Florida State - 8/25/11

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Volume 1, Issue 1 | 8/25/11 - 9/16/11 | WWW.THEBLACKSHEEPONLINE.COM


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Black Sheep

“A College Newspaper That’s Actually About College”

summer’s over, the party’s not Megan Fontaine wrote this

With school bells ringing from I-10 to Capital Circle, the time has come to bid farewell to summer. No more fighting off the blistering heat by cracking open a cold one. No more balmy nighttime beer pong tournaments. Time keeps marching forward, and it’s time for all of us good little students to fall in line, lock our liquor cabinets, and cozy up to our undoubtedly massive mountains of textbooks for the semester. Right? Wrong! The changing of the semesters (because what college student measures time by any season but football?) could never kill the fun of getting completely schnockered with your friends on a Friday night. All it does is lay down some new guidelines for your dazed debauchery. Day-drinking is, without a doubt, the highlight of the summer scene. There’s nothing wrong with popping the top off of a longneck and kicking back poolside. It’s summer, after all. Fun is the name of the game. You try doing the same thing in November and people will look at you like you’re crazy. Walking around with an open beer in one hand and the rest of the six-pack in the other doesn’t make you the life of the party, it makes you a drunk. Besides, you’re going to be spending most of your time on campus, and FSU is drier than a vodka martini (shaken, not stirred). The solution, obviously, is to switch into night owl mode. The sun even sets an hour earlier during the fall and winter! With the temperatures falling and the whole student body rolling back into town, fall semester is ripe with opportunities to indulge. More people means bigger parties, and bigger parties means a better-stocked bar. Avail yourself of the finer things or get rip-roaring wasted on college swill; all doors

Other stuff


04: pass the class

Electives are supposed to be easier than your mom, so make sure you’re taking the right ones.

are wide open, and if you’re lucky they’ll swing both ways. And student-hosted parties aren’t the only hotspots that come back to life as summer dies: bars and clubs that shortened their hours during the unpopulated summer months will be back on track. If you don’t want the party and its mess to come to you, you can take yourself to the party! Unfortunately, the start of classes means just that: your days will no longer be unscheduled marathons of living free and easy. You’ll have lectures to attend, homework to do, papers to write—the list goes on and on. And unless you’re one of those rare gems who enjoys dragging himself to class hung over, you’ll have to plan accordingly and get creative. Random Wednesday boozefests will need to be kept to a minimum, while Thursday and Friday nights will be enjoyed to their fullest potential. Schedule your classes in the middle of the day, to leave the morning open for kneeling before your Porcelain Goddess. And definitely make friends with some of the incoming freshmen; everyone needs a good D.D., and those black X’s will mark the spot every time. The end of summer doesn’t have to herald the beginning of a four-month slog toward winter break. If anything we students will have just as much opportunity for fun of the intoxicated variety, provided you know where to look. So don’t despair! The Drink Fairy doesn’t take vacations, and B-Double-E-Double-R-U-N isn’t just a summer campfire song. Party on, my friends. Party on!

14: The Next Big Power Conference

Can FSU help the ACC stop being the SEC’s barely-there little brother?

17: the black sheep interviews:

we talk to sweedish rockers Peter, Bjorn and John!

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