The Astrological eMagazinr June 2021

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Jagadguru Shankaracharya Sri Sri Sri Bhara Tirtha Mahaswamiji Reveren al Pranams to His Holiness on His 71st Vardhan






Dr. M. R. Badarinath



Wally Krause




Prof. Dr. Rudra Prasanna Mohapatra

K. V. N. Savan Kumar





R S Maniam

Raman Suprajarama







Compiled by Nirupama









June 2021



EDITOR’S NOTE Dear Readers,

capable of. Hence, individuals who have attained a certain level of ascetism are deeply admired. What makes an individual ascetic in nature? Archit Saxena, very simplistically explains the planetary positions that lead to ascetism, supported by quick references to charts of some renowned spiritual gurus.

In this edition, The Astrological eMagazine family offers its reverential pranam to the lotus feet of our Kula Guru Sri Sri Sri Bharati Tirtha Mahaswamiji on the sacred occasion of his 71st Vardhanti. It is a great honour to write and read about the reverential life story of Mahaswamiji that is filled with countless nuggets of wisdom and lessons for common man.

Talking of Sanyasa Yoga, One-faced Rudraksha is blessed with the energy of Lord Shiva. Hence it gives liberation from the cycle of birth and death. Individuals on spiritual path are advised to wear a one-faced Rudraksha to get the bliss of Lord Shiva. Dr. Rudra Prasanna Mohapatra shares his knowledge about this rare Rudraksha and advises on who should wear this and its impact on the wearer.

As we speak, our country is under massive attack of the second wave of the deadly Coronavirus that is lashing out livelihoods and lives. With 4 lakh new cases emerging daily, the pandemic has taken a toll on every support system of the country. The variants of the deadly virus are mutating at a rapid rate and has completely taken the healthcare system under its control. Our Senior Editor, Raman Suprajarama presents a thoroughly researched article with deep analysis taking into consideration two different angles – Data Science and Vedic Astrology. Both are profound sciences that deal with large data being collected in a systematic and scientific manner, which are further modelled and analysed to make predictions. The article further takes into consideration the planetary positions during some of the recent epidemics and pandemics. With the patterns emerging out of the analysis of past events and planetary positions, the author provides analysis of possibilities of a Covid-19 third wave in the near future. Another analysis by Dr. M. R. Badarinath gives a glimpse of how Uranus is impacting the timeline of the pandemic. He carefully predicts the impact of the virus to slow down only after 10th June when planet Uranus moves to Mercury leaving Venus.

Another important aspect is our mental health, which is deeply governed by the emotions and thoughts we breed. The Ephemeris provides daily aspects of the Moon’s nodes that are read with natal aspects. The Moon’s nodes (also known as Dragon’s Head and Tail) determine behaviour pattern that could be distractive for progress. Wally Krause shares information of all possible negative influences of Moon’s nodes with respect to each planet on the behavioural traits of a native. It is advised to keep the negative traits at bay and replace them with positive ones. Lastly, the world will experience the second annual eclipse on June 10, 2021 which is the Solar eclipse. R S Maniam shares his knowledge on the impact of the eclipse for India and its overall leadership. We end with the monthly features with the most awaited predictions for your Moon signs, Ephemeris and Calendar for the month of June.

Detecting health and diseases early can be of some respite. Ayurveda is another precise and comprehensive science for determining one’s physical and psychological well-being. Like data science, even Ayurveda and Astrology are deeply connected with each other – and it deals with diving into the data related to physical attributes of an individual. K V N Savan Kumar throws light on the inter connectedness of Astrology and Ayurveda with a special focus on using Ayurvedic Astrology in predicting and curing neurological diseases. An Ayurvedacharya should always keep in account celestial bodies in the sky and combine this with his perfect knowledge of Ayurveda to know the exact depth of disease and the time it will take to cure.

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The Astrological eMagazine

In today’s dire times, being spiritual certainly helps in keeping the mind calm. However, ascetism or following a complete Sanyasa Yoga is not every individual is June 2021



Chief Editor and Publisher

Bangalore Niranjan Babu Senior Editor

Raman Suprajarama The Astrological eMagazine appears the previous month of publication. All rights reserved. No part of the magazine may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of the publishers. Articles submitted for publication in The Astr ological eMagazine must be certified in writing by the author that they have not been published earlier in any f o r m w h a t s o e v e r. U n s o l i c i t e d manuscripts will not be returned. Views expressed in the ar ticles are not necessarily those of the Editor. The Editor reserves the right to reject, revise or rewrite any article/ material without assigning any reason whatsoever and no correspondence will be entertained in this regard. All published ar ticles will become automatically copyrighted to The Astrological eMagazine unless otherwise stated.

Those who know Astrology can only indicate in a way what will take place in future. Who else, except the Creator Brahma, can say with certainty what will definitely happen ? JUNE ISSUE


Pg. No.














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June 2021





Wally Krause She has been involved in astrology for over 35 years and has concentrated on difficult charts, medical issues, complicated behaviour problems, mundane astrology and character identification for new born. She has lived in Germany, Italy, South Africa and USA. Her 480 page hardcover book entitled “Understanding the Power of Astrology” “An inside into the Motivation of the Mind” was written in 2008 and published in 2013 by GYAN PUBLISHING HOUSE in India. It is available on Amazon in several countries or directly from the publisher.

The Ephemeris provides daily aspects of the Moon’s Nodes that are read with natal aspects. The Moon’s Nodes (also known as Rahu or Dragon’s Head and Ketu or Dragon's Tail) determine behaviour pattern that could be distractive for progress.

create loss and setbacks. The emotions are not under control and allow for unwise speech antagonizing others and hinder progress in life. Popularity may be lost and advancement will be hindered. If the natal Moon and its Nodes are in a bad position, like square or opposition, the effect is enhanced and caution is necessary in life. The emotions are affected by setbacks, hurt and disappointment. Personal pride may stand in the way of acknowledging mistakes made. Unwise friendships and associations may create a boomerang effect that may linger long afterwards. If this aspect is also very bad with other planets at transit the result on the personal prestige maybe disastrous and create massive losses.

Herein listed are the negative influences of the nodes on the behaviour pattern of a person. (Of course if the position is very good at birth, positive influences will help further success in life) When applying the aforementioned principles please consider the house position and sign that the planets and nodes are occupying at birth. This principle provides for an easy method to make the client understand the impediment and delays he/she is experiencing in order to find a solution and advance in life.

Mercury to Dragon’s Head and Tail (Nodes) It will be very difficult and frustrating to obtain recognition in life. It may become difficult to apply study and learned experiences. Rewards gained from education will be minor compare to the efforts extended. A wrong line of thought, errors of judgment and unwillingness to address mistakes made create a tendency to always blame others and to ignore the actual mistakes made by the native. The ego is out of control and tries to escape from personal responsibility and consequences of actions. Carelessness is covered up and evasion is practiced.

Sun to Dragon’s Head and Tail (Nodes)

It will affect the emotions, prestige, reputation and standing in life. The native’s own actions and circumstances through other people bring enmity and resentment. If a high position is inherited or obtained in life there is danger of a fall affecting the social position as well as income ability of the native. Unwise and impulsive actions and failure to see the implication of circumstances bring unwanted reactions. It can hinder developments of hopes and wishes

Venus to Dragon’s Head and Tail (Nodes)

Moon to Dragon’s Head and Tail (Nodes)

It provides for difficulties with love and marriage and

also by actions that are ill advised, thus, affecting

Again, loss of position, prestige through own unwise actions or faulty judgment could affect the well being in life. Actions as a result of impulse, impatience and annoyance will adversely affect upon position and June 2021

money, prestige and reputation. This may be the native’s own doing or through other peoples actions that will affect the native’s behaviour to his/her 4


detriment. It may never be a good idea to rely on the promises of others or behave in an impulsive way and cause disappointment and distraction by not taking the time to consider all angles of the issue. It produces mistrust. It also produces sometimes silly actions either by the native or his partner that creates mistrust and doubt. This interferes with harmony and feelings preventing a progress in the relationship. It provides for difficulties in obtaining money and credit.

any gain. Incidents bring unexpected actions of others that disturb affairs and create feelings of tension and strain. Social and public affairs are subject to sudden changes. If in bad aspect with other natal or transiting planets it could lead to bankruptcy or other unfavorable conditions that are not easily overcome.

Neptune to Dragon’s Head and Tail (Nodes) A loss of honor and prestige is indicated. The native or his friends may take personal unfair advantage or get involved in trickery and schemes of deception. Gossip and trickery may affect the path in life. Beware of sharing your thoughts too freely with others and keep your intentions private as there is a tendency to breach of confidentiality that affects the affairs through selfish advantages of others. Avoid going after easy money as it can create underworld conditions and involvement in crime.

Mars to Dragon’s Head and Tail (Nodes) Unwise, impulsive and hasty speech or decisions are said and done that affect and injure the personal prestige and reputation. Hastiness, lack of caution and the inability to notice when offence is being given to others will damage relationships. Personal opinions and decisions are made prior to considering all the facts and the attitude to always be ‘right’ brings disasters, losses and breaking conditions into the life, that are not desired. It creates doubt that will not easily be overcome. The taking of risks must be controlled against the possible outcome before hand or things to awry and lead to losses and injuries.

Don’t be associated with interests that are not straightforward as it may lead to loss of money and freedom. Be realistic and don’t allow the mind to escape via alcohol and drugs in order to avoid reality.

Pluto to Dragon’s Head and Tail (Nodes)

Jupiter to Dragon’s Head and Tail (Nodes)

The beginning of life is associated with bad conditions either in the family or surroundings. Only by leaving those conditions as soon as possible will progress be obtained. If no changes are made, it furthers a bad character and struggle against society. Society per se will bring hazards and temptation to unwise actions. The prospect of destruction and struggle in life is enhanced.

A longing to be always ‘right’ to satisfy the emotions gives a pomposity that, at times, may be nauseating. Faulty judgments affect the native and cause unanticipated losses. Rejecting good advice may be repented later on when trouble has developed. Possibly problems with credit and other monetary matters will come along. Sometimes there is blindness towards practical matters as grandiose ideas are preferred to a simple solution. Relying on luck may not create the outcome desired. Care and prudent consideration is necessary when getting involved in lawsuits. Long distance travel or immigration may create unwanted difficulties.

Doubt and feelings of uncertainty influence the emotions. Upsets in regard to affection, as in marriage or other relationships, will destroy any harmony. The emotions are always on the edge. Power games and use of force are applied to get ahead creating a distracting circle that undermines relationships which pass out never to be resumed again.

Saturn to Dragon’s Head and Tail (Nodes) This requires struggle against adversity, prejudice, domination or stronger personalities. Enmity will be incurred through wrong personal actions. A frustrating aspect as it hinders recognition in life. It also applies to delays and hindrance in desired progress. Dealing with bosses or home affairs provide for worrying conditions.

By just applying the Moon’s Nodes at birth, and by advanced age in progression, the client can be made aware of and prevent a lot of unpleasant experiences in life. We are all creatures of habits. So, bad habits must be replaced with good ones in order to advance.

Uranus to Dragon’s Head and Tail (Nodes)

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Sudden unexpected and unpleasant events or even outright disaster in the form of physical, monetary, mental or business matter may affect the native. Things develop well when sudden reversals destroy June 2021




DIAGNOSING NEUROLOGICAL DISORDERS IN A HOROSCOPE K. V. N. Savan Kumar K V N Savan Kumar, is working in IT company for 12+ years as Engineering Manager. As an enthusiast and with a passion towards Astrology, he llearnt astrology and is practicing the same from 10+ years. From ICAS, he completed BA-CH1. He then completed Jyothish Praveena and pursuing visharada-2. He has enrolled himself for a Ph. D in Medical Astrology and is working as a research scholar.


factors of the chart, then disease could be chronic or fatal depending on the intensity of the chart of the total configuration. One should never run away from life and on the contrary learn to face it boldly. In the realms of multi universes the sojourn of soul is infinite, and nobody has the right to leave it in midway.

Ayurveda and astrology are deeply connected with each other. Astrology deals with the karmic process of man and to get rid of the cycle of birth and death it is very important to have a sound body and mind only then one can reach out his/her soul. Ayurveda emphasizes that primarily there are three doshas (tridosha) and any imbalance in the basic attributes of these three evils (dosha) leads to various diseases. These doshas are known as Vata (wind), Pitta (heat) and Kapha (phlegm). In astrology lagna, Sun and Moon correspond to Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Primarily lagna or ascendant deals with body or general strength and weakness of the person. Sun of course deals with Pitta or heat and Kapha is represented by Moon. These are the basics of both the subjects. As we go deeper into the nature of the disease and its consequences then one must take care of many more factors into account. Charaka Samhita is a famous grantha (text) on Ayurveda written long back by the legendary physician Charaka. In his book he says an Ayurvedacharya, while attending to a new patient should always keep in account celestial bodies in the sky and combine this with his perfect knowledge of Ayurveda to know the exact depth of disease and the time it will take to cure.

What are Neurological Diseases?

The manifestations of neurological diseases depend on how and which part of the nervous system is affected – the central or peripheral, or there are combined disorders. The central part includes both brains – the cerebrum and the spinal cord. They process information regarding what is happening in the body, as well - they control and coordinate all its reactions and functions. This applies both to the organism in an internal aspect and to its contacts with the environment. This is implemented with the help of the peripheral part of the nervous system. It is a continuation of the cerebrum and includes the nerves in the organism, their splits/cervical, shoulder, lumbar and other/and nodes/ganglion. Through them, brain impulses are transmitted to the limbs and various organs, and feedback is returned.

Neurological diseases are disorders that may occur at any place in this chain. The cerebrum, for example, may become inflamed, as the meningitis is an inflammation of the outer layer, and encephalitis – inflammation of the brain matter itself. Many other diseases are associated with the cerebrum – atherosclerosis, depression, phobia, epilepsy, autism, personality disorders and so on. The most common inflammations of the peripheral part of the nervous system are radiculitis and plexitis, which may be in the cervical, chest or waist area, as the pain block the movement of the hands or legs. One nerve may be affected, and this condition is called neuritis, and if a few nerves are affected, it is called polyneuritis.

In astrology, 6th house and its lord indicates disease, 8th house and its lord denotes the longevity of the disease and 2nd house and its lord represents the time, money and inconvenience and suffering of the person by a disease. There are many more factors which also need to be investigated like the influence of malefic planets on these houses and incapability of benefic planets to help the subject or native. The maha dasa and antar dasa at the time of occurring disease at a negative dasa also gives the indication of onset of disease at an age of the native. The importance of transit can also not be ignored. If the planets and transit are aggravating the negative June 2021



In Ayurveda, the vital energy Vata is directly responsible for the nervous system – for the transmission of the cerebral signals to the organs, for the senses, feelings and thoughts. It is set at birth with the other two energies – Pitta and Kapha, as each one of them is responsible for specific processes in the organism. All three energies are set in a specific ratio and they maintain a certain balance between them. If one of the energies goes out of balance, then the functions of certain organs get disturbed and the organism develops illnesses. In the case with Vata these are neurological diseases. Vata is responsible for all movements in the body, so without that energy the other two Doshas can’t flow in the organism. Thus, the disturbances in Vata can even cause blockages in Pitta and Kapha. And usually when a Dosha goes out of balance it causes imbalances also in the other two. So the Ayurveda specialist has to determine what are the imbalances and the extent of the deviations of the Doshas, in order to be able to prescribe a treatment and so on – a way to restore their natural proportions that are unique for everyone.

Vedic Astrology and Ayurvedic Medicine Vedic astrology is India’s traditional system of reading the stars, the planets and the entire movement of time. It was originally called Vedanga Jyotish, meaning the study of light (Jyoti) as a limb of the Veda (Vedanga). It was also called Jyotirveda, the Veda or ‘science of light’. Ayurveda, which means the ‘science of life’, is the corresponding Vedic system of natural healing for body and mind. Both are living branches of an ancient sacred science that arose in an older era in which humanity had a greater intuitive connection with the sacred universe. Unlike corresponding western traditions, their continuity, though shaken by hostile forces, has remained unbroken. Both these systems are undergoing a renaissance today as we once more learn to look within. Vedic astrology is an extraordinary predictive and counseling tool. There are many wonderful stories of how Vedic astrologers can pinpoint specific events in a person’s life with uncanny accuracy. Yet Vedic astrologers also can relate deep wisdom about a person’s life purpose, karma and spiritual path.

History of Astrology and Ayurveda

Similarly, Ayurveda is a precise and comprehensive tool for physical and psychological well-being, optimal health, energy and vitality. There are many instances of Ayurvedic doctors introducing changes in a person’s life, from simple dietary or lifestyle modifications, to special herbs or internal cleansings that can literally rejuvenate us, countering long standing and intractable health problems. These two Vedic systems together in the ‘Vedic astrology of healing’ or ‘Ayurvedic astrology’. Ayurvedic astrology shows us how to optimize both our health and our destiny, our vitality and our karma, so that we can realize our highest potential in life, with our earthly life following the model of heavenly forces and their consciousnesspromoting outcomes. Ayurvedic astrology shows how we can heal ourselves through the stars, bringing the energies of the cosmos into our lives so that we can once more touch the universal light and prana.

All great ancient civilizations centered their cultures on profound systems of astrology, connecting conditions and events on the Earth with cosmic influences deriving from the stars. Whether it is India or China, Egypt or Babylonia, or the Mayas and Incas of America, we find in each case an astrological foundation for their spiritual cultures. Astrology and its measure of sacred time formed the basis of their calendars which, looking to the heavens, sought to organize human life according to celestial forces more certain than our personal desires and calculations. Even the ancient cultures of Europe like the Greeks, Romans, Celts and Germans, had detailed systems of astrology, as have all communities that recognize the sacred nature of the universe. Similarly, all systems of traditional medicine of East and West possess corresponding forms of astrology, which were part of their theory and practice. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has the I Ching and Chinese astrology, while the Ayurvedic medicine of India has Vedic astrology. Traditional European medicine going back to the Greeks included western astrological traditions, which were part of pagan traditions overall.

CASE STUDY: Analysis: DOB-18th November 1992, TOB-19:15, POB-Worland, Washakie County, Wyoming, United States, Male

Connecting healing and astrology – or the practice of medical astrology – is one of the deepest and most lasting investigations of civilization. It is as old as all great ancient cultures and their astrologically based rituals to keep human life in harmony with the cosmos. We have long looked to the stars and the heavens for guidance, grace and healing energy, for understanding human existence in a deeper perspective in which we can touch the eternal and the infinite. June 2021







Natal Chat





Natal Chat



Shashthamsa D-6

Natal Chat

Dwadasamsa D-12 (Trd) HL As


Sa Ma


Md Sa


Ge As







Chit Puna





Chart Analysis: Divisional Chart

Planetary Positions


Lagna and LL


Virgo sign


Cp Sa

Yogas or if any



Stambha Pillar Reva




Aswi UBha Durgantara Interior


Sg Ve





Sc Su Ra (Me)







Visa Hast




(Me) Upha

Vi Ju






Ke (Me)

Trimsamsa D-30


Ta Ke

Le Mo

Ma HL Su



Planets in D-1 (From Lagna in D-1) Cn Ma

Ma Su Ve

Natal Chat







Akshatramas D-27 (Trd)


Navamsa D-9


Sa AL Ju

Natal Chat

Natal Chat








Ma Ve Su Ra HL BB Mo Gk










Ra Ma

Md (Me) HL As Su

Ke Ju


Drekkana (D-3 (Trd)

Ke Ju

Mo (Me) Ra Md Su

Gk Sa

Natal Chat

Rasi Sa



Praakaara Wall Bhaya Exterior





Lagna lord Mercury is retro and not so strong combust with Sun and conjoin with Rahu.


Virgo sign shows sickness of the native whose lord already retro which is Mercury indicates - neurological disorders. And when Jupiter connection is clear, it indicates that epilepsy. Same lord sharing Mars in 2nd indicates frequent hospital visits and expected surgeries and increased expenditure.


Sun + (Mercury) + Rahu


Urinary problems and loss of speech and sudden changes to the native’s body movements.




Saturn in 8th Dustana takes longer time and lead to chronic disorders.

D1, D3, D9



Mars placed in same house in Cancer which is debilitated indicates cuts, wounds and surgeries.

D9, D3, D30, D27

Mars, Sun


When Sun and Mars conjoin, the effects are abrupt leading to sudden changes to health and when it will trigger we never know.


When Mercury is retro in all divisional charts, it indicates that brain, spine and dependency on others. Less immune power and speech loss when 6th house in D1 has Mercury with Sun and Rahu kidney and urinary also less bone power.

D1, D6, D9, D3, D12, Retro Mercury D27, D30

Continued on Page 15 June 2021




PLANETS AND COVID-19 THIRD WAVE Raman Suprajarama mundane events like seasons, famine, drought etc., were following a design. On closer examination, they found that these events were matching with the path of the Sun and the Moon across the Zodiac. Our rishis were delighted. Being scholars with extreme scientific spirit, they drew up an extensive data model. This new and improved data model captured details including a) heavenly data – movement of planets across zodiac, constellations, zenith etc., b) mundane data – happenings around the world include rainfall, drought, famine, volcanoes, earthquakes etc., and c) human affairs data – good times, bad times, marriage, birth of children, death, vocation etc., This opened a world of new insights. Not only were the rishis able to map newer patterns and events (both mundane and human affairs), but they were also able to go one step further to predict what is likely to happen in the future based on the pattern repeating in the future. Thus, a new science and discipline was formed – Vedic Astrology. The science unravels the happenings of the future so that humans can prepare and plan for the same.

The second wave of Covid-19 pandemic in India has been nothing less than devastating. Many lives are lost and still losing. Economy has tumbled. Uncertainty has set in. Government is clueless on how to approach and stop the pandemic. Citizens are facing unprecedented challenges and have come to a point of just survival. The pressure on us Astrologers is building up to analyse and predict the end of this deadly virus. Everybody is expectantly awaiting predictions about when this large-scale humanitarian crisis will end.

Vedic Astrology is perhaps the most advanced Data Analytics project carried out by our ancient sages. It is scientific, evidence based, and systematic. It believes in data. I am a data scientist myself. I work on various artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms solving complex business problems. None of these business problems are even close to complexity, scale, and accuracy of the predictive models that Vedic Astrology employs. Furthermore, the beauty of Vedic Astrology lies in the fact that the predictive models have been designed to be flexible enough to add new events and patterns that we come across in the future. This ensures that Vedic Astrology stays relevant in ever changing times. When a Vedic Astrologer predicts, he essentially is using these models to correlate past patterns and events and predict the future. If the model chosen is incorrect, the predictions will be wrong. The science of Vedic Astrology can never be wrong because it is a science of data-backed evidence. If a prediction is incorrect, it is just that the Astrologer hasn’t employed the right model or isn’t aware of a model or in some cases the model doesn’t exist yet.

Vedic Astrology is an extraordinary science. Unlike astrological variants originating in other parts of the world, Indian originated Vedic Astrology is based on evidence and rationality. Vedic Astrology has evolved after centuries of observation of cosmic patterns and real-world happenings. A large-scale data collection activity in a systematic and scientific manner was started by our ancient rishis centuries ago to understand the correlation of cosmic influences on human affairs. It started with a simple thought pattern. Humans and other lifeforms on Earth are part of a celestial system. You, me, the birds, animals, and marine life live on Earth. Earth is a part of the solar system. The solar system is a part of Milky Way Galaxy. Milky way Galaxy is a part of larger collection Universe. All these that we know today – Universe, Galaxy, Solar System, Earth follow a mathematical pattern. They can be plotted on a space-time dimension using specific formulas. These patterns are fixed and precise. Anyone can exactly predict where a heavenly body at a given instant of time is, using mathematical formulas. Would that mean that we humans also have a fixed and predictable pattern?

Second Wave

The second wave of Covid-19 pandemic has been a nightmare. In India, the official numbers of reported Covid cases and deaths are upwards of 2 crores and 2.4 lakhs, respectively and mortality rate at 1%. A simple Google search presents private investigative reports that claim higher mortality rates – almost 4%. So many lives are lost to Coronavirus. Hospitals and doctors are clueless on how to treat ICU patients. The treatment being followed is only to treat the symptoms. There is no sure shot or near sure shot treatment protocol that is known, yet.

The ancient rishis also had the same thought. They created a hypothesis – cosmic movements have an influence on mundane events. They set out to collect data of various mundane activities across different locations. In parallel, the path of the Sun and the Moon were noted. When a good amount of historical data was captured, they set out to analyse them. Certain simple patterns were observed. Mundane events were mapped to these patterns. The ancient rishis were in for a surprise! They noticed that certain June 2021



Covid related scams are being unearthed everywhere – hospital beds, oxygen cylinders, vaccination shots, medicines like Remdesivir, ambulances are being sold at abnormal prices and black marketed. The Medical industry, the saviours, unfortunately have stooped down to being inhuman blatantly looting the citizens of the country. The honest doctors and medical enablers are only a few. The Indian medical system – right from the ministry to the healthcare providers – have lost their reputation and trust. Greed has transformed them into monsters. Few handful of good doctors who are service oriented are unfortunately spoiling their reputation thanks to the monsters. The two questions in every citizen’s mind right now are these – 1. Will I be surviving the second wave? Will I live or die? 2. When will this pandemic end? When will things come back to normal? Accumulation of wealth, marriage, purchasing properties, cars, or other luxury items etc., have all taken a back seat. Survival is the key. People have realized the importance of health and healthy living.

Data Science Angle

Before I venture into an astrological discussion of the second wave, I would like to share what modern day data scientists have to say? Let me share an interesting publication by Singapore University of Technology and Design. A team of data scientists used Machine Learning (ML) algorithms, specifically logistic model, to predict the inflection point and end of Covid pandemic across countries. The graphs and predictions given are shared in the image below.

1 Screengrab of Covid End Dates for various countries

For India, the team had predicted that the pandemic would end by May 21, 2020. You can look at the graph and infer that the prediction was a complete disaster. The original publication has been pulled down but you can read a backup of this in the following location - Does that mean that artificial intelligence and machine learning models are incorrect? No. What you will have to understand is that the historical data collected at the time of publication was limited. Hence the model did not work accurately. Fast forward to April 2021. A team of four Indians from IIT-Delhi, Punjab University and Queen Mary University of London came together again to build an AI model to predict the end of pandemic. This time, they have more data in their hands. In addition to Covid cases and deaths, they had additional data like lockdown dates, mutations, recovery rates, etc., The data also was rich, which means you can easily slice and dice the data across countries, states, districts, pin codes, sex, race, co-morbidities. A combination of algorithms was used to build the model – random forest, ARIMA and deep learning. I am reproducing the predictions of this new and revamped model for your reading. June 2021



Country US Brazil India Spain Italy France UK Germany Russia Turkey

First case 2020-01-22 2020-02-26 2020-01-30 2020-02-01 2020-01-31 2020-01-24 2020-01-31 2020-01-27 2020-01-31 2020-03-11

Top point 2021-01-19 2021-01-19 2021-01-19 2021-01-19 2021-01-19 2021-01-19 2021-01-19 2021-01-19 2021-01-19 2021-01-19

Start date 2021-08-17 2021-06-23 2021-08-05 2021-08-02 2021-08-03 2021-08-14 2021-08-03 2021-08-09 2021-08-03 2021-06-01

End date 2021-11-30 2021-09-26 2021-11-15 2021-11-12 2021-11-14 2021-11-27 2021-11-14 2021-11-21 2021-11-14 2021-08-31

Start value 2,379,799.0 1,926,824.0 548,318.0 248,970.0 240,436.0 201,853.0 284,812.0 194,458.0 640,246.0 222,402.0 article/abs/pii/S254266052030055X. If you are one of those data science enthusiasts like me, you can download the model on github

End value 1147.0 19,638.0 156.0 17,963.0 35,713.0 2293.0 5467.0 5795.0 147.0 98,674.0

This is exciting! As a data scientist, I am appreciative of the model. Though I differ on certain parts of the algorithm, the overall construct looks promising.

The model predicts that the Covid-19 pandemic will end around November 2021 in most parts of the world. For India, the date given is November 15, 2021. Read the publication here -

Vedic Astrology Angle

Let us come to Vedic Astrology. In April 2020, I did a YouTube video titled “6 Important Coronavirus Dates to Keep an Eye”. You can watch it here - At that time, we did not have sufficient data to map the cosmic patterns to the pandemic numbers. Add to this, a pandemic at this large scale was something we hadn’t seen before. Nevertheless, we predicted that the vaccine would be available once Jupiter retrogrades back to Scorpio. And that the wave would end by March 2021. Yes. The first wave did end. But then the second wave started, and it is deadlier than the first wave.

Astrologers also faced similar problems like Data Scientists. None of our astrological classics or modern books have written about a large pandemic like Covid-19. We don’t have a previously referenceable pattern documented for a pandemic, and naturally models don’t exist. Nonetheless, certain astrological scriptures have given us clues on how to go about build models. An attempt is made below to design this model and use it as a base to predict the future of the Covid-19 pandemic. The table below lists the epidemics and pandemics that the world has witnessed in the 20th Century. Event Spanish Flu HIV/AIDS pandemic Russia typhus epidemic Influenza A/H2N2 Hong Kong flu SARS Ebola MERS Swine Flu H1N1

Symptoms Sore throat, headache, and fever Rapid weight loss, fevers at night, recurrent infections Typhus Cough, runny nose, sore throat, headaches Cough, runny nose, sore throat, headaches Fever, respiratory symptoms, cough, malaise Fever, aches and pains, weakness, diarrhea, vomiting Cough, fever, aches, shortness of breath, sore throat, headache Fever, chills, cough, body aches

Death toll 17–100 million 35 million+ (as of 2020) 2–3 million 1–4 million 1–4 million 10 million 11,000 1000 284,000

Date 1918–1920 1981–present 1918–1922 1957–1958 1968–1969 2003-2004 2014-2016 2012-2017 2009-2010

Location Worldwide Worldwide Russia Worldwide Worldwide 29 Countries 10 Countries 27 Countries Worldwide

The Spanish Flu, one of the deadliest pandemics occurred between 1918-1920. The first case showed up in March 1918 when over 100 plus soldiers of the US Army complained of sore throat, fever, and headache. I have given the planetary positions in March 1918 – the first case of Spanish Flu and April 1920 – the last case of Spanish Flu. Ju

Me Sun

March 1918 First Case of Spanish Flu









Ju Su




Ve Me

March 1918 First Case of Spanish Flu Navamsa


Ke (Sa)

Ve Me Ra


April 1920 Last Case of Spanish Flu




(Ma) Ra Mo



April 1920 Last Case of Spanish Flu



Ke Mo



Notice the position of the four major grahas - Jupiter, Saturn, Mars, and Rahu. • Jupiter is in Taurus, the house of his nemesis. He is evil in nature. He casts aspect on Virgo, Scorpio, and Capricorn. Debilitated Moon aspects Jupiter filling him with evil memories of bad Karma. He is destined to teach a lesson to citizens. • Saturn is retrograde in Gemini. He is of balanced temperament. He aspects Virgo, Capricorn, and Aries. Venus aspects Saturn to increase the lust in Saturn. Lust to do more of what he likes. Put people through hardship. June 2021



• Mars is retrograde in Virgo. He is aggressive and evil. He aspects Sagittarius, Pisces, and Aries. Retrograde Saturn aspects Mars expanding the radius of evilness. Evil Jupiter also aspects Mars giving him enough intelligence and wit to effectively carry out his destructive plan.

November 16, 2002. The planetary positions during the first and the last case of SARS is shown below. Mo


• Rahu is debilitated in Sagittarius. He is evil and inauspicious. He aggravates the Bhuta activity. Bhuta is commonly understood as ghosts or demons. In Ayurveda, Bhuta means that which cannot be seen by the human eye. Viruses and bacteria are so small that they cannot be seen by the human eye. Viruses and bacteria must be understood as Bhutas. Rahu casts an aspect on Gemini, the house of confusion. Retrograde Mars aspects Rahu giving Bhutas more strength.

Nov 2002 The first case of SARS

All the four major planets are evil and inauspicious in nature. These planets are also forming a vicious chain. One planet lends support to the other intensifying the evilness. You will also notice that four signs – Virgo, Scorpio, Sagittarius, and Capricorn – come under the influence of these evil and inauspicious planets. Gemini and Aries are also receiving evil influences.

May 2004 The last case of SARS


Me Mo Ra

(Ve) Su

Ve Ma Sa Ma




Nov 2002 The first case of SARS






Ve Ma




May 2004 The last case of SARS

Ma Su





Ra (Ve)

Let’s look at the chart casted when the first case of MARS was identified.

The Flu died down as an when the evil influence on major planets on the above signs eased out. Look at the chart of April 1920.

• Jupiter is exalted and auspicious in Gemini and viewing Capricorn, Scorpio and Pisces.

• Jupiter is exalted and retrograde and has turned auspicious. • Saturn is retrograde but weak as he is his enemy’s house. He is partly inauspicious. • Mars is retrograde and in his enemy’s house. He is partly inauspicious. • Rahu is auspicious.

• Saturn is retrograde and auspicious in Gemini and viewing Sagittarius, Leo and Pisces. • Mars is inauspicious in Virgo and viewing Sagittarius, Pisces and Aries • Rahu is in auspicious in Taurus and viewing Scorpio.

Coming to the Zodiac signs affected –

Essentially, the signs that are under the influence of these planets are Gemini, Sagittarius, Scorpio, Pisces. The secondary signs are Capricorn, Aries, Virgo and Taurus.

• Virgo is free of planetary occupation. Auspicious Sun aspects Virgo. The only negative combination is the Papakarthari Yoga from retrograde Saturn, retrograde Mars and Rahu. • Scorpio is free of planets. Auspicious Jupiter aspects the sign. No evil effects. • Sagittarius is free of planets or aspects which is good. • Capricorn is free of planets. Auspicious retrograde Jupiter aspects the Sign. The only evil influence is that of retrograde evil Mars. • With respect to secondary signs

Do you see a similarity of chart to Swine Flu? If you combine the primary and secondary signs, you will notice the Sagittarius, Scorpio, Gemini, Capricorn, Virgo and Aries also got affected during Spanish flu. The two other signs that got affected in addition to these were Taurus and Pisces. Let's take a look at the chart cast on the day when the last case of SARS was witnessed. • Jupiter is a friendly sign, in Vargottama and in Leo, viewing Aquarius, Sagittarius and Aries.

o Aries has Ketu in it and evil planets Rahu, Moon and retrograde Mars aspect the sign.

• Saturn is in a friendly sign in Gemini and aspects Leo, Sagittarius, and Pisces

o Gemini has no planets occupying or viewing it. You will notice that there is a significant shift of state from positive to negative, both for planets as well as the key Zodiac signs.

• Mars is an unfriendly sign of Gemini and aspects Virgo, Sagittarius, and Capricorn • Rahu is in an unfriendly sign of Aries and aspects Libra.

Let’s look at a few more examples. SARS happened between 2003 and 2004. The first case was on June 2021


Rasi Ke Me

Ra Su




Let's take a look at the primary signs as well -

• Rahu is inauspicious in Capricorn. He aspects Cancer.

• Gemini is under the influence of two first rate malefics, Saturn and Mars. However, Saturn is auspicious while Mars is inauspicious.

• Mars is auspicious in Sagittarius. He aspects Pisces, Gemini, and Cancer Clearly, the signs that are getting the most affected are Capricorn, Cancer and Taurus. The secondary signs are Virgo, Leo, Libra, and Aquarius.

• Scorpio doesn't have any planets. Auspicious and retrograde Venus and inauspicious Sun aspect it. • Sagittarius is free of planets. Auspicious Jupiter, auspicious Saturn and inauspicious Mars aspect it.

The last case of Swine Flu was in August 2010. Let’s look at how the planets are positioned –

• Pisces is free of any planets Inauspicious Saturn aspects it.


Jupiter is retrograde, in Pisces and highly auspicious. He aspects Cancer, Virgo and Scorpio.

o Capricorn doesn’t have any planets in it. Inauspicious Mars aspects it.


Saturn is in Virgo, auspicious. He aspects Scorpio, Pisces and Gemini.

o Aries has Mercury, Moon and Rahu. Auspicious Jupiter aspects the sign.


Rahu is in Sagittarius, inauspicious.


Mars is in Virgo, inauspicious. He aspects Sagittarius, Pisces and Aries.

• With respect to the secondary signs,

o Virgo doesn't have any planets in it. Inauspicious Mars aspects the sign.

Clearly the planets are better off compared to Jan 2009. Coming to the zodiac signs –

o Taurus has auspicious Venus and inauspicious Sun in it.

• Capricorn is free of any planets. Sun aspects the sign.

Clearly the effects are more favourable than in the beginning.

• Cancer has Sun in it. Auspicious Jupiter aspects it. • Taurus is free of any planets. Inauspicious Mars and Moon aspect it.

Next, we’ll look at Swine Flu case that took over 284,000 lives. The first confirmed case of Swine Flu H1N1 was documented in January 2009. The planetary positions during the first and the last case of Swine Flu is shown below. Ve



Jan 2009 The first case of Swine Flu



Jan 2009 The first case of Swine Flu







Ke (Sa)



Ve (Me) Ju Ra Su

August 2010 The last case of Swine Flu

Sa Su Ke


Rasi Ra

The signs also look positive. In addition to the above analyses, I also analysed the planets in various degrees, multiple Vimshopaka strengths, Amsabalas, Sayanadi avasthas.


Upon analysis of all these parameters, certain patterns emerge. You will notice that four signs are very crucial – Aries, Virgo, Scorpio, Sagittarius, and Capricorn. • Aries is the natural first house in the Zodiac. The first house denotes the physical body and the objects that lie within the body. These include organs, nervous system, blood etc. These also include the bacteria and viruses that enter or reside in the body. A reading of Aries let us know which parts have got affected or which type of external organisms or germs are at play.


Ve Mo


August 2010 The last case of Swine Flu

• Virgo is the natural sixth sign in the Zodiac. The sixth house indicates diseases and the natural sixth house indicates diseases that affect many citizens at large. Naturally, a reading of Virgo conjunction, aspects, lords will tell us if any diseases are likely. Further, influences on Virgo will show the intensity and possible cure on the disease.

Navamsa Mo

Ve Sa Ma


Ra (Me)

The first case started in Jan 2009 • Jupiter is debilitated in Capricorn. He is highly inauspicious and evil. He aspects Taurus, Cancer and Virgo.

• Scorpio is the natural eighth house. It is the house of secrecy. It is the house of new and emerging trends. It is also the house of longevity. An influence on Scorpio shows any new variant or version of the germ.

• Saturn is in Leo, in an enemy’s house, and is party evil. He is retrograde. He aspects Libra, Aquarius, and Taurus. June 2021



• Sagittarius is the natural ninth house. Ninth house indicates Dharma or righteousness and also guru, preceptor and father or head of the nation. Interestingly ancient scriptures also mention that Sagittarius is a war sign. Any major influence on Sagittarius results in conflicts and in turn death.

All the above clearly indicate an episode of a largescale airborne virus. The virus was set to unleash and cause havoc in December 2019. It would be large enough to be categorized as an epidemic or a pandemic. Saturn moved from Sagittarius to Capricorn in March 2020 which was around the time the OxfordAstraZeneca vaccine started its first trial. This and another vaccine were known as trustworthy in August 2020 when Jupiter entered Sagittarius in retrograde motion. The shelf-life of this pandemic was about a year, but why didn’t that happen in reality. Why is that we have a second wave which is deadlier than the first wave?

• Capricorn is the natural tenth house. The tenth house is the house of karma or occupation. In mundane astrology, it denotes the economy. Note that Capricorn also denotes death. Unlike Sagittarius which ignites battles, Capricorn just extends the battle. The way to understand Sagittarius and Capricorn is the form ignites and sustains fire while the later sustains and expands the fire.

Let’s take a look at what happened on February 10, 2021. Below is the chart for that day.

The astrological model reveals that:


i. Irrespective of whether the major planets are auspicious or inauspicious, if the above four signs come under the planetary influence, then epidemic or a pandemic is highly likely.

Mo Ve (Me) Sa Su Ju

ii. Another factor that got revealed is the role of slow moving and fast-moving planets. Slow moving planets initiate a pandemic or epidemic. Fastmoving planet like Venus, Mercury, the Sun, or the Moon do not initiate but the end up increasing and scaling the problem.

Dec 26, 2019 The first case of Covid19

Ma Ju Su




Ve Mo Sa Me Ke Su Ju

Ve Me

Dec 26, 2019 The first case of Covid19




Let’s look at the four crucial signs: • Aries is free of planets. Jupiter aspects the house. The sign gets activated. Jupiter indicates Viruses. • Virgo is free of any planets. Evil Saturn aspects Virgo. The sign gets activated. Saturn’s aspect of Virgo essentially indicates airborne diseases.



Feb 10, 2021 The second wave of Covid- 19 Navamsa Ma

Ju Ve (Me)



Let’s take a peek at the future. The major planets are Jupiter, Ketu, Saturn and Mars. In March 2021, Mars left Aries and moved to Taurus. It continues to cast its influence on Scorpio. Jupiter also left Capricorn and moved to Aquarius. This saw a temporary dip in the cases. In May, Venus and Mercury moved to Taurus to keep Scorpio activated, while Mars moved to Gemini activating Sagittarius, Virgo and Capricorn which push the cases further up and at speed. Around May 15, 2021 Sun also joins Taurus further increasing the pressure on Scorpio. The cases will continue to go up. Saturn becomes retrograde Continued on Page 23

• Scorpio has Mars in it. The sign has got activated. Mars indicates a new variant of the germ. • Sagittarius has the influence of multiple planets in it. Jupiter and Ketu’s occupation, coupled with Rahu’s aspect activates the sign and result in a disease. The Sun, the Moon and Mercury scale it up taking it to the state of pandemic or epidemic. • Capricorn has Venus. Venus indicates a shelf-life of about a year. June 2021



Look closely. Another bad planetary pattern occurs. And how do they influence? • Aries has Mars in it activating the sign. Mars indicates viruses. • Virgo has no planets in it. Jupiter aspects Virgo. Virgo gets activated. Jupiter’s aspect also indicates airborne diseases. • Scorpio has Ketu again activating the sign. Mars aspects the sign. A combination of Ketu and Mars indicate a stronger variant. • Sagittarius has no planets occupying or viewing it. A new virus trigger is not indicated. • Capricorn is heavily inflicted. As stated earlier, Capricorn doesn’t trigger a virus, but sustains a previous epidemic or a pandemic, and also scales it. Jupiter, Saturn, Mars, Mercury, Moon and Venus spoil the sign. Until Capricorn is free of evil influences, it is highly unlikely that the pandemic will end. Does that mean that a third wave is on its way?

Let’s apply this model in the context of Covid-19. The first case of Coronavirus surfaced on December 26, 2019. Look at the chart below. Ra

Feb 10, 2021 The second wave of Covid-19


COVID-19 Analysis








Roga saham

3-degree Aries Ashwini Nakshatra and sign lord is Mars debilitated in Cancer whose lord is Moon

Lords of 64th Navamsa and 22nd Drekkana

Venus is lord and posited in Dhanus rasi whose lord is Jupiter so deva guru and rakshasha guru fighting for life with the help of Moon.


Rahu maha dasa and Rahu antar dasha strengths are less, problems still seen during this period till 2021 November, Rahu/ Jupiter dasa antar dasa starts it will give some relief to the native and little improvement. Divine Remedy

Please chant Rahu/ Durga mata stotra for 21 times (Mother can chant on behalf of son)

Sayanadhi Avasthas

Planets on account of their incessant movement get into certain state of existence called avasthas. Depending on their position in the chart and the other conditions, Indian astrology classifies the conditions of the planets into 5 different sets of avasthas. They are: • • • • •

Baladi Avasthas - Set of 5 avasthas Jagradadi Avasthas - Set of 3 avasthas Lajjitadi Avasthas - Set of 6 avasthas Deeptadi Avasthas - Set of 9 avasthas Sayanadi Avasthas - Set of 12 avasthas

It is a very detailed and complicated study as to how a planet in each of the 5 types of sets of avasthas behaves. Based on that the results given by each planet for each type of the sets of avasthas is taken into consideration while giving predictions. Fundamentally 3 avasthas are taken into consideration, • Baladi Avasthas - deals with the physical state of body systems • Sayanadi Avasthas - deals with the awareness of Mind • Deeptadi Avasthas - deals with the light of the soul Sayanadi: This Avasthas deal with the state of mind, which constantly propels between the state of rest and activity. For example, we can observe the state of mind. The energy of the body comes from the food we eat. Intake of food is done in rest and comforts, and this can happen at places such as: Swakshetra (home), Moola Trikona (work) or in exaltation (picnic/party). The intrinsic energies of a planet come from Swakshetra sign. The energy from which the native executes the work comes from his Moola Trikona sign. The energy from which he succeeds in all activities comes from the state of exaltation.

June 2021



As we can intake food and energy only when our mind is at rest and comfort. In the same way, the planets recharge only when they are stationary, and comfortable i.e., in the own sign, in Moola Trikona and in exaltation sign. Jupiter remains in a sign for about a year, and transits Sagittarius once in 12 years. It is stationary in Sagittarius with Sagittarius lagna rising once in 144 years. As a result, it is very rare for a soul to be born with this combination. When this occurs in Pisces, spiritual charging takes place. In Sagittarius, recharging of dharma takes place. When it occurs in Cancer, recharging of Sukha takes place. Once every 12 years, when Jupiter transits Sagittarius, and the recharging of dharma takes place,

• Mercury : When the Sayana Avastha is full, in Lagna it makes the native lame and eyes reddish, in other houses the native will be addicted to licentious. • Jupiter : When the Sayana Avastha is full, it makes native strong but speaks in whispers, tawny in complexion and is afraid from enemies. • Venus : When the Sayana Avastha is full, it makes native strong, short temper, bereft of wealth. • Saturn : When the Sayana Avastha is full, it results in hunger and thirst, disease in boyhood and later in life become wealthy.

Ayurvedic Remedial Measures:

Subset of Sayanadi Avasthas:

या ओष॑धीः॒पूवा ॑ जात ॒ ा दे॒ वे ॑ युग ॒ ं पुर॒ ा । मनै॒नुब॒ ूणा॑ म॒हं श॒तं धामा॑ िन स॒ च ||

• Sayana - Lying down, resting • Upavesana - Sitting down • Netrapani - Crying • Prakasa - Shinning • Gaman - Going • Aagamana - Returning • Sabhaa - Being in assembly • Aagama : acquiring • Bhojana : Eating • Nritya Lipsaa : Longing to dance • Kautuka : Being Eager • Nidra Sleeping Formula for calculating the Sayanadi Avastha of a planet

(Rig veda -Oshadi sukta)

What is Asafoetida?

‘C’ - Nakshatra number occupied by the planet (1 for aswini, 2 for bharani etc.) ‘P’ - Planet whose avastha we have to calculate (1 for Sun, 2 for Moon, 3 for Mars, 4 for Mercury, 5 for Jupiter, 6 for Venus and 7 for Saturn). ‘A’ - Index of the Navamsa occupied by the planet in rasi. ‘M’ - Constellation occupied by Moon. ‘G’ - Ghati running at birth. ‘L’ - Rasi occupied by Lagna (1 for Aries, 2 for Taurus) and so on).

Technically a gum-resin, asafoetida is a hard substance that’s extracted from large, carrot-shaped roots of the Ferula plants. Once extracted, it’s commonly dried, ground into a course, yellow powder, and used for either culinary or medicinal purposes. As a spice, asafoetida is known for its strong, pungent odor, which is due to its high concentration of sulfur compounds. In fact, due to its unpleasant smell, this seasoning is sometimes referred to as stinking gum. However, when cooked, its flavor and smell become much more palatable and are often described as being like leeks, garlic, and even meat. In addition to adding a distinct flavor to dishes, asafoetida has been used in traditional medicine for centuries. For example, in Ayurvedic medicine, hing is used to aid digestion and gas, as well as treat bronchitis and kidney stones. While during the Middle Ages, the dried gum was sometimes worn around the neck to help ward off infection and disease. Yet despite being used for thousands of years, many of the traditional uses of asafoetida have not been proven by modern science. Asafoetida is sulfurous smelling gum-resin that’s extracted from Ferula plants. It’s traditionally ground into a powder and used either for its proposed medicinal qualities or as a spice to add a savory flavor to food.

Compute (C x P x A) + M + G + L and then divide it by 12 and take the remainder. Using the resulting number as the avastha index and referring to table given above, we find out the avastha of the planet. Results of Planet based on Sayana Avasthas: • Sun : When the Sayana Avastha is full, it results in digestive deficiency, many diseases, stoutness of legs, ulcer in the Anus and heart strokes. • Moon : When the Sayana Avastha is full, it results the native with honor, sluggishness, sexual lust, financial destruction.

Potential Benefits of Asafoetida

• Mars : When the Sayana Avastha is full, it results in wounds, itches and ulcer. June 2021

While research is limited, asafoetida may offer some health benefits. 16


• Antibacterial, antifungal, and antimicrobial effects. Test-tube studies have found asafoetida may help protect against potential pathogens, such as various strains of Streptococcus bacteria.

Good source of antioxidants: Asafoetida has been found to be a good source of antioxidants. These plant compounds help protect your cells against potential damage caused by unstable molecules called free radicals. As a result, antioxidants may also help protect against chronic inflammation, heart disease, cancer, and type 2 diabetes. Specifically, asafoetida has been shown to contain high amounts of phenolic compounds, such as tannins and flavonoids, which are known for their potent antioxidant effects. While test-tube and animal studies have found asafoetida to exhibit antiinflammatory and antioxidant activity, more research needs to be done on its potential antioxidant effects in humans. Additionally, as asafoetida is used in such small amounts when cooking, it’s unclear if culinary use of the spice would still provide these potential benefits to health. May be good for digestion. One of the most common uses of asafoetida is helping with indigestion. In one 30-day study in 43 adults with moderate to severe indigestion, those taking 250 mg capsules containing asafoetida twice a day reported significant improvements in bloating, digestion, and overall quality of life compared with the placebo group. This study was funded by the company that produced the supplement, so it may have impacted results. Asafoetida has also been shown to help boost digestion by increasing the activity of digestive enzymes. Specifically, it may increase the release of bile from the liver, which is needed for the digestion of fat. While the spice is also frequently used to prevent or reduce gas after eating, there’s currently a lack of research to support this effect.

• Help lower blood pressure. Asafoetida may help lower blood pressure by relaxing blood vessels. However, research is very limited and has only been studied in animals. • Anticancer effects. Animal and test-tube studies have shown a potential for asafoetida to help stop the growth and spread of certain cancer cells, including breast and liver cancer. • Protect brain health. Several animal studies have found asafoetida may help protect against memory loss and nerve damage in the brain. • Help ease asthma symptoms. Mice studies have shown asafoetida to have a relaxing effect on airway smooth muscles, which is important in the treatment of asthma. While promising, this effect hasn’t been proven in humans. • Help lower blood sugar levels. One study in rats found 50 mg/kg of asafoetida extract to reduce fasting blood sugar levels. However, this effect hasn’t been studied in humans. Overall, while animal and test-tube studies suggest many potential benefits of this pungent spice, there’s currently a lack of evidence in humans to support these claims. It’s also worth noting that these studies use a concentrated form of asafoetida rather than the amounts typically used when cooking. As a result, culinary use of the spice may have minimal effects. Asafoetida is rich in antioxidants and may provide multiple health benefits, particularly for digestive health. However, as research is currently limited, studies in humans are needed to confirm these effects.

Help reduce symptoms of IBS: Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a chronic gastrointestinal (GI) condition that’s characterized by abdominal pain or discomfort, bloating, gas, and constipation, diarrhea, or both. Due to its potential effects on digestion, asafoetida is thought to help reduce symptoms associated with IBS. Two small studies in adults with IBS found a significant improvement in reported IBS symptoms after 2 weeks of taking asafoetida supplements. Yet another study found no effect of the supplement on IBS symptoms. Overall, the research on whether asafoetida may be effective for managing IBS symptoms is quite limited. However, one less direct way that asafoetida may be beneficial for individuals with IBS is as a substitute for onion and garlic in cooking. Onion and garlic contain high amounts of fructans — indigestible, fermentable carbs that can cause GI distress in some individuals with IBS. As asafoetida provides a flavor similar to onions and garlic, it could be a good option for those who need to avoid or limit their consumption of these high fructans food.

Potential Side Effects of Asafoetida While research on the safety of asafoetida in humans is limited, amounts of asafoetida that are typically used in cooking are thought to be generally safe for most individuals. One study in humans found 250 mg twice a day for 30 days was well tolerated by the participants. However, animal studies suggest large doses of asafoetida may cause swelling of the mouth, gas, diarrhea, anxiety, and headaches. Furthermore, a study in mice suggests possible toxicity at doses greater than 455 mg per pound (1,000 mg per kg) of body weight. Additionally, due to a lack of research, asafoetida isn’t recommended for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding, or young children. Because it may lower blood pressure or thin the blood, people on blood pressure medications or blood thinning drugs should avoid asafoetida supplements. When used as a spice, asafoetida is often mixed with either wheat or rice flour. As a result, asafoetida (or hing) products may not be gluten-free. This can be a concern when dining out at a restaurant that uses hing powder in their dishes.

Other possible benefits While studies on asafoetida are quite limited, early research suggests that it may have additional benefits, including: June 2021



If you have any questions or concerns, it’s important to consult with your healthcare provider before trying asafoetida. When used in small amounts for cooking, asafoetida is likely safe for most individuals. However, due to a lack of research, asafoetida may not be safe for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding or when consumed in large doses. How to Use Asafoetida Asafoetida has been used for thousands of years to give flavor to dishes. In fact, ancient Romans used to store it in jars along with pine nuts to be used as a seasoning. Today, ground asafoetida powder, often labeled as hing, can be found online as well as at some Indian grocery stores. If you follow a gluten-free diet, make sure to look for hing powder that’s blended with rice flour instead of wheat. For culinary uses of hing powder, it’s recommended to incorporate it into hot oil or another source of fat to help reduce its sulfurous flavor and smell. In Indian cuisine, hing powder is often paired with other spices like turmeric or cumin to provide a savory, umami flavor to lentil- or vegetable-based dishes. In France, it’s sometimes used to add a boost of flavor to steaks. As a supplement, asafoetida is available in capsule form. While one study found 250 mg twice per day helped reduce indigestion, overall research on what’s a safe and effective dose is lacking. Asafoetida or hing powder can add a savory, umami quality to cooked dishes. While asafoetida is also sold in capsule form as a supplement, there’s currently insufficient evidence on what’s a safe and effective dose.

return (agama) and Mercury posited in wrong position, due to which native is suffering from many days. Kota chakra and Tripataki chakra shows clear indication that Mercury has less strength. REFERENCE 1. Sage Parashara (English translation by R. Santhanam). (1984) Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra, Vol 1. India: Ranjan Publications. 2. Dr. K S Charak. (2005) Essentials of Medical Astrology, 4th Edition. India: Uma Publications. 3. Dr. K S Charak. (2002) Subtleties of Medical Astrology, 2nd Edition. India: Uma Publications. 4. Sage Parashara (English translation by G.S. Kapoor). (1987) Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra, Vol 2. India: Ranjan Publications. 5. Swami Sivananda. (2006) Practice of Ayurveda. India: The Divine life society Publishing. 6. P.V. Sharma (Text with English translation). (1998) Charaka Samhita, 4th Edition. India: Chaukhambha Orientalia publishing. 7. Dr. K S Charak. (2006) A textbook of Varshaphala, 3rd Edition. India: Uma Publications. 8. Susan Standring. (2015) Gray’s Anatomy- The Anatomical Basis of clinical Practice, 41st Edition. Netherland: Elsevier Publishing. 9. Sid Gilman. (2010) Oxford American Handbook of Neurology. UK: Oxford University press publishing. 10. Henry Gray. (1918) Anatomy of the Human Body, 20th Edition. New York: Lea & Febiger publishing. 11. Johan A. Aarli, Tarun Dua, Aleksandar Janca, Anna Muscetta. (2006) Neurological Disorders -Public health challenges. Switzerland: World health organization Publishing. 12. B V Raman. (1995) How to judge A Horoscope. Vol 1, 12th Edition. India: Motilal Banarsidass Publications


16. B V Raman, Gayatri Devi Vasudev. (1995) How to judge A Horoscope Vol 2, 5th Edition. India: Motilal Banarsidass Publications

It is evident that ethical astrology and ancient Ayurveda has direct link to each other, which will impact human body either positively or negatively based on planetary positions. Ayurveda will help us in healing many diseases which we can be predicted through ethical astrology. The chart taken in this article shows native is suffering from neurological disorder. Though Sayanadhi avastha for various planets is calculated specially when Mercury has chesta bala which is a full strength but avastha is

17. Dr. David Frawley. (2007) Ayurvedic Astrology, 1st Edition, India: Motilal Banarsidass Publications. 18. K N Rao, Shalini Dhasmana. (2004) Pataki Risht Chakra, 1st Edition. India: Vani Publications. 19. P.V Sharma Charaka Samhita –(Ayurveda) Reference published articles: Ÿ

Oleo gum resin of Ferula assa-foetida L. ameliorates peripheral neuropathy in mice


Evaluation of the effect of Ferula asafoetida Linn. gum extract on learning and memory in Wistar rats

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JAGADGURU SHANKARACHARYA SRI SRI SRI BHARATI TIRTHA MAHASWAMIJI Compiled by Nirupama propagate Advaita though them. Each of these ashrams was assigned the task of maintaining and preserving for posterity, the four Vedas (the main knowledge books of Sanatana Dharma) and a Maha Vakya. The primary disciples given the responsibility were Hastamalakacharya (Govardhana Puri), Sri Sureshwaracharya (Dakshinamnaya Sringeri Sharada Peetham), Sri Totakacharya (Badarinath) and Sri Padmapadacharya (Dwaraka). Apart from his immense intellectual and organisational abilities, Adi Shankaracharya was an exquisite poet, with a heart brimming with love for the divine. He composed 72 devotional and meditative hymns like Soundarya Lahari, Sivananda Lahari, Nirvana Shatakam, Maneesha Panchakam. He also wrote 18 commentaries on the major scriptural texts including the Brahma Sutras, the Bhagavad Gita and 12 major Upanishads. He also authored 23 books on the fundamentals of the Advaita Vedanta philosophy which expound the principles of the non-dual Brahman. These include Viveka Chudamani, Atma Bodha, Vaakya Vritti, Upadesa Sahasri, among many others. Considered to be an incarnation of Lord Siva, Sri Shankara lived only a short life span of 32 years. There are many inspiring legends about him.

Sri Adi Shankaracharya was the founding father of Advaita Vedanta and his entire life was spent for the preservation of Sanatana Dharma. My father Dr. B. V. Raman, in his book Notable Horoscopes works out the birth date of Sri Adi Shankaracharya as 25th March 44 B.C. Adi Shankara, was born in Kalady. He met his Guru Sri Govindapada when he walked a distance of 1250 miles (about 2000 kilometers) to the banks of the sacred river Narmada. He stayed there for four years serving his Guru. Under the teacher’s compassionate guidance, the young Shankaracharya mastered all the Vedic scriptures. At the age of twelve, Acharya Sri Govindapada felt that Sri Shankara was ready to write commentaries on major classical texts. At his Guru’s command Sri Shankara wrote commentaries elucidating the subtle meanings hidden in the teachings of the scriptures. At the age of sixteen, he completed writing all the major treatises. These included Yogasutra Vivarana Bhashya, commentary on the Adhyatma Patala of the Apastamba Dharmasutra, and commentaries on the Vishnu Sahasranama and Lalita Trishati. A Sankhya work called Jayamangala and a Nyaya work called Sthirasiddhi are also attributed to him.

Sringeri also called Sri Kshetra Sringeri is a hill town and taluk headquarters located in Chikkamagaluru district in Karnataka, on the embankment of river Tunga. Great sages like Vibhandaka, Rishyashringa, and others have meditated here in the ancient times. The serene and calm environs of Sringeri charmed Sri Shankara and he established his first Vedanta Jnana Peetha here. He installed there the idol of Sri Sharada, the Goddess of Learning, and named Sri Sureshwaracharya as the head of the Sharada Peetham. This illustrious Peetham has been adorned by an unbroken succession of 37 illustrious Gurus right from Sri Adi Shankaracharya’s direct disciple, Sri Sureshwaracharya. On the ocassion of Adi Shankara's Jayanti this year, let us all pay our reverential pranams to his lotus feet.

From the age of sixteen to thirty-two Sri Shankara travelled across the length and breadth of India and spread the importance of Advaita Vedanta and its philosophy through discourses and debates with other thinkers.

Mahasannidhanam’s 71st Vardhanti

Jagadguru Shankaracharya Sri Sri Sri Bharati Tirtha Mahasannidhanam’s (the presiding Pontiff and the

He established four Peethams in four zones of India and entrusted his four disciples to teach and June 2021



Krishna Yajur Veda, Purva and Uttara Mimamsa, Nyaya Sastra and many other treatises and commentaries. He also became a poet in Sanskrit.

36th in the line of Jagadgurus of the Sringeri Sri Sharada Peetham) 71st Vardhanti (birthday) was on 11th April 2021. (As we go to the press, we understand from the sacred Sringeri Peetham, that though the Vardhanti celebrations will be there, they will be in a restricted domain. General public and devotees will not have access.)

Reign as Jagadguru Bharati Teertha Mahaswami has studied shastras like Vedanta, Mimamsa, Tarka, Nyaya, Vyakarana amongst others and has completed his studies in the Yajur Veda in Sadvidya Sanjivini Pathasala prior to taking up Sanyasa. The devotees of the Sringeri Sharada Peetham pay frequent visits to the matha seeking guidance and blessings. Many notable personalities like Sri Narendra Modi, Sri Abdul Kalam and others have visited Mahasannidanam and sought his guidance.The Acharya delivers benedictory addresses in Sanskrit, Kannada, Telugu, Tamil and Hindi which are now available on YouTube. As part of the tradition, the acharya also undertakes Vijaya Yatras (tours) to visit different places and guide the devotees. The various events involved in the Vijaya Yatra are covered by Sri Sankara TV, which broadcasts the highlights on a daily basis during the course of the Vijaya Yatra.

भारती क णापा ं भारती पदभषणम ू ्। भारती पदमा ढं भारती तीथमा ये ॥

Sri Mahasannidhanam was born on Apri 11th 1951 to a Telugu Smartha family from Alugumallepadu village in Guntur. Seetharama Anjaneyalu (as he was named in his Poorvashrama) showed increasing signs of devotion towards God in his childhood. His Brahmopadesha was performed at the young age of seven years. He was regular in the performance of the prescribed karmas of Sandhyavandanam and Agnikaryam. At school, he spent his time studying Sanskrit and took Vedic lessons from his father who was himself a Vedic scholar. In the year 1966 at the age of 15, Anjaneyalu approached the 35th Jagadguru of the Sringeri Sharada Peetham, Sri Abhinava Vidyatirtha Mahaswamiji, as a bachelor, seeking his blessings and tutelage in the Sastras. The Acharya accepted the disciple and the lessons in the Tarka sastras commenced.

During his reign as the Jagadguru, assisted by V. R. Gowrishankar - the current CEO and administrator of the Sringeri Sharada Peetham, the mutt has undertaken activities in the field of education and social service in addition to being a seat of Vedic learning.

Shishya Sweekaram

Sri Abhinava Vidyatirtha Mahaswamiji announced his desire to appoint Seetharama Anjaneyalu as the successor-designate (as the 36th Jagadguru Acharya) and gave him Sanyasa. The Shishya Sweekaram ceremony took place on the 11th day of November, 1974 and the brahmachari received the saffron robes, the sacred staff and the kamandalu (water pot) from Sri Abhinava Vidyatirtha Mahasannidhanam. Anjaneyalu was given the yogapatta Bharati Teertha in line with the Dashanami Sampradaya of Adi Shankaracharya.

Appointment of the Successor

Sri Bharati Teertha Mahaswami appointed brahmachari Kuppa Venkateswara Prasada Sharma as his successor designate, (the 37th Jagadguru of the Sringeri Sharada Peetham) on 23rd January 2015 and gave him the Yogapatta (monastic name) Sri Vidhusekhara Bharati Mahaswami.

Childhood Days of Sri Sri Sri Bharati Thirtha Mahaswamiji

What prompted the boy who had just finished high school studies, and who was advised by his father to go for higher education, to leave his home? Why did he go all the way to Ujjain from his home in Narasaraopet in Guntur District of Andhra Pradesh?

Sitarama Anjaneyulu’s childhood is worth recalling in the context of his spiritual background. He was born into a Smartha family bearing the name “Tangirala”, of Apasthamba Sutra, Krishna Yajur Sakha, Kutsasa Gotra, living in Alugumallepadu village in Palnadu area of Guntur, on the banks of river Naguleru. He was born - as a result of long prayer and vrata (fast) by his father Venkateshwara Avadhani and mother Anantha Lakshmamma. Venkateshwara Avadhani had studied the Vedas, though learning English was the current fashion.

When the same question was put to brahmachari Sitarama Anjaneyulu, he replied: “I had the good fortune of having the darshan of the Jagadguru quite early in life. Once I was asked to talk in Sanskrit by my teacher before His Holiness in Vijayawada. I got a special prize from him. At that time, it struck me that His Holiness was my teacher and my saviour. His beaming smile was giving me a message. I thought I got what I wanted. His Holiness has since been in my mind always. I used to feel that I was guided by His Holiness whenever there was a problem. This feeling grew in me to such an extent that I could not stay in my place.” Since then, Sitarama Anjaneyulu did not leave the lotus feet of the Acharya. He accompanied Acharya during all his tours. Within eight years he finished the study of June 2021

The pious couple desired very much to have a son after begetting four daughters. Avadhani used to wake 20


up early in the morning, bathe in the river and worship Lord Bhavani Shankara, the local deity, with Rudrabhishekha. This he did for a year. He also used to perform Sri Rama Navaratrotsava. He took a vow to name his child after Sita and Rama if his wish was fulfilled. The Lords Shankara and Rama were kind to him. He was blessed with a son. For her part Smt. Anantalakshmamma had sought Lord Anjaneya’s favour and promised to name the male child born to her ‘Anjaneyulu’. Hence the infant was named Sitarama Anjaneyulu.Sitarama Anjaneyulu even at the age of three evinced signs of great devotion towards god. The name of Lord Shiva was on his lips constantly. During his boyhood days he used to forget himself worshipping the Lord.

eloquence that all those present, including ministers, High Court judges, members of the Legislature and University professors, could not control their admiration while listening to him. A few months after Sishya Sweekaram both the Holinesses started on a Vijayayatra to Rameshwaram. Enroute at Gobichettipalayam, the Acharya delivered a speech in chaste Tamil, electrifying the devotees as they had never expected such a clear language flow from someone whose language was not Tamil and who had not been taught Tamil by anyone. The eloquence with which he delivers speeches in Telugu, his mother tongue, is indeed a matter of rare experience. Sri Sri Sri Bharati Tirtha Mahaswamiji accompanied his Guru in his tour of the northern parts of India, and lectured in Hindi. His benedictory speeches were highly appreciated. Even scholars in Hindi language and literature were fascinated with his melodious Sanskritised Hindi.

Outside school hours, he always devoted time to Sanskrit studies. By the time he was nine, he had considerable command over the language. He was aware of its subtleties. Scholars and poets, including the Kavi Samrat Sri Viswanatha Satyanarayana, praised him for his eloquence. He won a number of prizes and was invited by All India Radio Vijayawada to participate in Sanskrit programmes.

All his speeches have one thing in common. They are built brick by brick on a sound proposition. They are forceful, thought-provoking and inspiring. The language is always within the reach of the listeners. He reminds us of the ancient sages who taught in the gurukulams.

Devotion to Guru

At night, he learnt the Vedas from his father. He studied Samhita, Brahmana and Aranyaka so well that he could take part in the Guntur District Vedapravardhaka Vidwat Pariksha. He passed the examination with honours.

Command over Languages

Jagadguru Sri Sri Sri Bharati Tirtha Mahaswamiji was seen more often talking in Sanskrit than in Telugu, his mother tongue. Quite early in life, he completed his study of grammar, literature, logic and philosophy. With an inborn love of Sanskrit, he composed poetry at a very early age. Even at games he would talk in verse. Rules of prosody were never violated. Rhyme, rhythm, irony, suggestion: every poetic beauty came naturally to him. Even ordinary things of life found expression in his poetry.

Jagadguru Sri Sri Sri Abhinava Vidyatirtha Mahaswamigal (also Sri Maha Sannidhanam) was everything. He never let the fact that he had been given a separate identity as the Peetadhipati, distract him at any time. Sri Sannidhanam’s mind was ever engrossed on his guru. Those who have had the great fortune of seeing both the Acharyas together, could have noticed the great reverence with which Sri Sannidhanam conducted himself in the presence of his Guru. Sri Sannidhanam used to visit Sri Mahasannidhanam every morning, offer His prostrations at the sacred lotus feet of His beloved Guru and only then commence the day’s work. Whenever Sri Maha Sannidhanam spoke to Sri Sannidhanam, the latter would reverentially bend forward and listen. Whenever they walked together, Sri Sannidhanam would never over-step his Guru. Whenever both of them were to occupy their seats,

The mastery of His Holiness in Indian languages is well known to devotees. The Sringeri Mutt has under its preview Andhra, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Kerala. People of these states visit him to pay their respects and are naturally drawn by his amazing versatility in the languages together with a command over the local idiom. In 1974 on the day in which he was initiated into Sanyasa, His Holiness spoke in Kannada for the first time at the felicitation meeting with such a telling June 2021

The Guru Gita instructs : “One should meditate on one’s Guru throughout one’s life. Even though one enjoys independence, one should not show even a fraction of indifference in one’s attitudes towards one’s Guru.” For Jagadguru Sri Sri Bharati Tirtha Mahaswamiji (also Sri Sannidhanam), His Guru



Sri Sannidhanam would wait for Sri Mahasannidhanam to be seated first. Sometimes when Sri Sannidhanam arrived a little later than Sri Mahasannidhanam to attend a function, He would pay his respects to His Guru first and only then take his seat. Sri Sannidhanam would listen to Sri Mahasannidhanam’s discourses intently. While conducting the Vidwat Sadas (an assembly of scholars), Sri Sannidhanam would ensure that whatever He talked met with Sri Mahasannidhanam’s approval. Admiring the divine relationship between Sri Mahasannidhanam and Sri Sannidhanam, Dr. Mandana Mishra, a reputed educationalist and Sanskrit scholar, once said to Mahasannidhanam: “We have read that Shankara’s disciples went with him. How was he? How were his disciples? I was only conjecturing. Now I have come to the conclusion that they must have been like this. It is so satisfying.”

of Sringeri and of the neighboring areas should be given proper medical facilities. The 100-bed hospital received constant attention from Sri Mahasannidhanam who took all steps to modernize it in all respects. The hospital now has separate units for ‘Ayurveda’ and ‘Homeopathy’ too. A ‘Photo Gama Isotope Scanner’ was installed in the hospital in November 1992. Sri Mahasannidhanam always gave priority to the needs of Vedic Scholars. He was very firm in His view that in order to protect the Vedas, we must protect Vedic Scholars. Sri Sannidhanam was fully aware of His beloved Guru’s praiseworthy intentions. Following Sri Mahasannidhanam’s magnanimous attitudes, Sri Bharati Tirtha Mahaswamiji has compassionately announced a lifetime allowance of Rs.1000/- per month to deserving Sastra Pundits. Paying a fitting tribute to Sri Mahasannidhanam, Sri Sannidhanam had a beautiful and majestic granite Adhistanam (Samadhi temple) built at Narasimhavanam. Sri Bharati Tirtha Mahaswamiji performed the Kumbabhisheka of the Adhistanam on the 12th of May 1993.

Ideal Pontiff

At Sringeri, under Jagadguru Sri Sri Sri Bharati Tirtha Mahaswamiji, the Mutt has undergone many changes. Now one can write to the office in any of the Indian languages, or in English. Under the directions of His Holiness, a lot of improvement has been made in the Veda Patashalas. Most competent and well-learned scholars have been appointed to teach the students. Free food, textbooks and comfortable accommodation have been provided to the students. Sri Mahasannidhanam not merely supervises the schools, but also teaches the senior students. He personally conducts tests, encourages deserving students, tries to help the slow learners and encourages even the teachers through some programmes. The Veda Patashala has been producing competent scholars who settle down in various parts of the country and serve as Pundits or Purohits. As for performances of Homas and Yagnas Sri Mahasannidhanam personally supervises them so that the scriptural injunctions are implemented to the last letter. The Mutt conducts Sata Chandi Homa, Sahasra Chandi Homa, Atirudra Homa and the like for the welfare of the world.

For the convenience of the increasingly large number of devotees and pilgrims coming to Sringeri, the most compassionate Guru, Sri Mahasannidhanam, had decided in the mid-1980s to construct a bridge across the river Tunga to link the Mutt complex on the northern bank with Narasimhavanam on the southern bank. He had entrusted the design and construction of the bridge to a reputed concern with the requisite expertise. The top management of the company held His Holiness in great regard and undertook the task with dedication. Sri Mahasannidhanam lucidly explained the requirements and his conception of the bridge. He unfailingly kept himself fully posted with the developments. Unmindful of the strain, he regularly visited the construction site, keenly observed the work and, whenever appropriate, proffered encouragement and sagacious counsel. By his grace considerable progress was made by the time he attained Maha Samadhi in September 1989. Actively interested in the quick completion of the noble task commenced by iis Guru, His Holiness finally inaugurated the bridge on 21st May 1990. He named the bridge Vidyatirtha Sethu.

Sri Mahsannidhanam, an authority on the scriptures, sees to it that they serve their purpose. Sri Mahasannidhanam, being aware of the increasing inflow of pilgrims and devotees, has had new guest houses built and named them ‘Sri Sharada Krupa’ and ‘Yatri Nivas’. Sri Mahaswamiji is accessible to the devotees twice a day, in the morning during the theertha prasadam distribution and in the evening. His Holiness receives everyone cheerfully, with a smile. He poses tender questions, listens to what they have to say and offers valuable suggestions. He accepts Bhiksha and witnesses the Pada Puja, which the devotees perform to his Guru’s and to Goddess Sharada’s Padukas.

The Sharada Dhanvantari Charitable hospital run by the Mutt at Sringeri is the brainchild of Sri Mahasannidhanam who strongly felt that the residents June 2021



Even though his daily schedules are very tight, His Holiness attends to all his pontifical duties with admirable enthusiasm and sincerity keeping in mind not only the rich traditional values of the Sringeri Guru Parampara but also the great responsibility entrusted to him by His peerless Preceptor, Sri Abhinava Vidyatirtha Mahaswamiji.

Mahaswamiji’s off-hand quoting of Sastraic passages and his encouragement to young scholars and debutants. For the past many years, during the Chaturmasya period, his Holiness has been conducting classes in the Brahma Sutras to a select band of sincere devotees. The students invariably assert that they are delighted by the lucid way in which His Holiness makes them understand the text.

Sri Bharati Tirtha Mahaswamiji’s unquestionable scriptural knowledge would be evident to anyone who has watched His Holiness during the Vidwat Sadas dedicated to Lord Ganapati, conducted every year for 10 days commencing on the fourth day of the bright fortnight of the lunar month of Bhadrapada. The Sadas is held every evening in the august presence of His Holiness. Learned scholars and philosophers, invited from all over India and Nepal, assemble in the Sadas. It is customary for each Vidwan to choose some text and analyze it in the mornings with other Vidwans and discuss it in detail in the evenings in the august presence of His Holiness. His Holiness encourages candid communication among the scholars and intervenes when any issue remains undecided and settles the same in his characteristic style. The most impressive aspect in the Sadas is Sri Bharati Tirtha

Sri Shankara Bhagavatpada in his Mathamnaya Sashana said that any sage occupying the position of the Jagadguru of Sri Sringeri Sharada Peetham in the unbroken apostolic succession is an incarnation of himself. Jagadguru Sri Sri Sri Bharati Tirtha Mahaswamiji is a worthy example. The Astrological eMagazine family offers its reverential pranams to the lotus feet of our Kula Guru Sri Sri Sri Bharati Tirtha Mahaswamiji on the sacred occasion of his 71st Vardhanti. Sarve Janah Sukhino Bhavantu ! (Source: and other online sites)

PLANETS AND COVID-19 THIRD WAVE Continued from page 14 on May 22 only adding to the misery. As days progress, the cases around the world will continue to rise, becoming deadlier. Mars moves to Cancer on June 3, 2021 easing things a bit. It will no longer be aspecting Virgo and Sagittarius. This is when we can see the cases mortality rates to reduce but the number of cases will continue to rise across the globe. Around third week of July 2021 is when we will see the cases to flatten and by August they will decline.

Capricorn, the situation will improve. By April 2022. In summary, it appears that a third wave is expected in the month of October 2021. The wave will be deadlier. And the wave is likely to end by July 2022. I’ve made an attempt to design an astrological model for the Covid-19 pandemic. The outlook basis this model looks scary and terrifying. I sincerely hope that my model is flawed and that the Covid-19 pandemic ends very soon without a third wave. I also earnestly request you to stay safe, maintain personal hygiene, observe physical distancing and help #breakthechain. Astrological indications are not deterministic. With considerable human effort coupled with Mantra japams and Yagnas, the intensity of the evil events can be diminished. I recommend you do Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra japam daily. The japam should be done immediately after sunset for 108 times or as many multiples of that. Along with the Japam, I recommend performing Agnihotra Homa weekly. The homam can be done in your respective houses. You can do the homan yourself and without the service of a priest.

Fast forward to second week of October 2021. Jupiter retrogrades back to Capricorn. Around that time, Mars, Mercury, and the Sun are in Virgo activating the sign. Venus, Moon and Ketu are in Scorpio activating it. Sagittarius gets mildly activated due to the aspect of Mars. Capricorn will be activated by biggies Jupiter and Saturn. A third wave of the coronavirus is seen at this time. The wave will be deadlier. As all the nine planets – the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu, and Ketu will be affecting the crucial signs – Virgo, Scorpio, Sagittarius, and Capricorn. Things will be quite bad in October and November. As Jupiter enters Aquarius again, the mortality rates might improve. The trends will continue till April 2022. As planets move further and leave June 2021

Sarve Janaha Sukhino Bhavantu 23




Archit Saxena

Archit Saxena is a graduate in Electronics and Communication Engineering from the year 2017. He has keen interest in astrology and learns every day and shares his learning through writing. He is preparing for the civil service examination, with the same objective of healing the system.

identify, the planets which may relate to the two species, surely will be Moon and Saturn. Hare, in several Vedic stories is designated as symbol of Moon, whereas tortoise goes for Saturn as Lord Vishnu used species of tortoise to incarnate, which was then resembling Shani. From astrological point of view, Saturn and Moon is a very difficult combination. The Saturn and Moon conjunction generally gives depression, melancholy and also several mental issues. However, this combination is also very sacred which give rise to the Sanyasa Yoga, which we will discuss in the present paper.

का यानां कमणां यासं स यासं कवयो िवद:ु | सवकमफल यागं ाह यागं िवच णा: ||

(Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 18, Verse – 2)

Krishna, here gives differences on the terms ‘Sanyasa’ and ‘Tyaga’ and accordingly, gives lucid explanation in upcoming verses on how to discriminate the two. According to the verse, the learned performs ‘Sanyasa’, by which one mean to renounce the actions which are performed due to desire. However, the wise practices ‘Tyaga’, due to which they relinquish the fruits of all actions. There is a slight difference between the two. And, if one tries to go closer to the statement, he will end up in ‘renouncing’ the job. However, the aim of the paper is to find planets and their peculiar combinations, which are most likely to produce such auspicious feeling in the native.

But, as mentioned above, there exist a race between these two. So, finding out exactly who won the race in this natal chart (Saturn v/s Moon) is our main objective.

Asceticism Yoga (Sanyasa Yoga)

Asceticism is key to Saturn. It can lead one to that path and it is also well known, that it has produced great yogis or sages. It is believed that Lord Rama, an incarnation of Lord Vishnu suffered exile just with onset of Saturn Dasa. And the assertion seems to be correct if we check how he was abandoned by the king (Dasaratha, his father). However, when we search astrology books, we get the real facts that alone Saturn is not responsible for asceticism. There is definitely an involvement of Chandra or the Moon. This paper revolves around these two planets, and will try to get into the depth of the consequences and other factors, by which these two grahas develop spiritual tendencies in the native.

“Now I will describe to you the Yogas, leading to ascetism, under the influence of which the persons give up their homes and become initiated in some holy order.” These are the starting lines of Chapter 79 of Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra, where Parasara gives number of combinations leading to asceticism. Here, the author clearly states that under the influence of this, person ‘left his home’ and goes in pursuit of universal father. The first criteria, he gives is very famous – “..when four, or more Grahas, possessed of strength, occupy a single Bhava, then Sanyasa can be predicted.” Moreover, the holy order of it will be according to the strength of the planet.


Further in the same, he talks about how Saturn and Mars, with certain relationship with Moon form the ascetic yoga. Accordingly, in point 8 of the same chapter Parasara says that –

In childhood, we all were taught an ancient story, written by an unknown author, the famous race of hare and tortoise. Generally, hare represents speed, whereas tortoise goes for steady. Besides these two main qualities, one more extra feature the tale represents is of constraints against halt. If we try to June 2021

“If Chandra be in the decanate of Shani, or in the Navamsa of Shani, or Mangal and be aspected 24


by Shani, the native becomes an ascetic and enters the holy order, signified by Shani.”


So, here Parasara emphasizes on the Moon which is placed in either the Decanate or Navamsa of Shani or Mangala.

Shirdi Sai Baba

Ke Sa 7


So, these two are the main criteria for asceticism, and by this, as mentioned the native will ‘leave the home’.

6 12



Ne 10 11 Me Ur Ve

But, I like simplifying things. I would like to analyse what happens when Moon is ‘just’ in signs of Saturn is (Capricorn & Aquarius) or when it is placed in sign of Mars (Aries or Scorpio) and simultaneously gets aspect of Saturn or Mars, only till D1 chart is concerned. However, here we will limit the study to the spiritual tendency of a person, at minimum and to perfect asceticism (when the native will leave home) at maximum.

Ju 4 Mo Ma




1 Ra

spiritual achievement (in the 11th house of gain). Exalted Jupiter is making the native a great sage. Sri Sri Sri Ravi Shankar 12

Since, the second criteria speak clearly about the Saturn or Mars, influence on Moon, it is obvious that Moon in such circumstance will get weak (some will argue, Moon may be in enemy Rasi must also possess strength, since she is queen, we will certainly omit the particular debate). So, When Moon is in Aries, Scorpio, Capricorn or Aquarius can give a native, a detached mind? We will quest this answer certainly.


Su Ke Mo Me



10 4



Ur Ju

3 Ve

Sa 8 Ra




5 Pl

Moreover, the exalted Mars aspect on Jupiter, is giving rise to Guru-Mangal Yoga. Ke Me Su 5 6

Thus, from the above passage, it is clear that – If Saturn/Mars and Moon conjunct/aspects, and Moon is preferably ‘weak’ in Aries, Scorpio, Capricorn, or Aquarius, the ascetic yoga will be formed.

Sri Aurobindo




Ju Mars


The above statement is now, our Point (A). We will try to find validity of this.

4 10

2 Ra

Pl 1





Here, we will analyse the astrological chart of 7 eminent personalities, which are worldwide renowned for their spiritual development. We will analyse if this matches with reality.

Ne Ke



June 2021

Me Ra


Ve Su 11



2 8 Su

Ra 12 Ur


10 9 Ma Me Mo Sa Ve

Ma Ju


Both Saturn and Mars conjunct Moon, while two more planets Venus and Mercury in the same house, make the count of graha to four, thus all these afflict Moon.

Pl Ju Ne




Ur Ma

Rajneesh Osho



Here too, Saturn conjunct Moon. Jupiter is exalted. Moreover, Jupiter is conjunct with debilitated Mars. Thus, Guru-Mangala Yoga is formed.

Mo Sa

Case Studies


Moon is exalted here, but getting (weak), due to presence of Ketu there. Saturn, aspect from house of Mars is directly responsible for making the mind of the native, to search the universal one.

Here, as above, Jupiter is filling the criteria of getting very strong. It is again exalted.

Further if Saturn or Mars, aspects the Moon, the native will tend toward prefect asceticism. Aspects and conjunction may ‘somewhat’ produce similar result. We can extend, the aspect of the Tamasic planet with conjunction.


Moon is in Cancer with debilitated Mars. This alone is not the criteria, we can extract from point (A). However exalted Saturn aspect on the particular house, with his tenth aspect is giving high


10 4

Sa 7




Meher Baba Exalted Saturn conjunct Moon in the house of profession. No relation between Jupiter and Mars.

6 Ke

Exalted Jupiter, in Cancer is responsible for making the native an excellent spiritual guru. 25


Ve Me 10


Ne Ma Pl



9 3




Sa 6

Mo 5



charts is at excellent positon, so strong Saturn is preferable for this Yoga.

Swami Vivekananda

Ra Su

Here, too as above Saturn conjunct Moon. Mars is exalted, where it aspect Jupiter placed in its enemy rasi, thus Guru-Mangala is formed.

In 3 out of 7 charts, Mars owns his house or is exalted. Besides Saturn – Moon Conjunction, that we were analysing, we get more interesting points for our consideration. First is the presence of strong Jupiter in more than 50% of the charts. The second most combination we discovered of Jupiter and Mars. It should be again more than 70% of the charts, we have mutual aspect/conjunction of Jupiter and Mars. So, this combination may also be a ’criteria’ for generating great saints.

Ke Ur


Ra 12



1 Pl Ne Mo Ma





Ur Sa

Me 6 Ve


Je Ku Su


Pl Ur 5

Ne Me Ke





4 10


2 Ra


Ma 9

Ve Mo


Conclusion The point which was in question comes out to be exceptionally true. There was definitely a role of Saturn and Mars, in limiting one mind (Moon). Saturn aspect or conjunction in Moon is the main factor, which can lead one to path of spirituality. If Moon is taken as mind of a person, and Saturn as a teacher (Guru), then the combination seems to be perfect for Yogis or Yoginis. If mind is restricted with help of a Guru, then only great sages are born. So, for this sake Moon has to be afflicted. And, if the mind is conquered, then only one can transform to a sage.

Ramdeva Baba



In Lagna chart, Mars conjunct Moon, where Moon is exalted. Saturn is exalted, in Libra, but in no way aspect Moon. So, this particular chart is not satisfying the point(A). No relation between Jupiter and Mars is seen, in chart.


Mars & Moon conjunct in 7th, where both the planets is in Saturn’s House. Saturn is in own house. No relation between Mars and Jupiter.

We analysed only the basic relation of Saturn or Mars, in relation with Moon, due to which many questions remain unanswered. For example, what is the difference between Mars and Saturn aspect, or house wise and sign wise aspect? However, besides our pivotal point, we also discover two more points, dominating in most charts. First, is strong Jupiter and second, is Jupiter conjunction or may be otherwise aspect on Mars. These two points add up to more unanswered questions, such as – house wise or sign wise factors, the relation of Jupiter and Mars in Navamsa, status of Mars (Since, status of Jupiter is known, that it has to be strong).


Findings D1 Charts: In 5 charts among 7, Saturn conjunct with Moon. In 2 cases where it does not, the responsibility of Saturn is taken by Mars. Thus, Mars conjunct/aspect in the rest two. So, Moon must have influence of Saturn or Mars to form Sanyasa Yoga. In 3 charts among 7, Moon becomes strong. But, in the case Moon is afflicted with Mars or otherwise Ketu. Moon gets in sign of Saturn, only once, while in sign of Mars no case exists. Therefore, our assumption in point (A) is not coming valid. Hence, the sign occupied by Moon does not seem to playing a ‘mandatory’ role. But, for sure Moon in sign of Saturn or Mars can enhance the particular result.

Perform your duties without attachments and insistence on particular results. Accept them gracefully and gratefully.

In 4 out of 7 charts, Jupiter gets exalted. Strikingly, Guru-Mangala Yoga is present in more than 70% of the charts. In 5 out of 7 charts, Jupiter conjunct or aspect Mars.

- Bhagavad Gita

In 4 out of 7 charts, Saturn get either exalted, own its Rasi. The key planet Saturn, we have in 50% of the June 2021





Dr. M. R. Badarinath

Dr. M. R. Badarinath is a renowned Astrologer with a doctorates in Astrology and Palmistry from Ramanuja Gurukula, Center for Astro Research Center, Bangalore

Coronavirus is still not gone, and the country is now facing an second wave where the virus is even more powerful than before. I am presenting a simple analysis of the possible reason behind this occurrence from a astrological view. We all know the position of planets on 22/23rd March 2020 when the lockdown started. The following chart explains that. Consider the position of Uranus. As you can see the impact of Uranus in causing the pandemic. Su Mo Me Sa Ma

Ur Ve

both aspect the Sun who is in 12th house. They are aspecting 4th house Graha Sthana and again it is Bandhana Yoga when Moon was in Hasta/Chitra in Thula rasi and aspecting Uranus and receives the aspect of Saturn and Jupiter from badhakasthana.

Why is the pandemic so serious? Uranus is in 16.260 and Uranus is associated with Sun, Mercury and Venus. Roga Sthana lord is Mercury from Uranus and Sun. Uranus is in Bharani Venus star. Venus is lord of 2nd face, 7th Libra. We know Ashtakavarga kundali. Each planet rules 03.450. First 3.450 by Saturn, second up to 7.300 by Jupiter, third by Mars up to 11.150, 4th by Sun up to 15.000, 5th by Venus up to 18.450. That is at present Uranus is in Venus kaksha and next 6th lord Mercury kaksha up to 22.300. Uranus has to pass 18.450.


22/23 March 2020 lockdown date. Chart 1

Ju Ke

Uranus stays in one sign for 7 years. The speed of Uranus to travel 1 degree it takes 30/ 7 years i.e., 4 degrees 17 minutes 8 seconds.

Many people thought the pandemic will slow down when Jupiter moves to Aquarius sign on 5th April 2021. Since our concentration is on Uranus, with lagna as Aries/ Mesha. The planets position on 5th April 2021 is as follows. Su Me Ve Ju



Ur Lagna

Uranus has to pass 180 45’ i.e., on 10th June 2021 around 16.30 hours Uranus moves to Mercury kaksha, leaving Venus. As long as Uranus is in Venus star Bharani, Corona virus will be there. At present the Sun is in Bharani nakshatra and is not helpful. Uranus is scared of Sun because of his associations with lord of Bharani star, Venus. Once Sun moves to Krithika nakshatra on 11th May 2021, 13.00 hours, the pandemic will be even more serious. Preventive measures will reduce the risk since both Jupiter and Saturn aspects Libra the 7th maraka to Uranus. We can expect many types of medicines Ayur, Alopathy and Homeo coming up to save lives during May 1st week.

Ra Ma

Chart 2 5th April, 2021


We have discussed about Bandhana Yoga in Chart 1. It is the Sun in 12th house that receives the aspect of Saturn, Mars and Ketu on 4th house (Graha Bandhana). Similarly, look at Chart 2. Saturn and Ketu June 2021




ONE-FACED RUDRAKSHA: THE FORM OF PARAMA SHIVA Prof. Dr. Rudra Prasanna Mohapatra Dr Rudra Prasanna Mohapatra is an astrological consultant practicing for last 5 years. He is a Ph. D. (Vidya Vachaspati) Scholar in Astrology (Medical Astrology) at Shree Maharshi College of Vedic Astrology, Udaipur, Rajasthan, and an honorary Professor, Ph.D. and D.Litt. from Prixton University, Florida, USA. He is also a registered member to All India Federation of Astrologers, Societies (AIFAS) and International Society For Astrological Research (ISAR). His interest is in the study of Rudraksh and that’s why he works under the title of “Rudraksh Jyotish.” In July 2020, he was conferred with honorary title of “GURU” by Prixton Church and University, Germany than the Indonesian varieties. Both in astrology and spirituality, when anybody wears a Nepal variety it shall take maximum one week to act upon the wearer while the Indonesian varieties may take two weeks (double the time). If a higher faced Nepal Rudraksha like sixteen faced Rudraksha would take 2-3 days to have any impact, the same Rudraksha of Indonesian variety shall take one week (double the time) to have its impact on the wearer. Besides, the cost of the Indonesian variety is much lesser than the Nepal variety. Anybody can also wear these varieties in a mixed form to get the best benefits with affordable costs. Normally, one-faced Rudraksha is found in the older Rudraksha trees which are capable of delivering many rare and higher faced Rudraksha. In case of Nepal’s one-faced Rudraksha, as it is a little bigger, few textures are found. Often these textures are compared with Shiv ling, Serpent, Trident (Trisula). Even if these textures, appear like this, these textures have no additional impact on the wearer. In his coffeetable book “Rudraksha: The Mystic Seed” (2010), K.T. Subhakaran has given many Rudrakshas with such textures of various Gods and Goddesses of Hindu mythology. It is also advised by many to worship onefaced Rudraksha by keeping it in puja place. Eventually, no Rudraksha can deliver its results if not worn. Only by wearing the Rudraksha, it shall add its frequency to the body. It can be thought in the way that Rudraksha as a fruit and seed needs a body to grow. Hence, the Rudraksha shall grow in the human body after wearing it.

Ekavakram Tu Rudraksham Paratattvasvaroopakam I Taddhahranaatpare Tattve Leeyate Vijitendriyaha II The One-faced Rudraksha represents the Supreme Reality. Wearing it, one can completely control the sense and eventually merges in the Supreme Reality. -

The Rudraksha Jabal Upanisad

AUM NAMO BHAGAVATE RUDRAAYA. One-faced Rudraksha is the least seen and worn Rudraksha. The biggest myth associated with it is that it is round shaped bead and extremely rare. Hence, to get a round shaped one-faced Rudraksha it may take a lot of years. The fact is no round shaped one-faced Rudraksha is found till date. Those round-shaped onefaced Rudraksha are the manipulated beads or artificial beads. A five faced Rudraksha can be turned into a round shaped one-faced Rudraksha after closing all its furrows of faces. However, an overt view of this Rudraksha shall exactly be pentagonal, not round. The Kaju Dana (Cashew Nut) or Ardha Chandrakaar (HalfMoon Shaped) Rudraksha, found in Haridwar and Rameswaram of India, are also said to be one-faced Rudraksha (Elaeocarpus tuberculatus Roxb). They are not even Rudraksha as they are not from the tree of Elaeocarpus ganitrus Roxb. They are said to be Bhadraaksh (no natural hole) with no properties of Rudraksha. These beads, however, have some medicinal properties; but lack any frequency which can affect the Chakra of the wearer. The most common one-faced Rudraksha found in the world are the Indonesian varieties. They are half-elliptical, oval, and small. Spiritual masters imply it with the shape of Shiva Netra. In Indonesia, it is also known as “Jinetra”. The same variety of Nepal are rarely found. The Nepal varieties are a little bit larger than the Indonesian varieties. It is a rumour that the Indonesian varieties shall not work like the Nepal varieties. In fact, Indonesian varieties have the same frequencies like those of Nepal varieties and the wearer of both the varieties have got the same results. The only difference is Nepal varieties works quicker June 2021

One-faced Rudraksha is said to be the Shiva himself. It is compared with the third eye of Shiva (Shivanetra). Persons who want to get the drop of spirituality, shall only wear this Rudraksha. In astrological term this is associated with planet Sun. In the book “The Power of Rudraksha” by Kamal Narayan Seetha it is also mentioned so. Interestingly, there is no scriptural reference showing that one-faced Rudraksha is associated with Sun. Only twelve-faced Rudraksha is used for Sun. Few recent researchers on Rudraksha 28


also associate one-faced Rudraksha with Uranus. All the explanations about the Rudraksha are found in the Purana like the Shiva Purana, the Katyayani Purana, Nirnya Sindhu etc. In these scriptures, Rudraksha are associated with various Gods and Goddesses. Based on these Gods and Goddesses, the planetary assignment for these Rudrakshas are decided. For example, a six-faced Rudraksha is associated with lord Karthikeya. Kartikeya was a warrior and commander. Hence, the ruling planet for Six-faced Rudraksha is Mars. Similarly, an eight-faced Rudraksha is associated with lord Ganapati. Hence, the ruling planet is Ketu. But for many astrologers it represents Rahu with no scriptural basis into it. Primarily, in astrology, one-faced to nine-faced Rudraksha are assigned to the nine planets in cardinal order without any scriptural basis. One-faced Rudraksha as the Shiva himself, can be worn for any planetary combinations as Shiva is the ruler of all nine planets. However, the planet that is deeply associated with lord Shiva is Moon. Hence, all Rudrakshas more or less shall impact Moon. In practice, wearing Rudraksha brings emotional stability indicating its control over Moon. Similarly, the astrological use of one-faced Rudraksha can be thought of for more than one planetary combination. It can be worn for Navagraha Shanti. According to Shiv Purana the Bija mantra is “Aum Hreem Namah”.

Rudraksha) which proves the balanced functioning of neurotransmitters, dopamine and serotonin leading to calm functioning of brain. Hence, one-faced Rudraksha controls mental anxiety and improves eye power. In astrology, Sun is the significator of eyesight and neurons. This is possibly why it is used for Sun in astrology. Indian One-faced Rudraksha (Bhadraaksh)

Duplicate/Manipulated One-faced Rudraksha

Shiva Netra Shaped

Ardha Chandra Shaped

Round Shaped

The spiritual use is that the wearer always feels meditative and likes to remain alone. Hence, persons below the age of fifty are not advised to wear this Rudraksha which may have some negative impact on the familial life. According to Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev, founder of Isha Yoga Center, no family man should wear one-faced Rudraksha as it shall drag the wearer to Sannyasa. However, any person in its spiritual path must wear a one-faced Rudraksha to get the bliss of lord Shiva. One-faced Rudraksha governs Sahasrara Chakra. Imbalance of Sahasrara Chakra leads to depression, obsessive thinking, confusion and dizziness. One-faced Rudraksha balances this Chakra by which the wearer gets the clarity of mind and connection to Gods and spirit. One-faced Rudraksha symbolizes the link between earth and heaven. It links the human consciousness to the ultimate consciousness. One-faced Rudraksha is blessed with the energy of Parama Shiva. Hence it gives liberation from the cycle of birth and death. It is explained in the Vidyesvara Samhita, “Even a glimpse of one-faced Rudraksha washes away the sins of Brahmana Hatya (killing of Brahmins, worst sins in Hinduism). Dr. Nibodhi Haas in his book “Rudraksha: The Seeds of Compassion” also explains that one-faced Rudraksha gives the power for Dharana to the wearer. Dharana is the power of concentration on a single subject. The wearer of one-faced Rudraksha starts to feel renunciation from worldly affairs and becomes naturally inclined towards self-realization. As one-faced Rudraksha is very powerful as well as small, it must be worn in a metal cap. Only one one-faced Rudraksha is enough to show its results and multiple one-faced Rudraksha should not be worn. It enhances knowledge about the Supreme (Brahma Gyan) and the wearer in known to win over the senses. In Padma Purana (Chapter 57, verses 38-39) it is explained “The rudraksha of one face (Ekavaktram) is virtually Shiva. It removes all kinds of sins. Therefore, one should wear it for the destruction all sins. He would go to Shiva’s haven and rejoice with Shiva”.

As explained earlier, the ruling planet is supposed to be Sun. Twelve-faced Rudraksha which is blessed by twelve Sun (Dwadasha Aditya Roopam) is the best for remedies of Sun. In reality, one-faced Rudraksha has more spiritual attributes to it than astrological attributes. One-faced Rudraksha makes the wearer unidirectional. Astrologically, if any house is occupied by more than two planets, the native will be confused regarding the signification of that house. For example, if the 10th house is occupied by Mars, Mercury and Sun, the native may think of getting into private job and government job as well. He shall be aggressive in his effort as Mars is occupying the house. Hence, this sort of native needs to wear one-faced Rudraksha to work in one sector with peace in mind. Uniformly, Mars and Sun in 6th house makes the person extremely aggressive in competition. To reduce the aggressiveness, a one-faced Rudraksha may be worn. Political leaders in India are found to wear one-faced Rudraksha. The then prime minister Mrs. Indira Gandhi was found to wear a complete Kantha Mala of onefaced Rudraksha. One-faced Rudraksha is the only Rudraksha which is capable by itself to deliver all results. No other additional Rudraksha is necessary with this Rudraksha. It is explained in the Vidyesvara Samhita “Yatra Sampujita Statra Laxmirdurtara Nahi”. This means wherever the one-faced Rudraksha is worshiped Goddess Lakshmi (goddess of wealth) is not too far. As far as the health benefits are concerned, Dr. Subas Ray of Banaras Hindu University, has proved the electromagnetic and paramagnetic properties of one-faced Rudraksha (including other June 2021

Indonesian One-faced Rudraksha





R S Maniam With a string of titles and awards given by different groups for his proficiency in astrology, Jyothida Acharya R. S. Maniam had worked as a Medical Enforcement Officer in profession and currently is a clinical instructor and coordinator at Lincoln University College in Malaysia. He has been described by Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba as ‘Divine Astrologer’ and he has been awarded the Nostradamus award in 2010. He has had his spiritual training under Swami Bramma Sri Sivananda, Ponnamaravathi, Puthukottai District in South India. Mr. Maniam, with an experience of over 36 years in the study of astrology, has contributed many articles to various journals on different aspects of mundane astrology. He attributes his initial learning to Dr. B. V. Raman’s books, later having studied under late Mr. Muthuratina Bharathi.

On June 10, 2021 the world will experience the second eclipse which is Solar after the Lunar eclipse on May 5, 2021. The second eclipse of the year will confine to the North pole. It is called Rahu Grahasta Surya Graha, in which the eclispe is caused by Northern Lunar node, the dragon head. The ascending and the decending orderly Rahu and Ketu are scientifically intersection lunar and solar orbit with periodicity of 18.6 years.

visible from parts of Russia, Greenland, and northern Canada. Weather permitting, those in Northern Asia, Europe, and the United States will see a partial eclipse. Eclipse time The Solar eclipse will start at 8:12(UT) and will end at 13:11(UT), The maximum eclipse will occur at 10: 41(UT). According to the Sky live, the duration of Annular eclipse will last 3:510 sec. This annular Solar eclipse comes under Saros cycle 147. A similar ascending node eclipse has happened when Rahu was transiting at 50:37’ in Taurus on May 31, 2003 in the constellation of Rohini 2nd pada where total amavasya fell at 150:27’ in the constellation of Rohini 2nd pada. However, the Solar eclipse on June 10, 2021 will occur in the constellation of Margashirsha 1st pada, 250:39’.

Eclipse Chart for India

Ra 16:37 Mo 25:32 Su 25:37 MeR 26:32

Ve 15:28

Astrology findings

Ma 05:09

Ju 07:52

• The annular Solar eclipse occurs as Rahu and Ketu return to ascending of India. Rahu and Ketu, Taurus and Sorpio axis is similar to Natal chart.

SaR 19:06

Ke 16:37

• Mars crosses India’s Natal Chart Moon rasi chart, which aspect by the 7th transit of Saturn which is considered as Kantaka Shani, which has tendencies to cause mishaps, aggrasive acts, demonstration and natural disasters, flash floods, border conflicts, and public sorrows. Mars will cross Moon, Sun, Mercury, Saturn and Venus in natal chart.

As 16:57

Visibility of the Solar eclipse This Solar eclipse according to the Date Time Com is classified as Annular Solar eclipse. This will be visible as annular and partial eclipse in certain parts of the globe. The annular phase of this solar eclipse is June 2021

• Five planets will occupy Earth signs. Taurus and Capricorn. 30


• The Annular Solar eclipse is significant as it occurs during the time Mars and Saturn opposition along Cancer and Capricorn axis. Mars become debilitated.

the universe and reach the frontiers. Thus, space industry is the next phase of development. Impact of Solar Eclipse and Taurus Transit of Planets on India

• The eclipse occurs in the earthquake prone sign, which are according to Alan Leo Taurus and Scorpio axis. • There is a harmonious aspect between Jupiter and Venus. Jupiter’s 5th aspect falls on Venus in the sign of Gemini. Far more impressive is the both planets occupy the constellation of Rahu, which depict a remote distance correspondence.

Ra 05:44 As 07:46

• The communication planet Mercury in a close conjunction with Sun and Moon. Mercury falls in the Navamsa of Leo with Mars.

Mo 03:58 Me 13:40 Sa 20:28 Ve 22:33 Su 27:59

• Venus and Mercury form parivarthana and exchange sign between Taurus and Gemini. Good sign for domestic financial stability. • The annular Solar eclipse occurs when occluding Moon is in its exaltation point and Rahu/Ketu axis are also considered exalted axis.

Ke 05:44

Solar Eclipse and The Constellation of Margashirsha

Ju 25:52

The transit of current Rahu in the sign of Taurus. Rahu at the time of Solar eclipse on June 10, 2021 is at 160:38’ in the constellation of Rohini 2nd pada. While in the independant chart, Rahu is posited in the sign of Taurus too at 50:45’ in the constellation of Kritikka 3rd pada and is very close to the rising degree of India at 70:47’. The effect of Rahu in Taurus will have influencial impact on India. Rahu/Ketu axis along the Taurus and Scorpio mode is powerful as these are exalted points for the ascending and decending nodes.

The constellation of Mrigashirsha is considered as star of exploration or research. It depicts people with vast learning, especially those in scientific exploration. This includes people with mystical outlook. As discussed by Uma Pada Sen, the constellation as elicited in Rigveda is ruled by Prajathipathi, the creator of the universe, and Kalapurusha. There is a tendency of new scientific discoveries about the universe will be expounded. According to Vashisht Vaid, the saint Agastya has described the constellation of Margashirsa as “Especially among them is the ‘Mrigasirsha or Maargazhi Rashi’ [Orion Constellation], vitally existing as being the ‘Head Source’ of many ‘Vital Cosmic Forces’.

Historical evidence prove that Taurus transit do have an effect on India. The independent chart shows Taurus rising (70:47’) and Rahu was 50:45’ in Taurus. • When Mars (4:51 Taurus) transit close this point during the year on May 5, 1857 the historical event of Indian Mutiny started.

The Orion belt, in which the Margashirsha constellation is situated is considered as Prajathipathi mandala, it is related to Rudra, who has power to heal. In fact, the word Orion may have been derived from Sanskrit. This is pointed out by Bala Gangadhar Tilak, in the book THE ORION: THE ANTIQUITY OF THE VEDAS. “Orion according to already established phonetic rules, I know of no name of Rudra from which Orion can be so derived. But if we look to the names of the constellation of Mrigashiras, we may, I think in the absence of any better suggestion, provisionally derived Orion from Sankrit Agrayana, the original of Agrahdyana.”

• Similarily, the Black Hole Calcutta which happened on June 20, 1756, Mars was transiting the navamsa of Taurus. • Even the death of Mahatma Gandhi which happened on January 30, 1948 had Sun/Ketu in Taurus Navamsa and Rahu in Scorpio Navamsa. • The first Indian Satellite Aryabhatta was launched on April 19, 1975, when Rahu/Ketu axis was in Scorpio/Taurus axis. Ketu was just exactly on the rising Lagna of India, Venus in close conjunction. • Emergency imposed by the Indira Gandhi Government on June 25, 1975 had Ketu/Mercury in Taurus axis, Saturn in Navamsa of Taurus.

Thus, the Solar eclipse in this nodal points should be considered as spiritually significant and may guide humanity to further enhance the endeavor to explore June 2021

Ma 07:27



• Rajiv Ghandhi was assassinated on May 21, 1991 on Sun (6:20) in Taurus was very close to natal Rahu of India at 5:44 in Taurus. Ketu was in the Navamsa of Taurus, Rahu. The axis in Navamsa too proves that Taurus had an influence over India.

34 killed, May 14, 2002, Abdul Kalam was appointed as the President July 15, 2002. Space Exploration Technologies Corp. (Space X) Space X was formed on May 6, 2002. A planetary pooling in the sign of Taurus , which shows cosmic effulgence of the Orion belt, has fascinated humanity for long time. The recent development in Aerospace engineering and space exploration carried out by Space X programme has captured world attention.

• On August 9, 2020 the farmers demonstration in India, which has been continuing for more than six months shows the Rahu/Ketu axis in Navamsa attributed to Taurus and Scorpio significance. Taurus an earthy sign, that relates to land and farmers revolt.

Moon Dasa and India

Currently, based on the India independence chart, the nation is undergoing Moon Dasa from September 3, 2015 to September 3, 2025. The operating Bukthi is Moon Dasa/Saturn Bukthi from December 3, 2019 to July 2, 2021. Saturn in the 3rd house of the Indian independence chart as the 9th & 10th lord and forming a five planet stellium in the 3rd house, asscociated with Yoga Karaka Mercury 2nd & 5th lord, the fourth lord Sun add augur to the configuration of planets in the 3rd house. Actually a stellium of 5 planets. Dasa lord Moon in the ecliptic point.

Su 22:03

Ju 17:58

As 16:03

Mo 18:08

A noteble point about the Jun 10, 2021 Solar eclipse is that, it occurs in the 11th house from the natal Moon of India which falls in Cancer. The 11th transit of a planet is normally considered to bring gain, success, accomplishment, good foreign relation.

Ke 24:28

The above foundation chart of Space X programme shows a stellium of five planets formation in the sign of Taurus. An interesting point is the Rahu Ketu axis along Taurus and Scorpio. During the June 10, 2021 Solar eclipse, the transit of Sun will touch this nodal point of Rahu. There will be significant development in the Space X programme.

Solar Eclipses: Sun & Rahu Transit in Taurus India 1. On May 31, 1946, a Solar eclipse at 15:430, Rahu 27:410 of Rohini 2nd pada, an incident happened on May 10, 1946 when Nehru was elected leader of the Congress party.

Mr. Elon Musk has Saturn and Venus in Taurus. Venus posited around 26 in Taurus and the solar eclipse happens at 25 in Taurus, in close proximity to Elon Musk, Venus. It is a good point to note that in the Space X formation chart, Venus and Saturn together in Taurus too where the Solar eclipse occurs.

2. On May 20, 1947, Sun 5:360, Krithika 3rd, Rahu 9:260, August 15, 1947 - a large Hindu India and Muslim Pakistan were created by partition of the sub continent. 3. On May 20, 1965, Sun 15:520, Rohini 2nd, Rahu 20:270, 29 May 1965 - Dhanbad coal mine disaster – A mining accident in Dhanbad, India killed 274. The issue of Indo Pakistan war was also prevailed. 4. On May 20, 1966, Sun at 5:330, constellation of Krithika 3rd, Rahu 1:550 - Shiva Sena was founded on June 19, 1966. After three months, Eighteenth Amendment of the Constituition of India was implemented.

Sa 07:41 Ve 26:09

Su 12:36 Me 20:59

Ke 21:40

5. On May 30, 1984, Sun 15:490, Rahu 12:580, eclipse Rohini 2nd pada, 1 June – The Indian government began Operation Blue Star. 4 June – Indian troops stormed the Golden Temple at Amritsar, the Sikhs' holiest shrine. 31/10/1984 assassination of Indra Ghandhi

Ra 21:40 Ma 27:28

Mo 17:01

JuR 04:10

6. June 11, 2002, Sun at 26:020, Margasirsha 1st, Rahu 23:590 - Conflict with militant Kashmir base , June 2021

Me 12:36 Ve 19:22 Sa 20:17 Ma 21:36 Ra 24:28


As 13:20


Solar Eclipse During Saturn and Mars Opposition Mars moves to the sign of Cancer on June 2, 2021 and becomes opposition to Saturn in Capricorn. The Sun will move to Gemini on June 15, 2021. Mars would have progressed about 80 in Cancer in to constellation of Pusya 2nd pada. Infact, the exact oppostion of Mars and Saturn will fall in the post Solar eclipse period till July 20, 2021.

Basing on the Indian independence chart, the Saturn/Mars position will occur in Janma Rasi while the Solar eclipse occurs in the Janma lagna. It may have an impact on Mr. Narendra Modi’s leadership. Mars will cross five natal planets in India’s Moon sign. During this period India will be undergoing end of Moon dasa/Saturn bukthi, which will be overlaped by debilitated transit of Mars. This calls for extra security for the leadership of the country. Sun will join Mars on July 16, 2021 adding fuel to already tensioned period.

Ne Ju

Mon Full Moon

Me Ma


Rasi (Sa) Mo Ke As


This period will promote tension around the globe causing aggression, riots, violence, uncompromising leadership, natural disasters such as earthquake, tornadoes, land slides, heavy floods. Volcanic eruptions and chemical explosion hazards are also potential events

Both Lunar and Solar eclipses will influence the development in India as the Lunar eclipse occurs in the Moon sign of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The Solar eclipse occurs on India’s independence chart. The Rahu/Ketu axis along Taurus and Scorpio axis, and current Ketu with Moon/Mars of the Prime Minister will make him firm, consistent, and withstand the turbulance caused by the political scenarios of India. The Space exploration will develop to a higher advanced technology. The only hurdles during this period is the Saturn and Mars opposition that happens concurrently with the eclipse.

As pointed by E.S. Kennedy, for Mars, it is the cause of wars, taking in bondage, slavery, insurrection of many people, and anger of the chiefs, especially within people of the same race, and that which afflicts some people with anger, ignonimity, transgressions, the abandoning of religious law, conflagration, plundering, and killing.

Referrences Bal Gangadhar, THE ORION, The Antiqity of Vedas,Pg153

Preceding Lunar Eclipse – May 26, 2021

The June 10, 2021 Solar eclipse will be preceded by a total Lunar eclipse on May 26, 2021. This eclipse will only be viewed as partial eclipse in few places in India. This Lunar eclipse is important as it falls along Taurus and Scorpio axis and it is the Moon sign of the Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi and a Solar eclipse which occurs on June 10, 2021 on the birth lagna of India.

E.S. Kennedy, Astrological History of the Prophet and the Early Caliphateof the Prophet and the Early Caliphate attani.pdf Rig veda Era, Uma padasen, Internet resource, google books

The two eclipses will have important milestones on India and its leadership. The positive element about the eclipse is that they occur on 5th and 11th place from India’s Natal Moon. New ventures, new settlements are possible. As Mercury and Mars is an harmonious 5th aspect of Jupiter, a good development in information technology and communication is anticipated especially in sofware and computer related fields. Matters related to media and freedom need to be kept under vigilance. June 2021

Ve Ra Su


The Sky Live, Solar Eclipse of June 10 2021, Vashisht Vaid, The holy sage Agasthiyar,Chapter 4446, 20 biggest tech milestones of independent India 33


THE ASTROLOGICAL eMAGAZINE Ephemeris for June 2021 Nirayana Positions of Planets at 5.30 AM (IST) Dt










Time *















48 01 42

302 16 35

90 48

61 51

308 52

65 24

290 45

48 10

19 43

330 20

273 50




48 59 11

315 19 27

91 25

61 40

308 56

66 37

290 44

48 06

19 46

330 20

273 49




49 56 40

327 59 53

92 01

61 25

308 59

67 50

290 43

48 03

19 49

330 21

273 48




50 54 08

340 21 41

92 38

61 06

309 02

69 04

290 42

48 00

19 52

330 22

273 47




51 51 35

352 28 56

93 15

60 43

309 05

70 17

290 41

47 57

19 55

330 23

273 46




52 49 01

4 25 47

93 52

60 18

309 08

71 30

290 40

47 54

19 58

330 23

273 45




53 46 27

16 16 06

94 29

59 50

309 11

72 43

290 38

47 51

20 01

330 24

273 44




54 43 52

28 03 23

95 06

59 19

309 13

73 57

290 37

47 47

20 04

330 24

273 43




55 41 17

39 50 43

95 43

58 47

309 16

75 10

290 35

47 44

20 07

330 25

273 42




56 38 41

51 40 48

96 20

58 14

309 18

76 23

290 34

47 41

20 10

330 26

273 41




57 36 04

63 35 56

96 57

57 41

309 20

77 36

290 32

47 38

20 13

330 26

273 40




58 33 26

75 38 14

97 34

57 07

309 22

78 49

290 30

47 35

20 16

330 27

273 39




59 30 47

87 49 41

98 11

56 34

309 23

80 03

290 28

47 32

20 19

330 27

273 38




60 28 08

100 12 11

98 48

56 03

309 24

81 16

290 26

47 28

20 22

330 27

273 37




61 25 28

112 47 44

99 25

55 32

309 26

82 29

290 24

47 25

20 25

330 28

273 36




62 22 46

125 38 24

100 02

55 05

309 27

83 42

290 22

47 22

20 28

330 28

273 34




63 20 04

138 46 12

100 39

54 40

309 27

84 55

290 20

47 19

20 30

330 28

273 33




64 17 21

152 12 55

101 16

54 17

309 28

86 08

290 18

47 16

20 33

330 29

273 32




65 14 37

165 59 49

101 53

53 59

309 28

87 21

290 15

47 12

20 36

330 29

273 31




66 11 53

180 07 09

102 30

53 44

309 29

88 34

290 13

47 09

20 38

330 29

273 30




67 09 07

194 33 43

103 07

53 34

309 29

89 47

290 10

47 06

20 41

330 29

273 28




68 06 21

209 16 29

103 44

53 27

309 28

91 00

290 07

47 03

20 44

330 29

273 27




69 03 35

224 10 22

104 21

53 25

309 28

92 13

290 05

47 00

20 46

330 29

273 26




70 00 48

239 08 28

104 58

53 28

309 28

93 26

290 02

46 57

20 49

330 30

273 25




70 58 00

254 02 48

105 35

53 35

309 27

94 38

289 59

46 53

20 51

330 30

273 23




71 55 13

268 45 19

106 12

53 47

309 26

95 51

289 56

46 50

20 54

330 30

273 22




72 52 25

283 09 06

106 49

54 04

309 25

97 04

289 53

46 47

20 56

330 30

273 21




73 49 37

297 09 12

107 27

54 26

309 23

98 17

289 50

46 44

20 58

330 29

273 19




74 46 48

310 43 09

108 04

54 53

309 22

99 30

289 47

46 41

21 01

330 29

273 18




75 44 00

323 50 55

108 41

55 24

309 20

100 42

289 44

46 37

21 03

330 29

273 17

Ayanamsa on 1st June 2021 is 22 42 21 * Local Mean Noon Sidereal Time

June 2021

All times are in local time for the respective cities




By Avadhoota Datta Peethadhipati Jagadguru Parama Pujya Sri Sri Sri Ganapathy Sachchidananda Swamiji

May 26th Reverential Birthday Greetings to the Senior Pontiff, Avadhoota Datta Peetham, Mysore

“There is a lot of difference between knowledge and discretion. Gaining knowledge is the art of learning while acquiring discretion is the art of living.”

June 2021



THE ASTROLOGICAL EMAGAZINE PANCHANGA FOR JUNE 2021 First column gives the English dates and next to it the names of the regional months and dates. The ending moments of Tithi, Nakshatra, Yoga and Karana are given in the 24 hour clock extending to 30 hours. Of the Nityayogas, Vishkumbha, Parigha, Vyatipata, Vajra, Vyaghata, Vaidhruthi, Sula, Ganda and Atiganda are generally spurned for auspicious events and they are marked in red in the Panchanga. Vydhruti pervades from 346 40’ to 360 and Vyatipata from 213 20’ to 226 40’ of the sum of the Nirayana longitudes of the Sun and the Moon. Vydhruti and Vyatipata punyakaala are observed on the day when the yogas prevail for 1½ hours or more, when Sraddha is performed by the astute. These two belong to the shannavati -96- Sraddhas ordained for a householder. Considering the astronomical implications, the Sayana Vydhruti and Vyatipata days are also indicated in the Panchanga. The auspicious Amritayoga and Siddhayoga and inauspicious Maranayoga and Prabalarishtayoga come under Amirtaadiyoga scheme and are different from the Nityayogas. The Karana is the half of the Tithi. They are mainly classified as Sthira - fixed or immovable and Chara or moveable. The Chara Karanas are seven in number and the Sthira are only four. The fixed ones are inauspicious. They are Sakuni, Chatushpada, Naga and Kimsatugna. The seven movable Karanas are in their order, Bava, Baalava, Kaulava, Taitila, Gara, Vanija and Vishti (or Bhadra.) Among the movable Karanas Vishti or Bhadra is considered to be of dreadful. The forbidden Karanas are marked in red for easy identification. We have most of our religious obser vances pegged on to the Tithis. Pournamipooja Chandradarisana, Sankataharachaturthi Vrata, Shastivrata, Ekadasi Vrata and Pradosha are specially mentioned in the Panchanga. Pournamipooja is done in the evenings on days the full Moon is prevalent. Chandradarisana is observed on the evening on the day when the crescent Moon appears for the first time in the west after the Amavasya. Chaturthi of the Krishnapaksha or Bahula Chaturthi of every month is known as Sankataharachaturthi. The evenings of Sukla and Krishna Trayodasi days are specially observed as Pradosha Vrata days.

The important dates and festivals for June 2021 are as follows: 01

Tuesday - Vaidhruthi Sraddha.


Tuesday - Rajas Samkranti (Odisha).


Wednesday - Budha/ Sadaasiva Ashtami.



Thursday - Corpus Christi (Thursday) – Christian.

Wednesday - Vindhyavasini Pooja. Aranya/ Jamatri Shasti (Bengal). Shuklapaksha Shasti Vrata. Aranya Gauri Vrata.


Friday - Dattatreya Jayanti.


Thursday - Dhumaavati Jayanti (Midnight).


Sunday - Bhadrakali Ekadasi (Punjab). Apara /Varuthini/Krishnapaksha Ekadasi.


Friday - Mela Kshir Bhawani (Kashmir). Durgashtami. Vyatipata Sraddha.


Monday - Soma /Krishnapaksha Pradosa.



Tuesday - Savitri Chaturdasi. Krishna Angara Chaturdasi (Yama Tarpana). Masa Shivaratri. Krittika Vrata.

Sunday - Ganga Dasahara. Paapahara Dasami. Ganga Dasara Ends.


Monday - Dakshinaayana Day. Nirjala/Shuklapaksha Ekadasi.


Wednesday - Phalaharini Kalika Pooja. hodayana Amavasya.


Tuesday - Champaka/ Pandava/ Rama Lakshmana Dwadasi. Runavimochana/ Sukla Paksha Pradosa.


Thursday - Annular solar Eclipse (Not visible in India). Vata Savitri Vrata (Amavasya Paksha). Amavasya. Vaisaka Snana Ends.


Wednesday - Jyeshta Abhishekam.


Thursday - Sayana Vaidhruthi. Vata Savitri Vrata (Pournima Paksha). Deva Snana Pournima. Pournami Poja.


Friday - Guru Hargobind’s Birthday (Jammu & Kashmir).


Friday - Punnaka Gauri Vrata. Chandra Darisana. Ganga Dasara.


Saturday - Sayana Vyatipata.


Sunday - Rambha Triteeya. Pratap Jayanti (Rajasthan). Kathali Gauri Vrata.


Sunday - Sankataharachaturthi. Sravana Vrata. Vydhruti Sraddha.


Monday - Saura Ashadhadi. Guru Arjan Dev’s Martyrdom Day (Sikh). Masa Chaturthi. Uma Vrata.


Wednesday - Krishnapaksha Shasti Vrata.

June 2021



TRANSIT DETAILS OF THE SUN AND THE MOON Sun in Vrisabha Enters Mithuna On Sun in Rohini Enters Mrigasira On Sun in Mrigasira Enters Aridra On

Moon Moon Moon Moon Moon Moon Moon Moon Moon Moon Moon Moon Moon Moon

June 2021

in in in in in in in in in in in in in in



Makara Enters Kumbha On Kumbha Enters Mina On Mina Enters Mesa On Mesa Enters Vrisabha On Vrisabha Enters Mithuna On Mithuna Enters Karkata On Karkata Enters Simha On Simha Enters Kanya On Kanya Enters Tula On Tula Enters Vrischika On Vrischika Enters Dhanu On Dhanu Enters Makara On Makara Enters Kumbha On Kumbha Enters Mina On


13:06:2021 17:44 06:06:2021 18:28 20:06:2021 17:18

01:06:2021 01:25 03:06:2021 09:21 05:06:2021 20:35 08:06:2021 09:29 10:06:2021 22:17 13:06:2021 09:45 15:06:2021 19:02 18:06:202101:36 20:06:202105:18 22:06:2021 06:41 24:06:2021 06:53 26:06:2021 07:35 28:06:2021 10:29 30:06:2021 17:01


June 2021


22 Vaisakha

23 Vaisakha

24 Vaisakha

25 Vaisakha

26 Vaisakha

27 Vaisakha

28 Vaisakha

29 Vaisakha

30 Jyaistha

03 Thu Vaikasi



07 Mon Vaikasi

08 Tue Vaikasi

09 Wed Vaikasi

10 Thu Vaikasi


05 Sat

06 Sun Vaikasi


04 Fri

11 Fri

12 Sat

01 Jyaistha

02 Jyaistha

03 Jyaistha

13 Sun Aani

14 Mon Aani

15 Tue Aani

31 Jyaistha

21 Vaisakha

02 Wed Vaikasi

05 Aslesha

04 Pushyami

03 Punarvasu

02 Ardra

01 Mrigasira

31 Rohini

30 Kri ka

29 Bharani

28 Bharani

27 Aswini

26 Reva

11:25 Athigandam

08:49 Athigandam

06:21 Sobhanam

04:09 Saubhagyam

02:23 Ayushman

01:14 Pree

19:01 Sukla

17:52 Sukla

16:13 Sukla

14:07 Sukla

11:38 Sukla



Tri ya

Dvi ya


22:58 Vyaghatam

22:35 Dhruvam

21:41 Vruddhi

20:19 Gandam

18:32 Sulam

08:50 Krishna Amavasya 16:23 Dhri

01:07 12:51 00:47 12:55

Ends Amirtathi

Siddha Marana Marana Siddha Amirtha 21:09 Kaulavam 01:14 Amirtha Taithilam 13:44 Siddha 21:29 Karaja 02:23 Siddha Vanija 15:12 22:11 Vish 04:09 Siddha Bavam 17:12 Prabalarishta Siddha 23:09 Balavam 06:21 Siddha Kaulavam 19:34 Prabalarishta Taithilam 08:49 Prabalarishta Karaja 22:07 Siddha 00:14 Vanija 11:25 Siddha Marana Siddha 01:21 Vish 00:43 Siddha Sakuni 13:59 Amirtha Siddha 02:23 Chatushpad 03:13 Siddha Naga 16:23 Marana 03:16 Kisthughna 05:30 Marana Bavam 18:32 Siddha 03:55 Balavam 07:28 Siddha Kaulavam 20:19 04:16 Taithilam 09:04 Siddha Karaja 21:41 04:17 Vanija 10:12 Siddha Vish 22:35 03:56 Bavam 10:51 Siddha Balavam 22:58

Ends Karana

22:02 Vanija Vish 00:47 Vishkumbham 21:19 Bavam Balavam

01:07 Vydhru

Ends Yoga

05:48 Krishna Chaturdasi 13:59 Sukarmam

02:40 Krishna Trayodasi

Krishna Dwadasi

23:32 Krishna Ekadasi

20:34 Krishna Dasami

25 U ra Bhadrapada 17:56 Krishna Navami

24 Purva Bhadrapada 15:47 Krishna Ashtami

23 Satabhisha

14:16 Krishna Saptami

13:29 Krishna Shas

20 Vaisakha

01 Tue Vaikasi

22 Dhanishta

Ends Paksha Tithi

Dt Day Tamil Month Dt Lunar Month Dt Nakshatra

Panchanga For June 2021 Panchanga for June 2021 (Vaikasi - Vrisabha/Aani - Mithuna) (Vaisakha - Jyaistha)



05:48 05:59

02:40 05:59



05:59 20:34


05:59 14:16




June 2021


17 Jyaistha

18 Jyaistha

29 Tue Aani

30 Wed Aani

15 Jyaistha

27 Sun Aani

16 Jyaistha

14 Jyaistha


26 Sat

28 Mon Aani

13 Jyaistha

10 Jyaistha

22 Tue Aani


09 Jyaistha

21 Mon Aani

25 Fri

08 Jyaistha

20 Sun Aani

12 Jyaistha

07 Jyaistha


19 Sat

24 Thu Aani

06 Jyaistha


18 Fri

11 Jyaistha

05 Jyaistha

17 Thu Aani

23 Wed Aani

04 Jyaistha

16 Wed Aani

22:23 Krishna Panchami

22:14 Krishna Chaturthi

00:11 Krishna Tri ya 22:52

02:03 Krishna Dvi ya

03:10 Kaulavam Taithilam 01:56 Karaja Vanija

07:01 Sadhyam

10:23 Siddham

13:33 Sivam

16:22 Parigham

18:47 Variyan

18:11 Bavam Balavam Kaulavam 14:48 Taithilam Karaja 11:48 Vanija Vish 14:17 Vishkumbham 09:20 Bavam Balavam 13:24 Pree 07:27 Kaulavam Taithilam 13:19 Ayushman 06:13 Karaja Vanija

15:55 Vydhru

18:12 Mahendram

00:10 Brahmyam 21:00

09:28 Bavam Balavam Kaulavam 05:39 Taithilam Karaja 01:44 Vanija 21:53 Vish

19:30 Balavam Kaulavam 16:29 Taithilam Karaja 13:07 Vanija Vish

20:40 Siddhi 00:15 Vish Vyathipadam 22:06 Bavam

22:01 Vajram

22:47 Harshanam

Chaturdasi 03:34 Subham Subhram









04:20 Sukla Paurnima Krishna Prathama

06:52 Sukla

09:30 Sukla

12:03 Sukla

14:24 Sukla

16:26 Sukla

18:02 Sukla

19:07 Sukla

19:39 Sukla

19:37 Sukla

20 Purva Bhadrapada 23:19 Krishna Shas

19 Satabhisha

18 Dhanishta

17 U ara Ashada Sravana

16 Purva Ashada

15 Mula

14 Jyeshta

13 Anuradha

12 Visakha

11 Swa

10 Chitra

09 Hasta

08 U ara Phalguni

07 Purva Phalguni

06 Magha

Siddha Amirtha Amirtha Siddha Marana Marana Siddha Amirtha Amirtha Marana Marana Siddha Siddha Amirtha Marana Marana Siddha 00:00 10:23 20:43 07:01 Siddha 17:17 03:34 Siddha 13:51 Prabalarishta Siddha 00:10 Siddha 10:33 Prabalarishta 21:00 07:33 Prabalarishta 18:12 Siddha 04:59 Siddha 15:55 Amirtha Marana 03:01 Marana 14:17 Siddha 01:45 Siddha 13:24 Marana 01:16 Marana 13:19 Amirtha Siddha

07:47 18:47 05:38 16:22 03:00 13:33

09:25 20:40

10:57 22:47 10:28 22:01

Panchanga For June 2021 Panchanga for June 2021 (Vaikasi - Vrisabha/Aani - Mithuna) (Vaisakha - Jyaistha)

05:59 23:19



05:59 22:52



05:59 06:52


05:59 14:24



05:59 19:07

05:59 19:39



June 2021




The Sun enters Gemini on 13th. Mercury enters retrograde Taurus on 6th and becomes direct on 24th. Mars remains in Cancer. Jupiter in Aquarius becomes retrograde on 21st. Venus enters Cancer on 21st. Saturn remains in retrograde Capricorn. Rahu and Ketu remain in Taurus and Scorpio respectively. with sustained efforts. Business activities can progress well.

MESHA (Aries)

Krittika 1: Prejudice can spoil some personal relationship. You might find yourself losing focus and getting distracted often. Financial progress is possible. Increase your interaction in business and professional circles to your advantage.

Ashwini Bharani and Krittika 1


Sun from 13th, Mercury from 6th, Jupiter and Venus are favourable. Professionals might have to face some hardship if not watchful. Though there can be progress for your initiatives, there can be stumbling blocks that will require your brave efforts. Persistent efforts will be essential, and you must be watchful of not getting distracted. There can be a sense of urgency that can make you falter, so be cautious and try not to act in haste. There will be good support from associates and when in doubt, do consult the experts. Business activities will yield positive results and a scope for expansion is on the cards. Financial support will be forthcoming and there can be good progress. Take care of your health. You may be prone to infections. Domestic matters will require your undivided attention. There can be squabbles with loved ones. It will be essential that you keep your expectations low and avoid altercations. You might find a sense of loneliness as help will not be forthcoming. Be careful not to escalate issues that are trivial. Youngsters should use the opportunities to their advantage. The time is ripe enough to gain accolades if you can put in sustained efforts.

Krittika 2, 3, 4, Rohini and Mrigasira 1,2 Mars, Mercury till 6th and Venus are favourable. Professionals might be able to achieve their goals with sustained efforts. There will be support forthcoming and you will be able to renew your efforts on pending tasks. You might be able to get recognition for your efforts and help from seniors will encourage you. Though you might be able to achieve good progress, important decisions will require expert advice. Tendency to procrastinate can play spoilsport. Business activities can progress well but there can be some important decisions that can work against if you are not careful. Financial matters can be good, but you must keep a watch on your expenses. Health matters should be good, however those chronic should be careful not to let their guard down. There can be a sense of satisfaction on domestic matters and there can be some cheer. You will be able to devote quality time with loved ones and this can keep you energetic. Be careful not to get into arguments with loved ones. Avoid overreacting to situations. Youngsters should focus on delivering their assignments on time. Distractions are likely to let you lose your focus often.

Aswini: Enmity with members of the family can be felt. Beware of activities that can lead to injuries. There can be some setback for professionals. Persistent efforts will be essential to make progress. Bharani: There can be social interactions that can keep you cheerful. There can be support forthcoming and professionals will be able to deliver on the expectations June 2021

Krittika 2,3,4: Health matters requires care. Minor ailments can bother you. Finances can get affected in the



form of losses. Some sort of change in position or change of place of activity can result.

KATAKA (Cancer)

Rohini: There can be some domestic issues that can disrupt your peace. You might have to rework your strategy as there can be deviations to your original plan. You will have to be cautious about pitfalls if you act in haste.

Punarvasu 4, Pushya and Aslesha

Mrigasira 1,2: Your confidence can help you achieve your goals. You will be able to display your intellect forcefully and effectively in your field of activity.

Sun till 13th, Mercury from 6th, Venus and Rahu are favourable. Professionals should be able to do well provided they are able to cope with the new challenges. You might have to put in extra efforts to meet your goals and live up to the expectations of your peers and seniors. Sustained focus without getting distracted will be key to get to your goals. There might not be a conducive environment at the workplace, and you might have to face frequent squabbles with co-workers. Business professionals should be able to deliver on their commitments and there can be substantial progress. Persistent efforts and an optimistic outlook can help you reach your goals. Financial matters are likely to keep you cheerful. Health matters can get worse if you are not watchful. Be careful about your dietary habits, especially if you are chronic. Domestic issues are likely to make you fret. Your temperament and adamant stance can cause more trouble. Keep a low profile and keep away from controversies. You will be able to get the support from your mentors and take their advice seriously. Youngsters should not lose their focus and pay extra attention to their study goals. Take the help of seniors and mentors.

MITHUNA (Gemini)

Mrigasira 3,4, Aridra and Punarvasu 1,2,3 Jupiter, Venus and Ketu are favourable. aProfessionals should be able to progress only with sustained efforts. There can be day to day challenges that can keep you occupied. Lack of concentration to address issues can work against you. You might have to be dependent on your associates and this can cause some hardship. Those holding important positions are likely to falter if they are not careful in consulting the experts before taking important decisions. Business professionals will have to face internal challenges and there can be unexplained delays. Any expansion plans or new initiatives should be postponed for the time being. Financial progress may not be encouraging, and it is important that you keep a watch on your tendency to overspend. Health will require attention and it is best that you do not neglect symptoms. There can be displeasure on account of loved ones. Tendency to pick quarrels and getting into arguments can cause you misery. You might be easily misled by unscrupulous elements whose company who should be watchful of. Students should focus hard on their studies and avoid the tendency to get dragged into wasteful activities. There can be a setback due to your lack of interest and you should seek the help of seniors and mentors.

Punarvasu 4: Those having chronic ailments should be extra careful. You may get interested in philosophical activities. Professionals should be watchful of legal implications and should take informed decisions. Pushya: You might face mental anguish and a sense of fear. A change of place causing much inconvenience can happen. There can be strained relations with many of the close relatives and friends. Work related pressure can get to you. Aslesha: Comforts and an increase of fame and name are some of the good tidings for you. You will be able to improve your skills. Professionals should be able to do well despite delays and some internal troubles.

Mrigasira 3,4: A general weakness will surface and make you dull. Harsh and irritable temperament can result. You can be a bit oversensitive to financial matters. Professionals should tread carefully and avoid committing mistakes.


Aridra: Minor ailments can cause concern. Financial losses are possible. There can be limited progress on the professional front. You will have to be careful about important decisions.

Makha, Poorvapalguni and Uttarapalguni 1

Punarvasu 1,2,3: You can get financial gains. There can be an intense desire to turn to philosophical pursuits. Professionals should be watchful of improvising on their skills. There can be initiatives that can keep you occupied. June 2021

Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn and Rahu are favourable.



Professionals will be able to scale new heights and there can be opportunities for you to explore new initiatives. Your skills can come to the forefront and earn you recognition. You might be able to take up an important task and this can keep you occupied. There will be support forthcoming from associates. You will be able to upgrade your skills, and this can help you in your career progression. Business activities will take new momentum and there can be substantial progress if you are able to streamline your efforts. Financial matters can be good and there can be progress if you are able to keep your expenses to a minimum. Health will be good and those of you ailing can recover. Domestic issues will wither and there can be a pleasant interaction with loved ones and relatives. You will be able to spend time on your hobbies and this can give you a welcome break from the monotony. However, you might find the urge to pick quarrels on trivial issues. Youngsters can progress well with dedicated efforts. Those appearing for competitive exams should put in extra efforts.

regarding health for loved ones. There can be some trivial issues that can disrupt mental peace. You might have to keep negative thoughts at bay and stay optimistic. Youngsters should keep a strict focus on their deliverables and stay away from getting complacent. Those of you wanting to pursue vocational courses will be able to do well. Uttarapalguni 2,3,4: Professionals may have to put in additional efforts to get to their goals. Association and friendship with renowned professionals can help you. Hasta: Domestic matters are likely to upset your schedule. You might tend to attend to unimportant matters. Setting your priorities right will be essential. Professionals should be patient and avoid getting into controversies. Chitta 1,2: Some of your desires can get fulfilled. You might be able to devote time for learning new skills. Professionals should avoid acting in haste and take informed decisions.

Makha: Domestic happiness can be impaired due to your tendency to seclude. There can be a change of position for some of you. Professional activities will keep you occupied. Financial matters should be handled with care.

THULA (Libra)

Poorvapalguni: You will be able to deliver on the expectations of your peers and associates. You will be able make new associations with virtuous people. Domestic happiness can increase.

Chitta 3,4, Swati and Visakha 1,2,3

Uttarapalguni 1: Financial gains are likely. There will be good health. You can be attracted to charitable deeds. There will be success for professionals in helping them achieve their goals and scale the corporate ladder.

Mars, Mercury from 6th, Jupiter and Venus till 21st are favourable. Professionals will be able to derive maximum benefit only with their sustained efforts and hard work. There can be many issues that will require your active intervention and your skills to resolve conflicts will come handy. You might be able to derive the best of the expertise of your coworkers for some of your initiatives. You will be able to impart your skills to peers and this can help you grow the corporate ladder. There will be sufficient support forthcoming. Business professionals will be able to scale new heights with new opportunities that can come your way. There might be some delays, but you must be persistent with your efforts. Financial progress is possible, but there will be more expenses. Health will be good, but you must be careful about your dietary habits as you can be a victim of diseases of the digestive system. Domestic matters will be largely peaceful, and you might be able to devote time for your loved ones. You might spend more time for spiritual activities. Youngsters will be able to pick new assignments and those of you working in the areas of technology can do well.

KANYA (Virgo) Uttarapalguni 2,3,4, Hasta and Chitta 1,2 Sun from 13th, Mars, Mercury till 6th, Venus from 21st and Ketu are favourable. Professionals will have to manage with some rough weather at the workplace. There can be stumbling blocks that can stop your pursuit. You will have to rework your strategy and work hard to get to your goals. There will be some bickering amongst co-workers, and it is best to stay away from controversies. You may have to shoulder a new responsibility and upgrading your skills will be essential. Business professionals will be able to progress despite delays. There will be substantial efforts required to get to your goals. Financial issues can come up if you are not careful. Proper planning and keeping a check on your expenses will be essential. Health can be good if you can take preventive care. There can be some trouble June 2021

Chitta 3,4: A sense of anguish can surface that can make you dull. Beware of deceit and pay extra attention to financial matters. Professionals will have to put in sustained efforts to get to their goals. Tendency to forget important things can cause hardship.



Swati: You may have to face some hardship with the loss of a loved one. Your temperament can cause some relationship issues. Professionals can look forward to limited success.

DHANUS (Sagittarius)

Visakha 1,2,3: You will be happy and devoted to work. Your intelligence and thinking power can achieve a mark. A new position awaits those deserving. Authorities will be inclined to favour you in your profession or business.

Moola, Poorvashada and Uttarashada 1 Sun till 13th, Mercury from 6th, Venus from 21st and Rahu are favourable. Professionals will be able to reach their goals with sustained efforts. There can be some breakthrough for your initiatives. You will be able to work to the plan and deliver on the expectations of your seniors and peers. If you can stay focussed and put in extra efforts, you will be able to gain good recognition which can help in your career progression. Business activities will yield results. You might have to take the help of experts on important and large transactions. Legal matters should be handled with care. Financial progress is indicated, and you might be able to reduce your expenses. Health will be normal; however, there can be much trouble if you are not careful in treating minor ailments. Domestic issues will cause some hardship as you might not be able to resolve issues amicably. Your intent to please everyone can come in the way of you accomplishing your goals. You will be able to make new friends and they can help you deviate your mind. Youngsters will be able to do well in their studies and can even look forward to making enough headway in pursuing their advanced study plans.

VRSCHIKA (Scorpio) Visakha 4, Anuradha and Jyeshta

Mercury till 6th, Venus and Saturn are favourable. Professionals will have to ensure that they do not slip on their commitments and will have to strive hard to meet them. There can be intermittent delays and you must find ways to get around them. There will be support forthcoming but not to your expectation. Persistent efforts will be required. You might have to upgrade your skills constantly to help you deliver on the expectations from seniors. Business professionals should be able to progress well but there will be some internal issues that will require your undivided attention. Financial planning is required as there are possibilities of losses. Health will require attention. Domestic issues are likely to disrupt progress. You might find yourself in the middle of a controversy for no fault of yours. Tendency to slip away from your focus and ambitions can run high. There can be a newfound interest in picking up your lost hobbies and you might spend time to build on the same. There can be opportunities to make new friends. Youngsters should strive to get their goals right and should not get into unwanted activities. A strict focus and discipline will be essential ingredients to succeed.

Moola: You may like to lead a secluded life. You will be inclined towards philosophical pursuits. You can be aware of your own shortcomings and act judiciously. Professionals should be watchful of legal matters. Poorvashada: Anguish and anger can mark your temperament. Be watchful of the association that you make. Professionals should take the help of experts on important matters. Creative pursuits will yield positive results. Uttarashada 1: Domestic matters might settle down and you might be able to make new associations. With your tact, you can achieve many of your desires. Professionals should be patient and avoid getting into controversies.

MAKARA (Capricorn)

Visakha 4: Trouble and worries can arise from your relatives. It is best to keep away from altercations. On the professional front, you must be careful as you might be a victim of blames.

Uttarashada 2,3,4, Sravana and Dhanishta 1,2

Anuradha: There can be relief from ailments. Some of your desires will get fulfilled. Financial progress can keep you cheerful. Professionals will be able to do well despite the odds. Those working in the social sector can do well.

Sun from 13th, Mercury till 6th, Jupiter and Ketu are favourable

Jyeshta: Enthusiasm in profession will emerge. Cheer and steady temperament will remain. Domestic affairs may not be totally too good and there can be some apprehensions of troubles. June 2021

Professionals will have to face some challenges at the workplace. There can be much opposition and you must work your way in ensuring that your goals do not suffer. You might have to devote time to learning new skills and



it will be important that you do so. There will be support forthcoming and some of your associates will be able to extend their fullest support. Business professionals should work hard to fulfil existing contractual obligations. There can be delays that have to be managed with caution. Financial matters can progress well, and you might be able to repay some of your debts. Health will be good. There can be good progress on the domestic front; however there can be some anxiety and an unexplained sense of restlessness when you interact with your loved ones. You might be able to network with friends and this can give you a welcome break. There can be some unscrupulous elements that can disrupt your domestic peace and you should be careful in associating with them. Youngsters are likely to find the time suitable for building on their vocational skills.

some additional efforts. There can be domestic matters that can bring some cheer. Satabhisha: There can be welfare and progress in domestic life. Professionals should be constantly on the lookout to upgrade their skills as this will help in achieving your goals and improve your career prospects. Poorvabhadrapada 1,2,3: There can be some relationship matters that can get out of control. Though the workplace can give you a challenging time, you will be able to wriggle out of the knots with your skills and persistent efforts.

MEENA (Pisces)

Uttarashada 2,3,4: Though you might find overall progress on the domestic front, your impatient outlook can cause some hardship. Professionals should be careful as minor lapses can escalate and put you in bad light.

Poorvabhadrapada 4, Uttarabhadrapada and Revati

Sravana: There can be some financial losses if you are not careful. Try to keep away from any speculations. There can be limited progress for professionals.

Sun till 13th, Mercury till 6th, Venus, Saturn and Rahu are favourable.

Dhanishta 1,2: Your temperament can cause some trouble both on the domestic and professional front. It is best that you maintain a low profile and avoid getting into controversies. Financial losses are likely if you are not careful.

Professionals will have to face some challenges as there can be much bickering with co-workers. Avoid getting into controversies and try to reason your arguments with facts. There can be progress only if you are able to upgrade your skills constantly and put in additional efforts. Your efforts may not yield commensurate results, and this can make you feel dejected. You will have to stay determined and be persistent. Business professionals can look forward to growth and there can be substantial progress. There will be opportunities to actively market your products and services. Health will be good. Those of you chronic should take preventive care as you can be susceptible to minor ailments often. Domestic matters will be good and there may not be much to complain about. There will be enough opportunities to interact with friends and relatives. You might be able to learn new domestic skills much to the surprise of your family members. Youngsters will be able to deliver on the expectations of their seniors and teachers. You might be able to devote time for research activities and this can yield you good results.

KUMBHA (Aquarius) Dhanishta 3,4, Satabhisha and Poorvabhadrapada 1,2,3 Mars, Mercury from 6th, Venus till 21st and Ketu are favourable. Professionals will be able to progress only with sustained efforts. There can be an uphill task that can demand much of your time. You might have to seek the help of experts to get to your goals. Active participation may be lagging from co-workers and this can cause delays. You might have to face some opposition and you will have to find new avenues to get around the stumbling blocks. Business activities will be good and there can be possibilities to grow your business in new territories. There might not be enough support forthcoming, and this should not deter your efforts. Financial progress is possible, but you will have to be careful about your expenses as you might tend to overspend. Health will be good. There can be good progress for those ailing. The elders at home should take preventive care to avoid any health issues. There can be a good time on the domestic front and there can be pleasant interactions. The young at home can keep you cheerful Youngsters will be able to progress well if they can utilize the time effectively to get ahead in subjects that they are lagging.

Poorvabhadrapada 4: A change in position is possible. Some of you will have to face some strong opposition and you may have to put in extra efforts. Domestic matters will largely remain good and conducive. Uttarabhadrapada: Some of your desires can get fulfilled. There will be near progress in the welfare and a small measure of prosperity. You will get help to aid career and professional advancement. Revati: You will succeed in your efforts and gain some wealth. Associates at the work-spot will cooperate with you and help you achieve your goals. On the domestic front, there can be some disharmony and tendency to squabble will run high.

Dhanishta 3,4: You might be inclined to philosophical activities. Professionals will be able to sail through with June 2021




Remembering Dr. B. L. Ramamurthy It is with profound sadness we announce that Dr. B. L. Ramamurthy, a well-known Dental Surgeon passed away on 3rd May 2021 at Bangalore. He was 71 and leaves behind his wife, son, daughter and grandchildren. With a host of medical degrees - MDS, FCIP, FRSH (UK), FPFA and FIAID, he specialised as Periodontist and Implantologist and had a long practice of almost fifty years. Dr. Ramamurthy was involved in over 1000 Dental & Medical Camps and he conducted and participated in many national and international Dental Conferences. As founder member of Cosmopolitan Club, he was chosen as its President for about 8 times. Dr. Ramamurthy was a good family friend and attended to the dental requirements of Dr. B. V. Raman, Smt. Rajeswari Raman and our Chief Editor Sri Niranjan Babu. As one with immense faith in God, Dr. Ramamurthy travelled wide and visited many pilgrimage centers. The Astrological eMagazine pays its tribute to a warm humanitarian. Our heartfelt condolences to Smt. Sandhya Ramamurthy and all the members of the bereaved family.

Remembering Sri Dasa Shetty We are sad to inform our readers that Sri Dasa Shetty, a scholar in Jyothisha and Vastu Shastra, passed away on 9th May 2021. Sri Dasa Shetty, an erudite scholar, who ran a school of Jyothisha and trained many students was known for his humility and simplicity. He specialised in New Techniques of Prediction as propounded by Sri Seshadri Iyer. Sri Dasa Shetty was one of the speakers at the International Conference on Vastu Shastra conducted by Raman & Rajeswari Research Foundation, Regd. in 1985 at the Vidhana Soudha Banquet Hall, Bangalore. The Astrological eMagazine pays its tribute to Sri Dasa Shetty. Our heartfelt condolences to all the members of his bereaved family. June 2021



Edited and Published by Bangalore Niranjan Babu at Sarathy Apartments, 48, 13th Cross, 8th Main, Malleswaram, Bengaluru 560003 and Printed by him at Sharadh Enterprises, # 51, Car Street, Halasuru, Bengaluru 560008. Ph: 25556015, 9845944311 Email:

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