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Vol. 13, No. 11

Page 20

MARCH, 2017

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THE MESSAGE >> The Blessing of the Right Hand ADVERTISEMENT TARIFF


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The Blessing of the Right Hand God wishes us to know that He alone can be our hiding place, the perfect remission of our sins, the strength in our weakness! Do you know who this God is? He is the One who calls you by your name! He is the One who calls the marginalized to step forward. He is the One who shines His face on the dejected and the despised. He is the One who brings the ones in the fringes to the centre. Those six stone water pots were kept in a house in Cana according to the manner of purification of the Jews (John 2:6). They were filled with water to be used by the Jews of the house for ritual cleansing whenever they came back home. When the wedding party ran out of wine, Jesus did not ask for vessels from inside the house to be brought to Him; instead He asked the servants to simply fill water in those water pots that were outside the house. Jesus can still make vessels of dishonour into vessels of honour by filling them with His glory. ‘But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us,’ says 2 Corinthians 4:7. Why did Jesus call out the man with the withered hand? To restore him, of course! To glorify the Name of God the Father through him. God has not changed. He is still looking for people through whom He can glorify His Name. So, don’t merely pray for your healing. Pray that God will bring glory to Himself by healing you. Do you hear your name being called out by God? ‘But now, thus says the Lord, who created you, O Jacob, and He who formed you, O Israel: “Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by your name; You are Mine” (Isaiah 43:1). Do you know why Jesus called the man with the withered hand to step forward? The God who tells us to ‘be still, and know that I am God’ (Psalm 46:10) during our time of misery is the same God who asks us to ‘step forward’ in our time of miracle. Jesus intended to do 3 things in the life of man with the withered hand when He asked him to step forward. Let’s look at them in the light of the Scriptures.


And behold, there was a man who had a withered hand (Matthew 12:10). IF YOU ARE reading this message with a physical or spiritual affliction that has made you dejected and hopeless, God is speaking to you through His Word this month. Do not be discouraged, for I am your God, says the Lord. Proverbs 23:18 says, ‘For surely there is a hereafter, and your hope will not be cut off.’ The Gospels of Matthew and Mark record the condition of the man in identical words (Mt. 12:10; Mark 3:1). ‘…a man was there who had a withered hand.’ Where was he? He was in the synagogue. Your miracle will be manifest in the presence of God. When you come seeking His presence, He will intervene in your life mightily and exalt His Name. We do not know the name of the man, but I guess he was more popular by his nickname. Perhaps, the man was used to insults and condescending looks because of his physical condition. But none of them who called him as ‘the man with a withered hand’ could do anything for him or make his life better. And, then his hour of miracle came! Mark 3:1 says, ‘And He (Jesus) entered the synagogue again…’ The verse implies that Jesus had already been there; but He entered the synagogue again. Why did the Lord enter the synagogue again on that day? I cannot think of any other reason beyond the fact that the man with a withered hand was there. Hallelujah! ‘For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost (Luke 19:10). By a divine appointment, Jesus came seeking the man with the withered hand in the synagogue. Do you know who my Jesus is? He is the God who is mindful of us (Psalm 8:4). He is mindful of the insignificant, the nameless, the least and the oppressed. We do not know where in the synagogue the man was sitting, but going by what Jesus told him (‘Step forward’), it’s safe to assume that the man was perhaps in the last row of the pews. His physical condition was such that he did not want to be in the front row. Oh, how he must have wished to remain unseen and anonymous. Have you ever been like that 1. To transform his life man? Has that shame that you carry made you recoil and avoid public contact? Our infirmities and forever David wrote Psalm 22 when he was forsaken by inadequacies always push us to the fringes of his family and friends. When he was without hope, existence. One of the first things Adam and Eve wanted to do after they sinned and discovered they help and strength, his enemies surrounded him like were naked was to look for a hiding place. Oh, how strong bulls of Bashan, like a raging and roaring lion. Website: Email:



THE MESSAGE home like a joyful mother of children (Psalm 113:79). When was the last time you praised God for His goodness and the awesome wonders He has done in your life? Take time to reflect on God’s goodness and lovingkindness in the midst of His temple this month.

Like dogs, when they encircled him David indeed was without hope and help, but he recollected the ways in which the Lord had delivered him from troubles in the past. Fortified by the pleasant memories, he testified thus: “I will declare Your name to my brethren; in the midst of the congregation I will praise You” (22nd verse). When everybody saw the pitiable situation of the man with the withered hand, Jesus saw his glorious future. When everybody thought the man with the withered hand had nothing to look forward to in life, Jesus saw him becoming a blessing to others. Jesus saw the man lifting up both his hands and praising God in the midst of the congregation. Jesus asked him to step forward because He wanted to transform the man and take him from his position of lack to the position of praise! Child of God, what’s the area of lack in your life and ministry? What’s the area of lack in your workplace? When everything around you seems to be alright, you know where the lack is. The area of your life where there is no growth, the patch of garden where there are no new sprouts, the Godordained spring in your ministry that has dried up, the storehouse that feeds nobody because it’s empty –that is your withered hand. Surrender that area to Jesus. He is the One who said ‘Surely there is a hereafter – your hope will not be cut off.’ Give up that depleted spring, that empty storehouse, that patch of no growth to Jesus. He will restore it like the fertile areas of your life, just like He restored the withered hand like the other normal, healthy and functional hand. Let your soul sing to the Lord a new song today!

3. To make him pay vows to the Lord In Psalm 116:18-19 the songwriter says: ‘I will pay my vows to the Lord now in the presence of all His people, in the courts of the Lord’s house, in the midst of you, O Jerusalem.’ The psalmist is particular that he will pay his vows to the Lord in the presence of all His people, in the court’s of the Lord’s assembly and in Jerusalem, the holy city. The Lord had indeed done him a great thing. He had delivered him from all his bondages. ‘For You have delivered my soul from death, my eyes from tears and my feet from falling,’ says verse 8. A heart of gratitude cannot be silent. It will overflow with a good theme (Psalm 45:1). David says in Psalm 22:25, ‘My praise shall be of You in the great congregation; I will pay My vows before those who fear Him.’ We do not for certain if the man with the withered hand had taken a vow to the Lord, but we know this for sure: He was a man in need. And, men in need desire a change in their lives. They long for a touch of the Lord. When all hope fails, they look up to the Lord and await a miracle. I am sure the man with the withered hand was no exception. And on that day when Jesus entered the temple again, his hour of power began. Hallelujah!

2. To make him reflect on God’s grace forever In Psalm 48:9, the psalmist says: ‘We have thought, O God, on Your lovingkindness, in the midst of Your temple.’ What did God do for the psalmist that made him think about His lovingkindness in the temple? God delivered him and his countrymen from their enemies. Fear took hold of those who came against the nation in the city of God, in the city of the great King. The psalmist knew it was no mere human hand that made the enemies tremble and take to their heels. When the sons of Korah knew their God sent the east wind to break the ships of Tarshish, they could not but praise God. This God, who dwells on high, raises the poor out of the dust. He lifts the needy out of the ash heap to seat him with princes. He grants the barren woman a THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER w MARCH 2017

His withered hand was the right hand We read about the man with the withered hand not only in the Gospel of Matthew, but also in Mark and Luke. But it is only Luke, the physician, who records this about the man. ‘Now it happened on another Sabbath, also, that He entered the synagogue and taught. And a man was there whose right hand was withered’ (Luke 6:6). That’s a detail Matthew and Mark had forgotten to mention in their gospels. Why did Luke stress that the withered hand was the right hand? For two reasons – the most obvious being the right hand is the hand that is associated with his work. And, that makes the point important. He needed his right hand to make ends meet. The 6

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right hand was the hand that provided for his family. Bible scholars say the man was perhaps a stone mason and he was used to hard labor until his right hand withered.

The right hand is the hand of skill The Bible tells us that the right hand is associated with one’s work or labor. When Babylonians wanted the Israelites in captivity to sing them one of the songs of Zion, those Hebrews who hung their harps on the willow trees said: ‘How shall we sing the Lord’s song in a foreign land? If I forget you, O When we call unto God, we can be sure of one Jerusalem, let my right hand forget her skill’ (Psalm thing. What’s that? He hears our prayers; He sees our 137:4,5). tears and grants our supplications. When everything around us is a certified failure, God’s right hand will God’s right hand is the hand that fight our battles. ‘The right hand of the Lord is exalted; the right hand of the Lord does valiantly’ blesses us (Psalm 118:17). The right hand is not only related to one’s Like the saints of the Old Testament days did, occupation, it’s also associated with blessings. The God who said He will not forsake the covenant He when darkness clouds our horizon and God seems made with the nation of Israel says in Isaiah 41:10, distant, it is good to remember the days of old. When ‘Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I it looks like our prayers are not answered, it is good am your God, I will strengthen you, yes, I will help to ‘remember the years of the right hand of the Most you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.’ High’ (Psalm 77:10). He saves those who trust in When God tells His children not to fear, He is Him. He will show His marvelous lovingkindness telling them He is their help. ‘For I, the Lord your by His right hand’ (Psalm 17:7). He is the God who held the right hand of the God, will hold your right hand, saying to you, ‘Fear gentile king, Cyrus, to accomplish His purposes. not, I will help you’ (Isaiah 41:13). Yes, even today Will He not hold the hands of His own children and He is willing to stretch out His righteous hand and uphold our justice? Trust in Him even when the night hold our right hand. is dark and the clouds thick. He makes all things beautiful in His time.

Pleasures evermore at God’s right hand

The right hand of blessing upon Ephraim

David says in Psalms 16:11, ‘You will show me the path of life; in your presence is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.’ Even when we are foolish and ignorant before Him, God works with us. ‘Nevertheless I am continually with You; You hold me by my right hand. You will guide me with Your counsel, and afterward receive me to glory’ (Psalm 73:23,24). To be held by His right hand is blessing that we should not miss. The Holy Spirit says Israel is a vine brought out of Egypt (Psalm 80:8). We are His chosen people in the New Testament. A holy nation and a royal priesthood. And when everything looks dark and gloomy around us, we need to ask God not to forsake the vineyard that His right hand has planted. ‘Return, we beseech You, O God of hosts; Look down from heaven and see, and visit this vine and the vineyard which Your right hand has planted, and the branch that You made strong for Yourself…’ (Psalm 80:14,15). Website: Email:

Jesus Christ may have had another reason to restore the withered hand of the man. The right hand is associated with blessings. With the restored right hand, the man could now bless his children and their descendants. Joseph knew the importance of the blessing of the right hand. When he thought blessings come according to seniority, his father Jacob taught him an important lesson – God’s blessings come not according to seniority but according to His priority! Hallelujah! When Joseph knew Jacob was nearing death, he brought his two sons to the patriarch. He brought them before Jacob in such a way that Jacob’s right hand would be upon Manasseh, Joseph’s firstborn, and the left hand upon Ephraim, the second born. However, the Bible says: ‘Then Israel stretched out his right hand and laid it on Ephraim’s head, who 7


THE MESSAGE was the younger, and his left hand on Manasseh’s head, guiding his hands knowingly, for Manasseh was the firstborn’ (Gen. 48:14). When Joseph saw that Jacob’s right hand was upon Ephraim, the younger son, he was displeased. So, he took hold of his father’s right hand tried guiding it upon Manasseh’s head. Jacob’s words to Joseph reveal to us that the blessings of the right hand are not accidental but intentional. ‘But his father refused and said, “I know, my son, I know. He also shall become a people, and he also shall be great; but truly his younger brother shall be greater than he, and his descendants shall become a multitude of nations’ (19th verse). As the church of the New Testament, we are called to bless others. Ours is a higher calling. We are also called to bless those that curse us (Mat 5:44; Rom.12:14). How often do you call aside your children, pray with them and bless them? When was the last time you cancelled all the curses that you and others inadvertently heaped upon your children and your descendants by words that you did not mean but said nevertheless? 1 Peter 3:9 lets us into a great Scriptural reason to bless others: ‘…not returning evil for evil or reviling for reviling, but on the contrary blessing, knowing that you were called to this, that you may inherit a



The most-important blessing of God’s right hand The blessings of the right hand are not only for this world, but for the soon-to-come world too. Jesus Christ is now seated at the right hand of God and His ministry now is to make intercession for us (Romans 8:34). A time is coming when God will make us His children discern between the righteous and the wicked, between the one who serves God and the one who does not serve them (Malachi 3:18). At that time when all the nations are gathered before the Son of Man, He will separate them one from another as a shepherd divides his sheep from the goats, says the Bible. ‘And He will set the sheep on His right hand, but the goats on the left’ (Matthew 25:33). Those that stand on His right hand are the blessed ones. The King Himself will invite them to inherit the kingdom prepared for them from the foundation of the world. Hallelujah! That's one blessing of the right hand that you and I should not miss out on. I pray to God that He will guide us, guard us and lead us towards that blessing of all blessings. Amen.


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BIBLE UNIVERSITY OF HOLY SPIRIT, NEW JERUSALEM AND BETHLEHEM (BUHSNJB) WORLD UNIVERSITY OF PROFESSIONALISM Regd. No. 667 dated 24 June 2009 ‘JEHOVAH SHALOM’ No. 1. (Old No. 2), Opp. To Jawahar Hospital, Lutheran Church Cross Street, Kadaperi, Tambaram, Chennai – 600045. Tel: +91-44-22382774, E-mail: Website: Cell: 9380002895, Landline: 044-22382774 Cardinal Dr. Rev. Thomas Edmunds FOUNDER – CHANCELLOR Dr. M. C. Devaraj, I.T.S. D.D., D.Min, D.Litt. Joint Director General of Foreign Trade, Government of India (Retd.) Pro-Chancellor (National)

Accredited by World – Wide Accreditation Commission of Christian Educational Institutions, With 300 Bible Colleges, Richmond, VA, 23224, USA Accredited with Pentecostal Association for Theological Accreditation (PATA), Vijayawada. A Global Association for Theological Accreditation Doctoral Scholars are guided by Competent Theologians of Repute

Doctoral Scholars in Church History and International Affairs and those who do research on any Aspect connected with Israel, are given facility to do Field Work in Israel through The Hebrew University, Jerusalem. BUHSNJB is organized as per the laws of the Tamil Nadu Government and Government of India. CARDINAL REV. DR. PROF. THOMAS EDMUNDS M.A., M.A., M.DIV, L.L.D., Ph.D. (JNU, COLUMBIA, USA) Twice in USA as Fulbright Research Scholar in Columbia University, New York City and in Boston University, Boston and Lutheran World Federation Scholar, GENEVA, SWITZERLAND. Administration: Cell: 9380002895, Registrar (Academic) 044-22382774

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Job Opportunities @ a leading Human Rights organization working on bonded labor based in Delhi! All applicants need to have strong written and oral communication skills in English and Hindi. ADVOCATE (Retainer Position)

Job: Build capacity of local lawyers of partner NGOs to manage and litigate an active case-load of criminal cases and train officials on Bonded Labour Act and Acts relevant to the work of the organization across the country. Represent victims in cases. Requirements: Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in Law, excellent legal research and writing skills, experience of at least 2 years in criminal litigation. NGO experience and any kind of training experience is preferred. Knowledge of regional languages will be valuable. DIRECTOR OF PARTNERSHIPS

Job: Oversee strategy and management of state partnerships. This includes supervision and organization of the project’s quality, monitoring and information related to all partner projects attempted in various states. The Director of Partnerships will serve on the front lines as part of the team. This is an integral position, critical to the success of the advocacy team, ensuring strong relationships with its partners. Requirements: Post-Graduation, preferably in the field of public policy, management or social work. A proven track record of leading a team and successfully networking with a variety of organizations and developing systems or processes. ASSISTANT DIRECTOR - GOVERNMENT RELATIONS

Job: Dialogue, strategize, build rationale and advocate for the strengthened public justice systems in India to protect the poor from injustice. S/he will work with the Director to build key relationships, use existing data, formulate papers, follow up with stakeholders and give input into policy documents, ensuring solutions on the issue of Bonded Labour are proposed at every level of implementation. Requires travel across different states in India. Requirements: Bachelor’s degree and Post-Graduation, preferably in the field of Management/ Politics/Social Sciences, a proven track record of successfully networking with key stakeholders. Excellent interpersonal and writing skills. PROGRAM COORDINATOR – THOUGHT LEADERSHIP

Job: Develop action plans that implement yearly goals, monitor progress towards action plan, and help facilitate and finalize Thought Leadership program design for 2017 to 2019, identify and engage thought leaders who can help promote the organization’s Theory of Change. Assist the Director of Public Engagements with written communication, research, presentations, and documentation. Requirements: Bachelors’ in Administration or Business Management or equivalent experience. Three years’ work experience in a team environment.

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GOSPEL MELA 2017 24-Hour Chain Prayer

15 Specific Prayer Points For a 30-Minute Intercession Praying with one accord for 2,234 people groups spread across 1.2 billion people in 29 states and 7 UTs in one nation. Every nation, every tribe, every people and every tongue shall say: “Salvation belongs to our God who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb!” (Revelation 7:10). “Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved” (Acts 4:12). Redemption of our souls is possible only through Jesus, there’s no other way. Gospel is nothing but proclaiming that Jesus is the only way to be saved from our sins, to be delivered out of the bondage of our curses and to come out of darkness into His magnificent light. We are doing this in a concerted manner by targeting one State in the country every month for the next 12 months. We are reaching out to 1,00,000 people in each state with the Gospel message through tracts, other booklets and personal evangelism wherever possible. We are not working on this in isolation but have involved several local churches and missions

organizations in each state. We have christened this effort as ‘Gospel Mela 2016’. We need your prayerful support to make this a success. We lean on to the One who said: ‘…for without Me you can do nothing” (John 15:5). God expects us to intensify our prayers and give freely to the Lord’s work so hundreds of thousands of Indians will come to know that Jesus is the only way to salvation in the next one year. Besides using these prayer points to pray for 30 minutes during the 24-hour chain prayer time, will you also set apart five minutes a day or an hour on any day of the week to join us in prayer? If you do, God will do wonders in this nation. Amen. Glory to God.

We are in the Last Days. Our Lord Jesus Christ can return anytime. All the signs of the times point to His imminent return. This month, we are placing ourselves at the feet of the Lord with one accord and one mind to seek His grace to be ready and to make others ready. 1. Gather yourselves together, yes, gather together, O undesirable nation, before the decree is issued, or the day passes like chaff, before the Lord’s fierce anger comes upon you, before the day of the Lord’s anger comes upon you! (Zephaniah 2:1,2). ‘For if we would judge ourselves, we would not be judged’ (1 Corinthians 11:31). Lord, Your return is imminent. Give me the grace to be prepared to meet with You. Amen. 2. ‘For the Son of Man will come in the glory of His Father with His angels, and then He will reward each according to his works’ (Matthew 16:27). Lord, help me to understand that my works are not in vain and that they will be rewarded. Help me to continue my works for the Kingdom and be ready for Your return. Amen. 3. In Hebrews 10:37-30 we read: “For yet a little

while, and He who is coming will come and will not tarry. Now the just shall live by faith; but if anyone draws back, My soul has no pleasure in him.” We pray that we don’t draw back from our calling and salvation, Lord. ‘But we are not of those who draw back to perdition, but of those who believe to the saving of the soul.’ 4. The Bible says because of lawlessness in the last days, the love of many will grow cold. ‘And then many will be offended, will betray one another, and will hate one another. Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many’ (Matthew 24:10-11). Pray that our love for others in the family, the church and the community does not grow cold. Pray that we remain rooted in our faith and salvation. We pray for Your grace, Lord. 5. God says: ‘I will punish the world for its evil, and the wicked for their iniquity; I will halt the arrogance of the proud, and will lay low the haughtiness of the terrible’ (Isaiah 13:11). Prepare to meet with the Lord of Hosts. Help us, Lord. Amen. 6. The Bible says ‘And there will be great earthquakes in various places, and famines and



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pestilences; and there will be fearful sights and great signs from heaven’ (Luke 21:11; Mark 13:8; Matt 24:7). The Lord’s return is near. Let us look at the signs of the times and discern that God may send His Son anytime. While we prepare ourselves let us also get others ready for Him. 7. Zephaniah 1:14 says: ‘The great day of the Lord is near; it is near and hastens quickly. The noise of the day of the Lord is bitter; there the mighty men shall cry out.’ Since we do not know when the great day of the Lord will be upon us, let us earnestly prepare ourselves to meet the Lord. 8. The Bible says ‘For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive the things done in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad’ (2 Corinthians 5:10). Let’s get ready for the Lord’s return. Give us the zeal and the speed to do Your Kingdom work, Lord. 9. Please uphold the three mission fields newly started in Odisha. Our workers are based in Dampadar and Jamguda in Kalahandi district and Dengeshkhal in Rayagada district. Pray for Kaliram Naik, Purandhara Naik and Nishikanta Naik and their families. 10. Our ministry in Chhattisgarh is growing although it is faced with threats and opposition from anti-Christian right-wing groups. Pray that God does signs and wonders to confirm the calling of the workers in Jagdalpur, Bastar and Rajnagar. 11. Pray for our ministry in Punjab. Based out of Pathankot, our worker has been reaching out to many unreached people groups in the town and surrounding villages. In Rajpura, 35 people have

accepted Jesus Christ as their Saviour. They are now being guided towards baptism. Pray that the evil one does not take the Word of God out of their hearts and lives. Pray that we get adequate resources to buy a land to construct a prayer house in Rajpura. 12. Pray for our mission fields in Jammu, Madhya Pradesh and Tamil Nadu. In Tamil Nadu, we have begun a new ministry among north Indian immigrants based out of Tuticorin. In the outskirts of Hosur, we have begun a new ministry among tribal and Adivasi people. Pray that the workers’ efforts bear fruit and there is a big harvest for the Lord. 13. Pray against the violence that are on the rise against Christians. In January this year, a Gideons volunteer, Bro. K A Swamy, was seriously injured when a gang attacked him for distributing Christian literature in Hyderabad. He’s now in coma. Pray that his health is restored. Pray for the attackers to repent of their dastardly act. 14. Pray for our Sunday School and women’s ministry in Pammadhukulam that was started three months ago. Pray for more children and women to come and be blessed. Uphold our new initiative, a free tuition centre for underprivileged children in the area. 15. Please uphold Mrs. Geetha and Mrs. Kalaimathi, our missions workers in Chennai. They are ministering in Konimedu, Lakshmipuram and Avadi. Pray for their protection. Pray that their labour will bear fruit. Please share these prayer points with others. Pray for the change that you wish to see in our nation.

Gospel Mela: What has happened so far! Gospel Mela is a huge evangelical initiative taken up by Messenger Missions in reaching out to the unreached in India sometime before last year’s Kumbh Mela. The strategy was twopronged: To go all-out in evangelisation and to expedite the existing initiatives of reaching the unreached. With such a goal, Messenger Missions set out on a prayer-backed field initiative. Perhaps, you are already aware that people (both laymen and ministers of God) from all over the world have joined the prayer initiative. It is estimated that close to 700 people come together at the Throne of Grace one in spirit and accord in the 24 hours chain prayer on the 30th of every month. Prayer warriors dedicate 30 minutes to one hour on that day every month and pray either alone or in the company of other prayer warriors Website: Email:

from their homes or in churches. We are happy to share with you some of the milestones achieved as a result of this concerted prayer initiative. •In April last year, five of our Gospel workers visited Ujjain in Madhya Pradesh, stayed there for three days and ministered to people. We all know what happened in the idolatrous stronghold as a result of prayers. •A pastors’ conference involving over 30 workers of God in Balaghat, Madhya Pradesh to share the vision of Gospel Mela. •Special initiative to reach one lakh people in MP. As a result of this, missions work has begun in 15 villages in the state. Three fulltime workers of Messenger Missions are incharge of the work.



GOSPEL MELA •Three new mission fields were formed among the unreached in Punjab. •Support to Bible translation efforts in Inner Seraji, Ranglong and Rathwi begins. •A pastors’ conference involving over 40 workers in Jammu to share the vision of Gospel Mela. As a result, work has begun in several remote villages alongside the border with Pakistan. •Our Chhattisgarh mission field, which faced some turbulence due to opposition from anti-Christian groups has been relaunched. •Messenger Missions enters Odisha by covering close to 15 villages with 3 fulltime workers. •Special effort taken up to reach tribal and Adivasi people in four villages on the outskirts of Hosur in Tamil Nadu. •Special efforts to reach north Indian immigrants living in and around Tuticorin Continue to uphold our missions in your launched. prayers. Please encourage your friends and family •Launch of Project Solar Lanterns to to join the chain prayer and pray for the nation so identify homes that do not have electricity facility God will do greater things among us. in remote villages of Madhya Pradesh.



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Help us reach 700 children through VBS this year! Messenger Missions’ workers and volunteers are getting ready to reach out to over 700 children in April and May this year through our mission fields in Chennai, Hosur and Tuticorin in Tamil Nadu and central Indian states of Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh and Odisha and in June in Punjab and Jammu. Vacation Bible Schools (VBS) will be conducted at all our mission fields in Jammu, Punjab, Odisha, Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh and Tamil Nadu. In each of the states close to 100 children are likely to be benefitted. In Tamil Nadu, however, we are expecting a bigger turnout of children. At each of the states, the VBS will be conducted for three days. Last year, our theme for VBS ‘Yield to be useful’ was based on John 12:24. This year our theme is ‘Be a Builder!’ based on 1 Corinthians 3:10. I urge you to pray for the VBS ministries in our mission fields to be a great success. Pray that all children who attend these meetings have a powerful encounter with Jesus Christ, the Master Builder. Pray especially for the teachers, volunteers and our missionaries.

The needs of the VBS ministry have increased several times over from the last year. Pray with us that God will meet all the needs in a miraculous way. May God perform a great miracle! Amen. If you would like to be part of the VBS this year by becoming a volunteer or a prayer partner, please let us know. If God speaks to you to get in touch with us over the VBS ministry and take care of some of its needs, please feel free to speak to us at 044-65145334 or 7299063345.

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Messenger Missions has mission fields in the north and central regions of India. It builds the Kingdom of God through evangelism, church planting, Bible Study groups, medical camps, community development projects and other ministries.

Messenger Communications publishes The Christian Messenger in English and Tamil. Its mission is to sow the Word of God and faith in as many lives as possible and proclaim the Gospel through niche media products and get a generation ready for the Lord’s imminent return.

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Please let us know details of your offerings and subscriptions after you make the payment at 044-65145334 or 0-7299063345. It will help us send a receipt to you immediately. Our address: Messenger Missions, No. 20/20, Bharathiar Street, Srinivasa Nagar, Padi, Chennai 600 050. Website: Email:




God is recruiting zealous reformers, not performers BY JOE JOE DAWSON AS I WAS praying recently, I heard the voice of the Lord speak clearly to me, “Son, I’m looking for reformers, not performers.” When I heard the Lord speak this to me, it immediately struck something in me. I knew this was a powerful revelation the Lord wanted to give me. The Lord spoke so deeply to my heart about having an intimate relationship with Him. I felt the love of God when He spoke this to me. The Lord showed me performers are doing what they know, and reformers are changing people and cities because they know Him. If God is looking for reformers, not performers, what is a reformer? A reformer is someone who brings about reformation. A reformer is someone who changes things. The word reform means “to shape again.” Reformers are those who reshape the individuals, families, churches, cities, regions and nations over which God has given them influence. Think about John Knox: He prayed, fought and persevered for almost 15 years until he saw Scotland set free from religious oppression. God used John Knox to bring reformation to his nation. Think about Martin Luther. About 490 years ago, Luther forever changed the church, his city and his nation. Martin Luther reshaped so much that we are still talking about him today. In this hour, God is looking for people who are ready to reform and not perform. How many times in the Word do we see the need for reformation, but no reformer? As I kept seeking the Lord about this subject of reformation I remember what John said about Jesus. Luke 3:16 in The Passion Translation says, 'John answered them all, saying, “I baptize you with water, but he who is mightier than I is coming, the strap of whose sandals I am not worthy to untie. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit, into the baptism of holiness and with raging fire”.’ If God baptizes you into holiness, you will completely turn away from the things of this world. One of the things that the Holy Spirit comes to set us free from is insecurity. If there is anything that will get you to be a performer instead of a reformer, it is undealt-with insecurity in your life. Insecurity will always make you feel like you must perform in order to impress people. The answer for insecurity is knowing who you are in God. Performers are consumed by insecurity. Reformers are consumed by the raging fire of the Holy Ghost! A raging fire consumes everything that is dead in its pathway. A raging fire inside you will THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER w MARCH 2017

cause people to know there is something different about you. When God reshapes you with His raging fire, you become a reformer. Someone who brings reformation is someone who has been reformed by the presence of God. Reformers can walk into a spiritually dry climate and change it completely. Reformers are often ridiculed, falsely accused and will encounter trials and tribulations. Reformers do not let these things stop them because they know they have an assignment from God for which they have been marked. Reformers carry the transforming power of God. In Luke 8, Jesus goes to heal Jairus’ daughter. Luke 8:51-53 says, “When He came into the house, He permitted no one to go in except Peter, John and James, and the father and mother of the girl. All wept and mourned for her. But He said, ‘Do not weep. She is not dead but sleeping.’ They laughed at Him, knowing that she was dead.” These people laughed at and ridiculed Jesus because they did not know the power of God that Jesus carried. The easiest way to kill something is to abort it before it ever has the chance to be born. Right before Jesus performs this incredible miracle, the enemy came to oppose Jesus and have these people mock Him. But Jesus never wavered. He assured them Jairus’ daughter was not dead. Jesus put all the unbelievers out of the room and ministered to this little girl. Then Luke 8:56 says, “Her parents were astonished, but He commanded them to tell no one what had happened.” Catch this revelation. Jesus came to heal Jairus’ little girl and reform her situation, not to perform. If Jesus had been there to perform, He would have encouraged all who were there to go and tell everyone they knew about what Jesus had just done. But Jesus didn’t. He came to reform, not perform. God is raising up sons and daughters who are reformers, not performers. I challenge you: Are there areas in which you are performing instead of bringing reformation? As you allow God to continue to reshape you, you will become a reformer. Now is the time for many people to step out of the mentality of performance and into God’s acceptance for them. God is looking for those who will not settle for the religious status quo and instead reshape churches, cities, regions and nations in this hour. God is looking for reformers, not performers. Joe Joe Dawson is the president of Burn Texarkana Revival center and House of Prayer. Pastor Dawson also serves as staff evangelist for First Assembly of God in Texas, US.


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New Dead Sea Scrolls cave discovered ARCHAEOLOGISTS HAVE FOUND a cave that once housed Dead Sea scrolls in a cliff in the Judean desert - the first such discovery in over 60 years. Israel’s Hebrew University said the ancient parchments were missing from the cave, and were probably looted by Bedouin people in the 1950s, the BBC reported on Feb 7. Storage jars, fragments of a scroll wrapping, and a leather tying string were found at the site. The Dead Sea scrolls date from as early as the 4th Century BC. The priceless records include more than 800 documents written in Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek, mostly on animal skin and papyrus. As well as containing the oldest copies of many biblical texts, they also include many secular writings about life in the 1st and 2nd Centuries AD. The first Dead Sea scrolls were discovered in 1947, reportedly by a young Bedouin shepherd hunting for a lost sheep in Qumran, on the modernday West Bank. It is not known who wrote the scrolls, although some scholars have credited a Jewish sect called the Essenes. The team excavating the latest cave was led by Dr Oren Gutfeld and AhiadOvadia from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, with Dr Randall Price and students from Liberty University in Virginia. The pottery jars and wrappings were found concealed in niches along the cave’s walls, and inside a 4-6m (16-20ft) tunnel at its rear. “Until now, it was accepted that Dead Sea Scrolls were found only in 11 caves at Qumran, but now there is no doubt that this is the 12th cave,” said Dr Gutfeld. “Although at the end of the day no scroll was

found, and instead we “only” found a piece of parchment rolled up in a jug that was being processed for writing, the findings indicate beyond any doubt that the cave contained scrolls that were stolen,” he said. “The findings include the jars in which the scrolls and their covering were hidden, a leather strap for binding the scroll, a cloth that wrapped the scrolls, tendons and pieces of skin connecting fragments, and more.” The team also found a seal made from carnelian, a semi-precious stone - evidence that prehistoric people once lived in the desert cave. The Bedouin looting theory arose with the discovery of two iron pickaxe heads from the mid20th Century that had been left inside the cave tunnel. “I imagine they came into the tunnel. They found the scroll jars. They took the scrolls,” Dr Gutfeld said. “They even opened the scrolls and left everything around, the textiles, the pottery.” He said this could be just the first in a series of discoveries, with hundreds of caves yet to be explored.

The crossword feature is being discontinued with effect from this month due to space constraints. Editor The winner(s) of last month Quiz: Mr. Satyarthi Sahu, Chennai.

Answers to last month’s Crossword Puzzle - Joshua Across: 1. Scarlet cord (2:18 or 21) 8. Libnah (10:29) 9. Young old (6:21) 11. Jealous (24:19) 12. Noah (17:3) 14. Undone (11:15) 15. Caleb (14:13) 16. Flax (2:6) 18. Kenaz (15:17) 20. Jabin (11:1) 22. Aide (1:1) Website: Email:

25. 26. 27. 28.

Balaam (13:22) Beth Aven (7:2) Salt (3:16) Kephirah (9:17)

Down: 1. Silver (7:21 or 22) 2. Arba (15:13 or 21:11) 3. Leave (1:5) 4. Cry (6:10) 5. Routs (23:10) 17

6. Iron Tool (8:31) 7. Kedesh (20 : 7 or 21:32) 10. Flint Knives (5:2 or 3) 11. Javelin (8:18) 13. Gaza (11:22) 17. Ai (10:2) 19. Zerah (7:1 or 18) 20. Jabbok (12:2) 21. Ramoth (20:8 or 21:38) 23. Hamor (24:32) 24. Hail (10:11) MARCH 2017 w THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER

tpahjpapd; fhuzq;fs;: Ntjk; nrhy;tJ vd;d? 1. ghtk;: kD\Dila tho;f;ifapy; mtDila ghtj;jpdhy; tpahjp tUfpwJ (rq;fPjk; 39:3@ 2 rhKNty; 12:15@ NahG 20:11@ rq;fPjk; 106:29@ 107:17@ 38:4). 2. rhgk;: ghtj;jpd; kpFjpapdhy; rhgk; Neupl;L mjdhYk; tpahjp tUfpwJ (Mjp 3:16@ Nytp 13:44-46@ 2 ,uh[h 5:27@ ePjp 26:2@ cgh 28:16-21). 3. Vf;fk; (,r;ir): mk;Nkhd; jhkhhpd; Nky; Vf;fq;nfhz;L tpahjpg;gl;lhd; (2 rhKNty; 13:2-6@ rq;fPjk; 106:14> 15). 4. Nrhh;T (ftiy): jhdpNayhfpa ehd; Nrhh;tile;J rpyehs; tpahjpg;gl;bUe;Njd; (jhdpNay; 8:27@ rq;fPjk; 88:3> 9@ Vrhah 23:15@ 47:13@ 2 nfhhp 7:10). 5. ,aw;ifia kPWjy;: gfypNy ntapyhfpYk>; ,utpNy epythfpYk; cd;idr; (NjtDila gps;isfis) Nrjg;-

gLj;Jtjpy;iy (rq;fPjk; 121:6)@ fh;j;jUilath;fs; my;yhjth;fis mJ Nrjg;gLj;JfpwJ (Vrhah 49:10@ rq;fPjk; 107:34@ rq;fPjk; 55:8@ ahj;. 13:21> 22). 6. jFjpapy;yhj ,uhg;Ngh[dk;: jd;idj;jhd; Nrhjpj;J mwpahky; ew;fUizapy; gq;Fngw;whYk; tpahjp tUk; (1 nfhhp. 11:30@ Nahthd; 13:11> 18> 27). 7. kuzj;Jf;F VJthd tpahjp: vyprh kuzj;Jf;F VJthd tpahjp fz;L kuzkile;jhd; (2 ,uh[h. 13:14). 8. fh;j;jh; cq;fis Nerpf;fpwjpdhy;: fh; j ; j h; Nerpf; f pwth; f is rpl; r pf; f pwhh; (cjhuzk; - NahG> gTy;> jPNkhj;NjA@ vgp. 12:510@ NahG 2:7). 9. NjtDila kfpikf;fhf: yhrU tpahjpg;gl;lij ,NaR mwpe;J> ,e;j tpahjp NjtDila kfpik tpsq;Ftjw;F VJthf ,Uf;fpwJ vd;whh; (Nahthd; 11:4> 40@ 9:3). (ed;wp: ehrNuj; ePjp> 1982)

ïnaRÉ‹ fij fh®£^‹ toÉš ,NaRtpd; md;ig ,sk; gps;isfSf;F mwptpf;f xU mw;Gjkhd Kaw;rp! 3-tJ gjpg;G tpiutpy; ntspahFk;

50 gf;fq;fspy; ,NaRtpd; gpwg;G> Copak;> rpYit kuzk;> caph;j;njOjy; Nghd;wtw;iw fhh;l;^d; %yk; tpsf;Fk; ifalf;fkhd Gj;jfk;. 100 gpujpfSf;F Nky; thq;Fgth;fSf;F tpNr\ rYif ,J xU nknrQ;rh; kp\d;]; ntspaPL njhiyNgrp: 044-65145334 nrd;id> Nfhit> NtY}h;> jpUr;rp> jpUney;Ntyp kw;Wk; ehfh;Nfhtpypy; fpilf;Fk;. Owned and published by Elsy Robin from 329/4, Poonga Apartments, HIG Flats, II Avenue, Anna Nagar, Chennai 600 040. Printed by L Cyril Sagayaraj at VS Printograph Pvt Ltd., No. 15, Natesan Colony, Sri Ram Avenue, 1st Street, Kottivakkam, Chennai 600 041. Editor: Elsy Robin THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER w MARCH 2017


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