The Black Sheep
Vol. 3, Issue 9
The College Newspaper That's Actually About College
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10/24/13 - 10/30/13
Hau nted tennessee BY: Harry Twatter There’s more to look out for on this campus than just the construction chaos and persnickety professors — every day while in class/walking to class/passed out in the grass there’s a chance for you to happen upon someone… some thing… lurking in the shadows. With a campus dating back to 1794 and some Civil War shit going down in the area, it’s no wonder Rocky Top is frequented by ghouls and haunts. Some of the buildings we live and study in have enough paranormal activity to spark a 4th Paranormal Activity (5th maybe? We lost count.) Here, The Black Sheep gives you the low-down of what may be coming for you this Halloween. And before you think we’re making this up, we used the internet to find these stories. The internet, you guys. Reese Hall, according to our sources, was built on a Native American burial ground that was never moved before the dorms were built. Because what would ghost stories be without at least one building in the area not sitting atop ancient Native American burial grounds? So if you’re hooking up with a hottie in Reese and feel like someone else is watching, it’s not your “sleeping” roommate, it’s definitely the dead (and let’s face it, probably horny) Native ghosts who are still buried underneath the dorms. Hess Hall, says an actual book called Halls of Ivy: Ghosts of Southern Colleges and Universities, is home to another ghost — that of a student who committed suicide in the 70s. If you listen closely, you can
still hear his cries of anguish from failing a chemistry exam… oh yeah, and killing himself. Makes you wonder the real reason this hall that hasn’t had residents in it for five years. Strong Hall, also mention in Halls of Ivy, is named after Sophronia Strong, whose house used to be where the dorm stands until the land was donated to serve as a women’s dormitory. While in use, residents would see Sophie, an apparition in white, appear in their mirrors and show up whenever drama was getting heated or there were fights among the girls — apparently Sophie disapproves of unwomanly behavior and would always look sternly at the students causing the ruckus. C’mon Sophie, they came to college to get away from parental disapproval! She’s also been known to do more mischievous pranks, such as lock girls out of their dorms or bathrooms. Now that her legacy is not being used for a girls’ dormitory anymore, Sophie might get really angry and we may have a real poltergeist on our hands! Call in Tangina/ Zelda Rubinstein! The Hill is known as one of the most haunted places on this campus. While you’re trudging up those multiple flights of vertical steps, you’re probably looking down at your feet to make sure you don’t fall backwards. But if you were to look to the side of you, you just might see a ghostly apparition in a bowler hat walking beside you. The forlorn ghost of a student who took his own life after his girlfriend left him in
the ‘30s, the poor soul uses a bowler hat to hide the gaping bullet wound in his head. Not to mention the Hill being the location of several key Civil War battles. So as you complain about all the stairs or your awkward hookup the night before, know that there are hundreds of ghosts nodding in disapproval before they trip you up and fall all the way back down. But wait, there’s more! Ghosts, we mean. Have you ever looked out of the windows of Perkins Hall and seen pale figures in a circle, discussing over papers? Well, it may be engineering students stuck on a particularly hard calculus problem, but it may also be the ghosts of Union soldiers! It is said that graves of the soldiers were discovered when the former building Blount Hall was being constructed in 1900. They reburied the unidentified soldiers, but their spirits remain, haunting the area around their unmarked
graves and conferring around maps, still trying to take out those Confederate sons a’bitches. McClung Museum is also built above sealed Indian grave, whose souls wander the museum at night, bored out of their minds no less. The Genereral Counsling Center is home to Dr. Thackston’s ghost, the old Dean of Education who locks doors and paces the halls at night. It turns out there are actually a lot of haunted places on this campus — and old university built on a Civil War site? Who’da thunk? But before we get ahead of ourselves, we’d prefer that you go out this Halloween and find your own ghost stories. We don’t mean go kill people, we mean the infrared cameras and recordings of nonexistent noises… you know Ghosts ‘n Bros or whatever that shows called. Happy Knoxoween!
page 6
pages 10-11
page 13
How to Lose a Guy On Halloween
The Black Sheep Interviews: Steve-O
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UNfortunately, your costume isn’t that much of a disguise.
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