Breakthrough Brethren: The Christian Messenger, July 2020 issue

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Njt nra;jp: Aj;jk; fh;j;jUilaJ

Lockdown Relief Kits For Families


BREAKTHROUGH BRETHREN Pray God will raise change makers in your life 1

Lockdown Relief Kits For Families During this lockdown, we provided relief kits to numerous poor families in Tamil Nadu. Each relief kit consisted of 11 items such as 5 kilos of rice, cooking oil, pulses, spices, sugar and toiletries. You can sponsor a relief kit for Rs.750/Help us help the poor! Turn to page 4 for our bank details.

Wedding in MP missionary’s family during lockdown Our missions worker’s daughter got married on June 21 during the Covid-19 lockdown. Please uphold the newly married couple in your prayers.



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BREAKTHROUGH BRETHREN man who played an important role in David the BY ROBIN SAM

shepherd boy standing before the king. God had planned out David’s life and in His wisdom He picked this servant of Saul to put in a good word to the king about the shepherd boy. God can accomplish anything in the world without us, but yet He chooses us to serve Him. ‘Out of these stones God can raise up children for Abraham’ (Matt. 3:9). This servant was quite effusive in his praise for David. He also identified that the Lord was with him. That says something about the servant - he himself must have been a man anointed by God. Because while anyone can find out talent and look at the complexion of the skin, only the anointed can identify another anointed vessel. ‘But you have an anointing from the Holy One, and you know all things’ (1 John 2:20). ‘But he who is spiritual judges all things, yet he himself is rightly judged by no one’ (1 Cor. 2:15). Today, will you pray that God will send an anointed vessel to spot the anointing on your life and take you to places you never dreamed of? 2. Joseph’s breakthrough came through Pharaoh’s chief butler Now there was a young Hebrew man with us there, a servant of the captain of the guard (Genesis 41:12).

THE Oxford Learner’s Dictionary defines breakthrough as an important development that may lead to an agreement or achievement. But, a breakthrough is often more than that. It can be a monumental deal clincher, a significant turn of events, a light bulb moment. In the natural world, breakthroughs happen to those who are persistent enough to bulldoze resistance, who wait for the oppressor to tire out. In the Bible, however, breakthroughs are ordained by God. He uses ordinary men and women to bring about a breakthrough in the lives of others whom He is willing to use. I call those ordinary folks the ‘Breakthrough Brethren.’ I want to introduce 3 groups of people who were behind the breakthroughs of others. 1. David’s breakthrough came through one of Saul’s servants Then one of the servants answered and said, “Look, I have seen a son of Jesse the Bethlehemite, who is skillful in playing, a mighty man of valor, a man of war, prudent in speech, and a handsome person; and the Lord is with him” (1 Samuel 16:18). The servant is not named here, but he played a pivotal role in David’s life and career. He was the


Evangelism Through Journalism

Vol. 17, No. 1



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JULY, 2020

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THE MESSAGE As a young man, Joseph thought his life would be a bed of roses because his father favored him above all his brothers. He had the multi-colored coat and he had a special vision that he believed was the roadmap for his future. But, the envy of his brothers did him in and he was soon sold to traders who took him to Egypt. A seductress’ allegation landed him in jail. But the Pharaoh’s chief butler became his ‘breakthrough brother’ when he remembered how Joseph’s interpretation of his dream had come true. In today’s world, a letter of recommendation carries a lot of weight. If you have to get something done in the corridors of power you need to know someone who knows the powers that be. The chief butler was Joseph’s erstwhile jail inmate, but now he offered him a word of recommendation to the pharaoh. Proverbs 25:11 says: ‘A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver.’ Today, will you believe that God is able to bring you your ‘breakthrough brethren’? A brother or a sister who will speak the right word for you? A word that opens the doors to the portals of power. 3. Naaman’s breakthrough came through the young Hebrew girl The Syrian king’s army commander, Naaman, was a great and honorable man in the eyes of his

master. He was a mighty man of valor but a leper. And, that one thing kept Naaman down. There was no one like him on the battlefield, but he was dying every day because of the disease and the social stigma attached to leprosy. His breakthrough came through the young Hebrew girl whom he brought captive from his battle against Israel. The girl held no malice toward her captor. She was gracious enough to show him how he could be healed. In Luke 5:1720 we read about a paralytic man who was brought before Jesus by his friends. The four men were the paralytic man’s ‘breakthrough brethren’. They took him to Jesus, the wellspring of healing. What joy to have such men around us! Before I wrap up, I want to give you some tips on how to identify the ‘breakthrough brethren’ in your lives. Breakthrough brethren in the Bible were often in the background and content to be that way. They always had good words to say about others. They sincerely wished their friends well. They were all change makers. They did not hanker for gratitude or stay back for glory. Once the job was done, they disappeared from the scene. Will you now pray that God will raise change makers in your life too? Conversely, are you willing to be a change maker in someone else’s life?

Partner with Messenger Missions Help us reach the unreached! SOME of our readers, well-wishers and prayer partners contacted us recently asking us details of our financial needs. We are generally reticent in making our needs known but use our magazine to highlight a few of them occasionally. However, this time we want to make an exception and publish a list of our urgent needs for those who want to help us through offerings and donations.

Woolen Clothes: Like in the past years, this year also we are in need of woolen clothes for people living in our mission fields. We are looking at offering woolen clothes such as shawls, sweaters and blankets to as many as 1,000 people across Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh and Odisha. Required amount: Rs.4,00,000/Sponsor a mission field: Most of our mission field workers were not paid their full salary during the lockdown because there were just not enough funds to provide them with their monthly support. This has never happened before. You can sponsor a mission field either partially (Rs.3,000/-) or fully (Rs.6,000/-). Let us know if you can partner with us in sharing the Gospel with the unreached people groups in central and north Indian states. Please use the account details given below to send your donations and offerings. You can call us or email us with the details of the project you are sponsoring with your sacrificial contributions. Phone: 0-72990633345 / 7299063347. Email: THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER w JULY 2020

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2,000 languages do not have alphabet

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THERE are over 2,000 languages in the world that do not have an alphabet. That’s a huge challenge before the Bible translators who must record the spoken word. Wycliffe Associates has come up with Bible Translation Recording Kits (BTRKs) that make it possible to complete an entire recorded translation of the Bible. The kits consist of a computer tablet, translation and recording software, and a microphone. During a Bible translation workshop, the kits provide necessary tools for translators from language groups that have no written language or have members who are unable to read. One man living in a predominantly Buddhist nation, where one in 1,000 people are Christians, attended a Wycliffe Associates Bible translation workshop. Later he brought his father to see the work they were doing. Ultimately, he became a Christian as well.

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Messenger Missions is also involved in supporting Bible translations. Your contributions will help speed up the pace of the work. For details, call 7299063347. Email:

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CALVARY BAPTIST BIBLE COLLEGE & SEMINARY (Fundamental, Pre-Millennial, Non-Charismatic) Affiliated to Tabernacle Baptist Bible College & Theological Seminary, Virginia Beach, Virginia, USA.

Invites applications from dedicated and born-again men and women to serve the Lord with a definite calling to the Christian ministry may apply for the Course. REGULAR CLASSES START FROM THE 2ND WEEK OF JULY 2020

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Njt nra;jp

Aj;jk; fh;j;jUilaJ fbdg;gLj;jpdjhy; mtd; gpujhdkhd 600 ujq;fisAk;> vfpg;jpYs;s rfy ujq;fisAk; G+l;bf;nfhz;L ,];uNty; [dq;fisg; gpd;njhlh;e;jhd;. ijhpakhfg; Gwg;gl;l [dq;fspd; ,Ujak; me;jj; jpushd Nridfisg; ghh;j;jTld; fiue;J Nghapw;W. mth;fs; NkhNriag; ghh;j;J Nfl;l Nfs;tpia 11-MtJ trdj;jpy; ghh;f;fpNwhk;. ~md;wpAk; mth;fs; NkhNria Nehf;fp: vfpg;jpNy gpNujf;Fopfs; ,y;iynad;wh tdhe;juj;jpNy rhFk;gbf;F vq;fisf; nfhz;Lte;jPh;? ePh; vq;fis vfpg;jpypUe;J Gwg;gl;lg;gz;zpdjpdhy;> vq;fSf;F ,g;gbr; nra;jJ vd;d?| ~mg;nghOJ NkhNr [dq;fis Nehf;fp: gag; g lhjpUq; f s; @ eP q ; f s; epd; W nfhz; L ,d;iwf;Ff; fh;j;jh; cq;fSf;Fr; nra;Ak; ,ul;rpg;igg;ghUq;fs;@ ,d;iwf;F ePq;fs; fhz;fpw vfpg;jpaiu ,dp vd;iwf;Fk; fhzkhl;Bh;fs;| (trdk; 13) vd;whd;. ~fh;j;jh; cq;fSf;fhf Aj;jk;gz;Zthh;@ ePq;fs; Rk;khapUg;gPh;fs; vd;whd;.| (trdk; 14) fh;j;jh; NkhNriag; ghh;j;J: ~eP cd; Nfhiy Xq;fp> cd; ifiar; rKj;jpuj;jpd;Nky; ePl;b> rKj;jpuj;ijg; gpse;JtpL| vd;whh;. ~mg;nghOJ ,];uNtyhpd; Nridf;F Kd;dhf ele;j NjtJ}jdhdth; tpyfp> mth;fSf;Fg; gpd;dhf ele;jhh;@ mth;fSf;F Kd; ,Ue;j Nkf];jk;gKk; tpyfp> mth;fs; gpd;Nd epd;wJ.| (trdk; 19) ~mJ vfpg;jpahpd; NridAk; ,];uNtyhpd; NridAk; ,uhKOJk; xd;Nwhnlhd;W Nruhjgb mitfs; eLtpy; te;jJ@ vfpg;jpaUf;F mJ NkfKk; me;jfhuKkha; ,Ue;jJ> ,];uNtyUf;Nfh mJ ,uit ntspr;rkhf;fpw;W.| (trdk; 20) NkhNr jd; ifiar; rKj;jpuj;jpd;Nky; Xq;fpdNghJ fh;j;jh; gyj;j fPo;fhw;wpdhy; rKj;jpuk; xJq;Fk;gb nra;jhh;> jiu twz;L NghdJ. gfy; tpbAk; Neuj;jpy; fh;j;jh; vfpg;jpd; Nridiaf; fyq;fbj;jhh;. mth;fs; ujq;fspypUe;J rf;fuq;fs; fod;W Nghfg; gz;zpdhh;. mth;fs; Xl;b te;j ujq;fis ,g;nghOJ js;Sk;gb Neh;e;jJ. ~mg;nghOJ vfpg;jpah;: ,];uNtyiu tpl;L Xbg;NghNthk;> fh;j;jh; mth;fSf;Fj; Jiz epd;W vfpg;jpaUf;F tpNuhjkha; Aj;jk;gz;Zfpwhh;| vd;whh;fs; (trdk; 25). ahj;jpuhfkk; 15-MtJ mjpfhuj;jpy; NkhNr fh;j;jiug; Gfo;e;J ghbdhd;. mg;nghOJ fh;j;jNu Aj;jj;jpy; ty;yth;@ fh;j;jh; vd;gJ mtUila ehkk; vd;W ghbdhd;.

uhgpd; rhk; ~fh; j ; j h; gl; l aj; j pdhYk; <l; b apdhYk; ul;rpf;fpwth; my;y vd;W ,e;j [df;$l;lnky;yhk; mwpe;Jnfhs;Sk;@ Aj;jk; fh;j;jUilaJ@ mth; cq;fis vq;fs; ifapy; xg;Gf;nfhLg;ghh; vd;whd;| (1 rhKNty; 17:47). trdk; 45 Kjy; 47 tiu thrpg;Nghk;: ~mjw;Fj; jhtPJ: ngyp];jid Nehf;fp: eP gl;laj;NjhLk;> <l; b NahLk; > Nflfj; N jhLk; vd; d plj; j py; tUfpwha;@ ehNdh eP epe;jpj;j ,];uNtYila ,uhZtq;fspd; Njtdhfpa NridfSila fh;j;jhpd; ehkj;jpNy cd;dplj;jpy; tUfpNwd;. ,d;iwajpdk; fh;j;jh; cd;id vd; ifapy; xg;Gf;nfhLg;ghh;@ ehd; cd;idf; nfhd;W> cd; jiyia cd;id tpl;L thq;fp> ngyp];jUila ghsaj; j pd; gpzq; f is ,d; i wajpdk; Mfhaj;Jg; gwitfSf;Fk;> G+kpapd; fhl;L kpUfq; f Sf; F k; nfhLg; N gd; @ mjdhy; ,];uNtypy; Njtd; xUth; cz;L vd;W G+Nyhfj;jhh; vy;yhUk; mwpe;Jnfhs;Sthh;fs;. fh;j;jh; gl;laj;jpdhYk; <l;bapdhYk; ul;rpf;fpwth; my;y vd;W ,e;j [df;$l;lnky;yhk; mwpe;Jnfhs;Sk;@ Aj;jk; fh;j;jUilaJ@ mth; cq;fis vq;fs; ifapy; xg;Gf;nfhLg;ghh; vd;whd;| Aj;jk; jq;fSilaJ vd;W epidj;jhh;fs; rTYk; mtd; Nrid tPuh;fSk;. mjd; tpisT? 1 rhKNty; 17:24 nrhy;fpwJ. ~,];uNtyh; vy;yhUk; me;j kD\idf; fhZk;NghJ kpfTk; gag;gl;L> mtd; Kfj;Jf;F tpyfp Xbg;Nghthh;fs;.| Mdhy;> jhtPNjh Aj;jk; fh;j;jUilaJ vd;W tpRthrpj; j hd; . tpRthrpj; j ij mwpf; i f nra;jhd;. ntw;wpAk; ngw;whd;. fh;j;jNu mtDf;fhf Aj;jk; gz;zpdhh;. NtjGj;jfj;jpy; jk;Kila [dq;fSf;fhf fh;j;jNu Aj;jk; gz;zpd 3 rk;gtq;fis ,d;W ghh;g;Nghk;.

1) Kjy; rk;;gtj;ij ahj;jpuhfkk; 14:13-14 trdq;fspy; thrpf;fpNwhk;. ~mg;nghOJ NkhNr [dq;fis Nehf;fp: gag; g lhjpUq; f s; @ eP q ; f s; epd; W nfhz; L ,d;iwf;Ff; fh;j;jh; cq;fSf;Fr; nra;Ak; ,ul;rpg;igg;ghUq;fs;@ ,d;iwf;F ePq;fs; fhz;fpw vfpg;jpaiu ,dp vd;iwf;Fk; fhzkhl;Bh;fs;. fh;j;jh; cq;fSf;fhf Aj;jk;gz;Zthh;@ ePq;fs; Rk;khapUg;gPh;fs; vd;whd;.| vfpg; i j tpl; L ,]; u Nty; Gj; j puh; gyj;jifAld; Gwg;gl;Lg; Nghdhh;fs;. The Israelites were marching out boldly. Mdhy;> fh;j;jh; ghh;NthDila ,Ujaj;ijf; THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER w JULY 2020


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~gfypNy ntapyhfpYk;> ,utpNy epythfpYk; cd;idr; Nrjg;gLj;Jtjpy;iy.| ~fh;j;jh; cd;id vy;yhj; jPq;Ff;Fk; tpyf;fpf; fhg;ghh;@ mth; cd; Mj;Jkhitf; fhg;ghh;.| ~fh;j;jh; cd; Nghf;ifAk; cd; tuj;ijAk; ,JKjw;nfhz;L vd;iwf;Fq; fhg;ghh;.|

cq;fisg; gaKWj;Jk; me;jg; gpur;rpidiaf; fz;L ePq;fs; gag;gl Ntz;baj; Njitapy;iy. cq;fSf;fhf Aj;jk; nra;fpw xU fh;j;jh; cz;L. mth; Aj;jj;jpy; ty;yth;. mtiu tpRthrpAq;fs;@ mth; cq;fis tpLtpg;ghh;. vfpg;ij tpl;L te;j [dq;fisg; ghh;j;J NkhNr nrhd;dhd;. ~cq;fSf;F Kd; nrhy;Yk; cq;fs; Njtdhfpa fh; j ; j h; jhNk vfpg; j py; cq;fNshbUe;J> cq;fs; fz;fSf;F Kd;ghfr; nra;jnjy;yhtw;iwg;NghyTk;> cq;fSf;fhf Aj;jk;gz;Zthh;| (cghfkk; 1:30).

3) jk; K ila [dq; f Sf; f hf fh;j;jNu Aj;jk; gz;zpd 3-MtJ rk;gtk; ,ijf; Fwpj;J ehk; 2 ,uh[hf;fs; 19-MtJ mjpfhuj;jpy; ehk; fhz;fpNwhk;. A+jh uh[hthfpa vNrf;fpahtpd; fhyj;jpy; mtDila 14-MtJ tU\j;jpy; - nghpa NridNahNl vUrNyKf;F tpNuhjkhf mrPupah uh[hthd rdnfhpg; te;jhd;. rdnfhpgpd; gilj; jiytdhd ug;rhf;Nf vNrf;fpahit Vsdk; gz;zpdhd;. mtd; ek;gpapUf;fpw vfpg;J mtDf;F cjtp nra;ahJ vd;whd;. mtDila Njtdhfpa fh;j;jUk; mtDf;F cjtkhl;lhh; vd;W fh;j;jhpd; ehkj;ijj; J}\pj;jhd;. Mdhy;> vNrf;fpah jd;idj; jho;j;jpdhd;. NjtDila rKfj;ij ehbdhd;. fh;j;jiu Nehf;fp n[gpj;jhd;. mtDila n[gk; kpfTk; mofhdJ> kpfTk; mh;j;jKs;sJ. mij ePq;fs; 2 ,uh[hf;fs; 19MtJ mjpfhuk; 14 Kjy; 19 tiuAs;s trdq;fspy; thrpf;fyhk;. fh;j;jh; vNrf;fpahtpd; n[gj;ijf; Nfl;lhh;. Vrhah jPh;f;fjhprp %ykhf mtNdhL Ngrpdhh;. A+jhTf;fhf fh;j;jNu Aj;jk; nra;jhh;. vd;d ele;jJ? 2 ,uh[hf;fs; 19:35 nrhy;fpwJ: ~md;W ,uhj;jphpapy; rk;gtpj;jJ vd;dntd;why;> fh;j;jUila J}jd; Gwg;gl;L> mrPhpahpd; ghsaj;jpy; yl;rj;njz;gj;ijahapuk;Ngiur; rq;fhpj;jhd;@ mjpfhyNk vOe;jpUf;Fk;NghJ> ,Njh> mth;fs; vy;yhUk; nrj;j gpNujq;fsha;f; fple;jhh;fs;.| ,];uNtypd; Njtdhfpa fh;j;jh; ,d;Wk; jk; gps;isfSf;fhf Aj;jk; nra;gth;. cq;fs; Aj;jq;fis mtUf;F xg;Gf;nfhLq;fs;. cq;fs; ghpRj;j iffis cah;j;jp mtUf;F kfpik nrYj;Jq;fs;. mth; cq;fSf;F xU thh;j;ijiaj; jUk; tiuf;Fk; mth; rKfj;jpNyNa ,Uq;fs;. mth; %ykhf tUk; tpLjiyia cq;fs; fz;fs; fhZk;. epr;rakhfNt KbT cz;L> cq;fs; ek;gpf;if tPz; NghfhJ. ,e;jr; nra;jpapd; %ykhf fh;j;jh; cq;fs; tpRthrj;ij th;j;jpf;fr; nra;thuhf. fh;j;jh; jhNk cq;fSf;fhf Aj;jk; nra;a ehDk; n[gpf;fpNwd;. Mnkd;. my;NyY}ah.

2) jk; K ila [dq; f Sf; f hf fh;j;jNu Aj;jk; gz;zpd 2-MtJ rk;gtk; ,ijf; Fwpj;J ehk; 1 rhKNty; 17-MtJ mjpfhuj;jpy; thrpf;fpNwhk;. jq;fs; ghJfhg;igg; nghpjhff; fUjpdth;fs; Nfhypahj; j pd; Kfj; J f; F tpyfp Xbg; Nghdhh;fs;. Mdhy;> fh;j;jhpd; ehkk; J}\pf;fg;gl;lijf; Fwpj; J ituhf; f paq; nfhz; l jhtP J Nfhypahj;ij tPo;j;jpdhd;. Nfhypahj;jpd; cauk; 11 mb 4 mq;Fyk;. jhtPNjh rhjhuzkhd xU thypgd;. mjdhy; Nfhypahj; mtid mrl;ilg; gz;zpdhd; vd;W thrpf;fpNwhk;. Nfhypahj; jd;Dila gyj;jpy; jhtPij Nkw;nfhs;s te;jhd;. jhtPNjh ~,];uNtYila ,uhZtq;fspd; Njtdhfpa NridfSila fh;j;jhpd; ehkj;jpdhNy| mtid Nkw;nfhz;lhd;. ,ij thrpf;fpw NjtDila gps;isNa> cq;fs; gpur;ridfspy; ePq;fs; vijg; ghh;f;fpwPh;fs;? • gpur;ridapd; tPupaj;ijg; ghh;j;jhy; Njhw;Wg; NghtPh;fs; • cq;fs; ngyj;ijg; ghh;j;jhYk; Jtz;L NghtPh;fs;. • gpur;ridapd; kj;jpapy; [PtDs;s Njtid Nehf;fpg; ghUq;fs;. mth; cq;fis tpLtpg;ghh;. rfhpah 4:6 nrhy;fpwJ: ~gyj;jpdhYk; my;y> guhf; f pukj; j pdhYk; my; y > vd; D ila MtpdhNyNa MFk; vd;W Nridfspd; fh;j;jh; nrhy;Yfpwhh;.| Nahthd; ;16:33-y; Mz;ltuhfpa ,NaR nrhy;fpwhh;: ~cyfj;jpy; cq;fSf;F cgj;jputk; cz;L> MdhYk; jpld;nfhs;Sq;fs;@ ehd; cyfj;ij n[apj;Njd;.| Nahthd; 14:19-y; ,NaR fpwp]; J nrhy;ypapUf;fpwhh;: ~ehd; gpiof;fpwgbapdhy;> ePq;fSk; gpiog;gPh;fs;.| rq;fPjk; 121:6-8 trdq;fis thrpAq;fs;: Website: Email:



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Owned and published by Elsy Robin from 329/4, Poonga Apartments, HIG Flats, II Avenue, Anna Nagar, Chennai 600 040. Printed by L Cyril Sagayaraj at VS Printograph Pvt Ltd., No. 142, L&T Road, Burma Colony, Perungudi, Chennai 600 096. Editor: Elsy Robin


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