Vol II, Issue XVIII 16-31 December, 2017 Pages 08, Price Rs. 5/Faridabad (NCR)
email id: asianchronicleindia@gmail.com
Vol-1I, Issue-XVIII, Published for the period 16-31 December, 2017. Printed & Published by Virender for and on behalf of Karamvir Kamal (Owner) from 2569, Street No. 2, Jawahar Colony, N.I.T, Faridabad, Haryana and printed at Joy Printers, 3G-142, N.I.T. Faridabad-121001, Haryana. Editor Karamvir Kamal* (responsible for selection of news under PRB Act 1867). RNI No. HARENG/2016/67803. Executive Office: 431, Saraswati Vihar, Gurugram-122004, Haryana. Contact +91 9212 46 0446, 9899 73 1532, Email: asianchronicleindia@gmail.com.
99/BJP 83/INC+ 44/BJP 24/INC+
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A defeat worth celebrating?
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* Partywise Vote Share
The Crowning of the Gandhi Scion
Before 2019 General Election Congress BJP have to face the battle of Assembly Elections .This row of victory by BJP will continue in future is really difficult to analyze now. It is also like a hard nut to crack that whether BJP’s victory March will lead towards their desired dream of making India Congress free???
Among the POLITICAL statements like politics IN the same family party and Dynastic tagged Politics, finally The Prince of Congress Party (Yuvraj) Rahul Gandhi took the crown of the Congress chief. After several years of waiting, Rahul Gandhi became a Congress president ...
Is this Electoral Victory of BJP in Himachal Pradesh and Gujarat an another Milestone towards their prime Objective of Congress Free Nation. After getting massive victory in the 2014 General Election, It is assumed as well as believed that BJP’s Central Leadership managed to follow the Path of Victory somehow after the count down of Final result of this Twin State Assembly Elections. The party that led the country’s Freedom Movement may not today as it’s stature was the then period, but still this Party’s glorious tradition echoes on each political Battlefield today. After
being sworn in as the National President of the Congress Party this Twin-Assembly Election was absolutely challenging in which Rahul Proved his metal. Even before Being the President, Rahul had openly accepted this Challenge. Political Pundits should not forget that during the last Himachal Pradesh Assembly Election Rahul took the charge of Campaign and could able to manage to win his Chief Ministerial Projection of Mr. Virbhadra Singh during his tenure of Vice President in the Congress Party. But in this Twin-State Election Challenge, realizing the importance of Gujarat, Rahul devoted more in Gujarat than Himachal Pradseh which also clearly reflected in the final result of count down in this Twin State Election. In the Last Loksabha Election, Indian Republic had had witness this Twin- Face (Rahul Gandhi & Narendra Modi) as the projected leadership under which this Election was fought. Switching over from the position of Vice President to the President, not only his own image but also the entire Congress Party’s image of trust, believe and faith lies on Rahul Gandhi. Now even the distress of defeat and the glory of Victory he is solely responsible that he knows better than any one. Therefore in the future course of Politics, his Strategy must be
The blasphemy of Sexual Abuse Against Minors
A shocking incident of sexual harassment against Minor School goers inside the temple of Education in Primary Government School of Odisha once again unveiled the vicious circle of Sexual Harassment and abuse in Indian Society. India’s deep rooted cultural heritage ...
wisely worked out with his utmost maturity to win the further political battle ahead. The responsibility of defeat in these current state assembly Elections lies on Rahul’s accountability which can be never denied. We should not also forget the victory of BJP in Himachal Pradesh is not at all a miracle. It is just a traditional political result which has been repeating in the way of ‘Water Cycle’ since more than two decade. As per this tradition, 5years of past Congress regime switched over to BJP for an another 5 years. Even voters, Political Leaders including parties can’t deny that this win of BJP in Gujarat is just manageable as BJP’s claim of as many as 150 seats has been punctured. It is absolute to believe that each and every issue of this NAMO’s Home-Land was positive and in favor of BJP but despite of all these positivity and better political Equations ,BJP only could manage to win over 99 Assembly seats out of total 182.This manageable victory reflects and reveals the Political truth of Gujarat BJP really lost as much as 16 seats in comparison to their last time Assembly Election seats had gained in Gujarat. And Congress having numbers of negativity could able to win 19 more seats in comparison to the last Assembly Election result in Gujarat. CONTINUED ON P 2
Modi magic and other takeaways from India's bellwether Gujarat elections
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi's ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) is set for a sixth outright win in his native state of Gujarat. Here are some takeaways from what is a substantially reduced victory: ...
Faridabad (NCR) 16-31 December, 2017
Modi magic and other takeaways from India's bellwether Gujarat elections Soutik Biswas
India correspondent BBC
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi's ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) is set for a sixth outright win in his native state of Gujarat. Here are some takeaways from what is a substantially reduced victory:
Modi magic still works
A few weeks ago, it was looking like a miracle could happen. A respected opinion poll showed the gap between the BJP and the Congress party narrowing, so much so that the opposition party threatened to upset the BJP's applecart. A 24-year-old political newbie tied up with the Congress to take on Mr Modi and was drawing huge crowds. Hardik Patel was demanding affirmative action for his farming community, who make up 14% of Gujarat's 66 million people, and have faithfully voted for the BJP in the past. Congress leader, Rahul Gandhi, had himself come out of his cocoon, and spiritedly picked up the gauntlet against Mr Modi. In response, Mr Modi upped the ante with his take-no-prisoners style of campaigning. He combined talk of economic development with strident Hindu nationalism. He evoked Gujarati pride and tapped into a curious politics of grievance and victimhood, pointing to how the opposition parties abused him. He even sparked a controversy when he made what critics said was an outlandish and coarse allegation about the Congress party colluding with Pakistan to influence the election. That the indefatigable Mr Modi addressed more than 40 public
meetings in a state election just proved how seriously he took the polls and anticipated the risks. Still, as BJP spokesperson Nalin Kohli reminded on Monday, "we are consistently winning. People are not rejecting Mr Modi." The final numbers show that the BJP was fragile, and this was an election "where the party just about made it", says Prashant Jha, author of a book on BJP. But, in the end, "Monday's verdict is a verdict, yet again, for Narendra Modi".
Green shoots of a Congress revival
Rahul Gandhi, many believe, missed a really good chance of winning this election. Two lacklustre chief ministers had followed Mr Modi in Gujarat. There was the inevitable anti-incumbency, rural discontent, a veritable revolt by the Patels, and the crushing effects of a controversial currency ban and a shabbily implemented Goods and Services Tax which eliminated jobs, squeezed incomes and made doing business difficult. In hindsight, BJP was clearly vulnerable. Mr. Gandhi shrugged off his characteristic indecisiveness and came to the party late. He stitched up some clever alliances, including one with Mr Patel. On the stump, he touched a chord with voters, energised his base and gave a fright to Mr Modi's party, which had not taken him seriously. His party was without a chief ministerial candidate and hobbled by a weak grassroots organisation. Yet, the Congress put up its best performance in 32 years in what is a traditionally anti-Congress state,
boosting its vote by a healthy 6% over 2012. Political analyst Neerja Chowdhury says the "worm has turned" for a party which had recorded its worst performance in the 2014 general elections. But the Congress has a long way to go before it begins winning again. There are four key states which will go to polls next year. The BJP will be battling anti-incumbency sentiments in three of them - Rajasthan, Chhattisgarh and Madhya Pradesh. Mr Gandhi has to promote local leaders, build alliances, and develop grassroots organisations to deny the BJP another shot at power in these states. "The tide will turn for us again," says party leader Shashi Tharoor. But it will be a long and arduous battle.
Hindu revivalism is here to stay
vivalism. "If he continues like this," Mr Bal told The Wire news site, "the RSS will be winning. It puts a Hindu face on our politics." Or, will Mr Gandhi figure out a way to counter Hindu nationalism without alienating the Hindu voter?
Return to economic populism?
Many believe that after the considerably reduced majority in a business friendly state like Gujarat, the BJP will go slow on disruptive "reforms" like the hasty currency ban introduced in November 2016 and the shabbily implemented Goods and Services Tax (GST), designed to unify the country into a single market. For the rest of the term, they say, India will not see any major economic reform. Public spending is likely to increase, and the government will try to smoothen the implementation of GST. Mr Modi is also likely to play down his "reformist" credentials at a time when the economy remains in a slump, joblessness is high and a spike in oil prices could easily stoke inflation and disturb the economic fundamentals.
Rahul Gandhi visited more than 25 Hindu temples in Gujarat during the campaign to woo the Hindu vote. Many felt it was a negation of his party's much vaunted secular credentials. As Hartosh Singh Bal points out in New York Times, Mr Gandhi regularly criticises Mr Modi's economic policies on Twitter, but had referred to India's Muslims just once in more than 3,000 tweets over two years. In Gujarat this time, Muslims, who comprise 9% of the population, were reduced to a near-invisible minority with the main parties mostly ignoring them. Mr Gandhi has not taken an unequivocal stand against Hindu re-
jarat is the party's pocket borough. A sixth outright win looks impressive on paper but much less satisfying because the party
Pradseh election result Congress lost as many as 18 more seats and BJP gained a huge 18 more seats in comparison to the last Assembly Election. This huge victory of BJP only black marked by the defeat of their Chief Ministerial Projection Mr. Prem Kumar Dhumil from Sujan pur Assembly seat which seems unfortunate but least concerned here in party line.As it is believed everything is fair in the war of Indian Elections to win which unveiled by this loss of BJP veteran in the state of Himachal Pradesh.Because the Man who caused the loss of Dhumils Assembly seat was also a close associate and follower of him whose name is Rajendra Rana of Himachal Pradesh. It also can not be forecasted that whether BJP will continue Dhumil’s leadership for the state of Himachal Pradesh or a new Political
commander-in-Chief will be searched by the central leadership of the BJP.After the Twin-Victory of BJP ,both the National Parties of India need to short it out their respective political Strategies strongly and carefully. Before 2019 General Election Congress BJP have to face the battle of Assembly Elections .This row of victory by BJP will continue in future is really difficult to analyze now. It is also like a hard nut to crack that whether BJP’s victory March will lead towards their desired dream of making India Congress free??? The party in power sometimes looks direction less if the opposition does not able to oppose constructively. There is also no such political party in the country which can provide Indian Republic to play the role of Constructive Opposition
had set out to win 150 seats in the first place. In the end, winning two of two states is not a setback for the BJP, and losing both is not a comeback for the Congress. Many had written off the Congress, saying it would not be able to put up a fight in 2019. But the party's performance in Gujarat and a reinvigorated Mr Gandhi offer some hope to a beleaguered and hopelessly outnumbered opposition. The BJP, along with its allies, now runs governments in 19 states. The year ahead will see a number of bipolar elections in bellwether states between the Congress and the BJP. If Mr Gandhi and his party can clean up their act, these elections could be keenly contested. A few months ago, most Indians believed Mr Modi would easily sweep the general elections in 2019. Suddenly, says Shekhar Gupta, editor of The Print news site, "there's an opening up in the national politics in India". Which should mean exciting times ahead.
The battle for 2019 could be exciting
For the BJP Monday's verdict is a warning. Gu-
A defeat worth celebrating? BJP in Gujarat was ruling over Two decade with the tag of ‘Modi’s Gujarat Model’. But during the campaign in Gujarat, India has witnessed the political impact of implementing Demonetization and revised GST which put BJP in trouble and marked with hurdles like Audience less Meetings and rallies. On the other hand Congress party could able to manage the much needed support of Hardik Patel along with accompany of Alpesh and Jignesh which credit goes absolutely to Mr. Rahul Gandhi’s Young Political attitude.Extremely low profile voters like Dalits and people of Poverty ridden including farmers anger and agony against Gujarat-Model did echo during this Gujarat Assembly Election. Congress party proved it’s metal
of Rahul not only by getting 19 more seats than the last Gujarat Assembly election but also managed to avail more vote percentage. Indian Republic should not see it as a loss but as a refurbished political innings initiated by Rahul Gandhi. Out of the total 182 seats BJP required 92 to form the government in which they could able to win just 99 which is not all glorious or massive one.As per a political Analysis, it is also difficult to analyze this victory of BJP as a victory in the name of Development or in the name of Gujarat Model of Modi Ji. But in Himachal Pradesh, BJP’s victory seems more than their own expectations as out of total 68 ,BJP could able to snatch massive 44 leaving the Congress behind with mere 21. Post analysis of Himachal
other than the Indian National Congress. The importance of and Glory of Congress party must remain in the country who led this nation towards the way of Freedom. But it is true to believe that like BJP, there are many political parties in the country who always plan to make India Congress free. In India BJP is ruling over as many as 14 states alone on it’s own strength. It may also possible in future to finish congress in India if this kind of victory March Continues. Who even imagined that Mamta Banarjee could able to defeat the mighty Two decade old Government under the arm of Communist party under the leadership of Late Shree Jyoti Basu in West Bengal. This also absolutely a Golden Period of BJP where it’s victory March continues relentlessly but it can expected to continue in future which can not be perfect Forecasted.
Faridabad (NCR) 16-31 December, 2017
Karamvir Kamal
SANKAT MOCHAK of innumerable devotees today is in self-crisis due to his devotees. Breaking the law is common in our country which our people have experienced it from the streets till the Temple of Democracy, Parliament of India. This time, due to illegal occupation and construction, Bajrang Bali (bajrang bali) itself is in the clutches of law. Hanuman jee's 108 feet high statue has also come under the rule of law because of encroachment spread over the Karol Bagh. On the petition of an NGO, the Delhi High Court has come under strict vigil on the encroachment spread across Delhi with Karol Bagh. The petition has demanded to remove illegal construction and encroachment spread in Karol Bagh. Hearing the petition, the High Court has tightened the corporation officials with the DDA. The Delhi High Court has sought a list of all the officers of the Municipal Corporation and DDA who are guilty of allowing such a big idol to be formed. "We propose to send this case to CBI," the court said. The court has asked the Delhi Development Au-
The court has also recommended for conducting investigations with the CBI for prosecution and investigation of the guilty officials.
thority (DDA) and the municipal corporation to name the officers who have been posted in the area since 1995. . In the same year the construction of this large statue was started. The court has also recommended for conducting investigations with the CBI for prosecution and investigation of the guilty officials.
Will Air lifting of Hanuman occur?
Following the law, Delhi High Court has suggested to lift the 108 feet statue of Hanuman ji in Delhi with the exception of Delhiites , to make an example of the rule of law for the whole country. The court asked the officials to discuss this
with LG as well. The bench of acting Chief Justice Gita Mittal and Justice C. Harishankar gave this order while hearing a PIL . The bench said that skyscrapers have been completely done in many other countries citing the example of United States. The NGO has demanded removal of illegal constructions and en-
The blasphemy of Sexual Abuse Against Minors
By anjan Kumar Samal A shocking incident of sexual harassment against Minor School goers inside the temple of Education in Primary Government School of Odisha once again unveiled the vicious circle of Sexual Harassment and abuse in Indian Society. India’s deep rooted cultural heritage never allows such sins in an institution which institution is believed like a Holy Temple of
Education and Teachers teach in these temple like institutions are believed alike Holy Priests. How can these priests alike Teachers turn into an evil minded Sex Demons to have their illicit relation with their own daughters alike Disciples in a violent Mindset which our Modern Days say as Sexual Harassment??? Thousands of such cases are published in our country’s Print Medias but no
such strong and strict rule of laws initiated by our appropriate authorities to get rid of it. This is an instance in the land of Lord Jagannath in Ganjaam Districtof Berhampur in Odisha where Primary Schools Assistant Teacher tried a sexual abuse against Two Minor school Students in that School who hail from Class 7th only. This Assistant Teacher of Gahangu Primary School allegedly committed sin by touching private parts of their Bodies which these Girls agreed in their said FIR lodged at the nearest Police Station. Rama Chandra Biswal, the Inspector in charge confirmed the Assistant Teacher’s arrest under various sections of IPC(Indian Panel Code)and also under POSCO(Protection of Children From Sexual Abuse) and whose judgment yet to come in the future course of Judicial Proceedings. What does POSCO denote & Reveal? Clause 3 of Article 15 of the Indian Constitution empow-
ers Indian States to make special Provisions in regard to safety and security of our Minor Generation especially for minor school going girls. This was took into force to be implemented in India after the decision taken in United Nations General Assembly as on 11th December 1992 in the real interest of Children across the Globe. It even extends to whole of India except the sate of Jammu & Kashmir. This POSCO is somehow a satisfactory step towards Children’s Safety across the World including India but enough for these unwanted sex Demons as it reveals a maximum 10 years rigorous imprisonment which may further extends to Life Time imprisonment. The illicit Mindset who destroys our Minor’s entire Future and life with this black mark of Sexual Abuse need to hanged till death which is my personal point of view. This is the only way by which we can get rid of these Demons out of our daughter’s Life Circle.
croachments from Karol Bagh area of the metropolis.That said, consider whether the statue can be removed on the airway. Talk to LG and You also know that all the skyscrapers have been moved in America. The court said that if the municipal body also show that the law is being implemented in one place, the mindset of the people of Delhi will change. In this battle of devotion and law, the law seems to be overwhelming for the moment. In the name of God, where the law does not want to adopt a soft stance, those who break the law, this time, the devotees of Hanuman in Delhi are praying that the crisis will eradicate the crisis of encroachment spreading in Delhi.
10th December: Universal Human Rights Day
Dharmendra Singh Let’s celebrate 70years of Universal Declaration of Human Rights on this Auspicious Day of Human Right, December 10th as it has been preaching across the Globe by the United Nations since then for the sake of World Peace, Global Unity and Prosperous Brotherhood among all the countries of the world. This Day of December 10 is celebrated as the ‘Human Rights Day’ by all the Peace Messengers of this world Toady including all the Member States affiliated to the United Nations. The clear Message behind this observation is to restore Equality, Justice and Human Dignity despite of varied castes and Communities, creed and reli-
gion along with different regions and Languages across the Globe. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights for this Human World by United Nations also going to touch it’s Mark of a long Journey , as long as 70years in 2018 as it was introduced and initiated world wide in the year 1948 just after the 2nd World War. The Entire Documents of this Universal Declaration are meant to have by all sections of people in the WORLD for their existence and livelihoods which are can be used as the ultimate weapon to save and secure the freedom of liberty, speech and expression as we born free. The reason of adoption by all the sections of people having different regions and languages in the world the said document was translated into as many as 500 different languages of the world at present. On the Auspicious Occasion of World Human Right Day, December 10, I would like to share this valuable page link of United Nations Human Rights to know about all of Our Human Rights.
Faridabad (NCR) 16-31 December, 2017
Launching Talent
Getting Inked
Recently Gaurav Bhutani and Pooja Bhutani hosted a launch party of Elysian Desire: Frame 2 Fame Calendar and Music Video at Ministry of Beer. Elysian Desire brings out the fusion of Sweat, Glitz and Glam quotient of ‘Global
Indian’ women and televise it for the first time. The evening became more graceful with the attendance of RJ Khurafati Nitin, Simran Gulati, Kirti Sachdeva, Abhijit Basu, Komal Manocha Chawla, Anjana Kuthulia.
Pooja Bhutani
Sameer Patange & Arvind Garg
Ekaterina Zhitkova, Olga Negur
Anu Singh & Lokesh Verma
Recently Held was the 3rd Heartwork Tattoo Festival organised by Arving Garg, Lokesh Verma, Anu Singh and Sameer Patange. This Unique Festival had 105 Tattoo Artists from all over the world. This year’s headliner Tattoo Artists were Jeff Gouge from USA, Steve Butcher from New Zealand, Stefano Alcantara from USA, Randy Engelhard from Germany and Roberto Gasperi from Italy. Many Socialites like Yotsana Attree, Gagan Sharma, Jacqualine Kiara were spotted getting a tattoo done during the festival.
Anu Bhrany, Simran Gulati and Khurrafati Nitin
Vjay Rajpal, Gaurav Bhutani
Avi Sk Amandeep Singh, Harsh Sethi
Rajiv Attree, Yotsana Attree
Komal Manocha, Vijay Chawla
Pooja Gupta, Raveena Julka
Faiz Ali Khan, Emilija Milojkovic
India Art Festival
Rajendra Pankhuri Sharma, Aarushi Kumar, Vidisha Gupta
Salisha Sharma, Syma Sheikh, Yukti Kathuria
Recently held was the 3rd Edition of the India Art Festival organised by Mr Rajendra. This Edition had 470 Artists who are participating along with 39 Art Galleries from 7 Countries and 30 Cities across the world. The Festival had 4700 Artworks on display at Thyagaraj Stadium. The Show was inaugurated by Hon. Shri Manish
Sisodia, D P Sibal, Smt. Arpana Caur, Shri Suhas BahulkarChairman NGMA, Mumbai, Mr. Augusto Montiel Ambasador of Venezuela, H.E Mr. Dave Chandalal Persad- High Commission of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago and Sandeep Marwha – Chairman Marwha Studious and Founder Noida Film City.
Glam & Fit Recently Resham Chawla Hosted the Grand Finale of Miss and Mrs Glam Fit 2017 at the Alliance Francaise de Delhi. A unique concept where the contestants were in Ankit Nagpal, Garima Tiwari Anisa Butt, Resham Chawla two categories of Miss and Mrs and were judged on their Glamour Portion and Fitness as well, Special Guest for the evening was the Bollywood Actress Anisa Butt. Many Delhi’s Socialites were spotted enjoying the fashionable night to name a few were Sandeep Marwah, Amit Talwar, Parull Mahaajan, Poonam Sethi. Shefali Gupta, Rahul Gandhi Shashank Malik
DP Sibal and Uma Nair
Amit and Rajeev
Manish Sisodia and Sandeep Marwha
Parull Mahaajan, Dave Chandalal Persad
Harish Kumar, Roshan
Faridabad (NCR) 16-31 December, 2017
‘6 Communication Strengths CEOs should have in 2018’
Recently in one of the networking meet-ups I interacted with a young entrepreneur who has started a venture of own. After few minutes of conversation, exchanging thoughts, and business cards we moved on for dinner. That night I decided to drive back alone and on my way could not forget the conversation with this CEO. In spite of speaking and interacting with almost 15 new people in that conference hall; this leader surely had an edge .There was something magical about the way this person left an impact on people. There were few points that caught my attention and made me think about:
6 Communication Strengths that a CEO of a start-up must have:
Sound Genuinely Natural : I feel when you are your SELF you not only communicate; you also build relationships and create strong connections then. Being authentic and natural makes you approachable. People share feedback genuinely and helps you grow. Don’t just be a patient listener... Be and empathetic listener Listen not to respond but listen to reflect and rephrase. When you give the person full attention, it shows that you respect the person. By giving him the due respect you gain his respect and love. Inspiring speaker : Work on using Power Words and matching Body Language mDecide on a topic and clear purpose for the same. mPresent with these three essential elements in mind : mWhere do you stand on the issue? ( Right Brain ---Feel) mWhat’s in for them if they do it ?( Left Brain –logic ) mWhat do you want them to do? (Action /Outcome) mFor e.g. : “ We will miss this important deal if we don’t implement this plan in 10 days “ mFor each above point have a personal story ready to make it memorable. mKeep it super simple ( KISS ) An excellent presentation skill is the most important gear for communication.
events Culture Hunt
Work on your Video Presentation SkillsEnhance your verbal skills and learn the art of storytelling. Focus on clarity of speech and clear message. Video Presentation Skills is going to be the most influential medium of marketing. Reach out to your audience in the most authentic and natural way. Don’t say YES when you want to say NO : Assertiveness Speaking truly what you feel, what you want, who you are. I think people do connect strongly to one who is open, honest and appropriate. These assertive leaders make things happen and gain respects for themselves. Don’t be a critic : Art of giving constructive FEEDBACK Relevant and specific feedback is crucial. Offering to be of help with the right tone strengthens your position as a leader.
Rajni Subba, Kaushik Ghosh
Harsh Khullar, Shalini Chauhan
Shivani Singh & Dinesh Mohan
Abhishek Bachan & Sanjeev Dev Malik
Recently was the launch party of Mister and Miss Culture World India organised by Rajni Subba. The Co-Host for the evening was well known Bollywood Fashion Show Director Kaushik Ghosh. This Unique Concept will choose participants from various cities and will represent India and Its Culture at the International Platform. Many socialites were spotted at the party to name a few were Shalini Chauhan, Sumita Das, Ana Sachdeva, Sanjana Kalra, Bharti Taneja.
Abhishek Sharma & Alka Gupta
Perfect Birthday Evening
Sandhya S Leadership Communication Coach Personal Effectiveness Trainer Bhawna Babuta and Ruchi Sachdevaa
Pragati Nagpal and Anjana Kathulia
Recently Shilpi Singh Celebrated her Birthday in a Grand Style at Zerruco, Hotel Ashok. The Theme for the Party was Bold and the Beautiful. All The Guests were spotted having a Gala Time Enjoying the Live Band Performing along with Delicious Lip smacking Starters. Many Well Known Socilaites were spotted at the party to name a few were Anjana Kathulia, Pragati Nagpal, Gunjan Sodhi, Puja Kohli, Nishi Singh, Madhavi Advani, Shruti Khanna.
Stary Night Recently was the Grand Preview of Wiser Miser – The Star Bar in Punjabi Bagh, This new venture is jointly owned by Sharuk Narang and Parul Shodhan. The evening witnessed the presence of bollywood actors like Randeep Hooda and Aditya Pancholi. As the name suggests the concept of the cafe is very rare for Delhiites to buy anything at an MRP Price and economical rates for food. Many Delhi’s Socialites were seen at the preview to name a few were Mia Lakra, Lavanya Madan, Varun Katyal, Sharon Winslet.
Aditya Pancholi
Randeep Hooda
Sharuk Narang and Prachi Narang
Parul Shodhan & Ritu Raj
Jazz & Simran Rajpal
Chiraag Grover & Mia Lakra
Vinni Khambra and Shilpi Singh
Gunjan Sodhi and Puja Kohli
Faridabad (NCR) 16-31 December, 2017
The Crowning of the Gandhi Scion From Motilal Nehru ji till Rahul Gandhi ji, only 6 people of the Nehru family have become Congress chiefs which is the sour truth of BJP's preaching and campaigning against Congress as the Party of One Family and result of Dynastic Politics in this country. By anjan Kumar Samal
Among the POLITICAL statements like politics IN the same family party and Dynastic tagged Politics, finally The Prince of Congress Party (Yuvraj) Rahul Gandhi took the crown of the Congress chief. After several years of waiting, Rahul Gandhi became a Congress president. For the past long period , the party had been seeking to get Rahul's arm to lead the Congress party Further. Congress leaders believed the command of the of the party should now be delivered by Rahul Gandhi which demands inside the party circle led Rahul Gandhi to be crowned as the National President unopposed .The trust and utmost faith on the his leadership by the seniors and policy Makers of the Party at last ended up with his elevation from the position of Vice President to the Position of the Newly elected President. Under this refurbished leadership of Mr. Rahul, Congress Party could able to contest Twin-State Assembly Election in both in the state of Himachal Pradesh and Gujarat. As per the final count down of this Election, Congress Party Could not able to form in either of the state but put opposition BJP in trouble in determining the diminishing return in their victory in Gujarat. In comparison to previous Gujarat Assembly Election Rahul Gnadhi proved his metal by snatching as many as 19 more seats than the previous Assembly election also put the BJP ThinkTanks in a revival mode. Top Brasses of BJP's central Leadership now bound to change their political strategies ahead in 2019 after knowing the sour truth of decreasing scale above all percentage of votes, i.e.11% less within 3 years and 6 Months of BJP regime under NAMO's leadership. BJP's style of preaching congress as Dynastic and Family business to Indian Republic not new at all.
When who was a Congress president in Incredible India
The establishment of the All India National Congress took place on 28 December 1885. Bomesh Chandra Banerjee became the President of Congress in 1885. Thereafter in 1886 , Dadabhai Nowroji, in 1887 Badruddin Taiyyabaji, Georges in
1888 , Sir William Vedrabarn in 1889 , Sir Firoz Shah Mehta in 1890, P. Anand Charlu in 1891, Bomesh Chandra Banerjee in 1892, Dadabhai Naoroji in 1893, Alfred Web in 1894, Surinder Nath Banerjee in 1895, Rahimulla Sayani in 1896, C. Shankaran Nair in 1897, Ananda in 1898 Mohan Bose, Ramesh Chandra Dutt in 1899, NG Chandravarkar in 1900,Dinsha Iduli Covenant in 1901, SN Banerjee in 1902, Lal Mohan Ghosh in 1903, Sir Henry Couton in 1904, Gopal Krishna Gokhale in 1905, Dadabhai Naoroji in 1906, Dr. Ras Bihari Ghosh in 1907, Pandit Madan Mohan Malviya in 1909, 1910 Sir William Waderban in 1911, Pandit Bishan Narayan Dhar, RN Madholkar in 1912, Sayyid Mohammad Bahadur in 1913, Bhupendranath Basu in 1914,In 1915, Sir Satyendra Prasanna Sinha, Ambika Charan, Mazumdar in 1916, Hasan Bazent in 1917, Hassan Imam and Madan Mohan Malviya in 1918, Pandit Motilal Nehru in 1919, C Vijaya Raghavacharir in 1920, CR Das in
1921, Lala Lajpat Rai in 1923 and Muhammad Ali, Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi in 1924, Sarojini Naidu in 1925, S Srinivasa Iyengar in 1926, Dr. MA Ansari in 1927,Motilal Nehru, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru in 1929, Sardar Ballabhbhai Patel in 1931, R Amritlal in 1932, Nelly Seng Gupta in 1932, Babu Rajendra Prasad in 1934, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru in 1936, Subhash Chandra Bose in 1938, Maulana in 1940 Abdul Kalam Azad, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru in 1946 And in September 1946, Acharya JB Kripalani became party president. After Independence, in 1948, B. Pattabhi Sitaramayya was elected president of the Congress. After this, Purshottam Das Tandon in 1951, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru in 1951, UN Dabher in 1955, Indira Gandhi in 1960, N Sanjeev Reddy in 1961, De Sanjivaya in 1962, Kamraj of 1964, S. Nijilingappa in 1968, C. Subramaniam in 1969, Jagjivan Ram in 1970,De Sanjivaya in 1971, in 1972, Dr. Shankar Dayal Sharma, Devakant Barua in 1975,
Brahmanda Reddy in 1976 and Indira Gandhi became president of Congress in 1978. After the death of Indira Gandhi, Pandit Kamlapati Tripathi was appointed the Executive Chairman. Then in 1984, Rajiv Gandhi was given the responsibility of the party president. After him, PV Narasimha Rao in 1991, Sitaram Kesri in 1996 and Sonia Gandhi was elected unanimously the Congress president in 1998.In the 132-year-old party, from Motilal Nehru ji till Rahul Gandhi ji, only 6 people of the Nehru family have become Congress chiefs which is the sour truth of BJP's preaching and campaigning against Congress as the Party of One Family and result of Dynastic Politics in this country. Congress's dead against, Bharatiya Janata Party leaders mere mislead the people by calling it a 'Gandhi family' party.Congress has contributed the country seven Prime Ministers, including Jawaharlal Nehru, Gulzari Lal Nanda, Lal Bahadur Shastri, Indira Gandhi, Rajiv Gandhi, PV Narasimha Rao and Manmohan Singh.Among them all mere 3 are hail from Gandhi Family. Rahul Gandhi was born in Delhi on June 19, 1970. He is absolutely from the country's famous and glorious Gandhi-Nehru family. His mother is Mrs. Sonia Gandhi, who was the President of All India National Congress just before Rahul and MP from Rae Bareli Lok Sabha constituency of Uttar Pradesh. His father was the late Rajiv Gandhi Prime Minister. In the 2009 Lok Sabha elections, the credit of Congress victory was given to Rahul Gandhi. Despite this, he had refused to accept the post of Cabinet minister in the Manmohan Singh government. Regarding politics, Rahul Gandhi says,"I do politics with Gandhiji's thinking, Philosophy and ideology. If someone tells me that you do politics by lying, then I can’t do it. This is not within me. It also damages me and my political image. 'I do not make false promises. "They say," There is a difference between power and truth. It is not necessary that the person who has the power has the truth.
Gurugram to have its own City Bus service soon
TAC Gurugram || Haryana Government has decided to introduce a professionally managed city bus service in Gurugram, to promote public transportation and to reduce dependency of public on private vehicles for travel needs in the district. While giving this information, an official spokesperson said that in order to provide safe, reliable, clean and affordable city bus service, the State Government had formed Gurugram Metropolitan City Bus Limited (GMCBL) Company with the specific mandate to plan and implement the city bus
service. He said that Gurugram Metropolitan Development Authority (GMDA) would be the 50 per cent shareholder of GMCBL, Municipal Corporation Gurugram (MCG) 40 per cent shareholder and Haryana State Industrial and Infrastructure Development Corporation Ltd. (HSIIDC) would be 10 percent shareholder. He said that as a part of mandate, GMCBL would engage the bus operators, who would be responsible for procuring, deploying, operating and maintaining of the city buses. About 500 buses
Free sanitary napkins for women
Chandigarh || Haryana Chief Minister, Manohar Lal announced that the State government would provide sanitary napkins free of cost to all women belonging to BPL category in the state. The Chief Minister was speaking at a National level Consultation workshop on Management and Elimination of Malnutrition in
Haryana organized by National Health Mission in collaboration with NITI Ayog and Centre for Health Research and Development-Society for Applied Studies here today. The government had already announced to make free supply of sanitary napkins to all school girls in the state.
Haryana Governor’s advise to public servants and bureaucrats at the Chintan Shivir Chandigarh || Haryana Governor, Prof. Kaptan Singh Solanki said that public representatives and bureaucrats should serve the society with utmost sensitivity, cooperation and dedication. Only then, we can move forward with a vision. The Governor was speaking on the concluding day of three day Chintan Shivir organized by Haryana Government at Timber Trail in Parwanoo, Himachal Pradesh. He expressed happiness that members of the cabinet, including the Chief Minister and senior bureaucrats have taken collective decisions for the development of state in group wise meetings in this
Faridabad (NCR) 16-31 December, 2017
Shivir. He said that the constitution of any country is designed in accordance with its nature and culture, rather than any particular ideology. The importance of Indian constitution in the world is due to its nature and culture. No nation can make its constitution unlike its own nature. He also sang the Shivir’s geet and said that this is not only Shivir geet but it is a very old song which had contained the culture of the country. Chief Minister, Mr Manohar Lal, Vidhan Sabha Speaker Mr Kanwar Pal, all Ministers, MLAs and Administrative Secretaries were also present on this occasion.
had been proposed to be deployed in Gurugram over a period of time. He said that it had been proposed to divide the procurement of bus operators into five packages. In each of the first two packages (Package 1 and Package 2), 100 buses had been proposed to be deployed, he added. For effective usefulness of the bus service, it is important to develop adequate bus route system and rationalise para transit routes, which is run by private operators, he added. He said that Delhi Integrated Multi Modal Transit System (DIMTS) had been requested to conduct the bus route planning and rationalisation study covering various services. The services included planning of bus routes based on origin destination of users and connectivity of various city nodes, rationalise the existing para transit services or routes and re-organize their operation so that city area is sufficiently covered by public transport network, he added.
Organ donation gets a boost in Haryana TAC Chandigarh || With an aim to promote organ donations in the State, the Haryana Government has decided to establish State Organ and Tissue Transplant Organisation (SOTTO) for the State at Pt. Bhagwat Dayal Sharma Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences (PGIMS), Rohtak. While stating this here today, an official spokesman said that Chief Minister, Mr Manohar Lal has approved a proposal in this regard and directed the officers to give top priority to this project and establish the same by January 31, 2018. He also approved an annual outlay of Rs 88.90 lakh including recurring and non-recurring expenditure for the organisation. The spokesman said that the PGIMS, Rohtak which is a tertiary care institute of Haryana, has designated a nodal officer for the programme who would look after this project at the institute. He said that various issues would be undertaken by PGIMS, Rohtak and other government, government aided and private medical colleges in the State. These included creating public
awareness about need for organ donation, motivate people to pledge their organs, motivate family members to donate organs after death of a
family member, identify and notify brain death, develop organ retrieval and inform the hospitals about availability of organs
Solar panels for all Hry. Govt. schools
TAC Chandigarh || Haryana Government has decided to install Hybrid Solar Systems in all government schools of the State in a phased manner. To begin with, the Hybrid Solar systems would be installed in 3,222 government high and senior secondary schools at a cost of Rs 236.57 crore. While stating this, Education Minister, Ram Bilas Sharma said that Chief Minister, Mr. Manohar Lal has approved a proposal in this regard. Minister said that Hybrid Solar systems to be installed in the schools would have a battery bank of 7.2 VAh/Wp so as to ensure that uninterrupted power is available in schools after installation of solar system and there should be no eventuality that schools re-
main without power during the school hours. He said that the central assistance of 30 per cent which is on reimbursement basis would provide assistance in fulfilling the gap of the additional burden of Rs 110 crore to provide the battery bank. Moreover, any amount which is left after installation of Hybrid Solar Systems in all the government schools and receipt of central assistance would be used for Operational and Maintenance, upgradation and replacement of consumer items (battery) considering the fact that the solar panel would be having a warranty period of 25 years and the Power Conditioning Unit (PCU) and batteries would be having a warranty of five years after successful commissioning, he added.
Relief to be expedited for members of Schedule Castes
Housing Board’s move to provide affordable housing for all
TAC Chandigarh || Haryana Chief Minister , Manohar Lal directed the officers to expedite the process for providing immediate relief to the members belonging to the Scheduled Castes, who became victim of atrocities under the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act, through the corpus fund set up for this purpose. The Chief Minister, who was presiding over a meeting of State Level Vigilance and Monitoring Committee constituted under Rule 16 of the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Rule 1995 here, said that the state government had already set up a corpus fund of Rs two crore to help such victims. While reviewing the schemes under the Protection of Civil Rights Act, the Chief Minister asked the officers to publicise the legal aid scheme so that maximum person could get financial assistance for defending civil cases. Under this scheme, legal aid of Rs 11,000 was being given to the Scheduled
Castes persons for defending cases such as ejectment from land and protection against exploitation by landlords. He also reviewed the relief and rehabilitation facilities provided to the victims and prosecution of cases under the Act. It was informed in the meeting that State government was taking all necessary steps to prevent and curb atrocities on the members of Scheduled Castes by enforcing the provisions of the SC/ST (Prevention of Atrocities) Act. All the police authorities have been directed to promptly register cases under the Act and take strict action against the accused. To compensate the affected persons, relief ranging from Rs 85,000 to Rs 8.25 lakh was given for various acts like damage to irrigation tubewells, loss of properties, grievous hurt, temporary or permanent incapacitation, rape and murder. As many as 532 persons were assisted with financial assistance of Rs 6.22 crore up to October 2017 during the current year. Director General of Police,
Mr B.S. Sandhu informed that all the cases registered under the Act were investigated by a gazetted officer not below the rank of Deputy Superintendent of Police.
Drive against fake immigration agents Haryana Police has decided to launch a drive against fake agents who give advertisements to lure students and other persons for sending them abroad. Spokesman of Police Department said that in this direction, the Police would launch a special 15-day drive/campaign from December 16 to 31, 2017 in Gurugram to trace out unauthorised agents who telecast their advertisements through television, newspapers and other mode of communication. He said that the police would check advertisements and the antecedents of these agents, and action would be initiated against those who do not have proper permission.
Chandigarh || In a move to provide affordable houses to all, Housing Board, Haryana has invited applications for allotment of three-storey dwelling units from BPL (below poverty line) families of the state. While stating this Chairman of the Board, Jawahar Yadav said that a total of 7,295 builtup flats were available in 22 different cities of Haryana namely Gurugram, Dharuhera, Faridabad, Sirsa, Kurukshetra, Panipat, Karnal, Rewari, Sonipat, Rohtak, Jhajjar, Hisar, Kaithal, Ratia, Amarawati (Panchkula), Pinjore (Kalka), Gharaunda, Yamunanagar, Fatehabad, Bahadurgarh, Palwal and Ambala. He said that registration for the dwelling units would start from December 15, 2017 and continued upto January 15, 2018. Applicants can purchase the application from alongwith the information brochure from the offices of Housing Board Haryana, C15, Awas Bhawan, Sector-6, Panchkula and other field offices of the Board and from the authorized banks.
Faridabad (NCR) 16-31 December, 2017
A hope on building the Temple, the issue will be resolved through dialogue: Prince Yakub Tucy
Raja Ashok k. Thakur & Prince Yakub Tucy (Center)
Mahinder Singh Rathod
Panchkula: Dispute of Ram Mandir-Babri Masjid in Ayodhya is pending before the Supreme Court. Hearing of the case will begin in the first week of December. Prince Yakub Habibuddin Tusy, who is the main party in the case and claims to be the descendant and successor of last Mughal Emperor Bahadur Shah Zafar is in every talk these days. He visited Ramgarh Fort, Panchkula on the invitation of two Royal families of Himachal Pardesh. Since the case is pending before the court, he did not make any straight forward comment. However, he told that harmony will prevail after the decision is passed. In addition, it was not difficult to get what he meant. Raja Ashok k. Thakur, chief of Royal Family of Siba Reyasat (Himachal Pardesh) and tant palan(Punjab), Raja Budhishwar pal, chief of Kutlehr Reyasat(Hi-
machal) and Biaspur Royal Family’ s Raja Shubhender Narayan Chand(Himkachal) had a discussion on this topic for about two hours. Tusy told that those who doubt about him being the real successor of Bahadur Shah Zafar, can approach the court. He said the court itself, in consequent of DNA test, has held him the descendent of Zafar. Asked if these is no hurdle in the making of Ram Mandir and longer , he said decision of Hon’ble Supreme Court will be acceptable for both the parities, although the issue will only be resolved by mutual understanding. He said he has already made the efforts in this direction. Now, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar is trying to mediate and I am hopeful, he said, that soon some useful outcome will certainly come out. I wish so, he said, and I think people of the country also want the same. Siba Reyasat Chief Raja Ashok k. Thakur, while ageing with the
observation made by Tusy, has expressed his hope that construction of Ram Mandir will initiate in December. Chief of other two Royal Families also praised the optimistic thinking of Prince Yakub. Tusy did not make any comment on the Padmawati row. However, heads of Royal families told that distortion of History will not be tolerated. They said that the allegation that they are supporters of a particular party is false. They are not willing to become the member of Rajya Sabha. Nor are they going to fight any election. They are in favour of maintaining harmony in the country, and how will it be done it will become clear soon. The film should be screened to Mewar Royal Family as well as to the heads /officials of different Rajput Organizations & thereafter, if required, the same must be placed before the Sensor Board for releasing it. Highly respectable Rani Padmawati is not only respectable for Rajputs but she is a symbol of woman prestige, who instead of bowing down before the foreign invaders preferred to make her own life.
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