The Black Sheep
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Vol. 2, Issue 1
The College Newspaper That's Actually About College
8/29/13 - 9/4/13
The Black Sheep’s
Fall Future Forecast BY: Mary Venuto You may think this semester will be just like any other. Kentucky football will have yet another winless season, Eli Capilouto will set more unreasonable budget goals, and bike cops will still cruise around State Street thinking they’re a bigger deal than the Harrison twins. What you don’t know is here at The Black Sheep we have our hands on a crystal ball, time machine, and several Rhode Island mediums to help us win bets at Keeneland. After a night of drunkenly confirming how fantastic we all are (we have low self-esteem, okay?), we decided to look into the future so we could give you an idea of what to expect this coming school year. UK football will make it to the championship, but croak at the last second: Yes our crystal ball is real, and no it didn’t break when we spilled Fireball whiskey all over it. It’ll be UK and Vanderbilt in the BCS title game. Everyone will be under the impression that Stoops finally got a squad that has played actual, real-life big boy football. Everything will go spectacularly until the fourth quarter when our players realize they’ve been duped into playing football, not basketball. After several incomplete bounce passes by star quarterback Ryan Harrow, the ball is eventually intercepted and Vanderbilt scores. Vanderbilt then goes on to score on every kick return. The TV camera will pan to UK’s student section, but everyone will have already left to line up outside Rupp Arena. UK will become a “Top 20 School”: Finally UK students won’t have to listen to administrators go on and on about how they want to make UK a top scholarly institution. However, the administrators failed to consider was that no student here wants to study like Stephen Hawking. 80% of the student body will drop out right after basketball season to which administrators will respond with “Wait, wait, just kidding!” Everyone’s tuition money is then spent on a huge party in Commonwealth Stadium and hiring the least qualified “professors” found on Craigslist. You will lose all your money at Keeneland: On opening day you’ll be on fire. So unbelievably hot, in fact, that you’ll have correctly guessed every winning horse that day. At the last race you’ll put all the money in your checking account down on a horse named Mr. Bagels, because you figure you’re Nostradamus reincarnate. Mr. Bagels runs the opposite direction when the gates flood open. Your friends laugh at your pain as you move back in with your parent and ironically start working at Best Bagel. Christian Laettner will apologize for being such a douche nozzle
back in ‘92: We know you’re familiar with Laettner’s douchedom. If not then drop out of UK this instant. During March Madness Big Blue Nation is forced to watch him step on Aminu Timberlake and hit that damn buzzer beater over and over again. Laettner will go onto ESPN and say “I was such a doucher back in ’92. I mean, I shouldn’t have stepped on Timberlake. That was so classless. And that game winning shot, well, you don’t want to know what deals with the Devil I made to hit that.” Wildcat fans that have fallen will finally be able to rest in peace. Kentucky and Louisville will settle their rivalry, gladiator style: The battle for alpha dog, or if you ask us, alpha cat, in college basketball will
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What it Means To Be “That Guy”
The Top Ten Items They Don’t Tell You to Pack For UK
Hint: it’s not a good thing!
It’s not your fault, UK is full is of unforeseen nonsense.
get even uglier this season. Both Twitter and Facebook will crash from all of the social media exchanges of shit talking. The only reasonable way anyone will think of to settle this dispute is for the two teams to play to their deaths. The game is neck-and-neck until a second overtime when both teams collapse from exhaustion. Calipari and Pitino start pulling each other’s hair when suddenly… Unfortunately, dear readers, at that point our crystal ball died and no one had any double AA batteries on them. We did get one last vague premonition, however, and that was that this year at UK is going to be one for the ages! Hopefully in a good way! Welcome back Wildcats!
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Bartender of the Week Kevin of Campus Pub is not impressed by Sarah Jessica Parker.