Apr 24

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Issue # 230

WEDNESDAY Apr. 24 2013

‫יום ד’ פ’ אמור‬ ‫י”ד אייר תשע”ג‬ ‫כ”ט לעומר‬


7:44.....‫שקיעה‬ 8:44...............60 8:56...............72

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In Joy – No Questions Asked Page 2

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Baked Ricotta Spaghetti

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Month of birth and the immune system

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In Joy – No Questions Asked The old residents of Tel Aviv all knew Reb Simchale Mond who was famed for his brilliance in Torah and his sterling character. Likewise, all were familiar that Reb Simchale went yearly to Meron on Lag BaOmer. Reb Simchale would not miss the trip for anything and he expended every effort to be there on Lag BaOmer.

When Reb Simchale was well into his ninety years, he still refused to compromise and as usual made the arduous journey to Meron. People could not understand why he could not wait one or two days later until the crowds left Meron and thus the whole journey would prove so much easier.

receives a generous amount in honor of the joyous occasion.

“So too,” continued Reb Simchale, “during the year, when Hashem gives us favors in the merit of a Tzadik, there are strict investigations as to who is the petitioner and what are his merits — `Un az men fregt is bitter’ (and if there are questions asked, then it’s bad for us), for not always are we fitting to receive Hashem’s blessing. However, on the Yom Hillulah of Reb Shimon Bar Yochai, a day on which he begged that we Yidden rejoice, then out of pure gladness, Hashem asks no questions and all our requests are fulfilled.”

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Reb Simchale replied with the following Mashal: When a rich philanthropist receives the poor at home all year round, each one is questioned as to his status and conditions and is then given a donation according to his judgment. However, on the day of his grandchild’s wedding, when the rich man is overcome with joy, he throws out sums of money right and left, then no questions are asked; everyone Shabsy Tel. (917) 370-7900

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‫אמור‬ ‫תשע"ג‬

‫חצות שותפות‪:‬‬ ‫ווערט א שותף מיט די לומדי הכולל‬ ‫וואו אידן זעען כסדר ישועות‬

‫‪ĦđĢē ĘĘđė‬‬ ‫‪ĐĤĕĚĥĘđ ĐĤđĦĘ ĒėĤĚ‬‬

‫‪ĐĤđĦĐ ēė ĕď ĔĕĚ ĐĘđĎĝ ĕď‬‬

‫די קטורת סגולה‪:‬‬

‫לימוד משניות וש"ס‪:‬‬

‫איינציגסטע סגולה וואס ווערט‬ ‫דערמאנט אין די תורה הקדושה‬

‫וואך נאכט שמירה‪:‬‬

‫לעילוי נשמת ‪ /‬טאג פון יארצייט ‪/‬‬ ‫ערשטע יאר פון פטירה‪ ,‬וכדו'‬

‫לימוד התורה פארן קינד'ס שמירה‬ ‫דורך די לומדי הכולל שליט"א‬

‫מיינע שותפים‪ :‬חצות‪-‬אידן!‬


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‫יין וואונטש און שאיפה איז שטענדיג‬ ‫געווען אויפצושטיין ביי חצות –‬ ‫דערציילט אונז דער איד – כאטשיג‬ ‫איר קוקט מיר מסתמא אן ווי א פשוט'ער‬ ‫ביזנעסמאן‪ ,‬האב איך אבער די זכי' צו לערנען‬ ‫דעם "חק לישראל" יעדן איינציגן טאג‪ ,‬און ווער‬ ‫עס לערנט דעם "חק" טרעפט דארט ממש‬ ‫יעדע איינציגע וואך די הייליגער פון רבי שמעון‬ ‫בר יוחאי אין זוהר הקדוש‪ ,‬וואו ער הייבט ארויס‬ ‫די אויסטערלישע סגולות און השפעות וואס‬ ‫לערנען "חצות" ברענגט מיט זיך‪.‬‬ ‫נאך איידער "כולל חצות" האט זיך געגרינדעט‬ ‫האב איך עטליכע מאל אליינס פרובירט‬ ‫אויסצופאלגן די הייליגע ווערטער פון רבי‬ ‫שמעון בר יוחאי אויפצושטיין און לערנען און‬ ‫מתפלל זיין ביינאכט פון חצות‪ .‬אבער מיין סדר‬ ‫היום האט מיר עס נישט ערלויבט‪ .‬ס'איז נישט‬ ‫גרינג געווען‪ ,‬און ס'האט נישט אנגעהאלטן פאר‬ ‫זייער לאנג‪...‬‬ ‫ביז איין טאג ווען כ'האב באמערקט די הייליגע‬ ‫ווערטער פון רשב"י אין זוהר הקדוש )ח"ב מ"ו‪(.‬‬ ‫אז‪" :‬נישט נאר די חצות‪-‬אידן זענען זוכה צו‬ ‫די אלע וואונדערליכע זאכן‪ ,‬נאר אויך יעדער‬ ‫שותף איז אייניג זוכה צו די אלע השפעות און‬ ‫סגולות!"‪ ,‬און דעמאלטס האב איך באשלאסן‬ ‫זיך איינצוהאנדלען א "יששכר וזבולון שותפות"‬

‫מיט "כולל חצות"‬ ‫די‬ ‫אויסצופירן‬ ‫הייליגע מיסיע פאר‬ ‫מיר‪.‬‬ ‫¶‪Å°Á² ··°‬‬ ‫און כ'לויב דעם‬ ‫הייליגן באשעפער פארן מאכן דעם ריכטיגן‬ ‫באשלוס! ווייל זייט דעמאלטס – פון דריי‬ ‫חדשים צוריק – האב איך אנגעהויבן צו זעהן‬ ‫א מורא'דיגע הצלחה אין מיין פרנסה‪ ,‬און כ'וויל‬ ‫טאקע ממשיך זיין ווייטער מיט מיין שותפות‬ ‫אויפן גאנצן יאר! בזכות התנא האלקי רבי‬ ‫שמעון בר יוחאי!‬

Baked Ricotta Spaghetti This is delicious spaghetti stuff…..full of spice and flavour – enjoy this dish down to the last bite! Ingredients: • Butter – to grease the pan • 12 oz Spaghetti • 4 cups Tomato Sauce • 15 oz Ricotta Cheese • 1 egg, beaten • 1 Tbsp chopped fresh parsley • 8 oz Mozzarella Cheese, shredded • 1 cup black olives, chopped • 1 large tomato, sliced • Sea salt and fresh black pepper to taste • Extra-virgin Olive Oil, for drizzling • 1/3 cup grated Parmesan Cheese, plus more for serving Directions:

in an even layer. 4. Mix the Ricotta Cheese with egg and parsley and spoon over the spaghetti in the pan leaving an inch border around the edges. 5. Cover the Ricotta Cheese with the remaining spaghetti and sprinkle Mozzarella Cheese evenly over top, add olives and then place the tomato slices down the centre. 6. Sprinkle the tomatoes with salt and pepper and drizzle a little olive oil. Sprinkle the Parmesan Cheese over the top. 7. Bake for 25-30 minutes until centre is warm. NOTE: Allow to set for 5 minutes before serving.

1. Grease a 9x13 casserole pan with butter and preheat oven to 400 degrees F. 2. Cook spaghetti to al dente. Drain and toss immediately with sauce. 3. Add 2/3 of the spaghetti to the pan

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Month of birth impacts on immune system development


Newborn babies’ immune system extracted from a newborn baby’s umbilical development and levels of vitamin D have cord - were taken from 50 babies born in been found to vary according to their month November and 50 born in May between of birth, according to new research. 2009 and 2010 in London. The research, from scientists at Queen The blood was analysed to measure levels Mary, University of London and the of vitamin D and levels of autoreactive University of Oxford, provides a potential T-cells. The results showed that the May biological basis as to why an individual’s babies had significantly lower levels of risk of developing the neurological vitamin D (around 20 per cent lower than condition multiple sclerosis (MS) is those born in November) and significantly influenced by their month higher levels (approximately of birth. It also supports the double) of these potentially Dragging yourself around all need for further research harmful autoreactive T-cells, day? Supplement with CoQ10 into the potential benefits compared to the sample of - it can really help to boost of prenatal vitamin D November babies. your energy levels. supplementation. Co-author Dr Sreeram Around 100,000 people Ramagopalan, a lecturer in in the UK have MS, a neuroscience at Barts and The disabling neurological condition which London School of Medicine and Dentistry, results from the body’s own immune system part of Queen Mary, said: “By showing that damaging the central nervous system. This month of birth has a measurable impact interferes with the transmission of messages on in utero immune system development, between the brain and other parts of the this study provides a potential biological body and leads to problems with vision, explanation for the widely observed muscle control, hearing and memory. “month of birth” effect in MS. Higher levels A number of population studies have of autoreactive T-cells, which have the suggested that the month you are born in can ability to turn on the body, could explain influence your risk of developing MS. This why babies born in May are at a higher risk ‘month of birth’ effect is particularly evident of developing MS. in England, where the risk of MS peaks in The correlation with vitamin D suggests individuals born this could be the driver of this effect. in May and drops in those delivered in November. As vitamin D is formed by the skin when it is exposed to sunlight, the ‘month of birth’ effect has been interpreted as evidence of a prenatal role for vitamin D in MS risk. In this study, samples of cord blood blood T:347.927.4ADS(4237) F:718.799.9188 E: mail@thecoffeepaper.com


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