Evangelizing Europe Again - The Christian Messenger, January 2021

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The Millennium: What you need to know!


UP CLOSE Dr. Iris Paul



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‘Once is not enough!’ BY ROBIN SAM REV. Ted Kim is a preacher, theologian and Christian thinker who has a vision to re-introduce the Gospel to Europe. Born in Seoul, Kim immigrated to Canada where he finished high school. He studied philosophy at Yale University and law at Columbia Law School. Instead of a career as a Wall Street lawyer, he chose to serve God. He graduated out of Fuller Theological Seminary and was ordained in 1991. In December 2020, he retired from Good News Presbyterian Church, a church he had planted 20 years ago. He will be based in Germany from where he wants to start missionary work in Europe. His book, ‘Save Europe’, is expected to be published soon. The Christian Messenger interviewed Ted Kim. Excerpts:

Pastor Ted Kim (centre) with some of his church members.

of Babel for the Europeans. The prehistoric people built the Tower in the hope of not being dispersed across the land. It was people’s attempt to build a secular city that would unite them and make them stronger. God was not pleased with it and scattered them. Europeans established the EU after experiencing two major world wars in the same century. I do not blame them. But in the hearts of people, perhaps they looked to a man-made organization, not to God, to maintain peace among them. I cannot prove this theory, but in the Old Testament, we have many examples where God was not pleased with Israel’s alliance with neighboring nations because Israel was trusting men more than God.

You say in the book that the formation of the European Union coincided with the beginning of the decline of the faith in Europe. Can you explain? I did not say that the formation of the EU coincided with the decline of the faith, but that it may not be a coincidence. It occurred to me on the day before the Brexit referendum, while I was staying in England, that the EU might have been like the Tower


Evangelism Through Journalism

Vol. 17, No. 7



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INTERVIEW Can you give three reasons why Europe needs to be reached again with the Gospel? (1) Europe has become a post-Christian society, which means that Christianity no longer plays a central role in their lives. Trying to take them back to the past will not work. Instead, we should present the gospel to them all over again. (2) Reaching Europe again with the gospel means that the 2,000 year experience with Christianity has come to an end in Europe. What should we do now? Such things have never been done before. We are at a new beginning point in history. As Apostle Paul entered Macedonia with the gospel, we need to go to Europe with the gospel again. (3) People fail the first time they try to obey God. They need to try again to be successful. David had to bring the ark of the covenant twice. Jonas had to be sent to Nineveh. Peter had to be called by Jesus for the second time. Jesus had to lay hands on the blind man twice to heal him. Once is not enough.

“If someone sent by God is an outsider, so be it.” Abraham lived surrounded by gentiles. The Roman Empire where Paul preached the gospel was full of other religions. The presence of other religions never poses a threat to evangelization. Instead, it makes Christians more awake and zealous. Religious monopoly is dangerous. Remember how corrupt the church was when Christianity had the monopoly in the middle ages. You are against introducing an American version of Christianity into Europe in the second round of its evangelization. Why do you think so? What is the alternative? The American version of evangelicalism has lost much of its credibility by colluding with the political right. Christianity has been identified with Americanism in the US. This fact was amply demonstrated during the recent presidential election. Evangelicalism was a renewal movement and was not meant to be its own brand of Christianity. Evangelicalism does not have the depth and width of theology to make it a viable alternative. Although churches must be evangelistic in their approach, they do not need to adopt or imitate evangelicalism. The alternative has to be worked out by the European Christians themselves, but they can learn something from Christians in other parts of the world, like South Korea, where evangelization and secularization took place at the same time. Korea is the proof that evangelization and secularization don’t have to be mutually exclusive. Herein Europeans may find the model for Christianity in the postmodern era.

You are envisioning a church that is uniquely European yet authentic, spiritual, and missional? How do you propose the global church sets out to achieve it? It is not the global church’s job to do it. It is the Europeans’ job to do it. My task is to share this vision with them and help them to take their fate into their hands. Because Europeans will do the job, it will be uniquely European. Everything else is the natural byproduct of an authentic spiritual renewal. If you criticize Islam in the UK, you might well end up in court. Europe is no different. Don’t you think the influence of Islam on European society and the rise of anti-Christian attitudes are going to make the re-evangelization of Europe very difficult? I live in Korea where Buddhists outnumber Christians. But this had never been a problem for preaching the gospel in Korea. Every normal society is pluralistic. Europe cannot be an exception. I do not consider Islam to be a threat or a competition. There is ample room in Europe to preach the gospel without worrying about offending Muslims. AntiChristian attitudes exist everywhere in the world with or without the Muslims. I went to a college in New England where anti-Christian attitudes were very strong. So I’m used to it.

One of the reasons for empty churches anywhere is lackluster pastorate, but what has led to the watering down of the gospel messages? The watering down of the gospel messages is due to the loss of faith in the Bible, the unique truth of Jesus Christ, and the power of the Holy Spirit. The loss of faith in the Bible is critical. If pastors cannot believe the Bible, what will they preach about, and why should they preach it? The Holy Spirit gives spiritual power only when a preacher lifts up the name of Jesus. Only the Holy Spirit can revive a church. When congregations cannot feel the Holy Spirit, they will lose motivation and stop coming to The Muslim population of Europe is said to be church. We can’t blame them. over 26 million. Christian observers are worried Has what we expect from churches changed that this could be potentially a very large fifth since, say, 100 years ago? column in Europe. So much. I think that many of the western The only fifth column is man’s wicked heart. THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER w JANUARY 2021


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churches were legalistic in their understanding of Christianity 100 years ago. They believed in cultural Christianity. Many changes have taken place in the past 100 years. Missionary activities began to take off during the same period of time. The charismatic renewal, evangelical revival, ecumenical movement, and globalization of Christianity occurred within the past 100 years. All these developments coincided with the growth of democracy, civil rights, human rights, women’s rights, the liberation of the Third World colonies, and racial equality. Christendom has never been more interesting since the beginning of the 20th century. We are blessed to be living in this time because we will see some things that the prior generations never saw.

to fix the problems that couldn’t be fixed by themselves. I will not be an outsider trying to bring the gospel to Europeans. I will become a European, living among them, eating their food, and speaking their languages. As long as people appreciate and trust me, I don’t mind being considered an outsider. I know that I am always at home with the Lord. Covid-19 has changed the world in more ways than one. How relevant is the concept of house churches post-virus, especially in Europe? House churches will be one of the options for Europeans although some Europeans were already experimenting with it even before Covid-19 with mixed results. The idea of a house church is good in theory, but it runs into some practical problems, such as ill-educated teachers, lack of programs for children, and insufficient size and ability to do large projects such as sending missionaries, planting churches, and hosting conferences. It is not easy to find well-qualified preachers if house churches proliferate. We can try the model of cell groups. In other words, let house churches and small churches conduct their ministry and, from time to time, gather them in one big celebration. To do that there must be central leaders who oversee the churches and exercise spiritual authority over them.

In Europe, you may be considered an outsider. How do you then propose to plant churches there or inspire others to do it? I am not an outsider, but a minister sent to Europe by the Lord. If someone sent by God is an outsider, so be it. Jonas was an outsider, and so was Apostle Paul. Many times, the insiders can’t see the contradictions of their own culture. It takes an outsider to correctly diagnose the problems of a given culture. Corporations hire outside consultants

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By Arch Bishop. Dr. Fredrick Franics L. PVK Vice-Chancellor of UTRUSR and IBCA JANUARY 2021 w THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER


23 Christians ‘reconverted’ to Hinduism in Karnataka CHRISTIAN leaders in India have expressed concern over a reported ‘reconversion’ of 23 Christians to Hinduism in Karnataka. During the ceremony, Asia News reported, anti-Christian rhetoric was used and threats were issued by members allegedly belonging to the BJP. On November 29, 23 Christians were ‘reconverted’ to Hinduism in a ceremony held in Haliyal Taluk. The ceremony was attended and led by a representatives of the BJP named Anant Kumar Hegde and Suneel Hegde. Speaking at the ceremony, Hedge said, “The conversion of Dalits and tribals to Christianity will be opposed tooth and nail. More such people will be brought back to the Hindu fold. I request those who are converting Hindus to desist, or else they will face the repercussions.” Sajan K George, president of the Global Council of Indian Christians, told Asia News: “Such political manipulation of religion must be strongly condemned…The outcry against missionaries is just propaganda designed to mobilize people for the Hindutva cause.” Hindu nationalist leaders frequently use the false

claim of fraudulent mass conversions to Christianity to justify actions taken against India’s Christian minority. According to these nationalists, Christians are accused of converting poor Hindus to Christianity in mass by fraudulent means. Due to growing religious intolerance and the normalization of religiously motivated violence, many radical Hindu nationalists view all religious conversions to non-Hindu faiths as fraudulent. In an increasing number of cases, radical Hindu nationalists equate all non-Hindu religious activity with forced or fraudulent conversions. Persecution.org

Registration of Christian marriages in Mumbai hits a roadblock marriage certificate from the local church where the wedding is solemnised. The certificate is then attested by the chancellor attached to the Archbishop House in Colaba and later attested by a notary public. It is then stamped by the state home department and the marriage officer. “Because the marriage officer’s post in Mumbai has been vacant, people are forced to travel all the way to Pune to get it signed by the officer there,” Pimenta said. CHRISTIANS wanting to register their marriages Meanwhile the archdiocese of Bombay said they in Mumbai are now forced to travel to Pune which is have requested the government to appoint a over 145 km away from the city amid the Covid-19 marriage officer in Mumbai soon. pandemic. Reason? The post of marriage officer in Mumbai has not been filled up yet after the incumbent retired. Activists Godfrey Pimenta and Nicholas Almeida of Watchdog Foundation have urged the st Maharashtra government to appoint a new marriage officer at the earliest. “Mumbai has a Catholic population of 1 million and every year thousands get married in the over 100 Catholic churches in Mumbai alone. The post of marriage officer has been lying vacant since the previous officer Mr. Ashish Lopez retired,” Pimenta CONTACT: Mrs. RAJU said. PHONE NO.0-96868 91461 Those getting married are asked to get their





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Chinese authorities harass church, stop worship ON December 6, a house church in China’s Fujian province was again raided by the local authorities during its service. Xunsiding Church, a house church in Xiamen city, has been repeatedly harassed and raided by the local ethnic and religious affairs bureau and police. Last week, the head of Siming District Ethnic and Religious Affairs Bureau, Zhang Xing, already led a team to raid Xunsiding Church’s branch. The Christians there resisted and refused to let them in. The same team came to the church again and sought to stop the worship. This time they broke the lock and entered. In a video shared by @guiyi, Zhang Xing can be seen interrogating a female member, though the latter stated that he has no right to question her. Several members, including the pastor’s wife, were brought to the police station and were only released at night. A picture online shows them taking a group picture with smiles on their faces after their release. While the church was disbanded by the authorities in summer 2019, they continue to meet in smaller groups or at its branches. Their refusal to stop gathering seems to invite ongoing persecution

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against them. Last August, ICC reported that a mothers group’s gathering was raided. Ten days later, their young adults’ gathering at the beach was also disrupted by a team led by Zhang Xing. It is likely that the church will continue to face harassment, unless they are willing to stop gathering or join the Three-Self churches. “I will give them an undivided heart and put a new spirit in them; I will remove from them their heart of stone and give them a heart of flesh” (Ezekiel 11:19).




The Millennium: What you need to know! THE word millennium comes from the Latin word mille which means a thousand and annus which means year. In Revelation 20:1-7, the phrase ‘a thousand years’ is used half a dozen times. The millennium is the last dispensation for man before the final removal of the curse. Revelation 22:3 says: “No longer will there be any curse. The throne of God and of the Lamb will be in the city, and His servants will serve Him.” The millennium is called by various terms in the Bible. Some of those terms are given below: The thousand years reign of Christ (Rev. 20:4). The dispensation of the fullness of the times (Ephesians 1:10). The day of the Lord (Isaiah 2:11; Ezekiel 39:22; 48:35). The Kingdom of God (Mark 14:25). The Kingdom of Christ and of God (Ephesians 5:5; 2 Timothy 4:1; Rev.11:15). The Kingdom of Heaven (Matthew 3:2; 4:17). The Kingdom of His dear Son (Col. 1:13; 2 Peter 1:11). Why has God planned a time called the millennium? To quell rebellion on earth (Heb 2:7-9). To fulfill the everlasting covenant made with Abraham (Gen 12:13). To avenge the death of Christ and His saints (Matthew 26:63-66). To restore the original

righteous and eternal rule of God (Isaiah 9:6-7). To honor and exalt the saints of God as kings and priests (Romans 8:17-21) When will it come? The millennium will be between the Second Coming of Jesus Christ and the appearance of the New Heaven and New Earth (Rev. 19:19) What will God’s saints do then? All saints will be part of the ruling class as kings and priests (Rev. 20:4) The apostles will rule over the 12 tribes of Israel (Matthew 19:28) Is it a figurative kingdom or a literal kingdom? The kingdom will be very real, literal and earthly. (Isaiah 9:6-7) Where will be the capital city? Jerusalem will be the capital city of the Kingdom of God (Ezekiel 48; Zechariah 14) Who will be found there? Some people will be denied entry into the kingdom of God (1 Corinthians 6:9; Gal 5:19-21; Matthew 5:20; Rev. 14:9-11). Those who died as a wicked people will not be resurrected to live again in the millennium (Heb 9:27).

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Faith and love win souls for Jesus BY DR. IRIS PAUL I grew up in a wealthy family in Chennai, India. We had four domestic helps. My father was an engineer with the United Nations. I had 25 marriage proposals, I said ‘No’ to all of them, and then I said ‘Yes’ to the 26th. His name was RAC Paul and he was a veterinarian missionary. We were married in 1972. I was a medical doctor, specialising in tropical medicine, so straight away, we moved to the jungle of Malkangiri in Odisha, to do medical and gospel work. It was 27 hours away by jeep. Until then, I’d never even seen a village. There was no running water or electricity. I had to redo the cow dung floor every three days. At first, I cried. Then God spoke to me. He said that Jesus was born in a cow shed, in the midst of cow dung. I stopped crying. Two weeks later, we were trekking into the interior, to different villages, treating patients and sharing our faith. There were no other doctors in the area, so the patients would line up from 4.30 in the morning. I loved it, even when it was hard. The hardest thing was that for the first 15 years, nobody from the Bondo tribe asked for baptism. They were interested in Jesus, but they didn’t ask for baptism. And every month, for 15 years, we had to fill in forms from our Indian mission society asking how many villages we’d visited, and how many people we’d shared the gospel with, and how many people had taken baptism. Every month, for 15 years, we wrote nil to the last question. We felt like giving up. Then in 1986, Paul became very sick. His kidneys weren’t working well and we came down south to a hospital. Paul had an operation … and he died in the middle of it. I was stunned. I cried so much. I was 42 years old and I had four small children. Everybody said to me, ‘Don’t go back to Malkangiri. Stay here in Chennai. Set up a medical practice.’ But nine days later, we got in a jeep and we returned to the village and the people of Malkangiri. I went back to seeing patients from sunrise till sunset. The people noticed. They said to each other, ‘You see, she came back. She loves us. The God she loves must be real.’ Within six months, we had 36 people asking for baptism. And now there are 5,000 believers in Malkangiri.

I’ve learned that God works in ways we don’t expect. Sometimes, God takes you through very hard things, to train you for better things. Right now, I’m in Malkangiri district in isolation due to Covid19 and ours is a Red Zone. Jesus has helped me to complete 49 years here! It’s hard, but God is still teaching me. Whenever it’s been hard, God has said to me, “I bore the nails for you.” One of my favorite verses is in Psalm 46. ‘Be still and know that I am God.’ (v 10). It pops up every time I feel worried. Even today, I need to be quiet and know that he is God.

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,J xU ey;y khjphp

5 Worthy New Year Resolutions

njd;dpe;jpa jpUr;rig> NtY}h; Nguhah; NguUl;jpU. \h;kh epj; j pahde; j k; Iah mth;fs; jhq;fs; gzp Vw;w ehs; Kjy; ,d;W tiu> ve;jnthU Myak; my;yJ gs;sp gpujp\;il fy;ntl;Lfspy;> jdJ ngaiuNah my;yJ jpUr;rigapd; jiyth;fs;> eph;thfpfs; ahh; ngaiuAk; Nghlhky;> NghlTk; mDkjpf;fhJ> Njt ehk kfpikf;Fr; rhl;rpahf Copak; nra;J tUfpwhh;. mtUila rhl;rpAs;s ed;khjphpf;fhf Njtidj; Jjpf;fpNwhk;. ,e;jf; fy;ntl;L Gifg;glk; fle;j khjj;jpy;> ~va;apy;| vDk; fpuhkj;jpy; ele;j Njthyag; gpujp\;il tpohtpy; vLf;fg;gl;l glk;. mtUila Copaf;fhyj;jpy;> Njtd; rp.v];.I NtY}h; Nguhaj;ij NjtDila ,uhr;rpak; tphpthf;Fk; gzpapy; ,d;dKk; ty;yikahfg; gad;gLj;j gpuhh;j;jid nra;a Ntz;LfpNwhk;. (ney;iy n[rp kzhsd;)

Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. Cast me not away from your presence, and take not your Holy Spirit from me (Psalm 51:10-11). But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 3:14). “But I say to you who hear, Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you” (Luke 6:27). “And as you wish that others would do to you, do so to them” (Luke 6:31). “Praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. To that end keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints” (Ephesians 6:18). “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!” (2 Corinthians 5:17). “He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will

see and fear the Lord and put their trust in him” (Psalm 40:3).

Why do you worry when God cares about you? “but the worries of this life, the deceitfulness of wealth and the desires for other things come in and choke the word, making it unfruitful.” – Mark 4:19. Henry Ward Beecher was an American Congregationalist clergyman, social reformer, and speaker, known for his support of the abolition of slavery and his sermons that emphasized God’s love. One of Beecher’s favorite stories was about a young man who was applying for a job in a New England factory. Asking for the owner, he found himself in the presence of a nervous, fidgety man who looked hopelessly dyspeptic. “The only vacancy here,” he told the applicant, “is a vicepresidency. The man that takes the job must shoulder all my cares.” “That’s a tough job,” said the applicant. “What’s the salary?” “I’ll pay you ten thousand a year if you will really take over all my worries.” “Where is the ten thousand coming from?” asked the applicant, suspiciously. “That my friend,” replied the owner, “is your first

worry. None of us is immune to worry. But we can overcome fear and worry and we place our faith in Jesus. Today in prayer, cast all of your worries and anxiety on Jesus and believe in Him. “There is no need for two to care, for God to care and the creature too.” – Charles H. Spurgeon God’s Word: “Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.” – 1 Peter 5:7.

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CBI court finds priest, nun guilty in Sister Abhaya murder case A CBI court in Kerala on December 22 found a Catholic priest and a nun guilty of murdering Sister Abhaya 28 years ago. The Special Court of the Central Bureau of Investigation in Thiruvananthapuram, the state capital, found Father Thomas Kottoor and Sister Sephy guilty of murdering the 18-year-old nun, media reports said. The details of the court verdict will be known after the full copy of the judgment is released. Special CBI Judge K Sanal Kumar, who handed down the guilty verdict, will hear the convicts on the sentence on December 23, reports livelaw.in. Nine prosecution witnesses in the case had turned hostile during the trial which started in August 2019. According to the CBI, the accused murdered Sister Abhaya after she happened to witness their intimate exchanges. Another accused in the case, Father Jose Poothrikkayil, was discharged by the CBI Court in 2019. Discharging Poothrikkayil, the CBI court held that the prosecution had failed to bring out sufficient material to proceed against him. Challenging the CBI Court decision discharging Poothrikkayil in the case, a plea was led in the High Court, which also rejected it. But the court had rejected the discharge pleas of Kottoor and Sephy observing that there were sufficient grounds for prima facie presuming that the two had committed offences punishable under Indian Penal Code sections 302 (murder) and 201 (destroying evidences) read with section 34 (Acts done by several persons in furtherance of common intention). The dismissal of their discharge petitions was approved by the High Court and the Supreme Court. K T Michael, a former officer of the Kerala police special branch, who was accused of destruction of evidence, was also discharged by the court a year ago. Earlier this year, the High Court of Kerala ruled that the results of narco-analysis and brain mapping process done on the accused cannot be used in evidence. In October this year, the High Court directed to expedite the trial by doing it on a day-today basis. A single bench of Justice V G Arun observed that it was “disheartening to note that criminal proceedings pertaining to a crime of 1992 is yet to attain finality, whether it be by reason of providence or design.” The Court allowed cross-examination of witnesses through video conferencing mode Website: www.christianmessenger.in Email: contact@christianmessenger.in

considering the pandemic situation. Sister Abhaya’s parents passed away four years ago. Sister Abhaya, who was born Beena Thomas, was a member of St. Joseph’s Congregation under the Kottayam Archdiocese in Kerala. She was found dead in a water well of St Pius X Convent in Kottayam on March 27 1992. Investigation into this death is by far the longest running murder investigation in the State of Kerala. She was aged 18 years then who was studying predegree course. Initially, the case was investigated by the local police and state crime branch which concluded that Abhaya had committed suicide. The CBI, after taking over the case from the local police in 1993, led three closure reports later at different points of time. In 1996, the CBI led a final report with inconclusive findings as to whether the death of Sister Abhaya was suicidal or homicidal. This closure report was not accepted by the Chief Judicial Magistrate's Court. After further investigation by another team, a second final report was led in 1999, which concluded that the death was homicidal but could not identify the perpetrators. This report was also not accepted by the Court. In 2005, yet another report was led by the CBI after investigation by another team, which ruled out involvement of other persons in Sister Abhaya’s death. On November 1, 2008, the High Court of Kerala directed the Kochi Unit of the CBI to take over the investigation. By November 19, 2008, the CBI arrested Fathers Thomas Kottoor and Jose Poothrikkayil along with Sister Sephy. An ‘Action Council’ formed by social activist Jomon Puthenpurackal had led several petitions seeking proper investigation in the case. In July 2009, the CBI led a chargesheet arraying Father Thomas Kottoor, Sister Sephy and Father Jose Poothrukkayil as accused for offences of murder and destruction of evidence. Sister Abhaya had accidentally intruded upon Sr. Sephy and the other two accused priests in a “compromising position.” Matters India

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MAF, USAF pilot and Don Davis’ father Cecil Davis enters glory MAJOR Cecil E. Davis, Mission Aviation Fellowship and USAF pilot, entered glory on December 18. He was 96. Don Davis, contributing writer with The Christian Messenger, is Cecil Davis’ youngest son. Cecil was living with his son Don in Israel. Cecil was born in 1924 at Murray, Utah, and moved to a farm in California. During World War II he enlisted in the U.S. Army Air Corps in 1942. He became a B-17 engineer and gunner but soon qualified for Pilot Cadet training. Cecil graduated as a First Pilot (Commander) in B-17s, but for the need of pilots was transferred into B-29s. He did his combat flying in WW II with the 39th Bomb Group, from Guam, in the B-29, ‘The City of Ketchikan’. In the military, Cecil was known as “Dave” Davis. Later, he was recalled into the United States Air Force (USAF) during the Korean War. Cecil flew a six-month combat tour with the Strategic Air Command’s 98th Bomb Wing mainly in the bomber, ‘Ready Willin Wanton’, as well as being awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross (USA) for extraordinary combat action. After the Korean War he served in Air Defense Command as a pilot, aircraft & intercept controller, UFO Study & Reporting Team, Special Assistant to Commanding General 31st Air Division, positions in Operations, and the Combat Bunker. Including flying Search and Rescue with the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) while stationed in Canada, and credited for saving four civilians in a fire-crippled aircraft (although he was never awarded for the action despite submissions). Then with US Tactical Air Command in a combat crew, group and squadron, (reconnaissance aircraft – Cold War). Last, on Command Staff and Head of the Information Office of the 4504th Tactical Missile Training Wing, overseeing missile launches at Cape Canaveral and Patrick Air Force Base, reporting to staff, and unclassified material to USAF families and public. Cecil retired from the Air Force in 1967 after over 24 years. He had at least 20 awards and ribbons, five occupational badges along with RCAF pilot wings, and flew over 2600 hours with 928 listed as combat hours. Also, Cecil flew 21 different US military aircraft and multiple varieties of those aircraft in addition to several RCAF aircraft. He flew single, twin and multi-engine prop, single and twin jet, and helicopter in diverse places around the world off of land, water, snow, and ice near the Arctic Circle. USAF representatives, Lt. Col. Nicholas Unruh THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER w JANUARY 2021

and USAF Lt. Col. David Manrrique were in attendance at Cecil’s funeral. During Cecil’s military service he accepted the Lord and later resigned his regular military commission in 1961. While still being in the USAF Active Reserve, he began flying with MAF in 1963. His summary of positions in MAF before retiring after 26 years in 1989; Pilot and Aircraft Mechanic, Program Manager, Experimental Test Pilot, Program Manager British MAF (BMAF), now known as MAF-UK, Operations & Personnel Manager BMAF HQ, Board Meetings BMAF, Assistant to US MAF President, General Director South Africa MAF, and Pilot Instructor. Cecil served, along with his wife Colleen, in Ecuador, Suriname, Ethiopia, Kenya, Fullerton California Headquarters, South Africa and Redlands California Headquarters. But his responsibilities also included flying in Guyana, French Guiana, Venezuela, Uganda, Central African Republic, Chad, United Kingdom, Ramona California, Rhodesia, Botswana, South West Africa, Tanzania and Congo-Zaire. He flew 32 types of civilian aircraft with single and twin-engine prop, and multiengine jet, plus helicopter for a total of over 3100 civilian aircraft hours. He leaves behind his oldest son, David, David's wife Cheryl, their children and grandchildren and Cecil’s youngest son, Don. Cecil's body was buried in the husband/wife grave plot (where Colleen’s body is buried) in Sharon Valley, in Israel.


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Christmas Outreach among children Children in the mission field in Chennai were treated to delicious plum cakes, cream biscuits, chocolates and savory snacks on Dec 13 as part of the Christmas celebrations in 2020. Children recited memory verses and sang hymns and songs gustily even as volunteers handed them out Christmas gifts. We thank all those who prayed for the children’s ministry.

Partner with Messenger Missions

Remember the poor! (Galatians 2:10) Beginning March 2020, we have been reaching out to people in distress in the aftermath of Covid-19 and subsequent lockdowns with relief kits in the form of grocery bags containing, rice and other essential items. We are continuing to assist poor and needy families in several neighborhoods to alleviate suffering due to job losses and other reasons. If you would like to reach out to them too, join hands with us.

Grocery Bags: A grocery bag consists of 15 items including 5 kilos of rice and other essentials such as cooking oil, tea powder, spices, pulses, sugar, salt, tooth paste, a bath soap and a detergent soap. A grocery bag costs Rs.1,000. If you are led by God to help the less privileged people in the society, you can make your donations & offerings to Messenger Missions. Please use the account details given alongside to send your donations and offerings. You can call us or email us with the details of the project you are sponsoring with your sacrificial contributions.

Phone: 0-72990633345 / 7299063347. Email: missions@christianmessenger.in Website: www.christianmessenger.in Email: contact@christianmessenger.in


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RNI No. TNBIL/2004/15307

Posted: 2nd to 8th of every month | Date of Publication: 25


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Owned and published by Elsy Robin from 329/4, Poonga Apartments, HIG Flats, II Avenue, Anna Nagar, Chennai 600 040. Printed by L Cyril Sagayaraj at VS Printograph Pvt Ltd., No. 142, L&T Road, Burma Colony, Perungudi, Chennai 600 096. Editor: Elsy Robin


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