Grand Valley - Issue 2 - 10/3/2013

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The Black Sheep

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Vol. 1, Issue 2

The College Newspaper That's Actually About College

10/3/13 - 10/16/13

Baby in a Stroller

Totally gets ArtPrize BY: Casey Stoddard ArtPrize is upon us. Each year, hundreds of artists submit their work to be judged by the cultured citizens of Grand Rapids. People young and old, white and whiter, all representing The Midwestern Mecca of Art that is GR, amass with their dogs by their side and their newborns in tow. Babies, being the smallest, most devoted aficionados of art, are known to kick and scream and beg their parents to escort them downtown so they can suckle on art’s sweet, sweet nectar. As all walks of life flock to downtown Grand Rapids, The Black Sheep took the opportunity to sit down with an observer who hasn’t quite reached the walking stage of life. To the untrained eye, eight-month old Ezra Wilkins appears to be just another toddler strapped into a stroller. However, Ezra’s father Jasper Wilkins, a onetime struggling artist, assures The Black Sheep that Ezra is enjoying the art more than any ordinary Midwestern adult. Jasper notes, “I knew right from Ezra’s first words ‘Da-Da’ that he has a keen eye for the magnificent. My heart melted faster than the watches in Salvador Dali’s The Persistence of Memory when I heard him utter that phrase. I would be doing a disservice to Ezra and especially his heroes:, Arp and Duchamp, by hiring a babysitter to watch him while the wife and I walked around.” When we suggested his son’s first words were in fact short for “Dad” and not short for “Dadaism,” Jasper rejected the notion. “Not a chance,” he stated. “My son refers to me by my first name and not some title that creates an unnecessary, paternalistic hierarchy. We’re all equals in our household.” For the majority of the interview, Ezra remained in a quiet, Zen-like state. “He’s always thinking, digesting the world around him,” his father assured us. It was later confirmed by outside parties that Ezra was sleeping. When pressed for questioning, Ezra refused to take his toy keys out of his mouth long enough to give us any real answers. However, Jasper was more than willing to speak for his child. “I knew from the moment I looked into Ezra’s blue eyes, bluer than Picasso’s Blue Period, that he was going to be something special. Look at him, keys in his mouth. He doesn’t often speak, he communicates in actions. And his actions are saying he has the keys to life.” Around 2 p.m., The Black Sheep was able to observe the prodigy in his natural environment. Ezra was wide eyed and “in the zone,” according to his father, who spent the majority of the time explaining the ins and

outs of crosswalks to drivers. The duo spent a few moments discussing a portrait of a naked lady and shortly after, it was feeding time for Ezra. At the festival’s conclusion, Jasper allowed The Black Sheep to take a look in Ezra’s room. “That’s by far his favorite painting,” said Jasper, pointing to the image of Rene Magritte’s The Son of Man on the bedroom wall. “It’s the perfect painting for peek-a-boo. He’ll stare and play with that thing for hours.” When asked what his son’s favorite pieces were in this year’s ArtPrize, Jasper explained Ezra’s exquisite

taste. “Anything big and shiny. That really grabs his attention. Also, anything that he can put in his mouth, he’s a big fan of that. I know it angers some people, but it helps him get a better feel for the piece.” As for the future, Jasper shared his worries about Ezra submitting his own works to ArtPrize. “I would love to see his pieces around town, but in the last two years some pieces of shit have been destroying works they don’t personally agree with. Unless it’s a painting of Hitler bending your mom over your dog’s grave, leave it alone.”

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