WMU - Issue 4 - 10/10/2013

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The Black Sheep

ho fre me e... co lik m eH sc ing. A erpe re en nd a s on ing ls s. o S TD

Vol. 7, Issue 4

The College Newspaper That's Actually About College

10/10/13 - 10/23/13

Break-ups and you He didn't deserve you anyway BY: sara czarnecki Everyone experiences rejection — be it from our jobs, our friends or that goddamn ass-fart Jim Morton and his stupid-ass face. Rejection is just a part of life, and since there’s no point in letting life ruin life for you, you can’t let it break your heart and turn you into a volcano of hate or a cheap Taylor Swift knockoff. So what is a less-than-or-equal-to-drinking-age young adult supposed to do with their feelings? Drink: You just had your heart torn out of your chest, and stomped on, and sprayed with pepper spray, and doused in gasoline, and set on fire, and chewed on by a rabid deer, and thrown against the canvas of a tormented artist, and tossed in the street, and run over by a monster truck, and exposed to no less than six kinds of electromagnetic radiation, and shoved back into your chest cavity by some ass-hat that never cleans under his damn nails. There is someone in this town who will buy you a drink. Call Them: “You know whad Jim? Fluck you! You didda even know how much I frickin gave you! Go on, find some tramp’ll pud up wif yer shiiid, Jim! I dune’en need you! If I ever see yer douche-crapper face agai’, I’mma punch it in id’s face, an’ when it pops off yer neck, I’mma roun’house kick it in th’ jaw super hard, and then I’mma run all th’ way ‘roun’ the worl’ tuh kick it again b’fore it hits th’ groun’, an’ I’mma jus’ play tennis wif yer head wif m’self until yer ass-fartdildo face explodes all over yer bitch muhver. Call me when you get this.” Figure out How to Delete Someone Else’s Voicemail: Oh, shit, you just drunk-dialed your ex-boyfriend/girlfriend/boss/BFF/professor/roommate/ senator! Why did you go for tequila? Why did you stop using your phone for Candy Crush? Why did you even wake up this morning? Okay, calm down. You can

fix this. All you have to do is delete the message. You can do that, right? With all the miracles of technology, someone had to have invented a way to get rid of drunk phone messages at 2 in the morning before Jim Morton gets it! GOOGLE! Google will know! You Can’t Delete Someone Else’s Voicemail: God DAMN you, nerds, what are you even doing?!? Call to Clarify: “Heeeeeeey, Jim, listen. Tessa — you remember Tessa, right? — has been working on a really great impression of me and she got, like, so wasted tonight and she got my phone and I, like, just saw the call to you so I thought I should let you know that whatever she said, that totally wasn’t me, okay? Tess is so funny, she just wanted to see if she could fool the man I’ve spent the last two and a half years with! Okay, just to clarify: that was Tessa that said she wanted to play tennis with your head. Not me. Talk to you later!” Get Bad News: Who is texting you at 2:30 in the morning? Jamie? What does she want? Doesn’t she know you’re asleep and totally not obsessing over Jim and his douche-turtle voicemail? “OMG im sooooo sorry.” What? Type back, “4 what?” “tess and jim left the bar 2gether :(((“ No. No way. Uh-uh. No goddamn way! That skank! How could she do this to you?! She’s probably been trying to break you two up for months, just so she could sleep with your boyfriend! That’s why your sweet Jimmy Jams broke up with you! That pockfaced whore bewitched him! Throw Up: Gross, did you eat an entire green pepper pizza? And… corn? When did you have corn? Ew, it’s still coming out! Oh God, why won’t you stop throw-

ing up?! Jesus, flush the toilet now so you don’t clog the system! Are you done ye- *gag*! OH GOD IT’S *gag choke gargle* IT’S JUST- shhh, no, don’t cry. It’s okay, don’t cry! You’re going to be okay! Everything’s going to be okay, calm down! Pass Out: Are you supposed to be on your stomach so you don’t choke on your vomit? Or on your back so you don’t drown yourself in the piss puddle by the toilet? Maybe… okay, on your side, and use your shirt like a pillow. Theeeeere we go. Remember That Your Alibi Doesn’t Work Anymore: SHITDAMNIT! Call Again: “Hey, Jim. It’s me again. Listen, about those last two voicemails — I was totally just joking with you. We’re cool, like, I still want us to be friends, so when I realized that what I said might not have sounded like a joke to you, I was like, ‘Ahh, I gotta

page 4 TV Grief and You

page 5 Top 10: Things the Fox Says

who will have the strength to stand against the forces of free time?

Mostly incomprehensible babble, but sometimes a hit song. BOOM! Take that, Fox News!

make sure he knows it was a joke,’ haha! Eenyhoo, totally call me when you get this, kay? Kay! Buh-bye!” Call Again: “And just so you know, I’m totally cool with you and Tessa making love. Totally fine with it. Nah, we’re all friends here, we’re all good. Call me back!” Call Again: “Listen up, you slack-jawed-whore-bitchdildo: I don’t know what you did to convince Jimmy to leave me, but it’s not gonna work. You hear me? Jim and I are soul mates, and once he realizes what a trashy slut you are, he’ll come right back to me and we will spend the rest of our lives laughing at your pathetic, sorry ass!” Call Again: “Whoopsie, that last call was the wrong number! Sorry, Jim! Just joking again, haha! Yeah, so, call me!”

page 10 PLedge Cannot Believe he was lied to during rush he's facing the pain that he IS actually going to be hazed.

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