Jun 19

Page 1

FREE Vol. 1 No. 88


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Tuesday Jun. 19 2012


‫יום ג’ פ’ קרח‬ ‫כ”ט סיון תשע”ב‬


79°|69° Mostly sunny

Zmanim 8:30.....‫שקיעה‬ 9:30...............60 9:42...............72

Tomorrow 95°|75° Sunny

Daily paper for Boro Park

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• An Incisive Thought • Health: Water Tips For Efficient Exercise • Helpful Household Tips • 6 Exclusive Coupons • 2 New Sudoku Puzzles


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An Incisive Thought He was a robust man with powerful muscles who was a woodcutter by profession. One year, his search for employment was rewarded, and he was hired by a timber merchant. The pay was really good and so were the working conditions. Pleased with this new opportunity, our woodcutter was determined to do his best. The timber merchant gave him an axe and showed him the area of forest where the lumber could be culled from. The first day, the woodcutter chopped down eighteen trees and hauled them in to his employer. “Congratulations!” the boss said. “Keep on going!” Encouraged and motivated by his the timber merchant’s words, the woodcutter returned to the forest the next day, and doubled his efforts. However, at day’s end, he realized he only had fifteen trees to bring back. On the third day, he exerted more effort than ever, but only managed to chop a total of ten trees. Day after day, the pile of lumber he brought back shrank a bit more. I must be losing my strength, the woodcutter thought. He approached his boss and apologized


profusely, expressing his bewilderment at his own waning strength. “When was the last time you sharpened your axe?” the timber merchant asked. “Sharpen? I had no time to sharpen my axe. I was too busy chopping down trees…” His axe had become dull, and could no longer make the smooth incisions in the trees bark... Upon closer reflection, we can see that our lives are like that, too. We sometimes get so busy that we don’t take time to sharpen the “axe”. In today’s world, it seems that everyone is busier than ever, but less happy than ever. Why is that? Could it be that we have forgotten how to stay “sharp”? There’s nothing wrong with activity and hard work. But we should not get so busy that we neglect the truly important things in life, like developing our inner selves, taking time to get close to Hashem, giving more time to our family, taking the time to daven or learn something new, etc. We all need time to relax, to think and meditate, to learn and grow. If we don’t take the time to sharpen the “axe”, we will become dull and lose our effectiveness.

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Health Water Tips For Efficient Exercise “Your ability to perform athletically can decline with a very small amount of dehydration,” says Carlson, director of performance nutrition for Athletes’ Performance, which trains many of the world’s top athletes. “Just losing 2% of your body weight in fluid can decrease performance by up to 25%.” Whether you’re an elite athlete or a weekend warrior, drinking water during exercise is essential if you want to get the most out of your workout and feel good while you’re doing it.

dehydrated will seem much easier. But research has found that even experienced athletes don’t do a very good job at estimating their fluid needs. In one study, seasoned runners participating in a 10-mile race drastically underestimated how much sweat they lost and consequently drank too little to stay well hydrated. The runners underestimated their sweat losses by an average of 46% and their fluid intake by an average of 15%, resulting in the runners replacing only 30% of their fluids lost through sweat.

The Dangers of Dehydration “When you’re working out, you’re more likely to be losing water, both through your breath and through sweat,” says Renee Melton, MS, RD, LD, director of nutrition for Sensei, a developer of online and mobile weight loss and nutrition programs. “If you start out dehydrated, you won’t get a good workout. You’ll get dizzy, lethargic, your muscles won’t work as well, you won’t feel as sharp mentally, and you’ll get cramps sooner.”

How Much Water Do You Need? So how much water should you drink before, during, and after a workout? First, make sure you’re well hydrated to begin with. Drink fluids throughout the day before you exercise.

That’s because water helps your body to exercise efficiently. It lubricates your entire body — without it, you’re like the Tin Man without his oil. It’s a vital part of the many chemical reactions in the body. “If these reactions slow down then tissues heal slower, muscle recovery is slower and the body is not functioning at 100% efficiency,” says Trent Nessler, PT, DPT, MPT.

the natural choice

The Benefits of Adequate Water By contrast, a well-hydrated athlete feels stronger and can work out longer and more effectively. “The heart does not have to work as hard to pump blood to the body, and oxygen and nutrients can be transported more efficiently to the muscles you’re working out during exercise,” Nessler says. That means you’re going to have more energy, and the same exercises you struggled with when


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Then follow this formula from Melton:


* One to two hours before your workout, drink 15 to 20 ounces of water

Can You Drink Too Much Water? It’s possible to drink too much water, but difficult to do. There is a condition called hyponatremia, usually found in endurance athletes. With hyponatremia, the blood becomes excessively diluted from too much water and sodium levels drop to dangerously low levels. This can lead to nausea, headaches, confusion, fatigue, and in extreme cases, coma and death.

* 15 minutes before you begin, drink between 8 and 10 ounces of water * During your workout, drink another 8 ounces every 15 minutes. You may need to drink more if you’re sweating heavily, especially if you’re exercising outdoors in very hot weather. Carlson also recommends that you weigh yourself before and after any type of exercise. “For every pound lost, replace it with 16 to 20 ounces of fluid,” she suggests. If you lose weight during the workout, drink a bit more next time. Many people like to use sports drinks during a workout, but that’s generally not necessary unless you’re working out for an extended period of time. “Most people who are working out for less than an hour at a time can get everything they need with just water,” Melton

But you’d have to drink gallons of water to suffer hyponatremia — enough to gain weight over the course of a workout, which is rare. Just make sure you have a full water bottle handy and drink whenever you feel thirsty. If you weren’t getting enough water during workouts before, you’ll be amazed at how much better you feel. “I tell all of our young athletes this: you can improve your performance simply by drinking enough water,” Nessler says.

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Helpful Household Tips Who Would’ve Known? 1. Organize the Cords: Use empty toilet paper rolls to store appliance cords. It keeps them neat and you can write on the roll what appliance it belongs to. 2. Removing Permanent Marker: Remove permanent marker on appliances/counter tops (like store receipt BLUE!) by pouring rubbing alcohol on paper towel. 3. Blood stains on clothes? Not to worry! Just pour a little hydrogen peroxide on a cloth and proceed to wipe off every drop of blood. 4. Room Scent: Spray a bit of perfume on the light bulb in any room to create a lovely light scent in each room when the light is turned on. 5. Fresh Smelling Clothes: Place fabric softener sheets in dresser drawers and your clothes will smell freshly washed for weeks to come. You can also do this with towels and linen. 6. Longer Lasting Candles: Candles will last a lot longer if placed in the freezer for at least 3 hours prior to burning. 7. Cleaning Artificial Flowers: To clean artificial flowers, pour some salt into a paper bag and add the flowers. Shake vigorously as the salt will absorb all the dust and dirt and leave your artificial flowers looking like new! Works like a charm!

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‫קרח‬ ‫תשע"ב‬ ‫פארלוירענע‬ ‫קאמפיוטער‪-‬פיילס;‬ ‫א פארגאנגענהייט?‬

‫א ביזנעסמאן‬ ‫פארציילט מיט‬ ‫התרגשות‪:‬‬


‫"איך האט נאך אלץ נישט גענצליך‬ ‫אפגעאטעמט!‪ – "...‬דערציילט אונז מיט‬ ‫איבערראשונג א מוצלח'דיגער ביזנעסמאן –‬ ‫"כ'האב נישט קיין ווערטער אין מויל אלס אן‬ ‫הכרת הטוב אויף וואס האט מיט מיר פאסירט‬ ‫בסייעתא דשמיא‪ ,‬אין זכות פון ווערן א שותף‬ ‫מיט "כולל חצות"!"‪.‬‬ ‫די געשיכטע האט זיך אפגעשפילט מיט‬ ‫א סוקסעספולער בעל הבית פון א ביזנעס‪,‬‬ ‫וואס זיין הויפט‪-‬קאמפיוטער האט געקראכט‪,‬‬ ‫און אלע זיינע ווערדפולע און העכסט‪-‬‬ ‫וויכטיגע דאקומענטן און 'פיילס' זענען‬ ‫פארשוואונדן געווארן!‪ ...‬ער האט געזוכט און‬ ‫געזוכט אבער אן ערפאלג‪" .‬ס'איז אוממעגליך‬ ‫אויסצו'משל'ען וואס איך בין אדורכגעגאנגען‬ ‫אין יענע טעג‪ ,‬כ'האב געשפירט ווי מיין‬ ‫ביזנעס ווערט גענצליך אפגעשפארט‬ ‫חלילה!" – דערציילט ער אונז מיט‬ ‫הארץ‪-‬קלאפענישן‪.‬‬

‫נאכן זיך ווענדן צו א בארימטער‬ ‫קאמפיוטער‪-‬טעכניקער און אריינשיקן‬ ‫זיין סיסטעם צו א לעבראטאריע כדי‬ ‫אפצוראטעווען זיינע פיילס דורך זיין‬ ‫"בעק‪-‬אפ סיסטעם"‪ ,‬האט מען אים‬ ‫קלארגעשטעלט אז ער דארף גרויס רחמי‬ ‫שמים‪ ,‬ווייל דער 'בעק‪-‬אפ' האט נישט‬ ‫געארבעט‪ ,‬און די שאנסן צוריקצוזעהן‬ ‫זיינע פיילס זענען גאר שוואכע‪.‬‬ ‫בלויז געציילטע טעג נאכן ווערן א‬ ‫שותף אין "כולל חצות"‪ ,‬האט מען זיך‬ ‫איבערצייגט אז טייל פונעם קאמפיוטער‪-‬‬ ‫מח איז געבליבן אומבארירט‪ ,‬און "אלע"‬ ‫זיינע דאקומענטן זענען אויפגעדעקט‬ ‫געווארן‪ ,‬אומגעשעדיגט! צום וואונדער‬ ‫פון די גוי'אישע לעבראטאריע‪ ,‬און צום‬ ‫אויסטערלישן‪-‬איבערראשונג פון דעם‬ ‫גליקליכן ביזנעסמאן‪.‬‬ ‫"איר זאלט געבענטשט ווערן מיט‬ ‫אלעם גוטן!" האט דער ביזנעסמאן‬ ‫איבערגעלאזט א מעסעדזש ביי "כולל‬ ‫חצות" אין אפיס – "קיין איין איינציגער‬ ‫פייל פעלט נישט‪ ,‬אינעם גרויסן זכות פון‬ ‫לימוד התורה בחצות הלילה!"‪.‬‬

‫‪New‬‬ ‫‪York‬‬

‫מקור הענין‪:‬‬

‫בשעת'ן פאקן די‬ ‫פעקלעך‪...‬‬

‫גרויסער‬ ‫א‬ ‫היימישער ציבור‬ ‫איז פארנומען צו‬ ‫פאקן די פעקלעך און פארן אין קאנטרי אריין‪ ,‬די זוממער‪-‬‬ ‫וואכן זענען זייער געשמאק‪ ,‬אבער אין זעלבע צייט דארפן‬ ‫מיר גאר א גרויסע שמירה אין אזעלכע טעג‪.‬‬ ‫אין אזא צייט געדענקען מיר די הייליגע ווערטער פון זוהר‬ ‫הק' אז דורכן לערנען ביי חצות טוען "אלע עליונים ותחתונים‬ ‫זיך אפגעבן מיט אונזער שמירה!" )זוהר הק' לך צב‪ (.‬דאס איז די‬ ‫בעסטע שמירה פארן זוממער‪ ,‬אין א גאנץ יאר!‬

‫לערנען ביי חצות איז פאר א מענטש‬

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Bussiness for sale

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Bungalows For Rent -

Shouth Fallsburg 1 Bed Bungalows. for entire summer Pool, Day Camp, Hiemishe Crowd. Walk to town 845.693.4990 - 718-435-1037

Office for rent

Mcdonald& ave n. Spacious professenial office for rent,ideal for lawyer or dental office,917-623-0122

Woodridge -private house W/ pool avail- from aug 19th till sept 2nd- 2 weeks- 3 bedrooms 2 bathrooms call 718- 607-8883

Store for sale serious buyer Boro Park For Rent 60k cash pls call 347 856 6834 2 bedroom beaut. finished baseSeeking ment 48 st. 17 / 18 Aves. for rent F/T SECT. POSITION Grad. 718-436-0616-- 917-642-1128 Large 1 bedroom Apartment for Girl -Computer knowledge & rent on East 2nd St near Alesk Seeking Excellent phone skills. Fax a walk in/ walk up apartment for Shul Call/Text: 347-857-7890 Resume 718-851-6727 small adult family. 3 bedrooms. KIAMESHA: Seeking please call/text 917-995-2875 “Har Nof Bungalows” Section A female lifeguard at Sunshine Seeking to Rent 12: Nice big Bungalow for sale, estates, in S. fallsburg area. Looking to rent basement or Reasonable Price! Please call: No accommodations available. ground floor about 1000 sq ft 347-564-8785 Please call 917-620-0178. with access to backyard. pls call


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Bungalows For Rent

Beautiful 3 bdr.bung. Large kitch. Porch great Chas. crowd, gorgeous grounds etc. 917.204.0693 or 718.435 3023 Fallsburg N.Y

Bungalows For Rent

Boro Park For rent

59th st and 16th ave. Furnished apt for rent. Walk-in private entrance. Pls call 347-228-8139 Woodridge private house avail- from aug 19th till sept 2nd- 2 weeks- 3 bedrooms 2 bathrooms call 718- 607-8883

Achdus Section 1 large new 3 BR bungalow available 2nd half. Bungalow For Rent. Central a/c and private deck. Har Nof Kiamesha, NY dwntwn Please call 718-438-2659 or sec., Nwly ren. 3 rm 2 bath w/ 718-613-9699 washer&dryer, screen porch 2 Furnished Basement swimming pools and grocery Large 3 room, private on premises. pls call (718) 436 entranceW/D. 43 st. 15 Ave 0477 917-613-0707

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For Sale

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Rent or Sale

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Lost & Found FOUND CASH

Looking to take over a lease of mini van for july-aug.

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Gown for rent

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Classified rates: 1 day- $5 1 week (5 days) $20 4 weeks (20 days) - $60

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