Tennessee - Issue 11 - 11/7/2013

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The Black Sheep

fr Chr ee...l ist ike w ma s m atch ovi ing eo f th the fi e se rst aso n.

Vol. 3, Issue 11

The College Newspaper That's Actually About College

11/7/13 - 11/13/13

Where Are They Now? The Stephen A. Burroughs Story BY: Austin McLaurine Skyrocketing into Knoxville stardom two years ago after his billboard ads garnered local attention, car crash attorney Stephen A. Burroughs has seemingly dropped off the map. Even after reaching an all time peak with his popular Swagfest event, Mr. Burroughs is nowhere to be found. Numerous rumors about his whereabouts have been stated, but none have been correct, or at least verified. At The Black Sheep, we have taken it upon ourselves to clear the air, and after some intensive investigating we believe to have found the definitive story. You might be surprised, or even shocked, by these 100% totally true facts, so buckle up. After enjoying his local fame for a semester or so, Mr. Burroughs knew it wouldn’t last. Handing out t-shirts with his face on them could only take him so far, though he does, admittedly, have very chiseled features and a rugged beard. But he wasn’t satisfied with the glory he received, and devised a plan to achieve eternal greatness. The only way he could do this, of course, was by becoming the largest drug kingpin in East Tennessee. After extensively reading the “Drugs” article on Wikipedia and watching the pilot episode of Breaking Bad, Mr. Burroughs began his long climb to the top. He developed a prod-

uct new to everyone in the market… it was mostly just beard clippings and Dial soap, but he always claimed his beard had magical properties (and just enjoys the taste of Dial soap). None of his clientele believed this, however, and after much outrage from users and a certain drug lord that goes by the name of Cheeksenberg (we have no clues to the identity of said drug lord), Burroughs realized the drug trade wasn’t for him. Stephen A. took a long hard look at himself in the mirror on the ceiling above his bed. What could he do? What should his next move be? Then he saw it in his mirror, his destiny was looking right back at him through the shape of a bedazzled skull with angel wings. That next day Burroughs bought up large quantities of Ed Hardy stock. His friends and loved ones urged him to not do so. They claimed it would change him into something they couldn’t stand to be with. Burroughs proceeded to do so anyway and accrued a vast amount of sequined t-shirts. Burroughs became so obsessed with Ed Hardy he eventually emptied his top secret billboard-fund and bought out the company. Upon becoming CEO, his family gave him an ultimatum: resign or leave

the family. Powered by his prominent beard, Burroughs promptly left his home and moved to South America to live out his life as CEO of Ed Hardy. Things get a little fuzzy here and we had some trouble separating the fact from fiction. Nobody has heard directly from him since he left the country. Rumors whispered in the wind say that Burroughs had started his own cult and was conducting

mass ceremonies with his followers. Who they worship is a mystery, but we have a hunch they hold men with beards in high regard, such as Abraham Lincoln and Billy Mays. Burroughs still retains CEO status but has managed to route his finances into an undisclosed bank account, which he probably uses to fund his insatiable need for hair care products. Occasionally, someone will be spot-

ted leaving a pile of Ed Hardy shirts in Presidential Court, possibly as a token of admiration or a sign that he will return. Even weirder, students have reported that late at night sometimes they will hear whisperings of something that sounds like “Swagfest.” True to form, Stephen A. Burroughs will surely make a triumphant return, first appearing on our billboards, and then appearing in our hearts and dreams.

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The Quest for Top 25

Top 10: Lost and Founds at the bar

Marcus Mumford Pursing Dream Job

Your drunken weekends are now the school’s #1 priority.

Ever wonder what happened to that tube of lipstick you left at Whiskey Dix?

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Working in construction sure as hell beats making Grammy-winning albums.

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