December 2019 issue of The Christian Messenger | Christian views, news and interviews.

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Gospel Mela Prayer: Transform Me, Lord!


Help People Come To Christ This Christmas




Show People How To Worship God

Help People Come To Christ This Christmas

rhpj;jpuk; NgRfpwJ: jkpio tsh;;j;j may;ehl;L Jwtp


How to Understand the Meaning of Christmas?

~vdf;F ed;ikAz;lhf vd;id epidj;jUSk;| 3



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Vol. 16, No. 8

Page 24


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How to Understand the Meaning of Christmas?

What does that mean? The Law and the Prophets are the equivalent of the Old Testament. And, Jesus came to fulfill the Law and the prophecies. In the Old Testament, the birth of Jesus and his atoning death were prophecies. In the New Testament, they became a reality. All of the Old Testament pointed to Jesus Christ. That's why He said: ‘You search the Scriptures, for in them you think you have eternal life; and these are they which testify of Me’ (John 5:39). And again in verse 46, He said: ‘For if you believed Moses, you would believe Me; for he wrote about Me.’ All the promises of God made in the Old Testament were fulfilled in Jesus Christ. That’s why Apostle Paul said in 2 Corinthians 1:20: ‘For all the promises of God in Him are Yes, and in Him Amen, to the glory of God through us.’ The Law of God given through Moses was perfectly kept only by Christ. All those who strove to keep the Law before and after Christ failed. He took all of the wrath of God upon Himself on Calvary. Jesus Christ is the mediator. Mathew Henry wrote: ‘Out of Christ, God is a consuming fire, but in Christ, a reconciled Father. This is the sum of the gospel, Jesus Christ Came To which we must by faith cheerfully embrace.’ Fulfill the Law The Law now says: Look to Christ for your righteousness for your works aside of Him will fail. “Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the While talking about how and why Israel needs to Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfill” hear the Gospel of Christ, Apostle Paul wrote: ‘For (Matthew 5:17).

BY ROBIN SAM SK a group of Christians the meaning of Christmas and you would get various answers. To some Christmas is a day of mirth and gaiety. To others Christmas is an occasion to share. To the vast majority, Christmas is a season of choir and carols, Christmas trees and Santa Claus, plum cakes and puddings, red wine and lots of meat. Depending on your upbringing and what you had been exposed to as a child, an adolescent or adult, your perception of Christmas may change. To the Bible-believing Christians, the meaning of Christmas is not a mystery. Nor is it too hard to find. If you open your Bible and read it with a seeker’s heart, God will reveal Himself to you. Hallelujah! To understand God’s purpose for the birth of Jesus Christ, you need not look further than what Jesus Himself said about why He came into the world. Jesus Himself said several times in the Bible why He came into the world. You can call them the mission statements of Jesus Christ. We will examine three of them here.




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Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes’ (Romans 10:4). The message of Christmas is this: Not only Israel, everyone who is alive on earth needs to hear the Gospel. You cannot work out your own salvation by your works. Christ has already opened the way of salvation for you through His death. Simply believe it, accept that you need a Savior, receive Him into your heart and confess that Jesus Christ is indeed Lord. Because ‘...if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved’ (Romans 10:9).

a covenant to the people, as a light to the Gentiles’ (Isaiah 42:6). When Jesus left Nazareth for Capernaum, Apostle Matthew records another one of Isaiah’s prophecies that came true. ‘The people who sat in darkness have seen a great light, and upon those who sat in the region and shadow of death light has dawned’ (Matthew 4:16). The Gentile world is still in darkness in our times. If you doubt this, please read Romans 1:18-32. All the vices Apostle Paul mentions there still abound around us. The light is not shone upon all, only those who believe on Him. Charles Spurgeon, the prince of preachers, once preached: ‘Some souls are in greater darkness than others. For those who are in a worse condition than others there is hope and light. In barbarous nations Christ has won great victories. In the worst hearts Christ has dawned. When these have beheld the light, they frequently become eminently useful to others. The conversion of the deplorably dark brings the highest degree of glory to God.’ The message of Christmas is not one of the lights that we hang on the Christmas trees or tie on our doors. It is Jesus Christ, the light of the world. The message we need to repeat to everyone without

Jesus Christ Came To Bring Light To A Dark World ‘I have come into the world as light, so that whoever believes in me may not remain in darkness’ (John 12:46). Darkness is symbolic of the gross evils of the world. Those who live in sin are said to be in darkness. Jesus’ statement that He came into the world as light so we may not remain in darkness was the fulfillment of a prophecy made in Isaiah. ‘I, the Lord, have called You in righteousness, and will hold Your hand; I will keep You and give You as

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CHRISTMAS MESSAGE Christ is this: ‘You need not live in darkness, misery, guilt, shame and hopelessness anymore. Come to Jesus. He will transform your life.’

The polities of the nations are changing, the rules of banking institutions are changing and the morals of every community is changing. What we once believed as rock solid, durable and unchangeable is all turning to be dross, dust and corrupt. But, thank God, the Word of God remains unchanged!

Jesus Christ Came To Give Eternal Life ‘I am the living bread that came down from heaven. If anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever. And the bread that I will give for the life of the world is my flesh’ (John 6:51). ‘And this is the testimony, that God gave us eternal life, and this life is in his Son’ (1 John 5:11). With each passing year, the message of Christmas should get louder and clearer. We need to tell those around us that the things they believe in will not help them in the day of trouble. The world as we know it is changing every day. The polities of the nations are changing, the rules of banking institutions are changing and the morals of every community are changing. What we once believed as rock solid, durable and unchangeable is all turning to be dross, dust and corrupt. But, thank God, the Word of God remains unchanged. Not only God’s Word, those who remain in Him will also remain forever. ‘And the world is passing away along with its desires, but whoever does the will of God abides forever’ (1 John 2:17). When change has become the only constant, the

Bible asks us to fix our eyes not on that which is worldly but that which is eternal. ‘As we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal’ (2 Corinthians 4:18). How does one get this eternal life? ‘And this is eternal life, that they know you the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent’ (John 17:3). That’s the true meaning of Christmas. Our trust is in the One who fulfilled the Law and the Prophets. We have been translated to light from a world of darkness. Our story does not end with this world. We have another world that is prepared for us. New heaven and new earth awaits those who are in Christ. That’s an everlasting promise!

The Real Star Of Bethlehem The route is longitude north up the meridian of the star Altair about 25 degrees. Starwatchers say the location points to a black hole in the night sky known as X-1 Cygnus, that is the Cygnus constellation, or northern cross. Mr. Allen said since a black hole is the remains of a large nova, X1 Cygnus is most likely the star of Bethlehem. The real star of Bethlehem is Jesus Christ. He is the fulfillment of every heart's desire. Today in prayer, praise the Lord that He came to earth to save you. “The birth of Jesus is the sunrise of the Bible.” – Henry van Dyke God’s Word: “And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night. An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord” (Luke 2:8-11)

“After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, during the time of King Herod, Magi from the east came to Jerusalem and asked, ‘Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? We saw his star when it rose and have come to worship him.’” – Matthew 2:1-2 IN 2017, it was learned that ancient Chinese astronomers might have cracked exactly where the star of Bethlehem was, and where it can now be found in the sky. Chinese astrologers first saw the star in 5 B.C. They spotted a nova 5 star along the Meridian of the star Altair. The Gospel of Matthew details how the three wise men saw the same star in the East and followed it to Bethlehem where Jesus was lying in a manger. According to Ron Allen, an author and the founder of the International Star Bible Society, several clues now point towards a star that could truly be the Star of Bethlehem. Mr. Allen suggests that if stargazers use the coordinates left by the ancient Chinese astrologers they can locate the star today. THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER w DECEMBER 2019


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A little faith: Christianity in Japan CHRISTIANITY is the world’s largest religion, with an estimated 2.4 billion followers, or nearly one-third of the world’s total population. But in Japan, Christians are a tiny minority. Unlike in neighboring South Korea, where some 29% of the population identify as Christians, in Japan the religion’s followers make up just 0.8%. But while more than 99% of Japanese people are not Christians, this does not mean that they dislike Christianity, or have a negative image of the religion. Far from it. In fact, it is fair to say that many Japanese people are quite familiar with various aspects of Christian culture. Children have heard of Jesus, of course. But at school they also learn about people and events connected with the history and culture of Christianity, from Martin Luther and Dostoyevsky to Mother Teresa. Many adults are interested in Christian art and music, and take pleasure in visiting cathedrals and churches during their travels overseas. Christmas is a firmly established event on the calendar popular with people from all generations and backgrounds, and many couples choose to get married in a Christian-style wedding, even if they are not believers. Christian culture in general has a positive image.

At the same time, most Japanese people have little or no interest in the Christian faith per se. Again, they do not critically reject Christian teachings after thorough study; they are simply not interested and never bother to find out. Japan is home to numerous schools founded by missionaries and other Christians. According to one survey, as many as one in 10 Japanese has attended a Christian school at some stage on their journey from kindergarten to college. Despite this exposure, the number of believers has remained stubbornly small. Japan’s tiny Christian population is made up of 60% Protestants and 40% Catholics, but many Japanese people would struggle to explain the difference or show much interest in understanding it. For most Japanese, their interest in Christianity is in a version of the faith that has been more or less stripped of its doctrinal content. Christianity was first preached in Japan in 1549, when Francis Xavier (1506–52) arrived with a group of missionaries in Kyûshû. They enjoyed considerable success in making converts, and the number of Christians increased dramatically in the early years. But within just 60 years of their arrival, the religion was outlawed. Ishikawa Akito in Nippon

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Show people how to worship God PASTORS who invite ‘celebrity worship leaders’ to have a Praise & Worship session in their churches seem to be trying to ride piggyback on the peopledrawing power of the much-feted man or woman. They may not be relying upon the majesty of God our Lord. That believers need to be told or taught to worship God is a fallacy. If you ask me, we only need to be shown how to worship God. We need to be shown two very basic but important things. Show me the utter grossness of my heart through the Word of God. And, show me the awesomeness of my God through the Bible. That helps me reflect on my life and give thanks to God and praise Him for the wondrous works that He has done in my life. That’s all I need to know. If, even after seeing these things, someone does not worship God then he is not saved yet at all. A soul and spirit touched by God cannot but soar up to Him. It’s the realization of my utter unworthiness and the absolute power and majesty of His glory that make me worship. But, nowadays megachurches have become rallying points for bulk sales of Christian musicians’ albums. The ‘celebrities’ only want to be on the stage, sell their wares and trot to the


next church. They have neither the time to pray for the hurting, the sick and the weak in faith nor the inclination to mix with the foot soldiers of Christ in the church. It’s all business as usual.


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TRANSFORM ME, LORD! ALTHOUGH the saints mentioned in the Holy Bible were men and women of like nature to us, they lived lives of testimony and ran their race of faith with endurance. The first five prayer points will help us pray in God’s presence to transform us like them and in the likeness of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. 1. ‘FOR Mordecai...was well received by the multitude of his brethren, seeking the good of his people and speaking peace to all his countrymen’ (Esther 10:3). Lord, I pray you would transform me like Mordecai to be a man who

always. In the lows and highs of my life, let Your praise be on my lips. Lord, transform me so my soul would cling on to you always in both sorrowful and joyful moments. 5. ‘NOW while Ezra was praying, and while he was confessing, weeping, and bowing down before the house of God... the people wept very bitterly’ (Ezra 10:1). Like leader, like people. Like pastor, like church. Lord, transform me

seeks the good of his people and speaks peace to all in his neighborhood and church. 2. ‘AND Mary remained with her about three months, and returned to her house’ (Luke 1:56). Lord, I pray you would transform me like Mary who left for her relative Elizabeth’s house after she came to know the latter was pregnant in her old age and spent three months of her time and labored there. Make me a person who would spend time and energy for those in need! 3. ‘...FOR they were considered faithful, and their task was to distribute to their brethren’ (Nehemiah 13:13). Lord, I pray you would transform me as a faithful man/woman like the four Jews who were appointed as treasurers over the storehouse in the Temple of God. Keep me away from all fleshly desires, Lord!

into a man who is earnest in his prayers and true in his repentance. Since the people who are with me will be like me, help me to be like Ezra in the confession of my sins, in the profession of my faith and the testimony of my life.

Other Prayer Points 6. THERE are at least 477 prisoners awaiting death sentence in India. Uttar Pradesh has the highest number of death convicts (174), followed by Karnataka (61), Maharashtra (50) and Bihar (35). Pray that these people repent of their crimes and are given a chance to hear the Gospel and accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. 7. THE telecom industry in India is going through a crisis. Last month, Bharti Airtel posted a net loss of Rs.23,045 crore for the second quarter ended Sept 3 0 . Vo d a f o n e I n d i a , another leading operator, reported a loss of Rs.50,921

4. ‘MY heart is overflowing with a good theme; I recite my composition concerning the King; My tongue is the pen of a ready writer’ (Psalm 45:1). If the praise of God were to be on my lips always, I need to have Him in my thoughts crore for the same quarter. This is said to be the worst THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER w DECEMBER 2019


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ever loss for a company in the history of India Inc. The industry is already put a freeze on new recruitments, salary hikes and allowances. Added to this, thousands of people employed in the industry are on the verge of losing their jobs. Pray for a turnaround of the situation. 8. DEUTSCHE Bank, the biggest bank in Europe, is in the process of imploding, and there are persistent rumors that the final collapse could happen sooner rather than later, according to a report in the media. The bank is operational

incident occurred on Nov 15 in Gwalior, a major centre of the Hindu Mahasabha activities since independence. Godse had acquired the pistol from Gwalior to kill Mahatma Gandhi. The Hindu Mahasabha activists in Gwalior have been worshipping Godse for many years and tried to install his statue in 2017, but the administration seized it and banned its installation. 12. PRAY for the people of the national capital region as they seem to be battling almost every day for clean air. The air quality index in Delhi and surrounding cities stand either at Poor or Very Poor category. Noida and Ghaziabad are

in 58 countries with a large presence in Europe, the Americas and Asia. In 2018, Deutsche Bank was rated as the 17th largest bank in the world. If the bank collapses it would spell trouble not only for European Union but also affect world economy significantly 9. FIFTY-NINE percent of girls in Bangladesh are married before their 18th birthday, and 22 percent are married before their 15th birthday. Bangladesh has one of the highest prevalence rate of child marriage in the world. An

considered to be among the most polluted cities in the country. According to Skymet, a weather forecasting agency, Delhi tops the chart of most polluted city in the world. Even as politicians turn a blind eye to the issue that could threaten the health of the other cities in the country soon, pray for the situation to improve. 13. THE geographical expanse of the Maoists’ violence seems to be shrinking in the country. In 2013, while left wing extremism was reported from 330 police stations in 76 districts spread over 10 states, in 2018 it was reported

estimated 4,441,500 absolute child brides are said to be living in that country. Poor education, dowry deaths and pre-marital pregnancies also plague the girl children of Bangladesh. Pray for the government to implement tough measures to curb and eradicate this dangerous trend. 10. AS many as 64 percent of the people in Japan are unreached by the Gospel. Pray for evangelistic efforts in that country to be more effective, that the people are protected from frequent natural disasters and the ministers of God to

only from 251 police stations in 60 districts spread across eight states. The Ministry of Home Affairs recently said 3,749 people were killed in 10 states in the past nine years. Pray that Maoists’ violence is completely put out in the 10 states (Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Bihar, Odisha, West Bengal, Maharashtra, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh).

redouble their soul winning efforts. 11. PRAY for peace in Madhya Pradesh in the wake of the police registering an FIR against some people for worshiping Nathuram Godse, the man who killed Mahatma Gandhi, and distributing leaflets that denigrated the Father of the Nation. The Website: Email:


Are you part of a unique ministry? Would you like to reach out to more people and tell them about your ministry needs? Get featured in The Christian Messenger. Call 0-7299100771 to know the tariff. DECEMBER 2019 w THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER

GOSPEL MELA 14. ALT HOUGH the worker is worthy of his wages, pray for God to raise up more men and women who take up evangelistic work along with their regular jobs. Such people will not be dependent on tithes and offerings given by the people to make a living and will follow the Pauline example (Acts 20:23-34) to fulfill their personal needs while they deploy the contributions received by their ministry fully to Gospel and social work at the field level. 15. ‘DO not marvel at this; for the hour is coming in which all who are in the graves will hear His voice and come forth—those who have done good, to the resurrection of life, and those who have done evil, to the resurrection of condemnation’ (John 5:28-29). The coming of the Lord is nearer than we think. Pray that we are ready to meet the Lord and we get ready a people to meet Him along with us.



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RtpNr\ Nksh 2019 xt;nthUtUk; miukzp Neuk; ghuj;Jld; n[gpf;f 15 n[gf;Fwpg;Gfs;

vd;id khw;Wk;> fh;j;jhNt! ghpRj;j Ntjhfkj;jpYs;s ghpRj;jthd;fSk;> ghpRj;jthl;bfSk; ek;ikg; NghyNt ghLs;s kD\h;fshapUe;Jk;> jq;fs; rhl;rpia fhj;Jf;nfhz;lhh;fs;. mth;fSf;F Kd; itf;fg;gl;l ,yf;if Nehf;fpg; nghWikaha; Xbdhh;fs;. mth;fisg; NghyTk;> ek; fh;j;jUk;> ,ul;rfUkhd ,NaR fpwp];Jitg; NghyTk; vd;idAk; khw;Wk; vd;W Njt rKfj;jpy; jhpj;jpUe;J n[gpf;f ,e;j Kjy; Ie;J Fwpg;Gfs; cjTk;. 1. nkhh;njfha; ~jd; [dq;fSila ed;ikia ehb> jd; Fyj;jhUf;nfy;yhk; rkhjhdKz;lhfg; NgRfpwtDkhapUe;jhd;| (v];jh; 10:3). ehDk; vd; rNfhjuUf;F ed;ik cz;lhtij tpUk;gTk;> mij ehlTk;> vd;Dila FLk;gKk;> FyKk;> rigAk;> ehd; trpf;Fk; njUTk;> ehLk; rkhjhdKs; s itfsha; ,Uf; f g; NgRfpwtdhfTk; vd;id khw;Wk;> fh;j;jhNt. 2. ~khpahs; Vwf;Fiwa %d;W khjk; mtSlNd ,Ue;J> jd; tPl;Lf;Fj; jpUk;gpg; Nghdhs;| (Y}f;fh 1:56). kybnad;dg;gl;l> jd; ,dj;jhshfpa vyprngj;J Kjph; tajpNy fh;g;ge;jhpj;jpUf;fpwhs; vd;gij kl;LNk mwpe;j khpahs; taJnrd;w jd; cwTf;fhhpf;Fg; gzptpil nra;a 3 khjk; jd;Dila Neuj;ijAk;> cly; ciog;igAk; nfhLj;jijg; Nghy> NjitAs;NshUf;F cjTk; Mshf vd;id khw;Wk;> fh;j;jhNt. 3. ~mth;fs; cz;ikAs;sth;fs; vd;W vz; z g; g l; l hh; f s; @ Mifahy; jq; f s; rNfhjuUf;Fg; gq;fpLfpw Ntiy mth;fSf;F xg;Gtpf;fg;gl;lJ| (neNfkpah 13:13). NjtDila Myaj;jpYs;s nghf;fp\ miwapd; tprhhpg;Gf;fhuuhf mkh;j;jg;gl;l me;j ehd;F A+jiug; Nghy vd;idAk; cz;ikAs;stdha; / cz;ikAs;stsha; khw;Wk;. kz;zhir> nghd;dhir> khk;rj;jpd; ,r;ir vd;gitfspypUe;njy;yhk; vd;id tpyf;fpf; fhUk;> fh;j;jhNt. 4. ~vd; ,Ujak; ey;y tpNr\j;jpdhy; nghq;FfpwJ@ ehd; uh[hitf; Fwpj;Jg; ghbd ftpiar; nrhy;YfpNwd;@ vd; ehT tpiutha; vOJfpwtDila vOj;jhzp| (rq;. 45:1). fh;j;jUila Jjp vg;nghOJk; vd; ehtpNy ,Uf;f Ntz;Lnkd;why;> vd; ,Ujaj;jpy; mtiuf; Fwpj;j rpe;ij vg;nghOJk; ,Uf;f Ntz;Lk;. cah;tpYk;> jho;tpYk;> Rfj;jpYk;> Jf;fj;jpYk; vd; Md;kh ck;ikNa gw;wpf; nfhz;bUf;f vd;id khw;Wk;> fh;j;jhNt. 5. ~v];wh ,g;gb tpz;zg;gk; gz;zp> mwpf;ifapl;L mOJ> NjtDila Myaj;Jf;F Kd;ghfj; jho tpOe;J fplf;ifapy;... [dq;fs; kpfTk; mOjhh;fs;| (v];wh 10:1). jiytd; Website: Email:

vg;gbNah> njhz;lh;fSk; mg;gbNa. Nghjfh; vg;gbNah> rigAk; mg;gbNa. cz;ikahd mDjhgj;NjhL ght mwpf;ifr; nra;fpwtdha;> vd;idNa ca;j;J Muha;e;Jghh;f;fpwtdha; vd;NdhbUf;fpwth;fSk;> vd;idg; NghyNt khWthh;fs; vd;gij czh;e;J kha;khykpy;yhky; n[gpf;fpwtdha;> tho;fpwtdha; vd;id khw;Wk;> fh;j;jhNt.

kw;w n[gf;Fwpg;Gfs; 6. 8.1 Nfhb [dj;njhif> 32 khtl;lq;fs;> 17>676 fpuhkq;fs; nfhz;l jkpo; ehL> ,e;jpa Njrj;jpd; Kjd;ik kw;Wk; ey;khjphpahd khepykhf khwTk;> khepyj;ij MSk; Kjy;th; Qhdkha;> Rje;jukha; ey;yhl;rp nra;aTk; n[gpf;fTk;. 7. tq;fhs Njrk; - cyfpNyNa kpf mjpfkhff; Foe;ij jpUkzk; (66%) eilngWk; ehL. 15 taJf;F Kd;G %d;wpy; xU ngz; Foe;ij jpUkzj;jpy; ,izf;fg;gLfpwhs;. gbg;ig ghjpapy; iftpLjy;> tujl;rid nfhLik> jpUkzj;jpw;F Kd;Ng fh;g;gkhFjy; ,q;F mjpfk;. ,j;Njr rpwhh;fSf;fhf n[gpAq;fs;. 8. Raeythjpfsha;> rhpahd Kd;khjphpfsha; jpfohky;> njhopNy fjpnad tho;e;J> gzNk nja;tnkd Xb> thh;j;ijapy; cz;ikapy;yhky;> nraypy; r%f mf;fiw nfhs;shky;> kdpj cwTfis myl;rpak; nra;J> gps;isfspd; vjph;fhyj;ij #dpakhf;Fk; ngw;Nwhh;fs; gps;is tsh;g;gpy; ftdk; nrYj;jhjJ ghtnkd czh;e;J kde;jpUk;g n[gpAq;fs;. 9. ,e;jpahtpy; Rkhh; 477 J}f;Fj;jz;lid ifjpfs; cs;sdh;. cj;jpug;gpuNjrj;jpy; 174 Ngh;> fh;ehlfhtpy; 61 Ngh;> k`huh\;buhtpy; 50 Ngh;> gPfhhpy; 35 Ngh; kuzjz;lidf;F tpjpf;fg;gl;Ls;sdh;. ,f;nfh^u Fw;wq;fis nra; g th; f s; kdk; khwTk; > Md; k P f kWkyh;r;rpailaTk; n[gpAq;fs;. 10. [g;ghdpy; cs;s re;jpf;fg;glhj 64% kf;fs; kj;jpapy; RtpNr\k; nrd;wilaTk;> mbf;fb



RtpNr\ Nksh epfOk; ,aw;if rPw;wq;fspypUe;J kf;fs; ghJfhf;fg;glTk; Njt gps;isfs; ,q;F ty;yikaha; Copak; nra;J Mj;Jk mWtil nra;aTk; n[gpAq;fs;. 11. jkpo;ehl;bd; tpUJefh; khtl;lj;jpy; 800 gl; l hR njhopw; r hiyfspy; 2 yl; r k; njhopyhsh;fs; cs;sdh;. fle;j 10 Mz;Lfspy; 300 NgUf; F k; Nky; tpgj; J f; f spy; gypahfpAs;sdh;. ,th;fspd; ghJfhg;gpw;fhfTk; tho;thjhuk; cauTk;> njhopw;rhiyfspYs;s tpjpkPwy;fs;> mjpfhhpfspd; myl;rpag;Nghf;F vd;git khwTk; n[gpAq;fs;. 12. kp\ndhpg; gzpj;jsq;fspy; rhpahd kUj;Jt trjp ,y;yhky; gutp tUk; nfhs;is Neha;> kh;kf; fha;r;ry;> kNyhpah kw;Wk; caph;f;nfhy;yp Neha;fspy; ,Ue;J Copah;fisAk;> tpRthrpfisAk; fh;j;jh; ghJfhj;J mw;Gj Rfk; nfhLf;f n[gpAq;fs;. 13. ~xUtDila nts; s piaahfpYk; nghd;idahfpYk; t];jpuj;ijahfpYk; ehd; ,r;rpf;ftpy;iy. ePq;fs; mwpe;jpUf;fpwgb>

vdf;Fk; vd;DlNd $l ,Ue;jth;fSf;Fk; Ntz;baitfSf;fhf ,e;jf; iffNs Ntiy nra;jJ| (mg;. 20:33>34). Copa miog;gpw;F Vw;g czh; T ld; gzj; j pw; f hf my; y guk miog;gpw;fhf ghuKld; Copak; nra;Nthh; ,e;jpahtpYk;> kw;w Njrq;fspYk; vOk;g n[gpAq;fs;. 14. ~,Njh> #isiag;Nghy> vhpfpw ehs; tUk;. mg;nghOJ mfq;fhhpfs; ahtUk; mf;fpukQ;nra;fpw ahtUk; JUk;ghapUg;ghh;fs;. tug;Nghfpw me;j ehs; mth;fisr; Rl;nlhpf;Fk; vd;W Nridfspd; fh;j;jh; nrhy;fpwhh;| (ky;fpah 4:1). tUif rkPgk;. gagf;jpAld; Maj;jkhf n[gpAq;fs;. 15. ~gpNujf; FopfspYs;s midtUk; mtUila rj;jj;ijf; Nfl;Fq; fhyk; tUk;@ mg;nghOJ ed;ik nra;jth;fs; [Ptid milAk;gb vOe;jpUf;fpwth;fshfTk;> jPik nra;jth;fs; Mf;fpid milAk;gb vOe;jpUf;fpwth;fshfTk; Gwg;gLthh;fs;| (Nahthd; 5:28-29). tUif rkPgk;. Maj;jkhf n[gpAq;fs;.

NE Christian forum voices concern over CAB THE United Christian Forum of North East India, which represents all churches in the region, voiced concern over the prevailing uncertainty in regard to adherence to Constitutional provisions in the wake of the proposed Citizenship Amendment Bill. According to the Shillong Times, representatives of the forum met at the headquarters of the Northeast India Christian Council to discuss the latest trends in the country that are likely to affect their future. During the discussion at a seminar titled, ‘Christian identity and its challenges today’, the representatives voiced their anxiety over the

proposed bill in Parliament. Archbishop Thomas Menamparambil, the archbishop emeritus of Guwahati, urged people to keep all doors open for dialogue. “The economic slowdown is an alarming trend,” he said and called upon the best talents in the country to address the issue. The forum’s spokesman, Allen Brooks, said the Christian principle demanded working towards a just society. “Anything that appears like discrimination or exploitation should be avoided,” he added.

Believers fellowship outside locked-out churches in Algeria HUNDREDS of Algerians marched in the capital city, Algiers, on Nov 20 to protest the upcoming elections in the country. According to Mission Network News, authorities in Algiers have closed 12 churches since the beginning of 2019. Although the believers have been locked out of their churches, at some places they continue to assemble to conduct services in front of the churches. Persecution watchdog Open Doors USA ranks Algeria at No. 22 on its World Watch List, a compilation of nations where Christian persecution is most severe. In October, the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom called upon Algeria’s government to stop its systematic THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER w DECEMBER 2019

persecution of Christians. Yet, despite ongoing oppression, believers continue to worship God and make His name known. Pastor Salah Challah, the President of the Protestant Church of Algeria and senior pastor of the Full Gospel congregation, said authorities “can seal our churches but not our hearts.” “Algeria is one of those (places) where the Christian Church has been growing dramatically… and all sudden there’s this pushback, but God uses that to draw people to himself,” Rogers says.


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~vdf;F ed;ikAz;lhf vd;id epidj;jUSk;| uhgpd; rhk; ~vd; NjtNd vdf;F ed;ikAz;lhf vd;id epidj;jUSk;| (neNfkpah 13:31). A+Njahtpy; 12 tUlq;fs; mjpgjpahf ,Ue;J vUrNyk; efuj;jpd; rPuikg;igAk;> efuj;jpd; myq;fj;jpDila NtiyfisAk;> ghgpNyhdpa rpiwapUg;Gf;Fg; gpd;G ,];uNtypd; Mtpf;Fhpa tho;f;ifapd; GJg;gpj;jiyAk; Kd;dpd;W elj;jpdtd; neNfkpah. mh;jr\;lh uh[htpd; ghdghj;jpuf;fhudhAk;> ek;gpf;iff;Fg; ghj;jputhdhAk; ,Ue;j neNfkpah 4 Kiw jdf;F ed;ikAz;lhf n[gpj;jhd; vd;W mtDila ngah; nfhz;l Gj;jfj;jpy; thrpf;fpNwhk;. Kjy; Kiw mg;gbg;gl;l n[gj;ij Ie;jhtJ mjpfhuj;jpd; filrp trdj;jpy; ghh;f;fpNwhk;: ~vd; NjtNd ehd; ,e;j [dj;Jf;fhfr; nra;j vy;yhtw;wpd;gbAk; vdf;F ed;ikAz;lhf vd;id epidj;jUSk;| (neNf. 5:19). neNfkpahtpd; Gj;jfk; Kbtjw;FKd; NkYk; %d;W Kiw ,ijg; Nghd;w NtW %d;W n[gq;fSk; neNfkpahtpdhy; VnwLf;fg;gl;ld (neNf 13:14> 22 kw;Wk; 31 trdq;fis thrpf;fTk;). neNfkpahtpDila ,e; j n[gq; f s; tpNr\khditfs; @ kpfTk; jdpj; J tk; tha; e ; i jitfs; . neNfkpahtpd; ~vdf; F ed;ikAz;lhf vd;id epidj;jUSk;| vd;w n[gq;fs; ekf;F czh;j;Jk; 3 rj;jpaq;fis cq;fSf;F Kd;ghf itf;fpNwd;: Website: Email:

1. vdf;fhf ehd; n[gpg;gJ jtwy;y 2. vd;Dila fphpiafSf;Fg; gyd; cz;L 3. vd; fphpiafis ehd; Nrhjpj;Jg; ghh;g;gJ mtrpak; ,e;j %d;W rj;jpaq;fisAk; Njt Mtpahdth; jhNk ekf;F czh;j;jp Nghjpf;Fk;gbahf ehd; n[gpf;fpNwd;. neNfkpahitg; Nghy ed;ik nra;fpwtdhAk;> ed;ikAz;lhf n[gpf;fpwtdhAk; ek;ik Mz;lth; khw;wl;Lk;. Kjy; rj;jpaj;ij ,g;nghOJ ghh;g;Nghk;.

vdf;fhf ehd; n[gpg;gJ jtwy;y ,e;jr; rj;jpak; kpfTk; rhjhuzkhdjhfj; Njhd;wpdhYk; mNefUf;F ,J Gyg;gLtjpy;iy. Mtpf;Fhpa $l;lq;fspy; ngUk;ghYk; ehk; gpwUf;fhf n[gpf;fpNwhk;. cgthr n[gq;fs;> kd;whl;L n[gq;fs;> jpwg;gpd; thry; n[gq;fs;> KO ,uT n[gq;fs; Nghd;witfspy; ehk; mjpfkhfg; gpwUf;fhfNt n[gpj;Jg; gofpAs;Nshk;. mJ kl;Lky;y> ghpRj;jthd;fSk;> ghpRj;jthl;bfSk; jq;fSf;fhf n[gpg;gJ rhpay;y my;yJ mJ Njitapy;yhjJ vd;gijg; Nghd;w xU vz;zk; ek;kpilNa NkNyhq;fpAs;sJ. ~fh;j;jh; vd; Njitfisg; ghh;j;Jf; nfhs;thh;| my;yJ ~vd; NjtDf;F vd; Njitfs; vd;d vd;W njhpAk;| vd;nwy;yhk; ehk; kpfTk; gt;tpakhfr; nrhy;tJz;L. ,JNghd;w fUj;Jf;fNs ekf;fhf ehNk n[gpg;gJ mt;tsT



Njtnra;jp rhpay;y vd;wnjhU vz;zj;ij ek;kpilNa gug;gpAs;sd. Mdhy; me;j vz;zk; jtW. neNfkpah kl;Lky;y> ,NaRthdth; jkf;fhf n[gpj;jhh;> mg;Ngh];jydhfpa gTy; jdf;fhf> jd; gytPdk; ePq;f n[gpj;jhh; vd;W Ntjk; ekf;Ff; fhz;gpf;fpd;wJ. ,NaR nfj;nrkNd vd;Dk; ,lj;jpw;Fg; Ngha;> ~vd; gpjhNt> ,e;jg; ghj;jpuk; vd;idtpl;L ePq;ff;$Lkhdhy; ePq;Fk;gb nra;Ak;…| vd;W n[gpj;jhh; (kj;. 26:39). mg;Ngh];jydhfpa gTYk; jd;Dila khk;rj;jpy; Njtdhy; nfhLf;fg;gl;l Ks;nshd;W ePq;Fk;gb n[gpj;jhd;. ~mJ vd;idtpl;L ePq;Fk;gbf;F> ehd; %d;Wjuk; fh;j;jhplj;jpy; Ntz;bf;nfhz;Nld;| (2 nfhhp. 12:8). neNfkpahtpd; n[gq;fspUe;J> ,NaRthdthpd; n[gj;jpypUe;J> Copauhd gTypd; n[gq;fspypUe;J ehk; njhpe;Jnfhs;s Ntz;ba rj;jpak; ,JNt: vdf;fhf ehd; n[gpg;gJ jtwy;y> mJ vd;Dila gf;jpiaNah> ghpRj;jj;ijNah Fiwj;Jf; fhz;gpf;fhJ. vdf;F ed;ikAz;lhf ehd; n[gpg;gjw;FKd; ehd; mjw;F vd;idj; jFjpg;gLj;jpf;nfhs;sTk; Ntz;Lk;. mij vg;gb nra;tJ? neNfkpahtpd; tho;f;ifiaf; $h;e;J ftdpAq;fs;. neNfkpah vg;nghOJk; n[gpf;fpw kdpjdhf ,Ue;jhd;. vUrNykpd; myq;fk; ,bgl;lijAk;> mjpd; thry;fs; Rl;nlhpf;fg;gl;lijAk; Nfs;tpg;gl;lNghJ mtd; n[gpj;jhd; (neNf. 1:4-11). uh[htpdplj;jpy; jd; tpz;zg;gj;ij itg;gjw;F Kd;G mtd; n[gpj;jhd; (2:4). myq;fj;jpd; Ntiyf; F vjpuhf vjph; g ; G tUfpwJ vd;wwpe;jTld; mtd; n[gpj;jhd; (4:8-9). rpiwapUg;gpd; fhyj;jpy; iftplg;gl;l $lhug; gz;bifia ,];uNty; jpUk;g Mrhpj;jNghJ NytpaNuhL $lTk;> [dq;fNshL $lTk; mtd; n[gpj;jhd;. vg;NghJk; n[gpf;fpw kD\d;> vy;yhtw;wpw;fhfTk; n[gpf;fpw kdpjd;> vy;yhUf;fhfTk; n[gpf;fpw kdpjd;> gpwUf;fhfg; ghLgLfpw kdpjd;> gpwh; ed;ikf;fhfg; gpuahrg;gLfpw kdpjd; ijhpakhfNt jdf;F ed;ikAz;lhf n[gpf;fyhk;. mtDila n[gk; Nfl;fg;gLk;.

vd;Dila fphpiafSf;Fg; gyd; cz;L ntspg;gLj;jpd tpNr\j;jpd; filrp mjpfhuk; %d;W Kiw ek; Mz;ltuhfpa ,NaR fpwp];J jhk; rPf;fpukha; tUNtd; vd;W mg;. NahthDf;F ntspg;gLj;jpdijf; fhz;gpf;fpwJ (ntsp. 22:7> 12> 20 trdq;fis thrpf;fTk;). me;j %d;W THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER w DECEMBER 2019

uh[htpdplj;jpy; jd; tpz;zg;gj;ij itg;gjw;F Kd;G mtd; n[gpj;jhd; (2:4). myq;fj;jpd; Ntiyf;F vjpuhf vjph;g;G tUfpwJ vd;wwpe;jTld; mtd; n[gpj;jhd; (4:8-9). rpiwapUg;gpd; fhyj;jpy; iftplg;gl;l $lhug; gz;bifia ,];uNty; jpUk;g Mrhpj;jNghJ NytpaNuhL $lTk;> [dq;fNshL $lTk; mtd; n[gpj;jhd;. trdq;fspy; xU trdk; ekf;F kpFe;j ek;gpf;ifiaj; jUk; trdkhFk;. ~,Njh> rPf;fpukha; tUfpNwd;@ mtdtDila fphpiafspd;gb mtdtDf;F ehd; mspf;Fk; gyd; vd;NdhNl$l tUfpwJ| (ntsp. 22:12). ek; fphpiafSf;Fg; gyd; cz;L vd;gJ gioa Vw;ghl;bYk; mwptpf;fg;gl;lJ: ~,Njh> fh;j;juhfpa Mz;lth; guhf;fpukrhypahf tUthh;> mth; jkJ Gaj;jpdhy; murhSthh;@ ,Njh> mth; mspf;Fk; gyd; mtNuhNl$l tUfpwJ@ mth; nfhLf;Fk; gpujpgyd; mtUila Kfj;Jf;F Kd;ghfr; nry;YfpwJ| (Vrhah 40:10). G+kpapy; ,NaRthdth; capNuhbUe;j ehl;fspy;> jk; rP\h;fSf;F ,ij mwptpj;jhh;: ~kD\Fkhud; jk;Kila gpjhtpd; kfpiknghUe;jpdtuha;j; jk;Kila J}jNuhLq;$l tUthh; @ mg; n ghOJ> mtdtd; fphpiaf;Fj;jf;fjhf mtdtDf;Fg; gydspg;ghh;| (kj;. 16:27). nfhhpe;J rig tpRthrpfSf;F mg;. gTy; ,e;jr; rj;jpaj;ij kpfTk; mofhfg;Ghpa itj;jhh;: ~NkYk; eLfpwtDk; ePh;g;gha;r;RfpwtDk; xd; w hapUf; f pwhh; f s; @ mtdtd; jd; j d; Ntiyf;F jf;fjha;f; $ypiag; ngWthd;| (1 nfhhp. 3:8). ek; fphpiafSf;Fk;> Ntiyf;Fk; gyDz;L vd;w rj;jpaj;ij neNfkpah ed;F mwpe;J itj;jpUe;jhd;. ~vdf;F ed;ikAz;lhf vd;id epidj;jUSk;| vd;W ehd;F Kiw mtd; n[gpj;jhd; vd;W ghh;j;Njhk;. ehd;F KiwAk; fh;j;jUf;nfd;W> jk; [dq;fSf;nfd;W> mtuJ Myaj;jpw;nfd;W rpy fhhpaq;fisj; jpahfj;NjhLk;> ituhf;fpaj;NjhLk;> ijhpaj;NjhLk; nra;J Kbj;jgpwNf ~,e;jf; fhhpaj;jpNy vd;id epidj;jUSk;| vd;W n[gpj;jhd;. jhd; nra;j fphpiafSf;Fg; gyd; cz;L vd;W neNfkpah cWjpahf ek;gpdhd;. mij


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mwpf;ifapl;lhd;. n[gpj;jhd;. mij NjtDf;F epidg;G+l;bdhd;. ,e;jr; nra;jpia thrpf;Fk; gphpakhdtNu> cq;fs; fphpiafSf;Fk; gyd; cz;L. Mifahy;> njhlh;e;J ed;ik nra;Aq;fs;. ed;ikAz;lhf n[gpAq;fs;. ~ed;iknra;aTk;> ew;fphpiafspy; IRthpathd;fshfTk;> jhuhskha;f; nfhLf;fpwth;fSk;> cjhuFzKs; s th; f shapUf; f Tk; > epj; j pa [Ptidg; gw;wpf;nfhs;Sk;gb tUq;fhyj;jpw;fhfj; jq;fSf;F ey;y Mjhuj;ijg; nghf;fp\khf itf;fTk;| ekf;Ff; fl;lisaplg;gl;bUf;fpwJ (1 jPNkh. 6:18-19).

vd; fphpiafis ehd; Nrhjpj;Jg; ghh;g;gJ mtrpak; neNfkpahtpd; ~vdf;F ed;ikAz;lhf vd;id epidj;jUSk;| vd;w n[gq;fs; ekf;Ff; fhz;gpf;Fk; %d;whtJ rj;jpaj;ijg; ghh;g;Nghk;. vd; fphpiafSf;Fg; gyd; cz;L vd;gjdhy; vd; fphpiafs; vg;gbg;gl;litfs; vd;gij ehd; Muha;e;J ghh;f;f Ntz;Lk;. ~…mtdtDila Ntiyg;ghL ntspahFk;@ ehshdJ mij tpsq;fg;gz;Zk;. Vnddpy; mJ mf;fpdpapdhNy ntspg;gLj;jg;gLk;@ mtdtDila Ntiyg;ghL vj;jd;ikAs;snjd;W mf;fpdpahdJ ghpNrhjpf;Fk;. mjpd;Nky; xUtd; fl;bdJ epiyj;jhy;> mtd; $ypia ngWthd;. xUtd; fl;bdJ nte;JNghdhy; mtd; e\;lkilthd;...| (1 nfhhp. 3:13-15). fphpiafspdhy; my;y fpUigapdhNyNa ehk; ,ul;rpf;fg;gLfpNwhk;. Mdhy;> ,ul;rpf;fg;gl;l xUtDila tpRthrj;ijAk;> ghpRj;jj;ijAk; kl;Lky;y mtDila fphpiafisAk; Njtd; ftdpf;fpwhh; vd;gjdhy; ehk; ek; fphpiafs; NkYk; ftdKs;sth;fshapUf;f Ntz;Lk;. ~tPzhd kD\Nd> fphpiafspy;yhj tpRthrk; nrj;jnjd;W eP mwpa Ntz;LNkh?| (ahf;NfhG 2:20). fphpiafs;Nky; ftdkhapUf;fpwth;fs; rpy fhhpaq;fspy; [hf;fpuijahapUf;f Ntz;Lk;. mth;fs; IRthpathd;fshf Ntz;Lnkd;W gpuahrg;glf; $lhJ (ePjp. 23:4). fhuzk;> ~kD\d; cyfk; KOtijAk; Mjhag;gLj;jpf; nfhz;lhYk;> jd; [Ptid e\;lg;gLj;jpdhy; mtDf;F yhgk; vd;d?| (kj;. 16:26). jq;fs; fphpiafisr; Nrhjpj;Jg; ghh;f;fpwth;fs; ~mope;JNghfpw Ngh[dj;jpw;fhf my;y> epj; j pa [P t d; tiuf; F k; epiyepw; f pw

Ngh[dj;jpw;fhfNt fphpia| elg;gpf;f Ntz;Lk; (Nah. 6:27). mth;fs; gpiog;gpw;F Ntiy nra;af;$lhJ vd;wy;y> mij kl;LNk nra;fpwth;fshf ,Uf;ff;$lhJ vd;gijNa ,NaR czh;j;jpdhh;. ~KjyhtJ NjtDila uh[; a j; i jAk; mtUila ePjpiaAk; NjLq;fs;| (kj;. 6:33). jq;fs; fphpiafSf;Fg; gyd; cz;L vd;gijawpe;J mjpd;Nky; Nehf;fkhapUf;fpwth;fs; ~fh;j;jUf;Fs; gpuahrg;gLfpwth;fsha; ,Uf;f Ntz;Lk;. mJkl;Lky;y> ~ed;wha; tprhuiznra;fpw %g;gh;fis> tpNr\khfj; jpUtrdj;jpYk; cgNjrj;jpYk; gpuahrg;gLfpwth;fis> ,ul;bg;ghd fdj;jpw;Fg; ghj;jpuuhf vz;z Ntz;Lk;| (1 jPNkh. 5:17). ~filrpahf> ek; fphpiafSf;F KbT tUfpd;wJ vd;gijAk; ehk; njhpe;Jnfhs;s Ntz;Lk;. ~…NjtDila [dq;fSf;F ,isg;ghWfpw fhyk; ,dp tUfpwjhapUf;fpwJ| (vgpnuah; 4:9). ~Mifahy;… xUtdhfpYk; fPo;g;gbahikapdhNy tpOe;JNghfhjgbf;F> ehk; ,e;j ,isg;ghWjypy; gpuNtrpf;f [hf;fpuij-ahapUf;ff;flNthk;| (4:11). Mnkd;. my;NyY}ah!


Open and Distance Learning Programme Join for 1. Musician Membership – MICM. Eligibility: Experienced and Qualified Christian Musicians, Singers, Music Directors, Choir Directors, Music Ministry Leaders, Audio and Sound Engineers & Technicians, Worship Leaders, and Music Teachers. 2. Doctor of Christian Music 3. Doctor of Christian Music (Honorary)

For more details reach us at: 9952003331/ 9940173793 Dr. Joseph. C, B.Tech., MISE., MBA., Ph.D., Director – ICCM, th No.3/D, 9 Main Road, Sasi Rekkama Nagar, Kannadasan Nagar, Chennai 600 118.

Mtpf;Fhpa Njtnra;jpfisg; ngw;Wf;nfhs;s vq;fsJ YouTube channel, Messenger TV-I ghh;f;fTk;. Website: Email:



FWf;nfOj;J N`kh jdrPyd;

vz;zhfkk; B kw;Wk; C gbtq;fspy; nghUj;jkhd Ntjhfkf; Fwpg;ig vOjp A gbtj;Jld; mDg;g Ntz;Lk;. ,g;Nghl;bf;fhd cq;fs; gjpy;fis gbtk; A-apy; epug;gp> B kw;Wk; C Mfpa gbtq;fspy; trd ,Ug;gplq;fis kl;Lk; vOjp brk;gh; 15> 2019 Njjpf;Fs; fpilf;FkhW mDg;Gq;fs;.

gj;jphpf;ifapy; ntspaplg;gl;Ls;s gbtq;fis efy; vLj;J kl;LNk mDg;g Ntz;Lk;. gpw KiwfspNyh (mQ;ry; ml;il> cs;ehl;Lf; fth;> jhs; Nghd;witfspy;) tiue;Njh gjpy;fis mDg;gf; $lhJ. mitfs; Nghl;bf;F vLj;Jf;nfhs;sg;glkhl;lhJ. Mrphpah;. gbtk; A 1





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gbtk; B ,lkpUe;J tyk;: 1. ghteptpHj;jp nra;Ak; nghUl;L fhzpf;ifahff; nfhz;L tug;gl;l nghw;gzpfspy; xd;W (9) ( ____________ ) 7. fhj; re;jjpahH fl;bd muzhd gl;lzq;fspy; xd;W (4) ( ____________ ) 9. ,e;jg; gl;lzj;ijr; NrHe;j ehlhdJ MLkhLfSf;Fj; jFe;j ,lk; (3) ( ____________ ) 10. MNrH Nfhj;jpuj;jhH mUNf ,tDila Nfhj;jpuj;jhH ghsakpwq;f Ntz;Lk; (4) ( _______ ) 12. ,];uNtyH ,J njhlq;fp MNgy; rpj;jPk; kl;Lk; ghsakpwq;fpapUe;jhHfs; (6) ( __________ ) 13. ,tdpd; re;jjpahd FLk;gk; ngd;akPd; Gj;jpuhpd; FLk;gq;fspy; xd;W (4) ( ____________ ) 15. ,tdpd; re;jjpahd FLk;gk; nrGNyhdpahpd; FLk;gq;fspy; xd;W (4) ( ____________ ) 16. ,r;rpj;j [dq;fis mlf;fk; gz;zpd ];jyk; (4> 4) ( ____________ ) 18. nrNyhg;gpahj;jpd; Fkhuj;jpfs; jq;fs; rNfhjuUf;Fs;Ns ,ijf; Nfl;lhHfs; (5)( ________ ) 20. gypfs; nrYj;jg;gLk; NghJ G+hpiffis Cj Ntz;Lk; (4) ( ____________ ) 21. ,tdpd; Fkhud; vypjhj; (4) ( ____________ ) 23. ,];uNtyH rhg;NgH kiyapypUe;J Gwg;gl;Lg; Ngha; ,q;Nf ghsakpwq;fpdhHfs; (6) ( ____________ ) 24. Nfhfhj;jpd; topaha; ,tHfspd; tk;rk; Njhd;wpaJ (5) ( ____________ ) 25. CrpNaypd; Fkhud; (5) ( ____________ ) THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER w DECEMBER 2019


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28. ___________ ehspy; mfPuh fhzpf;if nrYj;jpdhd; (7) ( ___________ ) 30. vfpg;jpNy fpuakpy;yhky; rhg;gpl;l ,itfis [dq;fs; epidj;jhHfs; (7) ( ____________ ) 31. ,];uNty; [dk; ,ijg; Nghy vOk;Gk; (3> 4) ( ____________ ) gbtk; C NkypUe;J fPo;: 1. ,ijf; fHj;jUila re;epjpapy; nfhz;L te;jjhy; ehjhGk;> mgpA+Tk;; khpj;jhHfs; (4> 4) ( ______ ) 2. fHj;jUila mf;fpdp gw;wpnahpe;jjpdhy; ,e;jg; ngaH te;jJ (3) ( ____________ ) 3. g];fhit Mrhpf;Fk; NghJ Grpf;Fk; fPiuapd; Rit (4) ( ____________ ) 4. kdhNr re;jjpf;Fr; Nrdhgjp (5) ( ____________ ) 5. nrNyhkpapd; Fkhud; (4) ( ____________ ) 6. Vohk; khjk; Kjy; Njjp ,J $Lk; ehshapUf;ff;fltJ (5> 2) ( ____________ ) 8. ,tdpd; re;jjpahd FLk;gk; eg;jypapd; FLk;gq;fspy; xd;W (4) ( ____________ ) 11. ghsaj;jpy; jPHf;fjhprdk; nrhd;d ,UtH (4> 3) ( ____________ ) 12. ,];uNtyH ,q;fpUe;J Gwg;gl;Lg; Ngha; fpj;fhj; kiyapNy ghsakpwq;fpdhHfs; (6)(______ ) 14. kd;dhtpd; epwk; ,ijg; Nghy ,Ue;jJ (3) ( ____________ ) 17. Nkfk; ,jpd; Nky; jq;fpapUf;Fk; ehnsy;yhk; ,];uNtyH ghsaj;jpy; jq;fpapUg;ghHfs; (6) ( ____________ ) 19. ________ fplhhp ghsaj;Jf;F ntspNa nfhy;yg;glf;fltJ (5) ( ____________ ) 20. erNua tpujq; fhg;gtdpd; jiyapd; Nky; ,e;jf; fj;jp glyhfhJ (5) ( ____________ ) 22. &gdpahpd; FLk;gq;fspy; xd;W (6) ( ____________ ) 26. ,tDf;Fk; RNjrpf;Fk; xNu fl;lis ,Uf;f Ntz;Lk; (4) ( ____________ ) 27. nfHNrhd; Gj;jpuUf;Fg; gq;fhf nfhLf;fg;gl;l tz;by;fspd; vz;zpf;if (4) ( __________ ) 28. rHthq;f jfdgypahf ehd;fhk; ehs; nrYj;j Ntz;ba fhisfspd; vz;zpf;if (3)( ____ ) 29. tPL epiwa ,ijj; je;jhYk; gpNyahk; fHj;jhpd; fl;lisia kPw khl;lhH (3)( __________ )

gjpy;fis mDg;gNtz;ba Kfthp: jp fpwp];bad; nknrQ;rh;> vz;. 20/20, ghujpahh; njU> rPdpthrh efh;> ghb> nrd;id 600 050.

cq;fs; ngah; : ______________________ ,lk; : ______________________ miyNgrp vz;: ______________________ nrd;w khjj;jpd; rhpahd tpilfs;: ahf;NfhG> Nahthd;> A+jh epUgq;fs; NkypUe;J fPo;: 1. Rj;jpfhpAq;fs; (ah 4:8) 2. tOthjgb (A+ 1:24) 3. fw;gidfs; (2 Nah 1:6) 5. thQ;iraha; (ah 4:5) 6. eifg;G (ah 4:9) 7. cth;g;ghd ah 3: 12 9. tpj;J (1 Nah 3:9) 10. epahag;gpukhzk; (ah 2:10) 12. mgpN\fk; (1 Nah 2:27) 13. thh;j;ij 1Nah 1: 10 17. guj;jpypUe;J (ah 3:17) 19. jpNahj;jpuNug;G (3 Nah 1:9) 21. jhkjkhAk; (ah 1:19) 22. kpfTk; (ah 5:16) 25. md;gpy; (1 Nah 4:16) 26. kpUfk; (ah 3:7) 27. ve;j (ah 1:17) Website: Email:

etk;gh; khjg; Nghl;bf;fhd rhpahd tpilfis vOjpath;fs;:

,lkpUe;J tyk;: 1. RghtKfk; (ah 1:23) 4. ehthdJk; (ah 3:5) 8. thypgh; (1 Nah 2:14) 10. epahaj;jPh;g;G (A+ 1:6) 11. gf;ftopaha; (A+ 1:4) 14. uhfhg; (ah 2:25) 15. gpjhthdth; (1 Nah 3:1) 16. fiwglhj (ah 1:27) 18. guNyhfj;jpy; (1 Nah 5:7) 20. nrj;jjha; (ah 2:26) 23. cj;jkd; (ah 1:12) 24. flypd;> miy (ah 1:6) 28. xUtNu (ah 4:12) 29. VJty;yhj> ghtk; (1 Nah 5:17) 30. Gwk;Ng (1 Nah 4:18) 21

Mgpufhk; NtjKj;J> gpukpyh Jiuuh[;> eph;kyh Nltpl;> n`g;rpgh jhk];> VQ;[yh uh[d;> fpNu]; tp[auhzp> Ilh rpq;> ehd;]p Mgpufhk;> Nrh/gpah NldpNay;> yPyh ghz;bad;> Qhdnry;tp> ehd;]p Re;jh;> ePdh vyprngj;> \Pgh n[gJiu(nrd;id). fpshuh (tlf;F uh[hT+h;)>

gpNukyjh Re;jh;ghG (nrq;fy;gl;L)> nfl;rp jk;Guh[; (rptpy;ypGj;J}H)> QhdRe;jhp (jpUney;Ntyp)> Nkh;]p n`f;lh; (ehfh;Nfhtpy;)> [_ypal; ,jo; uhgpd;rd; (rpte;jpGuk;)> [hd;rp (Midkiy). DECEMBER 2019 w THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER

rhpj;jpuk; NgRfpwJ

jkpio tsh;;j;j may;ehl;L Jwtp etk;gh; 8 tPukhKdpth; gpwe;j ehs;. ,j;jhyp ,NaR rigia Nrh;e;j fhd;rd;ild; Nrhrg; ng];fp 1680-k; Mz;L etk;gh; 8-Mk;Njjp ,j;jhyp ehl;by; fh];jpfpypNahd; vd;w Chpy; gpwe;jhh;. ngw;Nwhh; nfhz;ly;Ngh ng];fp> vyprngj; ng];fp. fpwp];jt kjg; gug;Giuf;fhf> 1710-Mk; Mz;by; nre;jkpo; ehl;bw;F> Njd; jkpo; fw;f Njf;F kuj; Njfj;NjhLk;> ghf;F ku cauj;NjhLk; te;jhh;. fg;gujPgf;ftpuhahplk; jkpiof; fw;whh;. ~tPukhKdpth;>| ~ijhpaehjhrhkp>| ~Rtb NjLk; rhkpahh;>| ~G+f;fspd; fhjyd;|... Nghd;witfs; ,th; jkpo;ghy; nfhz;l fhjyhy; typa te;J xl;bf; nfhz;l Gidngah;fs;. Njk;gp mohky; njk;ghff; fw;w jkpo;g; Gyikahy; Njk;ghtzp fhtpaj;ij ,ikfs; J}f;fk; jOthJ tpiue;J vOjp muq;Nfw;wk; fz;lhh;. ,J ,thpd; jkpo;g;Gyikf;F rhd;whf cs;sJ. ,e;jf; fhg;gpak; KOtjpYk; tPukhKdpthpd; kuG ftpijfspd; jkpoKjj;ijg; gUfp kfpoyhk;. jkpo;nkhopapd; tsh;r;rpf;Fk; rpwg;Gf;Fk; Vw;wg; gzpfis nra;Js;s ,th;> jkpopy; 23 E}y;fis vOjpAs;shh;. jkpo; fw;f VJthf jkpo;-yj;jPd; mfuhjpia cUthf;fpdhh;. gpd;G jkpo; Nghh;r;Rf;fPrpa mfuhjpia cUthf;fpdhh;. jkpo;-Nghh;r;Rf;fPrpa mfuhjpia cUtf;fpaJ ,tuJ tho;ehs; rhjidahFk;. ,d;W jkpo; Gyth;fNs ~g]; te;jhr;rh| vd;W fyg;gpd nkhopr; ruL tpLk; fhyj;jpy;> tPukhKdpth; md;Nw> jpUf;fhtY}hpy; jkpo;f; fy;Y}hpia Muk;gpj;J RNar;irahf jkpohrphpauhfTk; mkh; e ; J > ,yf; f zg; gpioapy;yh> tuk;gpy;yh jdpj; jkpo; typikfis gy mkh;Tfspy; mrj;jpapUf;fpwhh;. jpUf;Fws;> Njthuk; jpUg;Gfo;> ed;D}y;> Mj;jpr;#b Mfpa E}y;fis> INuhg;gpa nkhopapy; ntspapl;lhh;. ,yf;fpar; Rtbfis gy ,lq;fspy; nrd;W Njbaiye;J Nrfhpj;jhh;. ,jdhy; ,th; ~Rtb NjLk; rhkpahh;| vd;W miof;fg;gl;lhh;. jkpo; mfuhjpia midtUf;Fk; GhpAk;gb ciueilapy; ntspapl;lhh;. tPukhKdpthpd; jkpo;j;njhz;L fhuzkhf mtuJ ,aw;ngauhd fhd; r d; i ld; N[hrg; ng]; f p khwp tPukhKdptuhf jkpo;ehl;by; tyk; te;jhh;. jkpo; ,yf;fzj;ij vspikg;gLj;jp njhd;D}y; tpsf;fk; vd;w ,yf;fz E}iyg; gilj;jhh;. mjpy; vOj;J> nrhy;> nghUs;> ahg;G> mzp> Mfpa Ie;J ,yf;fzq;fisj; njhFj;jhh;. fiythzh; vd;. v];. fpU\;zd; jpiu nkhopapy; mwk; njhOk; eifr;Ritia

jkpo; fw;f VJthf jkpo;-yj;jPd; mfuhjpia cUthf;fpdhh;. gpd;G jkpo; Nghh;r;Rf;fPrpa mfuhjpia tPukhKdpth; cUthf;fpdhh;. gilj;jhnud;why;> tPukhKdpth; E}y; topapy; gukhh;j;j FUtpd; fijia ,yf;fpaj; ju thpirf;F cah;j;jpdhh;. jkpopd; Kjy; eifr;Rit ,yf;fpakhfTk;> jkpopd; Kjy; rpWfijahfTk; ,e;E}y; jpfo;fpwJ. jkpo; ciueil tsh;r;rpapy; tPukhKdptUf;Fr; rpwg;gplk; cz;L. jkpo; vOj;Jfspy; Fwpy;> neby; Mfpatw;wpy; jpUj;jk; nra;jhh;. me;j tifapy; ~jkpo; vOj;Jr; rPh;jpUj;jj;jpd; je;ij| vd;Wk; mtiu miof;fyhk;. Nghh;r;Rf;fPrpa FUf;fNs gioa gid Xiyfspy; gs;sp nfhz;l jkpio E}y;fshf;fp mhpaiz moNfhL Js;sp vo itj;jth;fs;. n`d;wp gth;> fhy;Lnty;> [p.A. Nghg; thpirapy; tPukhKdptUk; cah;ju jkpo;g; Gyth;fspd; juthpirapy; te;j tpj;jfuhthh;. 1706-y; juq;fk;ghbf;F te;j n[h;khdpau; rPfd;ghy;Fjhd; ehl;Fwpg;G gazf;fl;Liufspd; %jhijah; Mthh;. ,JNghd;w tpaj;jF Nkijfshy; eaj;jF jkpo;j; jd; rpwFfis Njr vy;iyf; fw;fis jhz;b tphpj;jJ. jkpo;ehl;by; Nfhdhd; Fg;gk;> Vyhf;Fwpr;rp Mfpa ,lq;fspy; tPukhKdpth; jq;fp ,Ue;J nra;j gzpfs; gpurpj;jpg;ngw;wit. jkpo; ,yf;fpaj;jpd; rpfukhf tpsq;Fk; jpUf;Fwis yj;jPd; nkhopapy; nkhopg;ngah;j;J cyfwpa nra;jth; tPukhKdpth; jhd;. nre;jkpo; ,yf;fzk;> nfhLe;jkpo; ,yf;fzk;> ,yf;fz jpwTNfhy; Nghd;w E}y;fisAk; vOjpAs;shh;. ,tiug; Nghy; ve;j GytUk; rpw;wpyf;fpak;> mfuhjp> ,yf;fzk;> ciueil Mfpatw;iwg; gilf;ftpy;iy. jkpo; Muha;e;j may;ehl;L Jwtpf;F mth; ngUikia cyfwpa nra;Ak; tpjkhf nrd;idapy; ,uz;lhk; cyfj; jkpo; khehl;bd;NghJ mg;NghJ Kjy; mikr;ruhf ,Ue;j mz;zh nrd;idapy; mtUf;F rpiy vLj;J fTutpj;jhh;. 1747-k; Mz;L gpg;uthp 4-e;Njjp jkJ 67-tJ tajpy; tPukhKdpth; ,Wjp %r;ir RUjp Rj;j jkpopy; fhjyhfp fiuj;Jf; nfhz;lhh;. tPukhKdpthpd; G+j cly; kiwe;jhYk; mtuJ rPhpa jkpo; njhz;lhy; jkpoh;fspd; neQ;rpy; ePq;fhj ,lj;ijg; ngw;W ,Uf;fpwhh;. (ehQ;rpy; gp.rp. md;gofd;> jpiug;gl ,af;Fdh;. ed;wp: jpdj;je;jp).

Owned and published by Elsy Robin from 329/4, Poonga Apartments, HIG Flats, II Avenue, Anna Nagar, Chennai 600 040. Printed by L Cyril Sagayaraj at VS Printograph Pvt Ltd., No. 142, L&T Road, Burma Colony, Perungudi, Chennai 600 096. Editor: Elsy Robin THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER w DECEMBER 2019


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HELP people come to Christ this Christmas! Every year, during Christmas time we reach hundreds of poor and oppressed people and help them in whatever way possible in the 6 states of India where we have mission fields. Help us do these love ministries during this Christmas time as well. The Christmas ministries involve distributing woolen clothes to the people in the winter, providing solar lanterns to the houses that are yet to be electrified and arranging love feasts. Pray for the mission field workers and their families and our office staff. Pray their needs are met this Christmas. We need Rs.2.25 lakh to meet these needs during this month. Pray for this ministry. And, if God lays a burden in your heart donate liberally and cheerfully to the cause. Your brother.

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