EDITOR’S NOTE Dear Readers,
capable of. Hence, individuals who have attained a certain level of ascetism are deeply admired. What makes an individual ascetic in nature? Archit Saxena, very simplistically explains the planetary positions that lead to ascetism, supported by quick references to charts of some renowned spiritual gurus.
In this edition, The Astrological eMagazine family offers its reverential pranam to the lotus feet of our Kula Guru Sri Sri Sri Bharati Tirtha Mahaswamiji on the sacred occasion of his 71st Vardhanti. It is a great honour to write and read about the reverential life story of Mahaswamiji that is filled with countless nuggets of wisdom and lessons for common man.
Talking of Sanyasa Yoga, One-faced Rudraksha is blessed with the energy of Lord Shiva. Hence it gives liberation from the cycle of birth and death. Individuals on spiritual path are advised to wear a one-faced Rudraksha to get the bliss of Lord Shiva. Dr. Rudra Prasanna Mohapatra shares his knowledge about this rare Rudraksha and advises on who should wear this and its impact on the wearer.
As we speak, our country is under massive attack of the second wave of the deadly Coronavirus that is lashing out livelihoods and lives. With 4 lakh new cases emerging daily, the pandemic has taken a toll on every support system of the country. The variants of the deadly virus are mutating at a rapid rate and has completely taken the healthcare system under its control. Our Senior Editor, Raman Suprajarama presents a thoroughly researched article with deep analysis taking into consideration two different angles – Data Science and Vedic Astrology. Both are profound sciences that deal with large data being collected in a systematic and scientific manner, which are further modelled and analysed to make predictions. The article further takes into consideration the planetary positions during some of the recent epidemics and pandemics. With the patterns emerging out of the analysis of past events and planetary positions, the author provides analysis of possibilities of a Covid-19 third wave in the near future. Another analysis by Dr. M. R. Badarinath gives a glimpse of how Uranus is impacting the timeline of the pandemic. He carefully predicts the impact of the virus to slow down only after 10th June when planet Uranus moves to Mercury leaving Venus.
Another important aspect is our mental health, which is deeply governed by the emotions and thoughts we breed. The Ephemeris provides daily aspects of the Moon’s nodes that are read with natal aspects. The Moon’s nodes (also known as Dragon’s Head and Tail) determine behaviour pattern that could be distractive for progress. Wally Krause shares information of all possible negative influences of Moon’s nodes with respect to each planet on the behavioural traits of a native. It is advised to keep the negative traits at bay and replace them with positive ones. Lastly, the world will experience the second annual eclipse on June 10, 2021 which is the Solar eclipse. R S Maniam shares his knowledge on the impact of the eclipse for India and its overall leadership. We end with the monthly features with the most awaited predictions for your Moon signs, Ephemeris and Calendar for the month of June.
Detecting health and diseases early can be of some respite. Ayurveda is another precise and comprehensive science for determining one’s physical and psychological well-being. Like data science, even Ayurveda and Astrology are deeply connected with each other – and it deals with diving into the data related to physical attributes of an individual. K V N Savan Kumar throws light on the inter connectedness of Astrology and Ayurveda with a special focus on using Ayurvedic Astrology in predicting and curing neurological diseases. An Ayurvedacharya should always keep in account celestial bodies in the sky and combine this with his perfect knowledge of Ayurveda to know the exact depth of disease and the time it will take to cure.
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The Astrological eMagazine
In today’s dire times, being spiritual certainly helps in keeping the mind calm. However, ascetism or following a complete Sanyasa Yoga is not every individual is June 2021