The Christian Messenger | January 2020 | E-magazine

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Let This Be Your New Year Resolution!

Sponsor A VBS Camp This Year!

Reinhard Bonnke: He Had Great Compassion For Souls


How the Gospel Heals Your Soul! 1

Support our VBS ministry

WE are introducing Lord Jesus Christ and His love to over 1,000 children this year through the Vacation Bible School ministries in May and June. In Punjab and Himachal Pradesh, schools close for summer holidays only in June so VBS will be held in those two states only that month. In all our other states, VBS will be conducted by end of April or in May. I urge you to pray for the VBS ministry from now onwards. Pray that God will remove every obstacle that prevents children from getting close to Him. Pray also that the teachers’ VBS training will go on as scheduled and every child who comes to the VBS gatherings will accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour. Each child’s expense for a day will be Rs.50/- Going by that estimate, the VBS ministries across all our fields in India will require not less than Rs.1,50,000/- for the three day meetings. It’s my hope and desire that this expense will be met by your prayers and generous contributions. May God bless those who support this ministry a hundredfold! Your brother in Christ, Robin Sam

To send your donations, please check our bank details. 2

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Evangelism Through Journalism

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Vol. 16, No. 9

Page 24


The purpose of the news magazine is to report newsworthy religious events and activities within the local community, nationwide and around the world, to increase the awareness and activism of believers regarding the moral issues of today, to provide thought-provoking commentary, and to provide an effective advertising vehicle for Christian ministries and organizations, events and businesses that want to reach the Christian community. - Editor

SUBSCRIPTION RATES Annual: Rs.240/- | 5 Years: Rs.1,200/Patron’s: Rs.10,000/THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER is supported only by subscriptions and advertisements. Please consider prayerfully supporting this media ministry through your subscriptions and advertisements.

Managing Editor: Robin Sam Editor & Publisher: Elsy Robin

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FROM YOUR BROTHER Let This Be Your New Year Resolution!


EVERYDAY FAITH ‘His Heart Burned With Compassion For Souls’

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GOSPEL MELA 2019 15 Specific Prayer Points For A 30-Minute Intercession Njtnra;jp cq;fSf;F xg;Gf;nfhLf;fg;gl;l tpRthrj;jpw;fhf NghuhLtJ vg;gb?

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ADDRESS FOR COMMUNICATION The Christian Messenger, 20/20, Bharathiar Street, Srinivasa Nagar, Padi, Chennai 50.

Get Used To Citizenship Act, Folks! It’s Here To Stay!

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Let this be your New Year resolution! MY friends who continue in mainstream journalism often complain about how little time they have for their families after work hours. I know a few of them who reach home only for a quick nap, a shower and a change of clothes before they rush out to their next assignment. During my time as a media person, I remember there were days when I used to work like that too. You practically lived between deadlines. Although one enjoyed the highs of journalism, on most days the lows of the trade crushed your spirit. It was not anything like I had imagined as a dreamy eyed youth. The demands of journalism on one’s time were quite high. Chasing stories both the mundane and the exclusive can take a toll on your health if you are not up to it. The biggest hazard of a newsman is the short shelf life of the stories he breaks. You are only as good as your last byline. So, every day you go out and work in unsociable hours trying to prove your worth to your bureau chief or your editor. ‘If you want to work from 9 to 5, you should have been an accountant,’ your boss would tell you if you cribbed about how your last weekly off was three months ago. I have worked with several bosses until I quit my corporate job in 2008 to become a full time missions worker, and I am happy to announce not one was enthused about granting leave to his subordinates. This was before the advent of 24/7 news channels and the explosion of call centres in India. These two trades practically changed the landscape of jobs in the country, I would say. Now, I find everyone - from the one chopping vegetables at a restaurant to the one working on Python in artificial intelligence labs working practically without any rest. Whether you are a Commerce graduate or an engineering whiz, jobs seem to be available only in call centres and night shift seems to be the only shift available there. You are fortunate if you hold a job in these perilous times. You are doubly fortunate if it’s a 9 to 5 job and you get your pay credited into your account month on month. Jobs are being downsized around the world. So if you have a job, hold on to it. But also remember most bosses have a Pharaoh-like mindset in not giving you straw but still expecting you to complete your daily work (Exodus 5:4-16). There’s a reason why Website: Email:

they do it: So, you will not have the liberty to worship the Lord, your God. Make sure ‘the cares of this world, the deceitfulness of riches, and the desires for other things’ do not enter in and ‘choke the word making it unfruitful’(Mark 4:19). Of course, you need to work to eat and take care of other needs, but then remember ‘man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God’ (Matthew 4:4). In your pursuit for better worldly prospects, do not neglect due diligence to the reading and meditating of the Word of God. Take up monthly, weekly and daily challenges to complete the books of the Bible. Don’t stop with that. Have thematic studies from the Scriptures. Let me give you an example. Hebrews 12:14 says: ‘Pursue peace with all people, and holiness, without which no one will see the Lord.’ Now, there are two things mentioned in that one verse: peace and holiness. Dig deeper into the Bible to find out how and why peace and holiness are related. Look for instances of how saints of God lived peaceable lives that were holy too. Ask yourself: What does peace with all people mean? It’s not compromising your ideals and standards with theirs. How can you be holy while still pursuing peace with all? Approach the Scriptures with a hungry spirit and God will fill you with His wisdom. Secondly, you need to have God-consciousness in your mind always. God-consciousness is being aware God is watching you all the time, and not taking His long-suffering nature for granted. I have often wondered how Enoch was able to walk with God almost all his life. Walking with God is having this God-consciousness that He owns you. He cares for you. He loves you. He wants you to commune with Him. And, one day you have to account for your life to Him. When the Bible says Enoch walked with God, what it really means is Enoch had Godconsciousness every single moment of his life. He refused to believe he was the master of his life. He did not please men at the cost of displeasing God. He acknowledged God was the be all and end all of his life. Resolve today to soak up in the Word of God, walk with God like Enoch and earnestly await the coming of the Lord. Let that be your No.1 resolution for 2020! 5



How the Gospel Heals Your Soul! but He does not come into our minds; this is why Apostle Paul said in Romans 12:1,2 that our minds have to be renewed after we are saved. Renewal of the mind involves reading and applying the scriptures in our life so that we train ourselves to think God’s thoughts after Him as His image bearers (Genesis 1:26), it is only through the practice of meditating upon the word that we will begin to see the world through the eyes of God (read Joshua 1:8,9). Renewal of the mind is a lifetime process to un-do the wrong mental programming and seed sowing of the world and the enemy. All believers need to intentionally allow the word of God to cultivate a new way of thinking and viewing the world. Stinking thinking will always sabotage the faith that emanates out of our hearts.

BY JOSEPH MATTERA HOW do you define soul? Soul is the sum of the emotions, the will, and the mind or intellect. While much of the focus in the church is related to our mission, purpose, and what we do for God, not enough focus is on the matter of our essence or being. We are not human doers but human beings! The Bible teaches that in our essence we are three parts: spirit, soul and body (1 Thessalonians 5:23). There is much ignorance in the church related to the state of our souls – we can win the world and think everything is going great with our worldly success and activities while we are subconsciously losing our souls!

The Mind The mind and or intellect was blinded by original sin – this is why defending the faith merely with human reason does not usually work, there needs to be a move of the Spirit upon a human heart in order to win people to Christ. 2 Corinthians 4:3,4 teaches us that the intellect of men are blinded by the evil one until conversion takes place (also read 1 Corinthians 1:17-21). That being said, when we first come to Christ, we start off with false assumptions that have distorted our view of reality, God, and even ourselves. Christ comes inside our spirits when we are saved THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER w JANUARY 2020

The Emotions Emotions are the part of us in which we feel – not just think and understand concepts, which are in the mind and intellect. It is the seats of the soul in which we love, hate, experience fear and happiness. Luke 4:18 teaches us that Jesus came to heal the brokenhearted! A broken hearted person is a person who has had their emotions crushed because of deep pain caused by a relational loss or personal failure. The world is full of broken people and the gospel of Jesus Christ promises that God can put the pieces of 6

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our soul back together again! Psalm 34:18 say that the Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. Jesus went out of His way to touch outcasts like the leper in Mark 1:40-44. The leper was not only healed physically but also emotionally. The emotional feelings we have are the feedback system God has given us to show us when things are not good in our inner being. Often, we ignore these signals and push through without stopping to see what is really going on within us and or what God is trying to communicate to us. We need to give God space on a regular basis to speak to us and work on the inside of us so that we can adjust our heart, mind, and soul to His will. Not giving God space will result in great damage to our soul and can cause shipwreck with our life, family, and work! We need to practice the spiritual disciplines of silence and solitude as well as journal what is ruminating in our own hearts to understand what God is speaking to us so that we can know both our selves and grow in the knowledge of God.

Luke 4:18 teaches us that Jesus came to heal the brokenhearted! A broken hearted person is a person who has had their emotions crushed because of deep pain caused by a relational loss or personal failure. wills without crushing our fragile spirits! Ultimately, we cannot bring transformation to ourselves – only God can change us! He must increase and then we will decrease – not visa versa! Consequently, since we cannot change you we need to give God the opportunity every day to work change on the inside of us (see Philippians 2:12,13). Personal transformation of the soul in which the will is broken takes place over a process of many years – through trials and hardship and challenging circumstances, in which God is able to conform us to the image of His Son Jesus Christ. Hence, brokenness cannot take place merely with bible studies, preaching, and church attendance, it usually only comes when we humble ourselves in dependence upon God in response to life's challenges. Everyone who falls on that stone will be broken to pieces; anyone on whom it falls will be crushed” (Luke 20:18). Joseph Mattera’s teachings reach thousands of leaders and believers in more than 175 nations. His call is to influence leaders who lead nations.

The Will The will is the gate of the soul in which we choose what to think, act, and do. God endeavors to break our will by inviting us to die to ourselves and take up our cross and follow Him. God breaks our stubborn Website: Email:




‘His heart burned with compassion for souls’ THE death of evangelist and missionary Reinhard Bonnke has created an outpouring of touching tributes from around the world. The founder of Christ for all Nations (CfaN) passed away on Dec. 7 at the age of 79. Tributes from evangelical leaders, pastors and faithful followers began to flood social media. Evangelist Franklin Graham said: “Reinhard Bonnke was a powerful evangelist throughout the world, but particularly on the continent of Africa where his heart burned with compassion for people’s souls. Through the preaching of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, millions of lives will be in Heaven and we give praise and glory to God that His Word never returns void.” President of Congress of Christian Leaders, Rev. Johnnie Moore said: “No single human being is more responsible for making Africa Christian


continent (which once was totally unfathomable)…It was one of the great revivals in all of history.” President of National Hispanic Christian Leadership Coalition, Rev. Samuel Rodriguez said: “Reinhard Bonnke, an evangelist in the truest since of the word, proclaimed the gospel with passion, lived his life with integrity and changed the world with truth and love. He preached Jesus and millions responded. Well done my friend. Well done!” Free Chapel Pastor Jentezen Franklin said: “Few people have made the lifetime commitment to the message of the Gospel that Reinhard Bonnke made. He was a role model worldwide for his unwavering belief in the supernatural and miraculous power that we have through the Holy Spirit.” Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari, a Muslim, extended his condolences to the Bonnke family, describing his death as a “great loss to Nigeria, Africa and the entire world.” “The President condoles with government and people of Germany, family and friends of the great preacher and teacher of the Bible, and all his co-labourers in the vineyard, praying that God will comfort all those that mourn him.”


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Evangelist John Solomon is dead

True worship

FOUNDER of M i r a c l e M i n i s t r y, evangelist John Solomon died on Dec 17, 2019. He was 67. A preacher who preached the Word of God with conviction and passion, John Solomon’s oft-repeated words of encouragement were: ‘Expect miracles.’ Last year, his son Samuel John Solomon had an untimely death. John Solomon is survived by wife Shanti Solomon and daughter Sheela Jabez.

“These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me” (Matthew 15:8). ROGER Babson, an American historian, was visiting the president of Argentina about one hundred years ago when the president said to him: “You are a student of history, Will you please tell me why it is that South America, with her unlimited resources, and having been settled earlier than North America, has nevertheless made much slower progress in civilization and material prosperity?” Mr. Babson threw the question back upon the president by saying, “Mr. President, you evidently have studied this question yourself, and I would be interested to know your answer to it. The President replied that he thought the explanation lay in the fact that South America was settled by Spaniards who came seeking gold while North America was settled by the Pilgrim Fathers who came seeking God. Seek the Lord for He is God. Today in prayer, spend some extra time worshiping Jesus and seek to follow Him throughout the day. “God is not moved or impressed with our worship until our hearts are moved and impressed by Him.” – Kelly Sparks . Read Isaiah 29:13.

Pastor K Rabin passes away ADONAI Shalom Church’s founding pastor, K Rabin, died on Dec 18, 2019. Pastor Rabin was also an officebearer of the ChennaiNet Pastors’ Fellowship. He is survived by wife, Anne Priscilla, and two children. Pastor Edison of Hebron Church, Chennai, is the elder brother of Rabin.

United Theological Research University Studies And Research (An Autonomous Institution of Advanced Theological Education) Affiliated & Accredited by University of Berkeley U.S.A. & Recognized by Christian Leadership University & Seminary, New York USA. Regd. by Govt. No. 2642 / 1988. Registered Under Minorities Act. Address: Plot No. 125, Road No. 7, T.M.C. Mahendra Hills, East Marredpally, Secunderabad – TS. 500 026. Website: E-mail:, Contact: 040-2773 0494, 0-98490 62508, 94902 62508, 98490 62058, 99080 62058.

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Archbishop Dr. Fredrick Franics L.P.V.K., Website: Email:

Vice-Chancellor of UTRUSR and IBCA 9



The 11 All India Pastors’ Seminar – 2020 Date: Feb – 20, 21, 22 – 2020 Speakers: From USA, UK, Holland and Australia Topic: “Go and Preach the Gospel” Place: Paruthikadu (Promised Land, Salem – Tamil Nadu) (Salem Christian College Campus)

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PRAY FOR CHRISTIAN MISSIONS 1. PRAY for the people in the 10/40 window. People groups that live in countries that lie across Africa and Asia from 10 degrees latitude north of the equator to 40 degrees latitude north of the equator are those in the 10/40 window.

and in six other countries. It has 463 missionaries working among nearly 50 different people groups all over India. Pray for its leadership and its tribal hostel projects.

Of the 55 least evangelized countries, 97% of their population lives within the Ten-Forty Window, according to world evangelism statistics. If you look at it another way, you will understand the severity of the problem: Two-thirds of the world’s population, that is more than 4.4 billion people, live in the 10/40 Window. Pray for evangelistic efforts particularly shaped for the needs of the people in this window area.

5. INDIA Missions Association (IMA) represents 243 Indian mission organisations, agencies and Church groups and about 60,000 Christian workers within India and beyond. IMA was formed by six different

mission agencies to bring together Christian 2. FRIENDS Missionary organisations in India for mutual help, co-operation, Prayer Band (FMPB) is one and corporate expression. Pray for the leadership of the leading missions in and the unmet needs of the organisation. India. It opened its first Other Prayer Points mission station at Periyamalai in 1967. The 6. AS we enter a New Year, organization was born out India needs more prayers of the VBS outreaches now than ever before. The conducted by Mr. P. Samuel. It country is hit by the latest now has several missionaries working in far-flung Citizenship (Amendment) areas of India. Pray especially for its Bible Act. Protests have broken translation work under way in 14 languages. out in Assam, Bengal, Delhi and several other 3. VISHWAVANI works in 29 places. The academic states of India. At the moment, over 3,900 full campuses in India are rocked by protests and brutal time staff work in this action against the student protesters by the police. organization founded by The Christian community needs to pray for peace to Emil Jebasingh. They prevail in the country and wisdom among the ruling have over 6000 Bible study class. Pray that the Muslim community is not groups. Their mission affected by the Citizenship Act. workers are present in over 7. THE RBI governor ’s admission India’s growth 8000 villages in India. Pray for their leadership and slowdown was not due to their church planting efforts. global factors has really brought back the focus on 4. INDIAN Evangelical Mission (IEM), an the disastrous effects of indigenous and interdenominational missionary demonetization and the organization headquartered in Bangalore, has GST rollout. Pray for the mission fields spread across about 37 places in India economic situation in India to THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER w JANUARY 2020


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improve. On an average, 31 farmers are committing suicide every day in India due to crop failure, rising debts and unpredictable rains. The manufacturing sector is hit by an all-time low. The automobile industry is already in the doldrums. Pray for God to raise wise leaders like Joseph of the Old Testament days in India to tide over the recession. 8. Pray for a rich soul harvest through the evangelistic works in Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, Odisha and Chennai in Tamil Nadu. Pray that the Lord of harvests raises innumerable people to support the missions work of

terrorist outfits. Pray for world peace, especially peace in India. 12. PRAY for the people of Jammu & Kashmir. After the special status to the state was scrapped by the Narendra Modi government in August 2019, several restrictions have been imposed on the people and the political leaders of the region. Pray that normalcy is quickly restored in the Kashmir valley and restriction on fundamental freedom of the people is lifted.

13. It is estimated that there Messenger Missions. Pray for faithful people to be are close to 9.3 million added to our ministries. women in India who are differently-abled. They 9. Pray that God transforms us are in mental health like John the Baptist who hospitals, destitute homes was a voice in the or on the streets either wilderness, who had the unprotected or uncared for. spirit of Elijah upon him, Pray that governments and who prepared the way for Jesus’ ministry and who NGOs take adequate steps to protect them, provide called out to people to bring for them and rehabilitate them. forth fruit worthy of 14. There are 1.25 crore child repentance.

labourers in India. These children have lost their future in roadside shops, circus, matchbox, cracker industries, eateries, tea shops, automobile shops, domestic work and in construction sector. Pray that

10. Pray for our church construction needs in Chhattisgarh and Madhya Pradesh to be met soon. Our church in Chhattisgarh was razed down in torrential rains two years ago. However, those who abuse them mentally and physically will there were no casualties. Pray realize it is a sin. 15. Whatever my eyes desired that the church is built again. Pray also for the church I did not keep from them. I construction work in Madhya Pradesh to be did not withhold my heart completed soon. from any pleasure, for my 11. THE decision by the US heart rejoiced in all my government to withdraw labor; and this was my 4,000 troops from reward from all my labor, Afghanistan, it is feared, said Solomon in may lead to the terrorist Ecclesiastes 2:10. All is vanity outfits such as the Taliban, Al Qaeda and ISIS to and grasping of the wind. The return of our Lord regroup and launch fresh Jesus Christ is near. Pray that we remain among the attacks on the US, UK and elect. other European nations. India has also been a victim of cross border terrorism for several years. Pray for wisdom on the part of world leaders in dealing with Website: Email:


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RtpNr\ Nksh 2020 xt;nthUtUk; miukzp Neuk; ghuj;Jld; n[gpf;f 15 n[gf;Fwpg;Gfs; 1. Gjpa tUlj;jpw;Fs; gpuNtrpf;fpw ehk; Kd;G nra;jijtpl ,g;NghJ mjpfkhf ,e;jpa Njrj;jpw;fhf n[gpf;fNtz;Lk;. Njrj;jpy; FbAhpik jpUj;j rl;lj;ij vjph;j;J nghpa mstpy; Nghuhl;lq;fs; mrhk;> tq;fhsk;> nly;yp Nghd;w ,lq;fspy; ele;J tUfpd;wd. ,e;jg; Nghuhl;lq;fs; ,e;jpahtpy; gpugy gy;fiyf;fofq;fspy; khzth;fshy; elj;jg;gLtJk; mjw;F fhty;Jiw kpUfj;jdkhd jhf;Fjy;fis fl;ltopj;J tpLtJk; jw;NghJ nra;jpahf tyk;tUfpd;wd. fpwp];jt rKjhak; ,e;j Neuj;jpy; Njrj;jpy; mikjp epytTk;> Ml;rpahsh;fs; Qhdkhf ele;Jnfhs;sTk; n[gpf;f Ntz;Lk;. Fwpg;ghf> ,];yhkpa rNfhjh;fs; ghJfhf;fg;gl n[gpg;Nghk;. 2. ,d;Dk; ehd;Nf khjq;fspy; mNahj;jpapy; uhkh; Nfhtpy; fl;lg;gLk; vd;W kj;jpa cs;Jiw mikr; r Uk; ghujpa [djh fl; r papd; jiytUkhd mkpj; \h rkPgj;jpy; mwptpg;G xd;iw ntspapl;lhh;. ,J FbAhpik jpUj;j rl;lj;jpdhy; Njrj;jpy; ele;JtUk; Nghuhl;lq;fspy; ,Ue;J kf;fspd; ftdj;ijj; jpUg;Gk; Kaw;rp vd;W xU rhuhh; nrhd;dhYk;> ,jdhy; ehl;by; NtW rpf;fy;fs; tuf;$Lk; vd;W kf;fs; mQ;Rfpd;wdh;. Njrj;jpy; ,e;j Gjpa tUlk; mikjp epytTk;> murhq;fk; kf;fs; Kd;Ndw;wg; gzpfspy; ftdk; nrYj;jTk; n[gpg;Nghk;. 3. fle;j> 10 ehl;fspy;> jpUg;G+iur; Nrh;e;j Ie;J Ngh;> ~nlq;F| fha;r;ryhy; caphpoe;Js;sdh; vd;W brk;gh; md;W nra;jpfs; ntspahfpd. jkpofj;jpy;> nlq;F fha;r;ry; gutp tUfpwJ. jpUg;G+h; khtl;lj;jpy;> rpy khjq;fshf> fha;r;rypd; jhf;fk; mjpfhpj;Js;sJ. ,J> nghJkf;fsplk; mjph;r;rpiaAk;> gPjpiaAk; Vw;gLj;jp cs;sJ. n[gpg;Nghk;. 4. Foe;ijfs; Mghr tPbNahf;fis gjptpwf;fk; nra;j> Kg;gJf;Fk; Nkw;gl;Nlhhplk;> jpUr;rp NghyPrhh; tprhuiz elj;jp tUfpd;wdh;. Nghf;Nrh| kw;Wk; jfty; njhopy;El;gj;ij jtwhf gad;gLj;Jjy; Nghd;w rl;lg; gphpTfspy;> NghyPrhh;> xUth; kPJ tof;F gjpT nra;Js;sdh;. mthplk; ,Ue;J Mghrg; glq;fis gjptpwf;fk; nra;jth;fspd; tpguq;fis> NghyPrhh; Nrfhpj;J tUfpd;wdh;. ,e;jpahtpy; Foe;ijfs; kPJ elf;Fk; ghypay; td;Kiwf;F vjpuhf fLk; eltbf;iffs; vLf;fg;gl n[gpg;Nghk;. 5. jkpofj;jpy; tutpUf;Fk; Nfhilfhyj;jpy; jz;zPh; jl;Lg;ghL Vw;glhky; ,Uf;f n[gpg;Nghk;. THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER w JANUARY 2020

tlfpof;F gUtkio nrd;w tUlk; ,ay;ghd mstpNyNa nga;Js;sJ. nrd;w tUlk; jz;zPh; jl; L g; g hL mjpf mstpy; ,Ue; j J. ntspA+h;fspy; ,Ue;J uapypy;> nrd;idf;F FbePh; vLj;J tu Ntz;ba epiy Vw;gl;lJ. me;j epiyik ,e;j tUlk; Vw;glhky; ,Uf;f Cf;fkhf n[gpg;Nghk;. 6. fh;j;jUila nghpaehs; rkPgj;jpUf;fpwJ vd;W Ntjk; nrhy;fpwJ. vy;yhNk ,g;gbNa NghFk; vd;W epidg;gJ jtW. fh;j;jUila ehs; vd;fpw rj;jj;Jf;Fg; guhf;fpukrhyp Kjyha; mq;Nf kdq;fre;J myWthd;. me;j ehs; cf;fpuj;jpd; ehs;. mJ ,f;fl;Lk; ,Lf;fKkhd ehs; vd;W nrg;gdpah 1:14>15 nrhy;fpwJ. fh;j;jUila tUif rkPgk;. Maj;jkhf ehk; n[gpg;Nghk;. 7. nrd;id-Nryk; ,ilNa Gjpjhf Rkhh; 277 fp.kP. J}uk; vl;L-top gRik rhiyia cUthf;f 10>000 Nfhb &gha; xJf;fg;gl;Ls;sJ. tptrha epyq;fs;> tPLfs;> fpzWfs;> kuq;fs; vd;W Vuhskhd kf;fspd; cilikfs; ghjpf;fg;gLk; vd;gjhy; nghJkf;fs; kw;Wk; r%f Mh;tyh;fs; kj;jpapy; ,e;jj; jpl;lj;jpw;F vjpuhfg; ngUk; vjph;g;G cUthfpAs;sJ. ,e;jj; jpl;lj;ij muR Qhdkha; ifahs n[gpAq;fs;. 8. njUNthuq;fspYk;> NgUe;J> kw;Wk; ,uapy; epiyaq;fspYk;> ftdpg;ghhpy;yhky; trpj;J tUk; Kjpath;fs;> mehijfs;> kw;Wk; Fg;igg; nghWf; F k; gps; i sfs; Mfpath; f Sf; F murhq;fNkh> njhz;L epWtdq;fNsh khw;W tho;thjhu trjpfis nra;J nfhLf;f fh;j;jh; mth;fs; kdjpNy xU ghuj;ij itf;Fk;gb n[gpg;Nghk;. nrd;idapYs;s nfhLq;ifA+hpYk; ngUq;FbapYk; Vuhskhd Fg;ig ms;Sk; kf;fs; cs;sdh;. 9. [k;K-fh\;kPh; khepyj;jpw;fhf rig kf;fs; n[gpf;fNtz;Lk;. me;j khepyj;jpy; vy;iyf;fg;ghypUe;J VnwLf;fg;gLk; jhf;Fjy;fSk;> CLUty;fSk; KOtJkhf epw;f n[gpg;Nghk;. mijg; Nghy me;j khepyj;jpYs;s kf;fspd; tho;thjhuk; Kd;Ndw cz;ikahf ciof;Fk; jiyth;fs; mq;Nf mLj;j Njh;jypy; Ml;rpiaf; ifg;gw;wTk; n[gpg;Nghk;. gpg;uthp 14-Mk; Njjp ele;jJ Nghd;w jhf;Fjy;fs; ,dp elf;fhky; ,Uf;fTk; n[gpg;Nghk;. 10. rj;jP];fhpYk;> kj;jpa gpuNjrj;jpYk; cs;s ekJ rigfspd; fl;Lkhdg; gzpfspd; Njitfs; re;jpf;fg;gl n[gpAq;fs;. rj;jP];fhpy; ,uz;L tUlq;fSf;F Kd;G nga;j gUtkioapy; rigf;


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fl;blk; ,be;J tpOe;J jiukl;lkhdJ. ey;y Ntisahf caph;r;Nrjk; VJk; Vw;gltpy;iy. mq;F jpUk;gTk; rigf;F fl;blk; fl;lg;glTk;> kj;jpa gpuNjrj;jpYk; rj;jP];fhpYk; Ntiyfs; Kbe;J ntF rPf;fpuj;jpy; rig gpujp\;il elj;jg;glTk; n[gpAq;fs;. 11. gQ;rhgpYk;> ,khr;ry; gpuNjrj;jpYk;> xbrhtpYk;> jkpo;ehl;by; nrd;idapYk; elf;Fk; ekJ Copaq;fs; %ykhf ,e;j Mz;L Vuhskhd Ngh; gadilaTk;> Mj;Jk Mjhak; elf;fTk; Cf;fkhf n[gpAq;fs;. Copaq;fSf;Ff; nfhLf;f fh;j;jh; VuhskhNdhiu vOg;gTk; n[gpAq;fs;. cz;ikAs;sth;fisf; fh;j;jh; Copaj;jpy; ,izf;f n[gpAq;fs;. 12. tdhe;jpuj;jpNy $g;gpLfpwtDila rj;jkha;> vypahtpd; MtpNahL> ,NaRtpd; Kjy; tUiff;F topia Maj;jk; gz;zTk;> kde;jpUk;GjYf;F Vw;w fdpfisf; nfhLq;fs;> ey;y fdpnfhlhj kunky;yhk; ntl;Lz;L mf;fpdpapNy Nghlg;gLk; vd;Wk; ijhpakha; Nghjpj;j Nahtd;];ehdfd; Nghy vd;id khw;Wk; vd;W n[gpg;Nghk; (kj;. 3:3> 8> 10@ 11:10> 14). 13. ,e;jpahtpy; kl;Lk; Rkhh; 9.3 kpy;ypad; ngz;fs; ghh;it> Ngr;R> nrtp> efUk; jpwdw;wth;fshf> kd eyk; ghjpf;fg;gl;L fhg;gfq;fspy;> kdeykUj;Jtkidfspy;> cly;> ghypay;

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hPjpahfTk;> Rfhjhukw;W > jd;d pr;irahd kUj;Jt Kiwahy; gy nfhLikfisr; re;jpf;fpd;wdh;. ,J ghtnkd czh;e;J ,ijr; nra;Nthh; kdk; khw n[gpg;Nghk;. 14. ,e;jpahtpy; Rkhh; 1.25 Nfhb Foe;ijj; njhopyhsh;fs; cs;sdh;. njUNthu filfs;> rh;f;f];> jPg;ngl;b> gl;lhR njhopw;rhiyfs;> cztfq;fs;> NjePh; filfs;> thfdk; gOJ ghh;f;Fk; ,lq;fs;> tPl;L Ntiy> fl;Lkhd Ntiy nra;Nthh; vd;W ,t;tplq;fspy; jq;fs; tho;it njhiyj;Js;sdh;. ,th;fis kdjstpYk;> rhPu mstpYk; Jd;GWj;Jk; xt;nthUtUk; ,J ghtnkd czu n[gpg;Nghk;. 15. vd; fz;fs; ,r;rpj;jitfspy; xd;iwAk; ehd; mitfSf;Fj; jilgz;ztpy;iy@ vd; ,Ujaj;Jf;F xU re;Njh\j;ijAk; ehd; Ntz;lhnkd;W tpyf;ftpy;iy@ ehd; nra;j Kaw;rpfspnyy;yhk; vd; kdk; kfpo;r;rp nfhz;bUe;jJ@ ,JNt vd; gpuahrq;fs; vy;yhtw;wpdhYk; vdf;F te;j gyd; (gpurq;fp 2:10). ,Njh> vy;yhk; khiaAk; kdJf;Fr; rQ;ryKkhapUe;jJ. tUif rkPgk;> Maj;jkhf n[gpg;Nghk;.


me;jpre;jp kj;jpahd NtisfspYk; ehd; jpahdk;gz;zp KiwapLNtd;@ mth; vd; rj;jj;ijf; Nfl;ghh; (rq;fPjk; 55:17).



cq;fSf;F xg;Gf;nfhLf;fg;gl;l tpRthrj;jpw;fhf NghuhLtJ vg;gb? uhgpd; rhk; ~ePq;fNsh gphpakhdth;fNs> cq;fs; kfh ghpRj; j khd tpRthrj; j pd; N ky; cq; f is cWjpg;gLj;jpf;nfhz;L> ghpRj;j Mtpf;Fs; n[gk;gz;zp> NjtDila md;gpNy cq;fisf; fhj;Jf;nfhz;L> epj;jpa [PtDf;NfJthf ek;Kila fh;j;juhfpa ,NaRf;fpwp];JtpDila ,uf;fj;ijg;ngwf; fhj;jpUq;fs;| (A+jh 20-21). filrpfhy rigf; F f; nfhLf; f g; g l; l mw;Gjkhd cgNjrq;fspy; xd;W A+jh vOjpd ,e;jr; rpd;d epUgj;jpy; cz;L vd;why; ePq;fs; tpag;giltPh;fs;. Gjpa Vw;ghl;by; cs;s 27 Gj;jfq;fspy; kpfr;rpwpa Gj;jfq;fspy; xd;whd ~A+jh vOjpd nghJthd epUgk;| ,d;W rig NeunkLj;J thrpf;fNtz;ba Gj;jfq;fspy; xd;W. ,e;jg; Gj;jfj;ij vOjpdJ ek;Kila fh;j;juhd ,NaR fpwp];Jtpd; rNfhjuh;fspy; xUtuhd A+jh vd;W ekf;F njhpAk;. xUKiw ,NaR jk;Kila nrhe;j Chpy; ,Ue;j n[g Myaj;jpy; Nghjid nra;jNghJ> mth;fs; mtUila Qhdj;ijAk;> gyj;j nra;iffisAk; fz;L Mr;rhpag;gl;L> ~,td; jr;rDila Fkhud; my;yth? ,td; jha; khpahs; vd;gts; my;yth? ahf;NfhG> NahNr> rPNkhd;> A+jh vd;gth;fs; ,tDf;Fr; rNfhjuh; my;yth?| vd;W nrhd;dhh;fs; (kj;NjA 13:55). mq;Nf nrhy;yg;gl;l ,NaRtpd; rNfhjuh;fspd; THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER w JANUARY 2020

thpirapy; cs;s filrp ngaiuf; nfhz;l A+jhNt ,e;jg; Gj;jfj;jpd; Mrphpah;. A+jh ,e; j g; Gj; j fj; j pd; %d; w htJ trdj;jpNyNa tpRthrpfSf;F jd;Dila epUgk; %ykhfj; jhd; nrhy;y tpUk;Gk; Kf; f pakhd tp\ak; vd; d vd; g ij tpsf;Ffpwhh;. ~gphpakhdth;fNs> nghJthd ,ul;rpg;igf;Fwpj;J cq;fSf;F vOJk;gb ehd; kpfTk; fUj;Js;stdhapUf;ifapy;> ghpRj;jthd;fSf;F xUtpir xg;Gf;nfhLf;fg;gl;l tpRthrj;jpw;fhf NghuhlNtz; L nkd; W cq; f Sf; F vOjp czh;j;JtJ vdf;F mtrpakha;f; fz;lJ.| gphpakhdth;fNs> cq;fSf;Fk; vdf;Fk; xU tpRthrk; xg; G tpf; f g; g l; L s; s J. me; j tpRthrj;jpw;fhf NghuhLfpwth;fshf ePq;fSk; ehDk; ,Uf;f Ntz;Lk; vd;W Njtd; tpUk; G fpd; w hh; . Nghuhl; l k; vd; w TlNd nfhbgpbj;Jf;nfhz;L Nfh\k; vOg;Gk; xU fhl;rp ek; fz;Kd;Nd Njhd;wp kiwayhk;. Mdhy;> A+jh nrhy;Yk; Nghuhl;lk; mg;gbg;gl;ljy;y. ek;Kila Nghuhl;lk; vg;gbg;gl;lJ vd;W Ntjk; nrhy;fpd;wJ. ~khk;rj;NjhLk; ,uj;jj;NjhLky;y> Jiuj;jdq;fNshLk;> mjpfhuq;fNshLk;> ,g;gpugQ;rj;jpd; me;jfhu NyhfhjpgjpfNshLk;> thdkz;lyq;fspYs;s nghy;yhj Mtpfspd; NridfNshLk; ekf;Fg; Nghuhl;lk; cz;L| vd;W thrpf;fpd;Nwhk;


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(vNgrpah; 6:12). ekf;F xg;Gf;nfhLf;fg;gl;l tpRthrj;jpw;fhf ehk; NghuhLtJ kpfTk; mtrpak;. ,e;jg; Nghuhl;lj;jpy; ehk; fye;Jnfhs;shky; ,Ue;jhy; ek;Kila tpRthrNk NrjkilAk; mghak; cs;sJ. ~Fkhudhfpa jPNkhj;NjANt> cd;idf;Fwpj;J Kd; cz;lhd jPh;f;fjhprdq;fspd;gbNa> eP mitfis Kd;dpl;L ey;y Nghuhl;lk;gz;Zk;gb> ,e;jf; fl;lisia cdf;F xg;Gtpf;fpNwd;@ eP tpRthrKk; ey;kdr;rhl;rpAk; cilatdhapU. ,e;j ey;kdr;rhl;rpiar; rpyh; js;sptpl;L> tpRthrkhfpa fg;giyr; Nrjg;gLj;jpdhh;fs;| vd;W 1 jPNkhj;NjA 1:18-19-Ny ghh;f;fpd;Nwhk;. tpRthrj;jpw;fhf ,e;j filrpf;fhyj;jpy; ehk; NghuhLtJ Vd; mtrpak; vd;gjw;F A+jh ehd;F fhuzq;fisf; fhz;gpf;fpd;whh;. xd;W: NjtDila fpUigiag; Gul;b> Mz;ltiuAk;> ,NaRitAk; kWjypf;fpw gf;jpaw;wth;fs; rpyh; ek;kpila CLUtpAs;shh;fs;. ,uz;L: vfpg;J Njrj;jpypUe;J Njtdhy; ,ul;rpf;fg;gl;l vy;yhiuAk; fh;j;jh; fhdhDf;Fs; nfhz;LNghftpy;iy. mJNghyNt ehKk; ,ul;rpf;fg;gl;bUf;fyhk;> Mdhy; ekf;F xg;Gf;nfhLf;fg;gl;l tpRthrj;ij ehk; fhj;Jf; nfhs;shtpl;lhy; ehKk; guk fhdhDf;Fs; gpuNtrpg;gJ mhpjhapUf;Fk;. %d;W: jq;fSila Mjp Nkd;ikiaf; fhj;Jf;nfhs;shky; jq;fSila thr];jyj;ij tpl;Ltpl;l J}jh;fisf; $l Njtd; epahaj;jPh;g;Gf;nfd;W me;jfhuj;jpy; milj;Jitj;jpUf;fpwhh;. ekf;Fg; gzptpil nra;aNtz;ba MtpfisNa mth; tpltpy;iy. ek;ik tpLthuh? ehd; F : vy; N yhUf; F k; epahaj; j P h ; g ; G f; nfhLf;fpwjw;F fh;j;jh; Mapukhapukhd jkJ ghpRj;jthd;fNshL tUfpwhh;. Mf> tpRthrpfsplj;Nj fh;j;jh; ,e;j filrpf;fhyj;jpy; vjph;ghh;f;Fk; fhhpak; mth;fs; jq;fSf;F xg;Gf;nfhLf;fg;gl;l tpRthrj;jpw;fhfg; NghuhLthh;fs; vd;gNj. me;jg; Nghuhl;lj;ij vg;gb elj;JtJ vd;gijj; jhd; ehk; A+jhtpd; epUgj;jpy; 20-21 trdq;fspy; ghh;f;fpd;Nwhk;. ,e; j ,uz; L trdq; f spy; ehd; F fl;lisfis A+jh tpRthrpfSf;Ff; nfhLf;ff; fhz;fpNwhk;. ,itfis> tpRthrpfSf;Fj; jug;gl;l filrp fl;lisfs; vd;W nrhy;yyhk;. me;j ehd;F fl;lisfs; KiwNa: 1. kfh ghpRj;jkhd tpRthrj;jpd;Nky; cq;fis cWjpg;gLj;Jq;fs; 2. ghpRj;j Mtpf;Fs; n[gk;gz;Zq;fs; Website: Email:

fpwp];jt tho;f;ifNa tpRthrj;jpdhy; jhd; nray;gLfpwJ. ekf;F n[gpf;f tpRthrk; Njit. Vd;? n[gj;jpw;F gjpy; fpilf;Fk; vd;W tpRthrpf;fpNwhk;. Nrhh;e;JNghfhky; njhlh;e;J ew;fphpiafisr;nra;a ehk; miof;fg;gLfpNwhk;. 3. NjtDila md;gpNy cq;fisf; fhj;Jf;nfhs;Sq;fs; 4. ,NaRfpwp];Jtpd; ,uf;fj;ijg; ngwf; fhj;jpUq;fs;. ,e;j ehd;F fhhpaq;fis ehk; nra;Ak;NghJ ekf;F xg;Gf;nfhLf;fg;gl;l tpRthrj;jpw;fhf ehk; NghuhLfpwth;fshf ,Ug;Nghk;. ,e;j ehd;F fl;lisfis ,g;NghJ ghh;g;Nghk;.

Kjy; fl;lis: kfh ghpRj;jkhd tpRthrj;jpd;Nky; cq;fis cWjpg;gLj;Jq;fs; ehk; ,ul;rpf;fg;gLtjw;F ekf;F tpRthrk; Njitg;gl;lJ. NjtDila fpUigapdhy; ,ul;rpf;fg;gl;Nlhk;. Mdhy;> ,NaR fpwp];J jhd; ekJ ,ul;rfh; vd;Wk;> mtuhNyay;yhky; NtW ve; j ehkj; j pdhYk; ekf; F ,ul; r pg; G fl;lisaplg;gltpy;iy vd;Wk; ehk; tpRthrpj;Njhk;. ~fpUigapdhNy tpRthrj;ijf;nfhz;L ,ul;rpf;fg;gl;Bh;fs;| (vNg. 2:8). ,e;j tpRthrk; ,ul;rpg;gpd; Muk;gf; fhyj;jpy; kl;Lky;y> ekf;F filrptiu ,Uf;f Ntz;Lk;. me;j tpRthrk; khakw;wjhAk; ,Uf;fNtz;Lk;. ~fw;gidapd; nghUs; vd;dntdpy;> Rj;jkhd ,Ujaj;jpYk; ey;kdr;rhl;rpapYk; khakw;w tpRthrj;jpYk; gpwf;Fk; md;Ng| (1 jPNkh. 1:4). fpwp];jt tho;f;ifNa tpRthrj;jpdhy; jhd; nray;gLfpwJ. ekf;F n[gpf;f tpRthrk; Njit. Vd;? n[gj;jpw;F gjpy; fpilf;Fk; vd;W tpRthrpf;fpNwhk;. Nrhh;e;JNghfhky; njhlh;e;J ew;fphpiafisr;nra;a ehk; miof;fg;gLfpNwhk;. Vd;? mg;NghJjhd; Vw;wfhyj;jpy; mWg;Nghk; vd;W tpRthrpf;fpNwhk;. cyfnky;yhk; ekf;F vjphpilahf ,Ue;jhYk; ehk; njhlh;e;J tpRthrj;jpy; epiyj;Jepw;fpNwhk;. Vd;? mtdtd; fphpiafSf;Fj; jf;f gyd; ,NaRNthNl$l tUfpd;wJ vd;W tpRthrpf;fpNwhk;. ,g;gb fpwp];jt tho;f;ifapd; Muk;gk; Kjy; KbTtiuf;Fk; tpRthrk; Njitg;gLtjpdhNy me;j kfh ghpRj;jkhd tpRthrj;jpd;Nky; ek;ik cWjpg;gLj;j miof;fg;gLfpNwhk;.




~me;epaghi\apy; NgRfpwtd;> MtpapNy ,ufrpaq;fisg;NgrpdhYk;> mtd; NgRfpwij xUtDk; mwpahjpUf;fpwgbapdhNy> mtd; kD\hplj;jpy; Ngrhky;> Njtdplj;jpy; NgRfpwhd;| (1 nfhhp. 14:2).

,uz;lhtjhf> ghpRj;j Mtpf;Fs; n[gk;gz;Zq;fs;

NgRfpwhd;| (1 nfhhp. 14:2). Mtpapy; n[gk;gz;Zk; mDgtk; vd;gJ fUj;NjhL tpz;zg;gk;gz;Zk; xU mDgtk;. ~ve;jr; rkaj;jpYk; rfytpjkhd Ntz;LjNyhLk; tpz;zg;gj;NjhLk; MtpapdhNy n[gk;gz;zp> mjd;nghUl;L kpFe;j kdcWjpNahLk; rfy ghpRj;jthd;fSf;fhfTk; gz;Zk; Ntz;LjNyhLk; tpopj;Jf;nfhz;bUq;fs;| (vNg. 6:18). Mdhy;> rpy Neuq;fspy; ehk; gytPdg;gl;Lg; NghFk;NghJ n[gpf;f ghpRj;j Mtpahdth; ekf;F cjtpnra;thh;. mg;NghJ me;epa ghi\iaNahLk; my;y> fUj;NjhLk; my;y thf;Ff;flq;fhj ngU%r;RfNshL Mtpahdth;jhNk ekf;fhf Ntz;Ljy;nra;fpwhh; vd;W ghh;f;fpNwhk;. ~me;jg;gbNa MtpahdtUk; ekJ gytPdq;fspy; ekf;F cjtpnra;fpwhh;. ehk; Vw;wgb Ntz;bf;nfhs;sNtz;bajpd;dnjd;W mwpahkypUf;fpwgbahy;> Mtpahdth;jhNk thf;Ff;flq;fhj ngU%r;RfNshL ekf;fhf Ntz;Ljy;nra;fpwhh;| (Nuhkh; 8:26).

tpRthrKs;s fpwp];jtd; n[gpf;fpwtdhf ,Ug;ghd;. vg;NghjhtJ n[gpf;fpwtd; fpwp];jtd; my;y> vg;nghOJk; n[gpf;fpwtNd fpwp];jtd;. ~vg;nghOJk; re;Njh\khapUq;fs;. ,iltplhky; n[gk;gz;Zq;fs;. vy;yhtw;wpNyAk; ];Njhj;jpuQ;nra;Aq;fs;@ mg;gbr; nra;tNj fpwp];J ,NaRTf;Fs; cq;fisf;Fwpj;Jj; NjtDila rpj;jkhapUf;fpwJ| vd;W ehk; Ntjj;jpy; thrpf;fpNwhk; (1 njr. 5:16-18). ,iltplhky; n[gpf;fpwtDf;F vg;NghJk; Njt jaTk;> QhdKk;> xj;jhirAk; fpilf;Fk; vd;gjpNy re;NjfNk Ntz;lhk;. A+jhtpd; epUgj;jpNy nrhy;yg;gl;Ls;s fhhpak; ghpRj;j Mtpf;Fs; n[gk;gz;Zk; epiyik. ek;kpy; mNefh; n[gpf;fpNwhk;> Mdhy; ntF rpyNu Mtpapy; n[gpf;fpd;Nwhk;. Mtpf;Fs; n[gpg;gJ vd;wTlNd mJ me;epa ghi\apy; n[gpg;gJ vd;W epidj;J tpLfpNwhk;. Mdhy;> ,uz;Lf;Fk; tpj;jpahrk; cz;L. %d;whtjhf NjtDila me;epa ghi\vd;gJ ekf;Fj; njhpahj> md;gpNy cq;fisf; Ghpahj nkhop> mJ J}jh;fspd; ghi\. mg;gbg;gl;l ghi\apy; ehk; n[gpf;Fk;NghJ mjd; fhj;Jf;nfhs;Sq;fs; fUj;J vd;dntd;W ekf;Fj; njhptjpy;iy. NjtDila md;G jhd; ek;ik ,ul;rpj;jJ. ~me;epaghi\apy; NgRfpwtd;> MtpapNy euf Mf;fpid mile;jpUf;fNtz;ba ehk; ,ufrpaq;fisg;NgrpdhYk;> mtd; NgRfpwij guNyhfj;jpw;F Neuhf elj;jg;gLfpNwhk; vd;why; xUtDk; mwpahjpUf;fpwgbapdhNy> mtd; mJ NjtDila md; g pdhNy kl; L Nk kD\hplj; j py; Ngrhky; > Njtdplj; j py; rhj;jpakhapw;W. me;j md;gpNy ek;ikf; THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER w JANUARY 2020


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fhj;Jf;nfhs;tNj ehk; mLj;J nra;aNtz;baJ. ~cd; d plj; j py; xg; G tpf; f g; g l; l me; j ew;nghUis ekf;Fs;Ns thrk;gz;Zfpw ghpRj;j MtpapdhNy fhj;Jf;nfhs;| (2 jPNkh. 1:14). NjtDila md;G ,g;NghJ ek;Kila ,Ujaq;fspy; Cw;wg;gl;bUf;fpwJ vd;W Ntjk; nrhy;fpwJ (Nuhkh; 5:5). mtUila md;G ,g;NghJ ekf;Fs;Ns ,Ug;gjpdhNy ehk; ,g;NghJ jpt;a Rghtj;jpw;Fg; gq;Fs;sth;fshf ,Uf;fpd;Nwhk; (2 NgJU 1:4). ~Njtd; md;ghfNt ,Uf;fpwhh;@ md;gpy; epiyj;jpUf;fpwtd; Njtdpy; epiyj;jpUf;fpwhd;> NjtDk; mtdpy; epiyj;jpUf;fpwhh;| (1 Nahthd; 4:16). mjdhNyNa ehk; mbf;fb ekf;Fs; Njt md;G cs;sjh vd;Wk; ehk; NjtDila md;gpNy ek;ikf; fhj;Jf;nfhz;bUf;fpNwhkh vd;Wk; Muha;e;J ghh;f;fNtz;Lk;. ~gphpakhdth;fNs> xUthpnyhUth; md;ghapUf;ff;flNthk;@ Vnddpy; md;G Njtdhy; cz;lhapUf;fpwJ@ md;Gs;s vtDk; Njtdhy; gpwe;J> mtiu mwpe;jpUf;fpwhd;. md;gpy;yhjtd; Njtid mwpahd;> Njtd; md;ghfNt ,Uf;fpwhh;| (1 Nahthd; 4:7-8). NjtDila md;gpNy epiyj;jpUf;f mtUila fw;gidfis ehk; iff;nfhs;Sfpwth;fshf ,Uf;f Ntz;Lk;. ~vd;Dila md;gpNy epiyj;jpUq;fs;. ehd; vd; gpjhtpd; fw;gidfisf; iff;nfhz;L mtUila md;gpNy epiyj;jpUf;fpwJNghy> ePq;fSk; vd; fw;gidfisf; iff;nfhz;bUe;jhy;> vd;Dila md;gpNy epiyj;jpUg;gPh;fs;| (Nahthd; 15:9-10).

filrpahf> ,NaRfpwp];Jtpd; ,uf;fj;ijg; ngwf; fhj;jpUq;fs;

fpwp];J ,NaR ekf;F nra;jij kwf;Fk; ve;jf; fhhpaj;ijAk; ek;Kila tho;f;ifapy; mDkjpahky; ,Ug;Nghkhf. E}jd cgNjrq;fSf;F tpyfpapUg;Nghk;. fpUigiaf; fhj;Jf;nfhs;Nthk;. vd;w trdk; (vgpnuah; 12:14) tpRthrpfshd ekf;F vOjg;gl;lJ vd;gij ehk; kwe;Jtplf;$lhJ. ek; kdjpNy vOk;Gk; Nfhgjhgq;fis rhpnra;J NjtDila kd;dpg;igAk;> ,uf;fj;ijAk; ehk; ngwhky; ,Ue;jhy; epr;rakhf fpUigapypUe;J tpOe;JNghNthk;. NkYk; > Vrhitg; N ghy jhw; f hypfkhd MirfSf;fhf tutpUf;Fk; MrPh;thjq;fis ,of;fpwth;fshf ehk; ,Ue;jhy; epr;rakhfNt guk fhdhDf;Fs; gpuNtrpg;gJ fbdk;. cyfKk; Ntz;Lk;> tpLjiyAk; Ntz;Lk; vd;wpUe;j Nyhj;jpd; kidtpf;F vd;d ele;jJ vd;W ehk; epidj;Jf;nfhs;sNtz;Lk;. fpUigapypUe;J tpOe;JNghtjw;F ,d;DnkhU fhuzk; cz;L. mij ehk; fyhj;jpahpy; thrpf;fpNwhk;: ~epahag;gpukhzj;jpdhy; ePjpkhd;fshf tpUk;Gfpw ePq;fs; ahtUk; fpwp];Jittpl;Lg; gphpe;J fpUigapdpd;W tpOe;jPh;fs;| (fyhj;jpah; 5:4). fpwp];J ,NaR ekf;F nra;jij kiwf;Fk; my;yJ kwf;Fk; ve;jf; fhhpaj;ijAk; ek;Kila tho;f;ifapy; mDkjpahky; ,Ug;Nghkhf. E}jd cgNjrq;fSf;F tpyfpapUg;Nghk;. fpUigia fhj;Jf;nfhs;Nthk;. fh;j;jh; jhNk ,e;jr; nra;jpapd; %ykhf ek;ik Mrph;tjpj;J ek;Kila tpRthrj;ij th;j;jpf;fr; nra;thuhf. Mnkd;.

vfpg;J Njrj;jpypUe;J Njtdhy; ,ul;rpf;fg;gl;l vy;yhiuAk; fh;j;jh; fhdhDf;Fs; nfhz;LNghftpy;iy vd;W ,e;jr; nra;jpapd; Jtf;fj;jpy; ghh;j;Njhk;. ,ul;rpf;fg;gl;l ehKk; ehk; ngw;Wf;nfhz;l fpUigia ,of;fhky; fhj;Jf;nfhs;sNtz;Lk;. mg;nghOJ kl;LNk guk fhdhDf;Fs; gpuNtrpf;f KbAk;. NjtDila fpUigia ehk; ,of;f KbAk; vd;W Ntjk; ekf;F vr;rhpf;fpd;wJ (vgpnuah; 12:15). ahtNuhLk; rkhjhdkhapUf;fTk;> ghpRj;jKs;sth;fshapUf;fTk; ehLq;fs;@ ghpRj;jkpy;yhky; xUtDk; fh;j;jiuj; jhprpg;gjpy;iyNa

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FWf;nfOj;J N`kh jdrPyd;

kj;NjA B kw;Wk; C gbtq;fspy; nghUj;jkhd Ntjhfkf; Fwpg;ig vOjp A gbtj;Jld; mDg;g Ntz;Lk;. ,g;Nghl;bf;fhd cq;fs; gjpy;fis gbtk; A-apy; epug;gp> B kw;Wk; C Mfpa gbtq;fspy; trd ,Ug;gplq;fis kl;Lk; vOjp [dthp 20> 2020 Njjpf;Fs; fpilf;FkhW mDg;Gq;fs;.

gj;jphpf;ifapy; ntspaplg;gl;Ls;s gbtq;fis efy; vLj;J kl;LNk mDg;g Ntz;Lk;. gpw KiwfspNyh (mQ;ry; ml;il> cs;ehl;Lf; fth;> jhs; Nghd;witfspy;) tiue;Njh gjpy;fis mDg;gf; $lhJ. mitfs; Nghl;bf;F vLj;Jf;nfhs;sg;glkhl;lhJ. Mrphpah;. gbtk; A 1






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gbtk; B ,lkpUe;J tyk;: 1. ________________> guNyhfuh[;ak; rkPgj;jpUf;fpwJ. (10) 7. G+kpapd; Nky; ,ijay;y> gl;laj;ijNa mDg;g te;Njd; (5) 8. ,J jdf;Fj;jhNd tpNuhjkha;g; gphpe;jpUe;jhy; epiy epw;f khl;lhJ (5) 9. Gwk;ghd ,Uspy; ,J cz;lhapUf;Fk; (6) 10. ,J fye;j fhbia ,NaRTf;Ff; Fbf;ff; nfhLj;jhh;fs; (4) 15. thdk; NjtDila ________________ (6) 16. jd; [Ptid ul;rpf;f tpUk;Gfpwtd; mij ________________ (4> 3) 17. ve;j kD\Dk; jd; kfd; kPidf; Nfl;lhy; ,ijf; nfhLg;ghdh? (3) 19. nghf;fp\q;fisr; Nrh;j;J itf;fg; gj;jpukhd ,lk; (5) 20. njd;Njrj;J uh[];jphp ,tDila Qhdj;ijf; Nfl;f te;jhs; (4) 21. ck;Kila ________________ ghpRj;jg;gLtjhf (3) 23. mj;jpkuk; Jsph; tpLk;NghJ ,J rkPgkhapw;W vd;W mwptPh;fs; (4> 3) 25. ,ij eufj;jpNy mopf;f ty;ytUf;Nf gag;gLq;fs; (4) 26. ________________ cila thapdhYk; Jjp cz;lhFk;gb nra;jPh; (4) 27. ,it kD\FkhuDila tyJ gf;fj;jpy; epWj;jg;gLk; (6) THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER w JANUARY 2020


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28. ,J fpof;fpypUe;J Njhd;wp Nkw;F tiuf;Fk; gpufhrpf;Fk; (4)

( ____________ )

gbtk; C NkypUe;J fPo;: 1. NjtDila thapypUe;J Gwg;gLfpw xt;nthU thh;j;ijapdhYk; ,td; gpiog;ghd; (4) ( ____________ ) 2. Kl;nrbfspy; ,itfisg; gwpf;fpwhh;fsh? (10) ( ____________ ) 3. ,J uhkhtpNy Nfl;fg;gl;lJ (5) ( ____________ ) 4. rP\h;fs; ,ijf; nfha;J jpd;whh;fs; (5) ( ____________ ) 5. ,td; Mfhirg; ngw;whd; (3) ( ____________ ) 6. Mtp cw;rhfKs;sJ> ,J gytPdKs;sJ (4) ( ____________ ) 7. ,itfisg; Nghy tpdhTs;sth;fsha; ,Uq;fs; (7) ( ____________ ) 11. nte;jaj;jpYk;> rPufj;jpYk; ,J nrYj;jg;gl;lJ (6) ( ____________ ) 12. VyP! VyP! ________________ (2, 5) ( ____________ ) 13. guNyhfuh[;aj;jpd; jpwTNfhy;fs; ,tDf;Fj; jug;gl;ld (3) ( ____________ ) 14. vJ Kf;fpak;? nghd;Ndh> nghd;idg; ghpRj;jkhf;Ffpw ________? (5) ( ____________ ) 18. GJ urj;ij ,jpy; thh;j;J itg;ghh;fs; (2> 4) ( ____________ ) 20. ________________ cs;sth;fs; g+kpiar; Rje;jhpj;Jf; nfhs;Sthh;fs; (6) ( ____________ ) 21. ,NaRTf;F erNuad; vd;w ngah; tuf; fhuzkha; ,Ue;j Ch; (5) ( ____________ ) 22. ,NaR jkJ [dq;fspd; ________________ ePf;fp mth;fis ,ul;rpg;ghh; (5)( ___________ ) 24. gpjh jtpu NtnwhUtDk; ,tiu mwpahd; (4) ( ____________ )

gjpy;fis mDg;gNtz;ba Kfthp: jp fpwp];bad; nknrQ;rh;> vz;. 20/20, ghujpahh; njU> rPdpthrh efh;> ghb> nrd;id 600 050.

cq;fs; ngah; : ______________________ ,lk; : ______________________ miyNgrp vz;: ______________________ nrd;w khjj;jpd; rhpahd tpilfs;: vz;zhfkk; ,lkpUe;J tyk;: 1. m];jflfq;fs; (31:50) 7. nahfpNgah (32:35) 9. epk;uh (32:3) 10. eg;jyp (2:29) 12. ngj;narpNkhj; (33:49) 13. m];Ngy; (26:38) 15. ahNyNay; (26:26) 16. fpg;Nuhj;> mj;jhth (11:34) 18. fhzpahl;rp (27:4) 20. rkhjhd (10:10) 21. fp];Nyhd; (34:21) 23. Mujh (33:24) 24. CrpNayh; (3:27) 25. vy;rhghd; (3:30) 28. gd;dpuz;lhk; (7:78) 30. ntz;fhaq;fs; (11:5) 31. J\;l> rpq;fk; (23:24)

NkypUe;J fPo;: 1. me;epa> mf;fpdp (3:4) 2. jNguh (11:3) 3. frg;G (9:11) 4. fkhypNay; (2:20) 5. mfpA+j; (34:27) 6. ghpRj;j> rig (29:1) 8. ahj;;rpNay; (26:48) 11. vy;jhj;> Nkjhj; (11:26) 12. ngndahf;fhd; (33:32) 14. Kj;J (11:7) 17. thr];jyh; (9:18) 19. rptg;ghd (19:2) 20. rtufd; (6:5) 22. gy;Y}tpah; (26:5) 26. guNjrp (9:14) 27. ,uz;L (7:7) 28. gj;J (29:23) 29. nts;sp (22:18 (m) 24:12)

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brk;gh; khjg; Nghl;bf;fhd rhpahd tpilfis vOjpath;fs;: ehd;]p Mgpufhk;> Qhdnry;tp> Nrh/gpah NldpNay;> [hdfp> yPyh ghz;bad;> eph;kyh Nltpl; (nrd;id). tpf;Nlhhpah nry;tp N[hrg; (NtY}h;)> nfl;rp jk;Guh[; (rptpy;ypGj;J}H)> fpshuh (tlf;F uh[hT+h;)> QhdRe;jhp (jpUney;Ntyp)> [_ypal; ,jo; uhgpd;rd; (rpte;jpGuk;)> gpNukyjh Re;jh;ghG (nrq;fy;gl;L)> [hd;rp (Midkiy). 2019-Mk; tUlk; KOtJk; FWf;nfOj;Jg; Nghl;bapy; fye;Jnfhz;L 12 khjq;fSk; rhpahd tpilfis vOjpath;fs;: jpUkjp ehd;rp Mgpufhk;> jpUkjp yPyh ghz;bad;. ,th;fis tho;j;JfpNwhk;. Mrphpah;. JANUARY 2020 w THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER


Get used to Citizenship Act, folks! It’s here to stay! BY VALSON THAMPU WE fool ourselves if we believe that the Citizenship (Amendment) Act (CAA) is a bolt from the blue. It is rather like the fruit of a tree which has been nurtured over the years. This tree of antiminority animus has grown and flourished through collective farming. A curious feature of our present national predicament is the unwillingness to see what stares us in the face. Especially in the recent years, a desperate eagerness to believe otherwise than the proverbial writing on the wall has been evident. A broad stroke of anti-Muslim sentiment has marked many events on our political landscape. This had paved the way to BJP’s ride to power. We have to be willfully blind to fail to see that the BJP’s politicocultural mission banks as much on Muslim-hate as it does on Congress-spite. It is no secret that the RSS-ordained mandate for the BJP is the establishment of the Hindu rashtra. The BJP is neither secretive nor apologetic about it. (If any vestige of doubt lingers in this regard, just examine BJP’s ticket distribution in elections.) If this is not discussed, and its implications examined in light of the identity of India as a ‘socialist, secular, democratic republic’, it is not because the on-going crafting of the Hindu rashtra is undertaken surreptitiously or ambiguously. It is only that it has become our common trait to be ‘willfully unable’ to see what even babes and suckling can clearly see. From the ideological angle of Hindutva, the presence of the two religious minorities whose holy lands are external to the boundaries of India are presumed to be sources of corruption for the ethnocultural homogeneity of India. The clumping together of Jains and Sikhs as cultural Hindu subsets, as Savarkar does, is manifestly arbitrary. It does not have the endorsement of these religious communities. The cultural homogeneity thus improvised becomes the frame of reference for stigmatizing the otherness of Muslims and Christians –Muslims, more than Christians. To this day there has been no public debate on the validity of this premise. It is just taken for granted. The Holy Land today is not a religious, but a tourist destination even for Christians! So, tourism, not religion, is the basis on which the ‘otherness’ of my religious identity is invented, though Christianity has been practiced in India for at least 1700 years. But parameters of hate and exclusion are not rational categories and, for that reason, they do not lend

themselves to factual, rational discussion. But Muslims and, to a lesser extent, Christians have played a role in lending legitimacy to this Hindutva prejudice by refusing to outgrow a superstition they share with all religious communities. That superstition is rooted in the tribal mindset by which gods are inseparable from land. This quaint superstition exists also in all Indian religions. It is this that makes Ram Janmabhoomi an emotive issue. In our tribal imagination, a god cannot be de-linked from his place of birth. The same mentality makes Muslims go to Mecca to revive their religiosity and to pelt stones at Satan! They should be thanked for believing that Satan is wholly absent from India; but they are not! When the BJP spokespersons or party big-wigs argue that the CAA has the support of a majority of the people of India, they are not off the mark, even if this argument stands on an illusion of majority, headcounted via the Parliament. The majority support the CAB received in both houses of the Parliament does not prove a numerical majority of voters nation-wide in support. The significance of the spiraling protest is that it debunks this fiction of ‘majorityendorsement’. It underlines the fact that a majority of votes in Parliament need not correspond to a majority of citizens in support. It interrogates the premises of people’s representation. How representative of the people of India is the legislation created by our lawmakers? But the present protests too will subside soon (Believe me, the trifurcation of J&K was a test dose of this medicine.) It will be crushed under the iron heel. There will be irony in this too. The USP of the Modi government is the power it exudes. Amit Shah becoming the Home Minister has increased this impression exponentially; and rightly too. What is often overlooked is that ‘power’ is a double-edged sword. If it can bludgeon others, it can crack your skull too. Shock and awe is the operating style of the present government. Given that, the outcome of this skin-rash of resistance is only entirely predictable. The CAA and pan-Indian NRC are here to stay. Millions will be denationalized. A veritable ocean of human suffering will come into being. Its redeeming feature will be that it will be blacked out of public view. The stateless will be faceless. We will get used to it by and by and learn to get along as we would in the wake of an epidemic or earthquake. A time will come when we may not even mention their existence in polite conversation, public or private.

Owned and published by Elsy Robin from 329/4, Poonga Apartments, HIG Flats, II Avenue, Anna Nagar, Chennai 600 040. Printed by L Cyril Sagayaraj at VS Printograph Pvt Ltd., No. 142, L&T Road, Burma Colony, Perungudi, Chennai 600 096. Editor: Elsy Robin THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER w JANUARY 2020


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