Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi o ers nationally recognized programs with award-winning faculty, hands-on learning, and a supportive community designed to help you succeed. It’s a close-knit environment with big opportunities. This Island University has everything you want and it’s close to home.
We put out a call in search of Coastal Bend pets who just happen to have an uncanny resemblance to their owners. Judge the adorable lookalike duos for yourself while we tell you a bit about the couples, and the humans conduct playful interviews with their animal companions.
The doppelganger duo gracing the cover includes Penelope Fisher and her adorable Goldendoodle named Daphne. The pair's matching brown curls truly make them a twinning team.
Photography by: Shoocha Photography
The Port of Corpus Christi Center for Wildlife Rescue at the Texas State Aquarium provides a window into the rehabilitation of coastal species.
Special Advertising Section: The annual Top Attorneys list provides the names of area lawyers recommended by their peers. Directly following the list is Top Attorney profiles.
16 Person of Interest
Martial artist Tommy Montoya discusses his world championship title and commitment to mentoring the next generation 18
66 Open
When it came to styling both the pets and humans featured in this month’s cover feature, we knew Kim Rios, stylist and owner of local vintage retailer Metropolis Culture, was perfect for the job. Check out how she outfitted each duo on page 46.
A mother-daughter collaboration results in a colorful, traditional family home
74 Gardening
Growing cantaloupes in your Coastal Bend garden
76 Spaces
Enhance any space with the functional, decorative joys of handmade pottery
79 Entertaining
Five local restaurants striking the perfect takeout
PRESIDENT Jordan Regas jordan@hilltopmediagroup.com
VICE PRESIDENT Kaley Regas kaley@hilltopmediagroup.com
PUBLISHER Chris Knapick chris@thebendmag.com
EDITOR IN CHIEF Kylie Cooper kylie@thebendmag.com
ART DIRECTOR Jarred Schuetze jarred@thebendmag.com
MANAGING EDITOR Alexa Rodriguez alexa@thebendmag.com
ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE Gloria Stauber gloria@thebendmag.com
PRODUCTION DIRECTOR Meagan Matthews meagan@hilltopmediagroup.com
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ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE Lisa Munson accounting@thebendmag.com
EDITORIAL INTERN Halli Castro halli@thebendmag.com
Jessie Chrobocinski
Steve Gill
Rachel Benavides
Deux Boheme, Levi Guzman, Jason Page, Shoocha Photography
Lillian Reitz, Benjamin Zamora
Jillian Becquet, Justin Butts, Kayla Butts, Jessica Dusek, Jacqueline Gonzalez, Cecile Gottlich, Greg Horton, Julieta Hernandez, JoAnne Howell, Matt Kirouac, Mark Gregory Lopez, Terrie Moore, Vanessa Perez
The Bend Magazine 309 N. Water Street, Suite C, Corpus Christi, TX 78401 Phone: 361.792.3606 thebendmag.com
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Volume 10 / Issue 3, The Bend (periodicals 25150) is published monthly, 12 times a year, by Hilltop Media Group, 309 N. Water Street, Suite C, Corpus Christi, TX 78401. Periodical postage paid at Corpus Christi, TX and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Bend, P.O. Box 16765, Hollywood, CA, 91615.
Scout Therapy Dog
Scout Therapy Dog
Who is Scout?
Who is Scout?
Scout is Kennedy Dental Care’s certified therapy dog. Scout’s job is to take the edge off of nervous and uncertain patients or parents. She will make your child’s visit with us even more fun and enjoyable. Please follow us on Instagram and Facebook for more Scout content!
Scout is Kennedy Dental Care’s certified therapy dog. Scout’s job is to take the edge off of nervous and uncertain patients or parents. She will make your child’s visit with us even more fun and enjoyable. Please follow us on Instagram and Facebook for more Scout content!
Studies have shown that being in the presence of an animal companion, reduces any stress or anxiety and also comforts people.
Studies have shown that being in the presence of an animal companion, reduces any stress or anxiety and also comforts people
I would like Scout at my appointment. What do I do?
I would like Scout at my appointment. What do I do?
Please let us know when you make your appointment, so we can make sure Scout will be at the office for your visit. She does have trainer mandated off-days during the week, so it is important to request her when you schedule your appointment.
Please let us know when you make your appointment so we can make sure Scout will be at the office for your visit. She does have trainer mandated off-days during the week, so it is important to request her when you schedule your appointment.
The bi-annual Cutest Pets contest with its corresponding cover feature is always a favorite among readers. While previous year’s iterations only had one nomination requirement — a pet residing in the Coastal Bend — our team decided to switch things up a bit for this year’s rendition.
About seven months ago, as our team developed the cover feature calendar for 2023, art director Jarred Schuetze threw out an incredible idea (he tends to have a lot of those). “What if next year’s pet issue isn’t based on the Coastal Bend’s ‘cutest pets,’ but instead, we find pets who look like their owners?” A vision of styled family portraits came to mind, and we were hooked.
The challenge would, of course, be finding lookalike duos to bring this concept to life. So when the time came to put the call out to our readers, we fully acknowledged that we might
be pivoting back to the “Cutest Pets” angle should we lack in doppelganger submissions. Lacking, it turns out, we were not.
After sifting through the nominations and partaking in a deliberation à la the elimination discussions of “America’s Next Top Model,” our team selected the eight pairs you’ll meet inside this month’s issue. I’d like to extend our sincere thanks to Kim Rios for lending her styling expertise to this feature to ensure each pairing matched head-to-toeto-paw. And to the entire team at Shoocha Photography, thank you not only for making our family portrait dreams come true, but for letting us transform your studio into a pet daycare of sorts for the day.
From the effortlessly chic pairing of a Shih Tzu named Simon and his stylish owner Jennifer to the gorgeous, almost identical brown curls of a Mini Goldendoodle named Chessie and her beloved human Leslie, the local pet/owner duos you’ll meet on page 46 are sure to bring a smile to your face.
Another thing to smile about is the number of animals, many of which are endangered species, the new Port of Corpus Christi Center for Wildlife Rescue at the Texas State Aquarium has already rehabilitated and released back into the wild. Beginning on page 58, contributor Mark Gregory Lopez thoughtfully takes readers inside the new Center for Wildlife Rescue and details how this state-of-the-art facility will aid in nurturing healthy populations of the species which call the Coastal Bend home.
I hope you enjoy this month’s issue and the stories inside. As spring approaches, our team is excited to continue highlighting what makes this region so spectacular — be it our human or animal residents.
For this month’s Farm to Table section, local baker Alexandra Romeros of In the Mix Baked Goods shares her highly coveted red velvet cake recipe with readers, just
LaToya Rodriguez started a floral company out of her home at the height of the pandemic in 2020 to spread joy. Now in a brick-andmortar location, Rose Soiree offers a build-your-own bouquet bar and more. pg. 112
A hangout at the soda fountain is a quintessential American pastime of a different era. We look back at the flashy showmanship of the soda jerk from places such as Woolworth’s and Hamlin Pharmacy. pg. 120
youth was limited to an hour a week. The pastor allowed me to build a martial arts program within the church, which allowed me to have more time and opportunity with the community. Eventually, my program outgrew the space within the church and that prompted me to open my own gym, allowing me to reach even more people.
Your gym, Gracie Allegiance, has a mission centered around mentorship. Why is it important for the gym to be a safe and motivating space for youth?
TM: Growing up in a single parent home and losing my brother at an early age taught me the importance of having good role models who can provide guidance in a safe environment. I was one of the fortunate ones who was graced with strong role models in my life, and that eventually opened opportunities for me to grow beyond the limitations that were imposed upon me. That is why I strive to provide a safe and motivating space for all who seek to better themselves in our community. The practice of Jiujitsu itself imparts life lessons such as building self-confidence and learning how to treat yourself and others with respect, which is a mission statement and vision shared by one of my mentors and friends, Clark Gracie of Gracie Allegiance.
For Tommy Montoya, the world of martial arts represents a safe space. Growing up in a single-parent household, Montoya gravitated toward Jiujitsu at the age of 14 in the hopes of finding life guidance, mentorship and a positive influence. He found that the practice went far beyond kicks and punches — it strengthened his mind and spirit while imparting lessons such as building self-confidence, learning how to handle life’s curveballs and understanding the value of treating yourself and others with respect. It’s these life lessons Montoya now works to bestow upon the young athletes he trains at his gym, Gracie Allegiance. Whether he’s representing Corpus Christi at the No-Gi Worlds competition or training the next generation of champions at his local gym, Montoya’s passion is evident.
You moved back to your hometown of Corpus Christi in your 20s and eventually opened a Jiujitsu and fitness gym. What was that experience like, and why did you feel passionate about opening your own place?
TM: When I came home to Corpus Christi, I was initially working at a church as a youth pastor. It was a humbling and eye-opening experience, but my interaction with the
Most recently, you competed in the very prestigious No-Gi Worlds in Anaheim, and won gold in your class, making you the World Champion in No-Gi Jiujitsu. Can you share how that winning moment felt?
TM: Winning at No-Gi Worlds in my division was a liberating feeling because it affirms my belief that with passion and consistency, anything is achievable. It took me four attempts before I was able to achieve this title, and with each of my previous attempts, my goal was to show up and be the best competitor to honor this art form that has given me so much. With each attempt, I prepared as best as possible but without ego, and without the medal in mind, other than the lessons of personal growth and building positive relationship in this journey. To finally see it all come to fruition felt surreal, but also as though it was always meant to be.
What did preparation for the competition look like?
TM: At the black belt level, No-Gi Worlds is a coveted title and always a goal for the serious competitor, and I am no different. I have been a black belt for six years, but I have been preparing for this competition for much longer than that. I have been training Jiujitsu for at least 13 hours a week, not including my strength and conditioning sessions, for the last 15 years. This formula of consistency and perseverance and smart training to avoid injury has allowed me to earn the muchcoveted title of No-Gi World Champion.
What exactly is No-Gi Jiujitsu?
TM: Conde Koma, a Jiujitsu practitioner, was always willing to face a challenge and would consistently fight bigger and stronger opponents. His motivation wasn’t always about winning and instead more about facing challenging circumstances and obstacles. In 1908, he decided to compete in a hybrid grappling sport without a martial arts uniform (called a Gi). This style eventually became known as No-Gi Jiujitsu. The goal is to wrestle an opponent down to the ground utilizing a variety of leverage attacks including strangulations (chokes), leg locks and joint manipulation. It is a style that has been gaining popularity because it requires athleticism, speed, strength and technical mastery.
Now that you have a World Champion title, what's next on your list to achieve?
TM: Even though I have achieved State, National and World titles, I plan on keeping active in the competition realm to continue my growth in this art. However, my focus is now mainly on mentoring and guiding the next generation of competitors and leaders. I am also working on becoming more proficient in mastering the principles of business development. We are trying to create a model within our gym that will allow the next generation to spread our vision of providing a safe environment for people who want to grow into their leadership potential.
5822 S Staples St. | gracieallegiancetx.com
Are you following us on Instagram? We post daily content from the magazine, as well as news and events happening in the area. You can also tag us in your best shots of the Coastal Bend by using the hashtag #bestbendlife
The Local’s List 2023 nominations will end this month on Mar. 8. Make sure you don’t miss the voting period taking place Apr. 7 through 28. Find the full ballot online at thebendmag.com
“No matter how often you've been, there's almost always something new to see at the Art Museum of South Texas with its rotating exhibits!”
"Anyone who tells you there’s nothing to do in Corpus is misinformed! I’m so thankful to be a part of such a close-knit community and so many organizations that care about making it a wonderful place to live. We really are the biggest little town in Texas!"
“For all [you] artists out there, look at all the hits and tastemakers coming out of Corpus Christi right now. Bring [your] project down to the 3rd coast and we’ll turn [it] up.”
16th Annual Triumph Scramble James A. Ragan
16th Annual Toga Party!
Live Music by:
Taking photographs is an opportunity to capture life’s most magical moments, and Wildlife in Focus, a non-profit organization, supports its mission to preserve and protect the native wildlife and their habitats in South Texas with a bi-annual photography contest.
What began as a regular photo contest 21 years ago has evolved into an event that not only uses photography to educate the community about wildlife and their habitats, but also allows the organization to work with private landowners to provide the canvas for these incredible images taken by photographers from all over the United States and other parts of the world.
The bi-annual event features a highly anticipated photo contest on odd years, and the creation of a glossy, full-color, action-filled photo book on even years. Marissa Ford, Executive Director of Wildlife in Focus, describes the photography process as “unique and not for
the average person” due to the intense conditions required to capture the essence of wildlife — such as “crawling in the mud, laying in ant nests and dealing with chiggers as they crawl all over the place to get the perfect shot.”
The books, which can be ordered online, provide information about the location, landowner and species for each image, and offer aspiring photographers an inside look at camera angles with proof of the magic they create. However, they also serve a greater purpose beyond the eye-catching photo spreads: The spectacle on each page allows people to
reconnect with the land and wildlife of the region, and to bring knowledge of South Texas wildlife and habitats into the classroom.
Five years after Wildlife in Focus was born, it was joined by Kritters 4 Kids, an educational program now in over 300 schools in the Coastal Bend area. The curriculum, which is aligned with the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills, teaches the natural sciences and explains the significant ecological systems that are unique to Texas. The hope is that by showing students what is happening in their backyard, they will gain a greater
appreciation of what is at stake from a conservation standpoint.
Each photo contest also forms the basis for a traveling exhibit — featured in local museums such as the Corpus Christi Museum of Science and History and the Coastal Bend Community College in Beeville — whose unique photography garners lots of attention and sends books flying off the shelves wherever it lands.
The Coastal Bend has a lot to offer when it comes to the ecosystem, and joining the mission to bring awareness to our native wildlife is crucial work. Even those of us who aren’t expert
header photo by RACHEL BENAVIDES
garden project inspiration and products. Peruse a variety of displays including breathtaking gardens, landscapes, water features, pools, outdoor living and hardscapes, interior design, the latest trends and more. SHOWTECHNOLOGY.COM
March 5
Get your brunch on with Isis Paris York and a star-studded lineup of entertainment including emcee Gemini B. York at House of Rock.
Attendees will enjoy a brunch buffet from 11 a.m. to noon as well as door prizes and giveaways. Individual and table tickets are available online.
March 11
Experience the thrilling conclusion to a spectacular season of the Corpus Christi Symphony Orchestra with its Grand Finale at the TAMUCC Performing Arts Center. "Carmina Burana" by Carl Orff is one the most famous pieces ever for choir, soloists and orchestra. Tickets are available online and at the box office on the night of the event.
whole family at the 5th Annual Corpus Christi Wine Festival at Heritage Park. Enjoy food trucks, face painting, local artists and vendors, goat yoga and live music from Stoney LaRue, Triston Marez and Mobley. Tickets are available online.
March 17-18
Get ready for the 4th Annual Rockport Crawfish Cook-Off and Tasting in a new location — in Downtown Rockport at 1204 East Market St. Make plans to attend this family-friendly event with an impressive lineup
MARCH 2023
of live music, all-you-can-eat crawfish, cold drinks and a crawfish eating contest. Tickets are available online.
March 30
Accusations, mistaken identities and romances run wild in this traditional, laugh-out-loud farce, which you can see at the Port Aransas Community Theatre on Thursdays and Fridays at 7:30 p.m. and Sundays at 2:30 p.m. The show will run through April 16 and tickets are available online.
March 23
The Adventures of Prince Achmed, a film by silhouette animation pioneer Lotte Reiniger, will be featured on the TAMU-CC Performing Arts Center’s new video screen while original music is performed live by Invoke. The multi-instrumental band encompasses traditions from across America, including bluegrass, Appalachian fiddle tunes, jazz and minimalism. Tickets are available online. TAMUCC.EDU
Have an event you want included in Datebook?
place on Jan. 27 at the Weil Gallery located inside the Center for the Arts at Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi. The show featured faculty and student art from Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi, and the art sale benefited the Texas A&M University Visiting Artist Program.
In partnership with the City of Corpus Christi, the Corpus Christi Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. and several other community organizations, the 37th Annual MLK Commemorative March began with a commencement ceremony in front of City Hall on Jan. 16.
Barefoot in blue jeans, draped in embellished cobalt or layered in azure, denim is a dependable wardrobe staple that can be basic or anything but. The versatility of this classic textile is directly tied to its sustainable attributes. Vintage denim is fashion gold, to be worn as homage to the past in all its retro glory or as raw material that can be given new life and repurposed into a unique garment that will fit your lifestyle effortlessly.
Look past cut-off shorts; your favorite jeans can be deconstructed and revived as a tote bag, crop top or pet bed ... the sky's the limit.
If you want to stay true to your blues and honor the original silhouette, you can
simply update them with custom details like patches, embroidery and fringe to add distinct personality and set you apart from the dungaree-donning crowd.
To get the most impact out of this classic textile, dip into denim layering with a simple jacket and jean combo in blended hues, or make a big splash by contrasting your washes and proportions in head-to-toe sapphire, slate and ultramarine.
A seasonless material that fits every personal style, this indigo essential will stand the test of time to be wearable every day, in every way.
Conveniently located in Downtown Corpus Christi, Omni Corpus Christi Hotel is an ideal spot to explore the city. Situated along 131 miles of Texas coast, the property offers luxurious accommodations with spectacular views of the bay. Enjoy year-round sailing, swimming, snorkeling and some of the world’s best deep-sea fishing. Whether traveling for work or leisure, find what you need at Omni Corpus Christi.
As a 36-year-old woman, I am in the “sweet spot” for using products to maintain a youthful glow while simultaneously attempting to embrace signs of aging as they come. A general tip for maintaining a youthful appearance is to embrace fillers, botox, laser hair removal and cosmetic tattooing as your friends. I also feel as though we should be comfortable talking about our cosmetic enhancements. I get Botox and lip filler from Sierra at Gold Dust Cosmetic Collective; I also get my lips and eyebrows cosmetically tattooed by Gabrielle Graber and laser hair removal from Helen White Laser Electrologists.
As for skincare, I wish I could say I religiously care for it without skipping a beat, but with a schedule like mine, I’m lucky if I don’t fall asleep with my makeup on. I think everyone can relate to having dealt with acne at some point. I’ve certainly had my fair share of skin issues, and now that I’m 36, my focus is lessening the effects of acne scarring, even though I still get a zit from time to time. My strategy for dealing with flare-ups is to make light of the situation. I’ll give the zit a name like “Peter Pimple” and ride it out. I’ll even make jokes like “Peter and I are on the way.” Embrace the imperfections!
However, I do make consistent strides toward achieving a healthy complexion. I always appreciate an excellent facial with dermaplaning involved, which allows my skin to feel like it has a fresh start. I love to book with Ciara Page at Beauty Dungeon for these services. As the hot summer months approach, SPF is always key. It’s important to protect your skin while being exposed to the sun. Overall, embracing what makes you feel your best is important — no matter what that looks like for you.
Membership matters:
• For the past 25 years, Dr. Herve Gentile`s practice has been 100% exclusively limited to Aesthetic Surgery and all aspects of non-surgical Cosmetic Treatments.
• Triple Boarded Plastic Surgeon Certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery, the American Board of Facial Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery and the American Board of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery. Dr. Gentile was one of the first of only a handful of Triple Boarded Plastic Surgeons.
• Has been an invited speaker by many Plastic Surgery Societies and Institutions including the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery in the US and Internationally (Miami, Dubai, Monaco, Rio de Janeiro, etc…)
• Continually voted by his peers for many years to be included by Castle Connolly® and earlier by Best Doctors of America®. Both are the US preeminent medical-database authority to identify the highestrated specialty physicians, all of whom are nominated by their peers after an extensive survey process of thousands of doctors each year.
• Dr. Gentile held a teaching position since 1993 as Clinical Assistant Professor of Surgery (Plastic Surgery) at the Medical College of Georgia, Univ. of Georgia Systems.
• Served in the USAF flying F- 4 Phantoms. This contributed to the formation of the necessary discipline of quick decision abilities required to be a complete rounded plastic surgeon.
• With his artistic abilities, Dr. Herve Gentile designed the first in-office surgery center accredited in South Texas in the late 90`s. It features the most current technology which provides for patient convenience, comfort, and privacy with all the safety features, but without the added expenses and inconveniences of a hospital setting.
• Dr. Gentile`s tip when seeking plastic surgery is to expect to improve your looks and raise your self-esteem, but you must be prepared to have realistic expectations. Due diligence is a must in choosing the most qualified surgeon. Many are practicing without the necessary experience and qualifications. Dr. Gentile`s artistic skills, extensive training and years of experience allows him to confidently perform a variety of advanced procedures.
“I have dedicated myself to the highest standards of the ART of PLASTIC SURGERY, but I never forget the human need.”
Skinbetter Science Trio Rebalancing Moisture Treatment
Available at Gold Dust Cosmetic Collective
This patented formulation brings excellent balance to dry skin. I use this after every shower to maintain moisture balance.
Lancome Bi-Facil Double-Action Eye Makeup Remover
Available at Ulta
This makeup remover takes off even my glitter eyeshadow, which is on there like concrete sometimes. I can’t recommend this product enough.
Estee Lauder Double Wear Maximum Cover Foundation
Available at Dillard’s
This long-wearing, flawless foundation formulated with almost 30% pigment, provides full concealing coverage wherever you need it. I have used this makeup for years. It is a tried and true product in my regimen.
Anastasia Beverly Hills Soft Glam
Eyeshadow Palette
Available at Sephora
An everyday-to-night palette with 14 shades, including essential mattes and glam shimmer finishes; this is a musthave. I love the high pigments and smooth application.
Urban Decay De-Slick Oil Control Makeup Setting Spray
Available at Sephora
This setting spray is made with Urban Decay’s patented Temperature Control Technology, which lowers the temperature of makeup to keep foundation, concealer, eyeshadow and blush from smudging, sliding or fading. It keeps my makeup looking fresh even during a long event outdoors. Which, in our climate, is a total win.
Whether beachfront or poolside, stay Spring Break ready with these sunny essentials influenced by the colors of the classic, warm-weather treat.
Blocks from Ocean Drive | 3850 S Alameda | Corpus Christi, TX
we are proud to be home for the best of south texas
winners of the 2021 “the local’s list” from THE BEND magazine
the best craft cocktail | THE POST
the best children’s clothing | FOUR CHICKS IN THE PARK
the best personal shopper | Alexa Gignac at JULIAN GOLD
the best wardrobe stylist | Alexa Gignac at JULIAN GOLD
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programs to help conquer your health and wellness goals. Each program will include a nutrition consultation with our Nurse Practitioner/Nutrition Counselor We are here to provide the same individualized focus to each patient and their needs that we are known for from a wellness standpoint to help you achieve the body results you desire.
BY: JESSICA DUSEK PHOTO: BEN ZARAGOSAfrom the pedals to the seat, as well as the seat to the handlebars, provides a guide for the feet to hip placement, as well as the torso’s alignment with the handle bars, resulting in the perfect fit for optimum performance and comfort.
In addition to the custom bike fitting services, Hypebyke features indoor bike stations in Corpus Christi’s first virtual cycling studio. “[With virtual cycling,] you are able to focus on the execution of the workout. It’s so advantageous because it’s so efficient,” explained Salinas.
Ready to hop back on that bike—or perhaps learn to pedal those wheels in a new way? The old adage “it’s as easy as riding a bike” serves true for almost every rider, even if you’ve had discomfort before. Practice and form are key to joining the cycling lifestyle, and proper bicycle fittings help decrease unnecessary pain while increasing joy on future rides. To ensure the success of incoming cyclists, Hypebyke owner Melanie Salinas has brought in a professional.
Owen Puno, PT, DBT, holds a Doctor of Physical Therapy and is now working with Hypebyke to conduct proper alignment and fittings for the local bike shop’s clients. “He brings a lot of knowledge to better modify and better fit the rider so no pain is experienced on the ride,” explained Salinas. Puno’s expertise is applied to get the body and the bicycle in sync. “It’s not supposed to hurt when you ride your bike,” she added. “It should feel euphoric.”
Bikes come in all shapes and sizes, just as riders do. The proper height, length and dimensions of each bike can help reduce pressure on the tailbone, shoulders, elbows, wrists and pelvic area — supporting long-term body alignment. The inner triangular frame of the bike determines the proper fit for each rider. Ensuring the correct distance
Hypebyke offers different levels of membership and participation for riders of all levels. As stated on its website, options include Drop-in, Newbie, Inter-Roadie and RoadStar status.
The efficiency of indoor cycling continues to gain popularity with locals — steering clear of those pesky mosquitoes and humidity during the South Texas summer months. The indoor atmosphere provides riders with the ability to directly focus on achieving their daily fitness goal (i.e., completing a 60-minute ride with a specific time goal) without the stress of the road. “You get to focus on the workout versus protecting yourself,” noted Salinas.
Some potential benefits of cycling include a strengthened immune system, improved mental health from consistent exercise, decreased carbon footprint when used in place of automobiles and increased physical endurance. As spring unfolds, cycling activities become an outlet for people of all ages to improve body circulation, metabolic rate and mental clarity. With its in-house resources, Hypebyke continues to serve as a cycling incubator — cultivating new and returning riders toward a greater cycling community.
Covered in Spanish moss, abloom with vibrant azaleas and redolent of soulful comfort food, the innate charm of Savannah, Georgia, is a multi-sensory experience felt all over. It’s on its historic thoroughfares, lined with so many live oaks that streets feel like floral tunnels. It’s in its stone-clad architecture, a timeworn motif that looks distinctly its own. It’s in its waterways, from the ornate fairy tale fountains to the riverboats chugging up the Savannah River. It’s in the food, at restaurants showcasing the local bounty through seasonal tasting menus and dining rooms. Savannah is the kind of quintessential Southern city that sometimes gets compared to a miniature version of New Orleans or Charleston, but it’s got a laid-back charm — and an almost hauntingly beautiful identity — all its own.
Old and new, large and small, Savannah boasts a wide array of lodging options, each one sporting a singular style and vibe. For quality and quantity, the JW Marriott Plant Riverside is a stunning, massive property perched on the Savannah River at the lavish Plant Riverside District. Housed in a former power plant, the huge hotel dazzles with its myriad restaurants and bars (including multiple rooftop lounges), spacious guest rooms with exposed brick, cabana-clad pool deck — and most strikingly, its soaring lobby decorated with bejeweled fossils and a giant chrome-dipped dinosaur.
Just down the river, it doesn’t get any more chic than the Thompson Savannah. This resort is a stunning masterpiece of midcentury-meetsmodern architecture, with some of the best hotel dining in town. The art-filled resort is handily sandwiched between the Historic District and the Eastern Wharf, providing the perfect amount of solace while still close to downtown’s cultural epicenter. Views, too, are striking — vistas of the river and the cobblestoned city provide ample eye candy.
FCB welcomes Interactive Teller Machines — a high-tech change with a hometown feel. Our ITMs will enhance your banking experience with being able to talk with a local virtual teller during and after hours. We invite you to take a leap from then to now as we continue to grow and change with your needs in mind.
Start at City Market, an open-air market in and around an array of restored warehouses. Brimming with galleries, shops, live music and restaurants, it personifies everything there is to love about this singular city. There’s an art center, where visitors can watch artists work their magic, along with stores selling everything from jewelry to shoes and bath salts. There’s also the American Prohibition Museum — complete with a speakeasy-themed cocktail bar, aptly — and a slew of restaurants, like The Little Crown by Pie Society, a British-style pub and “pie house” slinging pies both savory, such as steak and kidney pie, and sweet, such as chocolate silk.
For some history, see a show in one of the oldest continually operating theaters in the nation: the Savannah Theatre. Located on Chippewa Square, right across the street from the famous park where Tom Hanks sits in Forrest Gump, it’s operated since 1818. The local icon has hosted performances from the likes of Oscar Wilde and Otis Skinner, and today it’s used for musical revues.
Another park that merits a visit is Forsyth Park, a 30-acre oasis of billowing Spanish moss in the heart of the historic district. An idyllic place for a picnic or a stroll, or just to sit on a bench and wax poetic a la Mr. Gump, the green space contains one of the most famed fountains in the city.
Among the city’s foremost restaurants is The Grey, an award-winning concept from executive chef and partner Mashama Bailey. Elegant and warmly welcoming, the contemporary Southern sensation serves an ever-changing menu of fiercely seasonal low country cuisine and seasonal cocktails inside an Art Deco Greyhound bus terminal. The restaurant is fronted by a more casual oyster and cocktail bar with a lofty dining room in back, serving tasting menus and a la carte dishes.
In terms of Savannah classics, it doesn’t get much more iconic than The Olde Pink House, a comfort food institution serving lunch and dinner in a pink-hued Colonial-style mansion. Folks have been flocking here since 1971 (though the building dates back to the 1700s) for time-tested recipes like Cheerwine barbecue pork, blackened oysters, fried chicken and something called “Southern Sushi,” made by rolling smoked shrimp and grits in coconut-crusted nori.
For old-school sweets with newschool techniques, rise and shine at Back in the Day Bakery, a weekend bakeshop with some of the best confections and baked goods in town, such as buttery biscuits, lavender cookies, blondies, salted honey bars and focaccia.
While you’re at the Thompson, make it an all-day affair and linger for dinner at Fleeting. Chef Rob Newton puts his stamp on regionally influenced low country cuisine with the likes of shaved collard green salad, pan-roasted fish with field pea chowder and Carolina Gold Rice pudding. Cap it off at Bar Julian, the hotel’s rooftop bar (and the tallest in the city), where the cocktails — including zero-proof ones — are just as pretty as the views, including the peach whiskey Georgia Julep and a mezcal medley with red pepper and cocoa.
Regular readers should be familiar with The Bend’s bi-annual Cutest Pets contest — however, this year, we decided to switch things up a bit. We put out a call in search of Coastal Bend pets who just happen to have an uncanny resemblance to their owners. After sifting through tons of nominations featuring adorable pets and their lookalike humans, we selected the eight dynamic duos you’ll meet in this feature. Judge the resemblances for yourself while we tell you a bit about the couples, and the humans conduct playful interviews with their animal companions.
From the effortlessly chic pairing of a Shih Tzu named Simon and his stylish person Jennifer to the gorgeous, almost identical brown curls of a Micro Goldendoodle named Chessie and her beloved friend Leslie, these local pet/owner pairs are sure to bring a smile to your face.
Striking a pose comes naturally for both Britt
Wendl-Aoshima and her four-year-old Shiba Inu named Hanna. The pair’s model tendencies can be seen in full effect as Hanna has perfected her runway strut and Britt has walked actual runways. Aside from matching blonde hair, the glamorous duo’s similarities can be found in their shared love of an accessorized moment, entertaining guests at home, eating banana chips and binging their favorite TV shows.
Britt: What are your favorite activities to partake in while home alone?
Hanna: Tormenting the cat and taking long naps in my banana bed.
Britt: What’s your least favorite piece of furniture in the house?
Hanna: The cat’s bed and litter box
Britt: What’s your favorite thing about living with our family?
Hanna: Being spoiled like an only child.
Britt: If you could be adopted by any celebrity, who would it be and why?
Hanna: Kevin Costner, with the hopes of becoming a family dog on the “Yellowstone” series.
Britt: What’s your favorite song to jam to and why?
Hanna: “I’m a Banana” because it’s all about my nickname, “Banana.”
Britt: Go-to snack?
Hanna: Banana chips.
Britt: Who would play you in a movie and why?
Hanna: Hachi [from the movie of the same name] because it represents my love for my parents and how I would be if y'all ever left.
Britt: If you were to go on a reality TV show, which one would it be and why?
Hanna: “Selling Sunset,” so I can cruise around in a nice car while looking at luxury properties.
Britt: What’s your biggest pet peeve?
Hanna: Being told “No.”
Simon: Well, I usually stare out the window when you leave me at home. I mope and sometimes I fall asleep until I hear your car pull up.
Jennifer: What’s your least favorite piece of furniture in the house?
Simon: Are you kidding? There isn’t a piece of furniture I haven't been able to utilize and enjoy.
Jennifer: What’s your biggest pet peeve?
Simon: Oh geez! I have many pet peeves. I would have to say it would be loud clanging noises. I am terrified of thunder, and I can sense it from many miles away. I also don’t like ironing boards, noisy baking pans and angry music like Korn.
Jennifer: What’s your favorite song to jam to?
Simon: “It’s a Good Day” by Peggy Lee.
Jennifer: If you could be adopted by any celebrity, who would it be and why?
Simon: Lady Gaga, because she is a dog lover, she sings and would make sure my hair is always on point.
Jennifer: If you were to go on a reality TV show, which one would it be and why?
Simon: “Million Dollar Listings,” since you’re a realtor and that means we could be together all day.
Jennifer: What’s your favorite thing about living with our family?
Simon: Wow, where do I start? It’s difficult to narrow it down to one thing, but it would have to be that y’all are with me most of the time and I get to sleep in bed with you every night
Jennifer: Go-to snack?
Simon: During the summer it’s watermelon, hands down. And you know how much I love steak night!
There’s no better word to describe Jennifer Saski and her two-year-old Shih Tzu named Simon than chic. The stylish set often travel together and, if you’re lucky, you might just catch a glimpse of Simon casually lounging in his papoose riding with Jennifer on her motor scooter. Aside from the duet’s effortless style, the most striking resemblance comes from their multi-colored hair and ability to smize for the camera. Tyra Banks would be so proud.
In a moment that can only be described as destiny, Mayra Zamora and her Tuxedo cat named Mancha came into each other's life by pure fate. The cat was hanging outside of Mayra’s apartment one day and immediately came running when she called.
Mayra and Mancha’s similarities range from both being homebodies — though always up for an adventure — to their love for giving hugs, charming folks with their dashing good looks, great fashion sense (Mancha permanently wears a tuxedo, after all) and ability to unabashedly tell it like it is.
Mayra: What are your favorite activities to partake in while home alone?
Mancha: I love looking out the window (because I’m chismoso). Other than that, sunbathing and taking naps.
Mayra: What’s your least favorite piece of furniture in the house? Mancha: I’m a cat…no furniture or room is off-limits.
Mayra: Who would play you in a movie and why?
Mancha: A white Bengal tiger, because they are unique and strong like me.
Mayra: Go-to snack?
Mancha: Lasagna! Just kidding, I’m not Garfield. I go crazy for tuna.
Mayra: What’s your favorite thing about living with our family? Mancha: I love living with y’all, but my secret favorite thing is when dad takes me on walks by the water. It’s our bonding time.
Mayra: If you could be adopted by any celebrity, who would it be and why?
Mancha: I’m already adopted by a local celebrity — my mom is the Chicana art queen of Corpus Christi. Shoutout to you!
Mayra: What’s your favorite song to jam to and why?
Mancha: “Techno Cumbia” from Selena. I love the mix of old and new. Plus, I get to see you do your silly dance moves.
Mayra: If you were to go on a reality TV show, which one would it be and why?
Mancha: Nombre! They’ll want me to go home week one ’cuz all I’ll want to do is sleep.
Mayra: What’s your biggest pet peeve?
Mancha: When you and dad kiss me too much. It’s like hello, I just want to sleep in peace.
Chessie: Collect your and dad's clothes and cuddle them in my bed.
Leslie: What’s your least favorite piece of furniture in the house?
Chessie: The Roomba. You and dad have never seen this, but it comes to life when you're gone.
Leslie: What’s your favorite thing about living with our family?
Chessie: I’ve trained you all to pet me on command.
Leslie: If you could be adopted by any celebrity, who would it be and why?
Chessie: My country queen Dolly Parton.
Leslie: What’s your favorite song to jam to and why?
Chessie: “Dancing Queen” by ABBA because it makes my heart sing and my body move.
Leslie: Who would play you in a movie and why?
Chessie: Shakira, because like hers, my hips don't lie.
Leslie: If you were to go on a reality TV show, which one would it be and why?
Chessie: “The Real House Dogs,” because as RHONY icon Carole Radziwill put it, “all play and no work makes me a happy girl.”
Leslie: Go-to snack?
Chessie: Peanut butter anything, no contest.
Never ones to turn down a chance for self-care, Leslie Hipp and her partner in crime Chessie love a good rest and relaxation moment. Whether they’re lounging in the sun (yes, Chessie has her own mini lawn chair complete with an attached umbrella) or brushing out their gorgeous brown curls, they love a good pampering. Leslie and her husband Harris lovingly refer to Chessie as the “queen of the house.” With a title like that, one might expect drama, but another similar characteristic shared by Leslie and Chessie is their naturally calm demeanor and ability to make friends wherever they go.
Outdoorsmen through and through, John and Charlie are two peas in a pod. Charlie’s breed, Wirehaired Pointing Griffon, is a versatile hunting breed and makes a wonderful family pup, as well. A family man with a love of nature? That statement could be used to describe either John or Charlie! Since bringing the pup home from a family farm in Kansas when he was just nine weeks old, John and Charlie have been inseparable. The fact that both sport fabulous brown hair with salt-and-pepper coloring and great beards is just the cherry on top of this doppelganger duo.
John: What are your favorite activities to partake in while home alone?
Charlie: I love shopping in my human sister’s bedroom. She has the best stuffed animals and socks to chew up. I also love to dribble water from my beard all over the floor.
John: What’s your least favorite piece of furniture in the house?
Charlie: Our leopard couch. It’s soft but way too small for when I like to lay out lengthwise. I’m a 5-footer, after all.
John: What’s your favorite song to jam to and why?
Charlie: Herbie Hancock’s “Watermelon Man.” It’s a real headturner.
John: Who would play you in a movie and why?
Charlie: Sam Elliott. He has a terrific mustache and a cowboy hat.
John: What’s your favorite thing about living with our family?
Charlie: Between my puppy siblings Brown Dog and Bullard and human siblings Ginny and Jack, I always have someone to play with! I do not like being alone, which is why I think you and mom call me “Velcro dog.”
John: If you were to go on a reality TV show, which one would it be and why?
Charlie: I would be the super cute dog in one of those dramatic houseflipping shows in SoCal like “Flipping Out.”
John: What’s your biggest pet peeve?
Charlie: Loud music, especially at the boat ramp.
John: Go-to snack?
Charlie: Fruit! Hand-delivered by you or mom. I also love an almond butterstuffed Kong toy.
Daphne: If I had my way, chewing on things I can’t when the family is here. Y’all have an awesome schedule and I’m with humans most of the time, but on the occasion I’m left home, I just take a nap.
Penelope: What’s your least favorite piece of furniture in the house?
Daphne: The gate that keeps me out of the kitchen. Not sure if it's a coincidence, but it was installed right after I discovered I can reach the countertops...go figure.
Penelope: If you could be adopted by any celebrity, who would it be and why?
Daphne: Jonathan Van Ness. We both have great hair and I’m sure every day would be a spa day!
Penelope: What’s your biggest pet peeve?
Daphne: When the squirrels are outside while I’m inside. So unfair.
Penelope: What’s your favorite thing about living with our family?
Daphne: There’s almost always someone around to play with.
Penelope: What’s your favorite song to jam to?
Daphne: “Dirty Paws” by Of Monsters and Men.
Penelope: Who would play you in a movie and why?
Daphne: Kristen Schaal. The curly brown hair and we’re both hilarious and high energy.
Penelope: If you were to go on a reality TV show, which one would it be and why?
Daphne: I’m very food-motivated, so something like “Top Chef” would be great.
Penelope: Go-to snack?
Daphne: Socks. But if no one feels like sharing their socks, dehydrated lamb lung pieces will do.
Similar in more ways than one, Penelope and Daphne are living out their teenage dream era together. Sleeping in and lounging around the house on a Saturday morning happens to be a favorite pastime for both. The duo also enjoys acting — while Penelope is active in the theatre scene, Daphne takes her role as a human very seriously … sitting upright on the couch watching TV like a real person and all. The pair also describe themselves as a bit clumsy. However, the striking resemblance between them with those luscious brown locks is what really seals the deal for this twinning team.
IT’S CLAIMED THAT MONICA DICKENS, THE GREAT-GRANDDAUGHTER OF CHARLES DICKENS, BRED THE FIRST CROSS BETWEEN A GOLDEN RETRIEVER AND A POODLE IN 1969.Like millions of others at the height of the pandemic, Kristiana Woods began searching the internet for a puppy to adopt. After seeing an adorable photo of a tiny basset hound with the floppiest of ears, the decision was made and that tiny pup came home with her. Kristiana and Frank share several traits outside the uncanny resemblance between his floppy ears and her long locks. An innate lackadaisical facade with a goofy side underneath and a loyal love for those in their pack top the list of similarities.
Kristiana: What are your favorite activities to partake in while home alone?
Frank: Sleeping and watching the nature channel on TV.
Kristiana: What’s your least favorite piece of furniture in the house?
Frank: The tall bed with no steps; my legs are too small to jump up!
Kristiana: What’s your favorite thing about living with our family?
Frank: Treats, snuggles, lots of toys and playing with my big sister Tilly (rottweiler/lab mix).
Kristiana: If you could be adopted by any celebrity, who would it be and why?
Frank: Betty White! She was a basset hound lover and would definitely know my quirks and how to take care of me. May she rest in peace.
Kristiana: Go-to snack? Frank: Goldfish.
Kristiana: What’s your favorite song to jam to and why?
Frank: “A Day in the Life” by the Beatles. It’s a good song to just lounge and relax to, which, as you know, is my favorite thing to do.
Kristiana: Who would play you in a movie and why?
Frank: I can’t think of anyone off the top of my head, but he’d have to give off the vibe of an old man who lives on a farm...I feel like I just have the face of an 80-year-old farmer.
Kristiana: If you were to go on a reality TV show, which one would it be and why?
Frank: “The Voice.” You know I have an incredible howl.
Kristiana: What’s your biggest pet peeve?
Frank: When you and dad make me come inside and I just want to stay in the backyard and sniff things all day.
Dom: Finding clothes, especially socks, that do not belong to me! I even love Bailey’s (my human sister's) beauty blenders.
Michael: What’s your least favorite piece of furniture in the house?
Dom: My dog bed! Although Bailey's bed is way better…
Michael: What’s your favorite thing about living with our family?
Dom: The car rides and pup cups are my favorite! I also love watching the Cowboys play and making TikToks with you.
Michael: Who would play you in a movie and why?
Dom: Mel from "Secret Life of Pets" — we have lots of similarities and are a little bit hyperactive, yet somehow a dopey pug!
Michael: If you could be adopted by any celebrity, who would it be and why?
Dom: The singer Karol G so you can then meet her!
Michael: What’s your favorite song to jam to and why?
Dom: Parker McCollum’s “I Can’t Breathe,” mostly because I find it very relatable.
Michael: If you were to go on a reality TV show, which one would it be and why?
Dom: “America’s Next Top Model,” mainly because I have a vast collection of clothes that I wear daily! I just know Tyra Banks would love me.
Michael: Go-to snack?
Dom: I LOVE TREATS!!! Especially the bacon ones. I also love when my brother shares his human food with me when no one is looking.
How ’bout them Cowboys?!
As one can imagine from the photos above, this is a phrase Michael Guerra and his one-year-old Pug-Zu toss around on a regular basis. Seriously, you won’t find a more committed fan duo than this pair. Though their resemblance comes more from their shared interests and personality traits, Michael and Dom are truly kindred spirits. Outside their shared and fervent love for “dem boyz,” they both enjoy falling asleep on the couch, making TikToks together and savoring every delicious bite of a meal.
A rare opportunity to purchase sculpture by Dr. Sherman Tipton Coleman (1920-2005). He was a WWII veteran, cardiovascular surgeon in Corpus Christi, Chief of Surgery and Chief of Staff at two Coastal Bend hospitals, and talented bronze sculptor He began his sculpting career at 54 and spent the next thirty years completing public commissions throughout Corpus Christi including two prominent pieces in the City Public Art Collection This exhibit will feature 33 bronzes of wildlife, racehorses, historical and religious subjects.
Art Center of Corpus Christi
100 N Shoreline Blvd
Corpus Christi, TX 78401
www artcentercc org
Port of Corpus Christi Center for Wildlife Rescue at the Texas State Aquarium provides a window into the rehabilitation of coastal species.
It’s this appreciation that prompts wonder about the world around us, who protects it and who seeks to conserve it. This concept was the catalyst for the new, custom-designed, 26,000-square-foot Port of Corpus Christi Center for Wildlife Rescue at The Texas State Aquarium (TSA), where creatures that roam the air and ocean can be rehabilitated and released back into the wild to live anew.
Tom Schmid, TSA’s previous CEO of 20 years (who is now with the Cincinnati Zoo), first approached the Port with the project, since the land the center sits on is Port property which TSA rents out. “We felt [the Center] was a nice fit with our continuing commitment to environmental stewardship and sustainability, so we went to our board and they committed $2.5 million to the initiative,” said Sean Strawbridge, CEO of the Port of Corpus Christi. In regard to the naming rights, Strawbridge elaborated on the marketing benefit but also how “it allows visitors to understand the Port Authority isn’t just about the economy, but driving economic prosperity for a reason, [as well as being] equally committed to environmental sustainability and stewardship.”
Funded by the Port of Corpus Christi, the City, the state and fundraising efforts from the community, the newly built Port of Corpus Christi Center for Wildlife Rescue at the Texas State Aquarium — which has its grand opening set for the beginning of this month — boasts major improvements and a cutting-edge experience that was not available to patrons who ventured to that part of the aquarium’s rescue center before. “I think the most exciting aspect is the turtle hospital itself,” said Philip Ramirez, the principal architect of the Center and President of Turner | Ramirez Architects. “We’re bringing that to the forefront of every space. This turns it inside out in a way that shows the public this is the work we do here; they can see how the turtles are cared for in real time.” In addition to the turtle hospital, visitors will be able to see when animals are taken through a CT scan and the interactions between staff and animals during the rehabilitation process.
Being the largest wildlife rescue program in Texas and one of the largest in the U.S., this sense of transparency in letting the public actually view medical procedures taking place makes a wildlife conservation effort such as this so revolutionary. The new center also contains the largest capacity for sea turtles (3,000 patients) in the country, houses the only CAT scan medical imagery technologies for wildlife in Texas and is the only rescue program in the state permitted for marine mammals, manatees, sea turtles and birds, making it one of only five in the country with these capabilities.
With talk of climate change, environmental upheaval and industrial expansion laying siege to lands that had previously been untainted, it serves as a bright light on the horizon to know that not all industrial expansion hinders conservation — in this case, it aids in it.
“I think those are always going to be concerns,” said Jesse Gilbert, president and CEO of the Texas State Aquarium. “What we’ve always strived for at the Aquarium is that meeting point of conservation and stewardship for the future. Getting to teach and inform people now about the conservation and sustainability efforts of what we do here and hopefully shepherd newer generations who want to take up this kind of work.”
According to the Turner | Ramirez website, “The Wildlife Rescue Center will be open to the public, and its key exhibit spaces include the turtle hospital, surgery room, treatment room and marine mammal holding tank. With views and a terrace overlooking the Bay, the Wildlife Rescue Center will help bring education and awareness to the marine mammals, sea turtles, avian wildlife and ocean impacts of the Coastal Bend.”
So, while it is important to note the number of animals and wildlife that will be helped with the structure, it’s also worth mentioning the importance of that sentiment: In a city that has seen its share of hurricanes, floods, freezes and other natural disasters, the resilience of the wildlife and the efforts of those who keep it alive and thriving mean that this center will not only affect the natural world, but also shape the way we combat the effects of disasters in the future to come.
It’s easy for someone to have feelings of skepticism, in that building something concrete on someplace that was once natural land can seem counterintuitive to those efforts, but Strawbridge points toward another sentiment to alleviate those concerns. “There’s a lot of misunderstanding about the ability for both industry and environmental initiatives to coexist in tandem,” he said. “There is, in my opinion, no greater commitment to environmental protections than in the oil and gas industry, and we’ve seen that in their self-regulation and emissions reduction, and water discharge toxins, all of that … The Corpus Christi Ship Channel is so clean that the Texas State Aquarium draws its water for its aquatic exhibits directly from the ship channel, and that couldn’t happen without the efforts of the Port and other organizations who are trying to protect the region.”
And this protection of the region has prompted the aquarium to provide space for animal rehabilitation, as well as a place where patrons can not only hear about the work being done but actually see it for themselves, thus perpetuating a hopeful cycle of awareness and protection. After all, TSA’s mission is to increase the capacity for wildlife rescue and response, facilitate learning for veterinary medical students and veterinary technologists and foster a better understanding for the public regarding what each of us can do to help protect wildlife. As of this writing, the center has admitted more than 8,700 animals with more than 4,000 released back into the wild — 2,855 of which were endangered species.
“This is definitely a step up from how we’ve been doing things in the past,” Gilbert said, “to be able to have a place where our veterinarians and rescue team can do the work, and have the public see it, whereas in the past, it’s been off-site and not accessible. This is not only an improvement but also a way for people to see what stewardship looks like while it’s actually in practice. It’s a wonderful thing.” An example of how this is already underway is the tremendous number of
Above: The Wildlife Rescue Centers' hosts the largest capacity for sea turtles (3,000 patients) in the country. Below: The lobby at the new Wildlife Rescue Center allows guests to be met with interactive and educational actives from the moment they step inside.
cold-stunned turtles who have been rescued, rehabilitated and released back into the wild over the last several months.
“Mother Nature can be very unforgiving, but if we have the ability to bring some forgiveness through manmade initiatives like the Center, that’s really satisfying,” said Gilbert. The Port of Corpus Christi Center for Wildlife Rescue at the Texas State Aquarium is a beacon of hope for aquatic and coastal mammal species, and will continue to nurture healthy populations of those species for years to come.
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*Corpus Christi Rehabilitation Hospital was ranked from among 861 inpatient rehabilitation facilities in 2021 by the Uniform Data System for Medical Rehabilitation (UDSMR), a non-profit corporation that maintains the world’s largest database for medical rehabilitation outcomes.
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Corpus Christi’s prestigious Ocean Drive is lined with landmark, classic homes. Some have even been there since the early 20th century. When Peggy and Scott Fagan set out to build their dream home, they wanted to emulate the traditional design of the grand abodes that once lined Corpus Christi’s downtown.
“I’ve always been drawn to traditional style. It has been a dream to build a classic style home,” Peggy said.
The design process was truly a family event. After finalizing the architectural plans, the Fagans enlisted the help of their daughter, interior
designer Elaina Fagan Darden. “During COVID, Elaina was home for a while so we were able to bounce ideas off one another and play with fabric samples while she was home,” said Peggy. “It was a very collaborative process.”
However, before diving into the interior design, Peggy and Scott really wanted to make certain the architecture would maximize their incredible bay views, and added floor-to-ceiling windows across the back of the house. This design change goes against classical design principles, but was necessary to achieve the light and airy feel they desired.
The bar with its Moroccan zellige tile, wallpapered ceiling and Farrow & Ball Calke Green cabinetry sits between the living room and kitchen.“The design of the home is based in principles of classical architecture. The front is very much that, but my parents wanted to break the rules in the back,” Elaina said. “How could you not have huge windows to look out on that view?”
With this change, Peggy can now enjoy one of her favorite aspects of the home. “We love the big windows and waking up to the sun coming up over the water. Sometimes at night, the moon rises and the bay is lit up. Every day is different,” she said.
For the interiors of the home, the motherdaughter duo took inspiration from the wallpaper in the entry. “It’s a beautiful hand-painted De Gournay that my parents gifted each other for their 25th wedding anniversary. It’s so special, but it also really informs the design,” said Elaina. This classic wallpaper, with its colorful, tropical botanicals and
embroidered birds and butterflies, is the foundation for the home’s color palette. From the green Oomph coffee table in the living room and Farrow & Ball Calke Green cabinetry in the bar to the blush walls of the powder room and the blue monotone sitting room, the influence of this timeless wallpaper is clear.
In addition to the whimsical color scheme, the home features a balanced mix of traditional antiques and new pieces in the Grand Millennial style. “The furniture is a blend of old and new, which makes it fun and youthful. We have new pieces, but we still have the beautiful old pieces that mean a lot to us,” Peggy said. Much of the antique furniture pieces and artwork are from Peggy’s parents and grandparents, while the antique chandeliers are from Scott’s parents.
One of the home’s most special elements for adding character and history is the wood paneling in the dining room, which is from Peggy’s childhood home. “I love that we were able to use the paneling from the house my parents built in the ’70s. It’s the house I grew up in. My father loved that paneling,” she said. “My parents’ interior designer had bought it from a castle in Ireland. Our cabinetry fabricator was able to rework it and put it back together so that it fits in the new dining room.”
Just off the dining room is another hidden gem of the home: the wine room. Inside the room is a plaque made from the door of Scott’s family’s
mausoleum. Scott affectionately calls the wine room “the soul of the house.”
Despite only completing the home in October 2020, the Fagans have already made cherished memories in their dream home. “Elaina got married in the backyard. It all has come full circle because Scott and I got married at my childhood home,” Peggy said. The Fagans are grateful that their daughters feel a strong connection to their parents’ new home. “All of us had a hand in putting this house together. Both our daughters helped. We all had a part in making it special.”
Muskmelon were first documented growing in the floodplains of the Nile Delta thousands of years ago. Their cultivation spread early throughout Africa, the Middle East and Asia.
Muskmelon are one of the true treats of the garden. The firm rind (which is edible and delicious when pickled) holds flesh pastel in color and powerfully sweet in taste. Prepare yourself for the exquisite sweetness of your own homegrown melons—the flavor is a dramatic departure from bland grocery store wannabes.
Muskmelon includes cantaloupe, honeydew and casaba melons. Cantaloupe has lovely orange flesh, while honeydew is a light shade of green and casaba melon is yellow. Honeydew is the sweetest, casaba tastes of cucumber and cantaloupe from your garden tastes of honey.
By the 1200s, muskmelon arrived in Europe; and cantaloupe became (and remains) especially popular in Italy. The name cantaloupe itself was coined in the Italian city of Cantalupo, where popes had a country estate and famously dined on sweet cantaloupe melons every summer.
Today, China leads the world in cantaloupe production, followed by Turkey. California produces the most cantaloupes in the United States, followed by Arizona. The regions where they thrive demonstrate ideal muskmelon cultivation requirements: long periods of warm, but not too hot, weather accompanied by minimal, gentle rainfall.
In the Coastal Bend, plant muskmelon by transplant in early March. They require 85 to 100 days to mature, which means early March planting allows muskmelon to fully ripen before the piercing heat of July shuts down production.
Spacing: 24” down row, rows 48” apart. Plant from transplant in early March. Full sun. Well-drained, sandy soil. Add several inches compost to soil, plus four cups pastured poultry manure and two cups native wood ash per plant. Side dress with two cups pastured poultry manure at first sign of blooms. Mulch with native leaf mulch. Water as needed until first fruits form. Treat aphids by introducing ladybugs.
Be prepared for a heavy vine presence with vines up to 8’ in length. Leaves and vines grow thick and lush, but diminish as fruit mature. Can be grown on a sturdy trellis. Vines must be woven into trellis to support weight. Once fruit forms, insert each fruit into pantyhose and tie to the trellis so the heavy, mature fruit doesn’t fall off vine. Deer and raccoons are significant pests of nearly ripened fruit.
Here are a few secrets to achieving the sweetest muskmelon: First, add at least two cups of native wood ash per plant. Wood ash from native trees contains potassium and many trace minerals that enhance sweetness. Do not water plants once fruit sets. Lastly, let cantaloupes fully ripen on the vine. Ripening (and potential sweetness) stops once fruit is picked. The vine should easily fall away and the blossom end of fruit should have a sweet smell. Refrigerate immediately.
Ihave one rule for any object that comes to live in my home: It must be beautiful and useful. Handmade pottery vases and vessels are the perfect collisions of art and utility. Keep them on a bookshelf to add interest and dimension to a stack of books, then bring them to the table for a dinner party or to hold that spring bloom you’ve patiently waited for all winter. Large and heavy vessels will hold whole branches, while smaller, dainty vases need only one bud. Check out local art galleries and farmers markets to find what speaks to you, and start collecting.
get the look q
Featured ceramic artists: Tracy Daugird , Nathaneal Huffman and Vivian RoodIncorporating sentimental details into wedding decor can be done in a variety of ways. The bride and groom wanted a neon sign, and while you typically see this trend at weddings spell out the couple’s last name, we opted for a lyric from one of their favorite songs. Tables named after the pair’s favorite Port Aransas dive bars are another example of a
Palmilla Beach Resort provided an exquisite setting for this tropicalinspired wedding. The event took place entirely outdoors along the resort’s long beachfront, greenspaces and dunes. The sun began to set just as the happy couple started their first dance –providing the perfect backdrop to their special moment.
Inspired by tropical flora, warm hues of pink, orange and yellow, along with pops of green, were used in the gorgeous arrangements from Wild Veggie Bouquet and throughout the event’s decor. Bouquets included a variety of florals such as plumeria, flowering ginger and monstera stems.
Summary. To create the list, the magazine contracted DataJoe Research to facilitate an online peer-voting process and Internet research process. DataJoe Research is a software and research company specializing in data collection and verification, and conducts various nominations across the United States on behalf of publishers. To create the list, DataJoe Research facilitated an online peer-voting process. We paired this with an Internet research process to identify success characteristics. DataJoe checked and confirmed that each published winner had, at time of review, a current, active license status with the appropriate state regulatory board. If we were not able to find evidence of a lawyer's current, active registration with the state regulatory board, that lawyer was excluded from the list. In addition, we checked available public sources to identify lawyers disciplined for an infraction by the state regulatory board. These entities were excluded from the list. Finally, DataJoe presented the tallied result to the magazine for its final review and adjustments.
Final note. We recognize that there are many good lawyers who are not shown in this representative list. This is only a sampling of the huge array of talented professionals within the region. Inclusion in the list is based on the opinions of responding lawyers in the region. We take time and energy to ensure fair voting, although we understand that the results of this survey nomination and Internet research campaign are not an objective metric. We certainly do not discount the fact that many, many good and effective lawyers may not appear on the list.
Disclaimers. DataJoe uses best practices and exercises great care in assembling content for this list. DataJoe does not warrant that the data contained within the list are complete or accurate. DataJoe does not assume, and hereby disclaims, any liability to any person for any loss or damage caused by errors or omissions herein whether such errors or omissions result from negligence, accident, or any other cause. All rights reserved. No commercial use of the information in this list may be made without written permission from DataJoe.
Questions? For research/methodology questions, contact the research team at surveys@datajoe.com.
Gary A. Hall
Gary A Hall Attorney At Law 361-885-0943
Tiffany Fader
Law Office Of Tiffany Fader 361-887-9900
Lauren Braddy Anderson Alexander PLLC 361-452-1279
Robert Clore Bandas Law Firm PC 361-238-2789
Clinton Twaddell Branscomb Law 361-886-3800
Clay E. Coalson
Donnell Kieschnick Wolter & Gamez PC 361-888-5551
Thomas F. Nye
Gault Nye & Quintana LLP 361-654-7008
Paul Dodson
Paul Dodson Attorney at Law 361-364-7415
Brian C. Miller
Royston Rayzor Vickery & Williams LLP 361-884-8808
Audrey Mullert Vicknair
The Law Office Of Audrey Mullert Vicknair 361-884-5400
Andrew J. Lehrman
Anderson Lehrman Barre & Maraist 361-884-4981
David J. Dunn Dunn Coffey & Kasperitis PC 361-883-1594
Jorge C. Rangel
The Rangel Law Firm PC 361-883-8500
James W. Upton
Upton Mickits & Heymann LLP 361-884-0616
Benny Cason
Webb Cason & Manning 361-887-1031
Jason P. Hoelscher
Sico Hoelscher & Harris LLP 877-631-9965
Kevin Michael Maraist Anderson Lehrman Barre & Maraist 361-884-4981
Peter E. Avots
Wood Boykin & Wolter PC 361-888-9201
Shannon M. Wilde Branscomb Law 361-886-3800
Marshall R. Wilkerson Davis Hutchinson & Wilkerson LLP 361-882-2272
Shannon Stokes-Russek Porter Rogers Dahlman & Gordon PC 361-880-5808
Stephen C. McMains Stephen C McMains Attorney At Law 361-887-9900
Joseph B. Baucum Wood Boykin & Wolter PC 361-888-9201
John D. Bell Wood Boykin & Wolter PC 361-888-9201
Daniel O. Gonzalez Wood Boykin & Wolter PC 361-888-9201
William Asare Bonilla & Chapa PC 361-881-1000
Emily Arnold Branscomb Law 361-886-3800
J.D. Egbert
Branscomb Law 361-886-3800
David Sibley David Sibley Law Office 361-704-1689
Hannah K. Hubert Donnell Kieschnick Wolter & Gamez PC 361-886-3800
Michael D. Hudlow Jr. Hoblit Darling Ralls Hernandez & Hudlow 361-888-9392
Jacob Hubert Huseman Law Firm 361-883-3563
John Swallow Huseman Law Firm 361-883-3563
Richard W. Crews Hartline Barger LLP 361-866-8034
Celina M. Leon
Law Office Of Ralph M Rodriguez PLLC 361-654-2500
Ralph M. Rodriguez
Law Office Of Ralph M Rodriguez PLLC 361-654-2500
James F. McKibben McKibben Martinez Jarvis & Wood LLP 361-882-6611
Jenny Cron Porter Rogers Dahlman & Gordon PC 361-880-5884
Donald L. Jones Porter Rogers Dahlman & Gordon PC 361-880-5849
Joel de la Garza
Royston Rayzor Vickery & Williams LLP 361-884-8808
Ronald A. Simank Schauer & Simank PC 361-884-2800
David Burkett
The Burkett Law Firm 361-223-6861
Scott Seelhoff
Upton Micketts & Heymann LLP
Alexander J. Tiffany
Upton Mickits & Heymann LLP
Jim Clancy Branscomb Law
Jim Robichaux Branscomb Law
Amanda N. Torres Branscomb Law
Ben A. Donnell
Donnell Kieschnick Wolter & Gamez PC
C.M. "Skip" Henkel III
Fritz Byrne Head & Gilstrap PLLC
Conner R. Jackson
Hoblit Darling Ralls Hernandez & Hudlow LLP 361-888-9392
Casey Batchelor
Hartline Barger LLP 361-866-8053
Van Huseman Huseman Law Firm
John T. Flood
John T. Flood LLP 361-654-8877
Christopher A. Lowrance
Royston Rayzor Vickery & Williams LLP
Timothy D. McMurtrie
Royston Rayzor Vickery & Williams LLP
Bill Bonilla
Bonilla & Chapa PC
Les Cassidy
Cassidy Delgado & Olivarez 361-887-2965
Mark H. Woerner County Court at Law No 4 361-888-0111
Robert Flynn Flynn Law Firm 361-232-2012
Chris Gale Gale Law Group PLLC 361-808-4444
Adam P. Rodrigue Law Office Of Adam P Rodrigue 361-882-3030
Lisa Gail Greenberg
Law Office Of Lisa Gail Greenberg 361-446-2476
Scott M. Ellison
Law Office Of Scott M Ellison PLLC 361-887-7600
Gabriel R. Salais
Law Office Of Scott M Ellison PLLC 361-887-7600
Mark A. Di Carlo Mark A. Di Carlo PLLC 800-584-5798
Eric Perkins Perkins & Perkins 361-853-2120
Richard Powers Rich Powers Law 361-688-6098
Nathan Burkett
The Burkett Law Firm 361-223-6861
James D. Granberry
The Law Offices Of James D Granberry 361-888-5556
Harold C. Waller Waller Law 361-882-3030
Marvin J. Wanner
Anderson Lehrman Barre & Maraist 361-884-4981
Brenda B. Baker Baker & Baker Law Firm 361-985-2226
Dabney Welsh Pettus
Welder Leshin Law Firm 361-561-8000
H. Scott Taylor Branscomb Law 361-886-3807
M. Payne Whatley Branscomb Law 361-886-3852
Joe Brad Brock
Law Office of Joe Brad Brock 361-203-4599
Charles W. Gordon IV Porter Rogers Dahlman & Gordon PC 361-880-5838
Joe W. Christina Jr. Porter Rogers Dahlman & Gordon PC 361-880-5833
Cornelius M. Hayes III Porter Rogers Dahlman & Gordon PC 361-880-5822
Lance Bruun
The Law Office of Lance K. Bruun 361-884-8300
Andrew Schuster Upton Mickits & Heymann LLP 361-561-8000
Philip M. Hall Welder Leshin Law Firm 361-561-8000
Bianca Medina-Rodriguez
Law Office Of Bianca A Medina-Rodriguez 361-400-2927
Emmett R. Reyes
Law Office Of Emmett R. Reyes PLLC 361-944-4529
Lindsay M. Browne
Law Office Of Lindsay M. Browne 361-884-7250
Sarah Klager
Law Office of Sarah Klager 361-884-7250
William A. Dudley Law Office Of William A. Dudley PC 361-884-3488
Deborah Rios Rios Law Office 361-510-5806
Nicholas Rothschild Rothschild Law Firm 361-866-5437
Steve Lopez The Law Office Of Steve Lopez PLLC 361-500-4052
Denny Barre Anderson Lehrman Barre & Maraist 361-884-4981
David Klein Klein Law PLLC 361-452-3583
Aimee Alcorn-Reed City of Corpus Christi 361-826-3360
Lilia Castro City of Corpus Christi 361-826-3105
Lauren Swenson-Rickard City of Corpus Christi 361-826-3375
Dane Bruun Welder Leshin Law Firm 361-561-8000
Leo James Welder Jr. Welder Leshin Law Firm 361-561-8000
Craig S. Smith
Welder Leshin Law Firm 361-561-8000
Maria Prebisch
Prebisch Law Firm PLLC 361-255-3133
Debra Rodriguez Rodriguez & Moretzsohn PLLC 361-883-8900
Heather Moretzsohn de Castro Rodriguez & Moretzsohn PLLC 361-883-8900
Kristina Fernandez Donnell Kieschnick Wolter & Gamez PC 361-888-5551
Monte English Monte English Law 361-882-2244
Susan Ochoa Spiering Ochoa & Associates PC 361-806-0070
Austin Anderson Anderson Alexander PLLC 361-452-1279
Carter Hastings Anderson Alexander PLLC 361-452-1279
Clif Alexander Anderson Alexander PLLC 361-452-1279
Keith B. Sieczkowski Branscomb Law 361-886-3800
Jon D. Brooks Brooks LLP 361-885-7710
Gay E. Gilson Law Office Of Gay E. Gilson 361-887-0552
Liza Wood McKibben Martinez Jarvis & Wood LLP 361-882-6611
Tonya Beane Webber Porter Rogers Dahlman & Gordon PC 361-880-5824
Myra K. Morris Royston Rayzor Vickery & Williams LLP 361-884-8808
Alison J. Logan
Upton Mickits & Heymann LLP 361-698-8226
Frederick J. McCutchon
Wood Boykin & Wolter PC 361-888-9201
Richard C. Woolsey Woolsey & Woolsey 361-561-1961
Jeffrey Joseph Lehrman Anderson Lehrman Barre & Maraist 361-884-4981
Kathryn Snapka
The Snapka Law Firm 361-808-4215
Alex R. Hernandez Jr. Alex R. Hernandez Jr PLLC 361-734-4062
Neely Balko Balko Law PLLC 361-520-4195
Christopher Bandas Bandas Law Firm PC 361-238-2789
Mikell West Bandas Law Firm PC 361-238-2789
Ed Chapa Bonilla & Chapa PC 361-882-8215
Christopher A. Garza Gowan Elizondo LLP 361-651-1000
Gregory L. Gowan Gowan Elizondo LLP 361-651-1000
John D. Schroeder Gowan Elizondo LLP 361-651-1000
Darrell L. Barger Hartline Barger LLP 713-759-1990
Henry M. Blackmon Hastings Law Firm 361-692-2000
Steve T. Hastings Hastings Law Firm 361-692-2000
Kyzmyck D. Byerly Herrman & Herrman PLLC 361-882-4357
Gonzalo Joseph Barrientos Hilliard Martinez Gonzales LLP 361-266-1491
John C. Duff Hilliard Martinez Gonzales LLP 361-266-1491
Alexander Hilliard Hilliard Martinez Gonzales LLP 361-266-1491
Catherine Tobin Hilliard Hilliard Martinez Gonzales LLP 361-266-1491
Robert C. Hilliard Hilliard Martinez Gonzales LLP 361-266-1491
John B. Martinez Hilliard Martinez Gonzales LLP 361-266-1491
Jessica J. Pritchett Hilliard Martinez Gonzales LLP 361-266-1491
Jason Wolf Law Office Of Jason Wolf PLLC 361-887-7600
Kevin W. Liles Liles White PLLC 361-826-0100
Stuart R. White Liles White PLLC 361-826-0100
Todd A. Hunter Jr. Liles White PLLC 361-826-0100
Craig M. Sico Sico Hoelscher & Harris LLP 877-631-9965
Curtis W. Fitzgerald II
The Law Office Of Thomas J. Henry 361-254-7873
William Clay Bonilla
The Law Offices Of William Bonilla PC 361-882-8284
Minesh J. Patel
The Patel Firm PLLC 361-400-2036
Craig Henderson
The Snapka Law Firm 361-808-4215
David Hatcher Thomas J Henry Law 361-254-7873
Parker Webb
Webb Cason & Manning 361-887-1031
Justin Williams Williams Attorneys PLLC 361-866-5535
Sean Williams Williams Attorneys PLLC 361-866-5535
Matthew Manning
Webb Cason & Manning 361-887-1031
David Bright
Sico Hoelscher & Harris LLP 877-631-9965
David E. Harris
Sico Hoelscher & Harris LLP 877-631-9965
Brantley White The Carlson Law Firm 361-336-3317
Jeffrey G. Wigington Wigington Rumley Dunn & Blair LLP 361-885-7500
Jordan Anderson Anderson Alexander PLLC 361-452-1279
David Z.Conoly
David Z Conoly PC 361-937-6400
Robert C. Morris
Security Title Company 361-993-4302
Newman F. Baker III Davis Hutchinson & Wilkerson LLP 361-882-2272
Carey P. Locke Davis Hutchinson & Wilkerson LLP 361-882-2272
Bruce S. Hawn Welder Leshin Law Firm 361-561-8000
Richard L. Leshin
Welder Leshin Law Firm
Milton E. Lorenz Jr. Welder Leshin Law Firm
Casey F. Rickard
Branscomb Law
Marco A. Longoria Branscomb Law
Craig A. Ansel Davis Hutchinson & Wilkerson LLP 361-882-2272
Joel Gonzalez Law Office Of Joel Gonzalez PLLC 361-654-3328
Gerald W. Ostarch
Ostarch Hilmy & McCauley PLLC 361-884-1961
Edwin Baker Baker & Baker Law Firm 361-985-2226
Michael W. Stukenberg Branscomb Law
Omar J. Leal Branscomb Law 361-886-3800
Scott L. Sherman Branscomb Law
Martin C. Davis
Davis Hutchinson & Wilkerson LLP 361-882-2272
Susan E. Hutchinson Davis Hutchinson & Wilkerson LLP 361-882-2272
Anne Dobbs Bunting The Bunting Law Firm 361-881-6060
Sandra Sterba-Boatwright Donnell Kieschnick Wolter & Gamez PC 361-888-5551
Jeff Wigington and David Rumley founded their law firm more than 20 years ago and have devoted their practice to helping people injured or killed in serious accidents. Many of their cases created positive change and made the products that we all use safer. Examples include 15-passenger vans that rolled over, door latches on trucks that opened during accidents, vehicle seat backs that collapsed in rear-end collisions, oxygen containers that caused fires, vehicles that rolled out of park and various oil and gas drilling products that were unreasonably dangerous.
Based on this work, Wigington and Rumley have received national and statewide recognition. This includes news appearances in “60 Minutes,” The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, USA Today, Bloomberg News, CBS News, The Dallas Morning News, Houston Chronicle, and the San Antonio Express-News.
They have both been board certified in personal injury trial law for almost two decades. This certification is awarded through the State Bar of Texas and requires significant trial experience as well as a written examination. There are 106,591 licensed attorneys in Texas. Only 1,428 Texas lawyers are board certified in personal injury trial law. Wigington is licensed in Texas and Oklahoma, and Rumley is licensed in Texas and Arizona. Both handle cases in other jurisdictions and have prosecuted cases in numerous states across the country.
Over the years, they have tried cases that have resulted in multiple nine-figure verdicts that have been recognized as some of the largest in the country.
Wigington and Rumley have both practiced for their entire careers in Corpus Christi, where they raise their families and contribute to multiple charitable causes in the Coastal Bend. The firm has offices in Corpus Christi, San Antonio and Jourdanton. They welcome referrals from other attorneys locally, statewide and nationally.
123 N. CARRIZO STREET, CORPUS CHRISTI, TX 78401 361-885-7500 | FAX: 361-885-0487 | WWW.WIGRUM.COM
nique in the Corpus Christi area, Branscomb Law has assembled a team of recognized experts to provide solutions to businesses in the areas of corporate, mergers and acquisitions, business litigation, personal injury defense, energy, real estate, employment and tax.
Branscomb Law is committed to exhibiting the highest quality of professionalism and integrity in each matter they undertake. This year’s Bend record of 15 nominees from a single firm is a testament to the quality of the team it has assembled as the leading business firm in South Texas.
Branscomb Law takes pride in being creative problem solvers. Ultimately, our success is measured by the strength of the relationships of trust and confidence it has
802 N. CARANCAHUA ST #2300 CALL 361-886-3800
Branscomb Law has been included in 2023 U.S. News –Best Law Firms
Branscomb Law is the only firm in Corpus Christi ranked in Chambers USA Regional Spotlight Guide and recognized as a leading medium-sized law firm offering a credible alternative to Big Law.
Ed Chapa has practiced personal injury law over 30 years in Corpus Christi, and has devoted his legal career to representing victims involved in accidents and serious injury claims. He is a partner in the law firm of Bonilla & Chapa, P.C., with offices in Corpus Christi, Houston and San Antonio representing clients locally and throughout Texas. Family, faith and a strong work ethic are important core values he brings to his practice. “I believe people injured in an accident caused by the recklessness of others are entitled to strong representation,” Chapa says. “People deserve a voice, an advocate committed to represent their interests when dealing with those responsible for their injuries.”
Bill Bonilla is a lifelong Corpus Christi resident, and engages in the practice of criminal defense, family law and personal injury litigation. As a criminal defense attorney, Bonilla has handled thousands of cases, ranging from misdemeanors to first degree felonies, with juvenile law included. Further, he has been appointed on hundreds of cases pertaining to the mental health caseload in Nueces County. Bonilla also maintains an active and vigorous community service profile, by serving as Past President of the Corpus Christi Young Lawyers Association, and serving on the Advisory Board of the Boy Scouts of America. Bonilla is a graduate of Leadership Corpus Christi and also presently serves as a Municipal Court Judge. He and his wife Cassie are proud parents of three children: Liam, Charlie and Ellie.
William “Billy” Asare became a licensed attorney in 2010. He is a proud graduate of Baylor University and St. Mary’s University School of Law, and has had the great honor to practice in the Coastal Bend since 2013. Over the years, Asare and his family have proudly called this home. Asare enjoys a diverse civil litigation practice. He has been a trusted advocate for personal injury, family law, probate and business dispute matters. And because of his upstanding reputation, Asare is regularly appointed by judges to serve as an Ad Litem to represent the interests of children in court.
Rich Powers is a Coastal Bend attorney practicing in the areas of criminal defense, collaborative divorce, and school/ educational law.
It may surprise some to know law wasn’t his first career. He spent several years as a high school basketball coach, and during law school, he was interested in civil procedure. During his final year of law school, while completing an externship for local family law attorney Jim Hendrex, he was introduced to attorney Gerald Rogen.
After graduating from Texas A&M University School of Law, he worked at the Rogen Law Office and Freedom Center until Rogen’s retirement in late 2022. Powers now practices independently at Rich Powers Law.
Collaborative divorce is a family code section unexplored by most local attorneys. Collaborative Divorce is a distinctive, forward-looking process that Powers believes is more efficient and less destructive than traditional divorce. It allows divorcing parties more control over their postdivorce lives. More information on this process is available on his practice website.
In spite of its name, “elder law” is a relatively new field of legal practice, and few firms in the Coastal Bend focus on this type of service. Baker & Baker brings over 90 years of combined experience to counsel families and their aging or infirm loved one regarding estate planning, probate, guardianship, and Medicaid eligibility.
Brenda and Ed Baker were joined in their practice in 2020 by their son, Charles, who has added to the firm’s vitality and forward-looking professional management. As a boutique firm in a niche area of practice, Baker & Baker has served over 12,000 clients and has planted over 15,000 trees through the Arbor Day Foundation in memory of clients who have passed. With vision for continued service in their field, Baker & Baker intends to extend elder law problem-solving throughout the community while bringing years of experience to help those challenged by the issues facing the elder population.
The firm is grateful for the many families and individuals who have relied on them to help them through some of life’s most trying times, and they appreciate the opportunity to continue to provide legal services to the Coastal Bend for years to come.
Enriched by their collective experience and strength of character, the trial attorneys who make up Corpus Christi-based Hilliard Martinez Gonzales LLP (HMG) serve as powerful advocates for clients across the country and are nationally recognized for their tireless commitment to seeking truth and bringing the most powerful adversaries to justice.
Firm owners Bob & Catherine Hilliard, along with partners John Martinez, and Joseph Barrientos, and attorneys Alex Hilliard, John Duff, and Jessi Pritchett, are seasoned trial lawyers who are confident in their ability to take cases to trial, standing firmly by their clients’ sides to ensure they receive the compensation they deserve. Since their establishment nearly 40 years ago, HMG has secured hundreds of millions of dollars in verdicts and settlements for their clients, resulting in their prestigious position in the Texas Verdicts Hall of Fame.
The key to the firm’s success is found in the unprecedented combination of empathy and personal connection they bring to each case. HMG’s attorneys are warriors dedicated to sharing compelling stories of how their clients were wronged, fighting to protect their interests, and winning the uniquely challenging and high-profile cases other firms simply won’t tackle.
HMG has a proven track record and a willingness to try cases before a jury when necessary. With decades of success across a wide range of practice areas including personal injury, business litigation, social justice, automotive defects, medical and corporate legal malpractice, and commercial litigation, HMG continues to be recognized as one of the premier law firms in America.
Christopher A. Garza is a personal injury attorney working in partnership with Gregory Gowan and Luis Elizondo of Gowan Elizondo, LLP. Garza is a trial advocate and is dedicated to representing clients across the state who were injured in trucking, auto, dangerous premises, and work-related accidents.
Throughout the years, Garza and his team have secured numerous multimillion dollar settlements on behalf of their clients. He was recently admitted to the Million Dollar Advocates Forum and has been recognized by Texas Super Lawyers as a Top Rated Personal Injury Attorney in the nation and one of Texas’ Rising Stars for the second year in a row.
“It is an honor to be recognized as one of the top attorneys in the Coastal Bend year after year,” Garza said. “As an attorney who was born and raised in Corpus Christi, it is very important for me to be recognized in my hometown for the hard work and representation I provide to my clients across Texas. I look forward to representing and helping clients in the Coastal Bend for many years to come.”
He currently serves on the board of the CC Young Lawyers Association and maintains an active membership with the Texas Trial Lawyers Association. He enjoys spending time with his wife, Adriana, and his two kids, CJ and Chloe. Garza and his family always make it a point to support local businesses and charities. “The Coastal Bend has a lot to offer,” he said. “I am proud to be able to call Corpus Christi home.”
The attorneys at Porter, Rogers, Dahlman & Gordon, P.C. are highly skilled professionals, each of whom brings a unique blend of experience and talent to their work. The firm’s attorneys — Charles Gordon, IV, Tonya Webber, Joe Christina, Jr., Don Jones, Cornelius M. Hayes III, Jenny Cron, Shannon Stokes-Russek, Rick Foster, Marc Williams, Raj Aujla, Lisa Alcantar, Brandon Coony, Blaine Floerke, Walker Bauer and Henry J. Amen, III — serve clients throughout the state from the firm’s base in South and Central Texas. PRDG’s offices are conveniently located in Corpus Christi and San Antonio and operate as a single cohesive team of committed attorneys and seasoned legal support staff who share their individual knowledge, resources, skills and talent to benefit clients. The firm handles both standard and complex cases in the areas of Litigation, Oil and Gas, Business and Corporate, Insurance, Construction, Health, Labor and Employment, Real Estate and Estate Planning and Probate. It represents individuals, businesses, corporations, institutions, and public entities throughout the state. Since its beginning in 1969, PRDG has strived to be a premier and trusted firm for its clients and the legal community. Its long-term presence as a firm stands as a testament to its members’ commitment to provide exceptional representation to clients and serve as trusted attorneys in the legal community
Mikell West and Robert Clore are part of a formidable team of attorneys assembled by Chris Bandas at the Bandas Law Firm, a plaintiff’s firm based in Corpus Christi. Bandas founded the firm to protect consumers and victims of accidents and defective products throughout Texas and across the nation.
West is an accomplished trial attorney who cut his teeth as a partner with a highly respected defense firm in South Texas. His background affords him a unique perspective in assisting plaintiffs—enabling him to anticipate defense tactics to get the best results for his clients in cases ranging from small accidents to catastrophic injuries and deaths.
Clore is a skilled appellate attorney who regularly argues in state and federal courts across the country. His advocacy has effectuated meaningful changes in the law for the benefit of consumers. He recently succeeded in improving a consumer class action settlement by $21.8 million.
Darrell Barger has been a trial lawyer for more than 48 years. He became Board Certified in Personal Injury Trial Law in 1985 and has tried more than 500 cases in his career. Barger is a Fellow of the International Academy of Trial Lawyers. Fellowship is by invitation only and offered after extremely careful vetting. Barger is also a Fellow of the American College of Trial Lawyers. Most recently, Barger was awarded the Texas Bar Foundation Ronald D. Secrest Outstanding Trial Lawyer of the Year 2022 Before practicing law, Barger served his country as a Captain in the United States Marine Corps from 1968 to 1971.
Casey Batchelor is a trial partner with extensive experience defending clients in a wide range of practice areas including trucking; oil and refinery; construction; products and premises liability; insurance defense; dram shop; real estate; wills, trusts, and estates litigation; and fiduciary litigation matters. Batchelor received his undergraduate degree from the United States Naval Academy and prior to becoming a lawyer, he served in the U.S. Navy as an S-3B Naval Flight Officer.
Richard Crews has more than 40 years of trial practice and currently serves as his firm’s managing partner. Crews has been repeatedly listed in The Best Lawyers in America© and selected as 2018’s Personal Injury Litigation – Defendants “Lawyer of the Year” in Corpus Christi. He is an Advocate in ABOTA and served on the National Board of Directors–twice as President of the Corpus Christi Chapter. He served as chairman for six years of the Attorney Admissions Committee for the United States District Courts for the Southern District of Texas. He has been named to Texas Super Lawyers® for more than fifteen years, is rated “AV Preeminent®” by Martindale-Hubbell and has been selected for membership in the Litigation Counsel of America. Crews was named to America’s Top 100 Attorneys®, South Texas Region and selected as a Master of the Reynaldo Garza’s Chapter of American Inns of Court.
Minesh J. Patel is the president and principal attorney of The Patel Law Firm, a personal injury law firm in Corpus Christi, Texas. Originally from North Texas, Mr. Patel attended The University of Texas at Austin, graduating with honors. After completing law school at South Texas College of Law in Houston, Mr. Patel began his legal career. In 2017, Mr. Patel opened his own law firm, The Patel Law Firm, headquartered in Corpus Christi, Texas. The firm has expanded rapidly since its inception, with offices across the state in multiple Texas cities including Houston, San Antonio, Laredo, McAllen, Austin, Waco and Dallas.
Mr. Patel’s legal practice is entirely focused on personal injury and personal injury litigation. He has assembled a talented roster of attorneys and paralegals who work closely with the clients they represent. The law firm has represented injury victims in a wide array of cases, including commercial trucking accidents, workplace accidents, oilfield accidents, insurance disputes and premise liability accidents, successfully litigating against some of the largest companies in the United States.
Over the course of his career, Mr. Patel and his staff have secured millions of dollars in compensation for clients across the state of Texas who have been injured. Mr. Patel is a member of the Million Dollar Advocates Forum, Rue Ratings’ Best Attorneys in America and has been recognized as 40 Best Under 40 by The National Trial Lawyers Association. For more information about the firm, or if you would like to contact Mr. Patel directly, please visit www.patelinjurylaw.com.
arah Klager is a native of Corpus Christi, graduating from IWA High School and Texas A&M Corpus Christi. After receiving her law degree from Texas Tech School of Law, she returned to the Coastal Bend and founded her own practice, Law Office of Sarah Klager. Klager’s areas of practice are divorce, child custody, child support, adoption and CPS representation. Her client-centered solo practice strives to help achieve the best resolution while minimizing stress, conflict and uncertainty. When it is the most important decision of your life, Klager is here to help you. From darkness to light, from uncertainty to a hopeful future, she will guide you. With your goals and budget in mind, she considers it an honor to serve you with family law matters.
tephen is a Corpus Christi native, moving back to the Coastal Bend shortly after law school in 2002. For over twenty years, he has been continuously involved in the community through his practice and volunteer work.
He is professionally licensed to practice law in the State of Texas and is also a credentialed mediator by the Texas Mediator Credentialing Association. He currently is Of Counsel to the Law Offices of Arnold Gonzales, Jr. His practice primarily consists of administrative law, construction law, business law, federal crimes, litigation, mediation, and real estate law.
Stephen represents individuals, small businesses and large companies in a variety of matters, taking a results-oriented approach. He understands the need for quick and pragmatic solutions to problems. Whether it is in the courtroom or the negotiating room, he is there to help.
Williams Attorneys PLLC is a Coastal Bend personal injury law firm with national recognition. Led by Justin Williams and his over 35 years of experience litigating all types of cases from oil and gas, trucking, car accidents, premises liability, products liability even contractual disputes the firm is based on a client-first approach.
Going through the litigation process is not easy, whether it’s a small car accident case or a catastrophic oil and gas explosion. Williams Attorneys prides itself on helping clients and families walk through the process together.
Justin Williams’ industry-leading representation and history of success has earned him many prestigious accolades, including being selected as a SuperLawyer for the last 10 years. Sean Williams is born and raised in Corpus Christi and prides himself on serving a community where he grew up. He has been selected as SuperLawyer Rising Star as well as other accolades.
Tropical paradises top the list of Spring Break destinations year after year. The white sand beaches and clear, blue waters of tropical islands host millions of tourists, people craving relaxation and a slower pace. Most of us, however, will be hard-pressed to make it to nearby Port Aransas on a Saturday, much less travel to the Caribbean.
If you find yourself knee-deep in work and responsibilities throughout the month of March, join me in a culinary staycation. Let the exotic flavors of the tropics transport you. Add shredded coconut to local shrimp from Paul’s Seafood or Mom’s Bait Shop for a taste of the Caribbean, paired with a sweet and tangy sauce of mango simmered in pineapple and lime juices. We use coconut oil for enriched taste and heart health.
Largely associated with Jamaican cuisine, though also common throughout the Caribbean, Jerk Beef Kabobs are tenderized in a sweet and spicy marinade of pineapple juice and jerk seasoning. The addition of tamarind pulp gives the skewers a slightly sour note to counter the sweet acidity of pineapple juice. Reserve some marinade for a final glaze on the kabobs, or to eat by the spoonful.
Transcend the monotony of the day-to-day with these tastes of the tropics — because even if we can’t leave the Coastal Bend for vacation this season, we can still eat like it.
Makes 6 large kabobs
PREP TIME: 10 minutes
INACTIVE TIME: 2-4 hours
COOK TIME: 10 minutes
1 tbsp tamarind pulp
1/2 cup pineapple juice
3 cloves garlic, minced
2 tbsp jerk seasoning, divided 2 tbsp olive oil
1 lb beef stew meat
1 green bell pepper, cut into 1” pieces
1 red, yellow or orange bell pepper, cut into 1” pieces 1/2 red onion, cut into 1” pieces
Combine 1 tbsp tamarind pulp with 1/2 cup boiling water. Let sit for 5 minutes and stir. Sift into a medium-sized bowl with a fine sieve. Add pineapple juice, garlic, jerk seasoning and olive oil, and whisk to combine.
Place beef, peppers and onion into a large resealable plastic bag. Add marinade into a bag (reserving 1/2 cup of the marinade for later) and seal.
Store in the refrigerator for 2-4 hours, inverting the bag halfway through the storage time to ensure all parts of the kabobs are marinating.
Soak wooden skewers for about 30 minutes. Assemble the kabobs by threading the meat and vegetables onto the skewers.
Grill kabobs over high direct heat for 8-10 minutes, until medium rare to well done. Let sit for five minutes before brushing with the reserved marinade.
Serves 4
PREP TIME: 20 minutes
COOK TIME: 15 minutes
1 1/2 cups coconut oil
1 lb large shrimp, peeled, deveined with tails attached
1/2 cup all-purpose flour
1 tsp salt
1/2 tsp ground pepper
2 eggs, beaten
1 cup panko breadcrumbs
1 cup shredded coconut flakes (sweetened or unsweetened)
Add coconut oil to a large frying pan over medium-high heat. Set up a dredging station while oil preheats.
Prepare three shallow bowls with 1) flour, salt and pepper, 2) eggs, and 3) breadcrumbs and shredded coconut. Whisk the contents of each bowl until well combined. Dredge
the shrimp in the flour mixture, then transfer to the bowl of eggs and flip the shrimp to evenly coat. Finally, transfer the battered shrimp to the breadcrumb/coconut mixture and toss to coat.
Working in batches, fry the shrimp in the hot coconut oil until golden brown, about 2-3 minutes each. Transfer the cooked shrimp to a paper towel-lined plate. Serve shrimp immediately with mango dipping sauce.
2 mangos, seeded and diced
2 tbsp brown sugar
1 cup water
1 cup pineapple juice
Juice of 1 lime
Large pinch of salt
Combine all ingredients in a saucepan over mediumlow heat. Simmer for 10 minutes, stirring frequently and mashing with the back of your spoon until mango is tender and mostly broken apart. Remove from heat and let cool before serving with prepared coconut shrimp.
Russian aerilist Alexander Streltsov, a gold medal winner and veteran of performances on Broadway and with the Bolshoi Ballet brings his vision of elevating cirque artistry to a fine arts level to life!
The only cirque company working exclusively with orchestras, Cirque de la Symphonie has had hundreds of performances and tours on all continents, with many great orchestras including the Philadelphia Orchestra, the San Francisco Orchestra and the Boston POPS!
Or purchase tickets at www ccsymphony org
Much to the dismay of our wallets, sometimes The Joy of Cooking eludes even the most devoted of home cooks. Whether it be the middle of the week grind or a lapse in culinary creativity, takeout can be the lifeblood of a busy schedule. Here are five local restaurants that strike the balance of convenience, comfort and quality in Corpus Christi.
1220 Airline Rd. #155
Z-Counter offers an eclectic menu of Asian-American fare that bodes well for anyone seeking a reliable spot to mix it up every now and then. A fast-moving staff and years in the takeout game make this establishment an ideal to-go location for anyone looking to get in and get out without sacrificing the creature comfort of a good meal.
4360 S. Alameda St.
In a region with a notable shortage of Greek-American cuisine, Eirinis Gyros & More is the gift to the Coastal Bend that keeps on giving. Family-owned and operated since 2012, Eirinis offers a slate of authentic Greek dishes made fresh daily, including favorites like spanakopita and moussaka. From gyros and burgers to Greek twists on classics, this could be the perfect lunch or dinner spot if you’re on the go. Just don’t skip the homemade baklava.
5425 S. Padre Island Dr. Suite 101A
A newer spot in the growing network of diverse LatinAmerican fare in the Coastal Bend, El Taino takes its name very seriously, and rightly so. The menu features Puerto Rican classics, from pernil to mofongo and habichuelas guisadas, that make for an ideal mid-week takeout meal to shake up the routine.
5714 McArdle Rd.
Since opening its doors, JaJa Cafe has captured the hearts of many in search of an authentic Chinese food experience on the go. While the menu features a variety of complex dishes that warm the senses – from boiled spicy and ginger fish dishes to mapo tofu – it also offers a healthy lineup of fan American Chinese fare like sweet-and-sour chicken and moo goo gai pan.
3206 Tiger Ln.
The cornerstone disguised as a corner store, Pavani Express provides a quick and delicious fix for anyone in search of enduring Indian classics. Hot and freshly prepared, this inconspicuous spot is the perfect to-go option for anyone working in the city or looking to pick up some tandoori chicken after a long day.
Andy’s Country Kitchen
You will feel right at home just like eat’n in mom’s kitchen. Great southern comfort food that gets back to the basics! 5802 S Staples St, 361-993-0251 $
Bien Mérité Bakery
This French bakery is ready to make your morning a bit sweeter. Breakfast options include a variety of fresh-baked pastries, a lox and bagel plate, avocado toast, waffles and more. 1336 S Staples St, 361334-0241 $
Hester's Cafe
This legendary local cafe and coffee bar serves up inventive breakfast and lunch dishes with a focus on fresh, quality ingredients. Don't forget to grab some baked goods before you leave. 3812 S Alameda St, 361-855-1892 $
Southside Barbacoa
There’s no denying it: Corpus Christi has the best breakfast tacos in Texas. Southside Barbacoa is a local favorite for its hearty breakfast tacos with a myriad of ingredient combinations to choose from. 5894 Everhart Rd A, (361) 334-0888 $
If you’re starting the day in Rockport, stop into this local coffee shop for an excellent cup of joe, pastries, quiche, breakfast sandwiches and other cafe delights. 302 S. Austin St, 361-2301895, $
A neighborhood café packed with flavor, Sugarbakers is a charming European-inspired restaurant serving up indulgent breakfast and brunch items and inventive salads and sandwiches. 2766 Santa Fe St, 361-884-9541 $
Comfortable and welcoming with a delicious selection of wines and tapas, TANNINS also features a great brunch menu with items like french toast, florentine benedict and waffle pulled pork tacos. 3855 S Alameda St, 361-334-3893 $$
The Post at Lamar Park
Enjoy this popular gastro-pub with delicious dishes that are meant to be shared, alongside a beer or cocktail of course! Biscuits and gravy, chicken and waffles and other brunch favorites are offered.
411 Doddridge St #102, 361-4520907 $$
Price’s Chef
This down-to-earth diner serves the best in homestyle American comfort food for breakfast and lunch. 1008 S. Alamenda, 361-8332786 $
Buen Provecho
Chef A.J. Brooks Ruiz is serving authentic Mexican cuisine with a side of passion for his culture at this taco shop. Among the hearty selection of street tacos, favorites include the Arrachera Street Tacos and Suadero Street Tacos.
1715 S Staples St $
Butter’s BBQ
Standing in line on a Saturday morning is well worth it when said line is outside of Butter’s. Perfectly-seasoned brisket, barbacoa and homemade sides await at this renowned BBQ joint. 713 E Sinton St, 361-255-6108 $$
Featuring Tex-Mex staples such as chicken fajitas and Carne Guisada, as well as more traditional dishes like mole, Puerco Verde and fideo, Celsita’s menu is packed with flavor. 15401 S Padre Island Dr #105, 361-589-4045 $$
Tucked away overlooking the harbor, guests can escape to an all-but-mundane mix of Mediterranean-inspired cuisine, cocktails and environment within the walls of the iconic Art Museum of South Texas. 1902 N Shoreline Blvd, 361-882-8785 $$
Farmacy Grill
Spotlighting local farmers and growers, Farmacy Grill boasts a curated menu featuring unique, elevated dishes sure to satisfy everyone in the group. Located in Downtown Corpus Chrisit, this eatery is your new obsession. 213 S Chaparral St. 361-360-0008 $$
Lucy’s Snackbar
With a rotating menu featuring seasonal offerings, lunch is made easy at this downtown cafe. From sandwiches to grain bowls and delicious coffee, take a break from the day at Lucy’s. 312 N Chaparral St, 361-299-5040 $$
The Lookout
Located on the sunlit shores of the Laguna Madre, The Lookout at Bluff’s Landing is real food made with quality local ingredients. Enjoy a selection of uniquely crafted meals, curated cocktails, and of course those beautiful water views. 4242 Laguna Shores Rd, 361-252-9861 $$
Roaming Ronin
Executive chef and Owner Eddie Warren Jr. is serving up top-notch cuisine at this local spot. With an Asian-inspired street food menu, dishes include sushi, Tokyo Yakisoba and ramen bowls. 2306 Airline Rd, #104, 361-462-4273 $$
Sufi Kabob
From Pakistani to Persian and even Halal, this menu offers casual eats and take-out options for every palate. 7150 S Padre Island Dr, Suite #104, 361-356-6715 $$
Z Counter
This is easily one of the most popular spots in town for Asian fusion dishes. The Bahn Mi tacos, ramen and green onion pancakes top the list, though you can’t really go wrong with anything on the menu. 1220 Airline Rd, Ste 155, (361) 991-1115 $$
A local staple, each slice of pie is made with fresh-rolled dough and homemade sauce and topped with a selection of meats and a variety of fresh ingredients. 6335 S Padre Island Dr, 361-992-6671 $$
An excellent Italian option in the heart of Downtown Corpus Christi, Bella Luna shines with its weekly features menu. Staple dinner items include Funghi Trifolati, Amatriciana and Cavatelli Bolognese. 429 Schatzell St, 361887-4777 $$
Led by the five-time Local’s List winner Chef Tony Posada, this local seafood spot is one of the best in Corpus Christi. From oysters and Thai tuna to cajun snapper and crab stuffed drum, Blue Clove makes an excellent dinner choice. 5884 Everhart Rd, 361-334-0202 $$
As its name suggests, Bluewater Cowboy is a convergence of land and sea. Overlooking the coastal town of Port Aransas, this spot offers a casual dining experience with divine lobster bisque, extravagant sushi and more. 229 Beach St, 361-749-0106 $$
From crab and shrimp bisque to pecan-crusted flounder topped with crab relish and the choice of Black Angus, Crab-N has served quality food for 46 years. 210 Gulf Gat Rd, 361-758-2371 $$
One of the Coastal Bend’s highly regarded restaurants, Dokyo Dauntaun takes an innovative and artistic approach to fine dining. From mouthwatering dishes to creative cocktails, Dokyo never disappoints. 424 N. Chaparral St, 361-462-2620 $$
Serving up delicious favorites such as Pahd Kra Prow, Japanese Teryaki steak and Larb Gai, Drunken Noodlez has something for everyone. 4214 Alameda St, 361-992-1400 $$
Katz sets the standard for a premier fine dining experience. This steakhouse specializes in dry-aged prime beef and fresh gulf coast seafood. 5702 Spohn Dr, 361-884-1221 $$$
From the minds that created Bellino Ristorante Italiano comes a new fine dining experience. With Whiskey Chicken, Ravioli al Cinghiale and Bistecca di Tonno, this is perfect for your next date night! 3815 S 3827 S Alameda St, 361-334-0270 $$$
Prime Steakhouse & Whiskey Bar
Offering high-quality steaks and seafood, this is a newer restaurant you don’t want to miss. Sourcing from the best available ingredients from local and regional partners, dishes are both fresh and delicious. 6326 Yorktown Blvd Ste 2, 361-799-5151 $$$
Located in the Historic Tarpon Inn, Roosevelt's is gourmet dining at its finest in a beautiful Louisiana-style home that sets the perfect tone for a taste of luxury. 200 E Cotter Ave, 361-749-1540 $$$
Elevated seafood in the heart of Port Aransas. This local restaurant offers a great selection of appetizers, shareable plates and signature dishes with fresh ingredients. 429 N Alister St, 361749-2739 $$$
Local fine dining restaurant with an extensive menu and eye-catching Vietnamese culture spread throughout the dining area. 701 N Water St, 361-853-2682 $$$
Long-standing and beloved Corpus Christi landmark serving up oysters, sushi rolls and fresh Gulf seafood in a historic, brick building in the heart of downtown. 309 N Water St, 361-881-9448 $$
Wild Prawn
The restaurant brings a unique twist in flavor with dishes ranging from delicious seafood plates such as a mouthwatering Chilean sea bass to savory steaks and a rotation of homemade soups of the day. 1941 HWY 35, 361-450-1150 $$$
Cafe Calypso, the beloved coffee house of Moore Plaza for 30 years, has opened the doors of its brand-new location in Downtown Corpus Christi. While long-time patrons have come to love the communal, casual atmosphere and live music at the original spot, the new locale isn’t just a copy; it boasts an entirely updated cafe/bar experience reminiscent of the places on every European street corner. Not a coffee shop, but not a bar, either … Calypso Starr Street Cafe marries both with a curated selection of wine, beer and signature Calypso coffees, plus small plates and pastries.
Expanding the Calypso experience was a dream of owners Marcy Okumus and her late husband Erdal. “Erdal and I had always talked about opening a wine and tapas place as a second business venture. So I thought, ‘Why not? I’ll do this, and I'll tackle it, and it’d be an homage to Erdal. I’ll have some fun with it,’” Okumus said.
Her goal is to create an overall international feel for patrons. Okumus worked with a local representative to curate a selection of 12 red wines and 10 white/rosé wines, while the beer options include local brews and IPAs as well as imported varieties from Belgium, Germany, Jamaica, Ireland, France and Mexico. As for the coffee, the new location will offer Turkish, Vietnamese and Cubanstyle coffees in addition to the standard espresso beverages locals are accustomed to. Visitors can expect wine flights to be available soon, as well, another unique aspect of the new venture.
The Okumuses were passionate about the roasting aspect of coffee and the ritualistic nature of enjoying a cup with others, which became cornerstones of the original Cafe Calypso. “My husband Erdal and I built the business before coffee and coffeehouses were a phenomenon here, but we had moved from Turkey, where they boast the first coffee house, in Istanbul, centuries ago,” Okumus said. “Cafe Calypso was a place for people from all cultures and backgrounds to meet and share ideas over coffee.” Calypso Starr Street embodies this concept, mixed with a little mezze experience. With an emphasis on small plates and sophisticated beverages, the new shop offers a unique menu from its scratch kitchen and worldly desserts as decadent as ever — all with a widewindowed, open view of Starr Street.
With overflowing community support, Okumus has been able to open Calypso Starr Street Cafe in the evening, and she’s excited to bring back the live music part of the shop’s culture. If you are in search of a quaint cafe experience complete with specialty beverages, Cafe Calypso Star Street Cafe is the spot for you.
Vegans, vegetarians, health-conscious plant-based eaters, lovers of all things tacos … there’s a dish for anyone and everyone at Zambra Fusion. Rose Vela, chef and seasoned restaurateur, offers Southsiders a wide range of menu options, from Mediterranean pitas to one of her beloved power bowls. They all have one thing in common: big flavor.
The name may sound familiar, and for good reason. Named after a rare, coral-hued rose, the original Zambra Fusion opened its doors in 2004. With a commitment to using high-quality ingredients, Vela and her family brought vibrant dishes to downtown Corpus Christi for 10 years. Now, a decade later, she re-opened her restaurant seeking to bring our community wholesome meals that suit any palate.
With an assortment of pastries, pasta and paninis, Zambra Fusion’s expansive menu features colorful entrees with international flair. Most impressive are its gluten-free and meat-free options. Like many, Vela and other members of her family began to experience symptoms when they ate gluten. “I noticed I felt better when I avoided gluten and ate organic fruits and vegetables, plus, the food just
tastes better,” she said. Inspired by her struggles to find restaurants that could offer flavorful meals within her dietary restrictions, Vela expanded her menu.
Superior ingredients and thoughtful preparation require no explanation, only a taste — like in a forkful of the Vegan Brazilian Bowl. This Power Bowl celebrates the flavors of Brazil with crisp, tender zucchini, lightly stewed tomatoes, sautéed corn, potatoes and red onion. Each bowl is accompanied by a bed of organic spring mix tossed in the house vinaigrette, making for a healthful, satisfying portion to get you through until dinnertime.
We couldn’t get enough of the Mediterranean Grilled Cheese. Subtle notes of goat cheese shine through the classic Greek flavors of hummus and tzatziki. Grilled zucchini gives the panini the perfect smoky bite. Don’t even get us started on the sweet sourdough bread. Next time we dine, we’re trying the 3 Headed Dragon Burger and taking a Puerto Rican taco to go.
There’s no diet or meal Zambra can’t do and do well! Picky eaters, conscious diners and discerning palates can honor their diets and taste buds with a visit to Zambra Fusion.
In case you aren’t aware, local filmmakers live among us and are eager to share their work with other film creatives and the local community at large. Filmmaking as an art form exists to capture an audience with a story that resonates with them. In order for the community to connect with creatives in this way, opportunities for screening must exist. In hopes of encouraging continued creation, Film Up was created to fill the gap between aspiring filmmakers and the opportunity to screen their work.
Local film enthusiast Heidi Hovda has been producing films and championing the film community for years. As technology changes, barriers to entry for filmmakers are lowering, as it becomes more affordable for professionals and amateurs alike to make films. That encouraged her to start the Corpus Christi 7-Day Film Project with fellow local Joe Hilliard.
“One of our goals with the Project was to help build and grow our local film community. We started in 2007, and it’s played a role in not only giving people a chance to make a film as a fun summer project with their friends, but giving local creatives an opportunity to gather every year to celebrate local film and filmmaking,” said Hovda.
As an avid member of the film community and through her experience with CC 7-Day, she saw an obvious disconnect between films in progress and opportunities for screenings, feedback and collaboration with other filmmakers.
While there are a few local festivals, such as CC 7-Day and the South Texas Underground Film Festival, where creatives can showcase their films on a larger scale, smaller events for filmmakers to share their works or works in progress are lacking. It was in this realization
that Film Up came to be. Hovda draws this comparison: “Think about what open mic nights do for comedians and local musicians — it gives them an opportunity to work on their craft and also commune with folks that have the same passion and interests.” Film Up aims to do just that for filmmakers.
This work is crucial to the success of these films and the opportunity for the community to discover local talent of this kind. An artist cannot hone their craft without feedback and collaboration — and that starts with the opportunity to showcase their work.
Film Up currently hosts screenings at Alamo Drafthouse and Art Museum of South Texas, and filmmakers can submit their work for consideration via email. As completely free events, anyone and everyone is invited to partake in the cherished work of local filmmakers, and aid in their distinct creative endeavors.
After finding inspiration from her daughter's pop-up business, Ginny Moss turned her love of hats into an interactive haberdashery for everyone to share. She brings a unique retail experience to pop-up markets and private parties throughout the Coastal Bend with The Hat Bar Co.
"A few years ago, I got bored with plain ol' hats and started dressing them up. I was putting a hat together one day and thought, 'This is what I should do. People would love this,'" Moss said. That idea has since developed into The Hat Bar Co., operating from a refurbished twohorse trailer transformed into a snazzy hat boutique.
Finding a style that works for you is easy with the large selection of colors and wool or felt hats the local business carries. From bands, ribbons and unique patterns to embellishments such as flowers or feathers and custom branding and burning designs, The Hat Bar Co. offers hundreds of creative ways to dress your hat. "It has been phenomenal seeing people have fun with what they create,” said Moss.
The Hat Bar Co. also offers special-sized hats for kids! Be sure to keep it in mind for your next birthday party and include guests in the hat-making fun.
“It's funny because people will say, 'Oh, I'm sorry, it's taking me forever,' and I say, 'No, take your time. You'll know [it’s done] when you see it.'” She always encourages her customers to start with what they are drawn to and keep changing things out until the final product feels right for them. When they see the custom-decorated hat, their eyes light up and it’s this moment of “Yes, that’s it, it’s perfect.”
“We want to have something everybody can participate in making. People can come in and do it themselves, and they like that. It's fun. For a while, people were really into paint parties and
pottery places where you can go in and paint your pottery, and [this is kind of] the same thing.” Moss said.
From creating a custom hat at one of its many pop-ups around town to hiring the vendor for a private party, The Hat Bar Co. exists to foster creativity and fun. So whether you are looking for your next wardrobe staple or seeking out a unique activity, The Hat Bar Co. has everything you need to assemble a custom accesory to treasure for a lifetime.
Depending on the generation of Corpus Christi residents you ask, you’d get several different answers to the questions “Where was City Hall?” and “What used to be where La Retama Park is?” The above building, which served as City Hall from 1911 to 1952, is the one remembered from the childhoods of our most seasoned residents. Others remember the building designed by Richard Colley near the Memorial Coliseum on Shoreline Boulevard, from 1952 until it was replaced by the current City Hall in 1988.
The City Hall at 505 Mesquite, now the location of La Retama Park, was built in 1911 on the site of the old Market Hall. Murphy Givens called this the “civic heart of old Corpus Christi,” and the decision to build City Hall there was logical,
as Market Hall had included space for the local government and volunteer fire brigade.
As the years passed, the city outgrew the building. Repurposing it for La Retama Library led to the discovery that the structure itself needed to be reinforced for the building to continue to be used. This stripped away the historic façade and saw the installation of a modern façade devoid of the original design’s historic detail.
Even after the retrofit, the building structure itself continued to fail, and it was demolished in 1987. Although this building would certainly be regarded as historic if it still stood today, this site continues to be the civic heart of Corpus Christi in its service to the community as a city park.