WMU - Issue 1 - 9/5/2013

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The Black Sheep

fre co e...li nd ke om you s. A r r nd oo to mm ot hb ate’s ru sh .

Vol. 7, Issue 1

The College Newspaper That's Actually About College

9/5/13 - 9/11/13

GLORY TEAM BRINGS HONOR TO BRONCOS! BY: Hannah Weyer It is with great pleasure and utter pride that we report that on August the 30th the Western Michigan University football team upheld their university’s honor in the face of our ideological foe, the Michigan State Spartans. The Bronco football team, having been blessed by the God-Dragon and chosen to lead our people to victory, easily obliterated our enemy, with a final score of 387-6. Our Highest Football Team’s victory was secure in all aspects — Our Beloved Coach Fleck was proud to have been visited in a dream the night before by Our Supreme Leader, King of All the Sun Touches, Emperor of Academia, Lord of the Dance, President Dunn. In his dream, Our Supreme Leader told Coach Fleck to go forth and bring the wrath of the Bronco unto the Spartans. Coach Fleck then turned into a fabulous unicorn, like Rarity the Best Pony. All these signs assured Our Beloved Coach and his advisors of our victory, and when our Adored Football Team won the coin toss, we knew that we could not fail. The MSU Spartans are disgraceful swine, not even fit to inhabit the same football field as Our Beloved Broncos. It is only because of the mercy of Our Benevolent Leader acting through Coach Fleck that they were spared their wretched lives. His Benevolence is inspiring — even when the filthy Spartans tried to cheat in the third quarter, Our Treasured Coach remained magnanimous and allowed them the touchdown for their own ignoble pride. Our Beloved Team, surely chosen by the Great GodDragon for their ferocity, their intelligence, their strength and their tenacity, touched every down and quartered every back with a demigod-like superiority over the sub-human Spartans. In the first quarter, in just 15 minutes, Our Supreme Broncos scored 21 touchdowns, stampeding over our morally-corrupt foe as the Divine Avatars they are. At

one point, the cheating swine knocked the football to the ground, but having been chosen to lead Our Faithful Broncos to victory, the ball refused to be held by the Great Liars, jumping miraculously from the worthless Spartan lineman’s arms to Our Divine Running Back, Fabian Johnson, who was waiting in the end zone, certain of his success. In the second quarter, in a gesture of sportsmanship the Spartans remain unworthy of, Our Benevolent Leader insisted through Our Beloved Coach Fleck that Our Cherished Broncos play wronghanded, to even the playing field. The Spartans remained unable to score against Our Superior Broncos, fumbling every ball and feebly tossing the football into Our Divine Broncos’ arms in a humiliating show of doglike understanding of the Great God-Dragon’s most Beloved of Games. In the second quarter, Our Extraordinary Broncos scored 11 touchdowns, bringing the score to 224-0. At halftime, the Spartan Marching Band regaled the masses with their interpretation of what Our Glorious Bronco Marching Band would sound like if Our Glorious Bronco Marching Band suddenly had simultaneous seizures that rendered their fingers and tongues inoperable. It was a great success. In the third quarter, the most disgraceful of liars, Spartan Coach Dantonio shamed Our Glorious Leader by cheating most foully, casting a spell on the Honorable Referees to call a third down a “touchdown.” Despite the outrage on our part at this unworthy insult to Our Divine Leader, Our Most High Broncos remained stoic, mercifully allowing this single, dastardly insult in a most charitable fashion. In a show of lenience, Our Honorable Coach merely cursed the Unscrupulous Deceiver with ten years of impotence. At the end of the quarter, the score read 273-6.

In the final quarter, to avenge Our Glorious Leader on the inferior Spartan dogs, Our Beloved Broncos scored 16 touchdowns, back to back, in the final 15 minutes, easily crushing our wicked enemies under the Great Hoof of Buster the Bronco and of the Great God-Dragon. In a show of humility, the unworthy Spartan team begged forgiveness of Our Mighty Broncos and Our Wonderful Leader, offering their lives to pay for their transgressions. But to the powerful Bronco, the lives of ants mean noth-

ing. The inconsequential Spartans were spared the wrath of Our Most Merciful Leader through Our Divine Coach Fleck and allowed to play the season against other inferior teams. The first home game for Our Splendid Broncos will be September 7th against Nicholls at Waldo Stadium. Attendance is mandatory for all WMU students.

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