The Christian Messenger Sept 2018 English magazine

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Evangelism Through Journalism


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Vol. 15, No. 6

Page 20


The purpose of the news magazine is to report newsworthy religious events and activities within the local community, nationwide and around the world, to increase the awareness and activism of believers regarding the moral issues of today, to provide thought-provoking commentary, and to provide an effective advertising vehicle for Christian ministries and organizations, events and businesses that want to reach the Christian community. - Editor

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04 7 KEYS for Persevering in Ministry 08 11 12 15 18



Attitude Of A Winning Steward



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10 Prayers Pastors Should Pray Daily

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15 Prayer Points For A 30-Minute Intercession


God Healed Me From Paralysis

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Here’s How To Build Prayer Into A Worship Service

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7 KEYS for Persevering in Ministry the course of our race, the trials, the risk-taking, the frustration is worth it first and foremost because Jesus is worth it. Other people’s lack of response to the gospel message must not take my eyes off him. I can still worship; He is always worthy, always wonderful and faithful. Also, if we think this is about us then we'll either be proud or feel defeated, both of which hinder us from running our race.

BY ALEX HAWKE T the 1968 Summer Olympics John Stephen Akhwari ran in the marathon representing Tanzania. Part way through the race he fell badly and dislocated his knee. He valiantly kept running as best he could and finished last. He was asked why he had kept going. He replied, “My country did not send me 5000 miles to start the race. They sent me to finish the race.” As those serving in Christian ministry, we face a whole variety of things that can distract, frustrate, upset or disappoint us. At times we may feel really discouraged and be tempted to give up. Like you, I’ve faced some disheartening circumstances and various challenges to my faith and call, even recently. I often return to Hebrews 12:1–3, where we find both stunning reasons to keep running our race and some ways to do that. Whether we’re doing fine or experiencing deep discouragement or uncertainty I hope this will be fuel for the journey, some help to keep us keeping on.


2. Know That Jesus Understands Verse 3 exhorts us to “consider him who endured such opposition from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.” Jesus suffered way more than we ever will. It's a huge comfort when I'm weary or discouraged to know that Jesus has been here and has “shared in our humanity,” (Heb. 2:14). Have we been lied to? Taken advantage of? Persecuted for doing what's right? Misunderstood? Had our loving efforts rejected? Jesus knows. We follow the Suffering Servant and he’s promised to be with us. He understands both us and the broken people around us. This has a way of drawing us nearer to him as we identify even a little with his 1. Remember Jesus Is Worthy sufferings and know he has identified with ours. He sits “at the right hand of the throne of God” (v. 2). We keep going because Jesus is worthy of praise, 3. Throw Off Hindrances and Sins glory and honor that he’s not receiving from most of Athletes run or play with just the essentials so the people we see around us. If this doesn’t motivate me to keep going then I am definitely not here for all nothing gets in the way. Is grumbling hindering our the right reasons. Ultimately what we experience in teams? Is self-pity weighing you down? Are we THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER w SEPTEMBER 2018


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neglecting private prayer and worship? Are we giving in to sexual temptation? If it’s pride let’s see Jesus as worthy and as the one who endured the cross. There’s no room left for pride when we’ve seen Jesus for who he is. It's a classic strategy of Satan to accuse us and make us feel condemned. Verse 2 says Jesus sat down in heaven. His great work of redeeming us from the power and penalty of sin was done and he’s alive to reign, live in us and work through us. So accept God’s forgiveness anew, remembering we’re free from condemnation and don't have to carry the burden of sin and failure. I laughed out loud when I first read this from Martin Luther: “When Satan tells me I am a sinner he comforts me immensely since Christ died for sinners.” The simple fact of the gospel disarms one of Satan’s best tactics every time. Some of our hindrances aren’t sinful but they’re distracting or have become idols, taking the place of Jesus in our priorities. Social media may be doing that for some of us, or “ministry success.” To all these hindrances, temptations and sins I’m learning to say: “Jesus is better.” The temporary reward I feel indulging in these things is like dirt compared to the infinite value of Jesus and the satisfaction he alone can bring. Let’s regularly ask God what hinders us from running the race, confess and repent. Be ruthless and get help. I’ve seen sin lead to people leaving their field of service causing hurt and lasting damage and leading to less ambassadors for Christ reaching the

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unreached. 4. Stick Together The use of athletic imagery here and in Paul’s letters isn’t supposed to imply we run solo. “Us” appears several times in these few verses along with “we,” “our” and “you (plural).” Clearly it’s written to a group exhorting them to do these things together. Having the support of other believers is crucial to staying on course. The encouragement my wife and I get being a part of a small team and a house church is immense. Praying together, sharing struggles, helping each other move house, worshipping together. Are you connected regularly with some supportive fellow runners? People with whom you don’t feel you have to pretend? Christian community is also where we remind each other of the glorious truths of the gospel and can confess our sins and get help with the things that are entangling us. 5. Pace yourself That we are to “run with perseverance” (v. 1) tells us that it’s going to be hard. And that this is a marathon not a sprint. Knowing this we need to pace ourselves. A number of mission organizations encourage their workers to work only two-thirds of the day. If you’re working in the evening, take either the morning or the afternoon off. Also one person’s rhythm is different from another’s. Things like having young children or living with a medical condition or being older also impact on what’s a sustainable pace for different people. Plan rest days or breaks into the coming months.




6. Fix Your Eyes on Jesus Staying focused on Jesus requires us to be intentional. Regular prayer, worship and reading of Scripture are key, as is fellowship with others who love him. Rest, exercise, friendships and a healthy work/life balance will all help us keep going, but none are as important as our ongoing, close relationship with Jesus. During the Hebrides revival Duncan Campbell wrote, “These are days of much activity in the field of church and mission work, but no amount of activity in the King’s service will make up for neglect of the King himself. The Devil is not greatly concerned about getting between us and work; his great concern is getting between us and God. Many a Christian worker has buried his spirituality in the grave of his activity.” Our attention easily moves to ourselves, our organizations, our methods, our shortcomings. We wonder if our faith is big enough or how we compare to others. Problems can seem overwhelming. Regularly, intentionally gazing at Jesus brings right perspective and we start to see what could be instead of what is right now. And if we lose our focus on Jesus we have nothing of lasting value to give to the broken world around us. Verse 3 indicates that if we “consider him” we won’t lose heart. The recipients of this letter were facing trouble. We face trouble. It can push us toward Jesus. It must if we’re to keep going. It’s challenging to keep loving and keep serving. We’re not supposed to be able to do this without God. We’re going to need to get on our knees before that difficult meeting, about that awkward relationship, about that broken person who doesn't THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER w SEPTEMBER 2018

seem to be changing. We need vision to keep going. Ultimately Jesus is our vision, over and above whatever particular vision God may have given us for our various different ministries. He’s our source, our sustainer and the giver of our purpose. We can keep running because of who Jesus is and what he’s done. Our sin forgiven, a message burning in our hearts, carriers of his presence, secure in our identity. I’m sure also many of us would testify that ministry vision, ideas and inspiration have come when we’ve been seeking Jesus. 7. Keep an Eternal Perspective Heaven is real. Knowing where we’re going changes how we live. Future glory outweighs present suffering for the sake of the gospel. We can face trials, hurt, discouragement, even persecution unto death because we know what’s coming. For the joy set before him Jesus endured the cross (v. 2). He knew it was worth it: God would be glorified, we would be redeemed and with him forever and that coming joy spurred him on to endure the cross. May both the coming joy of being with him and the desire that those we serve be there with us spur us on too. The witnesses in verse 1 are the heroes of chapter 11, and maybe 1000s of others since, who have finished their race. It’s like they cheer us on: “Keep going, keep getting up; it’s worth it. Nothing done in Jesus’ name will ever, ever be in vain.” The sacrifices may be great but the reward will be greater. Keep on, keeping on. The writer is a mission worker. 6

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Attitude of a Winning Steward


remain silent but they are just as cynical and see you through foggy glasses. Paul gives us a clue about how our outlook should be vis-a-vis cynics and critics. He says in Titus 1:1516, “Unto the pure all things are pure: but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure; but even their mind and conscience is defiled. They profess that they know God; but in works they deny him, being abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate.” Remember if you are pure, all things are pure to you. But, it is not so with those who oppose you. Paul uses four words to describe those who oppose the man of God and his work for the Kingdom of God. He says, they are ‘defiled’, ‘unbelieving', 'abominable’ and ‘disobedient’. But then remember the final word about their condition. They are reprobate to every good work. The Greek word used for ‘reprobate’ can mean unapproved, worthless and rejected. They are castaway from every good work. They are worthless in the sight of God. They are abominable in His eyes. And, since they are unbelieving and disobedient heavenly inheritances are not for them. But, if you remain pure remember you are the one God had in mind when He made the psalmist write the 24th psalm. “Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord? or who shall stand in his holy place? He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart; who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully. He shall receive the blessing from the Lord, and righteousness from the God of his salvation’ (verses 3-5).

WHAT do you do when your intentions are viewed with cynicism and your efforts criticised? This is top of the mind for anyone called out by God and separated by Him for His work. You could be a teacher at a nondescript school in a rural area who wants to live by your convictions but you are constantly called names and vilified for things you didn’t do. You could be a Lower Division Clerk at a government office whose very walls may stink of corruption but you want to show the world that you are different because of the One who saved you. You could be a minister of God attempting great things for God because you expect great things from God. But you are hamstrung by lack of resources and worse, your very ideals and actions are viewed with suspicion even by those who surround you. The church at Philippi was very generous. ‘ the beginning of the gospel, when I departed from Macedonia, no church communicated with me as concerning giving and receiving, but ye only,’ Apostle Paul said. But he was careful to add in Philippians 4:17 the following words (‘Not because I desire a gift: but I desire fruit that may abound to your account’) lest he be misunderstood. Misunderstandings arise. Cynics abound around us. They seem to be everywhere, but then a man or a woman of God need not be dejected. He/she needs to rise above all these things that try to pull him down. Some critics are vocal. Some others are not - they THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER w SEPTEMBER 2018


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Ignore Rumours, Kerala Still Needs Your Help not gone well with the powers that be. That should not stop us from the work at hand. There’s an enormous amount of work to be done. The people of Kerala should not be denied support due to the machinations of some communal forces. Messenger Missions is doing its bit to help by offering succor to the affected people. It has decided to concentrate on helping the people restart their lives from scratch. We are providing 20 essential kitchen utensils besides rice and grocery items to last them for 10 days. These supplies will help them survive until they are able to get back on their feet. We are working with local representatives, welfare agencies and local missions in ensuring these relief supplies reach the worst affected in a quick and efficient manner. Page 19 has the details. I am sure you have already done what you can. If not, please consider supporting the people of Kerala. May God bless you and yours. I remain yours in Christ, Robin Sam

THERE’S an adverse campaign that’s gaining ground on social media that Kerala has got enough by way of relief. And, that those affected in the recent rains and floods in that state were only the rich and not the poor. They also say anyone willing to help the people of Kerala should do it through a particular organization that has links with some communal-minded organization and its affiliates. The reports from Ground Zero suggest otherwise. The rich and the poor - both were affected. While the rich may be out of the distress quickly the poor will take a longer time to get out of it. Rs.700 crore offered by the UAE has been declined by the Union Govt. They have also said ‘No’ to the offer of help from the UN and other countries. A systematic effort seems to be underway to discredit all Indian NGOs who are doing their bit to alleviate the people of their sufferings. A communal color is deliberately being given to relief and rehabilitation. The way in which the Kerala government has handled the crisis and the international accolades coming their way has also

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10 Prayers Pastors Should Pray Daily

BY RON EDMONDSON A leader’s most effective tool may be prayer. For the Christian leader, especially, prayer should be critical to how we lead. I’m 54 and I’ve not mastered this yet—even though I know how powerful prayer is for the believer. Our leader, Jesus, was always walking in prayer with the Father. Jesus said I do nothing except what the Father tells me to do. So, when Jesus needed to feed the multitudes, he lifted up the bread and fish and prayed. Just before Jesus was about to be crucified—at the weakest point in His life—we find Him praying. Why? Because prayer taps into that relationship with God. The power in prayer is not in the process of prayer, but the Person of prayer. Prayer takes us into the very Throne Room of God. Talk about power! So, as Christian leaders, we need to pray. I thought with this post I might spur that in each of us by offering some good prayers for pastors to pray. Here are 10 good prayers of a Christian leader: w Dear Lord, grow my love for you so I will trust

in You when I can’t see the path ahead clearly. Help me to trust in You, more than I trust in my abilities. w Dear Lord, help me not to say yes when no is the right answer. Help me balance my time to be most effective and to accomplish Your will more than the will of others. w Dear Lord, never allow my plan to get ahead of—or in the place of—Your plan. Remind me frequently that Your way is best and I will always be most successful when I wait for You. w Dear Lord, allow me to forgive easily, hold no Website: Email:

grudges or bitterness, and live in and extend to others the grace You have provided to me. Never let me get so proud or arrogant that I forget I am nothing apart from Your hand upon my life. w Dear Lord, provide me with courage and conviction to face my fears and critics and lead people to bigger realities of Your will than today. Give me the courage of Gideon, the steadfastness of Nehemiah, and the boldness of Daniel. w Dear Lord, grant me wisdom to make decisions big and small and conviction to follow You when it contradicts my desires or the demands of others. Give me discernment and surround me with wise people who follow You and can speak into my life. w Dear Lord, help me guard my heart, overcome temptation, and keep my character and reputation above reproach. Build around me people who believe in me, know me and are willing to speak hard truths into my life. w Dear Lord, give me patience with people, the pace of progress and with things I can’t understand. Assure me continually that Your plan is always worth waiting for and will be better than anything I can produce on my own. w Dear Lord, help me communicate with clarity, consistency and competence. Guard my tongue and keep me from reckless words. Make me an encourager and a builder of people with the things I say. w Dear Lord, help me to love people and use my influence for the good of others. Allow me to see my life’s mission as bigger than today. Help me leave a legacy, which brings glory to You. In Jesus name, Amen. Ron Edmondson is a pastor and church leader 11


GOSPEL MELA 2018 24-Hour Chain Prayer

15 Specific Prayer Points For a 30-Minute Intercession And, I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none (Ezekiel 22:30).

Praying with one accord for 2,234 people groups spread across 1.2 billion people in 29 states and 7 UTs in one nation. Every nation, every tribe, every people and every tongue shall say: “Salvation belongs to our God who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb!” (Revelation 7:10). 1. Pray for your family today. Thank God for wonderfully upholding you and protecting you. Seek His protection over you and your family members even in this month. Ask God to cover you all in the precious blood of the Lamb of God. 2. Pray for our nation. May God grant His grace to all Indians to hear the Gospel in their own language, read the Word of God in their native tongue and receive the salvation through Jesus Christ, the Lord and Saviour of mankind. 3. Pray for the leaders of the nation and all those in power and authority. According to 1 Timothy 1:1, we are commanded to pray for the kings and all those in authority. 4. A few media houses are demanding that the minimum age for a citizen to consume liquor in India be reduced to 18 from 25. Pray for the organizations that minister to drug addicts, alcoholics. 5. Pray for the people who are caught in the trap of the cultic churches. Pray that their spiritual eyes be opened and that they realize that Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and the life and no one comes to the Father except through Him. 1 John 5:12 says, ‘He who has the Son has life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have life.’ 1 John 2:23 says: ‘Whoever denies the Son does not have the Father either; he who acknowledges the Son has the Father also.’ 6. Pray for the Gospel workers, evangelists and missionaries. They cross mountains and deserts, meet up with new people and communities and share the Gospel that salvation is only available through Jesus Christ. Pray for the pastors and preachers who preach the Gospel and make the unsaved the citizens of heaven. 7. Pray for the Christians living in Egypt, Syria and Libya. The administrations and the religious fundamentalists in these countries persecute Christians on a largescale. Pray that world leaders will rise up and speak for the rights of these persecuted believers. THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER w SEPTEMBER 2018

8. Pray for the peace in the Middle East region. Palestinian leaders incite violence against Israel day in and day out to attract the attention of the world countries. Pray that violence and terrorist activities do not increase in the region which is already on the boil. 9. Pray for the Catholic and Jacobite churches in Kerala. A few of their priests and a bishop are being investigated by the police on allegations of sexual abuse of a woman in the laity and some nuns. Let's remember this is a blot on the Christian community. Pray that the Name of the Lord is not further blasphemed and we are not made obnoxious in the nation. 10. Pray that Tamil Nadu and the city of Chennai receives good rainfall this year. The average rainfall recorded during this season is 867 mm. Pray that farmers do not suffer due to lack of water. May God help us pray like this: 'You, O God, sent a plentiful rain, whereby You confirmed Your inheritance, when it was weary.’ 11. Pray for the people of Kerala who have been battered by unprecedented and incessant rains and floods. The state has witnessed great destruction and disaster. Over 300 people are said to have died in the 10-day rains. Several lakhs of people have lost their homes and properties. Pray that their distress is removed. 12. But as for you, brethren, do not grow weary in doing good' (2 Thessalonians 3:13). 'And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we 12

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shall reap if we do not lose heart' (Galatians 6:9). Pray that the we do not grow weary in doing good works. Let us be people who help out their brethren in their distress. May God give us the grace to wipe out the tears of those who are in lack among us. 13. Pray for our nation, leaders and government servants. We are asked to pray for them so that we may live a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence. When we pray for them, the Bible says, it is good and acceptable in the sight of God our saviour. 14. Pray for the churches, leaders of the churches, missionary organizations, full time servants of God whom God has appointed in our churches and Christian organizations. Pray that the Gospel is spread and people are delivered from sins and bondages and the powers of darkness. Pray that God would show signs and miracles wherever the Gospel is preached. 15. Pray for Messenger Missions ministry. That the Gospel is preached wherever we do His work, and that our work goes on unhindered and that multitudes of people become disciples of Jesus Christ. Take time to pray for The Christian Messenger ministries, leaders of the organization and the lives of the office staff and mission field workers.

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God Healed Me From Paralysis My name is Ashok Kumar. I belong to the Megh tribe. My father's name is Rajkumar. He has retired from the Indian Army. I live in our village with my wife Jyatri and 3 children Tonce, Lalit and Sumit. I was the Sarpanch of this village. I was doing well and my health was robust. One day while I was in the field, my whole body became numb and paralyzed. I lost all my hopes, peace and joy and became very restless. I did everything that I could to recover from this illness, but nothing happened. Finally, I decided to commit suicide, by lying down on the railway track so that the train would run over me. Someone asked me to meet Ps. Pradeep Paul from Messenger Missions before taking any drastic steps. He shared the love of Jesus Christ with me. It changed my thoughts and life and I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Saviour. I was healed from paralysis miraculously and now I can walk, talk and do everything on my own as a normal person. There is only a slight numbness in my left hand which I know my Saviour will heal. Now I am worshiping the Lord with my family in the Messenger Missions Church in my village. We don't have a church building yet. The villagers meet at my house to worship the Lord. I have told the pastor that I am ready to give land to construct a church building for a small price. We are eager to have a church building where we can gather and worship the Lord.

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mjpfhiyapy; 3 my;yJ 4 kzpf;Fs; ehd; vOe;J Koq;fhypy; epd;W Mz;ltiuj; Jjpj;Jg; gpd;dh; n[gk; nra;tJ vd; tof;fk;. Mdhy;> mjw;F Kd;dNk xU gwitapd; rj;jk; Nfl;f Muk;gpj;J tpLk;. vd; gLf;ifapd; mUNf xU nghpa [d;dy; cs;sJ. ntspNa gy kuq;fs; - murkuk;> Ntg;gkuk; Kjypad cs;sd. J}uj;jpy; xU ngz;gwit vd;W epidf;fpNwd; ~Fh; Fh;| vd;W nkJthff; fj;Jk;. clNd vd; [d;dy; mUNf epd;W xU Mz; gwit ~~INah||> ~~INah|| vd;W Website: Email:

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Do You Really Love God? This Hebrew Word Will Tell You In Jeremiah, we are told that God's ahavah is BY MEGAN BRIGGS everlasting (31:3). The narrator of the video says that When we think of love in the Bible, we often think everlasting means God's love knows no beginning or of the Greek words mentioned in the New end—it simply is. Testament: Agape, storge, and eros. A video by the Bible Project invites us to look at a Hebrew word for What Is God's Love Like? love and what it can teach us about how we are to act. The Hebrew Word for Love The Hebrew word for love is “ahavah” which essentially describes the kind of “affection or care that one person shows another.” It is seldom used to describe the feelings or passions between romantic partners, but it is generally used in a more broad sense. The examples we are given in the Bible of this word being used include a wide range of relationships. When ahavah is used, we are told Abraham had ahavah for his son, Isaac. Jonathan showed David ahavah. We are even told that the people had ahavah for David, their leader. We are shown instances where the word for love is used for parental and brotherly love, and even to describe the love a people have for their leader. In fact, when the Bible describes the relationship between Hiram, the King of Tyre, and David, this word is used. Moses told the Israelites “God showed affection for you, He chose you…because of his ahavah for you.” (Deuteronomy 7:7-8) Anyone who has read any significant part of the Old Testament knows that God did not show the Israelites love because of something they did or how they acted toward him. Rather, he loved them because it is in his nature to love. THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER w SEPTEMBER 2018

Hosea describes God's love as a husband's love for his wife, or a parent's for a child, describing it as a feeling. In addition to a feeling, though, it's an action. In other words, it is something God does. God's love compels action in us as well. In Deuteronomy, we are instructed to show ahavah for others as God has shown to us. Just as God defends the cause of the fatherless and the widow, and shows ahavah to the immigrants by giving them food and clothing, we are to do the same. The Bible instructs us that to actively love God we are to actively love the others in our midst. This concept of actively loving others is the underlying understanding behind Leviticus 19:18: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” And while the video sticks to Old Testament examples (hence, the Hebrew), this concept of actively loving God by loving others is a theme Jesus spoke about as well. He told us “whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” (Matthew 25:40) If you want to know if you really love God, evaluating the things you do to help others is a good place to start. The video is available on YouTube. Search for Word Study: Ahavah Megan Briggs is a writer and editor.


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‘Truly enriched by your magazine’ Dear Bro. Robin Sam, I am enclosing an offering to be used for meeting the needs of servants of God with your organization, Messenger Missions. Please continue to send your magazine, The Christian Messenger. It is a great blessing to me. I am able to understand deeper meaning of many Bible verses from your expositions. I am truly enriched and blessed by your messages. Thank you for the wondrous work you are doing. May God bless you and keep you in good health and continue to bless the works of your hand. Kindly pray for me and my family. I am also due for promotion at work. Please pray for all the impediments to be removed. Thank you for your kind prayers, Your brother in Christ Jesus, A M Sangma Meghalaya

‘LITTLE MESSENGER’ was very useful to me. The comic story, ‘How good a person are you?’ was excellent. It taught me the truth that if we break one command it is equal to breaking all the 10 Commandments of the Bible. The article, ‘Same snake, different skin’ underlined the fact that we will not get to Heaven by changing our ways on our own and not believing the work of Jesus on the cross (shedding our skin by morally reforming). It also taught me that only if we are Spiritually born-again, can we see the Kingdom of God. All the other articles were also nice. The pages were not only colourful but also very valuable. I like this magazine very much. Glory to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen! Feedback from: J. Elfreeda Jesusha

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Christian Teachers Wanted

Dear Sir, Greetings in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. I am an avid reader of your magazine, The Christian Messenger. But I am extremely sorry that the subscription of the same had expired since long inadvertently due to my old age. Please excuse me for the same. Please note that today I have sent an MO towards subscription. Please arrange to send the magazine. With all the blessings and good wishes, Yours sincerely C. John Benjamin Naik, President Cuttack-Dhenkanal District Church Union, Odisha.

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A Christian School needs Committed Christian Teachers - PGT in Physics, Chemistry, Montessori Trained and MSW Candidate. Send resume to By Post: The Principal, Zamar Matric Hr. Sec. School, No.17, Bhavani Nagar Extension, 4th Cross, Wellspring Street, Ayapakkam, Chennai 600 077.

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Here’s how to build prayer into a worship service BY CHUCK LAWLESS Jesus strongly reminded us that God's house is to be a house of prayer (Luke 19:45-46). Getting there means building prayer into the DNA of a congregation, but the worship service can be central to that process. So, if I were to attend only your church's main worship service, would I think that your church is a house of prayer? If not, here are some options to build prayer into that service: Enlist prayer warriors who pray during the entire service—and be certain the church knows they're praying. Their intercession will only strengthen those who lead the service, and their prayers will encourage the congregation to hear and respond to God's Word. Begin the service with an intentional time of guided prayer to focus on God. Allow music to draw the people together, then guide them through a time of praising God for who He is. Consider concentrating on a different attribute of God each week. Build a time of cleansing and confession into the service. Teach folks about the need for confession as part of worship, and call them to an honest, personal response. Invite them, beginning with your church's leaders, to kneel together at the altar as they pray. Read a biblical prayer during the service. Consider, for example, portions of Jesus' prayer in John 17 or Paul's prayer in Philippians 1:3-11. Include the words on a screen so attenders both see

and hear the words. Employ a great reader who reads at the right rate, who knows when to pause, etc. Make time for a “missionary moment” each service to pray for missionaries and missions needs. You can find needs at the International Mission Board and the Joshua Project. Think about combining this “moment” with the time for taking the offering. Begin a weekly “Focus on the Family” prayer time. That is, focus on one family in the church each week, and pray for them. Intercede for them during the service, and invite others to greet them personally after the service. Regularly pray for sister congregations and ministries in your area. How many church buildings do you and your members drive by each week without praying for them? Intentionally and strategically praying for churches during your service will encourage your members to notice those churches. Make time in services to talk about God's answers to prayers. I suspect that God has answered many of our prayers, but we've told very few people about it—and we've missed an opportunity to glorify Him. Our churches will pray more if their faith is increased by hearing about God's response to us. End the service with a prayer to commission the congregation and to pray for more laborers. That's how Jesus taught laborers to pray (Luke 10:1-2), and it's always wise to do what He taught us. Chuck Lawless is a Bible teacher and Dean of a seminary.

Owned and published by Elsy Robin from 329/4, Poonga Apartments, HIG Flats, II Avenue, Anna Nagar, Chennai 600 040. Printed by L Cyril Sagayaraj at VS Printograph Pvt Ltd., No. 15, Natesan Colony, Sri Ram Avenue, 1st Street, Kottivakkam, Chennai 600 041. Editor: Elsy Robin THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER w SEPTEMBER 2018


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Partner with us and help flood-affected people in Kerala Unprecedented rains, floods and landslides have caused large-scale death and destruction in Kerala. * 6.33 lakh people were sheltered in relief camps. * Close to 35,000 people were rescued. * Over 200 people were killed in the 10-day rains. * 13 out of the 14 districts were severely affected. MESSENGER MISSIONS has decided to concentrate on rehabilitating the affected people. We would like to help as many people as possible in at least three districts of the State. We are providing 20 essential kitchen utensils besides rice and 10 grocery items to last them for at least 10 days. These provisions will help them survive until they are able to get back on their feet. We are working with local people representatives, welfare agencies and missions in ensuring these supplies reach the worst affected and those who are really in the need.

A Relief Kit containing kitchen utensils and groceries for a household costs Rs. 5,000/-

Dear prayer partners, donate liberally to help those in distress. We need to deliver these supplies to them at the earliest . A/C Name A/C No Account Type Bank Name Branch / Code IFS code Swift code

: Messenger Missions : 913020055473409 : Current : Axis Bank : Mogappair, Chennai (345) : UTIB0000345 : AXISINBB016

MESSENGER MISSIONS, 20/20, Bharathiar Street, Srinivasa Nagar, Padi, Chennai 50. Phone: 7299100771; 7299063345, 044-26247598. Email: 19

Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the creation of the world. For I was hungry, and you fed me. I was thirsty, and you gave me a drink. I was a stranger, and you invited me into your home. I was naked, and you gave me clothing. I was sick, and you cared for me. I was in prison, and you visited me’ (Matthew 25:34-36).

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