The Christian Messenger, Nov 2019 | News, views and interviews from the Christian world.

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4 Ways God Can Use Single Women to Love His People

Pray For India: 10 Prayer Points

People Coming To The Lord Via Gospel Mela


God Will Exalt You



The God Who Measures Us


E live in exciting times when many Biblical prophecies are about to be played out in our generation. The coming of the Lord is very near, and we need to be ready to receive Him and be taken up with Him. We are not told when Jesus Christ would come. But, come He will and what a day it is going to be! Three times in the Bible we are told that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night (Matthew 24:43; 1 Thessalonians 5:2; Revelation 16:15). The challenge before us is not to fix a date for the return of the Lord and work our faith around it, but to hold fast to our faith in Jesus Christ and live like perhaps today He will come back to gather us, His saints. And, when the Lord returns He is not going to be arbitrarily picking and choosing men and women from the world as His bride. The Chief Shepherd knows His flock and He knows those that are His. Then I was given a reed like a measuring rod. And the angel stood, saying, “Rise and measure the temple of God, the altar, and those who worship there” (Rev. 11:1). The temple mentioned here is the temple about to be built in Jerusalem by the Antichrist and although we should not be overly spiritualizing this verse, we cannot overlook the fact that God wants to measure it. Why does He measure it? To claim it for Himself. Three things are measured: the temple of God, the altar of God and the people who worship there. Of the 9 temples of God mentioned in the Bible, three are no more. The temples built by Solomon, Zerubbabel and Herod the Great have been razed down. Next to be built is the temple of God aided by the Antichrist. In the millennial rule of Jesus Christ, the Messiah will build a temple (Zech 6:12-13). There is already a temple in heaven since time immemorial (Isaiah 6:1; Rev. 3:12). After the millennium, there will be a temple in New Jerusalem. It is not a building or a physical structure for the Bible says: ‘And I saw no temple in the city, for its temple is the Lord God the Almighty and the Lamb. And the city has no need of sun or moon to shine on it, for the glory of God gives it light, and its lamp is the Lamb’ (Rev. 21:22-23). Each of us is a temple of God because the Bible says our body is the temple of God (1 Cor. 3:1617; 2 Cor. 6:16). The church is the temple of God (Eph. 2:19-22). This is the universal body of Christ - a big corporate body comprising saints from various tongues, tribes and nationalities redeemed and washed by the blood of the Lamb. God measures us individually and collectively. He will measure us according to His measure. He has a plumb line in His hand (Amos 7:7-8; Isaiah 28:17). His judgments are accurate and just (1 Peter 2:23; Ps. 96:13). He will also measure us according to our measure - the measure with which we measure others ((Matthew 7:1-2; 1 Cor. 4:5). That should sober us up. Maranatha! 2



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Vol. 16, No. 7

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EVERYDAY FAITH 4 Ways God Can Use Single Women to Love His People


VIEWPOINT ‘This Is A Shame; We Need To Stop This’

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God Will Exalt You

David’s son Absalom believed he could become the king if he made people believe he was in the reckoning to be the king among all crown princes and pretended to talk and act like a king. This is what we read in 2 Samuel 15:1-3: ‘After this it happened that Absalom provided himself with chariots and horses, and fifty men to run before him. Now Absalom would rise early and stand beside the way to the gate. So it was, whenever anyone who had a lawsuit came to the king for a decision, that Absalom would call to him and say, “What city are you from?” And he would say, “Your servant is from such and such a tribe of Israel.” Then Absalom would say to him, “Look, your case is good and right; but there is no deputy of the king to hear you.” But all of Absalom’s machinations could not secure David’s throne for him for ever. His self exaltation was short lived. His dreams and plans were soon dashed. How true is God’s Word! ‘He puts down one, and exalts another.’ Lot thought success lay in accumulating prime properties, in fact more fertile land than his kin Abraham. ‘Then Lot chose for himself all the plain of Jordan, and Lot journeyed east. And they separated from each other. Abram dwelt in the land of Canaan, and Lot dwelt in the cities of the

BY ROBIN SAM ‘Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time’ (1 Peter 5:6). MOST Christians have a warped understanding of exaltation. Some believe success lies in large numbers - to them the author with the most number of titles and a huge sales of his books is more successful than someone who has written a life-changing single book. Some others believe success means being popular and influential. They would believe Michael Jackson achieved huge success in his lifetime than someone who kept a low profile all his life but raised God-fearing children. The world would compel us to believe that a high flying, tax-evading CEO of a brewery chain is far more successful than a struggling Christian entrepreneur who does not cook his accounts to show profit where there is none or show loss when he has actually made a profit. Some others believe success comes from networking, collaborative work and pressing the right buttons. But if you are a Bible believing Christian you would have by now known ‘exaltation comes neither from the east nor from the west nor from the south. But God is the judge: He puts down one, and exalts another’ (Psalm 75:6-7). THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER w NOVEMBER 2019


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THE MESSAGE be bondservants of God, Apostle Paul states we are slaves no longer. Is the Bible contradicting itself? No. In 1 Cor. 7:22, Paul says this: ‘For he who is called in the Lord while a slave is the Lord’s freedman. Likewise he who is called while free is Christ’s slave.’ We were slaves to many things and many people before we came to the Lord. ‘...when you did not know God, you served those which by nature are not gods’ (Gal. 4:8). But, now in Christ although we are free from the former slavery and are called as sons and daughters of God, we are still Christ’s slaves. But Christ delights in calling us His friends. ‘No longer do I call you servants, for a servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all things that I heard from My Father I have made known to you`` (John 15:15). The redeemed people are God’s heirs and His own co-heirs, says the Bible. ‘The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children, then heirs—heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him, that we may also be glorified together’ (Rom. 8:16-17). Although all these verses should give us a spiritual high about the exaltation God has given us, we still need to circle back to 1 Cor. 7:22 which reveals our identity with respect to our attitude. We are Christ’s slaves. Being a bondservant of God and a slave of Christ means we put God before our self. Not just on Sundays. All days. Not just in our personal preferences. In everything. That is the attitude God wants us to have in our relationship with Him. God knew we would have trouble being His bondservants. That’s why Christ demonstrated what it means to be a slave in one’s life and in death. For to this you were called, because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that you should follow His steps: “Who committed no sin, nor was deceit found in His mouth”; who, when He was reviled, did not revile in return; when He suffered, He did not threaten, but committed Himself to Him who judges righteously” (1 Peter 2: 21-23). Greek has a very special word for this experience of Christ where He emptied Himself of His own self and will, to be receptive to the will and pleasure of God, the Father. It’s called

plain and pitched his tent even as far as Sodom. But the men of Sodom were exceedingly wicked and sinful against the Lord’ (Gen. 13:11-13). We know how poor Lot’s selection of the land was and how his tryst with Sodom ended. Jesus Christ stated the Biblical model of exaltation in Matthew 23:12. ‘And whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.’ The Biblical model of leadership is servant leadership. ‘But he who is the greatest among you shall be your servant.’ Exaltation is not about titles. Today, even a school dropout can get a doctorate degree. The scene in the Christian circles is no different. There are more Reverends, Apostles, Bishops and Prophets than ever before. And, the irony is that most of them give themselves these titles or get them for a price from some organization that exists only on paper! Exaltation is not about how big your business or ministry is. Come to think of it, today many ministries are run like family businesses. Big time churches are run like business corporations. Apostle Peter lists out five things that are more like a definitive guide to anyone who desires exaltation as mentioned in the Bible. In 1 Peter 2:16-17, he mentions them: 1. Be a bondservant of God 2. Honor all people 3. Love your brothers 4. Fear God 5. Honor the king Out of the five things, two deal with your relationship to God, two of them are about your relationship with fellow men and the last one with the authorities of the world. Jesus Christ, during His time on earth, and later the apostles pretty much said the same thing, although in a different order. In this message, I am only dealing with the first exhortation of Peter that shape our relationship with God.

Be a bondservant of God A bondservant is a slave. A slave has no rights of his own. A slave has one or many masters. When the Bible asks us to be a bondservant of God, how do we perceive it? To understand this better, we need to examine our status in Christ now. Who are we in Christ? Galatians 4:7 has the answer: ‘Therefore you are no longer a slave but a son, and if a son, then an heir of God through Christ.’ While Peter asks us to THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER w NOVEMBER 2019


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‘kenosis’. Kenosis simply means completely drained out or poured out. In other words, Christ made Himself nothing. Through Philippians 2:6-7, Apostle Paul tells us how our Lord poured Himself out or made Himself nothing. ‘Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, who, being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God, but made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men.’ The cross was not thrust on Jesus. He willed it for Himself and laid it on Himself. Therefore, when He came into the world, He said: “Sacrifice and offering You did not desire, but a body You have prepared for Me” (Heb. 10:5). Sacrifice and offering You did not desire; My ears You have opened. Burnt offering and sin offering You did not require. Then I said, “Behold, I come; In the scroll of the book it is written of me. I delight to do Your will, O my God, and Your law is within my heart” (Psalm 40:6-8). ‘For I have come down from heaven, not to do My own will, but the will of Him who sent Me’ (John 6:38).

When Peter in his epistle asks us to be bondservants of God, and Paul says we are Christ’s slaves, this is what God wants us to understand. Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus. Although He was God, coequal to the Father, He emptied Himself for us. He made Himself of no reputation and took the form of a bondservant. God will never ask us to do something that is impossible. If Christ had done it, so can we. If Christ, being God, could do it how much more should we? Humbling ourselves under the mighty hand of God is the only way we can be exalted in due time. God did it for Jesus Christ. He exalted His Son on the third day and made Him King of kings and Lord of lords. God will exalt you too. Amen.

United Theological Research University Studies And Research (An Autonomous Institution of Advanced Theological Education) Affiliated & Accredited by University of Berkeley U.S.A. & Recognized by Christian Leadership University & Seminary, New York USA. Regd. by Govt. No. 2642 / 1988. Registered Under Minorities Act. Address: Plot No. 125, Road No. 7, T.M.C. Mahendra Hills, East Marredpally, Secunderabad – TS. 500 026. Website: E-mail:, Contact: 040-2773 0494, 0-98490 62508, 94902 62508, 98490 62058, 99080 62058.

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4 Ways God Can Use Single Women to Love His People

AS women, by nature we have a lot of love to give. God created us with beautiful hearts to nurture, to give life, to heal. To gather loved ones and provide goodness and comfort. To meet needs and weave love into the lives of those around us. God gave women so many gifts! But when the Lord places us in a season of singleness, for a while or even a lifetime, we may wonder what to do with the abundance of love overflowing within us. During this time of singleness, we do have means to channel that loving and nurturing spirit. Consider one of the following ways to exercise a loving and nurturing spirit outside of a marriage: 1. Build Your Relationship with God First and foremost, we have to strengthen this relationship every day. The very love we have for others comes from God Himself (Romans 5:5). We overflow, because He overflows within us. Sometimes—not in every case—God may have placed us in a season of singleness to strengthen our relationship with Him. On a personal note, I have struggled with idolizing romantic relationships with men. This season of singleness has helped me to channel those idolizing efforts toward building my relationship with God by being in the Word every day (Matthew 4:4). Although some couples have an excellent romantic-spiritual balance—focusing their efforts on God first and then on each other—it’s certainly harder to maintain that balance than while single (1 Corinthians 7:8). Once one has a solid foundation with Christ, it can create a wellspring of godly love in a future relationship, should God direct our path in that way.

Some of the best ways to exercise that nurturing spirit is to be kind and giving of our time with other singles. We tend to form friendships and connect with those who understand the various circumstances we are in. Daniel befriended three other Israelites in captivity (Daniel 1:6), Paul and Silas sang hymns together in prison (Acts 16:19-40), and Ruth and Naomi shared in the loss of a family member, bringing them closer together (Ruth 1). We can encourage other singles by: Mentoring them. Especially if we are a person who has been single for a long period of time in our life, we have a lot of wisdom to give to those who have been single for a short season. Giving them our time. We show them we treasure their presence by setting up meetings over coffee or gathering in each other’s homes. Offering meals. Younger singles are often trying to figure out life in general: how to be financially stable, sharing an apartment with other singles, etc. Offering a meal invites fellowship and community (Acts 2:42). Asking how to pray for them. We show we care for others by lifting them up to the Lord in prayer (James 5:16). Sharing your testimony. We connect with each other’s stories, and younger singles, or people who have been single for a short period of time, will find encouragement through hearing the testimonies of others who have been single for longer. 3. Love the Least of These The blessing of singleness comes with an abundance of time. When married, one spouse often has to compromise in terms of ministerial calling. He or she may feel called to devote their time to a ministry, but duties to one’s spouse and to one’s family can sometimes impede those yearnings to serve. But with more time to dedicate to ministry, singles can use that nurturing and loving spirit to care for those who are overlooked in our world today, the least of these (Matthew 25:31-46). There are so many places that need volunteers to give of their time and to give their love to people who need to see the hope of Christ in action.

4. Serve at Your Church There are multiple ways to show a loving and 2. Encourage Other Single Christians nurturing spirit at church. One of the more obvious On a personal note, as someone who idolizes ones would be to help with Sunday school or with the marriage, I can tend to isolate myself and wallow younger children in nursery care. when I see beautiful Instagram pictures of a friend’s However, there are numerous other ways to get recent wedding. THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER w NOVEMBER 2019


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involved and show lovingkindness to those in your congregation (Galatians 5:13). Church greeters and ushers can often be the first faces someone sees when they walk into a building, and a warm welcome can brighten someone’s difficult week. Worship teams can always use someone gifted in music to help the congregation focus on praising God during the first part of a service, and various events such as youth group lock-ins, VBS, and Christmas concerts need plenty of hands to make light work. In addition to helping at church, ministry doesn’t stop there. Offer your house as a meeting place for a small group or volunteer to disciple or mentor someone in the church. Mentors are extremely important, as we see in Paul’s mentorship of Timothy (1 Timothy 1:12). If you have a lot of love to give, the church needs it. The church is full of people in desperate need of reminders of God’s goodness, love, and hope. You have that chance to be the hands and feet of Jesus to them. God Never Wastes the Gifts He Gives If you have a loving and nurturing spirit to give but no spouse to give that love to, don’t fret. God doesn’t waste the gifts He gives us (John 15:16,

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Who will dwell in God’s holy hill? ? One who walks uprightly, ? And works righteousness, ? And speaks the truth in his heart; ? He who does not backbite with his tongue, ? Nor does evil to his neighbor, ? Nor does he take up a reproach against his friend; ? In whose eyes a vile person is despised, ? But honors those who fear the Lord; ? He who swears to his own hurt and does not

change; ? He who does not put out his money at usury, ? Nor does he take a bribe against the innocent. He who does these things shall never be moved (Psalm 15).

Ephesians 2:10). When He gives you an intense loving and nurturing spirit, He’ll provide means for you to give that love and that care to those who need to hear the Gospel the most. Should He provide a spouse in the future, you will have spent so much time loving others, that loving Him will come as second nature (Mark 12:31). But, for the time being, ask the Lord for guidance where you can channel this loving spirit He has given you. Work on building your relationship with Him and spreading the Gospel to a hurting world in need of hope. Hope Bolinger




This is a shame for us; we need to end this BY B MONACHAN KAYAMKULAM I AM writing this knowing very well this article can tick off several people and turn them against me. The Indian Pentecostal Church of God (IPC) is facing yet another election. Campaigning and canvassing for votes are on in full wing. Like someone said what we don’t have yet are party flags and symbols. If the current trend continues, we will have them too soon in our elections. Everyone knows it is because of these elections that our organization is ridiculed in the secular world. Although only a mere 10 to 20% of our people are involved in these church elections, the entire organization is slandered. While I agree the argument since our organization is registered under the Societies Act we cannot avoid elections, I want to make a few things clear. Let elections be conducted. But the candidates should decide they will not resort to canvassing for votes and spending money in elections. Let them resolve to be elected to power without these ‘political’ measures. Again, let pastors and believers say ‘No’ to those who come offering currency notes for votes. Otherwise, this organization will not survive. When one candidate goes out canvassing for votes, hires vehicles to ferry people and offer notes for votes, the other candidates will be forced to do the same. Slandering the opponents, ridiculing others’ claims, self-righteous stand - are these Christ-like? Instead, we can do these following things: 1. Let the Election Commission introduce the candidates and send notices to the churches. Let the candidates pay the fee required to meet the expenses. 2. Let the candidates sit at home and pray after filing his nomination. Those who love the church and the organization will surely come and cast their votes. 3. Let no one be allowed to campaign on the ground. Does any Assembly or Lok Sabha candidate have the right to seek votes in the polling booth? If any one does it, won’t he be disqualified? The people who want to be elected as leaders should show the courage to do these things. If such people are elected to power, then we can testify that they have been truly elected by God. Those who lost the elections won’t be disappointed either. And, there won't be any rivalry or group clashes. This will clear the room for the deserving candidates to come to power. They are now not in a position to contest polls because of the money THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER w NOVEMBER 2019

Photo courtesy: Pr.Monachan’s Facebook page

involved. I am writing this as the voice of the voiceless. This is the desire of the large majority of our congregation. My aim is not to put down anyone. I love and respect all those who lead our organization. However, I think the current trend in church elections is detrimental to the organization. If we want the next generation to stand alongside us, we need to change the way elections are conducted. Think. Pray. Respond. The writer currently serves as the pastor of IPC Town Faith Centre Church, Kayamkulam in Kerala.

Do Good Quietly “THEY love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the corners of the streets, that they may be seen by men” (Matt. 6:5). This is the working definition of hypocrisy: “to be seen by men.” The Greek word for hypocrite (õðïêñéôÞò), originally meant “actor.” First-century actors wore masks. A hypocrite, then, is one who puts on a mask, a false face. Jesus did not say, “Do not do good works.” Nor did he instruct, “Do not let your works be seen.” We must do good works, and some works, such as benevolence or teaching, must be seen in order to have an impact. So let’s be clear. To do a good thing is a good thing. To do good to be seen is not. In fact, to do good to be seen is a serious offense. Here’s why. Hypocrisy turns people away from God. When God-hungry souls walk into a congregation of wannabe superstars, what happens? When God seekers see singers strut like Las Vegas entertainers ... When they hear the preacher—a man of slick words, dress, and hair—play to the crowd and exclude God... When other attendees dress to be seen and make much to-do over their gifts and offerings ... When people enter a church to see God yet can’t see God because of the church, don’t think for a second that God doesn’t react. Read Matthew 6:1. Max Lucado


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PRAY FOR INDIA 1. ONLY 9.6% of children between 6 to 23 months in India were fed a minimum acceptable diet, according to the Global Hunger Index, an index that tracks child wasting rate in 117 countries. That means, a whopping 90.4% of children in the country is undernourished. India is ranked the lowest among the South Asian countries. Even Pakistan which used to be the only country in South Asia to rank below India has pulled ahead in the 2019 ranking to 94th place. The GHI has put India in the ‘serious hunger’ category.

4. DENGUE cases in Tamil Nadu have gone up by nearly 50% prompting the health department to release an advisory to doctors and local administrators on prevention and early diagnosis of the disease. So far, close to 3,000 cases of dengue and one death due to it has been reported in Tamil Nadu this year. Dengue does not have any vaccine, and hence the treatment is largely based on supportive measures to control the symptoms an individual may have making recovery of affected children difficult. Since 2015, 96 dengue deaths have been reported in the state, according to the 2. INDIA has been in the news Tamil Nadu government. Chennai records the for the wrong reasons in the recent past. In September, 5. MORE than 365,000 auto two Dalit children aged 10 industry workers’ and 12 were beaten to jobs—350,000 at autodeath for defecating in parts manufacturers and public in Shivpuri district dealers and 15,000 in of Madhya Pradesh. vehicle assembly—have Discrimination on the basis of been destroyed in India since April this year in caste is still widespread in the country, especially in response to falling sales. In rural areas. In another similar incident, an 18-monthold baby was killed in a fight between two families August, the industry slumped for the 10th straight over a child urinating in the open in Bhangarh village month with sales of passenger vehicles dropping by in Madhya Pradesh. 30 percent and car sales by 41 percent, the steepest fall in two decades. In terms of sales, India’s 3. AFTER the manufacturing automotive sector is the fourth largest in the world sector was hit badly by the economic slowdown, the and the most affected by the slowdown in the Indian Indian residential market economy. Many auto majors have made frequent is now in a crisis. Property layoffs and no production days in the recent past. developers in the country 6. PRAY for the Prime have been badly hit by Minister of India, a nation of demonetisation, 134 crore people who live implementation of GST, banks in cities and 4,000 cities and towns and 6.40 lakh crises due to which non banking finance companies villages. There are 4,635 are prevented from lending to the real estate players. people groups who speak As a result the number of property developers who over 1,652 languages in this have been dragged to the bankruptcy court has more country. Pray that the PM and than doubled in less than a year. Till June this year, 20,421 realtors were under the corporate insolvency his cabinet ministers are able to administer an resolution process. Slow sales and a record unsold honest, transparent, efficient and secular governance apartments have also hit the industry. in the country. Website: Email:



GOSPEL MELA 7. UPHOLD the people of ruling dispensation in favor of the religious north India in your prayers. minorities. Several hundreds of people have lost their lives in the previous years in cold waves that sweep across the country in October, November and December. Pray especially for the people

People coming to the Lord through Gospel Mela

who live in Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Rajasthan, Haryana, Jammu-Kashmir and Himachal Pradesh. Pray that the winter does not put roadblocks in the path of evangelists, missionaries and NGOs who work tirelessly to reach the unreached. Report from Punjab 8. ADULTERATION of PRAISE the Lord. We arranged a prayer meeting food items seems to be on the in Pachochack on Sept. 30 for Gospel Mela. As many increase in India. Recently, as 15 people got together for prayer. We prayed for it was found out that our nation and especially five important issues nearly 60% of milk concerning our country. Because of Gospel Mela s a m p l e s l i f t e d f r o m prayer, many different people are coming to the Lord Chennai and its suburbs from different castes and tribes. They are from were found substandard. Brahmins, Jat, Rajput, Mahasa, Jeelaha, Bhagat, What was even more worrying Maira and Torkhon tribes. A new seeker named Jaswant Sharma came to the was that one in 20 samples had cancer-causing meeting and got a New Testament. He is reading it ingredient aflatoxin M1. Aflatoxin finds its way to every day and happily growing in the Lord in milk through feed and fodder of the cattle. Pathankot city. Pasteurization and sterilization have little effect on it A Jat named Sukhwinder Singh came to the Lord and it still remains in the milk. Pray. as a result of our Gospel Mela prayer programme. 9. TOTAL wealth in India Please pray for Pachochack, Narat, Sarna, Simbli, has increased four-fold Gulpur, Domtal, Mohtli, Killa, Sirat, Bathsahib, between 2000 and 2019, Bath Lahri, Malakpur, Dheena, Laelochack and reaching $12.6 trillion this Deniwal villages. Pradeep Paul, missions worker year. Now, India ranks in Punjab fifth globally in terms of 15 people ready for baptism the number of ultra high net-worth individuals. 15 people (7 men and 8 However, there is considerable women) in one of our poverty in the country. Pray the super rich of the m i s s i o n f i e l d s i n country use their wealth wisely in philanthropic C h h a t t i s g a r h h a v e expressed their desire to activities to help their fellow poor countrymen. take baptism. 10. PRAY for religious All of them belong to minorities in India who are one village in Koraput persecuted for their faith. district. We praise God Christians and Muslims for His wondrous work. continue to suffer at the Please uphold these Chhattisgarh h a n d s o f r e l i g i o u s precious people in your fanatics. They are prayers. discriminated against, their Messenger Missions has been involved in worship centres are attacked evangelistic and church planting work in this state and women and children of these faiths continue to from 2013. Missions worker Yunesh Kashyap works be vulnerable targets of those who practice hate in some of the most dangerous districts of politics. Pray that God changes the mindset of the Chhattisgarh along with his son and family. THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER w NOVEMBER 2019


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RtpNr\ Nksh 2019 xt;nthUtUk; miukzp Neuk; ghuj;Jld; n[gpf;f 10 n[gf;Fwpg;Gfs; 134 Nfhb kf;fs; njhifAk; 6.40 yl;rk; 1. fpuhkq;fSk;> 4>635 kf;fs; ,dq;fSk;> 1>652 nkhopfs; NgRk; kf;fSk; nfhz;l ,e;jpa Njrj;jpd; gpujkUk;> mtUila ke;jphp rigAk; Neh;ikahd> Coyw;w> jpwikahd> kjr;rhh;gw;w Ml;rp nra;a n[gpAq;fs;. ngy;[pak;: cyfstpy; Rkhh; 200 2. kpy; y pad; ngz; f Sf; F tpUj; j Nrjdk; nra;ag;gLtJk; kUj;Jtf; fhuzq;fs; ,y;yhky; fh; g ; g g; i gia mfw; W tJk; ele; J s; s J. ,e;ehl;by; trpf;Fk; ,lk;ngah;e;j ngz;fs; ,f;nfhLikf;F mjpfk; cs;shtjhfTk;> fl;lhaj; jpUkzq;fSk; elg;gjhfTk; Ma;Tfs; $Wfpd;wd. ,e;epiy khw n[gpf;fTk;. tpgr;rhuk;> 3. Ntrpj;jdk;> mRj;jk;> fhktpfhuk;> tpf;fpufhuhjid> gpy;yp#dpak;> giffs;> tpNuhjq;fs;> ituhf;fpaq;fs;> Nfhgq;fs;> rz;ilfs;> gphptpidfs;> khh;f;fNgjq;fs;> nghwhikfs;> nfhiyfs;> ntwpfs;> fspahl;Lfs; Nghd;w khk;rj;jpd; fphpianad Ntjk; $Wk; ghtq;fspy; rpf;fpAs;s ,e;jpah; tpLgl n[gpAq;fs;. uh[htpd; fz;fspy; jaT fpilf;fTk;> 4. vUrNykpd; myq;fk; fl;l mDkjp cz;lhfTk; ~~Mz;ltNu> ckJ mbahDf;Ff; fhhpaj;ijf; if$btug;gz;zp> ,e;j kdpjDf;F Kd;ghf vdf;F ,uf;fk; fpilf;fg; gz;zpaUSk;|| vdf; Nfl;L mjd;gbNa gjpy; ngw;w neNfkpahitg; Nghy vd;id khw;Wk; vd;W n[gpAq;fs;. ,e;jpah> 5. tpf;fpufj; Njhg;Gfshy; epiwe;j Njrk;. gilj;jtiuNa xU fl;Lf;Fs; nfhz;Lte;J> mtiu rpU\;bf;fg;gl;litfSf;F xg;ghf tzq;Fk; ehL. kz;NrhW cz;gJk;> jPapd; kPJ elg;gJk;> fUk;Gs;sp nrk;Gs;sp Fj;jpf;nfhs;tJk; vd;W gy;NtW %lg;gof;fj;jpy; cod;W nfhz;L thOk; xt; n thUtUk; [P t Ds; s NjtidNa tpRthrpf;fTk; ghtkPl;gilaTk; n[gpAq;fs;. ePyfphp: 7>35>071 kf;fs; njhifAk;> 6 6. jhYf;fhf;fSk;> 54 fpuhkq;fSk; ,NaRit ,ul; r fuhf Vw; W kde; j pUk; g p> jq; f s; %lg;gof;fk;> Mtp tzf;fj;jpd; fphpiafspypUe;J tpLglTk;> ,aw;ifg; NguopTfs; ,q;Nf cz;lhfhky; ,Uf;fTk; n[gpAq;fs;. rpWth;fs; fy;tp> Rfhjhuk;> kw;Wk; 7. MNuhf;fpaj;jpw;fhf gzpahw;Wk; 29>353 njhz;L epWtdq;fs;> jypj;JfSf;fhf gzpahw;Wk; 15>945 njhz;L epWtdq;fs;> FbePh; trjp Website: Email:

ngw;Wj;jUk; 20>785 epWtdq;fs;> fy;tp kw;Wk; vOj;jwpT nfhLf;Fk; 38>028 epWtdq;fs; ,tw;wpd; mjpfhhpfs; kw;Wk; nghWg;ghsh;fs; rl;lj;jpw;Fl;gl;L nray;gl n[gpAq;fs;. ghuhSkd;w cWg;gpdh; xUtUf;F – 8. tUlj;jpw;F 34 Kiw ,ytr tpkhdg; gazk;> 50>000 A+dpl; kpd;rhuk;> 1.5 yl;rk; ,ytr njhiyg;Ngrp miog;Gfs;> 35>000 &gha; tPl;L thliff;F> 40>000 &gha; kUj;Jt cjtpf;F vd nkhj;jk; Rkhh; 35 yl;rk; ,e;jpa murhq;fj;jhy; nryT nra;ag;gLfpwJ. MfNt> mth;fs; jq;fs; flikfis czh;e;J nghWg;Gld; nrayhw;w n[gpAq;fs;. cfhz;lh: Nghh;> gQ;rk;> vapl;]hy; 9. ghjpf;fg;gl;l ehL ,J. Ie;J tajpw;Fl;gl;l 40% Ngh; xUNtis czT $l cz;gjpy;iy. Rkhh; 36% Ngh; Foe;ijj; njhopyhsh;fshfTk;> gj;jhapuj;jpw;Fk; mjpfkhNdhh; njUNthu Foe;ijfshfTk; cs;sdh;. ,e;j ,sk; rpwhh;fs; jPtputhjf; FOf;fspd; fl;lha cWg;gpduhf;fg;gLfpd;wdh;. ,e;epiy khw n[gpAq;fs;. 10. tl,e;jpah KOtJk; epyTk; fLk; Fsph; fhuzkhf gyh; Kd; tUlq;fspy; caphpoe;Js;sdh;. cj;jpug;gpuNjrk;> gQ;rhg;> uh[];jhd;> `hpahdh> [k;K-fh\;kPh;> `pkhr;ry; Nghd;w khtl;lq;fspy; rpy Neuq;fspy; fLk; Fsph; cz; l htjhy; kp\ndhpfSf; F k; > Copaq;fSf;Fk; ngUk; rthy; cz;lhfpwJ. ,aw;if #o;epiy Copah;fSf;F jq;fs; mUl;gzp nra;a rhjfkhf khw n[gpAq;fs;. 11. ,e;jpahtpy; xt;nthU Mz;Lk; elf;Fk; ehd;F yl;rk; rhiy tpgj;Jfspy;> 1.5 yl;rk; Ngh;


n[gpj;Njhk;> n[apg;Nghk;! vyprngj; tp[auhzp> nrd;id ,e; j n[gf; F wpg; G fSf; f hf n[gpf;Fk;NghJ ,d;Dk; epiwa Ngh;fSf;fhf ghuj;Jld; n[gpf;f Ntz;Lk; vd;w thQ;ir Vw;gLfpwJ. Copaf;fhuUf;fhf n[gpf;Fk;nghOJ cUf;fkhf ,Uf;fpwJ. ,ijf; fz;bg;ghf Mz;lth; Nfl;ghh; vd;gij cz; h ; e ; J fz; z P N uhL n[gpf; f pNwd; . Copaf;fhuhpd; ghJfhg;gpw;fhfTk; mth;fs; gps;isfisAk; Mz;lth; Ntypailj;J ghJfhj;Jf; nfhs;sTk; n[gpf;fpNwd;. ,e;j n[gf;Fwpg;Gf;fSf;fhf n[gpj;J Kbj;jTld; kdepiwT Vw;gLfpwJ. NOVEMBER 2019 w THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER

RtpNr\ Nksh ,wf;fpd;wdh;. ,jw;F thfd Xl;bfspd; myl;rpak;> miyNgrp Ngrpf;nfhz;L thfdk; Xl;LtJ> Kiwaha; gapw;rp ngw;W> Xl;Leh; chpkk; ngwhjJ> rhiy tpjpfis kPWtJ vdg; gy fhuzq;fs; cz;L. rl;lj;ij kPWtJk;> mLj;jtUf;F ghjpg;G Vw;gLj;JtJk; ghtnkd;W vy;NyhUk; czu n[gpAq;fs;. 12. ek; ehl;by; Nghypahd FUkhh;fs;> jiyth;fs;> kjthjpfs; MfpNahh; fPNo yl;rf; fzf; f hd kf; f s; mbikg; g l; L s; s dh; . kdpjh;fis nja;tkhf tzq;fj; J}z;b> kf;fspd; mwpahikia gad;gLj;jp gzk; ghh;f;Fk; ,e;jg; Nghyp kfhd;fs; kdk; khwTk;> mbikg;gl;l kf;fs; tpLglTk; n[gpAq;fs;. 13. Nfhak;Gj;J}h; khtl;lj;jpy; cs;s 34>72>578 [dq;fSk; 6 jhYf;fhf;fSk;> 389 fpuhkq;fSk; MrPh;tjpf;fg;glTk;> njhopw;rhiyfspy; KjyhspfSf;Fk;> njhopyhsh;-

fSf;FkpilNa ,zf;fk; cz;lhfTk;> ,e;j efuk; etPd njhopy; El;gj;jpy; ,d;Dk; tsh;r;rp fhzTk; n[gpAq;fs;. 14. fdlh: ,e; j ehl; b y; ghypay; J\;g;gpuNahfj;jpdhy; 60% Foe;ijfs; ghjpf;fg;gl;Ls;sdh;. clystpy; 20% Foe;ijfs; ghjpf;fg;gl;Ls;sdh;. Foe;ijfs; ,dntwpahy; gaKWj;jg;gl;L> mbf;fg;gl;L gytpjkhd ,d;dy;fSf;Fk; cs;shfpd;wdh;. n[gpAq;fs;. 15. ~n[aq;nfhs;SfpwtDf;F ehd; kiwthd kd;dhitg; Grpf;ff; nfhLj;J> mtDf;F ntz;ikahd Fwpf;fy;iyAk;> me;jf; fy;ypd; Nky; vOjg;gl;lJk; mijg; ngWfpwtNdad;wp NtnwhUtDk; mwpaf;$lhjJkhfpa Gjpa ehkj;ijAk; nfhLg;Ngd;| (ntsp. 2:17). ek; Mz;lth; ,NaR fpwp];Jtpd; tUif rkPgk;. Maj;jkhfTk;> gpwiu Maj;jg;gLj;jTk; n[gpAq;fs;.

China destroys 3,000-seat church THE People’s Republic of China destroyed a church that reportedly could seat 3,000 people and detained its pastors, according to a human rights organization. China Aid, an international nonprofit Christian human rights group based in Texas, reported the incident in a statement released Oct 19. According to the group, Chinese authorities provided no legal papers to justify the demolition. The church was located in Funan, Anhui province. Its pastors, Geng Yimin and Sun Yongyao, were detained under suspicion of “gathering a crowd to disturb social order.” China Aid President Bob Fu said in a statement that the incident was “yet another clear example showing the escalation of religious persecution

today by the Chinese Communist regime.” “The total disregard of religious freedom’s protection as enshrined in the Communist Party’s own Constitution tells the whole world President Xi is determined to continue his war against the peaceful Christian faithful. This campaign will surely fail in the end,” he continued. While China’s persecution of religious groups has existed for many years, recently under President Xi Jinping a wave of crackdowns on religious practices in China has taken place. The Communist government has destroyed or damaged several churches, reflecting concerns about the increasing Christian population of the country. In the summer, True Jesus Church in Henan province was razed to the ground.

Biblically, no case for woman preacher: John MacArthur LAMENTING what he sees as a heretical “plunge” away from biblical order, Pastor John MacArthur, who leads Grace Community Church in California, US, skewered popular Bible teacher Beth Moore, President Donald Trump’s spiritual adviser Paula White and evangelicals who support the idea of women preachers in general. “I think the church is caving in to women preachers. Just the other day the same thing happened with Paula White. A whole bunch of leading evangelicals endorsed her new book. She’s a heretic and a prosperity preacher, three times married. What are they thinking?” MacArthur said of the televangelist who chairs the evangelical advisory board of the Trump administration during the “Truth Matters Conference,” held Oct. 16-18 at THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER w NOVEMBER 2019

Grace Community Church. MacArthur’s 50th year in pulpit ministry was also celebrated during the event. MacArthur’s comments on White and women in ministry, however, were sparked during a panel discussion in which he was asked to give a pithy response to “Beth Moore,” who is a prominent evangelical Bible teacher, author and founder of Living Proof Ministries. The veteran Bible teacher bluntly replied: “Go home.” He then followed that up with: “There is no case that can be made biblically for a woman preacher. Period. Paragraph. End of discussion.” “Just because you have the skill to sell jewelry on the TV sales channel doesn’t mean you should be preaching, ” he added.


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cq;fs; rNfhjudplkpUe;J

vy;yhUf;Fk; njhpe;jpUf;f Ntz;ba fhhpak; ~cq;fs; rhe;jFzk; vy;yh kD\Uf;Fk; njhpe;jpUg;gjhf. fh;j;jh; rkPgkhapUf;fpwhh;| (gpypg;gpah; 4:5). vdf;F ahUila rhd;wpjOk; Ntz;lhk;. ehd; vg;gbg;gl;ltd; vd;W vd; Mz;ltUf;Fj; njhpAk; vd;W ehk; rpy Neuq;fspy; nrhy;tJz;L. kdpjh;fs; ek;ikj; jtwhfg; Ghpe;Jnfhs;Sk;NghJk;> ek;ik mtJ}W NgRk;NghJk; ehk; ,g;gbr; nrhy;YfpNwhk;. Mdhy;> ,e;j kNdhghtk; cz;ikapNyNa rhpahdjh? ,ijf; Fwpj;J jhd; ehk; Ntjj;jpypUe;J ghh;f;fg; NghfpNwhk;. ek;Kila rhe;jFzk; vy;yh kD\Uf;Fk; njhpe;jpUf;f Ntz;Lk; vd;W gTybahh; nrhy;fpwhh;. vy;yh kD\Uk; vd;gjpdhNy rigapy; ,Ug;gth;fSk;> rigf;F ntspNa ,Ug;gth;fSk; vd;W ekf;Fg; GhpfpwJ. NtW tpjj;jpy; nrhd;dhy;: cq;fs; Fzk;> Rghtk;> Ngr;R> eil> cil> ghtid vy;yhNk tpRthrpf; F kl; L ky; y > mtpRthrpf; F k; njhpe;jpUf;f Ntz;Lk;. ek;Kila rhl;rp ty;yikAs;sjhfTk;> thrk; epiwe;jjhfTk; ,Uf;f Ntz;Lk;. ek;Kila RghtKk;> xOf;fKk; vy;yhUf;Fk; njhpe;jpUg;gjpdhNy xU gyd; cz;L. mJ vd;dntd;W ghh;g;Nghk;. 1. ek; K ila rhl; r p kw; w th; f is Mjhag;gLj;Jk; ~me;jg;gb kidtpfNs> cq;fs; nrhe;jg; GU\h;fSf;Ff; fPo;g;gbe;jpUq;fs;@ mg;nghOJ mth; f spy; ahuhtJ jpUtrdj; j pw; F f; fPo;g;gbahjth;fshapUe;jhy;> gagf;jpNahL $ba cq;fs; fw;Gs;s elf;ifia mth;fs; ghh;j;J> Nghjidapd;wp> kidtpfspd; elf;ifapdhNyNa Mjhag;gLj;jpf;nfhs;sg;gLthh;fs;| (1 NgJU 3:1> 2). kidtpapd; rhl;rpapdhNy njhlg;gl;L> ,NaRtplk; te;J ,ul;rpf;fg;gl;L ,g;NghJ Nghjfh;fshapUf;fpw rpyiu vdf;Fj; njhpAk;. mJ ,g;nghOJk; elf;fj; jhd; nra;fpwJ. ,uz;lhtjhf> xU tp\aj;ij ehk; ftdpf;f Ntz;Lk;. 2. Copak; nra;fpwth;fSf;F ey;y rhl;rp ,Uf;f Ntz;Lk; ~,g;gbahf> ve;j kD\Dk; vq;fisf; fpwp];Jtpd; Copaf;fhunud;Wk;> NjtDila ,ufrpaq;fspd; cf;fpuhzf;fhunud;Wk; vz;zpf; nfhs;sf;fltd;. NkYk;> cf;fpuhzf;fhud; cz;ikAs;stndd;W fhzg;gLtJ mtDf;F mtrpakhk;| (1 nfhhpe;jpah; 4:1> 2). Website: Email:

cf; f puhzf; f hud; cz; i kas; s tndd; W fhzg;gLtJ cyfj;jpw;F my;y> CopaUf;Nf mtrpak;. ~NjtDila uh[;ak; Grpg;Gk; Fbg;Gky;y> mJ ePjpAk; rkhjhdKk; ghpRj;j MtpapdhYz;lhFk; re;Njh\KkhapUf;fpwJ. ,itfspNy fpwp];JTf;F Copak; nra;fpwtd; NjtDf;Fg; gphpaDk;> kD\uhy; mq;fpfhpf;fg;gl;ltDkhapUf;fpwhd;| (Nuhkh; 14:17> 18). Copak; nra;fpwth;fSf;F NjtDila gphpaKk; Ntz;Lk;> kD\Uila jaTk;> mq;fpfhuKk; Ntz;Lk;. ,e;j mq;fpfhuk; rl;lj;jpdhy; my;y> NjtDila ty;yikapdhNy cz;lhfpwJ. mjw;F mLj;j trdj;jpd; %ykhf ek;Kila tho;f;ifapdhy; kw;wth;fSf;F rkhjhdk; cz;lhfTk;> gf;jptpUj;jp Vw;glTk; ehk; Kaw;rp nra;a Ntz;Lk; vd;Wk; ehk; mwpTWj;jg;gLfpNwhk;. %d;whtjhf> ekf;F xU fhhpaj;jpNy [hf;fpuijapUf;f Ntz;Lk;. 3. ek;khy; ahUk; ,lwy; milaf;$lhJ vd;W ehk; tpUk;g Ntz;Lk; ~,e;j Copak; Fw;wg;glhjgbf;F> ehq;fs; ahnjhd; w pYk; ,lwy; cz; l hf; f hky; > vt;tpjj;jpdhNyAk; vq;fis Njt Copaf;fhuuhf tpsq;fg;gz;ZfpNwhk;| (2 nfhhp. 6:3). ,J gTypd; tpUg;gKk;> n[gKk;> nraYk; kl;Lky;y. ,NaR ekf;Ff; fhz;gpj;j khjphpAk; ,J jhd;. ~,NaRthdth; Qhdj;jpYk;> tsh;j;jpapYk;> NjtfpUigapYk;> kD\h; jatpYk; mjpfkjpfkha; tpUj;jpaile;jhh;| (Y}f;fh 2:52). ekf;F NjtDila fpUigAk;> kD\Uila jaTk; Njit. cyf ul;rfUk;> NjtDila FkhuDkhd ,NaRTf;Nf kD\Uila jaT Njitg;gl;lnjd;why;> ekf;F mJ ve;j msTf;Fj; Njit vd;gij ehd; mjpfkhf typAWj;j Ntz;ba mtrpakpy;iy. gpypg;gpah; 4:5 ekf;F czh;j;Jk; ,d;ndhU cz;ik vd;d njhpAkh? cq;fs; rhe;jFzk; vy;yh kD\Uf;Fk; njhpe;jpUg;gjhf. fh;j;jh; rkPgkhapUf;fpwhh; (gpypg;gpah; 4:5). ,e;j trdk; ekf;Ff; fhz;gpf;Fk; cz;ik ,Jjhd;: fh;j;jUila tUiff;Fk;> vd;Dila Rghtj;jpw;Fk; rk;ge;jk; cz;L. ,NaRtpd; tUifapy; ehd; vLj;Jf;nfhs;sg;gl vd; Fzk; gpuj;jpal;rkhAk;> ghpRj;jKs;sjhAk; ,Uf;f Ntz;Lk;.



cq;fs; rNfhjudplkpUe;J ek;Kila rhl;rpiaf; fhj;Jf;nfhs;tJ kpfTk; mtrpak;> Vndd;why; fh;j;jUila tUif vg;NghJ Ntz;Lnkd;whYk; Vw;gLk; vd;gijNa me;j trdk; ekf;F czh;j;Jfpd;wJ. fh;j;jUila tUifapNy rhl;rpAs;sth;fsha; epw;f fh;j;jh; cq;fSf;Fk;> Nghjpf;fpw vdf;Fk; fpUig jUthuhf. Mnkd;. Mtpf;Fhpa Njtnra;jpfisg; ngw;Wf;nfhs;s vq;fsJ YouTube channel, Messenger TV-I ghh;f;fTk;.

kj czh;Tfisg; gw;wpa Fw;wq;fs; njhpe;J nfhs;;Sq;fs; gphpT – 295: topghl;Lf;Fhpa Xh; ,lk;. nghUs; kjr;rhh;Gilath; f spd; kdij> kjTzh;Tfis Gz;gLj;Jk; vd;W njhpe;jpUe;Jk;> mopg;gJ> gpd;dg;gLj;JtJ> mRj;jg;gLj;JtJ Fw;wkhFk;. jz;lid: ,uz;L Mz;Lfs; tiu rpiwf;fhyk; my;yJ CONSTITUTION OF INDIA m g u h j k ; my;yJ ,e;jpa murpay; ,uz;Lk; jz;lidahf mikg;G rl;lq;fs; tpjpf;fg;gLk;. gphpT – 295(A): kj czh;r;rpfis Gz;gLj;j Ntz;Lk; vd;w nfl;l vz;zj;Jld;> Ntz;Lnkd;Nw Ngr;rhNyh> vOj;jhNyh> [hilahfNth xU kjj; i jNah> kj czh; T fisg; Gz;gLj;JtNjh> my;yJ mjw;F Kaw;rp nra;tNjh Fw;wkhFk;. jz; l id: %d; W Mz; L fs; tiu rpiwf;fhty; my;yJ mguhjk; my;yJ ,uz;Lk; tpjpf;fg;gLk;. gphpT – 296: kj topghL> kjr; rlq;F nra;tjw;Ff; $bapUf;Fk; $l;lj;jpy; mikjpia Fiyf;f nra;ag;gLk; nray; Fw;wkhFk;. jz;lid: Xh; Mz;L rpiwr;fhty; my;yJ mguhjk; my;yJ ,uz;Lk; jz;lidahf tpjpf;fg;gLk;. gphpT – 297: topghl;blq;fs;> ,LfhL> RLfhL> me;jpkf; fphpiafs; nra;Ak; ,lk;> ,we;jthpd;

m];jp itf;fg;gl;Ls;s ,lk; Mfpa ,lq;fspy; jdpkdpjdpd; czh;Tfis Gz;gLj;j Ntz;Lk; vd;w vz;zj;Jld; gpwUila czh;TfSf;F my;yJ kjj;jpw;F ,opT cz;lhFk; vdj; njhpe;jpUe;Jk; mj;JkPwp EiotJ Fw;wkhFk;. ,we;jthpd; rlyj;jpw;F mtkjpg;ig cz;lhf;ff; $ba vj;jifar; nraYk; Fw;wkhFk;. jz;lid: Xh; Mz;L rpiwf;fhty; my;yJ mguhjk; my;yJ ,uz;Lk; jz;lidahf tpjpf;fg;gLk;. gphpT 298: xU eghpd; kj czh;Tfis Gz;gLj;Jk; tifapy; me;j eghpd; fhjpy;gLk;gbahf xU nrhy;iy cgNahfpj;jhYk;> xypia cz;lhf;fpdhYk;> [hilf; fhl;bdhYk;> xU nghUis itj;jhYk; Fw;wkhFk;. jz;lid: Xh; Mz;L rpiwf;fhty; my;yJ mguhjk; my;yJ ,uz;Lk; jz;lidahf tpjpf;fg;gLk;.

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Copahpd; ghh;itapy;

rKjhaj;jpd; mtyepiy nrd; i d gs; s pf; f uidapYs; s vq; f s; gFjpapy; fle;j xU khj ,ilntspapy; 4 jw;nfhiyfs; ele;jd. jw;nfhiy nra;Jnfhz;lth;fs; vy;yhUNk 19 Kjy; 30 tiu taJs;sth;fs; jw;nfhiyg; gw;wpa tpopg;Gzh;T Vw;gLj;Jk; Nehf;fj;NjhL jw;nfhiy jPh;ty;y vd;w xU ifg;gpujpia vOjp 2000 Jz;Lg;gpujpfis mr;rpl;L mf;Nlhgh; 2 fhe;jp n[ae;jp md;W vq;fs; gFjpapy; cs;s RahjPd Nghjfh;fs; cjtpAld; tpdpNahfk; nra;Njhk;. vq;fs; gFjp kf;fis Neubahf mth;fs; tPl;L thrYf;Nf nrd;W re;jpj;jjpd; tpisthf mNefj; jfty;fs; fpilj;jd. me;jj; jfty;fs; vq;fSf;F mjph;r;rpiaf; nfhLj;jJ. •xU xJf;fg;Gwkhd gFjpapy; rpy thypgh;fs; Fk;gyhf cl;fhh;e;J rhuhak; Fbj;Jf; nfhz;bUe;jhh;fs;. ehDk; cs;Sh;thrp vd;gjpdhy; Neubahf nrd;W mth;fSf;Ff; ifg;gpujp nfhLj;Njd;. •thq;fpatd; ~vd;d gh];lh;| vd;whd;. jw;nfhiyg; gw;wpa tpopg;Gzh;T vd;Nwd;. 30 taJFl;gl;l me;j ,isQd;> ~ehd; gyKiw nrj;jpUf;f Ntz;batd; gh];lh;. ,g;NghJ $l ehd; vg;NghJ jw;nfhiy nra;J nfhs;Ntd; vd;W vdf;Nf njhpahJ. jpdKk; Fbf;f ruf;F Ntz;Lk;> ruf;F thq;fg; gzk; ,y;iy vd;why; nrj;JtpLNtd; gh];lh;>| vd;whd;. ehd; mtdplk; Fbf;fpwg; gof;fj;jpypUe;J ntspNa tu cjTk; gy epWtdq;fs; ,Uf;fpd;wd vd;Wk; mth;fspd; njhiyg;Ngrp vz;fisj; jUfpNwd; vd;Wk; nrhy;yp te;Njd;. •jdyl;Rkp vd;w 50 taJ kjpf;fj;jf;f xU ngz; ehd; itj;jpUf;fpw ifg;gpujp vd;dntd;W Nfl;lhh;. ehd; gjpy; nrhd;Ndd;. mjw;F mth;fs;> ~jw;nfhiy nra;J nfhs;s vJTk; top nrhy;y khl;Bh;fsh| vd;W Nfl;lhh;. vd;NdhL te;j Nghjfh;fs; me;j mk;khTf;F jw;nfhiy vz;zj;jpypUe;J kPs;tjw;fhd topfisr; nrhd;dhh;fs;. •xU Xl;Leh; vq;fs; ifg;gpujpia thq;fptpl;L vd;dntd;W Nfl;lhh;. gjpy; nrhd; d Jk; > iffspy; thq; f pg; gbf; f Muk;gpj;jtUila fz;fspypUe;J fz;zPh; tbe;jJ. ~vd;Dila ez;gd;> kidtp> ,uz;L gps; i sfis tpl; L jw; n fhiy nra; J nfhz;lhd;> fldhf thq;fpa ntWk; 1>000 &ghiaj; jpUg;gpf; nfhLf;f top njhpahky; jw;nfhiy nra;J nfhz;lhd;>| vd;W fz; Website: Email:

fyq;fpdhh;. •NtnwhU rk;gtk; ntq;fNlrd; vd;w Rkhh; 22 tajpUf;Fk; ,isQh; xUth; jw;nfhiyjhd; rpy gpur;ridfSf;Fj; jPh;T vd;W vq;fSld; tpthjk; nra;jhh;. filrptiu mijNa nrhy;ypf; nfhz;bUe;jhh;. •xUth; ehd; thq;fkhl;Nld; vd;whh;. Vd; vd;W Nfl;Nld;. ehd; ,e;J vd;whh;. ~,e;Jf;fs; jw;nfhiy nra;J nfhs;tjpy;iyah| vd;Nwd;> ~nra;fpwhh;fNs>| vd;whh;. ,J jw;nfhiyiag; gw;wpaJjhd; vd;Nwd;> thq;fp itj;Jf; nfhz;lhh;. tUk; ehl;fspy; ,d;Dk; mjpfkhd tPLfisf; re;jpj;J ,e;jf; ifg;gpujpiaf; nfhLf;f jpl;lkpl;L ,Uf;fpNwhk;> n[gpj;Jf; nfhs;Sq;fs;. n[. Nltpl; jd;uh[;

cd;djkhdthpd; kiwT cyfj;Jf;F cd;idj; njhpatpy;iy vd;W epidf;fpw fh;j;jUila gps;isNa> eP cd;djkhdthpd; kiwtpypUf;fpwha; vd;gij kwe;JNghdnjd;d? ~gpugykhapUf; f tpUk; G fpw vtDk; me;juq;fj;jpNy xd;iwAk; nra;a khl;lhd;| vd;gJk; ~cyfj;Jf;F ck;ik ntspg;gLj;Jk;>| vd;gJk; fpwp];Jit mwpahj cyfj;jhhpd; MNyhrid. ~cd; jhdjh; k q; f Sk; > n[gq; f Sk; me;juq;fj;jpy; ,Ue;jhy; jhd; cdf;F ntspauq;fkhdg; gyd; fpilf;Fk; vd;W ,NaR nrhd;dij epidj;Jf; nfhs; (kj;. 6:3-6). eP mtUila kiwtpy; ,Ue;jhy; jhd; rh;t ty;ytUila epoypy; jq;f KbAk;. me;j epoypy; eP ,Uf;Fk; tiu jhd; nghy;yhg;G cdf;F NehplhkYk;> thij cd; $lhuj;ij mZfhkYk; ,Uf;Fk;. eP mtUila kiwtpy; ,Ug;gjpdhy; kl;LNk cd; topfspnyy;yhk; cd;idf; fhf;Fk;gb> cdf; f hfj; jk; K ila J}jh; f Sf; F f; fl;lisapLfpwhh; vd;gij kwe;J tplhNj. vy;yh kiwTfSk; ed;ikf;fy;y. Mdhy; cd;djkhdthpd; kiwT cd;id epj;jpaj;jpw;fhfg; ghJfhf;Fk;. mjdhy;> KWKWf;fhNj. ~Vw;wfhyj;jpNy Njtd; cq;fis cah;j;Jk;gbf; F > mtUila gyj; j iff; F s; mlq;fpapUq;fs;| (1 NgJU 5:6).



FWf;nfOj;J N`kh jdrPyd;

ahf;NfhG> Nahthd;> A+jh epUgq;fs; B kw;Wk; C gbtq;fspy; nghUj;jkhd Ntjhfkf; Fwpg;ig vOjp A gbtj;Jld; mDg;g Ntz;Lk;. ,g;Nghl;bf;fhd cq;fs; gjpy;fis gbtk; A-apy; epug;gp> B kw;Wk; C Mfpa gbtq;fspy; trd ,Ug;gplq;fis kl;Lk; vOjp etk;gh; 20> 2019 Njjpf;Fs; fpilf;FkhW mDg;Gq;fs;.

gj;jphpf;ifapy; ntspaplg;gl;Ls;s gbtq;fis efy; vLj;J kl;LNk mDg;g Ntz;Lk;. gpw KiwfspNyh (mQ;ry; ml;il> cs;ehl;Lf; fth;> jhs; Nghd;witfspy;) tiue;Njh gjpy;fis mDg;gf; $lhJ. mitfs; Nghl;bf;F vLj;Jf;nfhs;sg;glkhl;lhJ. Mrphpah;. gbtk; A 1





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gbtk; B ,lkpUe;J tyk;: 1. kD\d; fz;zhbapNy ,ijg; ghHf;fpwhd; (6) ( ____________ ) 4. ________ rpwpa mtatkhapUe;Jk; ngUikahditfisg; NgRk; (5) ( ____________ ) 8. gythd;fshapUf;fpwtHfs; (4) ( ____________ ) 10. kfhehspd; ________(8) ( ____________ ) 11. ,NaRfpwp];Jit kWjypf;fpw gf;jpaw;wtHfs; ______ Eioe;jpUf;fpwhHfs; (7) ( ________ ) 14. J}jHfis Vw;Wf; nfhz;lts; (3) ( ____________ ) 15. ,tH ekf;Fg; ghuhl;bd md;G nghpJ (6) ( ____________ ) 16. cyfj;jhy; ________ gbf;Ff; fhj;Jf; nfhs;SfpwJ Rj;jkhd gf;jp (5) ( ____________ ) 18. ,q;Nf rhl;rpapLfpwtHfs; %tH (7) ( ____________ ) 20. fphpiafspy;yhj tpRthrk; ________ ,Uf;fpwJ (5) ( ____________ ) 23. Nrhjidia rfpf;fpw kD\d; ________ vd;W tpsq;Fthd;; (5) ( ____________ ) 24. re;Njfg;gLfpwtd; fhw;wpdhy; mbgl;L miyfpw ,jw;F xg;ghapUf;fpwhd; (4>2)( __________ ) 28. epahag;gpukhzj;ijf; fl;lisapLfpwtH________ (4) ( ____________ ) 29. kuzj;Jf;F________ cz;L (6> 3) ( ____________ )30. G+uz md;G gaj;ijg; ________ js;Sk; (4) ( ____________ ) THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER w NOVEMBER 2019


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gbtk; C NkypUe;J fPo;: 1. ghtpfNs> cq;fs; iffisr; ________ (9) ( ____________ ) 2. ________ cq;fisf; fhf;fTk; ty;yikAs;stH ek; ,ul;rfuhfpa Njtd; (6) ( __________ ) 3. ehk; ,itfspd;gb elg;gNj md;G (6) ( ____________ ) 5. MtpahdtH ek;kplj;jpy; ituhf;fpa________ ,Uf;fpwhH (5) ( ____________ ) 6. cq;fs; ________ Jf;fpg;ghf khwf;fltJ (4) ( ____________ ) 7. ,e;j eP&w;Wj; jpj;jpg;ghd [yj;ijf; nfhLf;fkhl;lhJ (6) ( ____________ ) 9. NjtDila________ Njtdhy; gpwe;jtDf;Fs; jhpj;jpUf;fpwJ (3) ( ____________ ) 10. ,J KOtijAk; iff;nfhz;bUe;Jk; xd;wpNy jtwpdhy; Fw;wthsp (9) ( ____________ ) 12. ePq;fs; mtuhNy ngw;w________ cq;fspy; epiyj;jpUf;fpwJ (5) ( ____________ ) 13. ehk; ghtk; nra;atpy;iynad;Nghkhdhy;> mtUila______ ekf;Fs; ,uhJ (4)( _________ ) 17. ________ tUfpw Qhdk; KjyhtJ Rj;jKs;sjha; ,Uf;fpwJ (8) ( ____________ ) 19. Kjd;ikahf ,Uf;f tpUk;Gfpwtd; (7) ( ____________ ) 21. ahtUk; Nfhgpf;fpwjw;Fj; ________ ,Uf;ff;fltHfs; (6) ( ____________ ) 22. ePjpkhd; nra;Ak; Cf;fkhd Ntz;Ljy; ________ ngyDs;sjhapUf;fpwJ (4)( ___________ ) 25. ________ epiyj;jpUf;fpwtd; Njtdpy; epiyj;jpUf;fpwhd; (4) ( ____________ ) 26. ,jpd; Rghtk; kD\Rghtj;jhy; mlf;fg;gLk; (4) ( ____________ ) 27. ed;ikahd________ <Tk; guj;jpypUe;Jz;lhfpwJ (3) ( ____________ )

gjpy;fis mDg;gNtz;ba Kfthp: jp fpwp];bad; nknrQ;rh;> vz;. 20/20, ghujpahh; njU> rPdpthrh efh;> ghb> nrd;id 600 050.

cq;fs; ngah; : ______________________ ,lk; : ______________________ miyNgrp vz;: ______________________ nrd;w khjj;jpd; rhpahd tpilfs;: NahRth ,lkpUe;J tyk;: 2. fhrh> fhj; (11:22) 4. cg;Gf;fly; 3:16 my;yJ 12:3 7. epyk; (17:8) 8. fhNj];gh;ndah (14:7) 12. kfhuhj; (15:59) 13. efyhy; (19:15) 15. vg;gpuhaPk; (14:4) 18. Rje;juk; (18:7) 19. kfdhaPk; (21:38) 21. ghyhk; (13:22) 23. ah;%j; (10:3) 24. mk;khj; (19:35) 25. fpy;fhy; (4:20) 27. nfgpuh (9:17) 29. rpj;jPk; (2:1) 30. rhhPj; (19:10) 32. thry;fs; (6:26) 33. Fstpfs; (24:12) 34. Mj;rhh;fhjh (15:27) NkypUe;J fPo;: 1. Fjpfhy;> euk;Gfs; (11:6 my;yJ 9) 2. fhah]; (24:30) 3. fhNrh; (16:10) 4. ck;jh (15:54) Website: Email:

5. GOjp (7:6) 6. fUf;fhd (5:2) 7. epahag;gpukhzk; (8:34) 9. gfy; (10:13) 10. ngj;Njy; (7:2) 11. NraPh;> kiy (24:4) 14. yhfPR (10:33) 16. Ie;jhk; (19:24) 17. fhdhdpah; (17:18) 20. ngj;jhuhk; (13:27) 21. ghfhy;fhj; (13:5) 22. Aj;jk; (23:10) 26. vy;Njhyhj; (19:4) 27. nf#hpah; (13:13) 28. <rhf;F (24:3) 31. Nehths; (17:3)

mf;Nlhgh; khjg; Nghl;bf;fhd rhpahd tpilfis vOjpath;fs;: gpukpyh Jiuuh[;> yPyh ghz;bad;> n`g;rpgh jhk];> Mgpufhk; NtjKj;J> Ilh rpq;>

eph;kyh Nltpl;> fpNu]; tp[auhzp> Qhd nry;tp> ehd;]p Mgpufhk;> \Pgh n[gJiu> vyprngj; uhzp (nrd;id).

gpNukyjh Re;jh;ghG (nrq;fy;gl;L)> fpshuh (tlf;F uh[hT+h;)> nfl;rp jk;Guh[; (rptpy;ypGj;J}H)> tpf;Nlhhpah nry;tp N[hrg; (NtY}h;)

Rj;jkhd gf;jp vJ? jpf;fw;w gps;isfSk; tpjitfSk;gLfpw cgj;jputj;jpNy mth;fis tprhhpf;fpwJk;> cyfj;jhy; fiwglhjgbf;Fj; jd;idf; fhj;Jf;nfhs;SfpwJNk gpjhthfpa NjtDf;FKd;ghf khrpy;yhj Rj;jkhd gf;jpahapUf;fpwJ (ahf;NfhG 1:27). 21


Ntjhfkj;jpd; Gj;jfq;fs;

Nahthd; vOjpd %d;whtJ epUgk; mg;Ngh];jydhfpa Nahthd; vOjpd Kjyhk; epUgk; NjtNdhLs;s If;fpaj;ijf; Fwpj;jJ. ,uz;lhtJ epUgj;jpy; fs;sg; Nghjfh;fSf;F tpyfp ,Uf;f vr;rhpj;jhh;. %d;whtJ epUgj;jpy; tpRthrj; j py; ,Uf; F k; rNfhjuh; f NshL If;fpaj;jpy; ,Uf;f ehk; miof;fg;gLfpNwhk;. fhA vd;w rNfhjuDf;fhf n[gpf;f cWjp mspj;Jtpl;L> mth; rj;jpaj;jpy; elf;fpd;whh; vd;gjpNy re;Njh\g;gLfpwhh; mg;Ngh];jyd;. mJkl;Lky;y> rigapy; cs;s tpRthrpfSf;Fk;> me;epaUf;Fk; mth; nra;fpw vy;yhtw;iwAk; cz;ikahfr; nra;fpwjhfr; rhd;Wk; mspf;fpwhh;. MwhtJ trdj;jpy; tUk; NjtDf;F Kd;ghfg; ghj; j pukhdgb toptpl; l Dg; G tJ vd; W nrhy;yg;gLk; fhhpak; vd;d? gzpj;js Copah;fSf;F Ntz;ba cjtpfisr; nra;J mth;fs; Njitfisr; re;jpg;gijNa Nahthd; mq; N f Fwpg; g pLfpd; w hh; . cjtpfisg; gzkhfNth> nghUshfNth> $lg; gazpf;Fk; Ml;fshfNth> my;yJ gazj;Jf;F cjTk; NtW fhhpaq;fshfNth nfhLj;J Copah;fspd; Njitfis epiwNtw;wNt Nahthd; mq;Nf fhAtplk; tpz;zg;gpf;fpd;whh;. me;jg;gb> mth;fs; Njitfis epiwNtw;wpd fhATk; rj;jpaj;jpd; Copauhf ,Uf;fpd;whh;. Mdhy;> rigapy; ,Ue;j vy;yhUk; fhAitg; Nghy ,Uf;ftpy;iy. jpNahjpNug;G vd;gtd; fhATf;F Neh; vjpuhf ,Ue;jhd;. mtd; Nahthd; vOjpd tpz;zg;gj;ij cjhrPdg;gLj;jpdhd;. mJ kl;Lky;y> mtd; NahthidAk; mtUila $l;lhspfisAk; Vw;Wf;nfhs;sTk; ,y;iy. mtd; md;g pNy thotpy;i y. mtd; tho;f;ifapy; ngUik NkNyhq;fp ,Ue;jJ. NahthDila tpz;zg;gj;ij cjhrPdg;gLj;Jtjpdhy; mtd; NahthDf;F fdj;ijf; nfhLf;fhky; jd;idNa cah;j;Jfpwtdha; ,Ue;jhd;. mJ kl;Lky;y> jpNahjpNug;G Nahthid tirghbdhd;. mg;Ngh];jyidj; J}w;wpdhd;. rigapy; NahthDf;F mD$ykhf ,Ue;jth;fisj; jilnra;J> rigf;Fg; Gwk;Ng js;spdhd;. ,ijnay;yhk; Rl;bf;fhz;gpj;Jtpl;L> Nahthd; fhAtplk; jP i kahdijg; gpd; g w; w hky; ed;ikahdijg; gpd;gw;w cw;rhfg;gLj;jpdhh;. fhuzk;> ed;ik nra;fpwtd; Njtdhy; cz;lhapUf;fpwhd;> jPik nra;fpwtd; Njtidf; fhztpy;iy (trdk; 11). NjNkj;jphpA ey;y rhl;rpAs;stdha; ,Ue;jhd;. xUNtis> me;jr; rigapy; jpNahjpNug;Gtpdhy;

gphpakhdtNd> eP jPikahdijg; gpd;gw;whky;> ed;ikahdijg; gpd;gw;W> ed;iknra;fpwtd; Njtdhy; cz;lhapUf;fpwhd;. jil nra;ag;gl;ltdhfNth> tpul;lg;gl;ltdhfNth ,e;j NjNkj;jphpA ,Ue;jpUf;ff; $Lk;. epUgj;ij vOjpath;: mg;Ngh];jydhfpa Nahthd;. epUgk; vOjg;gl;l fhyk;: fpwp];JTf;Fg;gpd; 90-MtJ tUlk; ,uz;lhtJ epUgKk;> %d;whtJ epUgKk; vOjg;gl;bUf;fyhk;. epUgj;jpy; fpwp];J: Kjyhk; epUgj;ijAk;;> ,uz;lhk; epUgj;ijAk; Nghy my;yhky;> %d;whtJ epUgj;jpy; ,NaR fpwp];Jtpd; ngah; tutpy;iy. Mdhy;> 7-MtJ trdj;jpy; tUk; mtUila ehkj;jpdpkpj;jk; vd;gJ ,NaR fpwp];JitNa Fwpf;Fk;. %d;whtJ epUgk; KOtJk; rj;jpaj;ijf; Fwpj;J mNef ,lq;fspy; nrhy;yg;gl;Ls;sJ. ek; Mz;ltUk;> ul;rfUkhd ,NaR fpwp];JNt my;yhky; rj;jpaj;jpd; Cw;Wk;> ciwtplKk;> ntspg;ghLk; NtW ahh;? jpwTNfhy;fs;: rNfhjuNuhL If;fpak; vd;gNj ,e;j epUgj;jpd; ikaf; fUj;J. rigapy; cs;s tpRthrpfSld;> Fwpg;ghf KO Neu Copah;fSld; cs;s If;fpaj;ijf; Fwpj;Nj Nahthd; ,e;j epUgj;jpy; Cd;wp vOJfpwhh;. jpwTNfhy; trdk;: ~gphpakhdtNd> eP jPikahdijg; gpd;gw;whky;> ed;ikahdijg; gpd; g w; W > ed; i knra; f pwtd; Njtdhy; cz;lhapUf;fpwhd;@ jPiknra;fpwtd; Njtidf; fhztpy;iy| (trdk; 11). KO Ntjg;Gj;jfj;jpYk; ,e;j epUgk;jhd; kpfTk; rpwpag; Gj;jfk;. Mdhy;> kpfTk; mokhd xU fUj;ijr; nrhy;Yk; Gj;jfk; ,J. %d;W Kf;fpakhd egh;fisf; Fwpj;j tptuq;fs; ekf;F ,e;j epUgj;jpd; %ykhff; fpilf;fpd;wJ. fhATk;> NjNkj;jphpATk; fpwp];jt tho;f;ifapy; ekf;F ey;y khjphpfs;. jpNahjpNug;G jPik nra;fpwtd;> Mifahy; Njtidf; fhzhjtd;. ,d;Wk; $l rpy rigfspy; jpNahjpNug;Gitg; Nghd; w kha; k hyf; f huh; f Sk; > md; g py; y hjth;fSk; tpRthrpfshfTk;> Nghjfh;fshfTk; ,Ug;gJk;> mg;Ngh];jydhfpa Nahthidg; Nghd;wth;fSk;> fhA> kw;Wk; NjNkj;jphpA Nghd;w cz;ikahd Copah;fSk;> tpRthrpfSk; Xuq; f l; l g; g LtJk; > xLf; f g; g LtJk; jhd; ,d;iwar; rigapd; mty epiyik.

Owned and published by Elsy Robin from 329/4, Poonga Apartments, HIG Flats, II Avenue, Anna Nagar, Chennai 600 040. Printed by L Cyril Sagayaraj at VS Printograph Pvt Ltd., No. 142, L&T Road, Burma Colony, Perungudi, Chennai 600 096. Editor: Elsy Robin THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER w NOVEMBER 2019


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Woollen blankets for mission fields in north, central India

AS part of our outreach in areas under our mission fields and beyond, Messenger Missions is shipping woollen blankets to the poor and the underprivileged people in Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh and Odisha. These woollen clothes will be distributed among the poor and the underprivileged by our missionaries. In addition to the states above, some woollen clothes will be distributed in our mission field in Hosur, TN. Messenger Missions has been involved in distributing woollen clothes to the cold regions in central India and north India since 2013. A/C Name A/C No Account Type Bank Name Branch / Code IFS code Swift code

If you would like to partner with us in this project, get in touch with us at 044-26247598, 0-7299063345. Email:


: Messenger Missions : 913020055473409 : Current : Axis Bank : Mogappair, Chennai (345) : UTIB0000345 : AXISINBB016

RNI No. TNBIL/2004/15307 Postal Registration No. TN/CCN/271/2016-2018 Posted: 2nd to 8th of every month Licence to Post Without Pre-payment WPP No. TN/PMG(CCR)/WPP-77/2016-2018 | Date of Publication: 25 of every month th


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