Illinois - Issue 12 - 11/7/2013

Page 1

This is how we feel

Greek guys not as bad as originally thought

And you're just going to have to deal with it.

At least sometimes they'll call you back, DO YOU HEAR ME GARRETT?

opinions, pg5

MOre opinions, pg20

All Week Long November 6, 2013 November 13, 2013


Poop Joke Connoisseurs Since 2004

Vol. 23 Issue 12 | FREE

We Did It. Racism Is Over. Nicky Whitefield Has Black Friend Sometimes we all deserve a little pat on the back, especially when it comes to the way we beat racism with ease. Though it’s definitely not the easiest thing to do, it’s important to step back every now and then and look at our accomplishments with pride. Whether it’s something small like saving up enough birthday money to finally vacation in France for the summer or maybe something bigger like getting into the same med school both of your parents went to, studies show that it’s actually good for our mental health to recognize our hard work when we’ve done something well. That’s why, when I look around at the world today, I’m disappointed that we’re not in a state of constant applause. As a nation, there’s so much that Americans should be really proud of. I think it’s time that we take ownership in some of those victories and celebrate how far we have come with racial equality. There’s never been a better time than during the second term of the country’s first all-black president, Barack Obama, than for all of us—white, black, brown, red, Hispanic and even yellow—to stand up and say, “We did it!” Because after years and years of fighting, we’ve finally won the battle against racism. All it takes is to look around and see how beautiful and diverse our world is to know that racism is in its grave. Every day, you see people in successful, interracial relationships, - like Eddie Murphy and his white girlfriend. You see a skinny white girl sandwiched between a black homeless person and a black marijuana drug dealer, all sitting peaceably toward the front of the bus. You see people of different skin colors hanging out together and studying for that impossible biology midterm exam and realize that you’re actually pretty happy that affirmative action helped them all get into your school in the first place. You see famous people like Oprah Winfrey, Michelle Obama, Kanye West, Beyonce and Morgan Freeman teaching young minorities that if they work hard enough and set their minds to it, they can work their way out of the inner-city ghetto and up to the very top of their wildest dreams. We should be cheering, but instead, we often don’t acknowledge how many barriers we have overcome. Even rap music is becoming more and more popular, which just shows how excited different races are to share and experience other

cultures. I personally love rap music and can really relate to a lot of the themes and lyrics. One of my sorority sisters is a quarter Asian, and she loves Taylor Swift. With the end of racism, the gates of culture are open for everyone—regardless of skin color—to enjoy. The UIUC campus is a great example of how awesome diversity is and how racist thinking is something of the past. If you happen to go to PAR/FAR for dinner, you’ll see lots of black people as well as international (Asian) students hanging around. As a campus, we’re very lucky to have such a diverse pool of students. We don’t just come from Chicago and its suburbs, but also from downstate cities like Peoria or East St. Louis. Together, this mixture of the familiar and the ethnically exciting helps us all grow and develop as one. I, myself, have several black friends. I even lived down the hall from

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one my freshman year. She was always so nice and funny, and she always knew to make me feel comfortable around her. I’m thankful for the experience, because during job interviews I can now talk about my new ability to communicate with different cultures and skin tones. Racism is solved every day right here on campus. Thanks to collaboration, compromise and some good ol’ fashioned elbow grease, even some really complicated battles—like whether or not to keep Chief Illiniwek as a campus symbol and mascot—have been worked out. It just goes to show that through compromise, everyone wins. Starting tomorrow, I ask that all University of Illinois students wake up and forget that racism ever existed, because you know what? It’s over. We did it, guys. Racism is over.

twitter — @blacksheep_uiuc

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