The Christian Messenger: July 2012 edition

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WHAT is God telling us through this verse? God’s incredible grace that flows out from His abundant reservoir of love works in our weakness that cripples us and leaves us powerless. WHO will He pour out His grace upon? God is impartial. He will pour out His grace on all who call upon Him. He will render to each one according to his works: to those who by patience in well-doing seek for glory and honor and immortality, he will give eternal life; but for those who are self-seeking and do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteousness, there will be wrath and fury. There will be tribulation and distress for every human being who does evil, the Jew first and also the Greek, but glory and honor and peace for everyone who does good, the Jew first and also the Greek. For God shows no partiality (Romans 2:6-11) “…Call upon me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you shall glorify me” (Psalm 50:15). WHY does God help us in our weakness? 1. Because as our High Priest, Jesus cares for us. For we do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin (Hebrews 4:15). 2. Because as Creator He knows everything about us. ‘For He knows our frame; He remembers that we are dust’ (Psalm 103:14). And by this we know that we are of the truth, and shall assure our hearts before Him. For if our heart condemns us, God is greater than our heart, and knows all things (1 John 3:19-20). 3. He does it to accomplish His will in us for His glory. ‘To this end we always pray for you, that our God may make you worthy of his calling and may fulfill every resolve for good and every work of faith by his power, so that the name of our Lord Jesus may be glorified in you, and you in him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ (2 Thessalonians 1:12). HOW does God help us in our moments of weaknesses? 1. By recharging us. …They who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint (Isaiah 40: 31). 2. By providing us an escape route from temptations. No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it (1 Corinthians 10:13). 3. By making the enemy ineffective. Then Daniel said to the king, “O king, live forever! My God sent his angel and shut the lions’ mouths, and they have not harmed me, because I was found blameless before him; and also before you, O king, I have done no harm” (Daniel 6:21-22). 4. By interceding for us when we are powerless. ‘Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered’ (Romans 8:26). WHEN will He do these things for us? 1. When everything around us is bleak and a miracle seems impossible. ‘When Abram was ninety-nine years old the Lord appeared to Abram and said to him, “I am God Almighty; walk before me, and be blameless, that I may make my covenant between me and you, and may multiply you greatly” (Genesis 17:1-2). 2. When we pour out our heart to the Lord. ‘Then Hezekiah turned his face to the wall and prayed to the Lord, saying, “Now, O Lord, please remember how I have walked before you in faithfulness and with a whole heart, and have done what is good in your sight.” And Hezekiah wept bitterly (2 Kings 20:2-3). 3. When we are faithful in little things. And after a time his master’s wife cast her eyes on Joseph and said, “Lie with me.” But he refused and said to his master’s wife, “Behold, because of me my master has no concern about anything in the house, and he has put everything that he has in my charge. He is not greater in this house than I am, nor has he kept back anything from me except yourself, because you are his wife. How then can I do this great wickedness and sin against God?” (Genesis 39:7-9). 4. When we are ready to sink or sail for our convictions. Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego replied to the king, “O, Nebuchadnezzar, we do not need to defend ourselves before you in this matter. If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to save us from it, and he will rescue us from your hand, O king. But even if he does not, we want you to know, O king, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up” (Daniel 3:16-18).

Vol. 9, No. 3

Pages 28

JULY, 2012

The purpose of the news magazine is to report newsworthy religious events and activities within the local community, nationwide and around the world, to increase the awareness and activism of believers regarding the moral issues of today, to provide thought-provoking commentary, and to provide an effective advertising vehicle for Christian ministries and organizations, events and businesses that want to reach the Christian community. - Editor The Team Founding Editor: Robin Sam Editor & Publisher: Elsy Robin Editorial Advisor: P I Samuel Production: S Saravanan Guest Columnists: Mathew Victor (Chennai), Sharon Daniel (Chennai), Joyce Braganza (Mumbai), Sandeep Daniel (Bangalore), Mathews George (US), Don Davis (Israel), Agnes Amos (US), Edith Sheryl (Canada), Mark Jackson (UK)

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“…if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:14 (NIV). WE are called to be His people. Why are we called? To do His will on earth. To the ones who are called by Him, God gives a special privilege. It is a wonderful privilege. They are called by ‘My Name’, says the Lord. What does it mean to be called by His Name? Tommy Davis, a Baptist preacher, explains it this way: “In biblical times, a name was more than just a personal means of identification. Names conveyed authority. They showed character and issued promise. They even displayed a certain fate and/or destiny. Human names carried a great meaning, but God's name encompassed His whole identity. It expressed his power and his omnipresence. His name clearly defined His relationship to His people.” So, it does not matter that we have Christian names. That we had been baptized in churches and that our forefathers were also Christians don’t matter with God. What matters most to Him is whether we are His or not. God says we are His people. What does it mean to be called by His Name? Making an affirmation of the purpose of a Christian life, Apostle Peter said in 1 Peter 2:9: “But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.” To be called by God’s Name means that we are an elect people, chosen to spread His light around us. Sadly, some of us are contented to be bystanders in Christian life. They don’t want to do anything for God; they don’t want to be seen either as for or against God. They are like the proverbial cat on the wall. Till it leaps no one can be sure which way the cat will go. Let me tell you a truth now: There cannot be any passive spectators in Christian faith. Either you are for Him or against Him. Either you make up your mind to spend the eternity with Him or get ready to spend the rest of your time in eternal damnation. When God called Moses out for the ministry of a lifetime – to redeem Israelites from the Egyptian bondage – he used this phrase ‘my people’ twice. God took ownership of the people of Israel. In Exodus 3:7, we read thus: ‘The LORD said, “I have indeed seen the misery of my people in Egypt. I have heard them crying out because of their slave drivers, and I am concerned about their suffering.” Today, if we were to take out only one thing out of this verse, let it be this truth: God calls us ‘My people.’ We are His. We don’t belong to ourselves. We don’t belong to somebody else. We belong to the Sovereign Lord – the very same God who created heaven and earth in the beginning. He is the same God who sent His only Son as a ransom for us. He is the same God who will come again to judge the earth. The question that we need to ask ourselves today is this: Are we His? JULY 2012 w THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER 1


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E encourage you to use these points in your daily prayer as a family, prayer group or an individual. We would be glad if you take copies of these prayer points and share them with other believers in your church, prayer group or workplace. If you have a specific prayer point that you would like us to pray for along with our readers, you can send it to us by email at christianmessengerindia@ Blessings, Editor. n Pray for peace in the Middle East. The US and Britain has urged Israel not to attack Iran’s nuclear program. There are apprehensions that the Israelis are poised to strike Iran anytime now. Israel believes a nuclear-armed Iran would be a threat to its very existence. n 2 Timothy 2:16 asks us to avoid godless chatters. Those who indulge in it become more and more ungodly. Pray that all believers would pray like David in guarding their mouths. n Proverbs 28:19 talks about how hard work fetches good dividends. Let us pray that all the spirit of sloth be removed from our midst. n Growing number of teens and even younger children in the US who think they were born the wrong sex are getting support from parents and doctors who give them sex-changing treatments. According to a report, as many as 97 girls and boys were treated between 1998 and 2010. Pray. n Let us pray that material blessings of the world will not affect our spiritual growth in Jesus Christ. Proverbs 30:8 has an excellent prayer for an earnest believer. n Pray for all you know who are involved in the Lord's ministry, for their efforts to bear fruit, for their spiritual growth and for peace and harmony in their


homes. n Pray that we overcome the spirit of covetousness, greed and deceit and be contented with what God has given us. The examples of Achan in the Old Testament (Joshua 7:10) and Ananias and Saphira in the New Testament (Acts 5:1) should lead us to a holy life. n God displayed His supreme love for us at the Calvary (John 3:16). How can we ever repay the love? 1 John 5:3 says 'This is love for God: to obey His commands. And His commands are not burdensome.’ n Pray for Goa. Tourists flock the tiny state for not only its idyllic beaches but also for the roaring liquor trade and sex trafficking. According to the book 'Rape for Profit,' girls mostly between the ages of 9 and 16 are sold to brothels. Pray for more churches led by the Holy Spirit to come up in Goa. n 2 Peter 3:11 says what sort of people ought we to be in holiness and godliness since the day of the Lord is nearer than we think. Pray that we are not caught up in laying up treasures for ourselves on earth or caught up in the worries of the world. n Pray for respite from heat this summer. Pray for adequate water to be available throughout our country, containment of common summer diseases and God's canopy of grace over us and our families. n Wildfires and controlled burns on farming lands kill 339,000 people worldwide each year, according to a recent study. Most of those deaths are concentrated in sub-Saharan Africa. Global warming, experts say, will lead to more fires across the world. Pray.

n Philippians 4:6 outlines the line of action expected of us by God. ‘Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.’ Let us offer Him thanks, praise and continue to pray. God will meet us at the point of our need. n What do you want your children or grandchildren to be? There is no greater joy than our progeny knowing the Lord closely and walking with Him. Luke 2:40 says what kind of boy Jesus was. ‘And the child grew and became strong, filled with wisdom. And the favor of God was upon him.’ May this be our prayer for our children, too. n The Bible warns us that love will be a casualty in the last days. Pray that we don’t become dispassionate or disillusioned but be optimists for Christ forever. n Pray for peace between South and North Korea. Recently, North Korea’s rocket launch went kaput. A couple of months ago, South Korea conducted live-fire military drills near its disputed sea boundary with North Korea despite Pyongyang's threat to respond with a ‘merciless attack’. n Riches in life can often hinder us from coming to Christ. The rich young ruler mentioned in Mark 10 went away from Jesus without becoming a disciple because he owned much property. What should be our mind-set when it comes to wealth? Proverbs 30:710 has a wonderful prayer that we can emulate. n Matthew 7:19 says every tree that doesn’t grow good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. To avoid this shameful damnation, let us ask God to prune us periodically. Website: | Email:

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Although we may not know what really happened at the Dollar household, the incident has brought parenting in Christian homes into focus. THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER tries to put the issue of parenting in perspective by speaking to almost a dozen Christians many of whom are parents themselves from across the world. Stay with us as they share their experiences & offer Biblical principles. 6 THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER w JULY 2012

REFLO Dollar, one of the most prominent AfricanAmerican preachers in the US with 30,000 members in the Atlanta area, got the shock of his life when police swooped down on his house and hauled him up for allegedly punching and choking his youngest daughter on June 8. His 15-year-old daughter Tiffany Dollar called emergency number 911 at about 1 am on that day. According to the police report, Dollar’s daughter said he ‘put his hands around her throat and began to choke her ... then slammed her to the ground, punched her and beat her with his shoe.’ There was a scratch on her neck, police said. Trouble erupted after she and her father argued when he said she couldn’t go to a party. Police report said Dollar punched her and hit her with his shoe. After corroborating the incident with the account of Dollar’s 19-year-old daughter, who witnessed the attack, the mega church pastor was arrested on charges of simple battery, family violence and child cruelty. He spent the night in Fayette County Jail before posting $5,000 bail. He was released later. However, the following Sunday Creflo Dollar told churchgoers that he did not beat her. “The truth is, she was not choked, she was not punched,” the pastor, said before delivering his S u n d a y s e r m o n a t Wo r l d Changers Church International in Atlanta on June 10. Dollar said he spanked his daughter and wrestled her to the Website: | Email:

kitchen floor after she raised her hand at him. “I never should have been arrested,” Dollar said. Although we may not know what really happened at the Dollar household, the incident has brought parenting in Christian homes into focus. Like Dollar himself said of the incident later, “all of us who are parents (know), there are times when discipline and training our kids can become pretty intense.” Without trying to be judgmental, THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER tried to put the issue of Christian parenting in perspective by speaking to almost a dozen Christians many of whom are parents themselves. We raised seven questions with each one of them besides seeing if there were any Biblical solutions to the issue at hand. Chandy Kurien, director E-carg Outsourced Services Pvt Ltd associated with Chennai-based Chandy Kurien Alpha Group of Institutions and a member St. Paul’s “I have no daughters. However, I have Marthoma Syrian Church in Adyar, sympathizes with the Dollar family, “particularly Mrs. Dollar granddaughters. I did not spare the rod when who is in a dilemma. She has to side her husband, my son was growing up. But it was not for though she is supposed to be a rock and refuge to her disrespect or disobedience. It was because daughters.” I was not ‘saved’ then.” However, Chackochen Mathai, a marriage counselor, feels Dollar should not have been arrested. “Because it’s his child. Will the government discipline her,” he quizzes. The incident made Preena Deepak, a freelance writer and the mother of a girl child, realize that “even those in the ministry could make mistakes.” She, however, justifies the police action. “I didn’t expect the police to be Christians or believers and so their action seems alright. After all, they are paid to handle the cases that come up on the line,” she says. N Joshua, who works with The Hindu in Bangalore, feels the police action on Dollar was completely unwarranted. “All media houses would have chewed on the news that day. That’s a very unfortunate thing,” he says. Elwin Jesudas, a former media professional in Hyderabad, agrees with Joshua. “I think the police just overreacted without going through the facts of the case,” he avers. Ebenezer Lawrence, founder-director of De’Arc HRD a soft skills development and HR company, toes the neutral line when he says the police reaction would have differed in another country with another set of laws. Asked if corporal punishment can be termed as cruelty to children as in the case of Dollar, C D Preena Deepak with her Jebasingh of Galilean International Film and TV husband and daughter Service based in Mumbai, guffaws: “As a former airline official, I have known the US of A like the “Some issues do get resolved with corporal punishment but in some cases palm of my hand. It’s a funny country with a set of the issue explodes.” funny rules.” Website: | Email:


Pastor Joshua Edwin of Chennai says: “Corporal punishment cannot be termed as cruelty. However, it can lead to it as it did in this case.” Reuben Joseph, who lives in the US, says “if Dollar had choked his daughter, then it is definitely cruelty and not corporal punishment.” However, Enoch Tamilselvan who lives with his wife and two children in Dubai, feels sparing the rod is the first step toward spoiling the child. Kurien agrees with Tamilselvan. “Pastor Dollar has the right and responsibility to discipline his disobedient and disrespectful teenager. If he had said that she could not go for the party that should have been the end of the conversation.” Dr. WMS Johnson, a medical teaching professional who has two teenage daughters, says although corporal punishment cannot be termed as cruelty, it works among school students. Creflo Dollar in his Sunday sermon after the incident talked about the ‘difficulty in dealing with teenage children' in a ‘culture of disrespect.’ We asked our respondents what their experience had been. Chackochen Mathai “I have no daughters; however I have “There is no respect in this generation. granddaughters. I did not spare the rod when my son Children consider their teachers, elders and was growing up. But it was not for disrespect or parents as equals.” disobedience. It was more because I was not ‘saved’ then. I had not let Holy Spirit to have control over me,” says Kurien striking a penitent note. Mathai, however, feels it is difficult to deal with the current generation. “There is no respect in this generation. Children take things for granted these days. They consider their teachers, elders and parents as equals,” he says. Pastor Edwin feels they can be handled well if parents give their teens sufficient space and understand the changes that happen within a teenager. Although the culture and peer pressure are to blame for the behavior of teens, Reuben Joseph is sure children brought up in the Lord and His ways are not as disrespectful as the other children. “However, there are exceptions. No matter how well they are brought up, some kids do rebel.” Although Preena Deepak’s Pastor Joshua Edwin with his family daughter is not a teen yet, she says “Corporal punishment cannot be termed as cruelty.” she has observed ‘a tendency in 8 THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER w JULY 2012

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her to be disrespectful and defy authority even now.’ “It kind of makes me shudder to think of her as a teenager,” she says. She says the trend of disrespect for elders and authority among teenagers is a growing concern not just for parents but for teachers also in schools. “Children no longer have respect for teachers or elders,” she adds. While Joshua blames the malaise on the Western culture, Lawrence says bringing up children in God’s way by imparting them the Word of God from a young age is the solution. So, does corporal punishment really work? “Sometimes it does, especially when I take the time later to explain to my daughter and help her understand why she was punished. It also depends on the problem being addressed. Some issues do get resolved with corporal punishments but in some cases the issue explodes,” Deepak says. Joshua reminisced about his own younger days and said: “It has worked. What I am today is because of the strict discipline at home.” However, the child’s age matters too. “Corporal punishment doesn’t work on a teenager,” says Joseph. Almost all the respondents we interviewed said Ebenezer Lawrence they had been hit by their parents and all of them “The best and forceful example of punishing were grateful for the discipline. Asked if he had been spanked by his father, children is recorded in Hebrews 12: 6-11 as Kurien said: “I have taken a lot of beatings from my God chastening us. It is because ‘He dad.” Although he resented it then, later he realized considers punishing only His children whom that children represented their parents when they He loves’ or else we are bastards.” stepped out of their homes and their actions will be judged not on them but on their parents. “By the time the realization sank into me, my father was dead and gone,” rues Kurien. “The biggest hurt is the hurt experienced by a parent when a child betrays him. Jesus touched me in later years, healed hearts and restored relationships.” Although Pastor Edwin admits he too was hit as a child, he says: “A milder approach would have driven the folly out of me.” The Tamilselvan couple who have taken their share of beatings as children say beating a child in public is detrimental to him. “Parents should not intimidate their children,” they say. Jesudas is filled with gratitude when he thinks of his parents. “I thank the Lord and my parents, for their disciplining made me a better person. I am also grateful to my teachers who were strict and resorted to corporal punishment whenever the need arose,” he says. N Joshua Some parents like Dr. Johnson rubbish recent studies that claimed harsh parenting can impair the “All media houses would have chewed on the news that day. That’s very unfortunate.” emotional development of a child. Website: | Email:


Asked what was the Biblical solution to the issue, Kurien had a verse each for children (‘Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you’ Exodus 20:12) and parents alike (‘Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord’ - Ephesians 6:24). Mathai wanted a strict enforcement of Proverbs 13:24 in all Christian families. The verse is quoted thus in NIV: ‘Whoever spares the rod hates their children, but the one who loves their children is careful to discipline them.’ Reuben Joseph said only constant and unrelenting prayer

Enoch Tamilselvan with his wife and kids 1) Impart Biblical principles to your children from an early age. 2) Pray for them regularly. 3) Be their friend so they can share anything with you. 4) Speak positively to them (Death and life are in the power of the tongue: Proverbs 18:21). 5) Teach them the truth. Teach them how to live a holy life in a filthy world. 6) Your first priority must be to God. Family comes next followed by ministry. (Courtesy: Enoch Tamilselvan)

can tackle the issue. Says Preena Deepak: “When I discipline my child, I also talk to her later on why I had to hit her and then I even apologize if I had been too rude. The next thing we do is both of us pray together. She prays for me Dr. WMS Johnson and I pray for her. There are issues that really get settled and only when ‘That harsh parenting can I do this can I see changes in my daughter. I believe that it’s our prayers impair a child emotionally is that make all the difference and nothing else. God is the only One who rubbish.’ can help a child from going astray and our prayers make this happen.” Lawrence who quoted Deuteronomy 6: 7 (‘Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up’) and Proverbs 22: 6 (‘Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.’) said: “The best and forceful example of punishing children is recorded in Hebrews 12: 6-11 as God chastening us. It is because ‘He considers punishing only His children whom He loves’ or else we are bastards. What a strong expression that we can hold on without getting confused.” Realizing the pitfalls and challenges of parenting in a stressful and degenerate world, Elwin Jesudas points to Jesus Christ as the ultimate solution: “It is very difficult these days for the parents to control the teens, but we can take solace from the fact that we have a God who can Elwin Jesudas help us. When He has blessed us with children, He will also provide the ‘I thank the Lord for all the grace to bring them up in His fear and knowledge.” We say an ‘Amen’ to that! spanking. It really helped.’ 10 THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER w JULY 2012

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I think the questions of what is the right thing to do when conflicts arise between parents and children are not what arise out of Crefflo Dollar and his daughters but what arises out of the relationship between God and his children. All of life is governed by our understanding of God, of Jesus and the Holy Spirit; life is completely dependent on our personal relationship to the Triune God and God's will for our lives. We are a part of God's family. He is our father and we are his children. The issue is not just about corporal punishment. Is there room in our theology of God's love for punishment and consequences to bad behavior? Is there a strong theology of sin? Who defines the sickness of sin in the human person and its antidote: Psychologists or God? Do we understand that God does not want us to go astray and die and that it is His love which prompts him to discipline, punish and judge? The dawn of creation and the advent of man and woman in the Garden of Eden remind us of the refrain “And God saw that it was good”. Even when God provides all that is good and warns us to keep away from evil, like Adam and Eve we would rather trust the devil than God's goodness. In the 21st century and with the best of psychology are we going to fare any better without God? We think that we can pick what is right and wrong and somehow there is an innate human capacity to discern truth. At best our collective consciousness can only reflect our collective guess at what is right Website: | Email:

and wrong. And history has proven that often this collective guess is wrong. We are dependent on a God who reveals himself and sets laws that determine the boundaries of what is right and wrong. God the Father gave the Ten Commandments and sent the prophets to keep us on track. Jesus takes that further in the Beatitudes in Matt 5: 17-20 when he says:17 “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. 18 For truly, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the Law until all is accomplished. 19 Therefore whoever relaxes one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever does them and teaches them will be called great in the kingdom of heaven. 20 For I tell you, unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. And this is what the Holy Spirit will do: “But when the Helper comes, whom I will send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth…, when the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth. (John 15:26; 16:13). He is our Helper with truth. All civil societies have a legal system with judges to enforce the law. God the Father is the judge, Jesus returns as the Judge and the Holy Spirit convicts the world of sin, of righteousness and judgment. This is what keeps hope alive in the kingdom of God, that there is an end to evil and only what is good will be preserved. Having established the need for the revelation of God’s goodness and love, His Truth, law, and judgment, we have the theological foundations for Christian parenting. There is no doubt that parenting is one of the most sacred duties and a difficult one. Every parent makes mistakes and has regrets. To walk the thin line between love and discipline and to make discipline redemptive does not come easily. On the other hand, there is no greater joy for a parent than to see good children. This is our hope that our children will be mature: “for those who have their powers of discernment trained by constant practice to distinguish good from evil. Hebrews 5:14. We are increasingly living in cultures where we have little help in doing this. Today, some forms of parenting and discipline have little or no consequences to disobedience. In such situations the child knows she can get away with anything. The boundary between a parent and JULY 2012 w THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER 11

child is lost. Neither in the home, Having grown up in India that you have to endure. God is in the school nor in society are treating you as sons. For what son and being rebellious and there sufficient structures that is there whom his father does not sinful I have received my provide for discipline. The result discipline? Here again, the bible is own share of corporal is a self-willed child that grows up not recommending spanking or punishment. Was this knowing full well that he can get not spanking. Physical and physical abuse? Did this away with anything and there is corporal punishment is not what is damage my psyche? NO. nothing anyone can do about it. being recommended as the Whether it was from parents answer for all disobedience. The breakdown of the family, the chaos in the classrooms, and the or teachers I have no regrets What is at stake is the father son violence in the streets are just or damaged memories. Even relationship. It is meant to be a some samples of this anarchy. relationship of love. Love as a child and as a youth I The most common form of knew it was for my benefit. contrary to popular opinion is not discipline for a child who lost because there is punishment. Did it always flow out of disobeys is when the parents call In fact it is the strength of love, love? NO. Was it always for a time out and send them to which calls for discipline and redemptive? NO. Did it help their room. For many parents chastisement. from the non-western world, in keeping me in line? YES. Having grown up in India and sending a child away to a room is a Were there times when it got being rebellious and sinful I have out of hand and I was the questionable punishment. It received my own share of recipient of adult tempers? accomplishes little. The worst corporal punishment. Was this YES. thing that can happen to a child is physical abuse? Did this damage to sit alone and cry in an empty room. This isolates my psyche? NO. Whether it was from parents or and creates loneliness and alienation and loss of teachers I have no regrets or damaged memories. relationship with the parent. The sense of belonging Even as a child and as a youth I knew it was for my has been ruptured and a sense of forsakenness can benefit. Did it always flow out of love? NO. Was it emerge. The resultant anxiety is the loss of the always redemptive? NO. Did it help in keeping me parent and for a little child this is traumatic and can in line? YES. Were there times when it got out of be a major source of anxiety disorders. At the point hand and I was the recipient of adult tempers? YES. What is very important to remember is that both where the child feels and knows that she has not only disobeyed and suffers the pangs of guilt, there is the the parent and the child are sinful by nature. Just added shame of knowing that you have let down the because I am a parent or teacher that does not mean parent. Isolation, disengagement, and removal of the that I am always right. There are times when I am child from the parent’s loving presence may do more wrong. As parents and children we are both in need of God’s laws and truth that governs us. We are damage than good. On the other hand spanking is seen as the answer accountable not just to the changes of culture, to all behavioral problems in a child. Let us ask psychology or the latest trend. We are accountable to ourselves: Is punishment redemptive and does it the love of God that clearly provides boundaries, flow from the heart of love? For many parents laws, discipline, punishment and judgment. As punishment can become a release of our own parents, teachers and children let us become more sinfulness and frustration. Punishment can easily get and more conscious that we are all accountable to out of control and become a release of anger that is God and in need of discipline when we get out of disproportionate to the child's disobedience. For hand. Discipline is good because it helps us as parents some parents, a spank would be considered more humane because it is physical and the child remains and children realize that there are clear boundaries in the love of the parent and not removed from it. that preserve us and keep us in the goodness of God. (Here I am not talking about uncontrolled spanking Punishment is good so that we can grow up knowing that there are consequences to sin or else we will just that is injurious physically and psychologically). Corporal punishment is common and seen as a continue to sin and die. Judgment is good because more Christian and biblical way of discipline for without it we will lose all capacity to discern good children particularly in India. Remember: “Spare the from evil as well as loose the hope that there is an end rod and spoil the child” is not a biblical saying. to evil. The writer is the general director of Inspire However, Hebrews 12:6–7 reminds us: 6 For the Lord disciplines the one he loves, and chastises International, and senior pastor at Eternity Church, every son whom he receives.” 7 It is for discipline Virginia, US. 12 THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER w JULY 2012

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IN my experience strict discipline, which includes spanking a child, has always been a controversial topic. And, since to date I’m not married I am reluctant to advise anyone on how to raise children. Instead, I am a strong believer in doing what each parent feels is right before the Lord because, they are the ones who will answer to the Lord at Judgment. Yet, the child will not escape punishment either as God commanded children in the original 10 Commandments to obey their parents in Exodus 20:12, and in repeated in Ephesians 6:1-3. But, I know it’s complicated because today, as in history past, there is political correctness, discipline, what culture says is acceptable, what each country's laws deem lawful, and what the Bible says. Moreover, the Bible can be confusing to parents as Proverbs has several verses illustrating using the ‘rod’ to discipline the child in 22:15, 23:13-14, and 29:15. Nevertheless the use of balance is advised in Ephesians 6:4 so to not provoke the child to wrath. However, if you are caught hitting a child (including for discipline) in many states in the United States, and in Israel (and probably in more countries I haven’t listed), you will be arrested and

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judged by the law. Additionally, further confusion is added by nearly the entire verses in Romans 13 which demands Christians respect and be subject to the people in authority, because God put them there. Pay dues or tributes to those that deserve it, custom to whom custom, and fear and honor to those in leadership. Therefore, all this combined cements my opinion that child discipline for Christians is as a personal thing as in the relationship with Christ and I use Romans 14:1-8 as a supporting example to guide many things in the Christian life. At least, for me! On a personal note, being from a military family I grew up with strong discipline and I didn’t die either as listed in scripture. Most would say that I turned out OK. On another note, I have noticed that the average child without discipline has a tendency to be more spoiled, hateful, quick tempered, irrational, gives up quickly, poor in teamwork, unaccountable, unrealistic, unprepared, daring, rude, extremely self centered and in other words, not disciplined. History will be the final judge of our discipline guidelines and demands. In the latter days men and women will be like as mentioned in 2 Tim 3:1-7.


contributing factor in almost every category of I AM afraid that our culture in general has reduced societal ill, my concern here is the spiritual the role of fatherhood (along with marriage itself) to consequence. A rather obscure but large and important study something nonessential or unnecessary. Even many men today regard parenting as being primarily the conducted by the Swiss government in 1994 and mother’s role and no longer associated with published in 2000 revealed some astonishing facts masculinity or real manhood, especially when it with regard to the generational transmission of faith and religious values. (The full title of the study is comes to spiritual formation. Instead, many have succumbed to modern “The Demographic Characteristics of the Linguistic caricatures — encouraged by feminist psychology and Religious Groups in Switzerland” by Werner — and the primitive role of hunter-gatherer, and thus Haug and Phillipe Warner of the Federal Statistical assume that this is their main contribution to the Office, Neuchatel. The study appears in Volume 2 of family. As a result too many men, including Population Studies No. 31, a book titled The professing Christian men, express their role as father Demographic Characteristics of National Minorities exclusively in terms of financial provider. The fact is in Certain European States, edited by Werner Haug children are not looking for financial provision; they and others, published by the Council of Europe are looking for love, guidance, and a role model for Directorate General III, Social Cohesion, what it means to be a man. Strasbourg, January 2000. Sounds If both father and During the colonial period, like a page-turner, right?) men were defined by the quality In short, the study reveals: “It is mother attend regularly, of their community involvement the religious practice of the father 33 percent of their and fatherhood. Marriage and of the family that, above all, children will end up as fatherhood were seen as being determines the future attendance regular churchgoers, among the highest aspirations in a at or absence from church of the and 41 percent will end man’s life. Today the highest children.” up attending irregularly. aspirations of many men are In summary, the study reveals: Only a quarter of their career achievement and personal 1. If both father and mother leisure and it is against these they attend regularly, 33 percent of children will end up not seek to balance marriage and their children will end up as practicing at all. family. regular churchgoers, and 41 The lack of actively involved fathers has percent will end up attending irregularly. Only a produced societal conditions necessary for the quarter of their children will end up not practicing at intervention of government. It is a sobering fact all. when the government is compelled to respond to the 2. If the father is irregular and mother regular, failure of such a fundamental institution as family! only 3 percent of the children will subsequently Beginning in 2001, the U.S. Department of Health & become regulars themselves, while a further 59 Human Services under President Bush launched its percent will become irregulars. Thirty-eight percent Fatherhood Initiative with the following statement: will be lost. The President is determined to make committed, 3. If the father is non-practicing and mother responsible fatherhood a national priority. … [T]he regular, only 2 percent of children will become presence of two committed, involved parents regular worshippers, and 37 percent will attend contributes directly to better school performance, irregularly. Over 60 percent of their children will be reduced substance abuse, less crime and lost completely to the church! delinquency, fewer emotional and other behavioral What happens if the father is regular but the problems, less risk of abuse or neglect, and lower mother irregular or non-practicing? Amazingly, the risk of teen suicide. The research is clear: fathers percentage of children becoming regular goes up factor significantly in the lives of their children. from 33 percent to 38 percent with the irregular There is simply no substitute for the love, mother and up to 44 percent with the non-practicing. involvement, and commitment of a responsible This suggests that loyalty to the father’s father. commitment grows in response to the mother’s While the research confirms that paternal absence laxity or indifference to religion. (whether it is physical or emotional) is a significant In short, if a father does not go to church — no 14 THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER w JULY 2012

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matter how faithful his wife’s devotions — only one child in 50 will become a regular worshipper. If a father does go regularly, regardless of the practice of the mother, between two-thirds and three-quarters of their children will become churchgoers (regular and irregular). One of the reasons suggested for this distinction is that children tend to take their cues about domestic life from Mom while their conceptions of the world outside come from Dad. If Dad takes faith in God seriously then the message to their children is that God should be taken seriously. This confirms the essential role of father as spiritual leader, which I would argue is true fatherhood. Fathers are to love their wives as Christ loves the church, modeling the love of the Father in their most important earthly relationship. Fathers are to care for their children as our Father in heaven

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cares for us and finally, fathers play a primary role in teaching their children the truth about reality. It is the father who should instruct his children in their understanding of the world from a consciously and informed Christian worldview. It is the father who is essential for sending his children forth with a biblical view of reality and a faith in Jesus Christ that is rooted in solid understanding. It is time for fathers to return to honorable manhood and reconsider their priorities and align them with God’s commands, decrees, and laws, teaching these things to your children “when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise” (Deuteronomy 6:7 NKJV). S. Michael Craven is the president of the Center for Christ & Culture. His ministry is dedicated to equipping the church to engage the culture with the mission of Christ. Website: | Email:



HILE Rodney Hui, Partner Ministries Director of Logos Hope, was passing through Singapore recently, we took the opportunity to ask him a few questions about how missions in South East Asia has changed and how the church is responding. Hui is responsible for maintaining and developing relationships between the Operation Mobilization's ship ministry and partners, Christian leaders, pastors, donors and special visitors. Being part of the leadership team, Hui and his wife, Irene, seek to be a model to the 400 crewmembers. They enjoy being “parents” to the many young people on board and Rodney Hui, Partner Ministries Director of Logos Hope, represent OM East Asia Pacific and his wife represent OM East Asia Pacific wherever they go. They have wherever they go. served with OM for 37 years. As one of the first Singaporeans sent out with passion for mercy work. They want to connect with OM, how would you say missions has changed people and ask permission to visit prisons, schools, over the past 37 years? slums and hospitals whenever possible. While our Short-term missions within OM has come a full generation focused on proclamation and the circle, at least in Singapore. Since first joining OM in preaching of the Word, this generation is much more 1975, two generations of Singaporeans have grown comfortable with holistic ministry. They seek up, and my generation is now encouraging their mentors and role models who will guide them on children to join OM short-term. Many of the young their faith journeys. Their motivation is similar to people who join Logos Hope grew up in OM and ours, but they are much more talented and informed have since caught the vision for missions from their about this world! We thought we were doing well, parents. but admittedly we are not as savvy in high-tech But interestingly, I find my generation not so open things. to change. They want to know why the kids on the What is the biggest challenge this generation ship are up so late, and why they listen to pop music. faces? They like to compare, believing that what they did The biggest challenge this generation faces is was right. As times have changed, so have the way finding their purpose or place in God’s kingdom. things are done on Logos Hope changed. Although Singaporean Christians value pursuit of career, and we strive to keep the same values and principles, we the expectations of parents and the local church try to adapt to the current context of different places prevent many from considering missions long-term. wherever we go. As missions is not perceived as a career but rather a How are young people responding to missions? trip or experience, to move outside the box by There are encouraging signs amongst young pursuing long-term missions is counter-cultural. people: they are committed, they want to know what Many Singaporeans who joined missions years their part in God’s kingdom is and they are willing to ago returned home after about 12 years of service respond to social issues, such as poverty and due to visa constraints, children, health and concerns injustice. We have to provide more opportunities for about the future. In the past, missions was the young generation—no longer does one size fit considered a one-way ticket. Now, missionaries all! want to return home for a cousin’s wedding or Young people want transparency, and they have a special birthday—the world is getting smaller! 16 THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER w JULY 2012

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My children have the desire to serve God, and we give them the encouragement they need to pursue God’s will. They are a rare exception, however, and we are encouraged to see them serve the Lord! How has missions in South East Asia changed over the past 37 years? OM East Asia Pacific was initially a sending area. It took a while before we starting seeing ourselves as a mission field, and it now means that we have to think with two caps. The world is now at our doorstep—how do we respond? The local church in South East Asia is willing to get involved in missions in the area, but to mobilize people and resources for other parts of the world does not seem to make much sense to them. Europe as a mission field is becoming less and less an option due to the increasing cost of living, visa constraints and lack of historical involvement there. The Koreans, however, are an exception in this region, and the local church is committed to longterm involvement in world missions as never before. As the face of missions changes in South East Asia, so should the impact at an international level be made more visible—but this is not always the case. We need to take time to rethink our organizational structures, procedures, programs and strategies if we are to truly reflect what God is doing in South East Asia. More inter-cultural training from local staff would help the process, and greater mutual trust is needed between continents. The impact of the gospel on our daily business should be contextualized and adapted to each situation, while the core values and principles remain constant. OM Website: | Email:

Tuni Parata received a letter from her SkyCity managers accusing her of misconduct in carrying the Bible on her shifts as a tower host at the casino, media reports said. A casino worker in Auckland is likely to be sacked after bosses caught her carrying a pocket Bible with her at work. The worker, identified as Tuni Parata, received a letter from her SkyCity managers accusing her of misconduct in carrying the Bible on her shifts as a tower host at the casino, media reports said. In a letter to Parata last Tuesday, the casino said: “The company is considering disciplinary action being taken in relation to the alleged incident on April 26 2012 when you were seen by a senior manager of another department with non-work related material in a front of house work environment.” An earlier letter of May 27 related how a manager saw Parata with the Bible in toilets and how a union rep told her it didn’t matter if it was 'a Playboy magazine or a Bible, it was not work related material, therefore should not be with you front of house and certainly not being read.’ Parata said carrying a Bible at all times was a vital part of her faith and relationship to God. According to SkyCity, carrying the Bible constitutes a breach of the uniform code. Parata has been with SkyCity for 16 years. However, she fears for her job after keeping her faith close to her. Although a disciplinary hearing is due, her union – Unite – has called for the action against her to be dropped. “This is completely absurd,” said Unite national director Mike Treen. “Since when does carrying a Bible in your pocket become unlawful in New Zealand workplaces?” JULY 2012 w THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER 17

Acts 2:47: praising God and enjoying the favour of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved. CHURCH is a group of people made by God who adds them to it. You might be the member of a local church, but God considers you as a member only when, you are born again and saved by the Word of God, through the life of the Lord Jesus Christ. God adds you as a member of HIS universal church, only when you are saved by God. Church is something that God is building, and only God can add to it. The term church is used in the Bible, 79 times. The term church is derived from a Greek word known as Ecclesia, meaning, called out ones / chosen people. It is not a mere building or an individual, but it is an assembly, of people that are called out by God, so that they would belong to HIM. Generally, people consider a building to be a church. That was so even in the Old Testament days; a temple was a holy place as the Ark of the Covenant was kept in it. But in the New Testament it is clear to us through the Word of God in John 4:23-24, that Jesus did not come to make a place holy, rather He came to make the people Holy. (John 4:23-24) “Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.” A church is a group of chosen people, who are called out by God to worship Him in spirit and in truth. In the New Testament, God shifted the focus from a place of worship, to the purpose of worship and to the people of worship. What is the nature of a church? The Bible is very clear in the book of Acts 2:47 that “the Lord added to their number daily, those who were being saved”. A true church is a growing church. God is building His church around the world. The works of the Holy Spirit are awe-inspiring around the world, because a true church is a growing church. The second most important nature of the church is, Lord Jesus Christ should be its head. It is not an individual, who should be the head of a church, but Jesus alone. This is clear in the Word of God. In the book of Colossians 1:18 we read thus: “And he is the head of the body, the church; he is the beginning and the firstborn from among the dead, so that in everything he might have the supremacy”. Wherever Jesus Christ (Word of God) is not the 18 THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER w JULY 2012

head, it is not a Bible-based church. Only a congregation led by the Word of God can be called a church. The third nature of a church is stated in 1Corinthians 12:28. “And God has placed in the church first of all apostles, second prophets, third teachers, then miracles, then gifts of healing, of helping, of guidance, and of different kinds of tongues.” The first position, which God has given in church, is a pastor. A pastor is a God-ordained person, appointed to feed the people for their spiritual needs. Unless it is a God-ordained person, it will not be called as a church. The fourth nature of a church is the gates of hell shall not overcome it. In Matthew 16:18, we read: “And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.” Though problems are present around a church, they will not prevail over a church. The fifth nature of the church is it is the Bride of Christ. Ephesians 5:27 says: “and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless”. Jesus calls the church His Bride, because a church has a reverential position. As a bride of Christ, a church should be dedicated to Jesus alone. The sixth nature of a church is it always says COME. In the book of Revelation it says: “The Spirit and the bride say, “Come!” And let the one who hears say, “Come!” Let the one who is thirsty come; and let the one who wishes take the free gift of the water of life.” A church should always call the unsaved people towards it and lead them to Christ. The seventh nature of a church is unity. Psalms 133 says: “How good and pleasant it is, when God’s people live together in unity! It is like precious oil poured on the head, running down on the beard, running down on Aaron’s beard, down on the collar of his robe. It is as if the dew of Hermon were falling on Mount Zion. For there the Lord bestows his blessing, even life forevermore”. Unity is an important nature of a church. A Godled church is always a united church. Every true church is a growing and an evangelistic church. Be loyal to the place where God has called you. Respect the shepherd God has ordained over you. Be a group of people called by God, obey God and be faithful to HIM and HIS church. Website: | Email:

THE pews are rarely packed on Pentecost Sunday although the day is often described as the “birthday of the Church” and is as significant as Christmas and Easter. The day comes 50 days after Easter, hence the name “Pentecost,” which is a Greek word for “fifty.” On Pentecost Sunday, some churches use red color as the theme for decoration, symbolizing the fire and joy of the Holy Spirit, as they commemorate the coming of the Spirit on the early followers of Jesus. “When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them,” Acts 2:1-4 records. Many see the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the disciples of Jesus on the first Pentecost as the birth of the church. For Jesus, before his Ascension, instructed his disciples not to leave Jerusalem but wait for “the gift my Father promised.” He added that they would receive power and be his witnesses in all Judea and Samaria and to the ends of the world when the Holy Spirit came on them, according to Acts 1:4, 8. This came true on the day of the Pentecost. The first Pentecost was not a one-time incident. Until today, whoever puts faith in the Gospel of Jesus receives the Holy Spirit, though not necessarily in the same fashion as happened in the first century when many visible signs followed. It is through the Sprit that one can appropriate God's promises in Jesus by accepting Him as the Lord and Savior. As Peter said on the day of the Pentecost, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. The promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off – for all whom the Lord our God will call.” (Acts 2:38, 39) Further, it is the Holy Spirit – co-equal with God the Father and God the Son, as per the doctrine of Trinity – who keeps Christians as He indwells in them. Pentecost also underlines the importance of the Church in God’s work. God sent the Holy Spirit to Jesus’ disciples on an occasion when “they were all together in one place.” And what followed was building of a community, a model community. Website: | Email:

“They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Everyone was filled with awe at the many wonders and signs performed by the apostles. All the believers were together and had everything in common. They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need. Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.” (Acts 2:42-47) What’s more, Pentecost reflected a key mission of the church. By enabling the disciples to declare God’s wonders in various languages, the Holy Spirit perhaps showed that the church needs to reach out to various cultural, racial, ethnic and linguistic groups rather than become an affinity group. It taught the church to honor diversity. The outpouring of the Spirit was for each of the believers gathered on the first Pentecost, irrespective of their background. The birth of the church, in a historical sense, and the reflection of its centrality in God’s ministry and its mission to reach out to all people groups are reasons enough to treat Pentecost as significant.


I have heard people of other portrays this man, Moses, as one History of the Old faith talk about a reincarnation who transitioned from royalty to happening in their lives after Testament has examples of slavery for a greater glory such ‘little Christs’ death. But I am more concerned (Hebrews 11:24-27). foreshadowing the about being an ‘incarnation’ in Jehoshaphat, the king of Judah, this life than being a reincarnation made a difference in the history of incarnational nature of after my life. Jesus Christ. It tells about a kings. The Bible says that he The first person who comes to walked among the people from man who was raised in a my mind when I think about royal household who chose Beersheba to Ephraim and turned incarnation is Jesus Christ. The them back to the Lord, the God of to live among ordinary word ‘incarnation’ can mean their fathers (2 Chronicles 19:4). people. He lived as one personification, embodiment and So his kingdom turned to be a among the many slaves living form. In simple words it kingdom with a difference. There means ‘being in flesh.’ was no distinction of any who lived in the land of The Bible talks about the Word profession as ‘sacred’ or ‘secular’ Egypt. He regarded that became flesh in John 1:1. The in his kingdom. He gave similar disgrace for the sake of Word was God. John 1:14 says Christ as of great value than instructions to the so-called that Jesus pitched His tent in this secular judges and the Levites, the treasures of Egypt. He priests and heads of Israelite earth to live among us. Divine persevered and led the transcended and became human. families. He considered all slaves to redemption. There is clearly a paradigm shift professions as sacred and asked from the sacred to the secular in the incarnation of them to do it for the Lord (vs. 5-11). He exhorted Jesus Christ. them to live a life free from sin. Jehoshaphat was a Paul explains this further by using a word called king who practiced incarnation, breaking barriers of kenosis, which means that Jesus emptied Himself of discrimination leading people to redemption. all His heavenly and divine glory. He became a To become a servant, slave or an ordinary citizen, servant to serve humankind (Philippians 2:6, 7). A needs humility and sacrifice from the part of a person classic example of His servant attitude is seen when who has power and privileges. In a world where we Jesus took the initiative of washing the feet of His see people resorting to machinations and disciples. It is this ‘incarnational’ attitude of Christ manipulations to become rich, influential and which Paul asks us to emulate when he said: Your powerful, how many would like to forsake a life of attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus luxury and live among the lowly ones? History today (Philippians 2:5). In other words we become ‘little is looking for ‘little Christs’ who would follow the Christs’ to the world. It was Martin Luther who steps of Jesus Christ. It is the humility of Christ firstly used the word ‘Little Christ’. He tells that found in His incarnation that led to His exaltation as ‘little Christs’ would be responsible not only for Lord and Savior. The whole of the Bible attests to the themselves but for their neighbors too. Several years same fact that any humble human being with a later, C. S. Lewis, used the same analogy and went a Christ-like attitude would eventually be exalted. step ahead when he reminded the church to produce Let us be incarnational beings. Let us never give ‘little Christs’. up being incarnational at any point in our life. Let us History of the Old Testament has examples of try to be the hands and feet of Jesus and serve our such ‘little Christs’ foreshadowing the incarnational fellow human beings by choosing to be ‘little nature of Jesus Christ. It tells about a man who was Christs’ in our areas of influence. My desire is that raised in a royal household who chose to live among we would be ‘little Christs’ - that is people with an ordinary people. He lived as one among the many incarnational attitude and make a difference around slaves who lived in the land of Egypt. He regarded us during our lifetime! disgrace for the sake of Christ as of great value than Grace and her husband Suresh Rajan are part of the treasures of Egypt. He persevered and led the Charis Seva Mandal (CSM) which works for the slaves to redemption. The author of Hebrews socially and geographically isolated communities. 20 THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER w JULY 2012

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OF COURSE, I had heard the stats about church planting failures. Regardless, I went for it knowing the Lord was leading me to start a new church for His glory. I read all the books, attended the conferences, took church planting classes in college and seminary, planned, prayed, pleaded with and persuaded others to join the team, raised money, developed a killer logo; even my wife was onboard! How could I fail? But failure did not come easily. I have never worked harder in my life. Hundreds of hours, thousands of dollars, a myriad of spent dreams, and 18 short months later: she was gone! That took place just over 6 years ago. Sure, there were tons of things that happened along the way which could be blamed for my failure...yada, yada, yada. Yet, after much reflection, evaluation - and ultimately repentance - I realized that I am to blame. I confess: I am responsible. There are five major - and painful - confessions that I am ready to own up to: 1. Prayerlessness I failed to pray as I ought. Selfreliance and fierce independence marked the day. Strategy and proven methods were my fail-safe, not sweet communion with the One who held the answers to my unasked questions, let alone the immediate needs of the day. Bootstrap theology and iron-will methodology only carried me as far as my boots (metaphorically speaking) and wherewithal would take me. And that was not far enough. I was, after all, wrestling with the eternal and weighty matters of gathering the bride of Christ. The lesson I learned: Prayer as the foundation for church planting is not just a spiritual slogan. It is a necessity and must be part of the planter’s DNA long before it becomes a core value for the church. 2. Lack of Personal Focus: I was too spread out...not laser-focused on the mission. Add together being a husband, father, Ph.D. student, Bible college professor, church planter, and what do you get? A demented dabbler! Dabbling in many things may have made me a great dabbler. Being a lead planter requires grit, determination, and surrender: complete surrender. I failed to take into account the immensity of the burden to lead a church plant and the personal focus it required. The lesson I learned: This calling requires everything. It cannot be dabbled with. A church planter must count the costs of intense and extended focus and then be willing to pay them. 3. Lack of Gospel Centeredness: Yes, I preached the gospel and lives were changed. But, the fact is Website: | Email:

that I did not center the work on the gospel. When I met with potential partners, the gospel was not central, money was. When I met with my leadership and core group, the gospel was not central, the launch was. Sure, the gospel was mentioned but only as a means to an end. We were after all planting a church! Missing the mark here was to the detriment of building genuine and lasting community. The lesson I learned: The gospel must permeate all things. For this to happen, the church planter must purposefully look through the lens of the gospel as he casts vision, develops strategy, raises money, teaches the core group, loves and cares for his family, hauls equipment in and out of the venue, ad infinitum. 4. Lack of Honest Critique: I neither invited nor wanted critique from the outside by folks who I was convinced ‘didn’t get it.’ This was a huge mistake. My lack of confidence in the Holy Spirit’s leadership in this area astounds me. I often sensed the need to open up to colleagues and friends; I opted instead to operate from a conceited and sinful mindset of, ‘I got this!’ I knew if someone leaned in too far they would quickly see my faults. The lesson I learned: There are no Lone Rangers in ministry...for long. The lead planter must associate himself with a person, group or organization that will not only coach him but critique him as he honestly shares his journey - warts and all. The pain of transparency is greatly diminished when you realize you are not the first to struggle, fail, and question. 5. Lack of Partnership: I almost want to give myself a pass here, but it just won’t work. In 2006, church planting networks and partnerships did not abound as they do today. Yet, there were some. I chose to go it alone instead of partnering with those who did not cross every theological ‘t’ nor dot every methodological ‘I’ as I did. Those distinctions, while very important, should not have been as great a barrier as I made them out to be. The lesson I learned: Camaraderie is priceless. The church planter needs to walk with others that are a little farther ahead on the journey. Church planting networks are popping up all over. Some are regional. Some are national. There is a network for every church planter’s ilk. Find a network and belong. Use its resources and wisdom. You are going to need them. Looking back, any one of these errors was enough to sink the ship. These seem to be the most egregious; the ones that had they been dealt with at the time would likely have made the difference between failure and viability. JULY 2012 w THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER 21

Pay everyone what is owed: taxes to whom taxes are due, revenue to whom revenue is due, respect to whom respect is due, honor to whom honor is due (Rom 13: 7). NO one likes to pay taxes, especially when there is so much graft, payoffs, and corruption evident in government. We are only partly responsible for what happens to our taxes, but we are fully responsible for making sure we pay what we are told to pay, so that there can be no accusation against believers. In this way we avoid scandalizing the Name of our Savior and making the gospel irrelevant. The tax collector in Bible times was the lowest respected of society, yet Jesus called a “tax collector” (Luke 5:27), Levi, to be one of His disciples, then was bitterly accused of associating with his friends (Luke 5:29-30). However, Paul referred to tax collectors as “God's ministers” (leitourgos), which is the same title given to Christ in His high priestly function in the “true tabernacle” (Heb 8:2) and Paul calls himself “a minister (leitourgos) of Christ Jesus to the Gentiles” (Rom 15:16). These officials owe their authority to God; “this is why [we] also pay taxes” (13:6). Cheating on taxes, whether for income or property, is illegal and a transgression against God's commands. Biblically it is a legal, moral and spiritual responsibility to pay taxes. This is one of the most behavioral specific commands in the NT, but it clarifies the sin issue: “to him who knows to do good and does not do it, to him it is sin” (Jam 4:17). The law of the land determines what the citizenry owes to its government. Though relative, it is obligatory to man before God. This obligation includes custom duty fees. The issues are primarily a demonstration of attitude and honesty. It is a spiritual issue because of the principle: “whatever you do, do all to the glory of God” (1Co 10:31). It is not only an issue of what you do, but how you do it, so that God's Name is honored, and He is given credit for the behavior of His child. Not only is the attitude and action an important testimony issue, but it is also a relationship 22 THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER w JULY 2012

Every businessman knows how to cheat on taxes, but the Christian must refuse to be disobedient regardless of the temptation. issue: “respect to whom respect is due, honor to whom honor is due.” “Respect” translates phobos, which means “fear,” a concept that stretches from “respect to terror,” but the respect is demonstrated by listening to what is said and obeying the order with a submissive attitude. The same word is used for the attitude between slaves and their masters (1 Pet 2:18), and wives to their husbands (Eph 5:33). However, the fear aspect is real as 13:4 indicates, “He is God’s minister to you for good. But if you do evil, be afraid; for he does not bear the sword in vain; for he is God’s minister, an avenger to execute wrath on him who practices evil.” It is supposed that Paul’s objective was to assure that Christians would not provoke undue governmental reaction against the church, thus limiting its aggressive evangelistic thrust. The Jews were quick to rebel, but the Christians were to be submissive. Every businessman knows how to cheat on taxes, but the Christian must refuse to be disobedient regardless of the temptation. We must commit ourselves to never do anything that would discredit the gospel or our Savior before the world. NLT Proverbs 27:18 As workers who tend a fig tree are allowed to eat the fruit, so workers who protect their employer’s interests will be rewarded. The writer is a professor at Liberty University, the world’s largest Christian university.

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“When my anxious thoughts multiply within me, God’s sacrifice is His consolation Thy consolations delight my soul.” Psalm 94:19 If we have any doubt about God’s love for us in ANXIOUS thoughts can flood your mind so fast light of whatever our current troubles are, we can you feel like three white river rapids are converging dispel that with thoughts about His incredible in your head. The thoughts seem to compete with sacrifice on the cross in order to secure the most each other for top billing. Before one is out the next abundant life for us. “I came that they might have is screaming, ‘no, no, this is much more awful than life, and might have it abundantly.” (John 10:10) that silly thought. Now here’s a worst case scenario Something that costly must have purchased a mighty for you…’ big prize. We are His prize. Anxious thoughts should Soon your muscles are tense, your blood pressure disintegrate as we meditate on that nugget. is rising, your mouth is set in a grim line, and your Knowing that God has an antidote for anxiety is eyes are flashing about darkly. Woe to anyone who the first step to our soul’s delight and knowing what happens upon you in this state, especially a child some of His consolations are is the second step. The who spills a glass of milk or a driver who hesitates as third step is actually putting it into practice. I have a light turns green. Anxious thoughts - they multiply that in caps because you need to shake yourself a faster than little bunnies. little right now and re-read that Don’t ask God to take God has an antidote for anxious line. If you have never tried to away the anxious thoughts discipline your mind before you thoughts. He wants to replace the or pray that you won’t anxious thoughts with His are in for a real battle. It is a battle have them anymore. You consolations which will delight you can win. control it. That is not to your soul instead of terrorizing it. If anxious thoughts have been The first time this Scripture really riding roughshod over your mind say that you should not grabbed me I was in a real stew call upon the Lord to help for months or years or a whole and I could see that God was lifetime you will need to build a you and to fill you with offering a solution to me but I new road. Imagine a one-lane dirt His presence which will couldn’t quite grasp what it was. highway with deep ruts where a dispel the darkness. What consolations was He talking car has been traveling back and about? I began to think and pray about it and ask Him forth for 20 years. Now you are told to ride that road to reveal His consolations. and not hit those ruts. You are building new habits, God’s Word is His consolation for anxiety developing new thought patterns. You are saying We can read any line of Scripture and know it isn’t ‘No’ to some thoughts which try to enter your mind. just another opinion but it is the absolute bottom line You are placing a permission gate at the entrance of truth. So when it says, “I will never desert you, nor your mind which rejects anxiety and accepts God’s will I ever forsake you” (Hebrews 13:5) we can take consolations. that right to the bank. Or when we read, “I know the Don’t ask God to take away the anxious thoughts plans that I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for or pray that you won’t have them anymore. You welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and control it. That is not to say that you should not call a hope” (Jeremiah 29:11) we can face an uncertain upon the Lord to help you and to fill you with His future with real hope. And what about “Let not your presence which will dispel the darkness. Cry out to heart be troubled”? (John 14:1) We can know it is Him and tell Him of all of your struggles and ask for possible to put away the troubles of the heart; we His strength which He will freely give. You are don’t have to accept a destiny of worry or anxiety. actually the one though, who has final authority over God’s character is His consolation what thoughts you allow and disallow. God is all-knowing, all-powerful, all-present and As the weeks and months go by, you will see all-loving. What does He lack? Nothing. Who progress on your new road to stress and anxiety wouldn’t want to be best friends with Him? Talk relief. I encourage you to keep trying. Fill your mind about an inside track. Thinking about the bigness of so full of truth and of your relationship with the Lord God causes us to see the smallness of our own that there is not any room for anything else. troubles. The writer is an author and speaker. 24 THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER w JULY 2012

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