Dec 27

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Vol. 1 No.158

THURSDAY Dec. 27 2012

‫יום ה’ פ’ ויחי‬ ‫י”ד טבת תשע”ג‬


4:36.....‫שקיעה‬ 5:36...............60 5:48...............72

Weather Today 42°|28° AM Showers / Wind Tomorrow 37°|29° Sunny

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Inspiration: The Rabbi’s Smile

Page 3


The Truth About Salt

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New Breah Automotive Serving the community for over 30 years

Danny & Mordechai Rosenblum

Recipe: Lemon Custard Cakes

Page 4

Page 5

Over your coffee

Page 6

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The Rabbi’s Smile Rabbi Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev once called upon an extremely prosperous merchant who lived in his town. The Rebbe begged and implored of him to donate a substantial amount of money for a very impoverished and utterly destitute member of town. The Rebbe explained that the other wealthy people of town had already donated but a lump sum was still needed and thus the Rebbe had no choice other than to approach him. The wealthy merchant refused to donate clarifying that it pains him to reject the Rebbe but he obeys every mitzvah, however, he does not give to any special causes. He also stressed that he wished that the Rebbe would not ask him in the future to donate so like this he will not be forced to dishonor the Rebbe by turning him down. Many months later, Rabbi Levi Yitzchak received a visit from the brother of that wealthy merchant. The brother, as Rabbi Levi Yitzchak noted was poor, very poor and had a large family and now desperately required monetary assistance to aid him in marrying off his daughter. He had asked his wealthy brother for help but was turned down. Rabbi Levi Yitzchak stared a while at the man and said that he should not worry any longer, he will sort out the matter. The very next day, Rabbi Levi Yitzchak appeared at the wealthy brother’s door. The man was extremely surprised and escorted the Rebbe inside. Rabbi Levi Yitzchak promptly seated himself. The merchant leaned forward respectfully waiting to hear what the Rebbe would say. The Rebbe himself kept quiet and just smiled. An hour later, the Rebbe


still smiling got up and exited the residence. The next day, the Rebbe once again made his way to the wealthy merchant’s home and again sat in silence for an entire hour smiling all the way through. The third day dawned and Rabbi Levi Yitzchak made his appearance once more. He sat silently for an hour too and then got up to leave. As the Rebbe arose, the wealthy man stated that he cannot bear this any longer and questioned the Rebbe why he continued to come to his residence and say nothing but smile the entire time. The Rebbe sat back in his chair and slowly enunciated that it is a mitzvah to give rebuke when it will be heeded and not to chastise when it will not have a positive effect. He continued that all these years he had fulfilled the first of those commandments many times. Yet, the second one he had not. The town member’s had always been interested to hear what the Rebbe wanted and to do as he asked. However, therefore, the Rebbe never had an opportunity to fulfill the commandment not to offer a rebuke. Therefore, the Rebbe ended, he took pleasure in smiling at fulfilling a commandment for the first time. The wealthy man turned a prominent pink and finally managed to emit a sound. He humbly asked Rabbi Levi Yitzchak what he wished him to do. The Rebbe told him and the wealthy man immediately withdrew a large sum of money for his brother. Rabbi Levi Yitzchak thanked him profusely and as he left, he turned once more to the wealthy man and smiled.

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The Truth About Salt

Salt is so bad for us, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has suggested that curbing salt is as important as quitting smoking. “And yet,” writes Gary Taubes, Independent Investigator in Health Policy Research and the author of Why We Get Fat in The New York Times, “this eatless-salt argument has been surprisingly controversial - and difficult to defend. While the mantra has always been more salt means more medical problems, Taubes said some research published within the past few years actually indicates that eating less salt contributes to dying prematurely. “Put simply, the possibility has been raised that if we were to eat as little salt as the USDA and the CDC recommend, we’d be harming rather than helping ourselves,” he wrote. on the surface, there is much “biological plausibility” to the argument that by eating more salt, our bodies retain more water in order to keep a stable sodium concentration in our bloodstream. That’s why eating sodium makes us thirsty; we then retain more water, which can lead to a temporary increase in blood pressure until the kidneys process it all. “The scientific question is whether this temporary phenomenon translates to chronic problems: if we eat too much salt for years, does it raise our blood pressure, cause hypertension, then strokes, and then kill us prematurely? It makes sense, but it’s only a hypothesis,” he writes. “The reason scientists do experiments is to find out if hypotheses are true.”

has historically been inconclusive The eat-less-salt recommendation, Taubes says, came from two bodies of research prior to 1972, when the National Institutes of Health (NIH) introduced the National High Blood Pressure Education Program to help prevent hypertension. No conclusive studies had been done before then, but the two bodies of research, while inconclusive, at least seemed to support the possibility that too much salt could cause health problems. So the government’s “experts” ran with that. Today, the government agencies primarily rely on a single 30-day study called the DASH-Sodium study, conducted in 2001. “It suggested that eating significantly less salt would modestly lower blood pressure; it said nothing about whether this would reduce hypertension, prevent heart disease or lengthen life,” Taubes says, pointing out that other analyses and meta-analyses of various salt-intake research has produced more of the same: inconclusive data. “This attitude that studies that go against prevailing beliefs should be ignored on the basis that, well, they go against prevailing beliefs, has been the norm for the anti-salt campaign for decades. Maybe now the prevailing beliefs should be changed,” Taubes wrote.

Salt intake research


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‫כולל חצות‬

‫די סגולה מיט די "כח התורה"‬

‫א שמירה אויפן קינד‬ ‫ווי באקאנט טוט "כולל חצות" אויך‬ ‫פרעזענטירן די הייליגע "וואך נאכט שמירה"‪,‬‬ ‫וואו ס'איז באקאנטע די תקנה פונעם הייליגן‬ ‫רש"ש ז"ל‪ ,‬אז אינעם נאכט פונעם "וואך‬ ‫נאכט" האבן זיך צוזאמגעזעצט א מנין פון‬ ‫חשוב'ע אינגעלייט און געלערנט תורה אלס‬ ‫א שמירה פאר ניי‪-‬געבוירן קינד‪ ,‬וואס אט די‬ ‫שמירה טוט אים באגלייטן א גאנץ לעבן‪ .‬אין‬ ‫די פריערדיגע דורות איז "דאס" געווען דער‬ ‫עיקר "וואך נאכט"‪ ,‬און די הייליגע ספרים‬ ‫שרייבן טאקע אז דורך די יארן האט מען‬ ‫פארגעסן פונעם עיקר‪ ,‬און היינט צוטאגס‬ ‫איז איבערגעבליבן בלויז דאס טרונקען א‬ ‫גלעזל ביר און וואונטשן לחיים‪.‬‬


‫א חשוב'ער בעל שמחה – וועלכער איז‬ ‫געהאלפן געווארן מיט א קינד ב"ה – האט‬ ‫אויך באקומען דעם טעלעפאן‪-‬קאל פונעם‬ ‫כולל‪-‬חצות‪-‬פאנדרעיזער וואס האט אים‬ ‫געפרעגט צי ער וויל זיך אנשליסן אין די‬ ‫וואך‪-‬נאכט‪-‬שמירה‪" .‬אוודאי!" האט דער‬ ‫אינגערמאן געענטפערט "כ'האב שוין‬ ‫ארויסגעקוקט אויף דעם טעלעפאן‪-‬קאל!"‪,‬‬ ‫און מיט א שטארקער ווארעמקייט האט ער‬ ‫אנגענומען די זכי' אפצוקויפן די וואך‪-‬נאכט‪-‬‬ ‫שמירה‪ ,‬אז די חשוב'ע לומדי הכולל זאלן‬ ‫לערנען און דאווענען לשמירה‪ ,‬און מאכן א‬ ‫"מי שבירך" פאר די קימפעטארין און פאר‬ ‫זיין ניי‪-‬געבוירן קינד‪.‬‬ ‫דערציילט דער אינגערמאן א טאג‬ ‫דערויף‪ :‬מיר האבן געזעהן אפענע ישועות‬ ‫מן השמים!" – און ער דערציילט –‬ ‫"תיכף נאכן וואך‪-‬נאכט האט זיך געמאכט‬ ‫קאמפליקאציעס מיט מיין ניי געבוירן‬


‫שעפעלע‪ ,‬און מ'האט אים געמוזט אריינפירן‬ ‫אין שפיטאל‪ .‬כ'דארף אייך נישט זאגן אז‬ ‫אזא זאך קען נעמען שעות ארוכות‪ ,‬און מיר‬ ‫האבן שוין אויפגעגעבן אז דער ברית וועט‬ ‫זיין בזמנו"‪.‬‬ ‫"אבער ב"ה! נאר אין גרויסן זכות פון‬ ‫"כולל חצות" – וואו די אינגעלייט האבן‬ ‫געלערנט א גאנצע נאכט און אינזין געהאט‬ ‫מיין קינד – איז דער ברית אפגעראכטן‬ ‫געווארן אין צייט "בעתו ובזמנו"‪ ,‬אן קיין שום‬ ‫שוועריקייטן‪ ,‬א ריכטיגע שמירה!"‪.‬‬

‫די ספרים שרייבן‪:‬‬

‫"א חבורה ת"ח זאלן לערנען און‬ ‫אינזין האבן לשם דאס ניי‪-‬געבוירן‬ ‫קינד אינעם נאכט פונעם וואך‪-‬נאכט"‬

‫ויחי‬ ‫חצות‬ ‫שותפות‪:‬‬

‫ווערט א שותף מיט‬ ‫די לומדי הכולל וואו‬ ‫אידן זעען כסדר‬ ‫ישועות‬

‫די קטורת‬ ‫סגולה‪:‬‬

‫איינציגסטע‬ ‫סגולה וואס ווערט‬ ‫דערמאנט אין די‬ ‫תורה הקדושה‬

‫לימוד משניות‬ ‫וש"ס‪:‬‬ ‫לעילוי נשמת ‪ /‬טאג פון‬ ‫יארצייט ‪ /‬ערשטע יאר‬ ‫פון פטירה‪ ,‬וכדו'‬

‫וואך נאכט‬ ‫שמירה‪:‬‬

‫לימוד התורה פארן‬ ‫קינד'ס שמירה דורך די‬ ‫לומדי הכולל שליט"א‬

‫)תקנת הרש"ש(‬

‫דאטום באשטימט‪:‬‬ ‫חמשה עשר בשבט!‬ ‫תושבי מאנסי גרייטן זיך מיט שמחה דקדושה‬ ‫צום פרייליכן טאג‪ ,‬חמשה עשר בשבט הבעל"ט‪,‬‬ ‫ווען עס איז באשטימט געווארן דער דאטום צום‬ ‫עפענונג פונעם נייעם פליגל פון "כולל חצות –‬ ‫מאנסי יע"א"‪ ,‬וועלכע וועט בעז"ה סטאנציאנירט‬ ‫ווערן אינעם פראכטפולער און הרחבה'דיגן "היכל‬ ‫תורה ותפילה דק"ק טאשנאד"‪ .‬די הכנות גייען שוין‬ ‫אן אין פולסטן טעמפא אויפצועפענען די טויערן‬ ‫פונעם הייליגן כולל‪ .‬פאטעציאלע כולל‪-‬אינגעלייט‬ ‫טוען אין די טעג אריינרופן אין אפיס‪ ,‬משפיע צו זיין‬ ‫פאר אידנ'ס וועגן ישועות ורפואות וכל טוב‪.‬‬



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Lemon Custard Cakes Delectable ideal dessert for Shabbos guaranteed that (almost) all will like it! Ingredients • Unsalted margarine, temperature, for custard cups


• 3 large eggs, separated • 1/2 cup granulated sugar • 2 tbsp all-purpose flour • 2 to 3 tsp grated lemon zest (1 lemon) • 1/4 cup fresh lemon juice • 1 cup soy milk • 1/4 teaspoon salt • Confectioners’ sugar - for dusting Directions 1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Set a kettle of water to boil. Spread margarine in the 6-ounce custard cups and place in a dish towel-lined baking dish or roasting pan. 2. In a large bowl, whisk egg yolks and sugar until light; whisk in flour. Gradually whisk in lemon juice, then soy milk and zest. 3. With an electric mixer, beat egg whites and salt until soft peaks form. Add to lemon batter and fold in gently with a whisk (batter will be quite liquid). 4. Divide batter among the prepared custard cups; place baking dish in oven and fill with boiling water to reach halfway up the sides of cups. Bake for 20-25 minutes, until puffed and lightly browned (but pudding is still visible in the bottom). Serve slightly warm or at room temperature, dusted with confectioners’ sugar.


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As if having claim on the deadliest spiders, snakes, jellyfish, and octopuses in the world wasn’t enough, it turns out that Australia also contains an animal known as the “giant stingray.” Giant string rays have also been seen in the river systems of Borneo, New Guinea, and Thailand. While they don’t readily attack people, these animals can handle most threatening situations with the deadly barb on the base of their tales that can even penetrate human bones! Very few sightings of this animal have been reported. Now, the most scientists know about the giant string ray is that it’s giant (16.5 feet and 600 kilograms on average). They’re not sure how many are left, which habitats they prefer, or even where they commonly dwell.

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Humor ;-)

The average adult heart beats 72 times a minute; 100,000 times a day; 3,600,000 times a year; and 2.5 billion times during a lifetime.

In Australia there are stingrays half the size of school buses!

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