The Christian Messenger June 2018 English

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Help Our Missionaries’ Children With School Fees

Secularism Under Threat In India: Archbishop



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What Must You Do To Inherit Eternal Life? 1

From your Brother


OVING greetings to you From Joppa, Nineveh was only 550 in the Name of our God miles away but Jonah took a ship to who said: ‘Repent, and Tarshish which was 2500 miles away turn from all your transgressions, from the sea port of Joppa. We may so that iniquity will not be your ruin’ (Ezekiel be doing things several times harder 18:30). than what God had commanded us to June is children’s New Year. We need to do, but remember we may be earnestly pray for our children who are entering the portals of educational institutions with new pounded by great storms just like hopes and resolutions. We need to pray, those Jonah had encountered. according to the Word of God, that our children will indeed be taught by the Lord and great should be their peace (Isaiah 54:13). We are bound to pray for them that they will successfully complete their education, be gainfully employed and be children of light wherever God has established them. We should not forget the fact that whatever we are today is because of the grace of God and the prayers of our parents. I praise God for giving me the opportunity to share with you a few things He spoke to me about the life of Jonah when I was reading the book a few days ago. When the word of the Lord came to Jonah, he did exactly the opposite of what God expected him to do. From Joppa, Nineveh was only 550 miles away but since he had no plan to heed the voice of God Jonah took a ship to Tarshish which was 2500 miles away from the sea port of Joppa. We may be doing things several times harder than what God had commanded us to do, but if we have not yielded ourselves to the will of God we may be pounded by great storms just like those Jonah had encountered. ‘But Jonah arose to flee to Tarshish from the presence of the Lord. He went down to Joppa, and found a ship going to Tarshish; so he paid the fare, and went down’ (Jonah 1:3). Is there anything that you have paid fare to just so you can be away from the presence of the Lord today? You may give yourselves a clean chit on this. But remember that TV, that smart phone and that computer that bears the time-wasting social media apps that robs your time and prevents you from reading the Bible, praying and communing with God are the ships that you have paid fare to so you will go to Tarshish and not Nineveh where God wants you to be in. I am not against news disseminating platforms but there should be discipline, caution and a regulation in their usage. Sadly, there is not much difference between the programs that the so-called Christians watch and the ones the unbelievers enjoy. ‘But Jonah had gone down into the lowest parts of the ship, had lain down, and was fast asleep’ (Jonah 1:5). When it looked as if the ship would break in the great wind and the mighty tempest that raged in the sea, the mariners cried out every man to his god but Jonah, the child of God and the servant of the Lord who made the sea and the dry land was fast asleep in the lower cabin of the ship. Jonah’s hardheartedness prevented him from crying out to God even in that life-threatening situation. Is it any wonder that those who pay a fare just so they would be away from the presence of the Lord are not even aware of the acute danger that they are in? If, like Jonah, you have not yielded yourself to God’s will even after knowing it well, I beseech you to submit yourself in the presence of the Lord. Do not forget that your peace can only be found in His will and your wellbeing is assured only in His hands. Can anyone hide himself in secret places, so I shall not see him?” says the Lord; “Do I not fill heaven and earth?” says the Lord (Jeremiah 23:24). Your peace and guidance is only in the presence of the Lord. Do not run away from it, but teach yourself to run towards it. ‘The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run to it and are safe’ (Proverbs 18:10). May God bless you through this message! Amen. 2


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Vol. 15, No. 2

Page 20

JUNE, 2018

The purpose of the news magazine is to report newsworthy religious events and activities within the local community, nationwide and around the world, to increase the awareness and activism of believers regarding the moral issues of today, to provide thought-provoking commentary, and to provide an effective advertising vehicle for Christian ministries and organizations, events and businesses that want to reach the Christian community. - Editor

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The Team Managing Editor: Robin Sam Editor & Publisher: Elsy Robin Editorial Advisors: P I Samuel, Sheila Bose


04 What Must You Do To Inherit Eternal Life? 08 11 13 16 18


MINISTRY MATTERS Love Gifts to Chhattisgarh Church Believers



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GOSPEL MELA 15 Prayer Points For A 30-Minute Intercession

PERSECUTION INDEX Pastor Beheaded in Jharkhand

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INDIA REPORTS Secularism Under Threat in India: Delhi Archbishop

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What Must You Do To Inherit Eternal Life? good thing he ought to do that he may inherit eternal life.

BY ROBIN SAM Passage for meditation: Mark 10:17-27.

Who was the man who


N the passage above, we read about a rich accosted Jesus Christ? young ruler who came up to Jesus Christ and Mark 10:22 says he was a man of great asked him the most important question anyone can have in the world. He asked Jesus: possessions. The man who had great possessions, the man who “What shall I do that I may inherit eternal life?” We read about the same incident in two other was rich came to Jesus with a problem on his heart and a question on his mind. He had a chance to go Gospels also. Matthew and Luke also recorded it. back home with a smile on his lips and a song of Who was the man who praise in his mouth. In the Bible, everyone who approached Jesus with accosted Jesus Christ? a problem found a solution. Everyone who came to Luke 18:18 says he was a certain young ruler. He the Lord either received a miracle themselves or saw was a certain ruler who was uncertain about his a miracle happen to others. They had a reason to future, if you will. rejoice in His presence, feel glad by His touch and A leader is one who has followers. How could he received deliverance from oppressing situations. have remained a leader if he did not know where he Those that heard Him went back home wondering at was going himself? Sadly, there are leaders who the authority with which He spoke on things neither know where they are going or where they are concerning the earthly and the eternal. leading others to in the world around us. You can find ‘Then the shepherds returned, glorifying and such leaders in every sphere of life – polity, business praising God for all the things that they had heard and religion. There are certain leaders who are not so and seen, as it was told them’ (Luke 2:20). certain about their destination. ‘(Simeon) took Him up in his arms and blessed

Who was the man who accosted Jesus Christ?

God and said: “Lord, now You are letting Your servant depart in peace, according to Your word’ (Luke 2: 28-29). Matthew 19:20 says he was a young man. He was Anna, the 84-year-old prophetess, gave thanks to a man who had kept the commandments from his the Lord, and spoke of Him to all those who looked youth. But, he had a problem. He did not know what for redemption in Jerusalem (Luke 2:36-37). THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER w JUNE 2018


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If you are truly impacted by His love and grace, you cannot but praise and proclaim Him.

‘The wise men from the east fell down and worshiped Him. And when they had opened their treasures, they presented gifts to Him: gold, frankincense, and myrrh’ (Matthew 2:11). The man who was possessed by a legion of evil spirits became right in his mind, clothed himself up and proclaimed all that Jesus had done for him in 10 cities (Mark 5:20). The apostles who lived with Jesus for 3 ½ years went out and preached everywhere (Mark 16:20). All those who were touched by the love of Jesus and impacted by His ministry glorified God and proclaimed about His goodness. All those who came into contact with Jesus had something to rejoice about or something to glorify God about or had something to share about Him with others. All those who knew Him closely had praise or a proclamation on their lips. Dear brother/sister, will you take a moment to reflect on your life? What has Jesus done for you? What have you done for Him? Are you praising Him? Are you proclaiming Him? If you are truly impacted by His love and grace, you cannot but praise and proclaim Him. But, the rich young ruler who came to Jesus went home heartbroken. The KJV says he went away grieved. He went away disheartened (NKJV).

told people that they have a lack. In the book of Revelations he told the church at Ephesus and the Thyatira church that He held something against them. In Rev. 2:4, Jesus told the Ephesus church: ‘Nevertheless, I have this against you, that you have left your first love.’ And in Rev. 2:20, He told the Thyatira church: 'Nevertheless I have a few things against you, because you allow that woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess, to teach and seduce My servants to commit sexual immorality and eat things sacrificed to idols.’

What did Jesus really mean when He confronted these two churches with their lack? The church at Ephesus was a channel of love. However, the channel had been obstructed. Love did not flow through it anymore. The church at Thyatira through which the Gospel of the Cross flowed had become a channel of deceptive and idolatrous teachings. The rich young ruler could have been a channel of blessing to others, but he chose not to. The man was blessed, but he was not willing to bless others. He received blessings; he did not pass them on. The channel had become stagnated. God is asking us to check if we are truly His channels of love, blessings and good teaching? Dear brother / sister, are you a channel of love? Or are you a blocked channel like the church at Ephesus? Are you a channel of blessings? Or is your channel blocked due to selfishness and avarice for money? Are you a channel of good and glad tidings? Or are you a channel of deception and doom? Are your testimonies and teachings beguiling others and pushing them into immorality? Like the church at Thyatira?

Why did the rich young ruler go away disheartened? Mark 10:21 says: Then Jesus, looking at him, loved him, and said to him, “One thing you lack: Go your way, sell whatever you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, take up the cross, and follow Me.” The rich young ruler loved his riches more than anything. His love for the money and the good life was the hindrance to his attaining the eternal life. There are three instances in the Bible when Jesus Website: Email:




The rich young ruler was perhaps the only one after Judas Iscariot who lost it even after he saw and heard Jesus. Pharisee Nicodemus, the man who visited Jesus in the dark of the night, did not follow Jesus when He was alive, but he brought a mixture of myrrh and aloes, about a hundred pounds to bury the body of Christ according to Jewish custom (John 19:39). Joseph of Arimathea, the rich man who was part of the Jewish council (the Sanhedrin), did not publicly follow Jesus for fear of being blacklisted by the powerful Pharisees of the day. After the death of Jesus, however, he gave his own private burial cave for the Lord’s burial. But, the rich young ruler of Mark 10 lost the plot. His life teaches us an important thing: Great beginnings need not necessarily have great endings. It’s not in how or when you begin, but how well you run. Run in such a way that you may receive, says Apostle Paul in 1 Cor. 9:24.

The life of the rich young ruler teaches us an important thing: Great beginnings need not necessarily have great endings. It’s not in how or when you begin, but how well you run. Run in such a way that you may receive, says Apostle Paul in 1 Cor. 9:24. young men shall utterly fall, but those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint’ (Isaiah 40:3031). Two people are cited in the Bible for asking Jesus what to do to inherit eternal life. In Luke 10:25, a certain lawyer posed the question to Jesus. The Lord drew him into a conversation and made him answer his own question. The rich young ruler in Mark 10 was the second one who asked Him about eternal life. Jesus told him 5 out of the 10 commandments given to the Israelites. The ruler said he had been following all those from his youth. When Jesus told him to sell whatever he had and give them to the poor, perhaps He was pointing to the shape of things to come in the Apostolic age. In Acts 4:34-35 we read: ‘for all who were possessors of lands or houses sold them, and brought the proceeds of the things that were sold, and laid them at the apostles’ feet; and they distributed to each as anyone

How well you finish tomorrow depends on how well you run today. Paul gave Timothy his protégé an advice. He told him in 2 Timothy 2:22, ‘Flee also youthful lusts; but pursue righteousness.’ Proverbs 4:12 says, when you are in the way of wisdom and the right paths, ‘when you walk, your steps will not be hindered, and when you run, you will not stumble.’ ‘Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER w JUNE 2018


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15:6; 1 Sam 2:7). And, they were shocked at what Jesus had just said. Twice in that passage (Mark 10), Jesus said: “How hard it is for those who have riches to enter the kingdom of God! “Children, how hard it is for those who trust in riches to enter the kingdom of God!” Jesus was not saying the rich will not enter the kingdom of God, rather it would not be easy for them. In other words, Jesus was telling the rich young ruler to count the cost of following Him. – the cost of discipleship was a huge price to give. And, hence the disciples asked Jesus: ‘“Who then can be saved?’ Jesus’ reply was both reassuring and revealing: 'With men it is impossible, but not with God; for with God all things are possible.’ We are saved by grace (Eph. 2:5). We are saved by grace through faith (Eph. 2:8). The plan of salvation is simple. The four steps to salvation: § Hear the Gospel (Eph. 1:13) § Believe Jesus with all your heart (Rom. 1:16) § Repent for your sins (Acts 3:20) § Call on the name of the Lord (Rom. 10:9-10). § May the grace and mercy of Jesus Christ, the Lord our God, be with you all. Amen. Hallelujah!

had need.’ It is mentioned twice that the disciples of Jesus were astonished at what Jesus told the rich young ruler. And the disciples were astonished at His words (24th verse) And they were greatly astonished, saying among themselves, “Who then can be saved?” (26th verse). They were astonished because the Jews believed riches and wealth came from God (Pro. 10:22; Pro.

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Solar lamps and woolen blankets to Chhattisgarh church believers The Chhattisgarh mission field church believers received woolen blankets and solar blankets from Messenger Missions recently. The mission fields in Chhattisgarh are growing each day by the grace of God. Please keep them in your prayers.



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Will Christianity Be Ditched When Prince Charles Becomes King? A new report from a leading UK think tank argues that Christianity should be reduced or purged from Prince Charles’ future Coronation Ceremony. Prince Charles is next in line to the throne and will be the first king in decades after his mother, Queen Elizabeth II. Before that happens, University College London’s Constitution Unit, says the coronation ceremony should cut back on its overtly Christian rituals for the sake of progress. “The UK is no longer a global or a colonial power. Celebration will therefore need to reflect what the UK has become rather than what it once was,” the report said. “However welcoming to other faiths, a wholly Anglican coronation service is no longer capable of reflecting or responding to modern British society.” The ceremony is performed by the Archbishop of Canterbury, who anoints the Monarch with oil, administers communion, and leads them in pledging their obedience to God in a series of Oaths. In the Oaths the monarch affirms he or she is a “faithful Protestant,” and will preserve the church. The Constitution Unit says this needs to change, noting that half of the UK’s population has “no

r e l i g i o u s affiliation.” The report suggests that a separate nonChristian ceremony could take place at Westminster Hall to h o n o r B r i t a i n ’s religious diversity. H o w e v e r, n o t everyone is on board with the idea of reducing the coronation's Christian elements. Wesley Carr, a former Dean of Westminster, believes the service needs to remain Anglican and stresses the importance of the Eucharist. “To plan a coronation without a Eucharist would require a massive break with history. That alone would imply a long study of the intention behind a coronation at all, its venue and basic structure,” Carr argues. Prince Charles has been a strong advocate of the persecuted Church.

Gift a School Bag Kit to a needy child! Thousands of children in India go to schools without the essentials! Partner with Messenger Missions in gifting underprivileged children a joyful start to school this year

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GOSPEL MELA 2018 24-Hour Chain Prayer

15 Specific Prayer Points For a 30-Minute Intercession And, I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none (Ezekiel 22:30).

Praying with one accord for 2,234 people groups spread across 1.2 billion people in 29 states and 7 UTs in one nation. Every nation, every tribe, every people and every tongue shall say: “Salvation belongs to our God who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb!� (Revelation 7:10). 1. Thousands of farmers in our county are dependent entirely on the monsoonal rains as water scarcity looms large in summer. Since groundwater is depleted, even drinking water has become scarce. The number of women who trudge long distances in search of water has increased manifold in our villages. Pray that this situation is reversed and there is no water scarcity in the country this summer. 2. Let us pray earnestly that the secular fabric of our country is not altered. Pray that the trickery and ploys of the fundamentalist political parties that seek to capture and retain power by dividing people on the basis of caste, religion and language are foiled. 3. Pray that God grants a bright future to our children who are joining colleges and high schools afresh this year. Pray that the world does not distract or sway them and they are able to apply themselves wholeheartedly to their studies even as they yield themselves to the authority of God and their parents. 4. Pray for the pastors. That their families remain a worthy witness and do not cause any hindrance to the believers who look up to them (1 Tim. 3:4-5). Pray that our preachers spend a lot of time in prayer and preach the Word of God clearly and without heresies. Pray that they remain faithful in the financial affairs of the church administration and do their ministry truthfully. 5. Let us pray for the judiciary of the nation. Pray that the judges of the courts are above corruption and take every effort to render justice to the poor and the oppressed without fear and favor of the ruling dispensations. 6. Pray over the Promise Verse God has given us for 2018. May what Jesus Christ told us through John 1:50: 'You will see greater things than these', be realized literally in our spiritual life, material blessings, at our workplace and in our families. 7. Pray that fundamentalism and terrorism to be a thing of the past in our country. Pray that the people of the nation are delivered from superstitious beliefs, alcoholism and the scourge of drugs. May the Website: Email:

powers of darkness over the nation be removed and the light from the Son of Righteousness deliver those who are bound by the powers of evil. 8. Pray for Messenger Missions' leader and his family. Pray that God will grant him the wisdom and grace needed to fulfil the visions God has given him. Pray for his health. May God use him mightily in the ministry this month! 9. Let us pray for the north-eastern states. Uphold Meghalaya, Tripura, Nagaland, Assam, Mizoram, Manipur, Sikkim and Arunachal Pradesh in your prayers. Pray that the nefarious plans of fundamentalist forces will not fructify. Pray God's divine protection over the peoples of these states. 10. We need to pray that God will raise His children to pray for the nation and its people in every church, missions' organization, mission field and family. We need to acknowledge our sins and pray for the mercy of God to be upon us. May God prosper this nation! Amen. 11. Pray for the economic condition of the nation. Pray that instances of banking frauds committed by the high and the mighty are brought down. Indian public sector banks are facing an estimated loss of 7.34 lakh rupees in bad loans. As much as 70% of the country's fixed deposits are in the 21 public sector banks. Pray. 12. Pray for Haryana, which records the highest number of gang rapes in India. Haryana also has the worst sex ratio in the country. Several incidents of



GOSPEL MELA violence against women were reported in a single month this year in this state. Pray that the mind-set of the people which sees women as an object to satiate their lust is changed. 13. As the attacks on minorities, especially Christians and their worship places, are on the rise pray that every state government in India will constitute a special body to bring down the attacks against the minority communities. In some states the government is inimical to the minorities. Pray that this despicable situation will change for the better. 14. There are several roadblocks to the evangelization of the nation chief among them is the spiritual darkness prevailing over the country. Pray for God's intervention to break the powers of sorcery, witchcraft, spirit of adultery, prostitution and jealousy in the Name of Jesus of Nazareth. May the love of Jesus Christ touch the hearts of those against Him! 15. Pray that the Government will deal sternly with illegal sex selection abortions in India. The country sees 112 boys born for every 100 girls, which is against the natural sex ratio of 105 boys for every 100 girls. A preference for boys has meant that more than 63 million women are statistically 'missing'. Many believe such skewed ratios can contribute to increased crimes against women.

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Place: Secunderabad, T.S. South India

We are happy to announce a special ordination service to all the Christian Belivers as Deacons, Evangelists, Pastors, Reverends, Bishops, Archbishop and The Messenger of God (MOG) & Priesthood. Any denominational Christians can apply for the Ordinations. Those who are willingly interested to be a part of Gods Ministry can apply. Immediately by sending Rs.300/- M.O. for the application & Prospectus on or before 30th June 2018. The ordination service will be issued on the same day for a reasonable cost. If you are enrolled and unable to attend the Ordination service we will despatch your recognized certificate by Reg. Post or Courier. Please Note: 1) You are eligible for any selected ordination division as mentioned above. 2) You are eligible basing on your age, service for the Lord as an Independent or from any Christian denomination or running your own church in a village or in the town or in the city etc. This is a special Opportunity. So join immediately. You can make use of our bank accounts: 1.Oriental Bank of Commerce, Marredpally Branch, Secunderabad for Dr. Fredrick Francis A/c. No. 1058201106005 2. State Bank of India, Patny Centre Branch, Secunderabad for Dr. Fredrick Francis A/c. No. 10725270312

Arch Bishop Dr. Fredrick Franics L.P.V.K. B.L.A., M.S.C., M.Ed., M.A., D.D.,, Ph.D Vice-Chancellor of UTRUSR and IBCA THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER w JUNE 2018

Registrar Cum Academic Dean Cum Archibishop for Ordinations Ordinations Director 14

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Bless 5 people this month!

Photo for representational purposes only

Help Our Missionaries’ Children With School Fees

If there are friends and relatives that you know who have not come across The Christian Messenger magazines yet, will you introduce it to five of them this month? Write down their names, addresses along with their phone numbers in the form below and send it to us. We will send the magazines absolutely free of cost to them. We thank you for all your support to this ministry. May God Himself bless you! 1. Name : __________________________ Address : ___________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Telephone No.: _______________________ 2. Name : __________________________ Address : ___________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Telephone No.: _______________________ 3. Name : __________________________ Address : ___________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Telephone No.: _______________________ 4. Name : __________________________ Address : ___________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Telephone No.: _______________________ 5. Name : __________________________ Address : ___________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Telephone No.: _______________________

I greet you in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ who said in Luke 10:42: ‘But one thing is needed: and Mary has chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her.’ We greet the children who are getting ready for a new academic year. We remember in prayers those children who are getting into new classes in schools and colleges; those who are getting into colleges for the first time and those children who are going to a new city or country to pursue higher studies. Chances are there are no school- or college-going children in your home. Perhaps, they have completed education and are now earning or married and living independently. Or perhaps, you still have your children in schools and colleges. As a parent, you know the hardships you went through to pay their fee on time. If it was a struggle to you, I urge you to imagine the plight of our missionaries who have forsaken everything to be in the Lord's service. We need to raise Rs.1,44,000/- towards the educational expenses of our missionaries’ children before the end of the month. We have 12 schoolgoing children in our missionary familiy. Each one of them would need not less than Rs.1,000/- a month for their education and other expenses.

If God speaks to you to meet this need either partially or fully, I urge you to come forward and support us. I pray you would send your contributions to us at the earliest. We need your prayerful support (Please remember to send the phone number to let the ministry go on unhindered. and pin code of those whose addresses you are May God bless you. sending us without fail.)

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Pastor beheaded in Jharkhand ABRAHAM TOPNO, pastor of Pentecostal Church of God, was on May 1 kidnapped by unidentified gunmen in Ranchi District, Jharkhand state, who slit his throat and beheaded him, his driver told family members. He was 46. The body of the pastor, who ministered in the area for more than 20 years, was found with his head severed from his body, and his vehicle was set on fire. Though Maoists appeared to claim responsibility for the killing by leaving a note at the scene saying “Death to police spy,” relatives of the pastor expressed their doubts, saying Hindu extremists likely mobilized Maoists to carry out the execution. Pastor Topno was ambushed and kidnapped about a half mile from his village of Kubasal while on his way back in a public carrier, a Mahindra truck. About 20-25 unidentified gunmen ambushed the vehicle, dragged the pastor and the driver out and covered their “faces completely with a cloth bag,” reported the driver after returning. The assailants spared the driver. The pastor’s nephew, Aman Christochit Herenz, he left home in search of him on his motorbike when the pastor did not return late last night.

“They started to talk to my uncle while the driver, Ranga Singh Munda, was made to stand at a distance,” he said. “His ears were covered along with his face, so he could not make out their conversation. The Maoists then slit the neck of my uncle and chopped off his head from his body and set the vehicle on fire while not interacting with the driver at all.” The driver who was later told to go reported the crime to Topno’s family. They were kidnapped around 5 pm, and Topno was killed around 9 at night.

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For details contact: The Director, Andhra Pradesh Bible College, Miyapur (PO), Hyderabad 500 049. Mobile: 0-98491 87697 / 0-97015 34091 / 0-99894 34884 THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER w JUNE 2018


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Anti-Conversion Bill becomes law in Uttarakhand UTTARAKHAND has become the seventh state in India to put “anti-conversion” legislation in force. Gov. Krishna Kant Paul on April 18 signed the “Freedom of Religion” bill (Dharma Swatantrata Adhiniyam), which the state Legislative Assembly passed. “The bill has been signed by the governor,” Ravi Bijarniya, assistant director for information in the governor’s office, told the media. Uttarakhand now joins Orissa, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Himachal Pradesh and Jharkhand as states that have adopted anticonversion bills, which Hindu extremists routinely use to falsely accuse Christians of forcible or fraudulent conversion. John Dayal, spokesman for the United Christian Forum and the All India Catholic Union, said enacting the anti-conversion law was driven by the ruling group’s communal agenda. “It fails the very basic test of explaining to the world the need for having such a law,” he said. “There is no forcible or fraudulent conversion in the state to the Christian or Muslim or Sikh faiths shown either by the Census data or by the police statistics. In the absence of such reality, the only explanation can be that it is to threaten the minority communities

or to curb the freedom of religion of the Dalit and backward communities whose rights are being crushed by the upper castes which exercise political power in the state.” The ruling party came to power on a “rabid communal platform,” he added. “We will challenge such a law, in the court of law and the court of public opinion,” Dayal said.


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Secularism under threat in India: Delhi Archbishop THE central government is working towards achieving inclusive growth, a Union minister said, reacting to a circular released by Delhi’s archbishop who says secularism and democratic principles in India are under threat. Archbishop Anil Couto has requested the Catholic community to pray and observe fast for the “spiritual renewal” of the country ahead of next year’s general elections, news agency ANI reported. Defending his government, Union minority affairs minister Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi said Prime Minister Narendra Modi was “breaking barriers of religion and castes” without any discrimination. Shaina NC, a leader of the Centre’s ruling Bharatiya Janata Party, said it was “wrong to instigate castes and communities”. The circular issued earlier this month also drew criticism by the right-wing, nationalistic Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS). “This is a direct attack by the church on Indian secularism and democracy…,”ANI quoted RSS leader Rakesh Sinha as saying. He also said in PM Modi’s rule, churches and NGOs linked to them are not getting enough funds for “religious conversions”. In the circular, Couto said India was facing “a turbulent political atmosphere which poses a threat to the democratic principles enshrined in our Constitution and the secular fabric of our nation…” “I request that we observe a day of fast every

Friday of the week by forgoing at least one meal and offering our penance and all our sacrifices for our spiritual renewal and that of our nation.” Opposition parties and BJP’s critics have accused the central government of disrespecting institutions and not doing enough in cases of atrocities against minority communities.

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Owned and published by Elsy Robin from 329/4, Poonga Apartments, HIG Flats, II Avenue, Anna Nagar, Chennai 600 040. Printed by L Cyril Sagayaraj at VS Printograph Pvt Ltd., No. 15, Natesan Colony, Sri Ram Avenue, 1st Street, Kottivakkam, Chennai 600 041. Editor: Elsy Robin THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER w JUNE 2018


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VBS in Odisha and Tamil Nadu Messenger Missions’ Gospel workers met as many as 471 children with the message of love and redemption in the mission fields in Odisha and Hosur. As a result of the VBS ministries, several children made a commitment to follow Jesus Christ.

Children praying at VBS 2018 in Odisha Hosur VBS

Odisha VBS


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