Issue # 221
THURSDAY Apr. 11 2013
מצורע-יום ה’ פ’ תזריע א’ אייר תשע”ג ר”ח אייר ט”ז לעומר
7:31.....שקיעה 8:31...............60 8:43...............72
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Inspiration: Majority Rules
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StrawberryJam Hand Pies
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Health: Yeshivas | Airport | Routes | Long Distance | Trucking | Deliveries Attention Yeshivas
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The Common Denominator of Age-Related Disease
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Majority Rules Throughout our history, there were always Priests and Bishops who sought to debate with the Yidden and prove that their faith is the correct one. Often these debates were well attended by the gentile population of the specific city or town and it would be up to the Rav/ Yid representing to stand his ground and prove his point under the ridicule and scorn heaped upon him by the Priest and crowd. An young Iluy in a certain city in Europe was summoned by the local Bishop to appear for a debate at the local church. The Bishop had heard of the youth’s consummate genius, yet, he had complete faith that he would triumph in a religious argument. On the appointed day, the youth attended the debate and before the masses, the Bishop commenced provoking him, “Doesn’t it say in your Torah that majority rules?” The youth answered in the affirmative. The Bishop continued in a sardonic tone, “Very well, you and your brethren must thus convert
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because the majority of people in the world do not keep the Jewish Religion and as you Jews yourself say, majority rules.” The youth answered with great composure and said, “Majority comes into consideration in a case where there is doubt, in such a case, our Torah teaches, follow the majority. However, when it comes to Religion, there is no doubt at all that the Jewish Religion is the correct path to follow and thus since there is no doubt, there is no argument and therefore, in this case, majority does not rule.” Suffice it to say that the Bishop was stumped and the youth and his community emerged unscathed from the debate.
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Strawberry-Jam Hand Pies Wonderful tasty treat with minimal prep time! Ingredients: • All-purpose flour, for dusting • 2 sheets frozen puff pastry, thawed • 2/3 cup strawberry jam • 1 large egg yolk, lightly beaten • 1 Tbsp lemon juice • 1/3 cup confectioners’ sugar Directions: • On a lightly floured work surface, roll out pastry sheets to 1/8 inch thick. Cut each sheet into quarters and place on a parchment-lined rimmed baking sheet. Spoon 1 heaping tablespoon jam in center of each piece, brush edges with egg yolk, fold into triangles and press tightly to seal. Freeze pies until firm, approximately 30 minutes. • Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Bake pies until golden and puffed, around 20 to 25 minutes. Let cool completely on sheet on a wire rack. • Whisk lemon juice and confectioners’ sugar until smooth. Drizzle glaze over cooled pies and let set for 20 minutes.
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Inflammation: The Common Denominator of AgeRelated Disease
Chronic systemic inflammation is the common denominator of age-related disease. And the common source of inflammation is dietary — the sugar-heavy, omega 6 (from vegetable oil) and trans fat-laden diet of the typical American. The high omega 6(corn and other vegetable oils) to mega 3(fish oil) ratio in our diet, increase the amount of arachidonic acid in our bodies, which is the precursor to powerful inflammatory proteins.
Stop Fueling the Flames of Inflammation Inflammation is the common denominator of age-related disease. And the average American diet is fueling the flames of inflammation by directly influencing the 5-LOX enzyme. But there’s hope. For starters, a healthier lower carb, sugar free, omega 3 rich diet, would go a long way in helping to quench the inflammatory fire. But for additional help, we have Boswellia serrata, an amazing medicinal tree used for thousands of years. This tree with a healing sap can inhibit 5-LOX and help people gain better control over inflammation. Combined with a healthy diet, just imagine the impact this ancient medicine could have on aging Americans today.
With all of this arachidonic acid hanging around, the body wants to process it. That occurs through several enzymes, one in particular is called 5-lipoxygenase or 5-LOX. Some experts claim that the 5-LOX enzyme is associated with over 1.5 million deaths a year in the United States as depicted by the following graph:
use it as a soothing ointment for pain, inflammation, open wounds, and fighting infection (little was known about bacteria, but it cleared up festering wounds). We now know it’s the AKBA from the sap that inhibits 5-LOX.
Did you know that depression can double the risk of disease in the elderly? Please take it seriously!
Boswellia Directly Inhibits 5-LOX B o s w e l l i a serrata produces a pungent, bitter sap or gum resin that contains AKBA (acetyl-11-ketobeta-boswellic acid), a powerful weapon against excessive 5-LOX activity. The sap has been used in ancient India and Egypt. People way back then would T:347.927.4ADS(4237) F:718.799.9188 E:
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They say... However beautiful the strategy, you should occasionally look at the results.
Did you know...? Ostrich eggs are 6 to 8 inches long, 4 to 6 inches wide, and can reach weights of up to 3 pounds, 14 oz. That’s the equivalent of 2 dozen chicken eggs!! The shell of this eggstreme ovum is only 0.06 inches thick, but can support an adult human.
Singapore has the highest ratio of millionaires in the world! After Singapore gained independence from the British Empire in 1965, there was a surge in foreign direct investment, and the state led a strong drive for industrialization that ended up creating a modern economy. They have the second freest economy in the world and are experts at trading. Singapore is the 14th largest exporter and 15th largest importer in the world. They also have the highest trade-to-GDP ratio at 409.7% and is the only Asian country to have a AAA rating right now. All this success means that a lot of people became really rich. So rich, in fact, that in Singapore 1 out of every 6 households has $1 million or more in disposable income, the highest ratio in the world! (Press release, The Wall Street Journal. 1 June 2012.).
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SAMMY’S PIPING AND HEATING for all your plumbing needs reasonable prices call Shmiel the plumber 347-856-6669 TAX RETURNS PREPARED, Receive over $13,000.00 in various credits, Authorized e-file provider 22yrs experience. 718.633.2120
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Classifieds JEWISH CROHN’S & COLITIS SUPPORT GROUP Offering Support, Help, Medical Referrals, & Guidance 718-63-JCCSG - 718-6352274
Apartments-rent/sale Place your rental FREE! Via Email or Text BORO PARK
Large basement for rent good for large office utilities included 718.331.8780
Boro park 45th st btwn 12&13 large basement office for rent 3 desks $750 per moth everything incl 917-873-9640 leave massage
PARKING SPACE FOR RENT 10 ave 46th street 3474511636
Wash & Set Wash & Set $25 Recut $65 Please call Faigy: 347.450.WIGS (9447) SATISFACTION GUARANTEED
Job opportunity Place your Job opening FREE! Via Email or Text SECRETARY
We are looking for a motivated secretary knowledge of Quickbooks and microsoft office a must, Great phone and writing skills is important. Email resume to: Jobopening@ Or call 718-484-7115
Office in boro park is looking for a f/t secretary hours 10/6 quick books @ phone skills a must text info to 3476831500
Looking for an experienced teacher/assistant 4 a play group 4 the coming year pls call 347.292.9549 Or email:
Hemishe Office in bp is looking to hire a full time female secretary. Graduates welcome. please call 917-474-4614 or email resume to
SECRETARY, BP, Construction co seeks middle age F/T Secretary, one girl office. Hours: 9:30-4:30 Bookkeeping & Quickbooks exp a must. Call: 9173457765 SEEKING SALESMAN.
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Classified rates:
1 day- $5 1 week (5 days) - $20 4 weeks (20 days) - $60 Txt: 347.927.4237 E: Call: 347.927.4237 Fax: 718.799.9188
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ĦđĢē ĘĘđė
תזו"מ תשע"ג
ĐĤđĦĐ ēė ĕď ĔĕĚ ĐĘđĎĝ ĕď
חצות שותפות: ווערט א שותף מיט די לומדי הכולל וואו אידן זעען כסדר ישועות
די קטורת סגולה:
לימוד משניות וש"ס:
איינציגסטע סגולה וואס ווערט דערמאנט אין די תורה הקדושה
וואך נאכט שמירה:
לעילוי נשמת /טאג פון יארצייט / ערשטע יאר פון פטירה ,וכדו'
לימוד התורה פארן קינד'ס שמירה דורך די לומדי הכולל שליט"א
אויפוואכונג" :בר יוחאי סגולה"!
כוללי חצות לאקאלן: MONROE N.Y.
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וויליאמסבורג; די צוגרייטונגען זיך גרייטנדיג צום עפענונג פונעם תורה ושמירה פעסטונג "כולל חצות - וויליאמסבורג" ,ווערן אצינד אויסגעקליבן א קבוצה פון העכסט-חשוב'ע בני תורה שליט"א ,א חצות-באזע פון געהויבענע אינגעלייט וועלכע וועלן בעז"ה לערנען און דאווענען דורכאויס די גאנצע נאכט, און פועל'ן ישועות פאר גאנץ כלל ישראל. וויליאמסבורג'ער משפחות קוקן ארויס מיט שפאנונג אויף די ווייטערדיגע אנטוויקלונגען ,ביז צום ענדגילטיגן עפענונג פונעם "וויליאמסבורג'ער כולל חצות".
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א שטארקער אויפוואכונג האט זיך געשאפן ארום רבי שמעונ'ס "כולל חצות בר יוחאי סגולה" יעצט בעפאר "ל"ג בעומר" די יארצייט פון רבי שמעון ,וואס שרייבט אין זוהר הק' אז "אלע תפילות און ברכות פון חצות-אידן ווערן אנגענומען!" .שרייבנדיג קלאר אז אויפשטיין און לערנען ביי חצות איז דער איינציגסטער כח און שמירה וואס האלט די גאנצע וועלט. דערציילט אונז א אינגערמאן :פאריגע וואך איז ער געזעסן צווישן א גרופע חברים ביי א מלוה דמלכא ,און געשמועסט איבער פארשידענע סגולות .עטליכע אינגעלייט האבן – ווי דער שטייגער – אפגעלאכט פון א געוויסע סגולה, און אנדערע זענען געווען סקעפטיש איבער א צווייטע סגולה ,דאן האט עמיצער שטיל געמאכט דעם עולם און געזאגט" :עטס ווייסט אז איך בין נישט קיין סגולה-מענטש ,אבער כ'מוז ענק זאגן אז "כולל חצות" פארמאגט הימלישע כוחות! כ'האב עס אליינס בייגעוואוינט" .דערביי האט ער דערציילט א וואונדערליכע מעשה ,וויאזוי ער האט אליינס געזעהן א ישועה דורכן הייליגן כח פון "חצות" ,אבער ער האט געבעטן די אנוועזנדע נישט ארויסצוגעבן די דעטאלן ,כדי מ'זאל נישט געוואויר ווערן זיין אינפארמאציע. דערציילט דער אינגערמאן ווייטער" :האב איך ערקלערט פאר די אינגעלייט אז זיי האבן א טעות" .כולל חצות" איז "נישט" קיין סגולה! כולל
חצות איז א הייליגער תורה ושמירה פעסטונג, וואו עס זיצן אזויפיל פילצאליגע חשוב'ע בני ¶Å°Á² ··° תורה און לערנען און זענען מתפלל א גאנצע נאכט ,און דער הייליגער תנא רבי שמעון זאגט דאך אז דורכן לערנען ביי חצות האט מען געוואלדיגע כוחות און סגולות זוכה צו זיין צו פרנסה ,הצלחה ,שידוכים ,גוטע און ערליכע קינדער ,געזונט ,און אלעס גוטס!". דער הייליגער טאג ל"ג בעומר דערנענטערט. שליסט אייך אן אין די הייליגע "בר יוחאי סגולה" ביז ל"ג בעומר און א חשוב'ע "חצות-קבוצה" וועלן פארליינען אייערע קוויטלעך ביים הייליגן ציון הקדוש אין מירון! פועל'ט אלעס גוטס!
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