The Christian Messenger | October 2020 | Read our E-Magazine Online for Free Now!

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Njt nra;jp: Mtpapy; vspikAs;sth;fs; ahh;?

THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER Gift Woollen Blankets To The Poor



3 TRUTHS ABOUT SEXUAL SIN After accusations against Ravi Zacharias, some Scripture Union staffers now find themselves in hot water in a similar case. PLUS: How to keep ourselves holy. 1

Lockdown Relief Kits in our mission field Messenger Missions continued to provide relief kits to the deserving even in September and October. This time, the kits were distributed in our mission field in Chennai. If you would like to partner with us in this outreach, please get in touch with us at 7299063345 or 7299063347.

Partner with Messenger Missions Help us offer relief to those hit by the lockdown The lockdown in effect since March 2020 has hit many segments of the society. Some of the worst hit are daily wage laborers such as construction workers, domestic helpers, autorickshaw drivers, plumbers, electricians among others. God’s workers who work in slums, villages and among the economically weaker sections of the society cannot be forgotten either. Messenger Missions has been systematically helping these people since March this year. Will you help us help them?

Lockdown Relief Kits: A relief kit consists of 15 items including 5 kilos of rice and other essentials such as cooking oil, tea powder, spices, pulses, sugar, salt, tooth paste, a bath soap and a detergent soap. A relief kit costs Rs.1,000/- If you are led by God to help the less privileged people in the society, you can make your donations & offerings to Messenger Missions. Please use the account details given alongside to send your donations and offerings. You can call us or email us with the details of the project you are sponsoring with your sacrificial contributions.

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3 TRUTHS ABOUT SEXUAL SIN up women are coming out in the open. The Christian Messenger has spoken to the whistleblower, SU leaders and some of the victims. The articles are available on our website RZIM and SU india promptly announced they had ordered an investigation into the allegations. While the truth is yet to come out, there are those in the Christian community who think we should not be speaking ill of the dead especially because he was once used by the Lord. I want to address that issue. The God of the Bible who called King David the man after His own heart did not sweep his affair with Bathsheba under the carpet. The Bible records that Gideon who was a mighty man of God indeed had many wives. The God of the Bible is a God who fixes broken lives. The second argument raised by some against talking about Christian leaders’ misdemeanors is that it sullies the glory of God. I want to tell you something. The glory of God is not a patchwork of your multi color rags to be sullied. Nothing and no one can sully the glory of God. What is dimmed is the ring light of halo that you and I have given some leaders. When a Christian leader’s misdemeanors come to light what is burst is

BY ROBIN SAM ON May 19 this year, Ravi Zacharias the famous Christian apologist died of cancer. When I heard he had died, personally, I was upset. I got to know the man through his books and messages that I mostly dug up from YouTube. Every time I heard his messages I marveled at his eloquence and brilliance in Christian apologetics. To many Christians like me, he was this man from Chennai who grew up in Delhi and made it big in the evangelistic circles worldwide. But today, I am even more upset that another Christian leader has been discovered with feet of clay although 4 months after his death. Recently, Christianity Today published an indepth report on allegations of sexual misconduct by Ravi Zacharias. According to the story, he had sexually harassed three women massage therapists who worked at a spa centre he co-owned and solicited explicit photos from them. Meanwhile, an individual released on Twitter screen shots that said some Scripture Union India staffers had engaged in inappropriate behavior with minor girls whom they had met at VBS meetings. Apparently, this has been happening for several years and some of the affected girls who are grown


Evangelism Through Journalism

Vol. 17, No. 4



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The Christian Messenger, 20/20, Bharathiar Street, Srinivasa Nagar, Padi, Chennai 600 050. 3



Turn to page 10 for details.

the bubble of halo around their heads created by us. So, these things need to be reported, investigated and discussed. We do this not to bring down a person or an organization. We do this so we all learn from it. There are three things that we need to bear in mind when we talk about sexual sin. 1. Sexual sin is unique In I Corinthians 6:18, Apostle says this: ‘Every sin that a man does is outside the body, but he who commits sexual immorality sins against his own boy. Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own?’ In other words, while a murderer who kills another person can only kill the body, a sexual offender sins not only against his body and the victim’s body but also causes untold misery to the spirit of the offended person. 2. Flee sexual immorality In the same verse, Paul asks us to flee sexual immorality. How can you do that? James 4:7 asks us to stand firm against temptation. Resist the devil and he will flee from you, it says. If we have sinned, the Bible asks us to confess it and seek God’s forgiveness. James 5:16 says: ‘Confess your trespasses to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed.’ After receiving God’s forgiveness, how do we ensure we don’t fall into the same sin again? Turn to the Word of God. God’s truth is our buckler and shield, says Psalm 91:4. Psalm 119:11 says ‘Your word I have hidden in THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER w OCTOBER 2020

my heart, that I might not sin against You.’ A wise man knows his vulnerabilities and will not want to expose them to the devil. He would avoid places where he is likely to fall into sin, cut ties with those who make him sin and seek to be always in the company of God and His children. 3. It’s often masked as an entitlement The three women with whom Ravi Zacharias allegedly misbehaved said he used to talk often about the burden and demands of his ministry. He said he felt lonely. And, that he felt entitled to these pleasures. After a leader tastes success in his field, a fan club starts almost worshiping him. The Christian world is full of idolaters too. Only, the idols are not in our houses, they are in our minds. Make sure that pastor, that preacher, that Bible scholar and that worship leader whom you adore does not become your idol. A sense of entitlement that creeps into a leader makes him think he deserves some pleasure once in a while and he starts seeking it in all the wrong places. Jesus taught His disciples the attitude a servant must assume in Luke 17:10. Even if we have done great exploits for God, we must learn to say: ‘We are unprofitable servants. We have done what was our duty to do.’ Our reward is not from this word. It is safe in eternity. It is ready in the Master’s hands. And, He will give it to the one who is faithful till the end. On page 7: The mark of a good minister of God. Things a servant of God must have. 4

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‘Daddy never questioned God’ BY SABINE PAUL DADDY was born in Colombo, Sri Lanka on 13th January, 1939 where his father had a typewriting institute. His mother shifted to their native village Idayangudi in Tirunelveli district in Tamil Nadu with the children. He did his schooling in Caldwell High School in Idayangudi. He accepted Christ at the age of 10 and was baptized with the Holy Spirit. My grandmother was a strong woman of prayer. He finished his college studies (Intermediate) at St.John’s College, Palayamkottai. He was part of St.John’s Prayer Fellowship. He did his M.A at Madras Christian College. While at the MCC, he used to kneel down and pray in the college campus for the perishing souls. During weekends he used to visit the Lepers’ Colony at Pammal and clean the wounds of the patients with bare hands. After post graduation, he worked as a warden in a boys’ home for a while. Then he applied for a job at the LIC and got selected as a Development Officer at 19. In 1964, he got married to Susheela, a lady who shared his vision strongly. He worked very hard and prayed much for his career growth. He wanted a four-figure salary and a car. God granted his desires. Every Sunday he would

take the car for outreach programs to the nearby villages. Even with wealth, his possessions were only essential things and used most of his income to support missionary work. He also served as an Honorary Treasurer in FMPB at a rented place. In 1976, he was promoted as Assistant Branch Manager to the Chennai Office of the LIC. The next year, God called him for full time ministry. As a family they confirmed it and stepped out boldly. He took strong decisions immediately after stepping into full time ministry. He decided to move into a smaller home, not to have a huge bank balance and restrict the needs of the family within the salary he received in FMPB. He served as the General Secretary of FMPB from 1977. The ministry at that time had a debt problem which he

United Theological Research University External Studies And Research (An Autonomous Institution of Advanced Theological Education) Recognized by Christian Leadership University & Seminary, New York, U.S.A. & Affiliated & Accredited by University of Berkeley, Chicago. U.S.A. Regd. by A.P Govt. No. 2642 / 1988 & Registered Under Minorities Act. Address: Plot No. 125, Road No. 7, T.M.C. Mahendra Hills, East Marredpally, Secunderabad – 500 026. T.S. S.Inida.

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ADMISSIONS ARE OPEN FOR EXTERNAL / CORRESPONDENCE COURSE C.Th / G.Th / Dipl.Th / B.Th / B.Min / B.D / B.MISS / B.B.A. in Th / BA in Th / B.Com in Th / B.C.A. in Th / M.Th / M.Min / M.Div / M.Miss / M.Com in Th / M.A. in Th / M.B.A in Th / Th / D.Div / D.Min / D.Miss / D.Th / D. Com in Th / Doctor in Accountancy in Theology / Doctor in Religious Philosophy / Doctor in preaching for Christ / Doctor in social Services in Christianity / Doctor in Church Establishment / Doctor in Gospel Work in prophecies of the Bible / Doctor in church history / Doctor in Religious Music For Christ / Doctor in Church Administration / Doctor in Religious songs for Christ / Doctor in Christian Education / Doctor in Spirit of Prophecy writing / Doctor in Missiology / Doctor in medical Ministries / Ph.Ds. / P.G in Ph.Ds. Etc. (We have 45 Different courses).

United Theological Research University, a well known Organization is organizing a National Seminar on the “Best Education & Administration Excellence” at Secunderabad T.S. On this occasion the council will honor you with Gold Medal Along with Gold Satiation for the outstanding achievement in the field of activity / and also “Honorary Doctorate in Social Services” for the people who are in Favor with God and man / and We are happy to announce a special ordination service to all the Christian Believers and Deacons, Evangelists, Pastors, Reverends, Bishops, Arch Bishop, Priesthood, The Messenger of God (MOG), The Man of God, (MOG) The Prophet of Jesus (POJ). on the 24-11-2020 at Secunderabad T.S. Any denominational Christian can apply for the Ordinations. Those who are willingly interested to be a part of Seminary can apply immediately by sending Rs.300/- M.O for the application & Prospectus on or before 30th Oct 2020.

You can make use of our bank accounts: 1. Oriental Bank of Commerce, Marredpally Branch, Secunderabad for Dr. Fredrick Francis A/c. No. 1058201106005, 2. State Bank of India, Patny Centre Branch, Secunderabad for Dr. Fredrick Francis A/c. No. 10725270312, IFSC Code: SBIN000916

Arch Bishop. Dr. Fredrick Franics L. PVK Vice-Chancellor of UTRUSR and IBCA

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REMEMBRANCE slowly cleared through sacrificial giving. Many missionaries too gave their ornaments and jewels. His care for the missionaries was excellent. He counseled them and encouraged them to pray and work very hard. Every Friday, Daddy and Mummy used to fast and pray for us, three children. Once in a month we used to have fasting prayer as a family. Every Sunday memorizing Bible verses was the strict order of the day. Exercise, diet and fasting and prayer were part of his health care. He completed B.D. to learn the Bible but refused ordination or to have the title, ‘Reverend’ put before his name. He was basically a visionary who believed in the growth of the FMPB and also developed second-line leadership. After retiring from the FMPB, he formed the National Prayer Network (NPN). He mobilized the church at large to pray for the salvation of the nation. He was very particular to turn down offers to own properties, car and financial assistance. If forced, it would be accepted and given to the ministry. He was a man of integrity, kept his life pure and led a simple lifestyle. He was humble in all that he did. He never

wanted to share his rich biography while he was alive. He never looked for fame and honour. He lost his son, Jim Elliot (at 27) to malaria in the Malto mission field in Jharkhand. In the same year, at the age of 55, he lost his wife as well. He never questioned God over that and was never emotional. He totally surrendered and took it as God’s divine will. Mummy, while suffering from cancer too, did not stop him from going on missionary tours. He took over the family burden after mummy’s demise and fulfilled all the family responsibilities along with the ministry. God gave him a long life in this world. He thoroughly enjoyed spending time with his children and grandchildren. He was highly hospitable and never sent away anyone without giving a cup of tea or some food. He was richly blessed by God and never lacked anything till his last breath. He had a grand send-off by the family of God whose company he longed to be in always. Now, he’s at the feet of the Lord Jesus whom he loved and served. May we always celebrate his life! The writer is the daughter of Bro. Patrick Joshua who passed away recently.

PRAYER POINTS FOR INTERCESSION 1. Pray for our missions worker’s family in Chhattisgarh. Uphold them in your prayers as they battle Covid-19, threats to life from enemies of the Gospel and lack of resources in their pursuit to spread the good news. Pray for Pramila, a believer of the church who is expecting a baby soon. 2. Sheela bai, Panchsheela bai and Lekhchand Bhute need the healing touch of the Lord in their lives. They are believers of the church belonging to Amravati, Kamtha and Tedwa villages in Madhya Pradesh. Please pray for them. 3. Uphold Sundarlal, Lata bai and Shivkumari Khare who are waiting on the Lord for a turnaround in their situation. They belong to the church in Kirnapur and Murkuda villages in Madhya Pradesh. 4. Pray for the members of the Gulpur church in Punjab. Ever since the lockdown was announced they have been living in a hand-to-mouth existence because of lack of work. Pray also for Jyoti, who was recently widowed, Rajiya who is having ailments in her body and Jasvir Singh who is looking for a government job. 5. Amosh Raj Naik, a college student, of Jamguda church in Odisha needs a financial breakthrough. Uphold Janki Naik, Sriya Naik and Amosh Raj Naik. Our church in Jamguda needs urgent repair work before the monsoon. Pray for urgent support to be raised for the church’s work. 6. Pray for Christian leaders and missions workers THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER w OCTOBER 2020

to live a life of good testimony. Many leaders are falling by the wayside unable to curb their lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes and the pride of life. Pray for missions leaders, evangelists and pastors you know to have a personal walk with God daily. 7. The unemployment rate in India had risen to 8.35% in August 2020, according to data from Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy Pvt Ltd. Pray for the economic situation of the country to improve, industries to open, and new opportunities for those in the rural and urban areas. 8. There are over 7.05 million Covid-19 cases in India resulting in over one lakh deaths. According to a PIB release, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Uttar Pradesh are leading in number of positive cases in the country. Close to 9 lakh new cases are being registered every day. Pray for the pestilence to be wiped out. 9. Instances of rape of women especially minor girls belonging to the lower caste are on the increase in India, especially in states like Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and Jharkhand. Pray for the governments, the police and the judiciary to act tough against the rapists. 10. Join The Christian Messenger Prayer Partners team. Text your WhatsApp number to 7299063345 if you would like to receive periodical prayer points and you are willing to pray for 10 minutes every day interceding for the points sent to you by us. 6

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Things that make the life of a servant of God exemplary 24. He knows how to consecrate things by the Word of God and prayer (4:5). 25. Although he is a teacher, he himself will be nourished by the message of faith and good teaching (4:6). 26. He knows the importance of training in godliness as it promises benefits in this world and the world to come (4:8). 27. His hope is not in men but in the living God, the Saviour of all people (4:10). 28. He will be a teacher who insists his brethren learn the spiritual disciplines (4:11; 6:2). 29. He will not let anyone despise his youth (4:12). 30. His life, his love, his faith and his purity will be examples to others (4:12). 31. He will give himself over to reading the Bible, teaching and encouraging believers (4:13). 32. He will not neglect his spiritual gift (4:14). 33. He will constantly examine his life and his doctrine (4:16). 34. He will be true to what is right because of his salvation and that of the others (4:16). 35. He will not speak harshly to an older man but deal with him respectfully (5:1).

BY ROBIN SAM If you instruct the brethren in these things, you will be a good minister of Jesus Christ, nourished in the words of faith and of the good doctrine which you have carefully followed (1 Timothy 4:7). HAT is the mark of a good minister of God? What are his attributes? How would be his heart condition? What should he focus on in his preaching? Let’s find out.


Gleaned from Apostle Paul’s 1st epistle to Timothy. 1. He will be a man who would zealously guard the true doctrine of the Bible (1:3; 4:7). 2. He will strictly avoid profane and idle babblings the world vainly calls knowledge (1:4; 6:20). 3. He will have a pure heart, a clear conscience and a genuine faith (1:5). 4. He knows God gives him the strength to do his work and will always be ready to serve Him (1:12). 5. He will know the purpose of Christ’s birth and be saved from sin (1:15). 6. He will be man of peace and be a prime example of God’s patience with sinners (1:16). 7. He will be zealous about the Name and glory of God and fight His battles (1:18). 8. He will be a man of prayer. He will pray for all (2:2). 9. He will know the importance of a quiet and peaceable life marked by godliness and dignity (2:2). 10. He will be free from anger and any sort of controversy (2:8). 11. His life will be above the reproach of men (3:1). 12. If married, he will be faithful to his wife (3:2). 13. He will have self-control, live wisely and have a good reputation (3:2). 14. He will be glad to host people at his home (3:2). 15. He will be a teacher (3:2). 16. He will abstain from alcohol and violence (3:3). 17. He will have a gentle demeanour, not quarrel and not love money (3:3). 18. He will manage his family well (3:4) 19. He will teach his children to respect and obey him (3:4). 20. He will be a seasoned believer (3:6). 21. Even those who are not believers will speak well of him (3:7). 22. He will be known for his integrity (3:8). 23. He will be committed to the faith (3:9). Website: Email:

Theological Studies and Research University Convocation 2020, 30th October THEME: HONOUR YOUR SERVANTS

Invites Application for Honorary Doctorate from Christian Leaders. D.MIN / D.D / D.LITT & Ph.D

COURSE OFFERED (DISTANCE EDUCATION): M.Div, M.A, M.Th, D.Min & Ph.D For Details Contact: Registrar, TSR University What’sApp: +91-8974200450 / 8977671999 Email: / 7


Njt nra;jp

Mtpapy; vspikAs;sth;fs; ahh;? uhgpd; rhk; ~ck;Kila [dq;fs; ghf;fpathd;fs;@ vg;NghJk; ckf;F Kd;ghf epd;W ck;Kila Qhdj;ijf; Nfl;fpw ck;Kila Copaf;fhuUk; ghf;fpathd;fs;| (1 ,uh[hf;fs; 10:8). ,J Nrghtpd; uh[]; j phP rhnyhNkhidAk; mtDila [dj;ijAk; Fwpj;Jr; nrhd;d trdnkd;whYk;. ek;Kila NjtDf;Fk;> mtiug; gzpe;J Nrtpf;Fk; ekf;Fk; nghUe;Jk;. ghf;fpathd;fs; ahh;? ehd;F $l;lj;ij cq;fSf;Ff; fhz;gpf;fpNwd;. Kjy; $l;lk;: ~fh;j;jiu nja;tkhff; nfhz;bUf;fpw [dk; ghf;fpaKs;sJ| (rq;fPjk; 144:15). ,uz;lhtjhf> ~fh;j;jh;Nky; ek;gpf;ifitj;J> fh;j;jiuj; jd; ek;gpf;ifahff;nfhz;bUf;fpw kD\d; ghf;fpathd;| (vNukpah 17:7). %d;whtjhf> ~mjw;F ,NaR: NjhkhNt> eP vd;idf; fz;ljpdhNy tpRthrpj;jha;> fhzhjpUe;Jk; tpRthrpf;fpwth;fs; ghf;fpathd;fs; vd;whh;| (Nahthd; 20:29). ehd;fhtjhf: ~Kjyhk; caph;j;njOjYf;Fg; gq;Fs;std; ghf;fpathDk; ghpRj;jthDkhapUf;fpwhd;| (ntsp. 20:6). ghf;fpathd;fs; vd;w jiyg;gpNyNa njhlh;e;J Ntj trdj;ij jpahdpg;Nghk;. mjw;fhf ehd; vLj;Jf;nfhs;fpw gFjpjhd; kj;NjA 5-MtJ mjpfhuk;. kj;NjA 5:3 Kjy; 11 tiuAs;s trdq;fis thrpj;jhNy mq;Nf 9 Kiw ghf;fpathd;fs; vd;W xt;nthU trdj;jpYk; tUfpwijg; ghh;f;fpNwhk;. %d;whtJ trdk; ,g;gbr;nrhy;YfpwJ. ~Mtpapy; vspikAs;sth;fs; ghf;fpathd;fs;@ guNyhfuh[;ak; mth;fSilaJ.| Mq;fpyj;jpNy Blessed are the poor in spirit vd;W tUk;. jkpopNy mij mofhf Mtpapy; vspikAs; s th; f s; vd; W nkhopngah; j ; jpUf;fpwhh;fs;. Poor in spirit vd;why; vd;d? mij mg; g bNa nkhopngah; j ; j hy; Mtpapy; jhpj;jpuhapUf;fpwth;fs; ghf;fpathd;fs; vd;W tUk;. Mdhy;> ,q;Nf Mtpf;Fhpa jhpj;jpuj;ijf; Fwpj;J Mz;lth; Ngrtpy;iy. ekf;Fj; njhpe;jpUf;fpwgb IRthpak; ,y;yhj epiyik jhd; jhpj;jpuk; vd;W nrhy;YNthk;. ek;Kila mj;jpahtrpa> md;whl nryTfisf;$l ek;khy; re;jpf;f KbahkypUf;Fk; epiyikiaj;jhd; jhpj;jpuk; vd;W nrhy;YfpNwhk;. xUKiw gpy;yp fpufhk; vd;w nghpa Copahplj;jpNy xUth; Nfl;lhuhk;: ~~Can you explain what it means by this verse – Blessed are the THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER w OCTOBER 2020

poor in spirit? mth; nrhd;dhuhk;: ,ijf; Fwpj;J nghpa gpurq;fnky;yhk; Njitapy;iy. me;j xU thh;j;ijia ,d;ndhU thh;j;ijia itj;J ePq;fs; Ghpe;Jnfhs;syhk;. Blessed are the poor in spirit vd;W ,Uf;Fk; ,lj;jpNy poor vd;w thh;j;ijia vLj;Jtpl;L humble vd;wr; nrhy;iy itj;Jg; ghUq;fs;> mg;nghOJ trdk; GhpAk; vd;W nrhd;dhuhk;. Blessed are the humble in spirit vd;why; jho;ikAs;sth;fs; ghf;fpathd;fs;. Mtpapy; jho;ikAs;sth;fs; ghf;fpathd;fs; vd;W nghUs;. I) Mtpapy; vspikAs;sth;fs; vd;why; vd;d? mij vg;gb ehk; Ghpe;Jnfhs;tJ? Mtpapy; vspikAs;sth;fsha; ,Uf;fNtz;Lk; vd;why; vd;d? fh;j;juhfpa ,NaRfpwp];Jitf; Fwpj;J mg;Ngh];jydhfpa NgJU ,g;gbr; nrhy;Yfpwhd;. ~mth; itag;gLk;NghJ gjpy;itahkYk;> ghLgLk;NghJ gaKWj;jhkYk;> epahakha;j; jPh;g;Gr;nra;fpwtUf;Fj; jk;ik xg;Gtpj;jhh;| (1 NgJU 2: 23). gpyhj;Jtpd; muz;kidapNy ,NaR epw;Fk;nghOJ gpyhj;J ntWk; kdpjd;> ,NaRfpwp];J Njtd;. kdpjDila &gnkLj;J> mbikapd; &gnkLj;J te;j kfhNjtd; ,NaRfpwp];J. thdq;fNs mtiu nfhs;sKbahJ> G+kp mtiuj; jhq;f KbahJ. mth; ,Uf;fpwtuhf G+kpapy; ,wq;fp te;Jtpl;lhy; G+kp mtiuf; nfhs;sNt KbahJ. Vndd;why; Ntjk; nrhy;YfpwJ: thdk; mtUila rpq;fhrdk; G+kp mtUila ghjgb. mg;gb vd;why; Nahrpj;Jg; ghUq;fs;> Njtd; jk;Kila rh;tty;yikNahL> kfpikNahL G+kpapNy te;jhy; ehk; ghh;f;Fk;NghJ mtUila fhy;fs; kl;Lk;jhd; njhpAk;. vypahitf; Fwpj;J ahf;NfhG nrhd;dhd; mtd; ek;ikg;Nghy ghLs;s kD\d;. ,NaRTk; mg;gbj;jhd; te;jhh;. Mdhy;> ghtkpy;yhjtuha; te;jhh;> ghtkpy;yhjtuha; g+kpapy; ,Ue;jhh;> ghtNk nra;ahky; guNyhfk; Nghdhh;. gpyhj;JtpDila muz;kizapNy ,NaRfpwp];J Fw;wk; Rkj;jg;gl;ltuha; epd;wNghJ> gpyhj;J nrhd;dhd;: ,thpy; ehd; xU Fw;wKk; fhztpy;iy. Mdhy;> A+jh;fs; nrhd;dhh;fs;: ~mtidr; rpYitapy; miwAk;!| ,e;j Ntjhfkj;jpd; Njtd;> nka;ahd Njtd; mz;lruhruq;fis xU thh;j;ijapNy cUthf;fpd Njtd; jho;ikapd; tbtkhf epw;fpwhh;. ghtpiag;Nghy epw;fpwhh;> Fw;wk; Rkj;jg;gl;ltiug;Nghy epw;fpwhh;. mth; epidj;jpUe;jhy; jkJ thiaj;jpwe;J NgrpapUf;fyhk;> jkJ ePjpia ntspg;gLj;jpapUf;fyhk;> epahaj;ij 8

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nrhy;Yfpwhh;: rpWikAs;std;Nky; rpe;ijaha; ,Uf;fpwtd; ghf;fpathd; (rq;fPjk; 41:2> 3). Mtpapy; vspikAs;sth;fs; cyfj;jpd; ghtq;fisf; fz;L kdk; gijf;fpwth;fsha; ,Ug;ghh;fs;. cyfj;jpd; epahaf; NfLfisf; fz;L Njt ePjp epiwNtw n[gpj;Jg; gpuahrg;gLthh;fs;. rpWikgl;lth;fisAk; xLf;fg;gl;lth;fisAk; cah;j;j Kaw;rp vLg;gth;fshf ,Ug;ghh;fs; (Vrhah 1:17). Mtpapy; vspikAs;sth;fSf;F ,Uf;fNtz;ba ,uz;lhtJ Rghtk; ,e;j NjtDf;Nfw;w Jf;fk;. III) Mtpapy; vspikAs; s th; f Sf; F ,Uf;fNtz;ba %d;whtJ Fzk; vd;d? Mtpapy; vspikAs;std; ehd; guNyhfj;jpw;Fj; jFjpahdtNd my;y. NjtDila fpUigf;Fj; jFjpahdtNd my;y> vd;dpNy xU ed;ikAk; ,y;iy vd;W mwpe;jtd;. ,ij xU kdpjd; vg;nghOJ xg;Gf;nfhs;SfpwhNdh mg;nghOJ mtd; Mtpapy; vspikAs;stdhf khwptpl;lhd; vd;W nghUs;. ntspg;gLj;jpd tpNr\k; 3-MtJ mjpfhuk; 17MtJ trdj;jpNy yNthjpf;Nfah rigiag; ghh;j;J Mz;lth; nrhy;Yfpwhh;: ~eP eph;g;ghf;fpaKs;stDk;> ghpjgpf;fg;glj;jf;ftDk;> jhpj;jpuDk; > FUlDk; > eph; t hzpAkhapUf; f pwij mwpahky;> ehd; IRthpathndd;Wk;> jputpark;gd;dndd;Wk;> vdf;F xUFiwTkpy;iynad;Wk; nrhy;Yfpwgbahy;| vd;W nrhy;yptpl;L ~eP ghh;itailAk;gbf;F cd; fz;fSf;Ff; fypf; f k; N ghlTk; Ntz; L nkd; W cdf; F MNyhrid nrhy;YfpNwd;| vd;W ,NaR nrhy;tijf; ftdpAq;fs;. MtpapNy vspikAs;sth;fs; jq;fSf;F xU ,ul;rfh; Ntz;Lk; vd;gij mwpe;jth;fs;. jq;fs; Ra ePjpia xUNghJk; cah;j;jpf; fhz;gpf;fhjth;fs; (Vrhah 64:6). xt;nthU ehSk; jq;fs; Mtpf;Fhpa epiyikia rPh;J}f;fpg; ghh;;g;gth;fs;. mth; f s; jq; f s; Fiwit epiwthf; f cyfj;jpd; Rfq;fis my;y> ,NaRit vjph;ghh;j;jpUg;ghh;fs;. jq;fs; mf;fpukq;fisf; fisa cah;j;jg;gl;l ,NaRit Nehf;fpg; ghh;g;ghh;fs; (Nahthd; 12:32). mth;fs; jq;fs; topfspy; NjtDila gpukhzq;fis tpl;L tpyfhky; jq;fs; Jh;f;Fzj;jpw;F jq;fis tpyf;fpf; fhj;Jf; nfhs;gth;fs; (2 rhKNty; 22:22-24). NjtdhNy kl;Lk; tUk; kfpikia ehLgth;fs; (Nahthd; 5:44). ,e;j %d;W gz;GfSk; cs;sth;fsha;> Mtpapy; vspikAs;sth;fsha; fh;j;jh; ek;ik khw;w n[gpg;Nghk;. guNyhfuh[;aj;ij ek; nrhe;jkhf;FNthk;. Mnkd;.

ntspg;gLj;-jpapUf;fyhk;. Mdhy;> mth; mit vijAk; nra;atpy;iy. ~mth; itag;gLk;NghJ gjpy;itahkYk;> ghLgLk;NghJ gaKWj;jhkYk;> epahakha;j; jPh;g;Gr;nra;fpwtUf;Fj; jk;ik xg;Gtpj;jhh;.| mJ jhd; Mtpapy; vspik. jho;ik vd;gJ cq;fis xUth; itAk;nghOJ rj;Jtk; ,Ue;Jk; gjpy; itahkypUg;gJ> cq;fis xUth; ghLgLg;glr; nra;Ak;nghOJ mij vjph;f;fhky; mjw;F ,zq;fp ePq;fs; NghfpwPh;fNs> gaKWj;jhky;> epahakha;j; jPh;g;Gr;nra;fpwth; xUth; cz;L mth; vd;Dila fhhpaj;ij ghh;j;Jf;nfhs;Sthh;> NjtDila fuj;jpd;fPo; mth; cah;j;Jk; tiu mlq;fpapUg;gJ vd;w jPh;khdk;. mJ jhd; Mtpapy; vspikAs;s xU kdpjdpd; Rghtk;. ahf;NfhG 4:6 ~mth; mjpfkhd fpUigia mspf;fpwhNu. Mjyhy; Njtd; ngUikAs;sth;fSf;F vjph;j;J epw;fpwhh;> jho;ikAs;sth;fSf;Nfh fpUig mspf;fpwhnud;W nrhy;ypapUf;fpwJ.| Njtd; vd;d nra;fpwhh;? ngUikAs;sth;fSf;F vjph;j;J epw;fpwhh;. ngUikAs;std; NjtDf;F tpNuhjkhfj;jhd; epw;ghd;. ngUikAs; s th; f sha; ehk; ,Ue; j hy; NjtDf; F vjph; j ; J epw; f pwth; f shfjhd; ,Ug;Nghk;. vjph;j;J epw;fpwth;fs; vd;why; NjtDf;F tpNuhjpfs;. NjtDila tpNuhjpfSf;F Mz;ltH xU ,lj;ij Maj;jk; gz;zp itj;jpUf;fpwhh;. mJ mtpahj mf;fpdp> rhthj GO. mJ fs;sj; jPh;f;fjhprpf;Fk; rhj;jhDf;Fk; me;jpf;fpwp];JTf;Fk; Maj;jk; gz;zg;gl;bUf;fpw ,lk;. II) Mtpapy; vspikAs;sth;fSf;F ,Uf;f Ntz;ba ,uz;lhtJ Fzj;ijg; ghh;g;Nghk;. Mtpapy; vspikAs;sth;fSf;F ,Ujaj;jpNy vg;nghOJNk xU Jf;fkpUf;Fk;. mg;gbg;gl;l kdpjd; Jf;fKs;stdha; ,Ug;ghd;. ,NaRitf; Fwpj;J Vrhah ,g;gbr; nrhy;fpwhd;: ~mth; mrl;ilg;gz;zg;gl;ltUk;> kD\uhy; Gwf;fzpf;fg;gl;ltUk;> Jf;fk; epiwe;jtUk;> ghL mDgtpj;jtUkhapUe;jhh;| (Vrhah 53:3). vg;nghOJ re;Njh\Ks;sth;fshf ,Uf;fNtz;Lk; vd;W ehk; epidf;fpNwhk;. ,q;Nf ehd; nrhy;Yfpw Jf;fk; nja;tPf Jf;fk;. jho;ikAs;s kD\Df;F 2 nfhhpe;jpah; 7:10-y; nrhy;yg;gl;Ls;s Jf;fk; ,Uf;Fk;. mjw;F ngah;> ~NjtDf;Nfw;w Jf;fk;| ,J vd;d Jf;fk;? ~NjtDf;Nfw;w Jf;fk; gpd;G kd];jhgg;gLfpwjw;F ,lkpy;yhky; ,ul;rpg;Gf;NfJthd kde;jpUk;Gjiy cz;lhf;FfpwJ@ nysfpf Jf;fNkh kuzj;ij cz;lhf;FfpwJ.| Mtpapy; vspikAs;stDf;F nysfpf Jf;fk; ,Uf;fhJ. cyfj;jpd; ftiy NjtDf;F Vw;w Jf;fky;y. mJ nysfpf Jf;fk;. Mz;lth; ek;ikg; ghh;j;Jr; Website: Email:




This has been going on for a decade: Joel Giftson on the Scripture Union row ALTHOUGH Joel Giftson joined Twitter in April 2013, he has not been indiscriminate in following people on it. On October 6, 2020, the day this story goes up, he has 897 followers while he himself follows 706 accounts. According to his own admission, he is not as much into tweeting as he is into retweeting. But, an original Tweet he put out on Sunday (Oct 4) was retweeted over 2,500 times, liked by 4,000 people and had a little over 170 comments. What followed was a mini tsunami of sorts at Scripture Union, a Christian organization whose India office is headquartered in Chennai, and in ministry circles in India. The tweet was about a SU staffer Samuel Jaisundar, who works as the secretary of the English department. He, Giftson, alleged had been sending inappropriate messages to underage girls across India asking them to video call him, and meet him alone. He is also said to have expressed his wish to cuddle them. Jaisundar was not alone in this. Reuben Clement, who works with him in the same department, was also accused of soliciting explicit photos from girls whom they had met in schools, VBS centres and retreat meetings along with

Jaisundar. Two other colleagues, Albert and Janet Ebenezer who work out of Coimbatore like Sam Jaisundar and Reuben Clement, were also named in the tweets. While there was a screenshot where Albert was found to have made several video calls via Mesenger to a girl, according to Giftson nothing inappropriate was found about him. Later, he deleted the screenshot concerning Albert from his tweet threads. Janet Ebenezer, whom some of the affected girls called as Jem akka (akka is sister in Tamil), allegedly told the girls not to rake up the issue as it would ruin Samuel Jaisundar's career. All of these staffers acted in the capacity of counselors, preachers, singers and were full time staffers of Scripture Union. The Christian Messenger spoke to Joel Giftson, the man who blew the whistle on the hanky panky goings on of the SU staffers on Oct 5. Giftson graduated last year and is doing CMA currently. Although Giftson refused to reveal the name of his church, he maintained he was part of the CSI diocese in Vellore. To r e a d t h i s a r t i c l e i n f u l l , v i s i t

‘Sam Jaisundar and Janet Ebenezer should not be doing children’s ministry’ SCRIPTURE UNION India’s woes never seem to be ending. With each passing day, newer allegations about the misdemeanour of some of their staffers are being levelled on social media platforms by young women who attended SU meetings as children a few years ago. The latest involves Scripture Union staffer Samuel Jaisundar (now under suspension) and his colleague Janet Ebenezer. Both of them have been accused of Islamophobia and mistreating and verbally abusing a teenage girl who served as volunteer at one of SU’s VBS meetings six years ago. Joel Giftson tweeted this screenshot which alleged Islamophobic comments made by Sam Jaisundar and Janet Ebenezer. On Oct 7, Joel Giftson tweeted this screenshot which alleged Islamophobic comments made by Sam Jaisundar and Janet Ebenezer. The message was from someone who said she was made to leave a VBS meeting held at a private

Christian school in Vellore because she disagreed with Sam Jaisundar. He allegedly said she was promoting terrorism because she had brought one of her Muslim friends to the meeting. She said SU staffer Janet called her ‘mad’. Monica Prasanna (25), a social worker and human resource management specialist, the woman whose message Giftson had tweeted, agreed to speak up on the issue. Monica’s grandfather, the late Bishop Rt. Rev. J. Sam Ponniah, was the first bishop of CSI Vellore diocese. The Christian Messenger spoke to her over phone on October 7. Excerpts from the interview: The Christian Messenger: Hello Monica, it is alleged that Janet Ebenezer or Jem akka as some call her assaulted you a few years ago. What was it all about? To r e a d t h i s a r t i c l e i n f u l l , v i s i t

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Owned and published by Elsy Robin from 329/4, Poonga Apartments, HIG Flats, II Avenue, Anna Nagar, Chennai 600 040. Printed by L Cyril Sagayaraj at VS Printograph Pvt Ltd., No. 142, L&T Road, Burma Colony, Perungudi, Chennai 600 096. Editor: Elsy Robin


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