could ask. Colossians 1:9-12 says, Ask that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding...being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God; strengthened with all might, according to His glorious power. We have the great privilege of preaching His glorious Gospel and laying up treasure in heaven. So as He calls, let’s respond with joy, “Here we are, Lord; send us!” God bless you. R|05
GIZMO GOES TO AUSTRALIA Did you know that CBN broadcasts English language shows as far as Australia and New Zealand? For many years we have been broadcasting on ACC TV and Shine TV to share the Gospel ‘down under’ and impact the lives of our viewers in this remote and beautiful part of the world. Programmes such as The 700 Club, Christian World News and Superbook are aired daily – and soon to launch is CBN’s brand new ‘Studio 5’ show hosted by Efrem Graham. Studio 5 brings a fresh mix of stories and guest interviews with celebrities such as Joseph Fiennes of the new ‘Risen’ movie. Superbook has been at the forefront of recent developments in a number of ways. During the recent Kids Expo 2016 in Brisbane, Gizmo took centre stage as we shared about the brand new Superbook resources in front of over 1,000 church delegates from across the country. CBN partnered with Vision Christian Media to see Superbook touch the hearts of children in Australia and New Zealand. It is our vision to see kids across these nations learn about the Bible in a fun and engaging way as they discover God’s plan for their lives. While visiting, we had an opportunity to share all about CBN and Superbook on radio! Thank you for your generous support to the ministry of CBN Europe which helps us to reach as far as countries like Australia and New Zealand, sharing the Gospel to the far corners of the world! Vision Christian Radio show hosts.
Want to support Superbook? Help us translate Superbook into different languages and reach children around the world. Visit R|06
THANK YOU CBN PARTNERS! Mark Dijkens | CBN UK Director On behalf of Gordon Robertson and our CBN Europe team I would like to thank all our current and new partners who recently responded to our 2016 vision mailing. We asked you to prayerfully consider your support to the ministry, asking the Lord how He would want you to partner with us. Many of you responded to either continue your support or even increase your commitment to the ministry, for which we are so grateful! We appreciate each and every partner as you are making it possible for us to reach out with the Gospel in so many ways. From broadcasting the Gospel to the far corners of the world, to taking children from at risk to thriving through our Orphan’s Promise outreach; you are making a true difference in the lives of many!
This year, we believe God for even greater impact in Europe. As the world around us changes and the need increases for reaching language groups with the Gospel and be Jesus’ hands and feet in each situation, we also believe He will grow our partner base and make us more effective together. We are so excited to partner with you, as we see the impact you are making! This year we are planning some events to connect our partners together. We are hoping to organise a first proper CBN partner event later this year, creating an opportunity for us to meet face to face and also meet with other CBN partners. More information to follow. May God bless you abundantly as you continue to sow into His Kingdom!
Our CBN UK team.
Fin Sheridan | CBN UK Writer & Host
A Letter for You Dear _________, It was so good to hear from you. You’ve been in my thoughts and prayers recently. I understand how tough it’s been for you and that sense of excitement, nerves, faith and fear are all completely normal. This is a part of life. Whether we anticipate them or not, the winds of change are going to blow. You might not realise it but you are actually highly capable when it comes to change. The skin cells that cover your hand weren’t there 3 weeks ago; they die and are replaced without your permission. Despite those creams and products you use, your face is aging. You are constantly in transition. As you walk through your day, you adapt and adjust to circumstances; a late train, a task that took longer, a cancelled social appointment. You seamlessly navigate these waters, like a skilled sailor. Of course, there are things which rattle us more; changes which do require a pause and a decision and a moment, but you have dealt with those too. If there’s one thing I can comfort you with, it’s this: You and I have hope. A real, Jesus-soaked, grace-grounded hope. Hope that can anchor even the most worried soul, hope that can carry you through the hottest fire, the deepest water, and the most furious storm. There’s a verse that keeps me going in times of change, when I feel like the fog of fear is thickest, and it’s 1 Peter 1:13. Peter writes that we should set our hope fully on the grace that will be brought to us at the revelation of Jesus Christ. It’s for that revelation that I’m praying for you. That you would see Jesus more, feel his grace for you. That your heart would be filled with courage in this time of troubling transition and you’d find a solid resting place for your hope. Take a breath. The Sovereign King of the Universe is your friend and he deeply cares for you. Your times are not spiralling out of control; they hang perfectly in his hand. There is nothing to be afraid of. Your friend, Fin R|08
ATHEIST COMES TO FAITH As the daughter of two atheists, Jordan Monge felt she had a lot to prove. At eleven years old, Jordan decided there was no God and began openly challenging her Christian classmates. “I would bring the Bible to school,” she remembers, “with post-it notes where all the contradictions were, and then I would say, ‘Tell me why this isn’t a contradiction?’ And they couldn’t really do it.” At university, Jordan enrolled into a meta-ethics class, hoping to find answers that would strengthen her argument. Instead, she was assigned a short reading assignment, an essay by C. S. Lewis. She remembers, “Essentially, what C.S. Lewis says is, ‘God is goodness.’ God is the good and then our lives are good when we strive to imitate God. It was mind-blowing.” Jordan decided to read the Bible again. This time she would try to understand it, not critique it. And when she read Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount, she was struck by what he said. Still that wasn’t enough to break Jordan’s deeply rooted need for intellectual evidence of God. So she poured over every scientific argument, analyzed every prominent religion, and all the evidence pointed her back to Jesus Christ.
“As I thought about what love really was,” she explains, “I could see how Jesus’ death on the cross was the perfect embodiment of that”. In 2009, Jordan gave her life to Jesus. Since then, she has grown even stronger in her faith. “Moving to a framework where instead the reason I knew I was valuable was because Christ had died for me, that He loved me regardless of what I would ever do, it’s immensely freeing,” she concludes.
What is your story? Send your testimony to us: PO Box 700, Hereford, HR1 9EW, UK or email us at R|09
Using New Media to Share Jesus In today’s world, social media can be a powerful ministry tool. Just a halfcentury ago, CBN harnessed TV, radio, mail, and phone lines to spread the Gospel. Today, we have even more options, including email, the Internet, Skype, and social media (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc.) With the variety of mobile devices owned by people here and worldwide, such as laptops, tablets, cellphones, and smartphones, we can now minister to them anytime, anywhere. Thanks to friends like you, CBN not only has a strong presence on popular sites like Facebook, but we have also developed our own digital outreaches—such as, the R|10
Superbook® website, CBN Radio,, podcasts, on- demand TV, texting, apps, and streaming programs like The 700 Club. For instance, thousands have responded to our webpage called “The Story of Love” which offers a salvation prayer, and steps to growing in faith. Gordon Robertson has seen the explosive ministry potential for digital media—especially as many are shifting away from TV and cable, and turning in to the Internet. Looking at the opportunities for evangelism, he says, “What we have to figure out is, ‘Where is the audience going—where
is God going? Where is the fruitful field? And how do we develop the techniques to farm in those fruitful fields?’” And the harvest is indeed ripe in cyberspace. For instance, a 7-year-old in the Philippines named David was the target of bullies at a summer camp. His mom Ces came across the David and Goliath episode of CBN’s Superbook online, which she had watched as a child in the classic version. She downloaded the episode, along with the free Superbook mobile app, with its Bible, games, videos, and other helpful features. David liked it, and used the audio Bible feature to memorize verses. That’s just one example of how you are sharing God’s love. You are also there for millions who are hurting, offering compassionate aid in so many ways. From hard-hit families here at home, to victims of war, poverty, and illness, you arrive with food, water, disaster relief, medical clinics, and the tools and training to start businesses and farms. Thank you so much for caring, and may God bless you!
David had his life transformed by Superbook.
Thank You CBN Partners!
Your support enables us to share the Gospel around the world. To help us further visit or call 0300 561 0700 (UK). R|11
CBN partners provided a life-changing surgery for little boy.
Free Surgery for Little Boy Rahul’s parents were concerned when they noticed he had problems with his right eye.“We saw a white coloured patch in his eye when he was a baby. As he got older, the white patch grew bigger,” Rahul’s father explained. “He would always cover his eye, because it hurt him so much,” his mother said. “Sunlight also irritated it and made it difficult for him to walk outside. So we were scared that he wouldn’t be able to see out of that eye.” Then, a CBN medical camp visited their village.“They told us that our son had a cataract,” Rahul’s father said. “Then they said that they would give him free surgery!” At the hospital, the doctor explained that Rahul was close to losing vision R|12
in his right eye permanently.“He has a central cataract. That means the surgery should be performed as soon as possible.” Rahul’s father was worried about the outcome of the surgery, but he knew it was the best chance to save his son’s sight. After the surgery, the doctor explained, “The cataract was removed and a very good quality intra-ocular lens has been put in. This is a worldclass lens.” The next day, the bandage was removed. Rahul could see clearly! “I am extremely happy that my boy’s operation went well and his eye is perfectly fine!” his dad explained with a big smile. “He is so happy. It is such a remarkable change,” adds his mother.
THROUGH YOUR SUPPORT: #India India’s Prayer Centre received 7,706 calls, emails, and letters. In addition, 79 bore wells were drilled and dedicated, benefitting 21,450 people. 51 medical missions were also held, touching 9,536 lives.
#Middle East When ISIS attacked their home in Syria, Aziza and her two children fled in the night. The border was closed, so she paid a smuggler to reunite them with her husband Dahan, who had gone ahead to Kurdistan to find work. But living as refugees was hard. Dahan was owed five months’ wages, and he suffered with high blood pressure. Aziza was pregnant. They could barely afford food. Thanks to friends like you, CBN was there. Our staff rented a nearby storefront, and helped Aziza open a women’s accessories shop. They also provided blood pressure medicine for Dahan, prenatal vitamins for Aziza and toys for the children!
#China The Jia family’s dirt house in China was old and dangerous. The rain came in - along with the mice. Daughter Enci said, “I was really scared [it] ... was going to fall down on us!” Unfortunately, Mr. Jia earns little, and patching the house didn’t work. So he prayed, “Lord... help me to build a new house. Please give us a miracle!” And then, CBN discovered their need and built them a strong brick home! Mr. Jia said, “Now I feel very safe!” R|13
BE THE CHANGE Richard Sanders | CBN UK Prayer Centre On my desk is something that many might think is just a lump of old concrete – but this has a special significance for me because it is actually a piece of the Berlin Wall. The wall was used to divide the ‘free’ West Berlin from the communist East during the days of the Cold War. The wall not only separated a city, but families, communities and a nation. After almost 40 years, the gates were opened allowing Berliners to freely travel between the two sides in November 1989. As R|14
‘What has been is what will be and what has been done is what will be done, and there is nothing new under the sun’ Ecc 1:9 ESV.
the news spread, people began to celebrate, climb the wall and some even started to hack at it – hence I now have a piece!
in the West. It reminds me that in every situation, there are people who will fight for freedom and be carriers of hope.
That piece of wall reminds me that not everyone enjoys the same freedom that I have. It stands as a reminder of the harsh reality that there are people today who are denied freedom, and personal cost and sacrifice involved in the battle to get it back. On one side of the concrete, is a remnant of the graffiti of those who spoke out and protested
Everyday we hear of terrible things that are happening all over the world which can quite simply cause us to declare ‘what is the world coming to?’ Only a few years ago no-one had even heard of ISIS, and a terrorist attack was something that happened in a far flung part of the world with little or no affect on our daily lives. But today, R|15
the Berlin Wall separated East Berlin and West Berlin.
these things are becoming a daily occurrence. They are in our thoughts, conversations, politics and just about any other area that you can think about.
“THE DANGER IS THINKING THAT THERE IS NOTHING THAT WE CAN DO TO STOP IT.” Everything is moving at such a pace - things are changing so fast and the danger is thinking that there is nothing that we can do to stop it. But the truth is this: it’s nothing new. it’s part of human existence. The writer of Ecclesiastes puts it so simply, ‘What has been is what will be and what has been done is what will be done, and there is nothing new under the sun’ Ecc 1:9 ESV. What R|16
he’s saying is that nothing ever really changes in this world except for the faces, the names, the methods and political dynamics. We will always have change and not just for the worse, but sometimes for the better. Some say the answer to today’s problems is to do exactly what has been done so many times before, build more walls, tighten our defences and preserve what peace we have left! When will we learn? That is not the answer. Building walls is exactly what those who seek to kill, steal and destroy our freedom want us to do, but all that does is limit our effectiveness and enables the enemies of freedom to have free reign in the lives of those who are outside of our gates! As followers of Christ, we should always look to Jesus to be our example. All throughout Jesus’ ministry, His focus was not just on those ‘within’ but also those who were seen to be on the outside. He seemed to have a special focus on those who were excluded,
whether because of religious, cultural or social attitudes. His motive towards all these people was one of love and acceptance, but not everyone agreed in bringing these barriers down - they did everything they could to oppose change. Nothing has altered over the ages – change is inevitable and yet it is seldom freely embraced. However, change can bring with it great opportunity! Our response to this ever changing world should be one of hope and not of fear. In 1 Cor 13, Paul speaks about love being the the greatest gift that we can give and receive. He said that in every change of life, three things remain, Faith, Hope and Love!
As followers of Christ, our response to this ever changing world should be to have faith in Christ, to be messengers of hope, and carriers of freedom to a confused and fearful world. We can’t sit back and wait for our world leaders and politicians to do it – we must take responsibility for our world, in both what we say and do! We can start by reaching out to those closest to us, one person at a time, and actively seek how best reach those who are further away. Paul’s encouragement in Galatians is just as relevant for us today - ‘What a person plants, he will harvest. The person who plants selfishness, ignoring the needs of others—ignoring God!— harvests a crop of weeds. All he’ll have to show for his life is weeds! But the one who plants in response to God, letting God’s Spirit do the growth work in him, harvests a crop of real life, eternal life. So let’s not allow ourselves to get fatigued doing good. At the right time we will harvest a good crop if we don’t give up, or quit. Right now, therefore, every time we get the chance, let us work for the benefit of all, starting with the people closest to us in the community of faith. Gal 6:8-10 The Message. R|17
Interview from
Bethel Music aims to pursue the heart of God. We caught up with a few of Bethel’s writers, singers, and musicians on their recent tour, to talk to them about their passion to create music that resonates with worshippers around the world. CBN reporter Angela Zatopek went backstage to meet some of the artists. For someone who’s never heard of Bethel, where do you find your inspiration? Cory Asbury: God! I think fellowshipping, communing with – for me – the Holy Spirit. A lot of people think the Holy Spirit is this weird, kinda third Person of the Trinity, we don’t know what He does or doesn’t do, but He lives inside of us. I also love looking at Jesus’ life. He was finding His Father’s voice and His Father’s eyes. And bam! That was the thing that was refreshing him. And so, trying to stay in that place of constant communion is the inspiration, I think, for what we do, cause we’re pouring out so much, you know? What is the common theme you see in the crowd you draw? What are they yearning for? William Mathews: Bethel’s kind of known as a culture of freedom or a culture of the supernatural. Healing and the prophetic are real strong emphasis. So we don’t just do that in praying for people or prophesying over people or praying R|18
for the sick just through laying on of hands; we do that through music. And so, we’ll sing songs of deliverance, songs of healing, songs that are the voice of the Lord speaking to people. I think that’s what resonates, because the prophetic ultimately carries hope with it and I think so many people, especially now, there’s so much fear out there that people are really responding to what we’re carrying. We really believe in a God of hope. We carry a strong faith message and hope for the here and now, and what God wants to do for cities all across the world.
Why is it important for the millennial generation to listen to worship music? Matt Stinton: People want to know God. And so I think that’s why worship music is having such an impact. Because it’s, ‘Come and know. Come and experience.’ Not just, ‘Here are some statements that you can say about God.’ But ‘Here, actually come experience Him. See what He’s like.’” What do you think it is about the music that is satisfying that quench, among the millennial generation? Leland Mooring: The lyrics are very vertical and sing able – it’s almost like every song is a conversation with the Lord, in a really cool way. Casey Moore: Yeah, it’s more of an encounter than just, you know, singing songs. I know that Justin Bieber was just interviewed by Cosmo Magazine and saying how one of your songs is in
his top playlist. How does that make you feel as artists because he’s in the mainstream? Leland Mooring: Yeah, – I think it just speaks again to people’s hunger – for God. You know? The Bible says that God desires for every person to be saved. So every person in front of you, you treat them according to that value which is Jesus came and shed His blood for them. Jesus said, that we’re called to love others the way God’s loved us and so that’s probably the greatest expression of worship. But I think as you know Him, you begin to have a fondness for every expression of worship; music included. R|19
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SUPERBOOK EVENTS Superbook Hey kids! Did you know that CBN has a website just for you? CBN’s Superbook website is a safe place for you to play free online games, learn more about the Bible, and grow in your faith! You can also have your own Bible app on your phone or kindle. It brings the Bible to life with videos and images from our Superbook animation series. To enjoy, visit
Over the Easter holidays our Superbook team hosted 3 events: two in London and one in Hereford. The events were designed to be ways of reaching the surrounding areas with the good news of Jesus’ resurrection. Children came with their families as we played game, gave away prizes and danced to the Salvation Poem. Families who do not usually attend church came and heard the gospel in a way that was relevant and engaging for their children! Gizmo appeared as a special guest too! If you and your church want to host an event like this, we would love to support you by sending you posters and invites, and advertising your event to our Project members and the wider community. Contact us at
CBN Partnership Week 23rd to 28th of May Thank you CBN Partners for your prayers and support! Join us for a week of special broadcast where we celebrate the impact of your support. Why not invite a neighbour or friend to watch with you? Together we are impacting nations with the Gospel as we fulfill Matthew 24:14: “And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations.�
Watch The 700 Club Monday to Friday at 6pm on Revelation TV (Freesat 692 or Sky 581) or catch up online at
Finding Hope Almost every day we can end up feeling helpless when we read the headlines. So, is it possible to find hope in the middle of the terror? Take a look at the article “Finding Hope in the Middle of Terror” written by United Christian Broadcasting Network’s CEO, David L’Herroux. He brings some insights about how it is possible to have hope, in the face of such unthinkable terror and hopelessness, like the last events in Paris and Brussels. Visit www.
The Story Fighting Depression Lauren was the daughter of alcoholics and struggled with depression all her life. She tried to find her worth in overachieving and learned to mask her pain. Today, her life is complete transformed. She says she is a child of God and has been redeemed. You can watch her story on our Facebook page: CBNEurope
The Story is a a simple, chronological Bible that reads like a novel, written by Max Lucado and Randy Frazze. There are no verse references in this book, and Scripture segments are put together to look like a grand narrative. For those intimidated or overwhelmed by reading the Bible, The Story helps understand God’s Word more fully and engage with it more easily. For more information, visit www.
Want Christian resources? On our website you can read blog posts, devotions and factsheets. Visit R|23
PRAYER CHANGES EVERYTHING God is able to do more than we can ask or imagine
Call CBN’s Prayer Line on 0300 561 0700 (UK) or +44 207 101 7045
Become a world changer.