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Volume 1, Issue 1 | 8/18/11 - 9/7/11
Black Sheep
“A College Newspaper That’s Actually About College”
Dear Freshmen Isaac Dreidelschlietzi wrote this To: Incoming Freshman Class From: An Incoming Sophomore Dear Freshman Girls, Hi. I’m Jeremy. I like your shoes. Dear Freshman Guys, Yeah, stay out of my way. I’ve got new shoes to go show off to some girls. Okay, for real, when you’re coming into a new school like Illinois State University, you probably have a lot of questions and of course I’d be glad to answer those! How nice of you to ask me! Let’s start with a few, shall we? Q: What are the best places to study around campus? A: How the hell should I know? Q: Okay, so I’ve had this attachment to home for a while. I mean, I don’t really know my roommate, they smell, and I don’t know how to deal with it. I can’t meet anyone. I just want to be happy, but all the girls think I’m a loser and I can’t make friends when I’m just little shy me. What do you recommend? A: What? Wait, were you saying something?
Other stuff
I have a saying, and that is, “Ask me no questions.” I always lie, so I can’t really have the second part of that saying. When it comes down to it, trust…not me. Anyways, let me officially welcome you to Illinois State University, home of the goodbur… I mean Redbirds. We do have a Burger King in The Bone, and it is quite nice, too. You’ll find that Illinois State is actually a pretty welcoming place. We have lots of different people here. Some are pretty weird. Actually, the majority of them are pretty weird. It would take several pages to tell you all about the crazies on campus, but just keep on a lookout for the man trying to sell you gold rings. Trust me, it’s not gold, and they’re not rings for your finger. You’re going to go through a few stages your freshman year, and they’re all pretty fun, fun in a “sobbing while cradling a bottle of vodka in the corner” kind of way. Stage 1: Fear You’ll most likely be dropped off by your parents at ISU, only to be greeted by many saying that your mom is a MILF, or maybe that was just me. Once you meet your roommate, you guys will talk awkwardly for a few minutes, and then the silence comes. A knock will come on your door. It’s your RA! Holy shit, are they cool or what? (You’ll come to interpret that however you want). You’ll meet your floor mates, maybe find a cute girl or a cute—I mean cool—guy to eat lunch with every day. Congratulations,
you’re still a lame freshman! Stage 2: Cockiness Okay, this isn’t like high school, where everyone hates the freshman. In fact, most people like freshmen. They have all the books from the classes you need to retake. But freshmen don’t get in anyone’s way, and they don’t know that ISU is a place to party, not study. So its fun! You’ll buy all of the long boards you’ll never need, drink all of the Natty Lights you’ll never want, and eventually adapt the word “bro” into your everyday vocabulary. Stage 3 (The Final Stage): Frat Boy or Hipster Douche There comes a pivotal point in a young freshman’s life when he must choose whether or not he wants to be a queer beer drinking loud music (you’ve never heard of) lover, or a frat boy. You just never know in most cases, but luckily I’m here to help you. Just pick one group and take pride in every aspect of life that it represents. Think of it like the Civil War; not everyone in the south was a diehard fan of slavery, but they just went with it. Instead of slavery this time around, its flat brimmed hats. Now by the time you’re done reading this article, it should be 7:50AM, and you’re going to miss your 8AM class, so scurry off mister young freshman. Just remember that The Black Sheep is always looking out for you and your freshman friends… Ladies…
less clothing if you're sexy, more if you're not
yes, we judge you for playing horse shoes
start practicing your hula hoop skills, y'all
summer pool etiquette
summer drinking games
preview: electric forest